Babylon 5 (1994–1998): Season 3, Episode 16 - War Without End: Part One - full transcript

Sinclair returns to Babylon 5 with a mission, going back in time to take Babylon 4 where it is most needed. This is a continuation of First Season's Babylon Squared. Many things about the past are explained. And some surprises about the future are revealed

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


I was sent to find you.

The ancient books told us that on this day,
no sooner, no later...

...we were to enter the sanctuary
and open this.

We did not know what was inside.

It has waited, locked and sealed...

...for over 900 years.

We do not understand how or why.

We know only that it is.

How did he know that you would be here?

How did he know your name?

Commander, we're picking up a distress call.

- ldentify.
- I can't.

It's not coming from a ship.

There's no physical source
for the signal, just an area: Sector 14.

Impossible. Sector 14's been under
quarantine for almost three years.

That's where Babylon 4 disappeared.

Let me hear it.

They're coming through!
Repeat, they're coming through!

This is Earth Alliance Station, Babylon 5.

They're all over the place!

- Commander, that's your voice.
- Can't be.

Computer voice- scan confirms it.
That's you.

They're killing us!

Can anyone hear me?

They're killing us!

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

It failed.

But in the year of the Shadow War,
it became something greater...

...our last, best hope for victory.

The year is 2260.
The place, Babylon 5.

Your ship is ready, Entil'Zha.

The letter seems to have disturbed you.

Perhaps if you told me what it says,
I might be able--


This was meant for me alone.

Tell the others to continue their work
in my absence.

Nothing must interfere with that.

Yes, Entil'Zha.

Thank you for everything
you've done, Rathenn.

When I first came here,
I don't think anyone really trusted me.

You were the first.

Where Delenn points, I follow.

She pointed to you.

I have done nothing worthy of praise.


...with your help, we've created
something bigger than we are.

It has a life of its own.

Come what may, the Rangers
will finish the work ahead.

Take care, Rathenn.

I have the strangest feeling
I will never see him again.

He is the closed circle.

He is returning to the beginning.

The beginning of what?

They're coming through!

Repeat, they're coming through!

This is Earth Alliance Station, Babylon 5.

They're all over the place!

They're killing us!

Can anyone hear me?

They're killing us!

Computer analysis confirms
it matches your voice.

It's a fake. I've never sent out
a distress call like that.

Maybe you just haven't sent it yet.

The signal's coming from Sector 14.
That's where Babylon 4 disappeared.

Ever since it was yanked through time to
where it was going, the area's been a mess.

Time doesn't work right in there.

So, what if this signal
is from the future?

Our future.

When Babylon 4 reappeared two years ago...

...Cmdr. Sinclair and I went aboard
to evacuate her crew.

While I was there, I had this flash.
I saw a firefight here on the station.

Something was invading Babylon 5.

We were putting up a pretty good fight...

...but we were losing. Bad.

So you think that's where the signal's
coming from? The fall of Babylon 5?

Sure sounds like it to me.

Captain, I'd like to check it out.

Aside from Sinclair, I've got more personal
experience with this than anybody else.

Since he's not here, that leaves it to me.

If this really is coming from the future...

...maybe we can find out what's
gonna happen, prepare for it.

All right. I'll authorize it.

It's a three- hour trip in normal space.

- Get your gear and leave when you're ready.
- Thanks.

Okay, okay, now, everybody
from the Non- Aligned Worlds...

...get in line so we can process your IDs.
Thank you.

If you're from a world
we don't have a treaty with yet...

...step over there and have your
travel papers ready. Thank you.

Come on, move it along.

Thank you. Very good. Move it along.

That's all right, that's all right.
Thank you.

Cmdr. Sinclair.

Ambassador Sinclair now.

Well, up until all hell broke loose back home.

It's Zack, isn't it?

Yes, sir. I came aboard
just before you were promoted.

- It's good to see you again, sir.
- Thank you.

It's good to be back.

Will you be staying long?

That is a far more interesting question
than you might suspect.

Yeah, go on. Move it along.

So, Ivanova, you want me to bring
you back anything from the future?

- Some bagels, fresh milk?
- "All crew must evacuate launch bay."

How about the winning numbers
from the New Vegas lottery?

- I'll split it with you 50- 50.
- "60"- "40, you got a deal."

- It's done and done.
- "I'll see you in about eight hours."


Delenn, I--


Where are you?

He's here, isn't he?


Then it's time.

We are Grey.

We stand between the candle
and the star.

He's my friend, Lennier.

I know.

But it must be done...

...or the dream will die,
and countless others will die with it.

I wish I had more time.

But now time is all we have.

And we haven't had a Shadow attack
in nearly eight days.

My guess is, they're reconsidering
their strategy after the Vorlons got involved.

They're worried. That means they'll hit us
twice as hard when they come back.

Assuming a worst- case scenario.

Well, the way things have been going lately,
I've decided to start taking Ivanova lessons.

Captain, I'm sorry to interrupt, but you must
come with me to the "White Star" at once.

- We're finishing up something here.
- This cannot wait.

I'm sorry, captain.

Marcus, we will need you to come along
as well. Also Ivanova...

...and one other.

- Who?
- Well...

...looks like I got here just in time.

Capt. Sheridan, Jeffrey Sinclair.

- Good to see you again.
- I'll be. And you.

- I haven't seen you since the Mars riots.
- Hello, Marcus.

Respects, Entil'Zha.

This is a surprise.
I've heard a lot about you since I got here.

Same here. You've done a good job
looking after the place.

I couldn't have wished for better.

Delenn, how did you know that-- ?

- Never lets you finish a sentence, does it?
- Noticed that, huh?

Sheridan. Go.

Captain, we've got Mr. Garibaldi
on Channel 2.

Put him through.

Captain, I'm about two hours from Sector 14,
"so I thought I'd try a long"- "range scan."

Temporal rift is twice as big
as it was before.

- Any idea what's responsible?
- "Yeah."

It's being caused by an extremely
powerful tachyon field...

...being transmitted
right into the center of the rift.

And, captain, it's coming from Epsilon 3.

You see?

Just as Zathras said.

Not good. Definitely not good.

- We must tell Draal.
- No!

It's taking all of Draal's concentration
to control Great Machine.

If we distract, very bad.

Disrupt time field.

Everyone die.

Draal told Zathras what to do,
so Zathras will do.

Or much, much dying.

Delenn, if the temporal rift is being affected
by transmissions from the planet below us...

...isn't that where we should go,
instead of hooking up with the "White Star"?

It will take too much time.
We must leave for Sector 14 now.

Why? Why right now?

Because this is the time
we are supposed to leave.

That's circular reasoning.

Once we arrive at the "White Star,"
I will explain everything.

John, I have rarely asked you for anything.

Now I'm asking.

Computer, adjust long- range scanners.
Scan for full range of frequencies.

They're coming through!

Repeat, they're coming through!

This is Earth Alliance Station, Babylon 5.

They're all over the place!

Nuts. Let's try to boost the signal.

Transfer power from auxiliary systems
to scanners.

Shuttle 2 to Shuttle 1,
we're cleared to proceed.

Confirmed, Shuttle 2.

You know, back at the station...

...I was pretty surprised
to see you walk into the War Room.

When an ambassador comes to visit,
we usually have some advance warning.

There wasn't time.

And believe me, my being here
is as much of a surprise to me as it is to you.

Is it?

Delenn either knew you were here
or knew you were coming.

Your timing seems like more
than just a coincidence.

There are no coincidences, captain.

That's not much of an answer.

Captain, if I were you,
I'd quit while I was ahead.

Back on Minbar, there was a saying
among the other Rangers:

"The only way to get a straight answer
out of Ranger One...

...was to look at every reply in a mirror
while hanging upside down from the ceiling."

- Did it work?
- Oddly enough, yes.

Or after a while,
you passed out and had a vision.

Either way, the result
was pretty much the same.

Damn. Still nothing.
All right, cut life support l5 percent.

Maybe that'll give us enough power
to pull in a signal.

Yeah, it's got it.

Oh, hell.

They're killing us!

Can anyone hear me?

They're killing us!

Can anyone out there hear me?

Begin recording.

Can anyone help us? This is
Cmdr. Susan Ivanova of Babylon 5... any ships in Grid Epsilon,
we are under attack.

I repeat, we are under attack.

The captain's dead,
defense grid is down.

They're boarding us.
They're coming in all over the place.

We've tried to evacuate
as many as we can...

...and Garibaldi has rigged
the fusion reactor, but--

My God, here they come.

Switch to external cameras.

They've got weapons lock!

Here it comes.

Here it comes!

All right, Delenn, we're all here.

Would you mind explaining what it is
we're supposed to be doing?

Do you trust me, John?

What kind of a question is that?

It is the most important question
I have ever asked.

Do you trust me?

With my life. Why?

Then sit.

All of you, please.

I became aware of the transmission
from Epsilon 3 a few hours before we left.

At the same time, some other information
came into my possession.

As you know, our last great war against
the Shadows was a thousand years ago.

With the help of the Vorlons and a few
others, we were able to defeat them.

Driving them from their Homeworld,

But there is something you do not know.

What you are about to see has never been
shown to anyone outside the Grey Council.

This is one of the few surviving records
from that war.

Toward the end,
the tide of battle had turned against us.

Our greatest star base,
the center of our efforts in the war...

...had been destroyed by the Shadows.

Without a long- range base of operations
from which to launch our forces...

...we were doomed to lose the war.

Then, as if in answer to our prayers,
a replacement arrived.

Babylon 4!

My God.

We always knew that Babylon 4
had been taken somewhere in time...

- ...but we assumed it was into the future.
- No.

It was taken into the distant past,
where it helped us defeat the Shadows.

Without Babylon 4,
we would have lost the war...

...or it would have ended in a stalemate.

So you're saying the Minbari--

- That you stole Babylon 4.
- Not quite.

Before coming to you, I received
two additional records from Draal.

Remember, the Great Machine on Epsilon 3
has been there for over 500 years.

During that time, it recorded much
of what happened in this area of space.

After Babylon 4 vanished six years ago,
it reappeared again two years ago.

Ambassador Sinclair and Mr. Garibaldi
traveled there at great personal risk... help evacuate her crew
before it vanished again.

It was a close call.
We almost didn't get out.

We never did find out
who was behind it.

And that is about to change.

This was recorded shortly before the station
first disappeared six years ago.

As Babylon 4 neared completion...

...the allies of the Shadows
recognized it for what it was...

...and sent these ships to destroy it.

Striking without warning,
they would have succeeded in their attack...

...but something stopped them.

- The "White Star"?
- Delenn, are you saying we stole Babylon 4?

- But that was years ago.
- Yes, and that is exactly where we must go.

At this moment,
the Great Machine is using all its power... enlarge the temporal rift in Sector l4.

We will use it to go back six years
into the past.

Once there, we must prevent
the destruction of Babylon 4...

...and take the station
with us through time.

Because if we fail to save Babylon 4...

...Babylon 5 will also be destroyed.

Delenn, the question of who stole Babylon 4
is the biggest mystery of the last decade.

Now you're telling me it was me?

Is me? Is going to be me?

You can't be serious.

John, with Babylon 4,
we will be able to save my people and yours.

It is history.
It has already been done.

All we have to do now
is make sure that we do it then.

- How long have you known about this?
- Not long.

Until I came to Babylon 5, none of us
knew where the station had come from.

We knew only that it helped us win the war.

Once I learned the truth,
I was afraid to say anything... case I might
accidentally change the future.

I still don't understand how taking Babylon 4
will prevent the destruction of Babylon 5.

When we defeated the Shadows,
we destroyed most of their fleet of ships.

That's why they are moving slowly.
It's taking them time to rebuild their ships.

Without Babylon 4...

...the Shadows would not have been
defeated and driven from Z'ha'dum.

Instead, they would have dug in
and waited...

...with three times the amount of ships
they would have had otherwise.

She's telling the truth, captain.

If we don't go along with this,
we'll change history...

...and the Shadows would come out
of the last war stronger than they should be.

We won't stand a chance
against odds like that.

Would you like to tell me
what you base that on?

Let's just say that my information
comes from a very reliable source.

- So you believe this?
- I believe it.

If Entil'Zha believes it, I believe it.

I'll be in the car.

John, we're less than two hours
from Sector l4.

If we do not proceed, a possible future
will become the true future.

In that future, the Shadows have most
of their fleet intact...

...and with their next major attack,
Babylon 5 is destroyed.

So that's what I picked up in C & C?

My voice in this alternate future
calling out for help?

Sheridan to C & C.
Patch me through to Garibaldi.

- Go.
- "Chief, are you out in Sector l4?"

I got here about an hour ago.

Been running the scanners,
recording everything I can.

What have you found?

It's the same sequence
repeated over and over again.

I've just seen Babylon 5 destroyed
four times, each time the same.

The time stamp on the message
is dated eight days from now.

I've checked the subchannel ID
to verify the transmission. It's legit.

Eight days from now,
we go straight to hell.

Unless you found some way to stop it.

- Stand by.
- I've come a long way to be here for this.

I'd hate to just turn around
and go back again.

Besides, I think we'd work well together.

Like Butch and Sundance,
Lewis and Clark, Lucy and Ethel.

Well, when I joined Earthforce, the sign said,
"Greatest adventure of all."

If they only knew.

All right. Let's do it.

Lucy and Ethel?

Sheridan to Garibaldi.

We're on it.
Head on back to the barn.

Roger that.

Delenn, it appears we're being followed.

Put it on- screen.

It appeared on the screen
shortly after we left.

I believe it came from Epsilon 3.

Good. It carries the cargo
we need for our journey.

My people may be more
technically advanced than yours...

...but even we don't have the technology for
controlling a time field as unstable as this.

Only the Great Machine on Epsilon 3
has such equipment.

Slow one- third, allow the ship to dock.

According to Draal, the time- shifting
mechanism needs a clearly defined target.

We must place a homing device
in the central power core of Babylon 4.

Once that's done,
we can begin moving it through time.

- Is that Draal on the ship?
- No.

He's busy keeping the Great Machine
under control. It's quite a strain.

He said he was sending along
one of his aides.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Much apologizings.

Zathras has great responsibilities.

Was thinking great thoughts,
did not see you.

Was looking for The One.
Was thinking great thoughts.

Very sorry, very sorry.

Says his name is Zathras.

We don't know how he got aboard,
where he came from or what race he is.

I've never seen an alien like him before.

Not The One. No.

- Not the one what?
- Not The One.

There you are.

Being very honored to meet you.

- I am being called--
- Zathras.

We've met before on Babylon 4.


- Zathras does not--
- It was my past, your future.

Zathras, this is very important.

When you meet me again,
it will be me, but it won't be me now.

So you're not to say anything to me that
might change the past. Do you understand?

Yes, Zathras understand.

No, Zathras not understand,
but Zathras do.

Zathras good at doings,
not understandings.

Zathras honored to meet you...

...for many reasons.

Zathras also honored to meet you...

...for other reasons.

Such as?

Oh, no. Draal gave Zathras list of things...

...not to say. This was one.

No, not good.

Not supposed to mention "One"...

...or "The One."

You never heard that.

What else is on this list of things
you're not supposed to mention?


...does not remember.

But if Zathras remember later,
Zathras tells you.

That'll be fine.
Isn't that fine, captain?

Oh, fine, ambassador.

The ship has been locked down,
and the equipment is being unloaded.

- Good.
- We may proceed.

Good, good.

Zathras is ready. We go.

Hurryings is very important. Come.

One last thing, captain.

On our way out,
I'm going to need a favor.

- "Sheridan to Garibaldi."
- Captain, what are you doing out here?

We're proceeding to Sector l4.

Report back to the station.
Keep an eye on things while we're gone.

- "What you talking about? I should go."
- Negative. Report to base.

We can't take
the whole command staff on this one.

You've done your job.

- "Captain"--
- That's an order, Mr. Garibaldi.

Yes, sir.


I'll see you at the barn when we get back.

All right, I did as you asked.

I sent him home
and didn't tell him you were here.

Why the secrecy?

- Didn't you want to talk to him?
- More than you'll ever know.

Told you.

Goodbye, old friend.

They've burned through Levels 7 and 8.
Can't stop them! They're everywhere!


I've rigged the fusion reactors,
but there's not much time.

Get going.
I'll hold them as long as I can.

- Look, commander, this isn't a conversation!
- I don't--

Jeff, it's okay. I finally understand.

This is the moment I was born for.

Now go. Go!

- Go!
- Wait! Wait!

They're coming through!

No. It won't happen.

I won't let it happen.

Please to taking.

When we travel in time...

...we pass through great waves
of tachyon impulses.

You can become unstuck in time,
unless there is anchor.

These will keep you from drifting.

Also protect you.

Time distortion can do terrible harm.

I know.
The last time Babylon 4 appeared...

...the pilot we sent out to investigate
died of old age.

I guess you got lucky.

Well, it looks like this is it.

Everybody get ready.

Mr. Lennier...

...move us into the rift.

- Hey, Zack, how's it going?
- Fine, fine.

Hey, you missed all the excitement.
Ambassador Sinclair was here.

- What? You're kidding, right?
- No.

- Where is he?
- They're gone.

He took off with the captain
and everybody else on the "White Star."


He wouldn't come all this way,
then just leave without telling me.

- Did he leave any kind of message?
- I'm sorry, no.

At least, he didn't say anything
to me about it.


All right, scanners at maximum.

If those Shadow fighters really are here
somewhere, we have to find them.

I've got something.

Show me.


What the hell is that?

Picking up high levels of radiation.
Magnetic grapples. Looks like a fusion bomb.

They probably intend to grapple it
onto the reactor, then run before it blows.

And make it look like an accident.
How far are they from Babylon 4?

Three thousand kilometers.

Plot a course to intercept.
Give me everything you've got.

- Computer, any messages for me?
- "Confirmed."

Two status reports from station house.
One message from Maintenance.

- "One from Jeffrey Sinclair"--
- Stop. Display message from Sinclair.

Unable to comply.
Password required for access.

Password? What password?

Unable to comply.

They've seen us.

Three fighters breaking off,
heading our way.

Stand by, forward batteries. Fire!

- Status?
- Damage is minimal.

The "White Star" is based
on Vorlon organic technology.

It learns from experience,
changes, evolves.

The skin of the ship now uses
the Vorlon defense system.

Most of the energy is reflected away,
leaving only the physical impact.

Well, as my great- grandfather
used to say,"cool."

Bring us in on the primary target.

Jeff. Jeffrey.

Negative on password.
Unable to deliver.

Peekaboo. Susan. Michael.

Socks. Fasten. Zip.

Negative on password.
Unable to comply.

Damn it!

All right, what would he think of?

Password, phrase, three words:

Hello, old friend.

Password confirmed. Stand by.

Hello, Michael.

By the time you get this,
I should be long gone.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you I was here.

Sorry I couldn't see you.

But if I told you what was up, you'd want
to come along, even knowing the price.

And I can't allow that.

But I had to leave something.
I couldn't leave without saying goodbye.

You see, Michael,
I won't be coming back from Babylon 4.

And if you went with me,
you wouldn't make it back either.

Distance to target?

Still outside optimum firing range
for automatic systems.

If that gets closer to Babylon 4,
we risk damaging the station when it blows.

- Can you hit it from here on manual?
- I can try.

Do so.

Babylon 4 now within estimated blast range.

- But then, so are we.
- ln that case, hang on to your socks.

- Lennier, get us out of here!
- It's too late.

His stabilizer, it's hit!

- John!
- No!

What happened to him?

Time stabilizer damaged.

He is unstuck in time.

Zathras warn,
but no one listen to Zathras. No.

What do you mean,"unstuck in time"?
Where is he? In the past? In the future?

Cannot say.

Saying, I would know.

Do not know, so cannot say.

Very damaged.

Zathras can never have anything nice.

- We must find him.
- Later. Babylon 4--

- Can wait.
- No, it can't.

Sheridan knew the risks
the same as we did.

All of us are expendable. What counts
is the mission. He'd want us to continue.

We may be able to pull him back,
but first we have to get to Babylon 4.

The explosion sent out enough EMP
to blow out their scanners for a while.

We have one chance to get onboard.
If we wait too long, we'll lose it.

Susan, if we don't follow through,
then Sheridan went through this for nothing.

Putting the future back on track
may be our only chance to save him.

What's our status?

Power's up to 70 percent of capacity.
We can maneuver.


We came here to do a job, and by God,
one way or another, we're gonna finish it.

I think he's awake again, Excellency.

Would you like to see?


What am I doing here?

Welcome back from the abyss, Sheridan.

Your timing, as always,
is quite exceptional.

Just in time to die.

- Babylon 4 scanners are still down.
- Recommend we go in...

...find a stable area where we can grapple on
and burn our way through.

I agree. Bring us in.

This was not part of the plan.

I did not expect this.

We cannot even know where in time
Sheridan has gone.

He'll be all right.

All my life,
I've had doubts about who I am...

...where I belonged.

Now I'm like the arrow
that springs from the bow.

No hesitation, no doubts.

The path is clear.


...what am I doing here?

What are you-- ?

What I am doing is what someone
should have done a long time ago.

Putting you out of my misery.

Fitting punishment for your crimes.

What crimes? I don't--

The crime of neglect!

The crime of convenience.

During your little war,
you drove away the Shadows. Oh, yes.

But you did not think
to clean up your mess.

If a few of their minions, their dark servants,
came to Centauri Prime...

- ...well, where is the harm in that, yes?
- I....

You want to see the harm?

Do you?

There's the legacy of your war.

- Assessment?
- Configuration is different than Babylon 5.

My guess is, we can get
to the reactor system that way.

Getting there isn't hard. Getting that
equipment into position without being seen...

- ...will be tough.
- I agree.

- We need to secure a primary corridor.
- Can you handle it?

I have an idea, but I'll need some help.

- You got it.
- Come on.

I need Lennier to stay with the ship.
Can you get the equipment up here yourself?

Yes, yes.

Zathras is used to being beast of burden
to other people's needs.

Very sad life.

Probably have very sad death,
but at least there is symmetry.

Go, go. Zathras take care.


Why do your people always ask
if someone is ready...

...right before you're going
to do something massively unwise?
