Babylon 5 (1994–1998): Season 2, Episode 5 - The Long Dark - full transcript

A 100-year-old sleeper ship is found adrift near the station. It has brought a deadly force with it.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-What've you got?
-A weak signal coming out of deep space.

Not using the jumpgate?

No, and it's using a frequency
I've never heard before.

-Not exactly.

"This is the" Copernicus.
We come in peace.

"This is the" Copernicus.
We come in peace.

Through the walls!
It's coming through the....

I need some ozones.

No ozones.

Oh, no.

Get out of my head!

Where are you?

There you are.

There you are. I see you.

Our Father, who is in heaven.

Hallowed be the name.

Thy kingdom is done.

Thy will is something that....

On Earth as it is in space.

Hail Mary....

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

"A self"-"contained world, five miles long,"
located in neutral territory.

A place of commerce and diplomacy...

...for a quarter of a million
humans and aliens.

A shining beacon in space,
all alone in the night.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind.

The year the Great War
came upon us all.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2259.
The name of the place is Babylon 5.

"This is the" Copernicus. "We come in peace."
"This is the" Copernicus. "We come in peace."

-"This is the" Copernicus....
-Hear me, O Lord...

...and the rest of you miserable sinners
and non-humanoid types.

Judgment day is coming, and it don't care
what you look like, and I have seen it.

An army of Darkness, soldiers
of the devil. Something like that.

We're all in great danger.
A pox upon this station.


A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit
unless it's got bad roots.

Oh, please.
Don't I have troubles enough?

-I have walked in the valley of--
-Good! Keep on walking.

Hurry, ambassador, he's gaining.

-You with the hair.
-Oh, jeez.


Now, unless you have a class C missionary
license, it's time for a little R and R.

You can't. You can't.
There is no shelter. It's coming.


I got the message.
Any idea where it's from?

We're trying to identify the design.
Wherever it's been, it's taken a beating.

-Why didn't it use the jumpgate?
-That's what we're trying to figure out.

Maintenance, hold Bot 12 in
position for a longitudinal scan.

Roger, Control.
We're trying for a visual ID now.

Those look like letters.

-It's English.
-It should say USS.


I've never seen this design before.

Then check your history.

Ships like this were used
in early deep-range exploration...

...back before we got jumpgate
technology from the Centauri.

That was over 100 years ago.
What's it doing here?

Things were pretty primitive back then.

Maybe it missed a thruster firing,
or went off-course.

-Wow. It's been adrift ever since.

Well, that's a hell
of a wrong turn to make.

Maybe it wasn't a wrong turn.

Why don't we ask the pilot?

There is something alive in there.

Bring her in.

-Sheridan to Medlab.

We may have a patient
for you in Docking Bay 4.

-I've got something over here.
-Cryogenic freezer.

I've seen them
at the Air and Space Museum.

Well, let's see if anybody's home.

This one's dead.

I've got life signs in this one right here.

Her signal's weakening.

Opening the ship must have
triggered something.

We're gonna have to get her back
to Medlab, or we'll loose her. Open it up.

I'm losing her pulse. Thready.

-She's gone into arrest.
-Fifty cc's of DeValera.

-Still flat line.
-Cardiac stimulator.

-Hit her.

-All right. Again.

Let's go. Move!

Incoming! Incoming!

Incoming! Incoming!

-How long has he been like that?
-Couple hours now.

To the walls. Get to the walls.

Damn Lurkers.

We ought to space all of them.

-Oh, God. Stop them.


-Were you in the war?
-No, I missed it.

-He didn't.
-How do you know?


I've had that same dream.

That's better.

You all right?

I never felt better.

I'm a picture of health. Where am I?

Oh, God.

What did I do this time?

You don't remember?

Well, I've found that life is,
in general, much easier...

...if I forget most of the
things that happen to me.

You were about to accuse
the Centauri ambassador...

...of being in league with the devil,
which might not be far from the truth.

-My head hurts.
-We had to put you out.

I was that bad.

You were standing in the middle of the plaza,
yelling that the day of judgment was coming.

Did it?

Not that I know, but I may
have missed a staff meeting.

You ever done this before?

Hell, I've done everything before.

Where were you stationed?

Nowhere special.

Here and there.
Just a gropo. It was no big deal.

I figured you for a Ground Pounder.

Me too.

It looks like we both missed
our chance to be heroes.

What about the dreams?

-Dreams? Well, I never dream.
-You've been talking in your sleep.

Is there a reason that that door is open?

You can go.

I know some good counselors.

I've used them myself.

Now, what would a man
with everything in the world... with one of them?

-When did it start?
-Moments ago.

Looks like a dream.

Or a nightmare.

It's all right. I'm a doctor.

Do you understand?

There's nothing to be afraid of.

I'll take care of you.

I ran a general diagnostic of all the
systems that still appear to be operating.

And then I found this.

According to the analysis, there's no
malfunction of the other cryogenic tube.

-He should be alive.
-You double-checked it?

Three times.

Something or someone
murdered him.

At the time of death, the victim's weight
appears to have been about 90 pounds.

Given his height and bone structure, his
normal weight should have been about 180.

But malnutrition wasn't what killed him.

He died as a result of organ failure.

-I don't know. They're missing.

It's as if something reached inside
of him and pulled everything out.

What happened to the organs?

There's no evidence of them
anywhere on the ship.

We ran a complete scan. If there was
a cell remaining, we would have found it.

We better have a talk with
the woman who was with him.

I don't think that's such a good idea yet.

A man's been murdered, and the list
of suspects is pretty short.

According to the ship's log,
she was in stasis the whole time.

-She couldn't have done it.
-Logs can be altered.

It's a good bet he didn't reach in
and yank out his own heart.

-"Dr. Franklin?"

She's awake and asking for you.

I have to go.

When she's ready, I want to talk to her.

Finish up for me.

Lousy way to die, huh?

Last I checked, there weren't
too many good ways.

Well, you're looking a lot better.

I'm feeling a lot better,
thanks to you, Dr...?



If you don't mind
answering a few questions....

What were you doing on that ship?

Will, my husband, and I are part
of a commercial research group.

They needed volunteers
for a long-term deep-space mission...

...and I jumped at the chance.

We were assigned to the "Copernicus."

She was programmed
to home in on any signal...

...we might come across and wake us up.

I never thought the signal
could be of human origin.

How long were we in stasis?

I think we should take this
a day at a time.

That doesn't sound very good.

How long?

Well, I don't have the exact number,
but over 100 years.

A hundred?

I'd like to see Will now.

Something's wrong, isn't it?

I'm afraid he died during the voyage.
I'm sorry.

Oh, God!

We still haven't been able to
determine exactly what happened.

We just said good night to each other.

-I can't cry.
-Long-term stasis dries the tear ducts.

God, what have I done?

-He says that the system's down.
-You gotta check the reading.

I'm trying.

Holy mother.

Hey! You!

You've never seen an alien before,
have you?

There were indications
that there were other life forms...

...but I never imagined
anything like that.

-I've missed so much.
-Well, not all of it's been good.

A few years after your ship left Earth, we
finally made contact with another species.

The Centauri.

We opened up trade relations, and
they gave us jumpgate technology.

Before that, we'd been pretty
limited to our own solar system.

After that,
we were out among the stars.

First, leasing time on alien jumpgates,
and then building our own.

So the cryogenic suspension,
the goodbyes... was all for nothing.

-If we'd just waited a few more years....
-Well, you couldn't have known.

I mean, what you did, it took... It took courage.

What else have I missed?

The usual.
The good times and the bad times.

The revelations, the revolutions.

Outbreaks of hysteria, the parade
of scandals, promises, constitutions...

...and the occasional war.

The big ones were against the Dilgar,
which we won...

...and against the Minbari, which....

Well, that's a long story.

And we still haven't outgrown violence?


It'll take more than 100 years
to evolve a better human.


This must be our visitor from the past.

Mariah Cirrus, this is
Ambassador G'Kar of the Narn.

Take my advice and go back
to the time you came from.

The future isn't what it used to be.

Welcome back.

Take it easy. You passed out.

Where am I?

My quarters.
They were closer than Medlab.

I guess you came to my rescue again.


You were having a dream.

You cried out as if something
were attacking you.

I did?

-I guess I just don't remember.
-It seemed very frightening and violent.

Why are you interested in my dreams?

I haven't been completely candid
with you about your husband.

What are you saying?

He didn't just die. Something killed him,
something that was on that ship.

No, there were-- There were just the....

Two of us.

God, you think I killed him.

I think something in your dreams
might be able to tell us what did.

No. What kind of insanity is this?

It's gonna be all right.
All right?

God, I don't know where I am anymore.
I'm all alone.

You are not alone. You're not alone.

You are not.

I don't think that this
is appropriate at this particular time.

No. I guess not.

It's just that I'm a little scared.

I don't know.
Maybe more than just a little.

Why don't you....
Why don't you just try and rest.

Try and rest.

No, thanks. I'm trying to cut down.

You're all gonna die!

A soldier of Darkness has come on
that ship from the past! I have seen it.

-Save me some dessert.
-Don't close your eyes. Don't sleep.

It'll find you!
Brother Garibaldi, I was looking for you.

Let's take a walk, huh?

-You're making the natives restless.
-I'm not crazy. It's on this station.

What is?

Death. It came off that ship
from the past. I followed it.

-You're sure of that?

I saw it do the same thing
during the war.

I finished examining the victim.

Not one of his internal organs
is still inside his body.

-What happened to them?
-I don't know.

There's no sign
of an entry or exit wound.

In other words, he died the same
way as Mariah's husband.


It's assuming that's who she really is.

-What are you saying?
-I arrested a Lurker named Amis...

...who was stationed on a deep-space
listening post during the war.

Forty-seven men landed on that moon,
all of them were slaughtered except one.

Is there a point to this?

Amis thinks what wiped out his post
came here on the "Copernicus."

We ran a scan on that ship. If there was
an alien onboard, we would have found it.

Unless it's something
we'd never seen before.

Something completely
outside our experience.

I traced the ship's path.

It passed within the gravitational pull of
the same moon Amis was stationed on.

This Mariah Cirrus
may not be what she appears.

-She had nothing to do with this death.
-How can you be sure?

Because she was with me
last night, the whole night.

Moving kind of fast, aren't you, doc?

I don't sleep with my patients. She's
in pain, and I'm helping her. That's all.

I want a watch put on her 24 hours a day,
and I don't mean you.

-Are you suggesting I'm not doing my job?
-If something is threatening this station...

...l'll do whatever's necessary
to protect it.

All this on the word of a Lurker?

I checked his war record.

They put enough ribbons
on him to open a gift shop.

Word of this murder has spread
among the alien community.

The Non-Aligned Worlds have asked
for a meeting to discuss...

...the possibility that something came
aboard this station from that ship.

Go over her bio-scan again, and make sure
you haven't missed something.

For what it's worth, I hope you're right.

But if you're not, be careful.

We insist this woman
be removed from this station.

On what grounds?

She has brought
something evil from the past.

A soldier of Darkness.

That is rich.
Nothing like a good ghost story.

Let him speak.
I find this very interesting. Go on.

The forces of Darkness
do not move openly.

They work through others. Use others.

When the Darkness was
defeated long ago, they scattered.

Hid themselves away
in secret places and waited.

Now the Dark Hand is reaching out
and recalling them from their sleep.

You think this woman is one
of these soldiers of Darkness?

Evil sometimes wears a pleasant face.

All too true. I believe we should
consider what he is saying.

Why am I not surprised?
More of your superstition?

-I don't know.
-Please. Don't tell me you believe this.

There's an old human saying,
"Where there's smoke, there's fire."

If you ignore it, you get burned.

I don't have to believe in this dark force to
realize there is something strange going on.

It's been nice having this chat with you,
but I have more important things to do.

If there is something aboard this station,
find it and kill it.

It's that simple.
The rest is nonsense.

If you do nothing about
her presence here, we will.

I don't like threats.

And as long as I am the law on B5...

...I intend to see everyone is
protected, human and alien alike.


This meeting's adjourned.

-Very smooth.
-That bad?

What if something did get onboard the
"Copernicus" when it passed that moon?

A soldier of Darkness?

I'll believe it when I see it.

Let's hope we don't get the chance.

Oh, hell.

Okay, rise and shine, pal.

You know, everything in your Earthforce
record suggests you're out of your mind.

That's debated in the medical community.

There are those who give me benefit of the
doubt, just to figure me for a compulsive liar.

-And you want me to believe you?

Then this is your chance.
Take me to where you followed it.


Right now.

It was there.

-What'd it look like?
-The past.


I saw it! You have to believe me!

You want me, you bastard?
Well, I'm here!

Come on, let's finish it! Come on!

During the war
there was a guy in my unit...

...kept telling everybody
our perimeter was weak.

We laughed 'cause
we checked it over and over.

It was secure.

We all figured he was nuts.

Until then, we'd never seen any action.

Then one night, we stopped laughing.

They came through that
perimeter like it was paper.

He was the first to die.

Saved our butts.

He was a nut.

But he was right.

I believe you.

The honored dead.

Tell me about the listening post.

We were an intelligence-gathering unit,
not set up for heavy combat.

We'd heard the Minbari were setting up
a command and control post... we slipped onto a small moon before
they finished the perimeter scanners.

We set up camp in old ruins of some kind.

As far as we knew, it was a dead world.

It came in the night.

During a storm.

We heard nothing, saw nothing.

It came right through the walls.

Like a hot wind.

The first man died just meters from me.
Never even screamed.

We ran.

We ran.

For a second, I thought I lost it.

And then I saw it.

Standing in the middle
of a ball of lightning.

It looked like it had
come straight from hell.

How did you survive?

I didn't!

It kept me alive... a snack.

It becomes part of you, feeding on you.

The lucky ones were
the men who died on that moon.

What it took from me,
I can never get back.

When the rescue party showed up,
I weighed 85 pounds.

That's how I knew it was on this station.

A part of me is still inside that thing.

I can feel it.

But nobody ever believed me.

Until now.

This feeling, can it lead you to it?

I think.

I think maybe that's
what it's been doing...

...all this time.

It's calling me. I think....

Maybe we have some
unfinished business between us.



Mariah, what are you doing here?

It's all I have now.

This, my memories...

...and you.

Or maybe I'm assuming
more than I should.

I just think this is happening
a little fast, don't you?

You just lost your husband.

I know.

And I'd be lying
if I said I don't miss him. I do.

And I want to find
whatever killed him.

But I'd also be lying if I said
things were perfect between us.

Before we left Earth, Will and I
must have split up half a dozen times.

After a while,
all we had in common were the stars...


You can go far on that.

A hundred years.

What about you?

Same problem, I guess.

My work comes first, always has.

Finding someone who understands that,
well, it hasn't been easy.

And this place isn't exactly
ideal for raising a family.

No, it's not.

Maybe it's just as well
Will never woke up.

I don't think he would have
liked this world.


Whatever killed your husband is on
this station and has taken another life.

Now I need to know
everything that you know.

In my dreams...

...there's something
in the life tube with me.

And I think it was using me to stay
alive until it could find more food.

Babylon 5.

I've put everybody here in great danger.

Official accounts of the massacre
at the listening post...

...blame the attack on the Minbari.

Amis may not be sure of much,
but he is sure of one thing:

That post was not attacked by the Minbari.
He said it was as if hell had been let loose.

Well, that doesn't help us much.

No, but he also said the alien took
a part of him when he left his body.

So that he could feel
its presence on the station.

-Some kind of symbiosis?

If the same thing happened to Mariah,
she might be able to help us find it.

It's too risky. Whatever's in
this station came from her ship.

Now, if what the Lurker said is true
and there is a symbiotic relationship...

...who knows what kind of influence
it may have over her.

She could be scouting for
it without knowing what she's doing.

If what happened on that
listening post is happening here...

...we're not gonna have
to go looking for it. It'll find us.

Let's just make sure we're ready for it.

Ms. Cirrus?

Mr. Garibaldi?

Yes. I need your help to find a friend.

Dr. Franklin told me about him.
I'm sorry.

Can you find this thing?
Can you feel where it is?

I think so.

I can try.

Provided her doctor comes along.

We're getting reports of weapons fire
in Brown 90, and a signal came in.

I think it was Garibaldi.
Then it was cut off.

Seal off the area.
I don't want anyone in there.

-Sheridan to Franklin.
-I tried him. He's not answering.

I'd say they found it.

Break out heavy weapons.
Have a security detail meet us down there.

-You all right?
-Garibaldi pulled them out. He went back in.

You two stay here with them. Tell us if it
doubles back. I don't want it to escape.

You ready?

-You got a plan?
-Let's try not to get killed.



-Kill it! Kill it! Shoot! Shoot!

Get up. Come on.

It's gotta be stopped.

You finished your tour of duty.

Get down!

They're calling.

It knows I'm here,
and it's waiting for me.

These PPGs don't do much
more than sting it.

It prowls around hurt for a while
but comes back stronger.

Yeah. Well, one bee-sting
may be an annoyance...

...but a hundred of them can kill you.

Ivanova, you got a fix on my position?

-"Confirmed. On our way."
-No. Negative.

Triangulate your fire and stand by.
I want to set up a kill zone, point blank.

-How's your charge?
-I'm down to my last cap.

-Let's hope that's enough.
-It won't work. It's too smart for that.

It can smell a trap.

It can wait.

It's patient.

It's patient.

-You've gotta give it what it wants.
-Amis, no!

All right, I'm here! You wanted me?

Here I am!

Let's finish it!

Come on.

No more dreams. Let's end it.

Amis, get clear! Amis!

Open fire!

We got it, Amis. We got it.

No more bad dreams.

It's over.

It's over.

-You sure he's gonna be okay?
-He's just banged up.

I gave him something to help him sleep.

All he wanted was to be set free.

To forget. Maybe now he can.

-So, what about you?
-What about me?

You're gonna need a place to stay, and
this is as good a place as any. I can help.

I thought about it, but l-- I can't.
Not yet anyway.

I have a hundred years to catch up on.

I need to see Earth.

Bury Will.

Mourn for a while.

I just need time.

If I can, I'll come back.
If you're still interested.

I think there's a good chance of that.

Don't make promises
life won't let you keep.

Take care, Stephen.

Captain, we just got finished analyzing
the database onboard the "Copernicus."

It took us a while to go through
100 years of entries...

...but everything
she told us checks out.

-I think we kind of figured that out by now.
-Not entirely.

There's one more thing
I figured you ought to know.

According to the log, the "Copernicus"
lost 10 percent of its oxygen...

...when it passed by a moon
in Sector 18 by 70 by 59.

Which would've been caused
when that thing came aboard.

Exactly. But when it left that sector,
it was heading on a new course.

That thing was more intelligent
than we thought.

It didn't know the ship was programmed to
make contact with signals it came across.

Otherwise it would've gone by, and
we never would have known it was there.

You said the ship was reprogrammed
to a new destination?

-So where was it going?

It was heading for the Rim.

Toward the place
where Ambassador G'Kar...

...told us an ancient enemy
was gathering forces.

-You think it's a coincidence?

A few weeks ago,
I probably would've said yes.

But now, no.

Something's going on, commander.

I know.

Between you and me,
it's scaring the hell out of me.


Babylon 5 "is produced"
by Babylonian Productions, Inc...

...and distributed by Warner Bros.
Domestic TV Distribution.