Awake (2012): Season 1, Episode 8 - Nightswimming - full transcript

At night, a naked man, runs beside a swimming pool and up the ladder of a diving platform while two armed cops tell him to stop. In Michael's life with Hannah, she's packing for their move to Oregon. He's hoping to pass a long-time informant to his partner. Jake, the informant, isn't happy about the arrangement. In the alternate reality, a Mob accountant is marked for murder, and Michael tries to convince him and his wife, who was unaware that her highly-paid husband was working for the Mob, to abandon life as they know it and enter witness protection. She is angry at her husband, and she bolts in rebellion. And the guy on the diving platform?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Look, I keep telling my wife
she married me,

not her mother,
and she keeps telling me

not to put her in that position.

Dealing with a

That's, like, #2
on my top ten list

of reasons not to get married.

What's #1?

You know what #1 is.

Every guy knows #1.

All units in the vicinity, campus security

is reporting a possible
illegal entry

at the college pool.

Dispatch, this is unit 7.

We're on it.


Hey! Stop!

Let me see your hands!

Unit seven.

We have the suspect.
He's on the high dive.

Sir, please come down
from there now!

Sir, come down.

Don't make us come get you.

Police officers!
Show us your hands!

Guys, it's okay.

I-I'm a cop.

My I.D.'s
right here.

I-I-I got to reach for it.
Hold on.

Go ahead.


I got him.

What the hell is going on,
detective britten?

It's kind of hard to explain.

So tell me how this works.

I'm awake with my wife,
and I close my eyes,

i open them,
I'm awake with my son.

And this has been happening
since the accident?

So you begin
working on one case

here in reality,
and then suddenly

you begin working another case
there in your dream.

It all feels
completely real to me.

You can't tell
whether you're awake or asleep

at this very moment?

Well, I can assure you,

detective britten,
this is not a dream.

That's exactly
what the other shrink said.

Tell him I have the Butler files
and I'm on my way.

Yeah. Yeah.

Look, I'm trying
to get on the road now.

Let me call you back
as soon as I get there.

Listen, this is really nothing
to worry about.

Okay. Yeah.

Yeah, tell him I said that.


Oh, come on.
You have to be kidding.


Marcus, you are one lucky man
to be sitting here.

Let me tell you
something, my friend.

You walk out that door,

I have a feeling your luck

would change very quickly.

Testify, and we'll see
that you're taken care of.

Yeah, taken care of...
Taken care of how?

You know the drill.

Witness Protection, relocation.

A chance to walk away
from this mess

and start afresh.

Look, I told you before,
I'm just an accountant.

You're an accountant
for Maxim Basayev.

Now, we both know

the only reason
he's not gone down

for human trafficking,
drugs, guns... you name it...

is because he kills anyone

he thinks might compromise
his operation.

Don't insult us both
by pretending it's a surprise.

We've been telling you
for two months now

that we would take down
Basayev and his crew

and that you could
either help us

or go down with them.

Today, they threw you overboard.

And as far as

life preservers go, we're it.

Where would I go?

Well, the U.S. attorney

will work with you
to find a suitable place.

You and your wife.

My wife.


Look, look, she
doesn't know anything.

About what I did for Basayev.

I understand, but I'm afraid
that's not going to help.

He would use her to get to you.

She's still a target.

We have to get her
into protective custody

as soon as possible.

Where is she?

She-she's out of town.


Some spa.
I... I don't know.

I'll have to look it up
in my phone.


I'll get your phone,
and I'll get a car

pointed in that direction.

It's going to be okay.

You're doing the right thing.

When I came here...

When I first took this job,

it was supposed to be for us.

We had nothing.

I wanted to be...

A man who could
give her anything.

Well, I'm sure she would rather
have a live husband

than another giant
flat-screen TV.


You don't know my wife.

Marcus was strictly
the accountant,

but he knows where
the bodies are buried.

I mean, he laundered cash
for him, covered money trails,

and he kept records.

Has he actually shown you
these records?

No, but he's going to hand them
over as soon as we settle

on a relocation package.

We have been trying

to nail Basayev
for the last eight years.

This is a big win for us.

The wife's arrived.

She's on the way up.

What's going on?
Are you okay?


I'm fine. Yes, yes.
I don't understand.

They wouldn't tell me anything.

They just said you were
in some kind of danger.

What's going on?

Alina, I, uh...

I, uh...

Mrs. Ananyev,
I'm detective britten.

Why don't we all go and sit down
somewhere more quiet? Hmm?

Follow me.

So you've been
working for the...



For how long?


Two years.

So you lied to me...

For two years.

Every day.

Every time
you kissed me good-bye.

Every time you came home late.

Every time I ask you,
"how was your day?"

It was all just lies.

No. Alina, listen.

How could you not tell me?

What if I had?

Would it have made
any difference?

It was blood money.
Would knowing that

have stopped you
from spending it?

Would you have given up

all the clothes and the cars

and the vacations, the gifts?
You wanted those things

as much as me.

Alina, I wanted them
because you...

And now we have nothing
because of your lies!

You don't understand.


We... we pack our home
and we leave everything?

You can take
whatever you can fit

into, uh...
One large suitcase each.

Where will they send us
with one large suitcase each?

Well, the prosecutors
will work with you and Marcus,

and, uh, they'll find somewhere
that you both feel...

What about my friends?

I can never speak to them again?

Any link to your current life
or your identity

makes it easier
for them to trace you.

I'm sorry.

I can't.

This is...


Alina, please, come
back here and sit down.

They will find you,
Mrs. Ananyev.

They tried
to kill your husband today.

Put a bomb in his car.

He's lucky to be alive.

He's in a unique position

to bring down
a major crime syndicate.

These people will not hesitate

to do whatever it takes to you

to stop him cooperating.
You understand?

They will find you.

I know this must be

I'm sorry,
but if you value your life... really have no option.

Please, come sit down.


So... what happens now?

How long will we live here?

Uh, just until the details

for your relocation package
are worked out.

Shouldn't be more
than a few days.

Now, we got a team of officers

in the adjoining room.

We got some downstairs
in the lobby.

If you need anything at all,

you speak to them,
or you can call us,

but under no circumstances
can you leave the room.

Is that clear?

My mother... she...

...gave me a painting
before she died.

There's, um,

also a book of photos.

We'll se a team to your house
to collect some items.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.


Oh, my God. Bell...
We have Bella right now.

Uh, who's Bella?

Our cat. She probably
hasn't eaten all day.

We have to get her right now.
Calm down!

I won't go without Bella!
Alina, I want to help.

I'll kill you!

- Come here! Come here!
- You've destroyed us!

All right. All right.
All right, let's calm down.

Come on.

Okay, I'm going to let you go.

You stay calm?

It's going to be okay.

It's going to be okay.

How can you say that?

You tell me I can
never go back home.

Everyone I know.

Everything we have.

I have to leave it all behind.

How can you possibly tell me
it's going to be okay?

You can't even begin to imagine
what that feels like.



When did you start
doing all this?

Uh, about three days ago.

Well, I thought we were
going to do it together.

Yeah, you said you wanted
to do it last weekend,

and the weekend
before that, so...

I just decided to do it myself.

You giving away this dress?
I love you in this dress.

I haven't worn that dress
in, like, 15 years.

And even when I did,
I looked like a hooker.

China? What's the matter
with the China?

We're giving that away?
We don't touch it. We haven't

used it once in 18 years.

Well, we're going to Oregon.
Maybe in Oregon we'll...

Be China kind of people.


Look, deciding what to keep and
what to give away... it's hard.

We could come up with a reason
to keep everything.

So, I just figured,

if we don't use it,
we should lose it.

Oh, come on.

You're giving this away?


And we have a tape player?

I mean, I don't even know

if it works anymore.
Where is it?

It's right there.

I can't believe it.

I made you this tape.

Remember that summer?

You were working in Chatsworth.

Here we go.

You hated that job...

...but you loved this song.

You remember?

Of course I remember.

You recorded that song,
like, over and over again

so I can listen to it
on the way to work

without having to hit rewind.

When's goodwill coming?

Tomorrow morning.

All right, let me call and put
'em off for a couple of days.



Nothing. It...

Look, this move to Oregon
was my idea

and I just know you have
some reservations about it.

I just want to look
through everything

and make sure you're
not giving away things

that I'd like to keep.

Don't read anything more
into it than that.



You didn't tell him
I was coming?

He'll be fine.

This guy Jake... He's been your C.I.
for how long?

For 15 years.
15 years?

How do you know he'll be okay
working with me?

Because he's not
a complicated guy.

Trust me, I know.

You give him those. Cubans.

He'll be your new best friend.


You read with those things on?

No, but I can't read
with them off either.

Doesn't matter.

Who the hell is this?

Uh, Jake, this is my partner.

I'm detective Efrem Vega.
I've heard a lot about you.

The deal is I deal with you.

I know, but,

I'm not gonna be around
much longer.

The arrangements always work
for us pretty well, right?

So, I thought the two of you
might be able to keep it going.

What does that mean... you're not
gonna be around much longer?

Are you leaving me?

I'm not leaving you.
I'm going with my wife.

Going where?



Who the hell lives in Oregon?

That's what I keep asking him.

The point is,
if you want to keep drawing

these get-out-of-jail-free
cards, Vega's your guy, okay?


I hear that you are
a fan of these.

Yeah, well, I-I quit.


Come on.
These are your favorite cigars.

I got eyes.
I can see what they are.

The doctor told me
it's giving me reflux.



Hey, what do you say
we go someplace

that's got real food, huh?

I feel like a New York steak

served to me by a woman
that's half my age.

Sorry the captain's
got us on a short leash,

but here.

You can pay
for your steak and mine.

Generous tip.
Be careful.


You said something

about a crew pulling a job?


San Pedro industrial park.





They're hitting a warehouse

that's leased to, uh,
palace electronics.


And from what I understand,

they got a six-man team
with body armor.

So you better bring
your whole posse.

That it?

What do you want? A map?



Have a good time in Oregon.

See ya around.

See ya.

Better get a team together.

6 out of 19, uh, we're clear
all the way down the block

on our side. Over.

36, you got an overhead
that's out right there.

I don't got a visual on you.

Maybe he got it wrong.

The last time
Jake got anything wrong

you were repeating sixth grade.

Have a little patience.

I lost my patience an hour ago,

which was two hours
after Jake said

this crew was supposed to show.

Everyone, heads up.

We got an unmarked truck headed
towards the target location.

What I tell you?
Little patience.

7w43 copy.

All units, hold your positions.
Stand by for my orders.

Okay, copy that.

Confirm visual.

Just got visual.
Single driver.

Please respond.

That was exciting.

Let's do a low-profile
traffic stop

in case he flagged us
and kept going.

Copy that.

He's playing you.

I've known him
for 15 years, all right?

Exactly. After 15 years,
you hand him off with a c-note

and a couple of cubans.

I know it doesn't
agree with you,

but a little warm and fuzzy
doesn't hurt.

He's a C.I....
confidential informant.

It's a business relationship.

He knows better
than anyone, bad tips

are bad for business.

Redrum. I guess you know
everything about everything.

So, I'm just going
to sit back, hear it,

and, you know, wait
for more trucks not to appear.

7-11-43, trucks clear.
No involvement.


Let's get a good F.I.
just in case

and then kick 'em.

Yes, sir. You got it.


Hello? Bird?

How soon can you get over here?

Why? What's going on?
What is that?

What you're listening to
is Markus freaking out.

He woke up this morning
and Alina had left.

What time?

Well, the last confirmed time
was, like, 2:00 A.M.

Do we have any idea
where she is?

None. Nobody knows anything.

Let's hope Basayev
doesn't either.

Just get over here, okay?

If I would have gone,
Alina would be safe.

She wouldn't be in danger.

The idea of her out there, alone...


You need to focus, okay?

You need to write down

anyone who you could think of

that she might be with
right now.

Relatives maybe.

No, neither of us
have family here.

Okay, what about friends?

Oh, come on, man!

She must have friends!

I was always working, okay?

I don't really know her friends.

I remember a few people
she talked about.


Svetlana... I don't know.
Only their first names.

All right, what about places
she used to go?

When you were at work,
where did she like to go?

Where'd she hang out?

I don't know.

Spas, beauty salons, book clubs.
I don't know.

I don't know.

Do you even know your wife
at all, Marcus?

I guess about as well
as she knew me.

That doesn't mean
I don't love her.

Everything I did
was to give Alina

the kind of life
I thought she wanted.

Without her,

nothing matters.

So unless you find her,

you can forget about me


Whatever I have to do

to keep Alina safe,
I will do it, okay?

Even if that means giving myself
up to Basayev.

All right.

Call records.

She checked her messages
before she left,

but it the phone's
been off since then.

We can't track her
unless she turns it back on.

Credit cards?

The last transaction
was the atm

in the motel lobby.

She was obviously smart enough

to know we'd be looking.

All right. We've got an
"attempt to locate" out,

notify the bus terminals,
airports, but let's face it:

It's probably tipped off Basayev
that she's in play.


The last transaction
before she took the cash,

it's at her hotel
in palm Springs, the palace.

Oh, yeah. We called.
She's not there.

Did we send somebody out?

I just said she's not there.

She's not at any
of the other places

on Marcus' list either.
At least

we know she was there for
three days before she bolted.

Maybe she said something
to someone

that'll give us
somewhere to dig.

So you want to go talk

to a hotel staff
instead of her friends?


You coming?


How can I help you gentlemen?

I'm detective britten.
This is detective Freeman.

We're looking
for a missing person

who was a guest here
over the weekend.

Yes, the clerk told me.

Mrs. Ananyev.
How can I help?

We'd like any information

that might help us
track her down.

So, uh, she spoke
to anyone in the hotel?

She used any of the services?

Maybe made a call
from her phone?

Let me pull up her folio.

I'm afraid there were no calls,

and no indication she used
any guest amenities

except for room service.

Thank you.

That is a steep
room service charge,

if you don't mind me saying.

That's one expensive breakfast

for a woman someone
who can't weigh more than 110.

Was Mrs. Ananyev
staying here with someone?

I'm afraid I don't know.

She registered
for a single king-size bed.


Is your bartender on yet?

Russian accent,
a lot of jewelry?

She ran up a hefty bill
for someone drinking alone.


Yeah, I remember.
She wasn't alone.

All right.
Who was she with?

I assumed it was her husband.

You get a name?


But he was here before her,
bought himself a drink.

I can probably pull
the credit card slip.

What did he look like,
this guy?

Blond, about your height.

It looks like he spent
a lot of time at the gym.

Hold on. I'm coming.


Greg hollander?


He's not answering his cell.

Maybe we're too late.

Maybe they're already
on their way to Cabo.

Let's put out an
attempt to locate.

See anything?


I'll go get a warrant.
Go back inside, take a look.

That's gonna take all day.
What else we gonna do?


Major crimes confirmed
they're muscle for Basayev,

fresh off the boat.

It's probably why
we didn't recognize 'em.

I'm gonna go talk to him,
see if I can't get anything.

What about lover boy?

They tell me he's got
no connection

with the accountant,
with Basayev.

Maybe he just hooked up
with the wrong woman.

I'll catch up with you later.


Look straight ahead.

All right, give me a minute here.
You can finish later.

All right, Greg,
what'd you tell them?


Come on, Greg.

Your face looks like
a tray of lasagna.

It's okay. You got nothing
to be ashamed of.

You can't expect me to believe

you didn't tell them
where she was?

I don't know where she is.

And even if I did, I wouldn't put Alina
in harm's way.

She's my friend.
I love her.

Oh, and someone else
figured that out.

Any idea who could have pointed
them in this direction?

Could've been anyone.

Maybe she told
a friend about me.

Maybe one of my clients
saw us together.

What's your line of work?


Provide companionship.

Upon request.

To men.

So, your relationship

with Ms. Ananyev...

Wouldn't be...?

I mean, you
wouldn't have, uh...?

Even if I was straight,
that's not what Alina was after.

What was she after?

Just someone to be with.

Someone to talk to,
have fun with.

And did she give you money
for your time?

I never asked for it.

She forced it on me.

Forced. Like she was
allergic to it.

But she kept insisting, so...

I'm letting her pay
for my schutzhund certification.

Your... sorry. Your what?

I want to train dogs
for a living.

And, uh, how did you two meet?

We go to the same gym.

We just... I don't know...
we clicked.

We'd go out for drinks
at silly clubs.

We'd go dancing.
She's always dancing.

You ever hear her laugh?


I doubt anyone but me has
in a long time.

You mean her husband?

Especially her husband.

So, she mentioned him?

That's really all
she ever talked about.

How happy they used to be
when they first got married,

and how sad it made her
that they'd grown so far apart.


Britten's on the phone for you.

Did you find her?

I told you you can forget my
help until I know Alina's safe.

I told you that!

Calm down.
We're on the same team.

I just need some help here.
I need some background.

Where did you guys meet?

New York. Why?

What about places you used to go
on the east coast?

Before you got the job.
A place that felt special.

I don't know. I don't know.
It was so long ago.

We didn't really have money
to go anywhere at all.

Why are you asking me this?

Put it this way:
That young couple that you were,

if you ran away together,
where would you be?

Yeah, there is one place,
but, uh...

I don't know
if it's even still there.


You're going to take me back?

Basayev's been looking for you
as hard as we have.

That leaves you
with two options.

Either you enter witness
protection with your husband,

or I can try and arrange
for you to enter separately.

What should I do?

I guess that depends.

On what?

On how you feel
about your husband.

Marcus told me
where to find you.

He knew you'd be here.

He remembered this place.

He said, uh,

you used to vacation here?

After your marriage.

It was only six Miles away
from our house.

It wasn't much nicer then.

But it had this view.

And... and somehow
it was enough.

We were happy here.

And then he took the job,
and we had money,

and we traveled to places
much more beautiful than this.

Places we had dreamed about.

It was never the same.

I didn't know what he did,

but I know it changed him.

It changed me.

I just don't think
a person can go back again.

Maybe not,

but maybe you have a
chance to start over.

And that's one more chance
than most people get.

I know one suitcase isn't much
to take into a new life,

but honestly,

I don't know if you
need to take anything

if you love each other.

Keep those separate for now.

You want to take the stuff
on the left?

Got it?



I thought you cancelled
the goodwill.

I did. Then I, uh,
un-cancelled it.

Want a coffee?


So, when did you have a chance
to go through all those boxes?

I didn't.

I just figured

whatever you want to give away
is fine by me.



So, wh-what happened?

What changed your mind?

I slept on it.

And I realized

you don't need a
20-year-old cassette

if you've still got the song.

All right, you busy tonight?


Wrong. I'm taking you out.


It's a surprise.

The new italian restaurant
we've been wanting to try?

Not a new place.

Okay, you've got
to give me a clue.

I just did.

I'll see you.

I sent flowers
when your kid died.

I don't do flowers for anybody.

Especially not a cop.

It's not something you hand off

like an old coat
that doesn't fit anymore.

I know, Jake.
No, you don't know nothing.

You try to buy me off
with a couple of cuban cigars?

Smoking them with somebody
I considered to be a friend...

that's all I cared about.

You're right.

You're absolutely right.

That's why I'm here
to apologize.

You were a friend.

You are a friend still.

And I'm gonna miss
our dinners together.

All of it.

And if you don't want to work
with Vega, that's your call.

I think he's a good kid.

To be honest with you,
he's the one that pointed out

how badly I messed up with you.

If you're interested,

we'll do it right.

We'll go out for a
nice steak dinner,

and I'll make a
proper introduction.

But if not, then so be it.

Tell you what.

Me and the kid,
we'll have dinner alone, okay?

I'm not invited?

No, just me and him.

I mean, if it's gonna be us,

let's see if it can be us,
you know?

You know what I mean?

By the way,

the, uh, that tip
that I gave you about the crew,

it's a good tip.

I gave you
the wrong details, though.

I'll give the kid
the right ones.


Thanks, my friend.

You take care of yourself.

You, too.


Who lives in Oregon?

Oh, my God.

It looks exactly the same.


Why'd you bring me here?

I guess I thought we could

go back to the beginning,
you know?

Where it all started.

When it was just us.

I can't believe that was us.

It's like we were
like different people.

We were so young.

Well, you were young.

I was...
You were cute.

Very cute.

I was persistent.

I had to wrestle you away

from that
water-polo-playing jackass.


His name was Mars.

For the record.

What kind of parents
call their kid Mars?

Well, they happened
to be very nice people.

You know, I wouldn't
give yourself

too much credit
for being persistent.

I was the one
who came up to you.

Actually, you went around

asking everyone
where your towel was,

and I came up to you
and gave you my towel.

You know that's not how...


Well, I'm glad you did.

Me, too.

I do remember we
started talking,

and we just talked and talked.

Sat right over there.

By the time we looked up,
they'd closed the pool.

You remember
what happened after that?

What we did next?


I forgot about that.


What do you think?



it's crazy talk.
I'm not...

Yeah, what, you're scared?


Are you sure about this?




Oh, that's new.

Come on.

Stand by that thing;
I'll go and get the clothes.

No, let's just run for the car.

My keys are in my pocket.

Hey, Michael.

I love you.
