Avatar: The Last Airbender (2003–2008): Season 1, Episode 14 - The Fortuneteller - full transcript

The gang visits a village where a fortuneteller lives who is said to never be wrong. Aang tries to show Katara how he feels about her.

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KATARA: Water.




Long ago, the four nations
lived together in harmony.

Then, everything changed
when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar,
master of all four elements,

could stop them.

But when the world
needed him most, he vanished.

100 years passed,

and my brother and I
discovered the new Avatar,

an airbender named Aang.

And although
his airbending skills are great,

he has a lot to learn
before he's ready to save anyone,

But I believe Aang can save the world.


He is taunting us.

You are so going to be dinner.

Hey, where's the fishing line?

Oh, I didn't think
you would need it, Sokka.

Ah, it's all tangled.

Not tangled, woven.

I made you a necklace, Katara.

I thought since you lost
your other one...

Thanks, Aang.

I love it.

Great, Aang.

Maybe instead of saving the world,

you can go
into the jewelry-making business.

I don't see why I can't do both.


Stop taunting me!


KATARA: So, how do I look?

You mean, all of you
or just your neck...

I mean, because they both look great.

Smoochie smoochie.

Someone's in love.

I, well...

Stop teasing him, Sokka.

Aang's just a good friend,

a sweet little guy, just like Momo.



Someone's being attacked
by a platypus bear!

Well, hello there.

Nice day, isn't it?

Make noise! He'll run off!

No, play dead! He'll lose interest!

Whoa, close one. Ha ha ha.

Run downhill, then climb a tree!

No, punch him in the bill!

And then run in zig-zags.

No need.

It's going to be fine.

Whoa, there.


Mmm, lunch.


Lucky for you we came along.

Thanks, but everything
was already under control.

Not to worry.

Aunt Wu predicted
I'd have a safe journey.

Aunt who?

No, Aunt Wu.

She's the fortune-teller
from my village.

Awful nice knowing your future.

Wow, it must be.

That explains why you were so calm.

But the fortune-teller was wrong.

You didn't have a safe journey.

You were almost killed.

But I wasn't.

All right, have a good one.

Oh, and Aunt Wu said if I met
any travelers, to give them this.

Maybe we should go see Aunt Wu
and learn our fortunes.

It could be fun.

Oh, come on.
Fortune-telling is nonsense.

What do you know?

An umbrella.


That proves it.

No, it doesn't.

You can't really tell the future.

I guess you're not
really getting wet, then.

Whoa... Aah!

Of course she predicted

it was gonna rain.

The sky has been gray all day.

Just admit you might be wrong,

and you can come under the umbrella.

Look, I'm gonna
predict the future now.

It's going to keep drizzling.


Not everyone has the gift, Sokka.



Aunt Wu is expecting you.



My name is Meng,
and I'm Aunt Wu's assistant.

Well, hello there.


Can I get you some tea

or some of Aunt Wu's
special bean curd puffs?

I'll try a curd puff.

Just a second.

So, what's your name?


That rhymes with Meng,

and you've got some pretty big ears,
don't you?

I guess.

Don't be modest.

They're huge.

Well, Aang, it's very nice
to meet you...

Very nice.


I can't believe we're here

in the house of nonsense.

Try to keep an open mind, Sokka.

There are things in this world

that just can't be explained.

Wouldn't it be nice to have
some insight into your future?

It would be nice
to have some bean curd puffs.

Oh, Meng!

Aunt Wu says
I'm going to meet my true love!

He's going to give me
a rare panda lily.

That's so romantic.

I wonder if my true love
will give me a rare flower.

Good luck with that.


Is that the big-eared guy
who Aunt Wu predicted you'd marry?


Enjoy your snack.

Welcome, young travelers.

Now, who's next?

Don't be shy.

I guess that's me.

Not bad, not bad.

Mmm! Mmm!


I'm good on puffs.


So, what do you think
they're talking about back there?

Boring stuff, I'm sure.

Love, who she's gonna marry,

how many babies she's gonna have.

Yeah, dumb stuff like that.

Well, I gotta find a bathroom.

AUNT WU: Your palms are so smooth.

Do you use moisturizer?

KATARA: Actually,
I have this special seaweed lotion.

I could get you some if you want.

So, do you see anything
interesting in my love line?

I see a great romance for you...

The man you're going to marry.

Tell me more!

I can see
that he's a very powerful bender.

Looks like someone
had a pretty good bathroom break.

Yeah, when I was in there...

I don't even want to know.

Who's next?

OK, let's get this over with.

Your future is full
of struggle and anguish,

most of it self-inflicted.

But you didn't read
my palms or anything.

I don't need to.

It's written all over your face.

You there, come with me.

This is the most reliable method
of telling your fortune.

The bones never lie.

Go on. Pick one.

Now throw it on the fire.

The heat makes cracks in the bones,

and I read the bone cracks
to tell your destiny.

AANG: Wow, that's a big crack.

I've never seen this before.


Oh, my!

Your destiny... This is incredible.

You will be involved
in a great battle...

An awesome conflict
between the forces of good and evil.

A battle whose outcome will determine
the fate of the whole world.

Yeah, yeah. I knew that already,

But did it say anything about a girl?

A girl?

You want to know about love?


I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything.

Oh, look!

I must have missed something.

Right here.

It says, "trust your heart, and you
will be with the one you love."


Thank you, Aunt Wu!

SOKKA: Well, now you got to see
for yourselves

that fortune-telling
is just a big, stupid hoax.

You're just saying that

because you're gonna make yourself
unhappy your whole life.

That woman is crazy!

My life will be calm and happy
and joyful!


That doesn't prove anything.

Well, I liked my predictions.

Certain things
are gonna turn out very well.

They sure are.


What did she tell you?

Some stuff.

You'll find out.

What's with the sky?

We're waiting for Aunt Wu
to come and read the clouds

to predict the fate
of the whole village.

That cloud kind of looks
like a fluffy bunny.

You better hope that's not a bunny.

The fluffy bunny cloud
forecasts doom and destruction.

Do you even hear yourself?

The cloud reading
will tell us if Mount Makapu

will remain dormant for another year

or if it will erupt.

We used to have
a tradition once a year

of going up the mountain

to check the volcano ourselves,

But ever since Aunt Wu

moved to the village 20 years ago,

we have a tradition of not doing that.

I can't believe
you would trust your lives

to that crazy
old woman's superstition!

Shh! She's coming.


Hey, Aang,

don't you think that cloud
looks like a flower, huh?

Sure, I guess.

Hey, Katara, don't you think
that cloud looks like a flower?


Bending arrow cloud...

Good crops this year.
Nice, big harvest.

Darn good news!

Wavy moon-shaped cloud... Let's see.

Gonna be a great year for twins.


And a cumulus cloud with a twisty
nub coming off the end of it...

The village will not be destroyed
by the volcano this year!


Since I got you here,

there's something I want to tell you.

I like you, but more than normal.

Never mind.

Hi, Aunt Wu.

Sorry to bother you.


About this man I'm supposed to marry...

Is he gonna be handsome?

Oh, I hope he's tall.

Ah. You want another reading.

Yes, please.

I can't believe all these saps.

Someone really needs
to scream some sense at them.

They seem happy, Sokka.

Not for long.

I'm gonna prove
Aunt Wu's predictions are nonsense.

Hey, you,

I bet Aunt Wu told you to wear
those red shoes, didn't she?

Yeah, she said
I'd be wearing red shoes

when I met my true love.


And how many times
have you worn those shoes

since you got that fortune?

Every day.

Then of course it's gonna come true!

Really? You think so?

I'm so excited!



Aah! Uhh!

And then you'll have
your third great grandchild

before quietly
passing away in your sleep.

Is that enough information for you?

Wow. Thanks, Aunt Wu.

Oh, wait. One more thing.

How warmly should I dress tomorrow?

You want me to do a reading for that?

I don't care what Aunt Wu told you!

You have to take a bath sometime!


So, Sokka, you know some stuff
about ladies, right?

Some stuff?

You've come to the right place.

What can I do you for?

Well, there's this girl...


I think I know who you mean.

You do? And you're OK with it?

Of course I am.

And to tell you the truth,

I've been picking up
a subtle vibe that she likes you, too.

She does?

Oh, yeah. She's crazy about you.

All you have to do now
is not mess it up.

Well, how do I do that?

The number one mistake
nice guys like you make...

Being too nice.

You can be too nice?

Yep. If you want to
keep her interested,

you have to act aloof,

Like you don't really care
one way or the other.

Well, OK.

Hey, Aang. I was wondering...

See you later.


Wow. That kid is good.

And you'll be fine
as long as you've got a scarf.

Bye-bye, now.

OK, OK. But one more thing.

All right. What is it?

Should I eat a mango or a papaya

for breakfast tomorrow?


Oh, I hate papaya.

Oh. Hey, Katara.

I didn't see you there.

Hey, Aang.

That's OK.

I'm busy with my own stuff.


Ugh. Papaya, please.

So, papaya.

Uh-huh. Would you like some?

You know me.

I don't really care what I eat.

OK, then.

See you later.


Maybe aloof isn't my style.

Oh, a panda lily.

Did you see that?

Excuse me. Where can a guy
find one of those things?

SOKKA: I can't believe you're
dragging me all the way up here

For a stupid flower.

Not just any flower... A panda lily.

I've seen it in action,
and, boy, does it work.

Flowers are fine once you're married,

but at this early stage,

it's critical that you maintain
maximum aloofness.

But my heart
is telling me to get this flower,

And Aunt Wu said
if I trusted my heart,

I would be with the one I love.

What? Don't tell me
you believe in that stuff, too.

Well, Aunt Wu hasn't been wrong yet.

Why should she be wrong about love?

There, on the rim!


Oh, no.

Aunt Wu was wrong.

Those people all think they're safe.

We've got to warn them.

There's no time to walk.

Grab on.


Hi, Katara.

Can you believe she won't let me in?

And after all the business
I've given her?

But she doesn't even charge.

I know, but still.

Well, we have other things
to worry about.

Aunt Wu was wrong about the volcano.

Sokka, you tried to convince me
she was wrong before.

It's gonna take an awful lot
to change my...


Oh, no.

SOKKA: Everyone, that volcano
is gonna blow any second!

Aunt Wu was wrong!

Yeah, yeah. We know
you don't believe in Aunt Wu,

Mr. Science and Reason lover.

If you won't listen to him,
maybe you'll listen to me.

I want to believe Aunt Wu and her
predictions as much as you do,

but my brother and Aang saw the lava

with their own eyes.

Well, I heard Aunt Wu's prediction
with my own ears.

Please listen to us!

You are all in danger,

and we have to get out of here!

You can't rely
on Aunt Wu's predictions!

You have to take fate
into your own hands!


Can your fortune-telling explain that?

Heh. Can your science
explain why it rains?

Yes! Yes, it can!

They just won't listen to reason.

But they will listen to Aunt Wu.

I know. That's the problem.

Well, it's about to become
the solution.

We're taking fate in our own hands.

First, I need to borrow
Aunt Wu's cloud-reading book.


We don't want anyone to hear us.

Oh! Oh, I didn't see you there.

You don't like me, do you?

Of course I like you.

But not the way I like you.

Oh. I guess not.

It's OK.

It's just really hard
when you like someone,

but they don't think of you that way.

I know what you mean.

She's beautiful, by the way.


That water tribe girl.

I can see why you like her so much.

She's sweet, she's a bender,

and her hair seems so manageable.

Don't worry.

You're gonna meet a great guy

who's gonna completely fall for you.

I know it.



Don't you want this?

How did you know?

I've kind of been stalking you. Heh.

Oh, thanks...

I guess.


AANG: Clouds are made
of water and air,

So between the two of us,

we ought to be able to bend them
into any shape we want.

I found it...
The symbol for volcanic doom.


SOKKA: Aunt Wu, look!

Something's happening in the clouds!

That's very strange.

It shouldn't... Oh, my!

AANG: We could still save the village
if we act fast.

Sokka has a plan.

Lava is gonna flow
downhill to this spot.

If we can dig a deep enough trench,

we can channel all the lava
away from the village

to the river.

If any of you are earth benders,
come with me.

I'm an earth bender!

I'm not!

Everybody else, grab a shovel.


Come on! We've got to hurry.



Dig faster! Dig faster!

Everyone needs to evacuate!

We'll come for you when it's safe!


KATARA: It's too much.

It's gonna overflow!





Sometimes I forget
what a powerful bender that kid is.

Wait, what did you just say?

Nothing. Just that Aang
is one powerful bender.

I suppose he is.

AANG: By the way,
we kind of borrowed your book.

So you messed with the clouds,
did you?

Ha ha ha! Very clever.

No offense, but I hope this
has taught everyone a lesson

about not relying too much
on fortune-telling.

But Aunt Wu predicted
the village wouldn't be destroyed,

and it wasn't.

She was right, after all.

I hate you.

It's OK, Sokka.

Everything's gonna be all right.

Can I ask you something?

Of course, honey.

You didn't really see love
in my fortune, did you?

You just told me
what I wanted to hear.

I'll tell you a little secret,
young airbender.

Just as you reshaped those clouds,

you have the power
to shape your own destiny.

KATARA: Good-bye, everyone!

It was so nice to meet you!

Take care, Meng.

Take care!
