Au service de la France (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - Quel Rapport Avec l'Afrique? - full transcript

Moïse orders Moulinier to find a president for one of the newly independent African state. For his part, André passes tests to enter the KGB.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Why did you jump?

Because you did!

Why did I send it?

To test me, I guess.

What test?

I jumped because I trust you.

I have faith in the Soviet Union
and the KGB that's in every...

Because I believe in the communist cause

the borders and that is
the future of humanity.

Because I want to serve this cause
and I'm about to die for her.

Will you accept my application to the KGB?



We, the lovers...

I've heard that hell...

Wait for us

What have you done, Moulinier?

A little triage.

Have you discarded the African dossiers?

It's useless to keep records of colonies
who are no longer colonies,

-It's just a mess.

Don't those countries exist anymore?
Have they been crossed off the map?

Were they swallowed?

Because they changed their names,

no longer need France?

-They wanted independence.
-So what?

I thought that meant
that they were independent.

If your kids say so:
"I want a room for myself,

are you going to throw away the family book?
Will you abandon them?

You'll consider that you have no more ties...
with them? That they're only good for messing up?


Put it all together
and put everything back on track.

France will not abandon
the brothers of Africa because they wanted to


Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Speaking of elections, I remind you...
that one of its new states

doesn't have a president yet.

-The elections will be in 15 days.
-That's right.

There are 15 days left to decide
who they're going to elect.

You didn't mean to leave
that they chose alone.

It's an election, that's the point.

It's Africa, Moulinier.
It's your region!

If we don't stop these people...

they don't spend 15 days
without trying to kill himself.

And the Soviets count on it...
to get their hands on the region.

That's insane. It seems
you just got back from the moon.

-No way.
-Pull yourself together.

Find a president and
do it if you elect. Quickly.

What about my surveillance?

-It'll have to wait.
-No, it can't wait.

I have every reason to believe
which is a Category A target.

The president is a priority.

Get to work.

And put on the right suit.
You're not in the circus.

Wait, I want to work for you!

I want to serve the Soviet Union!

I want to fight
capitalist oppression!

Stop that music!

Salamaleikoum to all!

Who's got a cigarette for me?

Here, Colonel.

Who will have lunch with me?


What are you doing? What are you doing?

Let's just say I went looking for couscous...
at the corner dump.

He's Moroccan.
It's not bad.

I'm glad it's not the same.
to the Tunisians with the Harissa.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph.

Put your things away.

-I'll take you to lunch.
-Of course...

You're kind, but I have a date...
with Sidi Jacky now.

He found an office
for you, Jaktar?



He found an office
to Moquard?


You know he should come home.
He has a family.

Family, one day we have one,
the next, we don't have any more.

The homeland is a more solid value.

Tell Schmidt to find
a function for him here.

-Forget Schmidt.

Moquard, you're being named
chief administrative officer

category C in
special detachment.

A cocktail to celebrate that.

Now let's go to lunch.
Are you coming with us, Jaktar?

Moulinier and Calot need me.
for a recruitment mission.

Come on, I'm starving.


Go with him,
it's not a good time to contradict him.

or he'll never let you back in.

You don't have to stay long,

for now I have sb.
in Algiers to run the store.

What's up, Moquard, for today?

Sure, it's...

Do it for France.

Do it for me.

What am I gonna do with the couscous?
When will I eat it?

Maybe later, I don't know.

I know you. I know you. You saved me
of the henchmen of Mercaillon.

Thank you. Thank you.


Why'd you do that?

The KGB is quite powerful
to protect him from everything.

Even the KGB.


No, stop!

As President of the Republic,

I promise to promote
individual freedoms.

Let them be religious,
political, ethnic...

Thank you, sir.

As an elected leader,

I will take my country in my hands:

creation of a political police force,

state control of the media
and broadcasting,

installation of courts of exception,
of a curfew,

of re-education camps
for young and old...


Why is that?

Yeah, why is that?

At least we have potential.


My African brothers.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Stop.

That's not possible.
You can tell.

I know the country very well.

I was born there, my family exploited
7,000 hectares of land.

I oversaw oil exploration...
for 15 years.

We don't doubt your skills,
but people have priority.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry,

you're ahead of your time.


Dear fellow countrymen, dear friends,

I sang this country a lot
where my ancestors rest

under the palm trees and the winds.

I know the roots,

the savannah, the immense sky,

I know proud men,

the happy children
and the sublime mothers.

...the words to
to calm the men down.

Great, it's okay.

Who wrote that?

-It's beautiful.

It's magnificent.
It's Africa.

Do you have any more
...what to tell us?

Yeah. Yeah.

I believe in the brotherhood of peoples,
if we lead them to peace...

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir.

For me, the military.

It's the best.

The least evil.

I'm with you.
Firmness, charisma, authority.

There's no doubt about it!

It doesn't work that way,
you don't know Africa.

I know it's a well-managed region.

We understand your reservations, lack of finesse.

But when the base is solid,
the shape can be corrected.

Let's write his speeches,
make clothes.

Give us the addresses.

We need to choose him.

-Are you kidding?

He's smart, he's cultured.

-He has a heart.
-And what does it have to do with Africa?

It's my region, I decide.


I wanted a tripartite meeting,
the decision will be made by all three.

How was your day, Maurice?

I ate meat pie.

It had a little fat on it,
but it was almost as good

about yours.

Moquard liked it too.
Especially the stuffing.

He doesn't eat pork.

-Same as the Jews?

Just like the Arabs.

I swore it was veal.

He licked his plate!

-You should have seen it.
-That's not good.

What's that? What's that?

An employee does not
mixed with natives.

That's a very nice one.
I will invite him.

He'll tell you about Algeria,
you from Sarthe.

That's great!

Thank you. Thank you.

-A glass of wine?

You think I'm lying?

You think I'm lying?

Of course you don't.

This machine is a
lie detector?

Who needs to detect liars
if everyone lies?

It's stupid.

The KGB has developed
a truth detector.

Anyone telling the truth

is quickly
identified by this jewel

of Soviet high-tech.

He's very smart.

Isn't it?

What's your name?

André Merlaux.

Look, it's effective.

Yes, it is.

Should I lie or tell the truth?

Who's asking questions here?


Okay. Okay, okay, okay.

Our national newspaper
is called Pravda.

It means "truth."
and we really like that.

I got that impression.


You need higher numbers

for it to be a democratic victory
incontestable, but not much,

so that they are not
manipulated elections.

We need about 85.

Isn't that too much, 85%?

Last time, we got 78%.
There were endless disputes,

riots, it was a circus. 85% is good.

See you later.


If we establish an average
between the edge of instability,

that you set at 78%,

and the total that will give 100%,

weighted by the coefficient of
popularity that we can estimate at 3,

corrected by a margin of
error of 0.5%, we have reached 86.56.

Perfect, 86.56% of the vote.

That makes a beloved president,

and a small part of the population
who would prefer another candidate.

A real democracy.

I'll warn the poet
that he was chosen.

The poet? Are you serious?

-We agreed.
-Of course not.

You must be the military.

A supporter of the force that will set fire...
my region? Not at all.

You'll be the poet.

Moulinier, you're a visionary!

Say something.

Are you drunk?

Of course you don't.

Let's vote.

It's a common method
to choose someone.

You're gonna be the poet, I've decided.

See you tomorrow, gentlemen.

You can't go out like this.

You don't say anything.

He's drunk.



-Thank you, Roger.

I won't betray your trust.

I know, Ismael.

I'm going home,

to prepare myself for the noble mission
you gave me.

-I need to ask you something.
-I don't?

You write well.

Thank you, Roger.

Can you help me write
a few words?

I can, of course.


You didn't have to.

I'll put them in the water.

Have a seat!

They're beautiful.

Would you like an appetizer?

Anything you want.


Close the curtain.

-Let me do it.
-Turn around, please.

...Gromiko's demand,
to condemn the deal.

firmed in Tananarive
...between certain Congolese leaders...

What time are you coming back, Andre?


Andre, the skates!

Now, he demands that Belgium...
be condemned by the United Nations

as an aggressor country.
Everyone imagines the importance

that the result of that election
...will have in the departments...

Andre, don't bullshit me!

That's the young Republic,
like your neighbors,

have a president:
Ismaël Boussa,

elected with 86% of the vote.

We said 86.56.

No rigor.
They are not capable.

Africa wouldn't be Africa
if it wasn't all over.