Attack on Titan (2013–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - Heishi - full transcript

When the Scouts are overwhelmed by the Titan assault on the castle, the unarmed recruits' hope for survival may lie in a promise and secret.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ Opening Song ♪

[TITAN 29A laughing]

Rookies! Stay where you are!

We've got this.

Let the ODM gear do
what it was designed for.


[HENNING] Someone was here
not that long ago.

[NANABA] A place
this close to the wall?

[LYNNE] Bandits probably
used it as a hideout.

[NANABA] A sign on the way in
said "Ruins of Utgard Castle."

I didn't know there was a
historical site around here.

Hey, take a look at
what I just stumbled on.

You're kidding!
Is that what I think it is?


Can't really
read the label, though.

[LYNNE] You're not
gonna drink it now?


Don't be smart.
I'm gonna save it for later.

You know, there are
worse ways to spend a night

than having access
to top-shelf contraband.

Careful. You're starting

to sound like an outlaw.


[GELGAR] I want you kids
to try and get some rest.

There shouldn't be
any Titans crawling around

at this time of night, but we'll
take turns keeping watch.

[GELGAR] Be ready to leave
four hours shy of daybreak.

'Scuse me.
What if it turns out

that Wall Rose isn't
actually compromised?

Where do, uh--

Where else could they
be coming from?

It's our job to find out.

Starting tomorrow.

I'm just saying. The
situation isn't good, sure.

But is it as bad as we think?

Y'never know, right?
That's all.

She's right.

We haven't really
seen that many Titans.

I mean, for them to have busted
through the wall, anyway.

[NANABA] Only with
the initial sighting,

a relatively modest handful.

[YMIR] Conny?
What about your village?

Totally destroyed.

It was crushed to tinder
and bits of rubble.

I'm, uh-- I'm sorry.

Nobody got devoured, though.

Looked like they all got out,

so there's a silver
lining, at least.

I thought that you said
it was destroyed?

Well, the houses
and stuff were,

but the people themselves
must've all escaped.

I mean, they had to've.

The thing is... we didn't
see any blood anywhere.

Not so much as one drop.

That's the only
possible explanation.

Still, though. Something
I can't get out of my head.

There was a Titan
on top of our house.

Just lying there.
Staring at me.

It couldn't move
on its own, thank god.

But, I just--
I have no idea why,

but it reminded me
of my mom.

Am I crazy?

Conny. What did I tell you?

--It was your imagination--
--[YMIR] Are you for real?


You actually think
your mom might be a Titan?

Oh, honey! As itty-bitty
as you are? Please!

We all knew you were dumb
as a bag of rocks, but this?

Whoa, man! This takes it
to whole other level!


Ha-ha. Yeah. Have your fun.

Guess I was
kinda asking for it.

Don't stop there:
If Mother-darling's a Titan,

it's only logical to assume
dear ol' Daddy is, too.

Basic biology.
Think about it. How else--

Okay, I get it!
Shut up and go to sleep!

[door clicks, creaks]

Ymir? What are you doing?

Heh. Seriously?
What're you doing?

Here to ravage me?

Don't take this wrong way,

but I didn't think you were
all that into girls.

Really? Well, since
we're on the subject,

I didn't think you were
all that into guys.

Heh. If you must know
I'm scavenging for leftovers

like a street urchin.

I'd prefer not to meet my
maker on an empty stomach.

[door creaks]

[REINER] Look, the whole thing
earlier with Conny.

Were you teasing him to
get his mind off of things?

It'd be great if you
could keep that up.

The less he dwells on his
family right now, the better.

What are you talking about?

Huh. This might be good.

Herring's not my favorite,
but whatever.

Herring, huh? Can I see?

Help yourself.

I can't believe
there's canned food here.


What, the--
Wait, what is this?

I can't read a word of it.

How do you know
this says "herring"?

This, uh, label.
It's in another language.

Ymir. How can you--?

Everyone, wake up!

Get to the tower immediately!

Bother someone else.

I should be drinking
right now, damn it!

You're standing between me
and a tankard of ale!


Think it's gonna
be that easy, big guy?

I got news for ya! Aah!

[NANABA yells]

Hot damn!

You little ones should watch
where you're going! Heh!


I don't think
you're one to talk.

There's no call
to be so reckless.

Did you have to
waste your blades?

That's just how I do things.

You'd better chalk
that one up as an assist.

Aren't you the hero.
I'll think about it.


Oh, no. I'm too late.

The door's
been kicked down!

Titans are in the castle!

Get below and improvise
some sort a barricade!

Be careful. Retreat back up
here only as a last resort!

Now hurry. The rest of us
will keep any more

from getting in as best we can.

There are quite a few.
So this might be it for us.

But by god we'll fight
to the last breath.

Our heart and soul to
the cause, right? Now go!

Got it!

I'll go see how far
they've gotten in.

You find something
to board up the entrance!

Whatever isn't nailed down!

Reiner, wait!

What the hell?

Hang on, we're coming!
Wait up!

Are you kidding me?

Why's he always gotta be
the first one to step up?

Give us a break!

I know. It's a habit of his.

Are they in the tower?

The door's still barred.

Not that that'll
keep 'em out for long.

[growls lowly]

[REINER groans]

They're in the tower!

Get down here and help me!

[TITAN 29C growls]

[REINER] Is this it?
Is this how I go out?

Son of a bitch!

No. Not yet.

I refuse!

I'm going back home!



[TITAN 29C groans]

Talk to me, man.
Are you good?

Yes! Listen to me.

We're gonna make it home!

This is not how we die!

Yeah, I know. Damn right!

Guys! Heads up! Incoming!

Where'd you find--?
Good work! Is there ammo?

Yeah, right, if only!

It was pure luck
that we found this.

Get out of the way!

[YMIR] May miracles
never cease. Huzzah.

[REINER] Yeah. It's not
getting up from that.

Good thing it was a little one.

What now? A knife's
the only thing we got.

Should I cut the nape, or--?

Don't risk it. Get grabbed,
you'll get hurt.

[CHRISTA] Then, I think
it would be best

if we head back
upstairs for now.

We have no way
of knowing if that's

the only one who got in.





[REINER yells]

Reiner, no!


[REINER grunts, groans]

Holy-- What're you doing?

Wait. Are you?

Are you gonna jump out
the window with it?

We've got no other choice.

No! Wait!
Just give me a second!

I think I can
slice its jaw open!

--[CONNY] There!
--[REINER groans]


[CONNY] What do we do
if another one gets in?

Not like we'll find another
cannon lying around, am I right?

Probably. Lightning
won't strike twice.

--Sorry, I know it stings.

Plus, the bone's
most likely fractured.

Of course. It's about
how my luck runs.

We'll need a splint
and a bandage. Easy enough.

[REINER gasps]

[cloth tearing]

The cloth's filthy.

I haven't been able to wash
it in forever. I'm sorry.

No sweat. It does the job.

Marry me.

So you gonna
be all right or what?

Think so. Probably.

Y'know, Christa, I, uh--

I got a little
scratched up myself.

Ugh. So just
spit on it or somethin'.

Anyway, sorry about
all that, man.

Seems like you're always
having to save my ass.

You and everyone else.

Even Annie put herself
on the line for me once.

I owe you. A lot.

No, no. It's fine.

We have each other's back.

It's what soldiers do.

I don't know.

I doubt I could ever
be that courageous.

Has he always been like this?

The self-sacrificing type?

No. He's changed a bit.

In the old days, Reiner
was more of a warrior.

Warrior? I'm not
quite sure I understand.

[YMIR] Anyway, let's scrounge
around for stuff we can use.

If I have to die,
I'd rather not do it

'cause we're being half-assed.

Oh, wow.
Well, all right then.

Say what you will,
the Scouts get shit done.

[NANABA grunts]


[GELGAR] That's mostly it
for the big ones.

Good thing
we have this tower.

No kidding. Think we might
just survive the night.

We'll check on the recruits.


What the hell's that noise?

[BOTH gasp]

The horses!

[BOTH gasp]

There it is again!

Wh-Where's it coming from?

--[BOTH gasp]

Lynne! Henning!

Oh shit!

[GELGAR] They're dead.
Died instantly.

This can't...

He did this!

The one that made
a B-line for the wall!

Hairy son of
a bitch is randomly--


Heads up, guys!

We've got twice
as many as before!

You're kidding!

It's like they're
timing these attacks

as some part of
a larger strategy.

This isn't random at all.

We're being toyed with.


[ALL gasp]


[NANABA] Damn it.
I'm running out of gas!

C'mon, go down!


Tower's not gonna hold.

Hey, my ODM gear's
low on juice. Yours?

Fresh out. And I've worn
my blades down to the nub.

Please tell me those aren't
the only ones you've got left.

'Fraid so.

[GELGAR] How many dead Titans
the four of us rack up?

Couldn't say.

I was too preoccupied
to keep count.

[GELGAR] Yeah, well. I'm
thinkin' I didn't do too bad.

Heh. Oh, man.

What's a guy gotta do
to get a drink around here?

This isn't the time for--

I'm sorry, Nanaba.

I must've bashed my head.

I-I don't think...
I can... hang on...



Gelgar, no!

That's it. That's
everything I've got.


[GELGAR gasps, coughs]

[breathes laboringly]


There is a god.

Oh, come on.
This isn't fair.

Why would you do me that way?


Who drank my goddamn booze?

[bottle breaks]

They got him.

Christa, what're
you doing? Stop!

The tower's
gonna give any second!

You have to stay still!

Let go! They're dying
in our place!

--[CHRISTA] Nanaba. Gelgar.
--[NANABA] No! No! Stop it!

Please! I'm sorry, Daddy!

I'll be a good girl
from now on, I promise!

No, Daddy! No--!

--[BOTH gasp]

Aah! Goddamn it! Now what?

We sit around waiting
for the tower to collapse

and let ourselves
get eaten alive?

That's it? There's nothing
else we can do?

This is bullshit.
We'll be wiped out

before getting to finish
what we started.


No, this--
This isn't over yet.

If I could find a weapon,
I'd go down fighting.

At least try to be worthy of
the people who died for us.

Christa, please.
Enough with that

kinda crap already, okay?

Don't use their deaths
as an excuse.

They didn't sacrifice
themselves so you could

fulfill some fantasy about
going out in a blaze of glory.

[CHRISTA gasps]
Ymir! You know

that's not what I meant!

And you damn-well know
you're not like Conny

and the others!

They're in this to give
humanity a fighting chance.

Deep down all you care about

is having the word "hero"
carved on your epitaph.

That-That's not it at all.

[YMIR] Conny.
Where's that knife you had?

Huh? Why?

Just give it here.

Fine. Whatever.

You're very sweet, thanks.

[CONNY] What do you
even need it for?

Hm. Not much. I'm, uh...

...just gonna
give 'em a little hell.

Okay, then.
So, do you have a plan?

If I do, we'll learn
what it is together.


Christa. Listen to me.

I realize you've
probably forgotten.


But, since we're facing
the end, try to think back.

Remember that oath that we
made on the snowy mountain.

I have no business telling
you how to live your life.

It's not my place.

So, I guess
when you break it down,

this is really
just more of a hope.

Christa. Live a life
you can be proud of.


Never forget
the promise we made.

Ymir, wait!

--[CHRISTA yells]




♪ Closing Song ♪

[NARRATOR] "Live a life
you can be proud of."

With those words,
Ymir unleashes

a terrible power few suspected.

Between her and Christa
is an unbreakable bond.

A promise made in the depths
of their shared past.

Even as Ymir
reveals herself,

Christa, too, transforms.

Shedding the veneer
she's clung to for so long.

Next episode: "Historia."