Attack on Titan (2013–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - Kemono no Kyojin - full transcript

Coupled with the military's cover-up of a previous incident, the shocking discovery inside the wall causes a stir. Elsewhere, while the new Scout recruits are held for observation, a surprising threat appears.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[NARRATOR] The walls
stood for a century.

A bastion of peace and security.

Gone was the terror
of living at their mercy.

Mankind had acclimated
to living like cattle.


[intense music plays]

[NARRATOR] The Titans
breached what we'd

long taken for granted.

The fight for humanity's
survival began.

Death reigned,

claiming soldiers
and civilians alike.

The casualties were staggering.

Staggering, too,
was the hard-won knowledge

that Titans were
hiding among our own.

Five years after
the first wall fell,

we successfully
captured one of these

treacherous creatures alive.

A fellow soldier.
Annie Leonhart.

And yet,

even as the smoke
of battle cleared,

the next threat
was already close at hand.


What the--?

Guys! Look!

Wh-What is that?

It's a Titan!

[MALE SOLDIER 26C gasps]
In the wall?



Section Commander,
your orders?

Uh. Well, I'm not sure.

[HANGE] Is... Is this just
a coincidence, or...?

Oh, no.
Surely it doesn't mean!



Pastor Nick?

Listen to me.

Whatever else you do,
don't let sunlight touch it!


♪ Opening Song ♪

For the time being,

we've covered the
Wall Titan with sheets.

It seems to be holding up.

Further measures will be taken
after sundown, commander.


Forgive me, sir,

but what are we supposed
to make of all this?

I mean, I never imagined
there could be

Titans inside the walls.

Why would you? No one did.

There are only those who knew

and those of us
completely in the dark.

Why are they
keeping quiet about this?

It's an earth-shattering
discovery for god's sake.

What's the point
of playing it off?

Status quo, right?

Yeah, higher ups
play it close to the vest.

All this carnage,
and they couldn't even

be bothered to come up
with a decent cover story.

All right.

You wanna tell me
what's going on?

[MOBLIT grunts]

[HANGE] Why a Titan?
What's the purpose?

What on Earth's
the point of having one

hidden inside the wall?

And why choose
to keep it a secret?

I need answers, and I'm gonna
need them right now.

[NICK sighs]

I don't have time
for this nonsense.

I'm a busy man. My flock
has been devastated!

I demand restitution!
Do you know who I am?

Let me down
from here this instant!

If that's what you want.


[HANGE] Will straight
down do the trick?

[NICK cries out]


Let me ask you something.

Do you have any concept
of how many Scouts

have laid down their lives
fighting these monsters?

More than you can count!

They died fighting
for your freedom!

I was with them!

I was willing to
lay down my own life!

Now, you can explain,
or you take the plunge.

Your choice. I can always
move on to the next blowhard.

Matter of fact,
they'd probably know

more than you anyway.
Why am I bothering?

Let go! Unhand me!

[HANGE] That's kind of
what I had in mind.

Do it!

Don't try to call my bluff.

Please, don't!

You think I'm afraid to die
in the service of my belief?

We fulfill our duty
whatever the cost!

I don't care!
The Lord is my shepherd!

Let his humble servant fall!

Lord, grant release.

--[HANGE grunts]
--[NICK groans]

[HANGE chuckles]

Lighten up.
I was just kidding around.

[breathes quaveringly]

C'mon, Pastor Nick. Spill it.

Are all the walls
made of Titans?

At least tell me that much.

Section Commander.

[HANGE] Ugh. How long's it been
since I felt like this?

Wow. Must've been
when I stepped outside

the walls for the first time.

Talk about terrifying.

[bell ringing]


[TOMAS] Hurry! I have
to tell Commander Erwin!


The Titans have
breached Wall Rose!

[bell continues ringing]

How much longer do you think

--they'll keep us here?
--[YMIR] Who knows.

Y'know, my village
happens to be

just a little bit south
of where we are now.

Huh. Town where I'm from's
pretty close by, too.

[CONNY sighs]

Why can't I
go see my people?

Maybe I'll just
sneak out after dark.

My people told me not to
bother coming back home

till I'm normal, so...
there's that.

Hm. Well, folks where I grew
up always tried to tell me

I was too puny to be a soldier.

No question I had
the brains for it.

I was top ten
in my class, actually.

Somebody's gonna
be eatin' their words,

that's a promise.

Conny, I'll help you
if you really wanna go.

Yeah? Why would you?

Doesn't this
feel a bit strange?

We're on standby
in our plain clothes.

They won't let us
wear our uniforms.

We can't even train.

What's even more suspicious:

our superiors
are armed to the teeth.

We're inside the wall,
not at the front line.

So who exactly
are we fighting?

I don't know, man.

Maybe they're
worried about bears.

Sure. Bears.

[REINER] All you need
for bears are guns.

[SASHA groans]


Uh. Guys, I think I'm
hearing footsteps!


Knock if off, Sasha.

So what, you're trying
to tell us Titans are here?

Come on, that would
only be possible

if Wall Rose had fallen.

[MICHE inhales sharply]

What is it, Miche?

Tomas. Ride out of here.
Take three couriers.


Notify the districts.

[MICHE] The odds of there
being any Titans hiding

in the 104th
Cadet Corps are low.

We've got multiple Titans
incoming from the south!

Wall Rose has been compromised!

Look, I'm not pulling
your leg! I hear something!

[window squeaks]

Is everyone here?

What it is, Nanaba?

We've got company.

Approximately 500 meters
to the south and closing.

Titans. Headed this way.

There's no time to suit up
with your ODM gear.

I want everyone on a horse STAT.

Evacuate every home and
settlement in the area.

Get to it.

The south? But that's--


Do we know if the wall's
really been breached?

[NANABA] Ride! I'm sorry,
but I'm afraid lunch

is going to have to wait!


[MICHE] Nine of them.
In that swarm up ahead.

[NANABA] They must've
broken through Wall Rose.

[NANABA] Damn it.
We never even got the chance

to figure out what in
god's name these things are.

Now, it's too late.

Humanity has lost.
This is the end.

Like hell it is.
We're not done.

Not yet. A person only
loses when they give in.

Remember that.

As long as we keep
putting up a fight,

we haven't been beaten!

[MICHE] The second the Titans
reach the woods, we'll split up.

I want four separate teams.

Recruits and soldiers
alike in each unit.

When I give the signal,

we'll scatter in different
directions simultaneously.

Get the word out
to civilians.

Do not engage the enemy!

Which one of you is most
familiar with the area?

Uh, me!

Sir, my home town's
just to the north of here!

I know this region
like the back of my hand!

Conny, too! Go on, tell him!

What's wrong?

My village.

My village is to the south.

That's where the Titans
are coming from.

I can lead you
to nearby settlements,

but afterwards...

...let me go home. Please.

Very well.

Guide the southern team,
then go to your village.

Yes, sir!

I'll come with you.

What? No, you're crazy.

They'll be everywhere.

You think I care?

I was gonna help you
get home anyway, wasn't I?

What about you? You coming?

Of course. Wouldn't
miss it for the world.

As you have guessed,

today marks the darkest hour
in humanity's history!

Look sharp. If ever
we needed to give our all,

that time is now!
Don't lose heart!

They've reached the woods!

The enemy is on top of us!

Scatter, now!

Ride for everything
you're worth!

[MICHE] No. They're
coming at us full tilt!

Huh? Holy shit!


Take charge
of the southern team!


Uh, understood.

he's not using himself as bait!

I'll go with him!
I can help!

Stay where you are!

We can't spare
any more soldiers!

Give him some credit.

That man's skills are
second only to Captain Levi.

He'll make it back alive.
Count on it!


[CARLA] Ugh, Eren.
Another fight? Really?

Yeah, well, I'm not the one
who started it this time!

Those jerks
were making fun of me!

Of course. Did Mikasa
come to your rescue again?

Thank you, dear.

[CARLA] Eren, we don't throw
punches at everyone

who's mean to us.

Being an adult means learning
how to pick your battles.

You want them to think
that you're strong?

Exercise restraint.

Try protecting Mikasa
once in a while.

[EREN groans softly]

[MIKASA exhales]


It fell. Here.

Get some sleep.
You've gotta be tired.

No. I'm okay.

[EREN] That thing's
seen better days.

I'll grab you a new one if I
can find any with the supplies.

[MIKASA exhales]

--[door thuds, squeaks]
--[ARMIN] Eren! Mikasa!

They've broken
through Wall Rose!

The Titans! They're coming!

[door knob clicks]

[LEVI] Ugh. Why can't
the sons of bitches

give us a moment's peace?

Can you go?

Like there's a choice.

If I may say so,
sir, very wise

leaving Miche in charge
of the 104th.

If anyone can handle
the situation, he can.


Let's hope so.

[breathes deeply]

Only four of them left.

No. Don't risk it.

I've bought us
more than enough time.


[MICHE] Still, though.
That Abnormal worries me.

Look at the bastard.

Easily over 17
meters tall. Massive.

And this is the first time
I've ever seen

one of them covered
with, what, fur?

It's just lumbering around.

Why doesn't it try to rush me?

Definitely an Abnormal, but...

--[HORSE 26A neighs]
--[MICHE gasps]

Ah. There you are.

Looks like I won't have to hold
out for sundown after all.

[HORSE 26A whinnies]

[MICHE] What the--?
It went for the horse?

Aw, come on!

[HORSE 26A whinnies]

[MICHE grunts]




[MICHE groans]

You must not have heard me.
I told you to wait.

--[MICHE groans]



May I ask what you call
that strange weapon of yours?


The thing attached
to your waist

that allows you to fly.

[MICHE stammering]

Huh. I'm fairly certain
we speak the same language.

Perhaps you're too frightened
to formulate a response?

I notice you also use swords.


Must mean you know
we reside in the nape.

Ah, well.

Suppose I'll just
take it back with me.

[MICHE screams]

--[MICHE gasps]

[breathes heavily]

Not yet. A person only loses
when they give in.

As long as we keep
putting up a fight.

[MICHE] As long as
we keep putting up a fight,

we haven't been beaten!



Oh. You can all move now.


No! No!


No, please! Stop! Please--


Ah, so you
do know how to speak.

[MICHE groans, screams]

Ah, an exceptionally
clever idea, I must say.

[MICHE screaming]


♪ Closing Song ♪

[NARRATOR] Out of nowhere,
the Titans have appeared

within the bounds of Wall Rose.

The recruits from
the 104th Cadet Corps

spread out across the region
to warn whomever they can.

Meanwhile, Eren and the
others race to their rescue.

After returning to
the place where she grew up,

Sasha comes face-to-face
with the specter of her past.

Next episode: "I'm Home."