Atlantis (2013–2015): Season 1, Episode 5 - White Lies - full transcript

A messenger brings Ariadne news that her exiled brother Therus wants to see her so Jason, Pythagoras and Hercules escort her to a hunting lodge in the forest where he is hiding out. ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I love you more than anything
in this world.

And I you.

Gods be with you.

And you.



Don't be afraid.

I mean you no harm.

I have a message for you.

Princess Ariadne.

- Run.
- Guards!

There's nowhere left for you to run.


- Do we know who this man is?
- He has yet to regain consciousness.

I thought Princess Ariadne
might be able to tell us more.


Did you recognise
the man who attacked you?

I'd never seen him before.

What became of him? Did he escape?

He was wounded
by one of the archers.

Did this man say anything to you?

He demanded my jewellery and said
he would hurt me if I did not comply.


He said nothing else?

I'm not inclined to converse with thieves.

Hm. Must have been
a terrible shock for you.

You look pale.
You should get some sleep.

Would you please escort Ariadne
to her chambers?

Do you believe her?

Why would a thief attempt to steal
from the King's daughter?

There are far easier pickings in the city.


Ariadne seemed more concerned for
the man's fate than for her own safety.

Then what did this man want with her?

We shall have to persuade him to tell us.

Do not fail me, my friend.

Excuse me. Sorry, sorry.

I can't believe you talked us into betting
what little money we have on a beetle.

Hercules told me
his beetle has never lost a race.

That's true.

Never actually been in a race, though,
has it?

That is also true, but I swear to you,
it's as swift as an eagle.

An eagle? Really?

Well, maybe not that swift,
but it's swift for a beetle.

We have to get our money back.

Well, it's... it's not all our money.

I have some gold coins hidden
under the floorboards in my chamber.

You had some gold coins
under the floorboards in your chamber.

I have gambled them on your behalf.

Ooh. Ahem!

Go on! Go on, run! Run faster!

Run faster! Faster!

I will squash you like a fly. Go!


We did it! We did it!

- We're rich!
- We did it!

What is it you want
with the Princess Ariadne?

- I meant to rob her.
- Hm.

I don't believe you.

I can give you jewels.

All you ever dreamed of.

But you must tell me the truth.

I can give you jewels...

...or pain. That is all.

What is it you want with Ariadne?

I meant to rob her.

Then you have made your choice.

Fetch me when he's ready to talk.


Is there something troubling you,

I'm told the intruder was caught.
He cannot harm you.

He meant me no harm.

There is something I must ask of you.

I would not do so
if it were not important.

- What on earth are you doing?
- I'm fetching breakfast.

I've seen him eat worse when he's drunk.

Not for me, you fool. It's for Astrabacus.

- Who's Astrabacus?
- It's the name I've given to my beetle.

You've named him?

After his victory last night,
it's no less than he deserves.

Astrabacus? You don't think
that's a little grand for a dung beetle?

You may mock all you like,

but Astrabacus is the most
valuable possession we have.

That is truly depressing.

Korinna? What are you doing here?

I was hoping I might speak with you.



I've received word that the man I love
is at the ruined palace at Cynus.

I must journey there if I am to see him.

Why can't he come to Atlantis?

He was accused of a crime that he didn't
commit and forced to flee the city.

If he returns, he faces imprisonment.

The mountains are full of robbers,
and it isn't safe for me to travel alone.

But if I don't go,
he will think I have forsaken him.

So you want me to escort you?

I wouldn't ask
if there were any other way.

It's been many months since I've seen him.

- Then I'll take you to him.
- Thank you.

For whom do you make an offering?

I ask the gods to look favourably
upon all those I care for.


The intruder from last night.

It would seem that robbery
was not his true purpose.

- He told you this himself?
- Not yet.

But he shall talk soon enough.

I will leave you to your prayers.

Uh... what are you doing?

I'm giving Astrabacus some mountain air.
It will make him strong.

- You brought him with you?
- Where I go, he goes.

If I didn't know better,
I'd say you were in love.

I heard you were in love with Medusa.

Has she said something?
Does she speak of me often?

No. Pythagoras told me.

Did I? It may have slipped out.

You'll have to console yourself
with the love of your dung beetle.

He's a better friend to me than you.

I admire your courage.

Lesser men would have broken by now.

I have told you all I know.

We shall see.

Tuto didom'epi su,

- Hekate...
- Please!

- ...liparokredemne.
- No... no more!

Tell me what it is I wish to know,
and I will end your pain.

What is it you want with Ariadne?


I...I was... to...

I was to deliver a message!

A message?

- Who was it from?
- Argh!

It was... from...

her brother!

He's dead.

The Prince lives.

- He is here in Atlantis?
- He waits for her at Cynus.

You promised... to end my pain.

And I will.


You told me Therus was dead.

How is it that I've just learned
that he lives?

I did not say the Prince was dead.

I said he was lost at sea.

You deliberately misled me!

The images I see are not always clear.

You must interpret them as you can.

And what else have you told me
that I can no longer trust?

I speak the truth when I tell you now

that your hunger for power
will lead to bloodshed and suffering.

And you think you can stop me,
with your lies and deceit?

It is not I who will stop you.

And what about your own future? Hm?

What do you see for yourself?

The gods will not allow me
to see my own destiny.

Then do not make the mistake
of thinking that you are...


Mislead me again, and I shall determine
your fate for you.

How can that be?
You told me Therus was dead.

I believed it to be true.

If Ariadne were to learn
the true reason he fled Atlantis...

We cannot allow that to happen.

Take a squad of soldiers to Cynus.

Kill Therus. Burn his body.

He is the King's son.

Do you think Ariadne will accept your hand
in marriage if she learns the truth?

If you wish to take the throne,
you will do as I say.

They've been attacked
by thieves.

Shouldn't we at least bury the bodies?

The mountain paths
are littered with corpses.

We can't bury them all.

My Lord, if I'm to give orders to my men,
I must know the nature of our mission.

It seems the intruder was part
of a plot to kidnap Ariadne.

The other conspirators
are hiding out at Cynus.

Your men are to take no prisoners.

Do not fear, Ariadne.

We've learned why the intruder
was in the palace.

And why was that?

He was sent by your brother.

It seems the traitor has returned.

I do not believe he is a traitor.

Well, it's been hard for all of us
to accept his betrayal,

you more than anyone.

Fortunately, the intruder
has told us where Therus is hiding.

Heptarian rides to Cynus as we speak.

What will Heptarian do if he finds Therus?

Ah, now. Mm, no.

It's best not to think about it.

You've been through quite an ordeal.

Therus will soon be dead.

This will all be over.

I will continue alone.

Are you sure it's safe?

You cry out,
and it'll be the last thing you do.

- Who are you?
- I bring word from your sister.

What are they doing in there?

Really, Pythagoras?
Do I have to explain with diagrams?

They will not thank us
for interrupting them.

You can trust them -
they're my friends.

I'm ready to return to Atlantis.

- Really? That was quick.
- The light's fading.

The mountain paths
are too dangerous in the dark.

We should make camp for the night.


What is it?

It's nothing. I was just taking some air.

What troubles you?

I was thinking of Therus.

There isn't a day that passes
when he does not enter my thoughts.

When I learned of his betrayal...

There is no greater sadness.

Therus loved and respected you.
I cannot believe he meant you any harm.

Those he plotted with confessed.

Why would he flee the city
if it were not true?

With Therus gone,
you are more precious to me than ever.

I do not say it often enough.


What is it?

I don't believe they've ever been lovers.

They've barely said
two words to each other.

Why would Korinna lie to us?

I don't know. We should be on our guard.

Shh! Soldiers.

- Astrabacus!
- Hercules, no!

Oh! Praise the gods!


- You would risk your life for a beetle?
- He's like family to me.


What are soldiers from Atlantis doing
out here in the middle of the night?

They're here for you, aren't they?

For what crime did you flee the city?

I was accused of plotting
to kill my father...

the King.

You're Prince Therus, the King's son?

I know a hunting lodge in the mountains.
We'll be safe there.

Great. Now we're traitors.

- You know what they do to traitors?
- I have a pretty good idea.

You mean to tell me he escaped?

I have scouts searching the mountains.
He will not get far.


No, what Therus seeks is not to be found
in the mountains. It is here.

In Atlantis.


She will not be able to resist
the thought of seeing her brother.

She will lead us to him.

Astrabacus needs to build up his strength.

Breakfast -
most important meal of the day.

- Where are you going?
- I must go to Ariadne myself.

It's too dangerous for you to enter
the city. They'll be searching for you.

It's the only way.

We'll bring your sister to you.

Are you completely out of your mind?

You intend to smuggle
the Princess Ariadne out of Atlantis,

under the nose of the Queen
and the entire garrison?


- You would do this for me?
- I would do it for your sister.

Surely, after all that has happened,
Ariadne will be under guard.

- You won't be able to get to her.
- I won't. Korinna will.

Wait at the servants' entrance
above the northern gate.

I'll send Ariadne to you.

Korinna. I was so worried for you.
I feared you'd been caught.

And Therus? Is he alive?

Your brother is safe.
He's in the mountains.

- I must go to him.
- I believe that's what's expected of you.

You're being watched.

Out of my way!

Lord Heptarian.

Will you help me find my brother?

Your Highness.

Ariadne is missing.
We fear she may have been abducted.

Seal the city. She cannot be allowed
to leave. I want her found.

I will see to it.

Ariadne must not reach her brother.
She cannot be allowed to learn the truth.

Is there something troubling you?

What is it?

You could have told me
the truth about your brother.

I would have gladly helped you.

You asked me and my friends
to risk our lives on a lie.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.

It's difficult for me
to know who I can trust.

You can trust me, Ariadne.

They've discovered I'm missing.

We need to get off the streets.

This is where you live?

Yes. For now.


You should change your clothes
if we're to escape the city.


Oh, er... you can change in there.

Thank you, Jason.

- Is everything all right?
- You keep horse dung in jars?

No! Er... well, yes,
but it... it's not mine.

It belongs to Hercules.
For his pet beetle.

He has a beetle for a pet?


Hercules is a man of many strange
and disgusting habits.

- How do I look?
- You look...

Well, you don't look like a princess.


- You've tidied up.
- No.

I mean... not really.
I was looking for something.

A...bowl, which I found!

Er... it's not for now.
It's, er... for another time.

Er... we should go.



- Have they found her?
- No.

The city is sealed. The search continues.

I've already lost one child.
I cannot bear to lose another.

You did not lose Therus. He betrayed you.

We must pray to the gods
that Ariadne is found.

The gods punish me for taking the throne.

For all that we did to seize power.

This is not the work of the gods. It is
the work of men, and they will be caught.

They will be executed.

I always thought that I desired
the throne more than anything.


I have paid a price that is too high.

- You cannot truly believe that.
- I'm no longer certain of what I believe.

Be certain of this.

If you show weakness, our enemies
will strike, and you will lose everything,

including your beloved daughter.


That's it!

Run, run like the wind!

Yeah, he has the legs of a gazelle
and the heart of a lion.

- Have you met Astrabacus?
- I will fetch some water.

Therus may be a prince among men,
but you are a prince among beetles.

You seem to be getting very attached.
I fear beetles only live a short time.

Then our time together
will be even more precious. Hm!

Open that.

I said, open the bag!

We'll never make it past the guards.

We need to find another way
out of the city.


You there, stop!

Come with me.

Why are you helping me?

I serve the King.

Jason should have returned by now.

I'm sure he's fine.
You should eat something.

I have no appetite.

Where's Therus?

He's fetching some water.

Er... I have... I have no idea
what you're saying.

I said, he's fetching some water.

You're making me anxious
with all this pacing around. Sit. Eat.

Eat what?

A moment ago,
you said you had no appetite.

What was that?

Oh, look what you've done,
you clumsy idiot!

Where's Astrabacus?
He's gone.

Well, he can't have gone far.


Well, you do realise he's a beetle
and cannot understand you?

Just help me find him.


- Oh, no.
- What was it?

I...I think I may have just...
trodden on Astrabacus.


Oh, it's a spider. It's just a spider.

- Oh, praise the gods!
- Oh, there he is, there.

- Don't crush him.
- I'm not crushing him.

- You're crushing him!
- I'm not.

Oh... Ha! Thought I'd lost you.

Oh, um...

Heh. It's his pet beetle.

I did not dare to believe
it was really you.

You've grown up. You were just
a little girl when I last saw you.

It's been over ten years, Therus.

I know. I'm sorry.

I cannot tell you how good it is
to look upon you with my own eyes.

My little sister.

Thank you for bringing her to me.

Perhaps you could give us some time alone.

You must be thirsty after your journey.

Thank you.

Why did you leave?

I do not believe that you conspired
to kill our father.

Say it isn't so.

Just before I came of age,
I uncovered a plot.

I was to be killed.

It was Pasiphae.

She was behind it.

When I learnt the truth,
she knew I would tell the King.

There was no plot to kill him.

Pasiphae created it to discredit me.
She knew I'd have no choice but to flee.

What of the men
who confessed to plotting with you?

Pasiphae threatened
to murder their families

if they didn't say I was a traitor.

Those men were innocent. Pasiphae
had them executed to protect herself.

I always knew she desired the throne.

I did not know she'd go to such lengths.

She'll do anything to seize power.

She will kill anyone
who stands between her and the throne.

All those years ago, it was me.

But now that person is you.

You come of age soon.

You will become heir to the throne.

Your life is in danger.

Our father would never let
any harm come to me.

As much as you love him,
he is no match for Pasiphae.

He can no more protect you
than he was able to protect me.

You must come away with me
and never return to Atlantis.

I can't do that.
I will not leave Atlantis.

I feared you would say that.

Forgive me, sister.

Jason, we were worried about you.
At least, I was.

I had more important things
to worry about.

Pythagoras nearly stood on Astrabacus.

I didn't nearly stand on Astrabacus.
It was a spider.

- Princess Ariadne with you?
- She's inside with Therus.

Do we have any food? I'm starving.

Prince Therus ate all the bread.
That's royalty for you.

Don't think about anyone but themselves.

What is it?

It's belladonna, a powerful sedative.

Why would Therus drug his own sister?

I'm going after them.


- Why are you doing this?
- Ariadne's life is in danger.

I have to take her away.

If you would drug her,
she has no say in the matter.

I have to protect her. If you care
for her at all, you would let us go.

I care for your sister more than anything.

I will not let you take her
against her will.

Then I have no choice but to kill you.

I would gladly give my life for her.

I must do this. I'm sorry.


Therus, I cannot go with you.

I will not leave the people
to the mercy of Pasiphae.

It is my duty to stay in Atlantis.

You will be of no help to the people
if you are dead.

If it means abandoning the city
and turning my back on those I care for...

...then I would rather be dead.

Lower your sword.


You must go.

And I must stay.

I hope some day I might be able to return.

I wish for that more than anything.

I will send word when I can.

Is he part of the reason
you stay in Atlantis?

As I said,
there are many people I care for.

Farewell... little sister.


I cannot thank you enough
for everything you've done.

I must go.


In the forest,
when Therus had his sword to me,

how much of what I said did you hear?

Very little.

I was still a little drowsy.

What did you say?

Nothing, really.

No, I was just curious.


Where have you been? The entire garrison
has been searching for you.

If they had thought
to look for me in the temple,

they would have found me
consulting with the Oracle.

I'm sorry if I've caused you concern.

And what did the Oracle
tell you of your future?

She warned me that I must be careful.

It seems there are those
who plot against me.

Do you really expect me to believe
that you were with the Oracle?

I no longer care what you believe.

I see you exactly for what you are.

I have been out of my mind!

I feared something had happened to you!

I am perfectly safe.

I cannot bear the thought
of any harm coming to you.

I love you more than anything
in this world.

And I you.

Come, let me walk you to your chamber.

We've been through a lot,
these past few days, you and I.

I risked my life for yours.
Now it's time for you to repay that debt.

Come on!

What happened?

I believe that's my shirt you're wearing.

- You bet your shirt?
- I was confident of victory.

Your shirt, if you will.

What if the beetle we found
at the farmstead wasn't Astrabacus

but an entirely different beetle?

- You think of that now?
- Well, all beetles are alike.

No, they're clearly not all alike,

otherwise I would not be standing
before you without the shirt on my back.

- What about your beetle?
- That is not my beetle.

He is lazy, slow, and useless.

Then I shall call him Hercules.

I wish to capture the heart
of the woman I love.

I've heard your powers are unrivalled.