Atlantic Crossing (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Angrepet - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Do I look nice?

No, keep it on.

Hello, cowboy.

-The hat looks nice on you.
-Do you think so?

The knots have to be wider.

-Like this.

Because everything
is bigger in America.

So I've noticed.


One more time.


Hello, cowgirl.

Your Highnesses, we're almost there.

Okay, thank you.

Don't mind that.

-Oh my God!
-What is it?

Are we there?


One more time.

We're coming.

After you.


Your Highness, picture, sir?

Your Highness!

Prince Olav!
What is your impression of America?

It's wonderful.

Everyone's been splendid.
It's a beautiful country.

Princess Märtha,
what do you like best about America?

My husband.

Oh God...

-It's so embarrassing.
-It's wonderful.

"My husband".

I wish my missus
would say the same thing.

Well, keep on wishing.

Oh, this is a good one.

No wonder you've become so popular.
America's new sweethearts!

Just like Eleanor and me.

So, Your Highness, what do you think
about war breaking out in Europe?

Well, I'm not sure...

It seems that Hitler does
not want to wage war on the west.

Poland is a different matter.

-Is an invasion imminent?
-Eleanor, please!

Give the man a break.
They're on holiday.

Excuse me. I have to go see
what's cooking in the kitchen.

I hope it's food.

Besides, I've heard Franklin's jokes
a couple of times before.

Poor Eleanor. Brilliant mind.
Capable of anything.

Except relaxing.

We lost our ball!

Oh, well...
Fetch it!

It's in the pool!

-I'll get it.

-Very kind.
-I'll have a little swim.

-Very nice of him.

My husband.

-Have you enjoyed your tour?
-Very much.

I have fallen in love with America.

Well, America has fallen in love
with you.

Tensions between
Germany and Britain have grown-

-since the Allies
declared war on the Nazis.

It is no longer a question of whether
this will lead to full-on attacks,-

-but more who strikes first
and where the battle will be.

After the invasion of Poland,
German aggression...

Why are you sitting here
alone in the dark?

-Aren't you coming to supper?

-He certainly isn't invited.
-He wants to make a move northward.

-Or Denmark. Or both.

-But those countries are neutral.
-Explain that to Hitler.

Can he afford to establish
another front?

He can't afford not to. Whoever
controls Norway, controls the steel,-

-and the Germans need a lot of it.

-When could this happen?


Those poor people.

I hope they're prepared.

Has the Crown Princess looked
at the form for the Women's Work Aid?

-You can put it in my calendar.
-Very well.

And then there's the press.

-Find some excuse.
-I have already declined.

What is that noise?

-Okay. Let's try the curtains now.
-Grab them, then.

-What are you doing?
-We're putting up blackout curtains,-

-Your Highness.

But I haven't ordered
any blackout curtains!

I did.

-Please continue.
-Thank you, Your Highness.

-Blackout curtains?

German warplanes have been observed
over Norway.

They're not on their way here?

No, the Cabinet doesn't think so.

But the English want to mine
Norwegian waters.

To stop the Germans.

-You did!
-No, I didn't!

Can you be the bear?

-Not right now, Harald.
-You're so annoying!

Ragnhild put snow down my neck!

-You did it to me first!
-No, I did not!

Mom, your nose is bleeding again.

Put on some dry clothes now.
You too, Harald.

Come on, Harald...

-Thank you.

-You can go home now.
-Are you sure?


Everyone wonders
what is happening about the war.

So far it is
the small neutral states-

-that are bearing the brunt
of German malice and cruelty.

And above all, the Norwegians
have their ships destroyed-

-whenever they can be caught
upon the high sea.

Mom, look! Planes!

Every one of them is wondering
which will be the next victim.

They're German!

All of them hope
that the storm will pass-

-before their turn comes
to be devoured.

But I fear the storm will not pass.

It will spread to the south,
it will spread to the north.

It will rage, and it will roar,
ever more loudly, ever more widely.

There is no chance of a speedy end,
except through united action.


My little girls!
It's so nice to see you!

And there's mom and little Hajan!

Hi, darling.

Hello, my dear.

Come on.

-Is everyone done?
-Yes, thank you.

-Delicious trout. Thank you.
-Thank you, Your Majesty.

Did you hear Churchill's speech
on the BBC on Saturday?

He said that if the neutral nations
sympathizing with England,-

-had stood together,
there'd be no war.

The Cabinet is too passive.

They lack the courage
to go against Hitler and to mobilize.

Don't worry about this.
It's just grown-ups talking. Right?

Of course! We have no idea
what we're talking about.

Just nonsense in the newspapers.
"War, blah-blah, war, blah-blah."

I hope we're not having
ice cream for dessert?

-We are.
-But the kids don't like it.

-Yes, we do!

-But not you, Hajan?

Well, then I'll also have some
if I must.

Ragnhild, brush your teeth.

-Should I take mommy?
-Take mom!

No, don't take me!

-No! No!
-Just a little bit.


-A phone call for the Crown Prince.
-Take a message.

It seems important.

Thank you.
Yes, hello?

The teacher said
I got a good grade on the test.

I'm happy, because I studied a lot.

What's wrong?

The Germans have bomb...

-We'll talk about it later.

It's nothing.


Get out of the water.

Don't do that.

Stop it.


Good night.

Good night.

What is it?

-Are the Germans coming here?
-No, they aren't coming here.

Norway is neutral.

That means that no one
is allowed to attack us.

-Are you sure?

Not even the Germans.

Do you really think Hitler will leave
us alone just because we're neutral?

-But do you believe that?

No one has ever gone to war
against a neutral country.

The Germans don't care.

They've attacked "Mira",
a passenger ship.

Oh my God...

-How many...?
-They got away.

But it's a ship
full of women and children.

You understand
how serious this is, right?

And the Cabinet does nothing.

They haven't even
sent out orders to mobilize...

Calm down.

And now...

I'm going to let this go.

Just for a few hours.


-Good evening.
-Your Highness.

-Good evening.

-Your Highness.

I'm not sure
if the story is true or not.

-Your Royal Highness.
-Mr. Prime Minister.

-Good evening.
-Your Highness.

You came just in time.
Hambro's on his third glass.

How will Norway respond
to the attack on "Mira"?

We have to respond.

It went well.
The ship made it to port.

More than a hundred civilians
could have perished.

I suggest we expel all German ships
from Norwegian territorial waters.

Not only the Germans are infringing
on our sovereignty. The English...

They've never attacked our ships!

Neutrality means
protecting our independence-

-and freedom from both parties.

The German Navy has sunk
54 Norwegian merchant ships!

Hundreds of our sailors
have lost their lives,-

-and you talk about neutrality?!

We now have the opportunity
to make a move against the Germans.

And give them an excuse
to declare war against us? No.

All we can do when faced with
superior forces, is to protest.

Excuse me, but I have to prepare
my statement to the Parliament.

Excuse me.

Madam Ambassador.

-Your Highness.
-I have to ask.

Have you received any reports
from the American intelligence?

I mean, regarding a threat
of a German invasion.

Olav fears this,-

-but our government is
more concerned about the British.

Believe me,-

-no one hopes more than I
that Norway will be spared.

If there is anything you know...

Well, in times of war, steel is
more precious than gold, so...

As long as most of Germany's iron
has to pass through Norway...

Yes, there's a risk of invasion.

Madam Ambassador.

-Is it imminent?
-Prepare for the worst.

-Hi, mother.
-Hi, mother.

-Where are you going?
-To a preparedness exercise.

-Yes, the Red Cross just called.

-I think you should stay at home.

It'll be fine.
It's just an exercise.

I want to go too!

You can come along
when you're older.


Promise me you'll come
straight home if anything happens.


It's not fair!

Come on, let's brush your teeth.

German troops have taken up position
near the Danish border in Jutland.

We have not been able to obtain
any further information about this.

Danish government officials
have not issued any statements,-

-nor have they responded
to our request for comments.

It's confirmed
that German sea forces-

-have moved north
through the Great Belt.

Reports say that three German
ships have been torpedoed-

-off the Norwegian coast.

It's difficult to know precisely
how the ships were sunk-

-as the surviving Germans
do not want to talk.

They're coming.


The English will never
allow Hitler to take Norway.

-They're ready to help us.


-There's not enough room.
-Come, Märtha.

Sit down.

Listen to me.

We'll go to the cabin.

In Sikkilsdalen.

We'll light the fireplace
and put the kids to bed.

Then you'll lie low
until all this is over.

-It's just for a few days.
-What about you?

I can't just sit and watch
while other people risk their lives.

But you're the Crown Prince
and heir to the throne.

-I'm a military officer, Märtha.
-It's first and foremost symbolic.

I don't want to be a figurehead.

I'll do what I can
to protect my country.

-It'll be over in a few days.
-Who will protect us?

I'll make sure you're safe.
You have to trust me.

Promise me we'll stay together
no matter what happens.

Promise me.

-What should I do?

Go and wake the kids
and take them outside.

-I'll take care of the rest.

You have to wake up now, girls.

You have to wake up now.

-What's going on?
-We're going to the cabin.

-This early?
-Yes. Get dressed.

You have to get up now.

-What time is it?


Are you ready?

The Royal Family will be evacuated
with the Cabinet and Parliament.

-What about me? Am I going?
-Come, just to be on the safe side.

-We'll pick up Ulla and Rolf.
-There isn't time.

What?! We can't leave
our children here by themselves!

They can come later.
I'll leave money for the bus.

-The bus?
-They can take the bus to Hamar.

Come, Einar.

We'll get you dressed.

Where are we going, mother?

-Why do we have to leave so early?
-So we can get to the cabin early.

-Eat now, girls.

The luggage is in the car.

Keep Skaugum running
as long as possible.

-Of course, Your Highness.
-Thank you.

-I'll drive.
-May God be with you.

Thank you.
And with you too.

-Let Vimsa be.
-I'll look after him.

What is it?

Okay. Stay here.
Keep away from the windows.

Come on.

-They were Norwegian.
-Are you sure?

The Germans
don't have planes that old.

-Come, Vimsa.
-But Vimsa has to come too!

-She'll have to stay home this time.
-I want Vimsa to come!

Girls, we have to go.
Go with mommy. Both of you!

-Not this time.


-Do we have all the luggage?

-Everything's ready, Your Highness.
-Good. Come on.

we're not stopping for anyone.


The train to Hamar is leaving...


Hi, my little darling!

-Nice sweater. Who gave you that?

All eyes will be on us now.

So we have to be calm and dignified.

Thank you for coming.

-But where are Ulla and Rolf?
-They'll join us later.

-Your Majesty.

-The coaches are ready.
-Thank you, Hambro.

The Germans took Bergen, Trondheim
and Narvik during the night.

But in Oslo
they were stopped at Oscarsborg.

The German ships
are outside Filtvet.

-What is the plan for the evacuation?
-To get to Hamar as fast as possible.

And then assemble the Parliament
and Cabinet for a crisis meeting.

-Mr. Prime Minister.
-Your Majesty. Your Royal Highness.

Please excuse me, I have to...

Excuse me...

We're hoping that this
state of war doesn't last long.

A general mobilization order
was sent out during the night.

The Germans claim
they had no other option,-

-otherwise England and France
would have invaded us.

We don't believe that.

General mobilization order!
That's insane!

They're sending mobilization orders
by letter through the postal service!

It will take days before our troops
are assembled and ready!

-How are the girls?
-Just fine. They're with Ragni.

-I'll go sit with them.

The Royal Family
shouldn't sit in the same coach.

In case the train is...

Go with Nikolai.

He'll take you to
Ragnhild and Astrid.

Harald, go with Nikolai.

-Come on.

-Einar is there too.
-I want to stay with mother!


-What's going on?
-We're in Lillestrøm.

-More are headed this way!
-Get down.

-Get down!
-But the children...

Get down now!

Get down on the floor!

-What's going on?
-Don't worry. It's fine.

We have to get out.


-They're in here.

Get off the train now!
Come on! Everybody!


-Stay close to your mother and me.
-Come on, girls!


Stay with us!

Come here.
Go stay by the wall.

Come here, darling!


Do you speak German?

-Where is the Royal Family?

Answer me!

No one is here, commander.

-Make them talk.
-Yes, commander.

Come here!

They're bombing the airport!

Everything's up in flames!
Several houses too!

What if they attack
the train station?

-We have to leave.
-The train will attract attention.

That's a chance we'll have to take!
We can't stay here!

We're more vulnerable
if we move as one group.

We have to split up in small groups.

No! We're Norway's Parliament
and Cabinet! We can't split up!

That would be
tantamount to surrendering!

Listen up!
Denmark has fallen.

-That quickly?

-And Sweden?
-They haven't been attacked yet.

That's enough!
We have to get out of here!

We'll stay together, no matter what!


Hello? Are you here?

-They're not here.
-They've gone.

To Hamar.

Take Harald.

get in the other car with Signe.

Go on.
See you soon.


Wait here.

Nikolai. What if Ulla and Rolf go
to Hamar and we're not there?

-One of us needs to be there.
-They might not get there.

All roads out of Oslo are blocked.

-We can't desert our children!
-We can't desert our duties either.

Get in the cars!
The Germans are coming!

-Get in the car.
-Mommy, I'm afraid!

-Don't be scared, sweetie.
-Get in the car.

-Ragnhild! Get in the car.
-Dad will look after us. Get in.

We're going to Elverum!

We have to go to Sweden.

No. Father is
determined not to leave Norway.

We can't stay here.


My dear.

-Take care of yourself.
-You too.

We'll see each other
in a few days. Okay?

We'll see each other in a few days.

Look after my little girls.
And my little boy.

Be nice to mommy
and do as she says.

Help her a little.
See you soon.

See you soon.
I promise.

-Grandpa's girls.

So...I'll wait for you
across the border.

Nikolai will drive you.

I'll send for you
as soon as it's safe to come back.

-Come on, girls.
-I love you.

What was that?

I'll check.

-Do you have any tools?
-What's happening?

Can you help me?
We've got a flat tire.

The lug nuts are frozen solid.

Can you give me a hand?

Be quiet!


Who wants to play hide-and-seek?

-I do!
-Yes! Get down on the floor

Then Nikolai won't see you.

-Come on, Ragnhild!
-Get down on the floor.

-Ragnhild! Now!
-Come here.

Lie perfectly still.

-Where are you headed?
-To Sweden.

-Are the cars behind you with you?

It's the Crown Princess!

We were told the Germans are nearby.

Drive as fast as you can.

-We'll provide cover for you.
-Thank you.

Oh shit...


-Should I pull over?
-No. Keep going!

-Get down.
-Maintain your speed!

Get down!

Passports, please.

We don't have our passports with us.

Here's my Swedish driver's license.

I can't let you cross the border
without passports.

Do you know who this is?

-You have to let us pass.

-The Germans are after us.
-I'm sorry.

Open the barrier!

Open the barrier, I said!

What will the King of Sweden say-

-when he hears that his niece-

-has been denied entry
into her home country?

I have my orders.
You have to turn back.

There are cars headed this way!

We're not stopping for anyone.

Get down on the floor.




-Thank you.
-Where are we?


I have to get back
to the Crown Prince.


Yes. I'll help with the luggage,
but then I have to go.

Are you going to get Ulla and Rolf?

I want them to be with us.

-Take care of yourself.
-Yes. Everything will be fine.

Our native land is once again
experiencing hard times.

The war has come close
to our borders.

Our feelings
for our Scandinavian sister nations-

-do not need
any interpretation in this context.

We have been shaken to the core.

Everybody out!

-Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Get off the road!
Get off the road!


