Athena: Goddess of War (2010–2011): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

Dr. Kim Myung Guk has been missing for three years. Ever since a terrorist organization tried to capture him for his development on nuclear weapons. But now, the National Anti-Terror Service (NTS) has information that the organization has found him.

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Brought to you by WITH S2
Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad

It seems Russia caught on to Dr. Kim
Myung Guk's plans to defect and took action.

We must execute an immediate plan to save him.

B5 and B6 were taken out.

The rescue operation in Korea will begin.

Where is he?

I don't like to mix personal with business.

The development of that new nuclear energy
I mentioned is nearing completion.

To protect this precious technology,
I created an agency called NTS.

He has become the Director of the Asian Bureau of
US Intelligence and will be coming to Korea soon.

We need you, Dr. Kwon, to keep your eyes on him.

An overseas assignment?

You will find out who your partner is
when you get there.

Episode 2

Ms. Yoon, what brought you here?

Those are the operation details.
Soak them in, inside and out.

Then you're my partner for this assignment?

Does the Exhibition Center handle operations too?

All the information is in this briefcase.

And in the field,
it won't be easy to keep up with the honorifics.

So let's go on first-name basis.

Then, see you in the field.

Thank you.

Ready in the ballroom.
Where are you?

Ready here.

I'm in the main hall.

Locate the target.


Hello there.

Are you having fun?

Target located.
11 o'clock, in a white jacket.

What are you looking at?

Thanks for a delightful chat.

Have a pleasant evening.

Good evening.

That's a nice jacket.

Respond, Angelo.
Do you read me?

We need the scan of his entire right palm.

Scan failed.

Transmission complete.

We've got a problem. Withdraw.

Palazzotto, huh.

Maculan family was in wine business in the 1940's too.

I'm sure we've been made.
Get out before it's too late.

The first year Maculan produced their wine is...

1... 9... 4... 2.

Mama mia!

Where are you going?

Is there a problem?

At 3 o'clock, residential hall.
Balcony on 2nd floor.

20 seconds remaining.


10 seconds.

Ow, ow...

Excuse me.

You can't sleep here.

I'm sorry.

Lounge is on the 2nd floor.

I'm fine.

Everyone. Now, let's talk
about espionage in our history.

Do you know the story about Princess Sunhwa
who was married to King Mu of Baekjae?

Yes, Ma'am!

King Mu's childhood name was Seodong.

He heard of the beauty of Princess Sunhwa,
3rd daughter of King Jinpyoung of Shilla.

So, Seodong went to the capital of Shilla,
gave yams to children and made friends with them.

You are melting to the ground, silly.

What's that mean?

You like her, don't you?

Her who?

You didn't think I wouldn't know
you come here at every chance?

When did I ever?

You and your silly face.

A special agent who can't keep his face straight.

Hey, hey.

You go around the building
and break in though the back door.

These punks don't open the door to strangers.

Where are we?

You will find out soon enough.

If we get lucky, you might find intel* you can use.
[*short for "intelligence," useful information]

You back there.
Me in here.

I've never seen your eyes before.

Are you new?

Ki Soo and I are buddy-buddies. Open the door.

"It snows in Yenchi even in April."

I don't need codes to get in.
Open the door.

"It snows in Yenchi. Even in April."

Do I have to beat you up?

You! What do you want?

I told you I'm Ki Soo's brother!

"It snows. In Yenchi.
Even in April."

Open the damn door!

"Yen... Yenchi... April."

Put your head on the gun!
Let me shoot it off!

Who are you?

I came to play.

I asked who you were.

You don't need to know.

Who the heck...

Your head on the gun!

(*Title used to address an older male)

You didn't tell me you were coming.

Coming shmumming.

Who the heck is this Yenchi idiot?

You just needed to say you "bought a muffler".

You forgot, didn't you?

"Muffler" my...
It's too warm to remember that.

He's new.
Min Goo!

Go ahead.

He saved your life, okay?

You'd better be good to him, okay?

Serve him even after his death, okay?!

Do I offend you?

N..., no, sir!

Wrong answer!


What the...?

What are you doing, kids?


Who's that punk?

You commie son of...!

Oh, my back, one second, my back!

That hurts.

C'mon, let me go at him!

Where does he think he is?

Son of gun. Why did you have to do that?
Are you trying to ruin my meal ticket?

Who is he and what about your meal ticket?

He's Kim Ki Soo, a former agent
for Division 35 in North Korea.


35? That's Foreign Intelligence Department.

You got that right.

That makes him one of the
most elite agents in North Korea.

And he's running underground
Mahjong tables in this hole?

Are you pulling my leg?
Did he need to make money?

You heard of the "Nolsae tribe"?

It's a Pyongyang version of the OC kids.
That's him.

His father is a high-powered politician in North Korea.

With his connections, Ki Soo studied in Russia,
idling his life away until he joined Division 35.

But he didn't have proper skills. He couldn't
handle elite operations. So he ran to South Korea.

On your heads! You blockheads!

Now he's become a capitalism bitch.
He does anything to make money.

So what can we expect from a bitch?

When it comes to Russia and China,
he brings more to the table than NTS or NIS.

He can help us catch a big fish.

But you may have ruined everything.

We may lose the informant now.

- Stop it. Don't bother me.
- C'mon.

Stop being upset.

He didn't know and made a big mistake.

I'll make this short.

Every week you will report all information you get
about China, Russia, and North Korea.

Bring nothing useful and I?ll grind this place to dirt.

C'mon. Stay seated.

Huff and puff all you want.

What is that scumbag...?

And you, how can you do this to me?

Is this what I paid you for all this time?
Where's my book?

Where is my account book?

Wait, wait... You kept book?

Hey, hey... Jung Woo.

Gee, I just wanted to collect money...

His money's been paying my kid's tuition.
He's practically my kid's school parent.

Is that so?

If you want your kid to graduate, let that scumbag
know what kind of person I am. Okay?

What the...
Hey, hey...!

Hey, where are you?

What do you want?

Didn't you hear? The new Senior
Director is making a special round today.

- So?
- Don't be a pain and be where you're supposed to be.

NTS was founded to strengthen anti-terror and
homeland securities that are necessary for

response to Korea's unification
and improved status in the world.

Korea joined the ranks of advanced nations
and must consider potential terrorist activities.

NTS is to prevent any potential harm...

Hold there.

Let's move on to details.

Yes, sir.

Then let me present you the detailed
organization charts of personnel...

Let's not talk. Let's see them.

I am proud to say we are the Korean
secret service with the most advanced equipments.

They can be bought with money.
What's important is staff.

Our agents are handpicked elite
data analysts and special forces.

We are the best.

That's what you think.

This is the Situation Room, Brain of NTS.

I am Park Seok Ho, Chief of I&A.
It's an honor to serve with you, sir.

Every second counts in the Situation Room.
Don't lose even a second.

I thank you.


Wasn't that a bit too much?

You lack experience in working with others.

It helps when you work
in a systemized organization.

Your pupils are not dilated.

Your breathing and tone of your voice are stable.

I conclude, Chief, you were sincere about it.

Don't go analyzing anything.


Carry on.

Didn't you hear him? Every second counts!

Let's see...


Everything is a-okay.

Now, going manual.

Cross your fingers.

What is this?

It's a new reconnaissance unit.

It's a prototype and requires more work.

I apologize.

This is Oh Sook Kyeong,
Chief of Scientific Investigations Lab.

They are in charge of evidence analysis, autopsy,
and designing tools required for missions.

Let me see it again when it's ready.

Yes, sir.

Carry on.

He startled me.



These are field agents.

They are the core assets of NTS.

They work as a team unit.

At ease.

For the attack on Pearl Harbor,
Japan had a spy, Takeo Yoshikawa.

For the invasion of Normandy,
the allied force had an MI6 agent, Major Stevens.

Their missions changed history.

And that will be your mission...
making history.

I will help and support you...

as you carry out that mission.

If you have any question,
whatever it is, bring it up to me.

I do have a favor.

And why do you want to return to NIS?

During my four years at NIS,
I led 21 missions.

And more missions accomplished
if you count my supporting roles.


Do you know how many missions
I led since I joined NTS?


My mission was to keep my seat warm,
doing nothing.

What do you mean nothing?

- The recent anti-terrorism...
- I have identified loads of tasks recently.

I'm aware that field agents
didn't have many assignments.

Regardless, I don't like the fact that
my skills are not utilized.

I ask you to transfer me.

How did it go?

I'm going back to NIS.

For real?

Wow, he is something!

I'm leaving now. You try and have fun here.

Wait, wait!

- How can you leave me here...
- C'mon...

- Okay, bye!
- You...

We've been ordered to retrieve Dr. Kim Myung Guk.

But the intel that Hye In has gathered
is not enough to locate him.

Pull all the resources needed and locate him.

Yes, sir.

Have all Team Captains meet me in the
conference room and report on their status.

They have 30 minutes.
Keep the briefing to 4 pages.

Yes, sir.

Who is in charge of China?

I am, sir.

Why do you think you have me as
your new Regional Director?

I'm asking you,
what on earth is happening in East Asia...

that's enough to make headquarters nervous
and replace your previous Director?

I apologize.
I do not know.

And that's exactly why you are
collecting useless information like this...

...that even pencil pushers at the Pentagon
can easily obtain in their cozy offices.

Starting now...

This DIS East Asia Bureau operates to gather...

intel on the new nuclear technology
of the South Koreans.

Pull out all the stops in South Korea,
China, Japan, North Korea, and even Russia.

Gather any and all information
about Korea's new nuclear technology.

Until we know even the number of screws and bolts
used to build their nuclear reactor...

...consider this an emergency mission.

Did I make myself clear?

I am Yoo Kang Ho, Chief Secretary
of Foreign Affairs and National Security.

I didn't think the new Director is so young.

I am Son Hyuk, DIS Regional Director.
Pleased to meet you.

Han Jeong Pil,
Chief Secretary of Policy Planning.

Pleased to meet you.

Hwang Ho Young, Chief Secretary of State Affairs.
Nice meeting you.

Pleasure is mine.

Ah, just in time.

Please meet Kwon Yong Gwan, NTS Director.

It's been a while.

Yes, indeed.

Why don't you just ask me to quit?

How can you send a field agent to this type of work?

You do what you are told to do.

We are giving you a chance
to reflect on your lame conduct.

You don't like it?
Then quit!

Man, he sounds tough.

And you?

Couldn't you say something for me?

Say what? You know I'm an introvert!

That was darn cocky of you anyway.

Well, it's now spilled milk.

Don't make this uglier.
Consider this a break.

Besides, you get to see "you-know-who" there.

Go and do what you are told.

I'll visit you.
Call me.

I'm Lee Jung Woo,
assigned to NIS Exhibition Center.

So I heard.


I thought you were a field agent.

Well, I thought so too.

Yeon Min here will show you the reading materials
and tour guide details.

- Yeon Min?
- Okay.

Follow me, please.

Let me introduce someone who'll guide you today.

Can you help me call him out?



Go ahead.

This is the memorial hall for those who
gave their lives for the country.

We kept them here so that no one
will know who they were, their names or faces.

Now everyone.
Shall we have a moment of silence to thank them?

Now, silence.

Here you can see the importance
of reconnaissance and intelligence in history.

You know well the story of
Prince Hodong and Princess Nakrang.

So the first Korean spy team was...

You know who that was, right?


Okay, focus, focus.

Hey, you, you, you! Red shirt! Come here!

Blue bag! Stand here! Focus!

Why can't you focus, you little imps!

I will take over. Take a break.

Do you know who General Eulji is?


General Eulji was also a spy at one time.

He got himself caught on purpose
by the Chinese Sui Dynasty.

He observed their military,
counter-attacked, and won the battle of Salsu.

Easy, right?



Children scare me more than enemies in the field.

Children are simple-minded.
It's quite easy once you get the knack.

Boys are interested in weapons.

Girls are interested what spies wore.

Mix them in,
and it will help you keep them focused.

Until when are you staying here?

When are you returning to the field?

Thanks for the coffee.


"It snows in Yenchi even in April."

I told you not to let anyone in!
Who the hell is it?


Hyungnim, I am so sorry.

I told him to wait outside, but...

Fine. You can go.

Yes, sir.

What brought you here?

For your status report.

What report?

Ah, I must've texted the wrong person.

I heard you transferred to a nice place.

With a lot of children?

How sweet.

Do you change their diapers too?

I don't want to kill you.

People don't get killed that easily.

Status report.

Doing my job... as told.

Following orders...

Thank you for taking care of this.

Yes, yes. I will call you again.

Hey, what'd you come here for?

I have something to talk about.

What if the Director sees you?

Let's find a private area.

What? Are you nuts?

It's not your place!

This talk never took place.
You stay put and take care of your guests. Please.

I'm out of my mind now.
I don't know what I'm going to do.

- Why is that...
- I might ruin you and go on a suicide mission.

Jung Woo, what's wrong with you?

This is the list of what I need. Get them for me.

Holy shishkabob!
All these?


No, I can't...


Viktor Sevcenkov is a Russian Mafia boss.

He's known for gunrunning.

And I hear he has big business planned.

We are in.

All clear here.

They're armed with MP5's.

I'm going to take a look.

So what happened?

Follow that car.

Shouldn't we call for backup?

What if something happens?

You know I'm not in a position to do that.

He has to be on his way to meet his contact.

Uh huh...

His name is Viktor Sevcenkov.
He's a Russian Mafia boss.

A Mafia boss who's got Russian intelligence
on his back.

What about him?

Latest intel indicates he's in Korea now.

What for?

Considering that his Mafia takes orders from Russian
Intelligence and how he popped up in Korea...

we suspect he's here for Dr. Kim Myung Guk.

Three years ago Russia lost Dr. Kim to South Korea.

It appears that Russia is now
having Sevcenkov retrieve Dr. Kim.


Russia must feel as desperate as we do.

Oh? You can dance?

I will cover this side.
Can you check out the perimeters?

Okay. Stay in touch.

Isn't that Kim Tae Won?

Go take a look.

Drop the gun.

Jung Woo.

Who the hell are you?

He's one of us.

And what you are doing?

We've been on him for six months.

We didn't know you were.

But you know we don't share our intel,
even internally.

Well, don't you?
So just let it go.

We apologize.
Sorry, everyone. Sorry.

- Withdraw.
- Yes, sir.

Do you know her?


A little.

That young man... Do you know him?


From where?

{\a6}Is our love floating away?

{\a6}Will our love be just heartache?

{\a6}I see your heart floating away.

{\a6}Can't my tears call you back?

{\a6}My love, I love you.

{\a6}I love you. Do you hear me?

{\a6}My love, don't forget,

{\a6}And don't erase our love
and memories we shared.

{\a6}Do you see my tears, my love.

{\a6}I miss you every day.

{\a6}Your kisses made my heart flutter.

{\a6}I guess it's all in the memory now.

{\a6}My love, I love you.

{\a6}I love you. Do you hear me?

{\a6}My love, please come back.
Don't leave me.

{\a6}Stay with me. Please.

Brought to you by WITH S2
Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad

Main Translator: G.Anon

Timer: julier

Editor/QC: songbill

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

From now on, everything has to be...

For the Russian Mafia,
a black rose symbolizes revenge.

Specifically, a commitment to see blood for it.

How did it go?

You are the one who's supposed to assist me?

This is Director's direct order.

All these places in these photos.

And their target would be...?

Are you Korean?

Can you show me around?

She's the target!

It's the princess!