Ask Yeniden (2015–2016): Season 1, Episode 1 - Bolum 01 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Timing and subtitles brought to you by the I Want To Love Again Team @ Viki

Love Again ♥

Episode 1

As every up has a down, has every departure a return.

Sometimes diminishingly and sometimes increasingly.

And so is my return.

I went to America with great expectations,

but return with my ten months old baby.

Not enough money in my pocket for a taxi,

nor a supportive lie in my mind, which I can say to my father.

When I shouted against him ''I grew up now, this is my life'',

I never thought it will end like this.

I wish I didn't slam the door so hard in my father's face...

And that I had thought that one day I might have to go back to that door.

It's love.

It blows your mind away.

Bring him, my daughter. I will pray for him.

Excuse me.

When I was excitedly following the way, of which I assent the consequences,

I didn't expect it will have a dead end.

I fought despite everything and everyone...

But it didn't succeed.

I gave up.

I lost.

Now, I'm all alone in that dark impasse.

I'm lonely, I'm desperate... while everything had started so beautifully.

Ertan was my first (in many things).

My first smile.

My first gaze.

My first touch.

And my first kick.

This was my first kick I got from Ertan.


What’s more important than being the first...

it’s that it brought him to me.

Never before, I got lost in anyone’s eyes,

or I existed in anyone's hands.

Mine, wasn't such an existence.

With Ertan, I discovered myself, I found out my heart's place.

That first date... that made me dizzy, that made my knees tremble,

and my heart beat so hard that I thought it would come bursting out of my chest, that first gentle kiss.

My eyes were blinded by love.

That's why I couldn't see the second kick coming.

My father.


But anyway, the fact that he run away from my father didn’t mean that he didn’t love me.

I loved him and he loved me.

And if he didn't love me, would he want me to be with him while he was studying in America?

Living in America. I wouldn’t had believe it even if I had seen it in a dream.


♬ Love ~ ♬

♬ Again ~ ♬

♬ Love ~ ♬

♬ Again ~ ♬

I didn't care about anyone else anymore. It was like there were just the two of us in this enormous world.

We were free.

We were happy.

We were in love.

No one called to tell me I was late,

I wasn’t afraid that someone would see me walking on the streets with my boyfriend.

♬ This is my choice, I assent the consequences ♬

♬ I know myself, rather than you all ♬

Love swept me off my feet.

I felt dizzy, I couldn’t stop feeling butterflies in my stomach.

♬ Love ~ ♬

♬ Again ~ ♬

I was literally rising towards the clouds.

My fall was as quick as my rise towards the clouds.

I was pregnant.

I'm sorry. I can't marry you now.

I can't accept this baby.

How come?

I’m ready to become a mother, but you don’t feel ready for this marriage, is that so?

Like you don’t know I’ve been pregnant for three months, now.

Have an abortion.

♬ I left my everything ♬

♬ To live you ♬

♬ Didn't you feel it like that ♬

♬ Don't you have any courage ♬

♬ Inside me, your trust ♬

Of course, I couldn’t have an abortion.

Zeynep! Zeynep!


Ahhh! ♬ I didn't know ♬

♬ what's right and what's wrong ♬

Ahhh! ♬ When I was with you ♬

♬ the time had stopped ♬

♬ It’s over ♬

♬ Tale’s over, dream’s over, wake up ♬

♬ Right now, where is that hero? ♬

♬ Right now, where is ♬

Maybe this baby would change him and be a reason for a new beginning. ♬ that hero? ♬

♬ I left ♬

With this baby, the hope could appear again ♬ my everything, to live you ♬

and the man I love could come to me loving me like the first day. ♬ Didn't you feel it ♬

♬ like that ♬

I waited him to come. ♬ Don’t you have any courage ♬

I waited. ♬ Inside me, your trust ♬

I waited. ♬ I waited long, you didn't come ♬

But he didn't come.

And this was the last... and the hardest kick he gave me.

I was left alone with a newborn baby in my arms.

But I didn't give up.

In this country there were so many young mothers like me that could stand on their own feet.

Why couldn’t I stand as well?

Of course, I could serve people, pour them coffee, take an order.

Right now, was the right time.

The right time, to prove that I didn't give up and wasn't destroyed.


I can't.

Please. Two more hours. Samantha please!


But I couldn't do it.

- Even if I couldn't accept it for nearly a year... - No, no.

I lost.

Please, I'm.. I am desperate.

Get out!

Okay. Okay, it's over.

It's over, okay.

And this is my story.

Altough it isn't much considered as a success story.

The only thing I wanted was to make my own decisions and be free.

I'm the only son and heir of a rich and deep-rooted family.

That's why every step of my life was planned up to the last inch of details

When I was only six years old, the girl who I'm going to marry was already chosen.


The two of us will get married, and offer our families the fruits of this great partnership.

Money, power and a beautiful woman.

In this story, there was everything that many men would wanted to own.

But freedom?

Unfortunately, my family's plans were never the same as my plans.

I escaped, until I found the power to oppose.

To win time, I used first my boarding school excuse,

and then my study in America excuse.

So, I did everything to stay away from my family and fiance.

The only thing I wanted was being free.

Living without explanations, without books, without rules.

♬ Don't touch it ever, this is my dream ♬

And to fall in love freely. ♬ This is my ýouth ♬

♬ My hope, my dreams ♬

♬ I live the day, rather than yesterday ♬

If I found true love, I had a reason to turn against my family.

♬ Love is extraordinary ♬

That's why I waited so many years for love, and found it far across the ocean.


When I was with her, winters became summer... time was flowing like water.

Her eyes in my eyes, her hand in my palm and her breath on my skin. I didn't want to lose it.

I had to erase the possibility to marry her and be without her, from my mind and heart.

I couldn't be mistaken. Okay. Before, I didn't go that far to propose someone.

But if the feeling that made me do this wasn't love, then what was it?

We have been together over a year.

And I love you lethal.

Oh my gosh.

- Would you marry me? - I am not ready for this, Fatih.

I am not in love with you.

We've only had been together for a year. I-I can't do this.


Forgive me for saying this, Fatih, but...

This thing you're feeling...

It isn't love.


I'm desperate.

- I'm desperate. - You are not my type.

- Please Samantha! -

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What's happening?

Oh my God. God, God, God.. Ahh!

- What's going on!? What's going on!? What's going on!? Are we crashing? - We don't know.

- Are we crashing?

- We're crashing! Are we crashing? - We're not crashing. Calm down, please.


God, please let us crash, but let nothing happen to my son.

Why is my life so short? It’s okay, my dear, it’s nothing, it’s nothing.

- Eşhedü en- eşhedü en- - Miss?

- Eşhedü enla- eşhedü en- (Eşhedü enla ilahe illallah: what they say before they die) - La ilahe illallah, can you calm down for a bit?

- Look, she said we're not crashing. - Oh God.

Oh God, we're crashing, we're crashing.

Whoa! What’s going on, man?

What’s all that hugging? Animal.

Miss, what are you saying? You are the one who came and sat on my lap, and I'm an animal?

Did I sit on your lap on purpose? The plane was shaking, so I fell there.

- It’s called turbulence. - I-I also know that's a turbulence.

Smarty. In business class there are only “smarties“ anyway, right?

- Seriously. - Miss.

- Will you quickly sit right there, please? - I can't sit there.

That's not my seat, my seat is in the back, over there.


It looks like the passengers from the economy class don’t like you either.

But I love children.

Please feel free and go ahead. It's not a problem for us.

Eh... Since it isn't a problem for you...

I mean... excuse me.

- I will you bring your bag. - Thank you.

- And this is for the little gentleman. - Thank you.

Here you go.

Here. Don't you want to drink?

Cheers for being in live.


Oh no, no, no. Don't worry.

Uh, I took him so he won't fall, when you were sleeping.

Thank you very much.

Normally, something like this never happens to me, but...

I was tired, because of the plane, probably. I'm sorry.

Doesn't matter, we really enjoy it. We're drinking together.

We even both love to drink straight. We love to mess.

But you messed my bag,

I mean, since you found the baby bottle.

Oh, no. The stewardess helped me therewith, because he was hungry... although he doesn't like this much.

- Yes. - Huh?

Because... He doesn't like it because, unfortunately, he hasn't given up breast milk, yet.

Come here.

Come, come... come to mommy.

Uh, sorry.

I'm Fatih, by the way.

Your timing is really bad, Fatih.

Eh, I'm sorry. Forgive me, it's one thing after another.

No, I'm sorry, I...

- I fell literally on your lap, I called you an animal... I'm sorry. - Don't mention it.

- And I'm Zeynep, by the way. - Nice to meet you.

And you.

It's a very sweet kid.

He sat very quietly on my lap. He doesn't resemble you.

By sight, he doesn't resemble you. He must have got it from his father.

I don't think you want to eat, huh? You're playing with me.

Ah, I knew it, ah.

Do you live in America?

Eh, yes, I lived, studied and toured there for a while.

And now I'm returning.

And you?

I lived in New York for two years, and now I'm going to my family.

So did you leave dad behind, while going on trips, hey kid?

Uh, I hope I didn't say something wrong.

You didn't.

I'm a single mother.

Oh, okay.

I mean, uh.. don't misunderstand, when I said so..

Uhh I... did that thing uh... I gave birth to him through that sperm thing. I mean, uh...

Sperm bank, from the bank.

I mean, from the sperm bank.

- Bank? - Yeah.

You're brave.

And you're family is proud of you, right?

You can't say it like that.

- Don't they know it? - They don't know it.

And I really don't know how I'm going to tell them.

It's difficult.

Yes, it is.

Actually, the only thing I need is... time.

Just a little time.

What do you mean by time?

- Anyway, we bothered you pretty much. - No, no.

Dear passengers, we're starting to descend for landing. Now please take your seats.

Fasten your seatbelts, return your seat to the upright position.

Stow your tray tables away and open your visor, please.

Oh, we arrived.

In the back, I left some stuff, so we'll go there first.

♬ I know myself, rather than you all ♬

♬ My heart wrecks, love is extraordinary ♬

Thank you.

Thank you, Fatih. ♬ Love ~ ♬

♬ Love ~ ♬

♬ Again ~ ♬

♬ Love ~ ♬

♬ Again ~ ♬

- Zeynep, Zeynep. - Huh?

- This was left with me. - Ooh, you saved my life.

Six months.


Are six months enough?

I mean, in the plane you said you want a little more time, right?

To explain this... situation with the baby. I mean that.

What are we going to do? Stop the time?

No, I mean.. I have a similar situation as yours.

So, I also need some time. I thought maybe, I don’t know, we could help each other.

I didn’t understand. What kind of help are you talking about?

Okay... uh. Will you be my wife?

Slow down.

Did you drink too much in the plane, when you found free drinks in the business class?

No, no, you got me wrong. I mean, I have to marry someone as soon as possible.

Then go and get married, there are so many TV shows that help people get married!

No, it isn't like that either. I mean, my family is forcing me to get married to someone.

Were you engaged in the cradle?

Yes, that’s it. I mean, I have to find some excuse to postpone that marriage.

And you need some time. I mean,

if we appeared as a husband and wife... I think it would definitely be postponed. Huh?

What will happen later?

We’ll think (about that) later...

And, look, I come from a wealthy family, I mean, if you want I can give you money too.

What do you think I am?!

Am I a prostitute, you idiot? He has money...


Oh, God... I’m sorry, I apologize, I didn’t mean like that.

- You- you either stop behaving like a jack*ss or don't apologize! - Zeynep. Zeynep okay. Okay, okay.

- Okay. - Wait. Because those two things don’t sound convincing side by side.

Ooof! He's gotten so heavy!

Look, Zeynep. I’ve been running away for years.

I mean, I went to America just so I could live the life I’ve chosen.

But now there is no place left for me to run away to.

When you told me about your situation... I don't know... I thought it could be a reasonable offer.

What do you think?

- Are you... that thing? - What?

That thing (gay).

Oh, no. No, no! No, it's not like that.

When you said ''the life I've chosen", I thought so.

Oh, no. Uh... I didn’t mean that, so it’s not like that.

- Okay. - How so?

- But I have one condition. - Okay.

The same way you will present me to your family as your wife,

I will present you to my family as the father of my child. Okay?

Okay, okay! You just accept it, okay?

Please, I'm really desperate.


To whose house should we go first?

Let’s go to your place first.

Come here, daddy's.

- Give this to me, because it's too heavy. - Okay.

Abla! Zeynep Abla, I'm here! (He's Zeynep's nephew)

Who's that, lan?

She would come alone, right?

Excuse me, can I get the bill?

- Ah, the chauffeur is here. - Chauffeur? Do you have a chauffeur?

I mean, my father's.

- Welcome, Mr Fatih. - Uh, sorry. Hurry Mustafa, open the door.

Okay, we can go.


What is this?

Oh my god.


[ Uncle ]

What do I have to tell this crazy man?

Let's return.

Okay, let's do this. You wait here, I will go first and explain them the situation.

- And you come afterwards, okay? - Okay, okay. Good luck.

Oh my, the inside is beautiful, too.


Welcome Brother!

My little Sister.

Oh my, what a welcome.

Welcome home, Son.

Fatih! Welcome sweetie. Welcome.

Oh, my dear and handsome Son. I really can't get enough from looking at you.

May I also look a bit?

Welcome Fatih.

I'm very happy that you're back. From now on, we'll always be together, okay?

Of course, you will be together.

Oh, Fatih. Look, your mother-in-law and father-in-law also came to welcome you.

We're grateful.

- Hmm, you didn't have to bother. - We're happy that you're back, Son.

For a moment, we started to suspect that you ran away.

Ay, welcome Fatih. Excuse your father-in-law, he dronk a lot vodka in the morning.

So what? I just want them to marry as soon as possible. That's it.

- And how old did they both already become? - Ah, we really want it too, Mr Talat.

Hopefully, this summer you'll get married, huh Fatih?

- Where is Grandmother? - Fatih, excuse me for interrupting, but I

urgently need to change the child's diaper, or else he'll get poisoned by his own smell.

And hello everyone.

I will do it... ha! I will change it over there.

Thank you. Come here, my love.

Come, my handsome Son.

Come, my beautiful Son. Mommy's.

Did you poop? Okay, ay, okay.

If you let him lie like this, he'll immediately cry. This has a solution.

He loves this ad, and if I open this ad he'll be quiet, immediately.

Like this... ha! If you can hold it like this, he would love it.

Actually, he normally doesn't do so much, but because Fatih gave him another milk in the plane,

my Son's stomach is affected.

And of course, I fell asleep so he had to take him.

Okay, let's look. Normally, I don't have so much things with me, but.

My love! Let's look what you did- Ooh, ooh, my Son.

Dear, why do you do such things? Let's take this.

Can you hold this for a second? Thank you.

Come here.

Let's change the diaper, put your pants on... Oh, I can eat your poop, your poop.

I can eat your butt, your butt. I'll sacrifice myself for you, my Son.

My love.

Let's do this too.

Oh, I left that with you. Excuse me. Ehh... Fatih, where's the bathroom?

That way.

- Fatih. - Yes?

Who is this woman?

This baby's mother.


So who is this baby's father?


Yes, Son.

Miss Mukaddes, Miss Mukaddes.

Elif! Come on, Daughter. Help a bit!

Bring these plates to the table. Come on, my beautiful Daughter.

I don't care.

What happened that you're shaking your shoulders again?

Look Mom. Let's already have a deal.

If you try to give my room to Zeynep, when she comes, I'll destroy this house.

Ohh, look at these sayings.

You try to get something that already had an owner before you got it.

Missy, look at me.

You got that room from Zeynep when she left, remember. And now you're not going to let her in her room?

- Then she shouldn't have left. She left, so the room is mine. - Look, look, look.

Get up, get up. We can talk later about this. Let's lay the cloth, before your uncle gets crazy.

Promise me.

Uyyy, and she's dealing with me! Get up, Missy! Get up!

Get up, and bring these plates!

Look at her sayings, munchkin.

What's up, peanut?

Go boil your head. I'm not in the mood.

Son, where were you all this time? And you didn't answer your phone, huh?

Pfff Mom. My Uncle stopped, you're beginning. Why all these questions?

We were curious, my Son.

Look at me. Your Zeynep Abla would come today, but she still hasn't showed up. Did you maybe misunderstood the day?

No, mom. There is no misunderstanding. They came. Don't worry.

- They came? Uyyy, did she come with him? - Yes, she came with him.

- And with them a baby. - Baby?!

Uyyy, Orhan, tell me! What am I going to tell my brother?

Mom, look. I don't care about it, okay?

What to eat?

There is poison, if you want to eat.

I'm thinking what I'm going to tell my Brother--

Did you know from this disgrace, Fehmi?

I am as amazed as you are.

- But we have to solve this in a way. - What are you going to solve, Fehmi?!

- Is it a case for which you can find a solution?! - Don't raise your voice.

It already happened.

That girl is our daughter-in-law.

What daughter-in-law, Fehmi? Even if I die, I won't call her my daughter-in-law.

How dare you to do something like this, without asking us?!

No, no. I can't endure you.

What a disgrace? What a scandal?!


The kids came from a long road. Let them rest.

We'll talk later about this subject.

Hello... I'm Zeynep.

Grandmother, I was really going to tell it.

Are you full?

Come. Come to mommy.

I'm uncomfortable being here as much as you are.

And don't think in the future, your mother is such a simple woman, okay?

I'm just really desperate.

But did you see the girl? She's like a stone girl.

Why wouldn't a man marry her?

Ohh, or is he really that thing (gay)? He said no, but

you never know. It could be.

Anyway, like we do care. We have to look on our own troubles.

And look, he offered me money. I didn't accept it.

Maybe I should have accepted it?

Anyway, you will forget this part of the story, okay my love?

Okay, my dear?

Hop, hop, hop! My best friend, did you save my life, huh?

Because he just woke up, he is fretted. And if you do that, he'll vomit on you.

He'll found his right. Come my dear, okay.

Come, come, come.

Look, he stopped immediately.

His mother's arms, of course.

By the way, speaking of mothers. Mine, didn't exhibit very pleasant attitudes. I hope you don't feel addressed.

- No, I don't care. You feel addressed. - I do.

She's also right. I'm not her daughter-in-law, so I won't feel addressed.

You're not. Great.

I promise you, I'm really going to do the same.

Whatever they're going to say, at your parents, I'll keep my temper as you did.

I won't feel addressed for something or open my mouth, I promise you.

That you won't feel addressed, isn't the important thing. Pray that he won't feel addressed.

Or nobody can save you from his hands.

Who? Your father?

Why? Who's your father?

Şevket Reis... (Şevket Captain)

a.k.a. Deep Şevket.

Reis is good and nice, but... you must not irritate him.

I will never forget. Year 1991,

Month of September, on a Friday.

Zeynep is still young, about 10 years or so.

And in the neighborhood, there is minibus driver Salçuk.

So on the day of the painful incident,

Salçuk entered the the neighborhood with his minibus.

At that time, the children were playing ball in the neighborhood, unaware of anything.

When the ball was thrown towards the minibus, - What are you doing?!

our Zeynep flew after it.

Then it happened.


Did he die?

- No. - His leg broke.

It was better if he died.

- Ah, poor little boy. Had he been crippled? - What little kid? It was a big man.

- Didn't he hit her? - No.


Oh, kid.

Have a care. Do you want me to get in trouble?

There was a thing that this person called Salçuk, didn't know.

- He was already in trouble. - You're not hurt, right? Are you okay?

I'm okay.

Gosh. Where is her mother?

She had no mother, but... she did have a father.

Şevket Reis.

If he apologized, he wouldn't break his arm.

Abi, you just said he broke his leg, right?

That was a scene before.

Actually, Reis went there to hold out an olive branch (for peace), that day.

Lan, bastard, idiot. How can you be so shameless that you came here?

Look at my leg, look at my head, look at what you've done to me! @#$%^&

And without shame you hold out an olive branch, I'm going to...

And that arm broke that day.

Abi... Abi... Abi... Abi...

What that day broke, wasn't his arm. It were his ribs and his backbone.

You're wrong, my brother. They didn't break that day.

- No, seriously. - Yes, seriously.

He was running into the jaws of death. This man, who almost killed a child,

send news to Reis, after the arm fracture incident.

''I'm going to sue you,'' he said.

And when Reis heard this...

he went to hospital to discharge him.

If you think that you're going to get away by doing this,you're wrong.

I'm going to make your life miserable.

- By the way, where are we going? - To the deep, the deepest.

The deepest?


And... he discharged him. Hahahaha.

Abi, have a heart. This Reis hasn't any mercy.

The man isn't even guilty, he didn't hit her.

- He could hit her. - Yeah.

If it's about Zeynep, the subject is deep, my brother.

They don't call him for anything Deep Şevket.

What are you all doing here?

Reis, the neighbor seamen were curious about the case of Zeynep and the minibus.

And Etem Reis was telling that.

Lan, haven't I told you not to take his name in your mouth, any more?

Leave, lan!

Get off my boat!

This is like our house in New York.

There are two toilets, haha.

There is a painting in the bathroom.

I thought they made halvah? (their job)

They have paid a fortune on soap.

This one smells also beautiful.

How many soaps are there here?

Is this literally a gold sink?


Give me my grandson.



- Come. - What?

- I want you to come!


Run, run, run. Quick, quick, quick.


- Come here... come. - What are you doing?

- What are you doing? - What?

Did you tell your father it's your baby?

Things happened that way, yes.

What do you mean things happened that way ? Did we agree like this?

Aren't we already going to tell your parents that I'm the child's father, so what's wrong with this?

- That's different, this is different. - What's different?

I can throw you away by saying we broke up, and you can do the same with me,

but if you say it like this, what will they do to me? Will they let me go if I want to?

- Okay, you're right. - Of course, I'm right.

But your son jumps on my lap, saying ''daddy, daddy''. What could I do? I mean, what can I do?

- Go tell them. - No.

- Go tell them. - No.

Tell them it's not your child, that you're married with a woman who already has a child, tell them!

They would get a heart attack, really. Just give me some time.

A few more days. They already have accepted this situation with difficulty. Okay? Please, just keep up appearance.

Brother, Aunt, where are you?

Let's go, they're calling us.

- Am I that Aunt? - Yeah, you're an Aunt.

The child is ours, okay? Don't destroy it.

- Let's do it for now, but you're going to tell it as soon as possible. - Okay.

- Look, as soon as possible. - Okay, don't worry. Come.

- Promise? - I promise you. - You promised.

Where are they?

I'm very relieved.

We were doing a thing.

- What? - Uhh..

If I'm interrupting, I'll be going.

- Uh, make-up. - Together.

Really, I don't care what you're doing.

Just don't let Grandmother wait at the table. After that, you can do whatever you want to do as husband and wife.

Don't ruin the whole evening. Come to the table.

Okay, dear. We're coming.

- Go, go, go. - You go first.

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Sit down.

And Zeynep, how did you meet each other?

- In the street. - At the workplace.

- In the street of the workplace. -... of the workplace, y-yes.

He went out, then we bumped into each other like this, the books in my hands flew up in the air like this.

After they fell on the ground, he helped me picking it up, and said ''Excuse me'',

then I said ''A-a, are you Turkish?'', he said ''Yes, I am'', I said ''I am also Turkish''.

Then we sat on that sidewalk, had a chat, had a conversation, like we were friends for forty years.

- She said it like that. - It happened like that.

- How nice. - Yeah, really nice.

Like an American-style movie.

What a suburb.

Serve the guests first.

That's a shame on you, Miss Valide. How can you say that?

Is Fatih a guest?

You're talking like a stranger.

I can't see any closeness.

Don't do this, Grandmother.

My kid. When you're marrying, we're strangers.

We're seeing your wife and child for the first time.

What can we do? Saying it's our guest, we enthroned you.

Okay, I mean, I should have told you.

I'm sorry, but it came to pass quickly, it happened in a moment.

- It's obvious that it came in a hurry. - Mukaddes.

The soup looks delicious.

Have a nice meal.

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Orhan! Orhan!

Hey, where were you so late at night, Orhan?

What should we say, if your Uncle hears this?

- Your Uncle, Uncle, Uncle, Uncle. I don't care if he hears it! - Uyyy.

You rascal, drink poison. You... Did you drink liquor?

You became a punk!

Look at me, I don't listen to 'big'. I can grab this slipper, and beat you, Orhan.

Lan, I became a big man. Do I have to explain you?

My Uncle on the one hand, you on the other hand. I've had enough!

- Zeynep is absolutely right with leaving us! - Don't say such things.

- I'm saying it, Mom! I'm saying it! - Your Uncle will hear it, stop.

- He can hear it, Mom. He can hear it. The whole neighborhood can hear and know it. Zeynep left us because of him! - Orhan.


Take him and let him sleep.

Don't let him bother me at night.

You heard it, come on.

Drink liquor? My butt.

Ah, look. Our child is here.


- Asiye, we will take him on. Thank you. - Thank you.


My Son.

And, where are we staying?


What do you mean by here?

Here, here.

- Are we going to stay in the same room? - Yes.

What do you think I am?

I don't know if you're sick or a pervert.

I can't stay together with you in the same room.

- I mean, 3 hours after meeting each other-- - 8 hours.

8 hours after meeting each other, you accept my offer, come to my house, pretend like my wife,

and now I am a pervert?

That's an another issue.

- There wasn't such a thing in our agreement. - No, there was.

I asked you if you want to be my wife, you accepted it. And now the game has started.

I mean, the married couples I know, stay in the same house, in the same room and even in the same bed.

But you're saying it yourself. It's a game.

But this is a game, which only we know.

Others don't know, for now.

Okay, okay, don't panic. You're going to sleep there with your child and I'm going to sleep here on the couch.

Will you fit in that couch?

- If you want we can sleep there, together. - Of course, we're not going to do that.

Sweetie, you're... you're burning.

- My Son. Where is the clinical thermometer? - What happened?

He's burning, he has an extreme fever.

- Where is that clinical thermometer? - Wait, wait, keep calm, okay.

- Where? - Wait, wait, wait.

- Yes, you're right. - Yes, he's burning.

If I find the clinical thermometer, I can take his temperature. It's not in my bag, so it's probably in my suitcase.

Okay, okay, keep calm. No need for, we're going to hospital.

Okay. To hospital? We could find the clinical thermometer first.

Asiye! Let them prepare the car, it's urgent, we're going to hospital!

- Could you also ask my suitcase? Where it is? - Okay, okay. We'll find it now.

Maybe he was affected by the evil eye, but I didn't see it?

- Okay Zeynep, don't panic now... - Brother! - Ask them where my suitcase is.

- What happened, why the hospital? - Uh, he has an extreme fever. Do you have a clinical thermometer in your house?

What's happening here? What's all these noise?

- Do you have a clinical thermometer? - He's burning, Grandmother.


Give him to me.

- You're going to kill the child. - Uhh.

- How can you ever dress him with so many layers of clothes? - But he's feeling cold, he has a fever.

He won't feel cold.

- Hey, what are you doing? He'll feel cold. He has a fever, can you cover him. - No, he won't feel cold.

- What do you mean by he won't feel cold? He has an extreme fever. - No, she's taking it off.

- What do you mean by she's taking it off, I can also see that. - She's doing it so that the fever will lower.

- She'll pull his arm out. His arm. - What does it matter?

- He's feeling cold. - He won't feel cold. - We have to bring him to hospital. I have to bring him.

- The hospital is far. - What do you mean by far?

- Till that time... - What, till that time?

- What do you mean by far? - Zeynep stop, Zeynep, Zeynep.

- S-She locked the door? - Grand--

My child is in there and she locked the door.

- Could you open the door? Open the door! - Zeynep. Okay.

- Is that the sound of water? - Yes, water. - Water?

- Is she washing the child? Will that lower his fever?! - Okay, Zeynep.

- Open this door! - Zeynep, it's okay. - What's okay? Wait a second, open the door!

- Son... - Open the door! - you stirred up the whole house. What's all these noise?

That woman will kill my child, inside! That old woman, she's washing him!

- Is she not realizing what she's saying?! - Open the door! Open the door!

- Okay, keep calm. - Open the door!

And you, let go of me! Open the door!

For now, his fever has lowered. Take the child.

Call immediately Mr Asim. Let him come.


Who's Mr Asim?

Who's Mr Asim?

Our new family doctor.

Okay, I will call him.

- There was Mr Niyazi, what happened to him? - He passed away.

Oh, sorry for our loss.

We were going to hospital. Where does the family doctor come from now?

- It's a family doctor. - Don't tell me your family and your doctor.

Come to mommy. Okay, okay, Son. Okay, okay, it's over.

I'll dress you now, my Son. Okay, okay, mommy's.

His fever has lowered. Don't worry. Until the morning it will be completely gone.

Thank you.

- Can I keep that clinical thermometer? - Of course, gladly.

- Thank you. - Thank you Mr Asim.

- No problem. - If something happens, we... - Of course, I'll come. Gladly.

- Good evening. - Goodbye.

The trip had much influence on him.


Laugh louder. The three of us can laugh until morning.

That moment when Grandmother took the child and you were panicked, came to my mind.

''She'll pull his arm out, he'll feel cold, and the water...''

- Don't exaggerate. I didn't say something like that. - You said, you said.

And Grandmother is very serious in her work. ''Here, give him. Here, take him. Here, open.''

Grandmother looks as hard as stone, but actually...

I mean, she loves babies very much.

Telling your family it's your baby, isn't very good.

It was an unnecessary move.

My mother always decided everything in my life.

What I was going to do, going to wear, going to drink...

She has even meddled with the location of the store I wanted to open in America.

I mean, as if I were a some kind of toy that was going to make her dreams real,

not something else.

But when I went to America, it didn't happen like that.

For the first time in my life, I was free. There was nobody, I was alone, on my feet.

My life, my choices, my wishes.

Look, now you see it. They're trying to marry me with that girl.

I'm sorry, but ''that girl'' isn't some kind of Miss Tomato.

You can better marry her and go, in my opinion. You couldn't ask for more.

Okay, I know. The girl is beautiful. Even very beautiful. I mean, I'm not blind. It's a girl like a stone.


But I'm not looking for a beautiful woman.

I want this right here to beat thousands.

That's why I won't marry that girl, that my family wants. Never.

Now, I told my family I'm married and they thought it's my baby or so...

Actually, they're offended but on the other hand,

they saw that I'm standing on my own feet and that I started a family.

I mean, you, me, this kid...

The three of us became a beautiful picture like this.

I just wanted to believe in this lie.

I wanted it to be real.

That's all.

Even your father accepted it already.


Zeynep, forgive me. I'm going to tell that the baby isn't mine.

Just give me some time.

Believe in me, okay?

Good morning.

- Good morning Miss Valide. - Good morning.

Where are the kids?

They're still sleeping.

How is the baby?

Look what I've brought you!

Daughter, why did you bring him now?

We were just going to have breakfast with full enjoyment.

That's why. I brought him so you would have breakfast with more enjoyment.

Oh, oh. Did my pasha Grandson get sick?

What was his name?

Ah, true. We haven't thought about asking.

Did they leave a mind?

- Dad, can you hold him for a second? - Of course. Come here.

Come here, my pasha.

And I really can't believe you.

Why are you adopting him so much?

Of course, I'll adopt him. He's my Grandson, Mukaddes.

And Daughter, you're like ''ching chang, ching chang''. Don't take those pictures. It's getting on my nerves.

Mom, wait. I'm going to introduce my cousin to my friends.

Selin, don't share those pictures with anybody.

It's too late.

Look, look, look, look, look, look, selfie!

Do you see it, Mom,

We're disgraced.


Get up, get up!

What are you doing?

Selim is gone!

Who's Selim?

My son!

Who I was carrying all the time in my arms, who was your best friend and who saved your life!


Was his name Selim?

Huh... Selim.

My son, my son.

Son, Son, Selim, come to mommy.

Are you okay? Is your fever over, huh?

My Son.

Why is everybody looking at me?

- Did you name the child Selim? - Yeah.

So the runaway is here, look.

Good mornings.

So you named him after your grandfather.

Well done, Son. I'm proud of you.

I mean, Dad. Of course, I couldn't thnik about an another name when there's the name of my deceased grandfather.

Asiye, bring the teas of the kids.

- Won't you have breakfast? - Of course, we will.

Come on.

Give him to me. Then you can easily have your breakfast.

My love.

My only one.

My love.

- Oh oh, are you my Grandfather? - Goodmorning. - Goodmorning.

Grandmother look, Selim Grandfather.

Little Şekercizade Son.




Have a nice meal, I'm leaving.

Sit down.

Do you know where they're staying?


- He's asking about Zeynep. - Elif Su.

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What are you looking at, huh?

Do you want too?


- Psst. - Huh?

Go, quick, quick.

- Wow, wow, what are you doing? Who are you? - Drive, drive, drive, come on drive, drive.

- What drive? - Go man, go, go.


Hey man, he doesn't even know English. I'm telling you, go.

Where are we going?

- You will see when we get there. I'm telling you go! - Go!

Lan, he's still not moving.

So, she's very rebellious.

- Your work will be difficult. - So be it, Miss.

Despite Miss Mukaddes, I raised Fatih and Selin.



Hello, Miss Bride. Welcome.


Son, are you here, huh?

- Whay are you doing? - I'm Hacer.

I'm Fatih and Selin's foster-mother.

When miss Gülsüm said that the Grandson had to be nursed, I came quickly.

He's very well-behaved, hullo. Just like Fatih, right?

Excuse me, did you

look for someone else...

to take care of my child?

Did I have to consult you?

I can take care of my own child by myself.

Well enough.

Hacer raised all the children in this house.

And she'll also take care of Selim.

Miss Gülsüm decides everything here, Miss Bride.

And why did you fly into a temper?

Of course, you'll take care of your own child by yourself.

I just came to help.

Oh my dear Selim, are you hungry?

Let's make his feed together. You can show it me.

Come, Son.

Cold! Don't throw, don't throw! Don't throw. Don't throw. Don't throw.

Don't pour, don't pour, don't pour! Cold!

What are you doing? Why did you bring me here?

Why would we? We'll clean you like a fish.

Weren't we going to hit him like a partridge.

Oh yeah, that could also be. But I think Reis will kill him painfully.

Oooh, you mean he's going to hit him with something very painful.

Oh yeah, that can also be.

But I don't even know you. Get me out of here!

And we don't know you.

Then why did you bring me here?

Reis wanted it. He wants, we do.

Who's Reis? Who's Reis?!

Aha, he has come.

What are you doing to this man, like this?

Uh, Reis. We iced him, so he won't smell.

- Orhan, is he him? - Yes Uncle, he is.

Who is him? Who am I?! Why did you bring me here?!

Do I have to teach you who you are, silly?

Take him, get him on the boat.

Where are we going now?

To the deep. The deepest.

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My dear, where you here?

Look, what you're doing here.

This room is a present for Selim from his Grandmother.

The room is very nice, I really like it.

So you really liked it.

The only reason why Mother adopts him so much, is Fatih. You know that, right?

A rich, handsome husband with career.

The luxury to buy what you want when you want.

A house full of maids.

These are all things that fortune hunters dream about.

But remember, this is a dream.

When you wake up, everything will be gone.

Selim will always have a room in this house.

But you, never.

- Did she call me a fortune hunter? Look Miss Mukaddes! - Daughter, wait

Don't feel addressed. Now she suddenly became a grandmother, she probably couldn't handle it.

As if I wanted this room!

Oh God, I'm going crazy. Why did you pour concrete on my feet?! Why did you put me here?!

- Don't jump. It still has to be hardened. - Who the heck are you?! Who are you?!

- Really, I'll beat you, huh. - Reis, Reis!

So, you're him.

You keep saying “you're him, you're him“, but who is 'him'?

How could you kidnap my daughter, lan?


- I don’t know your daughter! - Shut up!

Ah, you... you kidnapped the wrong guy. I’m not him. It’s a mistake.

Shut up, lan!

You are a coward! Be a man! You are lying to me.

- Damn me if I’m lying! - You are already damned!

Aren’t you aware of it? I’m your curse.

Look, this is hardening.

Please, I don’t know you, I don’t know who is your daughter. Please, let me go. Look, I will fall in now.

Man, did you bring me the wrong guy?

- Orhan! - Uncle?

- Isn’t this Zeynep’s husband? - This is, this is, Uncle. He was with her yesterday.

Wait a minute. Zeynep?

Are you Zeynep’s father?

Look, he recognized me.

No, but there is no such thing. Kidnapping is out of the question, there is no such thing!

- You dog! You took my daughter and took her to the other side of the ocean. - What did I do?

You took my daughter away from me, lan!

Lan! You coward, if you were a man you would say ''I kidnapped her''. You come and tremble here in front of me.

No, it’s not because of that. They made me sit in ice,

it’s because of the cold.

L-Look, let’s sit and talk like civilized people. This situation...

I’ll explain everything to you, I promise.

You are going to explain it anyway.

Come on, tell me...

why you kidnapped my daughter.

- Because I love her very much. - Oh...

So you admit that you kidnapped my daughter, huh?

Yes, I kidnapped her, I admit. But

I swear, I did it because I love her. I kidnapped her because I love her.

- How did you kidnap her? - With this... With a plane.

- Where did you take her? - To America. We went to America.

- He tells me that shamelessly, he tells it shamelessly! - No, no!

But you get mad when I don’t tell you, I don’t know what to do!

Look, your daughter is here. I’ll bring her to you, we’ll sit all together and talk, don’t worry, okay?

- Don't hit me. - No, I don’t want.

I don't have such a daughter.

- Why did you kidnap me then?! - Kamil, take a look if this has hardened.

No, it hasn’t hardened yet, Reis.

- We should wait a little more. - It hasn’t, it hasn’t hardened yet.

Look, Reis Abi, dear Reis Abi,

there's no need for such things. My intentions are serious, I love your daughter.

We are married, we are married, what else we can do?

There is even the fruit of our love, we have a child.

- Is it a boy or a girl? - A boy.

- Throw him overboard. We're done with him. - Wait, wait!

If I die, your grandson will be left without a father, poor baby, it’s a pity.

- What is his name? - Whose?

My grandson’s, idiot!

It was Selim. I mean, It is Selim!

Thank my grandson, otherwise you’d be dead today.

Yes, like this. We understand each other when we talk like people.

Why do we need such things, Reis Father? We are family after all.


You will bring me my grandson, or I will finish what I’ve started.

- Orhan! - Uncle? - Let’s return to the dock.

When should I bring him?

Swim carefully, go that way, it’s closer. But be careful, there's a strong current.

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- I brought you coffee. - Thank you, Selin.

- You got used to it in America, right? - Yeah, right.

Where is that kid?

In the morning, I told him to come to the company but he also didn't come there.

Daughter, did he tell you where he was going?

When he went out this morning, he said he'll come to you. After that we haven't spoken.

The deepest, the deepest... how cold.

- Son, where were you? Why you're like this? - Give, give, give. Give, give, give.

- I fell into the sea. - What?

- Did you fall into the sea? - Rather, I was dropped, I fell, I was dropped.

- Fatih, what are you saying, Son? - How would I know?

I, hot shower.

Daughter, go take care of your husband.

Must we also say this?

Ohh, my husband. Uhh, I... from confusion, excuse me.

Excuse me.

Cold water.


Fatih, I...

Oops. Sorry, I thought you were in the shower.

No. I'm getting in, now.

It smells bad here.

It's probably from the fish safe.

- What? - Forget it. Nothing.

Uh, Zeynep. Let's go to your father, tomorrow morning, okay?

My father? Why? Why are we going, what do we have to do there?

What do you mean by what do we have to do there. He's probably worried about you.

After all, it's your father. So we have to go.

- And stop peeking at me. - Pee- Why would I peek at you? Like I'm curious.

It smells awful.

My dear, my only one. The only one of his Grandmother.

How innocent, how beautiful, isn't it?

Say hullo. Say hullo.

Hullo to you, hullo.

Don't spit.

Don't spit on him.

I-I will pray for him.

Uh... uh.

- Are you that bad? - My fever is 40-50 degrees. I'm really bad.

- There is, right? - No, it doesn't look like you have a fever.

I have, I'm dying. Can you cover me up with more, it's cold.

You probably got a cold because you fell into the sea.

- I will look for medicines downstairs, okay? - Okay.

Oh God. Take me to hospital, I'm dying.

What's wrong, Miss Bride?

- Fatih is sick, so I'll look for medicines for him. - I will look first.

''I will look first.''

As if she's an internal medicine specialist.

Oh God.

Don't cover yourself, Son, don't.

- And you covered yourself with so many layers. - He's feeling cold.

How are you going to raise the child with that head, Daughter?

Can you cover someone with a fever with so many layers?

- Yesterday, you did the same to your child. - I'm raising my child very well, hullo.

And Fatih fell into the sea, so it's normal that he's cold. He doesn't even have a fever.

Stand up, Son, stand up. Come on.

I don't get why you want a sick person to stand up.

Okay, don't interfere. She knows what she's doing.

Miss Bride. Do something useful instead of doing that.

Go boil a mint and lemon for your husband. Come on, Son. Stand up.

First a shower, then a mint and lemon, and medicines. And it'll be gone until tomorrow. Come on, Son. Come on.

Are you still here?

What's happening so late at night, Mukaddes?

I mean, what am I going to tell the people?

- About what? - What do you think, Fehmi?

Of course, about our Son's marriage.

Look, you can say that our Son married a beautiful girl.

And they made a baby, and they're also very happy. Okay?

- How can you be so comfortable, Fehmi? - Get over it by yourself. I can't handle it at this time.

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Zeynep, stand up. Come on, stand up. We're going.

- Why? - Get ready, we're going to your father.

What father? You're sick, go to sleep. We'll go later.

- I got better. We'll go today, come on. - It's so early in the morning, are you crazy? My father isn't running away.

Look, he has probably been waiting for you for a long time, he missed you. Come on.

Yeah, he's probably waiting.

- Zeynep, come on stand up. - Hey, what are you doing?

You can't postpone this. Let's do it and get rid of it.

Let's go and get rid of it, okay?

- Okay, you're right. - Okay.

- Okay, get out. I'll get ready. - You're getting ready?

- Okay, I'll get ready. - Okay, I'll get ready, too.

- Okay. - Then we can quickly go.

- But get quickly ready. - Okay, get out.

Okay, get ready.

Oh oh, the only one of his Aunt. Oh Dad, look how cute he is.

The same as Fatih. He's the spitting image of his father.

Which part of him is like Fatih? He looks nothing like him. What's it got to do with it?

Are you blind, Mukaddes? It's the copy of his father.

Isn't it? Who does my grandson resemble? Does he resemble his father?

- Don't laugh like the common people, please. - A-a.

What's like the common people, with this? As if she doesn't do it herself.

Shame on you, Miss Valide.

Good mornings Şekercizade royalty. We're leaving. See you.

Where are you going to?

We're going to Zeynep's father.

Son, aren't you thinking of coming to the company?

- Oh, if you urgently have to go to the company, then go. We can go later to my father, that's not urgent. - No, no.

It's not urgent. Dad, I'll come later to the company for 3 years. Let's go. Come on, quickly.

But they forgot the child.

Are you left with us, Son?

- Come on, quickly. - We had better have breakfast before we went. Now we're so hungry.

- Where is the child? - I'm not going to take him.

- Why are we going then? - You kept saying ''let's go''.

- Zeynep, don't talk nonsense. Go take the child. - I won't take him.

First, I'll go. My father doesn't know yet that I have a child.

What if he knows, huh? What if he knows?

Isn't it his right to see his grandson? It's a shame.

Look at me, what are you after? What's your problem?

- Nothing. - This is my problem. I know my father.

Whether he'll let me in or not, is even unknown.

Do you want me and my child to stay there crushed locked out.

No, look. If you go with the child, you won't stay locked out. I mean,

when mine saw the child, they softened.

The same will happen with your, don't worry. Come on, Zeynep.

And yours are another subject, of course.

Okay, don't be stubborn and go take the child.

Okay then.

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- Wait, wait. Give me the child. - No, no. Don't get closer. The child is with me, it's good like this.

- You can take the bag. - I already took it.

What are these efforts?

Aren't you going to ring the bell?

I am.

- No, I can't do this. - Zeynep.

Hello, who did you look for?

- Elif Su. - Zeynep Abla.

My dear.

My darling, you became big.

Elif Su, who cam-


- Uyyy Zeynep! Uyyy my Zeynep! - Aunt.

Uyyy Zeynep! My Zeynep came, my Zeynep came! Welcome, my Zeynep!

I missed you.

- Welcome. - Thank you.

- Oh, I missed you so much. - I missed you too.

Come on, get in. Come on, don't feel cold. Don't feel cold, get in.

What are you standing there? Get in then.


Come, get in.

Come. Please come in!



Look, everything is the same as you left it, everything is separate. Except for your room.


Look Zeynep Abla, let's deal in advance. This room is now mine.

If you try to get my room, then...


Uyy, that motor mouth. Haha.

God give me patience.

Sit down, Zeynep, sit down. Please, sit. Come on.

- Aunt. - Yes. - This is Fatih.

My dear Fatih!

What a beautiful boy are you. Fatih. Hullo.

- Aunt... - How beautiful. - Aunt, this is Fatih.

What's this?

He's Selim.

Did you kidnap Zeynep Abla?

- Elif... - No, no. It doesn't matter.

- I'm Fatih, and what's your name? - Elif Su.

Elif Su. Nice to meet you, Elif Su.

Give him for a second, so that I can love him.

- No, no. It's good like this. It's good. - We're not eating your child, give him.

- It's good like this, it's good. - I'm just going to love him, give him.

He's going to sleep, he'll sleep, he will sleep here on my lap.

Why don't you tell me from the beginning? We're shouting here.

Then, what should I do? What shall we drink? Zeynep? Tea?

No, no, we won't drink. Just sit so I can see your face, I missed it.

It can't be so dry. I'll steep the tea.

- Elif Su. Run, run to the market and buy biscuits, run. - Don't send the girl.

- Quick, quick. - No, Aunt...

I wonder where your father is.

What are you after?

No, I'm not after anything.

- I mean. Mine, saw the child and softened, right? - Yeah.

Now the child is here, I thought your father will also soften after he sees the child.

Yeah, he'll soften. Wait.

You don't know my father yet.


To the deep. The deepest.


Hello, Brother.

When are you coming home?

We have guests.

We're sailing, Yadigar.

- Who came? - Zeynep came, Abi!

Who else?

Uh, he came with her husband and your grandson.

If he has work to do, tell him we'll go to him.

Tell them to wait.

Okay, Brother. Okay, Brother. I'm telling them now.

''Let them wait, I'm coming,'' he said.

Brother... Eh, he hung up, eh.

- Orhan. - Uncle.

Let’s return to the dock.

We didn't even throw the fishing net, Uncle.

Hello, Mr Fehmi.

Hello, Ferhat.

How are you?

The news are good, Sir.

X Holding submitted an offer above our expectation.

Did we have an expectation, Ferhat?

I mean, they submitted an offer above the company value.

You can tell them we're not interested in their offer.

In my opinion, you can take a look at the offer, first.

$ 50.000.000

Is this number correct?

So they're serious about their offer.

I confirmed if there was a mistake or not. It's true.

They'll deposit fifty percent cash immediately into our account and the other fifty percent after it's finished.

Did you meet with the banks?

I did.

The situation isn't so good.

If we don't achieve growth in 7 or 8 months, we'll have a financial problem.

What shall we respond to X Holding?

Welcome Brother.

- Let me kiss, father. - Don't call me father.

I don't have a daughter like you.

Brother, don't do this. She came all this way to see you.

I told you to bring my grandson. Did I tell you to bring her?

I thought I collectively bring everyone.

If you don't have a daughter like me, then you don't have a grandson like him, too.

Come to mommy.


You blackguard, how do you talk to me, huh?

It's my fault for coming here.

Did you come here to behave rudely?

Ulan, you went very haywire.

There's neither love, nor respect.

When did you show me love to want the same of me?

What else than imposing bans have you done for me until this age?

Leave! Leave my house!



Zeynep, Zeynep.


Lan, don't stand there like that. Go after her, go!

I promise you, I'll bring your Grandson again.

I'll be right back.

Open the door.

Open then.


What are you looking at. Let's go.

Why are you mad at me? Gosh.. Everybody has to do it with me.

Are you happy? Did you get what you wanted?

What did I do? Gosh...

You kept saying ''Let's go to your father''.

As if I don't know how to go.

But it's my fault. Why did I listen to you?

Seriously, did I become the guilty one because you were kicked out of the house?

Yes, you did!

You kept saying ''let's go''.

It was still early to go.

It's because you poke your nose in things you don't know.

Don't worry, I know it. I learned your father very well, don't worry.

He taught me by dipping me into water.

Did my father throw you into the sea?

They poured concrete on my feet and tried to throw me into the sea,

saying ''to the deep, the deepest''. I'm telling you I was dying.

You're not dead after all.

Hey, slow down. You're going to kill us.

Yeah, the fear of death is just like that. I was scared half to death, too.

Don't shout at me. Did I throw you into the sea?

Your father threw me because of you. What's the difference?

And when were you planning to tell me about that kidnap issue.

My life is none of your business.

How is it none of my business? I was dying because of you.

Oh help, the complaint has started.

Okay, I'm guilty. I'm guilty of everything. I'm sorry, Mr Fatih.

No, I'm sorry but... while you have a wacky father,

are you the one who confronts his father without the child's real father, not me.

I've never seen anything like this in my life.

That man is a complete maniac.

Look, talk right. My father isn't a maniac.

He's just offended.

Ahw, poor you, he's really offended. That man is a psychopath.

As well as a psychopath, that should receive a report.

What do I already have to do with you? Why am I even helping the daughter of a wacky sailor?

Then you shouldn't have done it. You were the one who made the offer.

You ran after me at the airport and begged me.

And I have been enduring your vulgar mother and grandmother for two days.

I didn't even open my mouth.

They are people who saw good manners of a palace.

Oh, please for heaven's sake. Don't make me laugh. Palace, my butt.

They are nothing else than selfish people who want to poke their nose in other people's business.

What are you saying? Look at your own father and mother.

And where is your mother?

Stop the car.


I said stop.

Okay, don't talk nonsense.

- Hey, stop the car! Can't you understand me?! - Okay, don't shout! Why are you shouting?! - Stop the car then!

- Open this door.

What are you doing?

- Open the door! - I opened it! Open and go... gosh.


Hey, what are you doing?

It was already ridiculous, okay? It's over. This game's over!


What did I say now?

What more are you going to say?

Look, I don't need anyone's help. Okay? Understand this.

- Hey, wait a minute, wait. - I experienced many things on my own. Can't I handle you?

Zeynep, what are you doing?

What Zeynep, Zeynep?! I know my name! My name's Zeynep!

- Where are you going? - None of your business. I'm going to hell.

- Let's continue going straight, Abi. - Hey, wait a minute, wait a-

Oh, God. I'm a jerk, a real jerk. It's none of your business, why are you fighting with her?

Master, may it be easy. Did you see here a woman with a child?

Okay, okay, okay. Okay, my dear, okay. Look, we came.

We came.

Okay, Selim, Selim. Okay, okay my Son, okay.

Okay. Okay. Okay, look. Look, look where I brought you.

My Son.

My dear, look. Look what I'm going to show you now. Look, look, look.

I always used to come here when I was young, do you know that? I came here often when I was young.

When I was upset or angry I always used to come here.

And my father came here to find me. You know that?

Yes, right. Right, but...

I'm not young anymore.

Now you're with me.

And my father won't come to find me here.

It's all in the past.


What are we going to do now?

Okay, what are we going to do now?


How did you find us here?

I coincided to the taxi driver.. But what does it matter? Let's go, please.

I'm not going anywhere with you.

Okay, I did stupid things. I'm sorry.

- Come on. - I'm not coming.

Hey, are you crazy?

Your father kicked you out of the house, you have nowhere to go. What are you going to do with a baby in your arms?

I can save myself.

So you're leaving me in the lurch, huh?

We made an agreement.

I broke that agreement.

- What did you do? - Broke it, broke it.

Those things don't happen like that, miss Zeynep.

They poured concrete on my feet, threw me into the sea, but even so I didn't ditch you.

- I agreed with a crime I never commited, for you. - Then you shouldn't have taken the blame!

- Oh, is that so? - Did I force you?

- I could also not do it. I could tell your father, I didn't do it. - Then you should have said it. Did I force you?

I didn't ditch you because I...

♬ Love ~ ♬

♬ Again ~ ♬

End of Episode 1 ♬ Love ~ ♬

The Preview of Episode 2 is at the clips.

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