As If (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Erasmusla Gelen Yamyam - full transcript

Ersoy's grandmother dies due to an unfortunate situation, the group stands by Ersoy to support him emotionally.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Ersoy. Sorry for your loss my son.

-Be strong my dear.
-How come?

How come?

How come?

-Get some cologne.
-Fatos pull yourself together!

God bless you. May she rest in peace.

True that.

-What's up Umitcan?
-Alright bro, you?

Not much. Just same.
We got here as soon as we heard.

What about the album? Not released yet?

We are in the final stage.

We had to postpone it a little.

Good. Who did you work with
at this album?

I worked with some important names.

Besides, I was there in every stage.

Bro, you have to be there,
it doesn't work any other way.

-Exactly. It doesn't work otherwise.
-No way.

In order to get the sound you want,
you need to be there.

How is that sound?

Bro, how is the sound?
A little European.

A little from us.
We wanted to make a synthesis.

-We hope for the best.


Bro, do you know how did it happen?

How did Ersoy's grandma die?

Don't ask Umitcan. Really.

Never heard anything like this.

You wouldn't want to know.

It is really too weird.
We are still in shock.

Ersoy was working
in a stationery, did you know it?

Yes, I know.

Whatever. Place he works was very close

to a university.

So, a lot of students come and go,

lots of copying job.
Do you understand?

One day, a girl comes in

and says "I want to print a flyer."

Then, Ersoy wonders and asks
"What is this?"

She says, "This is a flyer."

There are students coming with Erasmus,
the student exchange program.

-Do you know?
-I know.

"It's for students from abroad,
to provide them accommodation."

"It can be a house, room, etc."

"So, in order to help them
we prepare a flyer."

She says, "We will hang them.
It's about that."

Ersoy is a naive guy,

when the conversation flows,
Ersoy says,

"I live with my Grandma.
We have a spare room."

"It's available.
In case there is a need,

I would like to help."

It would never do!

Actually, I didn't get it.

Whatever. One day, this girl brings
a foreign student.

She introduces them.

She says, "This guy
came from Netherlands,

with Erasmus and his name is Lucas."

"You said, If there is a need,

you have a spare room."

"What do you say?
How shall we do this?"

Ersoy says, "Of course, He's more
than welcome. Anything I can do."

-Yes bro.
-In the evening,

Ersoy brings Lucas home, here.

They hang out. Eating, drinking, etc.

Then, Ersoy shows him
the room and says,

"Here is your room and your bed."

"Here is the Bathroom."
Ersoy adjusts everything for him.

They say good nigh to each other.
In the morning,

Ersoy enters the hall
and sees Aunt Serpil, his grandma,

is lying on the floor covered
in blood and dead.

It turns out, the Dutch guy, Lucas

was a cannibal. He ate Aunt Serpil.

What? How did he eat?

You're not messing with me, are you?

Why would we mess with you?

There's no cannibalism in Netherlands.

That's what we said.
We said exact same thing before.

We talked about it.

What Europe got to do with cannibalism?

We talked about it just now. It's true,
it may be all over the world,

but it turns out, occasionally
there are cannibals in Europe too.

How much did he eat?

The son of a bitch ate quite a lot.

He ate the half of the woman.
How did Ersoy sleep through that.

Didn't she make any noise? My goodness.

Bro, it shouldn't be like this.

I mean, there should be
an international sanction.

If the presidency declares
a condemnation,

if it gets media coverage,
it will be good.


When they find out who the suspect is,

they will be on red alert.
They will find him soon.

Even so, unfortunately
that doesn't bring back the deceased.

Bro, did they find the girl
that brought this guy?

They had her testimony as I know it.

A comprehensive investigation
has also been initiated.

Turkey will never let this go Umitcan.

Umitcan, postpone your album
for a while.

Why is that bro?

Not while Ersoy is in this state.

Wait a bit, let some time pass.

Bro please. How can I tell this
to the producer and record company?

But bro, try to put yourself
in his place.

He'll wake up and
see a video of a good friend on TV,

hear his song on the radio,

same week his grandma's eaten.
Imagine how he would feel.

Brothers, you're right. I never thought
that way.

In some way,
I will explain Ersoy my situation.

Ilkkan was going to buy a car,
he postponed it.

I was going to renew the kitchen,
I postponed it.

We need to take care of this guy.

Umitcan, go and help digging.
Help them.

Bro, if you want to make God laugh,

just tell him your plans.

Ilkkan I swear, I will fuck you,
in the middle of the graveyard.

I had enough. You have a word
for everything. Give it a rest.

The grave is open,
I'll throw you into it.

What are you doing?
I'm telling the bitter truths of life.

We are already experiencing them,
we don't also need to hear.

Give it a rest. Lay off.

-Bro what are you doing?
-Lay off. Be quiet.

-Take this bro.
-Thank you.

What's with the incense man?
Where did you get it?

Did we have incense?

I light it to soften the air bro.

I bought the incense before,

for the time my girlfriend would come,
for the romantic ambiance,

It was Ersoy's fortune.

Umitcan there is no need for music,

let's turn it off, OK?

Bro, this is our favorite band
with Ersoy.

I play it to break the silence.

-Ersoy, shall we keep playing?

I like this band.

What about incense? Does it bother you?

No, that's fine. Leave it.

-Hello. Welcome.

-Please come in.
-Here. Go ahead.

How shall we...

That won't do.

-Let's do like this.
-Shall I come?

Sorry, we'll keep you...
Ilkkan help me move this.

There'll be more space.
You aren't needed.

Pivot bro.

Are you OK?

I'm OK. Let's put it like this.

-Come on guys, please sit here.

Mr. Ersoy we're sorry for your loss.

They talked with you in the heat
of the moment but we need more detail.

-We can start whenever you're ready.
-I'm ready, we can talk.

Officer, does the music bother you?
Should I stop?

We don't mind. It's up to you.

-What about the incense?
-No problem.

-Incense is good, right Ersoy?
-Right. Keep it.

Mr. Ersoy, can you give us
detailed description of the suspect?

Well, he was...

...a tall guy. At least 190cm.

He was blonde, with blue eyes.

And he had a coat
with a rustling sound.

A purple coat.

Was it like a long coat
or something at waist level?

I was long. It was about knee-length.

But it was like a raincoat.

Was it like an overcoat?

Well, was it like an overcoat?

To be honest, I don't remember exactly.

But it wasn't that thick,

It wasn't an overcoat,
it was something in between.

-It was like a cloak than?
-Yes. Like a cloak.

Well done. Yes, it was like a cloak.

He also had a big headphone.

Was it for listening to music or
for protection against the cold.

Headphone for listening to music.

I never saw him listening
to music though.

They were mostly on his neck.

He was actually a calm, cheerful guy.

But you know...

I mean, my grandma
and I could never guess this.

I see. Did he mention any plans?
What did you talk about?

Frankly, we didn't speak much,
since my English is not enough.

But I asked him,
"What is your favorite color?"

He answered it.

-What did he say?
-He said yellow then.

-But now I don't know.

I see. Now, let me explain, the point
where the investigation has come.

It turned out, this Lucas,
the suspect wasn't a student.

The student who brought him,
met him in the university cafeteria.

As far as the information
we got from her, he came with Erasmus,

But there's no sign of him
being a student.

But, if he wasn't a student,
he couldn't come with Erasmus.

Erasmus is a student exchange program.

We're investigating it. Official
correspondences have been going on.

The related cameras
are now being examined.

Like I said, if he came
with Erasmus, he is a student.

If he didn't come
with Erasmus, he's not a student.

If he is actually a student,
did he come with Erasmus?

How did he come? You should find out.

Let's not mess around. Officers
are doing their job professionally.

Right. I'm not messing around.

I'm saying something very clear
and trying to help him.

Bro, let's keep quiet. Ersoy is
already tired now. Let's not argue.

Mr. Ersoy, again sorry for your loss.

We'll inform you, if anything comes up.

-We are leaving now.

-Thanks, please don't bother.
-Thank you.

Oh my dear aunt Serpil.

Oh my dear aunt Serpil.

Bro, what's the point?

-Why are you bringing that up?

What am I bringing up?

We came here to keep Ersoy's head off,

to make him feel better a little.

Why are you bringing that up suddenly?

Ilkkan, thank you for your comments.

But first of all,

No one whose grandma was eaten
the day before,

won't be distracted
just because he went to breakfast.

Secondly, we also
are not kind of people

who escape their problems
by having breakfast.

Third, I believe these things
need to be discussed.

People need to be remembered.
I believe in that.

If we'll talk about it,
only Ersoy can bring it up.

If Ersoy wants to talk about it,
we can join.

-Am I wrong Ersoy?
-Guys, it's not a big deal.

I mean, Yilmaz is right. Well...

This kind of stuff will poison you,
if you keep them.

-We should remember her at ease.
-I agree.

Ersoy, you surprised me

in a good way.

I wouldn't expect you to be this tough.

Way to go. You inspired me.

I appreciate your strength
and fortitude bro.

Not at all. Don't mention it.

-I'll be.
-Ersoy is solid and strong.

Well done brother.

I'll tell you what,

I already know
he was solid, strong and mature.

But I didn't know this much.

I'm putting myself
in his shoes now and thinking,

"How would I feel
if they ate my grandma?"

"What would I say."

Bro, what's the point?
Don't mention eating.

What did I mention?

Bro, the matter is constantly
coming up, it makes him uncomfortable.

-I said something about it?

Did I say anything
about his grandma was eaten.

Don't do that. Just don't.

-Did I say something about it.
-You only talk about it.

Ersoy, sorry brother. You implicate me.

If I said something to upset you,
it's not on purpose.

-I'm sorry. Forgive me.
-Don't say that.

Not at all Yılmaz.

I know you.

I know, it's a difficult situation,
it's hard to know what to say,

that's why I'm saying
it's best to keep quiet.

Let's be quiet. Hush!

Well, he is right guys,

I don't know how to feel right now.

Really. You say,
"You're solid, you're tough."

It's not like that though.

I'm in shock right now.

I don't know how to feel about it.

It's perfectly normal bro.

Guys, I'm so angry.

My anger is suppressing my sadness.

It's like I have a fireball on my chest

it feels like it'll burn or explode.

Ersoy don't! Okay?

Don't let your anger
to take over you brother.

This would only harm you Ersoy.

Now, we need to stay calm
and be patient.

Whatever happens, happens.

Bro, you are right. I know that

but that woman had not left her house
for years.

I inevitably blame myself about it.

It's fate bro. You can't fight fate.

Look bro,

I see that. You are right.

But if I didn't bring that asshole
to my house,

such things wouldn't happen.
This is the fact.

He was European, I trusted him.

I assumed he was civilized,
it'll be fine. Look what happened.

Well, Ersoy look at this situation
like this,

Aunt Serpil could have died
in a home accident.

She could have got sick and died.
You see?

We have no control
over some things brother.

What is time bro?

What is time?

What're you saying?
Shut up for god's sake.

-Just a second, what is time?
-What is it?

What is time?

For me, time is a concept
over which we have no control

or even we won't ever have.


Ersoy, I may not get the chance
to say that again,

I want to dedicate my new album
to aunt Serpil.

-Fuck your new album.
-What on earth is that?

He managed to bring the topic
to his album.

I didn't want to do that.

Why did we come to this breakfast?

To keep his mind off. To chat. To talk
about other things.

Are we here
for talking about your new pop album?

You ruin such a beautiful morning

What is beautiful? Stop this nonsense.

What's wrong with it?

What's nice?
His grandma was eaten yesterday.

Can't you talk anything
except his grandma was eaten.

Stop talking nonsense.

Why you constantly mention
her grandma was eaten?

Are you insane?
You are talking about it nonstop,

-I mentioned once.
-Guys, please.

-Put your hand down.

-You fool!

-I will hit...
-Yilmaz! with this glass.

Please guys.

Sorry Ersoy.

Sorry bro.

Please calm down.
You also give Umitcan a hard time.

Thanks bro.

I am proud of you man.

You want to make your music somehow.

I appreciate you.

Besides, I appreciate you
dedicating your album to my grandma.

-Thank you.
-Thank you bro.

Thank you for your understanding.

This issue kept me thinking.
I was thinking how to tell.

I'm stuck right now.

Bro regardless, It's not the time
to release an album.

Bro, please don't say that.
Album will be released this week.

It's about to be released.

Producer texted me,
there'll be a video shoot tomorrow.

The whole program is ready.

I know it's a bad time, but...

What does bad time means?

What is the bad time?

I wish they would eat aunt Serpil,
when you're available too.

Bro, I didn't mean that. Please.

Please guys. Stop the nonsense.
Life is going on.

I don't want anyone to be a victim
of this situation.

Which song are you making the video?

Is that the song you played me today?
That slow song.

Bro you haven't listen to it yet.

-What's the title?
-I eat...

-I eat you.

Fuck you, you son of a bitch!

Where would I know,
aunt serpil was eaten?

Okay guys. This is pop. Pop it is.

So, it could happen.

Every subject come to my album.

-Drop that.
-You brought it up.

-Okay shut up.
-I talk whatever I want.

Okay Ilkkan. Please let's not talk
about this anymore.

Ersoy. We talked amongst
ourselves, we decided

to go to a Turkish
bath from here all together.

-When we get out of here.

-What do you say?
-Sure. Sounds good to me.

We also have some aromatherapy.

We have a head massage.
We can just relax, okay?

Whatever you say bro.

-That's fine by me.
-OK than.

Now, I put some sage
and rosemary in here.

Do you smell it well?

I think Rosemary is too much.

Bro, I think rosemary is OK,
sage is too much.

Rosemary would be better alone.

But don't you smell a refreshing
fragrance? That's good, right?

That's good. Fresh.

My Ersoy, do you have a special aroma
in mind? I can do it right now.

No. All work for me.

I'm adding some cedar than.

Don't put cedar bro.
I don't like cedar at all.

British mint,

crossbreed lavender. Sounds good?

Yes. That will do.

What will do? He's talking
like he knows anything about it.

Couldn't I have tastes?

Are you the expert of aromatherapy?

Brother, I come here twice a week
to have aromatherapy.

Please leave it to the pros.

Bro, let's have a massage.

You mixed those fragrances a lot,
look what happened to him.

His eyes are looking weird.
Let's have a massage.

Do you want to have a massage?

Let's have a massage.

Ersoy, what do you say,
shall we have a massage?

Okay bro. I fit in.

Let's have a massage than!

Let's have a massage.

He is fucked up, you know that Ilkkan.
He wanders like a ghost.

I wish, we didn't go out today.

I wanted go out and get some air.
It might clear his head.

You came up
with Turkish bath, aromatherapy, etc.

No, we are waiting
to hear from the cops.

There's nothing yet.
Our hands are tied now.

Okay sister. Say hi from me.
See you. Goodbye.

Anyway, I think we shouldn't go out.

This massage isn't also work for me.

Let's go home.

Let's go home.

There are many people that likes us.
Everyone called.

Ersoy, let's go home when we get out
of here, what do you say?

OK bro. That works for me.

But first I'll meet with a lady friend.
She texted me.

I'll join you later at home.

OK sure. You meet a lady friend.
It will keep your mind off.


I'm going than.
I don't need to wait for you.

See you at home. Keep up good work.

Did Ersoy write something to the group?

-No bro, he didn't.
-I wonder, where did he go?

Wherever he's gone bro.
I'm so upset with Ersoy.

-Why bro, what happened?
-You are asking why?

You're after some girl the day after

someone ate your grandma.
Is that right?

She may be his friend man,
why are you so biased?

How come I am biased bro?

We are doing so many things
since morning to keep his mind off,

he's gone after a girl.

Let's say that girl is his friend.

It keeps his mind off well.
Didn't you want this all day?

Not like this Yılmaz.

Not like this.

Let's say he has no respect for us.

Doesn't he have any respect
for the deceased?

I don't get it. Does the person he meet
should be a guy?

It should be bro. The person
you meet should be a guy.

That's the way it is.

If you have a funeral, you can only
meet people same-sex as you.

With what you just said,
my mind is distracted.

I wish he was here to hear them.

Anyway bro, don't say anything
to him yet,

after some time passes,
I'll talk to him.

Bro, I think you're exaggerating.

-Why don't you sleep?
-We waited for you Ersoy.

As you know, you have a loss.

Did you keep your mind off a little?

I am. It felt good.

We can sleep than.

Brothers, they'll pick me up
in early morning.

Does anyone want to come with me?

What do you say Ersoy?
It could keep your mind off.

Alright. Whatever you say.


-Get up.

-What happened?
-Get up bro, you are on my jacket.

-You're on my coat.
-So what?

So, you are leaning and it is crushed.

So? What happens when it's crushed?
Why are you yelling?

-It's because of the music.
-Are you nuts?

-You're nuts.
-You are. Anyway, we’ll do it later.

Ersoy, are you okay?

-Does the music bother you?
-No problem.

Drink your tea.

Why is Umitcan doing such things?

We can't say anything. What's this?

-Who’ll you say to him?
-As his friends, we should warn him.

-There can be no such thing.
-Guys, this is pop.

-It is pop. Pop it is.

Whatever it is,
I'm still not comfortable with this.

We're only human.

We don't want to see our friend
like this.

It's a huge nonsense.

Ersoy? My dear Ersoy?

-What happened?
-Ersoy brother, what's wrong?

What happened suddenly.

"What's wrong?" What are you saying?

Don't mess with me please. He is upset.

Is that a question to ask this guy?

What's it to you?
Why are you messing with me?

What a weird guy you become.

-Don't act up in front of him.
-Please guys, don't.

-You're messing with me all the time.
-What if I do!

-You won't.
-What If I do?

-What if?
-Yılmaz, I've had enough!

-I don't care.
-Hand down!

I'll fuck your hair.

I won't let you fuck my hair brother.

-You don't say!
-Just because you don't have hair,

you set the Thames on fire.

You fool! How can you talk about
my physical appearance?

-Shut your face!
-Calm down.

-You bummer!
-Fuck off!

Please cut it out.

See, what did you do?

Don't do things like this!

-Look what you've done to him.
-Shame on you bro.

God damn it! You ruined my best day!

Today is very important for me.
When will you get it?

Do you feel no shame at all?

I worked hard to get somewhere
in Turkish pop.

Look how my closest friends treat me.


-Enough already.

Someone ate my grandma!

My grandma was eaten! You scumbag!

Be a little respectful!
Know your place!

-Take it easy.

-Be cool. He is in grief.
-Fuck your single you idiot!

-You cork it up brother.
-Show off!

If you call it pop, it is over than!
We're still arguing here!

-Is this pop?
-This is pop!

It is pop!

This is my music, you will respect it!

Umitcan, of course
but music is a relative thing.

This is the wrong time, but honestly,
I don't like your music.

About respect, I'm on your side though.

Respect is really essential.

What have I done to deserve this?

We're mortified. You're right.

I invite you to the set,

so that Ersoy could relax
and keep his mind off.

-I regretted it.

OK bro. Nobody says anything.
You're right Umitcan.

When he said "I don't like it",
he expressed his personal opinion.

If anything, I respect.

I appreciate
your devotion and understanding.

Me too.


Let me be.

For God's sake, let me be.

Let me shoot my video.

-Let me.
-Go fuck yourself!

Go fuck yourself! Fuck you!

-Calm down.
-Fuck you!

-Calm down.

-Who the fuck are you?
-Take it easy.

It's okay, leave me alone!
Go back to your fucking world!

What do you know about friendship?

-Calm down.
-What do you know about it?

-OK. I get it. Calm down.
-I'll fuck your dancers!

You can't talk like that
about my dancers.

-I am!
-You can't!

Yılmaz hold him. Help me.

-You can't talk! He can't!

-He can't talk.
-Okay bro.

-Let's get some air.
-We're not saying anything.

Sorry friends, we apologize to you.

Umitcan go have some nuts
in the backstage.

Pull yourself together. Calm down.
We're leaving. I'm coming.

-Don't you dare gesturing me man!
-OK. Get out! Come on.

How do you feel Ersoy?
Do you feel better outside?


I should find that guy.

-Which guy?
-That Dutch guy. I should find him.

I will eat him too.

-There's no other way.

I will eat him too.

What the hell are you talking about?
Pull yourself together.

I don't care about anything anymore.

I have nothing to fear.

I'll teach that asshole,
what it means to eat her.

Pull yourself together.
This is not you.

It was not me.

I am now.

I will eat that asshole.

If I don't, I won't be able to recover.

What kind of solution is this?
There is no such solution.

Are you crazy?

Okay bro, keep out of this.

Ersoy, that's not you.

This behavior doesn't suits you.

I decided to eat some guy.

Will I care what people think about it?

What you say is not in your blood.
You're not like that.

You're criticizing me at a time
like this? Shame on you.

My dear Ersoy, just tell me that

what shall we do? Shall we support you?
What do you want from us?

Bro, this guy committed
such a crime and disappeared.

Okay. Yes. This guy will be punished.

Police forces are on it right now.
You need to stay calm.

Get your head together. Calm down.

Look, I promise you,
this guy will be punished.

Have no doubt.

Bro, I'm sick of staying calm.

This calmness fucked me up.
I need to do something.

It doesn't work anymore.

Let's forget what we talked here.

I'll forget what you said.
Such crazy things.

-Do you left something?
-My coat. Let me take it.

-Go get it. Do you left something?

Let's go somewhere to eat. Come on.

Come on. Pull it together.

I'm just saying that
this is actually the cause

of all the problems our world facing.
Grinning like a Cheshire cat.

He did everything and still grins
in front of us.

Billions of people. Billions of people
seems to form one line.

-I need to cut you off there sir.

My sentence is not over yet, you are
cutting me off. You are also grinning.

Shame on you.
You're making tons of money.

-You're cutting me off.

-You are grinning.

-Why are you grinning like a dork?
-You misunderstood.

Everyone from chef
to supervisor is dork.

We need to cut the broadcast
for a breaking news.

You misunderstood. Please.

Dear audience,
a Dutch tourist, correction,

a student who came with Erasmus

ate and killed a worker
in small industrial site.

The suspect was arrested by the cops.

We're going live
to our correspondent Ahmet.

-Ahmet you're on.
-Thanks Berna.

Call that cop. Hurry up, call him.

They arrested the guy.

That's it bro. This is it.

It's over brother. It's over. Call him.

Hello, Mr. Fahri?

Hi. I was just watching the news...

So, you have information than.

Where will they bring him now?

I mean, I can come and identify him.

I see. Okay.

Okay Mr. Fahri.

Of course. Right. Okay.

See you later than. Okay.

Hold on Mr. Fahri. Just a second.

This worker was on the news,

it is good indeed.

How come my grandma
didn't make it to the news?

Why couldn't we appear on media?
Why do you think that is?

I see. It was meant to be like that.

Okay Mr. Fahri.

Okay. We're on our way.

See you later.

-What does he say?
-He was about to call me?

He said, I should go there.
He'll send me a location.

He thinks probably
there aren't many people

who are Dutch and cannibal
at the same time.

But even so I need
to go there and identify him.

I think that is him
but we have to be sure.

-True. Okay.

So Ersoy, congratulations
beforehand bro.


Ersoy, don't! Do you understand me?
Don't even think about it.

-I know you my brother, don't!

What are you talking about?
I know what to do.

Look what I say. Look into my eyes.
Just look into my eyes.

-Are we good? Alright? Don't!
-Bro, stay out of my business.

Okay. I know what to do. Am I stupid?

Not at all. Okay bro.
Cut him some slack.

-Shall we go?
-Let's go and see him.

Let's drink these first.

Let's go.

What's the situation right now chief?

He is not transferred yet.

He is on the way.
He'll be here in half an hour.

I get you some tea.

-OK. I'll have a cup of tea.

I'll have one too.

Chief, why does he eat?

There are so many crazy people
in the world.

He had his first questioning there.

He said "I am eating
to purify my soul."

Aynur, could you bring us four tea.

Chief. Please give that guy to me.

I'll purify his soul.
I'll bring him than.

Chief, can we talk for a minute?

Come on. Tell me what is it.

The vehicle that transported
the suspect was attacked on its way.

-They're not coming right now.
-How come?

The other victim's family attacked
and ate him.

-What do you mean?
-Who ate him?

Tell us that thoroughly.

Chief, on their way,
his relatives attacked.

Did this second victims family eat him?

Yes. They ate him to get revenge.
They took him to the hospital.

His condition is critical.

Come with me.

God damn it!

What's wrong with that? It's fine.
He got what he deserves.

It's great. I swear.

No bro. I had to eat even just a pinch.

He got what he deserved.

We can't have anything.

Really. They ate the man I came
to eat, on the way.

Could there be such a thing?

Ersoy you are right. This is hard.

Look at the bright side,

you never got your hand dirty.

What would happen if you ate him?
You'd rot in jail.

If I were you,

I would play a song and dance.

I'm very glad actually.

Get away from the kinky ideas.
It was not meant to be.

Ethem's mother
in law died this morning.

-This morning?
-Yes. I just saw the text.

What if she is that second victim?

Ethem is a different person.

What if they ate her?

Ethem lives in Sivrihisar.
You started to hallucinate.

-Drop it.
-Forget it.

Let's contact
to the second victim's family.

I'll contact to them, don't worry.

I want to be their family buddy.

I think it is too much.

-Pain gets people closer.

I don't want to get closer
with anyone in such pain.

You're neither the one getting closer
nor the one in pain.

-I want it though.

Are we going to a picnic together

as two families whose
relatives were eaten?

We won't bro.
Ersoy will meet the family.

Isn't Ersoy a member of our family?

Of course, you'll come too.

-Who else does he got left?
-Or course he is part of our family,

You'll mess up everything in there.

You'll put on a show again.

There is no need for it.
Those people have pain too.

It stuck with me though.
I wish I could get a bite.

My dear Ersoy,

even if he isn't dead,

they will no longer let you eat him.

They tired to eat him once.

Someone is watching him right now.

-Of course.
-You can't approach him.

Come on, cheer up. Let's go.

Let's hear you laugh.

There you are!

There you go!

-He's the man!
-That's it!

-Come on.
-Let's go.

-Let's go bro. What are we doing here?
-I hope there was no problem.

We can ask it.

Let's not take the elevator.
I feel anxious.