Armitage III (1995–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Flesh and Stone - full transcript

The killer, D'anclaude, is in custody, but the androids, called Thirds, are still dying. Armitage's disappearance leads Mars PD to suspect that she's involved in the murders. Only Sylibus knows why she has taken the case into her own hands.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Damn it.

Why are you doing this to me?

Why do I have to die?

I'm not alone.

I'm not...

Don't you...

The victim was Lavinia Whately,
age 24, a dancer...

and she's a Third.

How many humanoids
are there in this town?

Sylibus. Detective Sylibus!

Yes, sir?

Is that terrorist D'anclaude
in Shinora?

Yes. He's still in ICU.

He's still unconscious.

Besides, he has
round-the-clock security.

The Shinora
police hospital, huh?

That means
he has an accomplice.

Well, we can't question him
in his condition.

She worked him over good,
didn't she?

I wonder just where
Armitage has gone.

Why have all the Thirds
been female so far?


do you have
any new information?

Yeah, that's right.
I'm a monster.

What are you gonna do?

You're gonna destroy me
or what?

They blame us for recessions
and social problems.

If humans don't want us,
why did they make us?

The first five
humanoid cadavers...

were illegally manufactured.

It is hard to analyze them
at our labs.

Therefore they've been sent
to a lab...

at the Conception Company
to be analyzed.


But they haven't turned up
any preliminary findings yet?

No. I think they are too slow.

I want to discuss with you
about the sixth cadaver later.

Uh... yes, sir.

And, Ross, I have something
I want to talk to you about.

Come to my office later.


Armitage carries
a Special A Class license.

But she chose to become a cop.

Do you understand
what I'm getting at?


If the reason she disappeared
is because of you...

You can interrogate me
all you want.

I'm used to it.

That won't be necessary.

If you say
you don't know anything...

that's good enough for me.

Just one thing...

you can ignore
what I'm going to say...

but I have a hunch that...

there's some kind of connection
between Armitage and...

the killing of the Third types.

Well, forget what I just said.

If an officer is rumored
to be a humanoid...

I have to quit MPD.

Armitage was a great cop.

Always hurts like hell
when the rain comes.


Where are you?

We're partners, aren't we?

The lieutenant suspects
you're a Third.

It appears D'anclaude
is working with someone...

because Thirds
are being murdered.

Aren't you angry?

It appears D'anclaude
is working with someone...

because Thirds
are being murdered.

Aren't you angry?

Come back, O. K?

Good evening, Mademoiselle.

Can you spare 10 credits...

so this poor soul could enjoy
real beer from Earth?

Now, behave, all right?

Do you know someone
who writes novels around here?

I myself used to be a writer
of fine on-line porno.

They've never been published
in paperback, though.

You'd better not move.

I'm so sorry! Let go!

Now then, will you answer
my question, Mister?

I will!
I will answer anything!

Now, are you gonna
answer my question?

Y-You're a monster!

You've got an appointment
set up at Conception.

You'll see Allen.
He's in charge.

O.K. I'll get
on my way right now.

Oh, yeah. Armitage was...

communicating a lot
just before she vamoosed.

I came across a log
in our memory bank.

What? Who was it with?

Can't tell you yet.
It's in machine language.

I'll have to try
reverse computations first.

Is it a code?

I'm good at this kind of thing.

Trust me. I'll decipher it.


You're Detective Sylibus
from MPD?

Thanks for fitting me in today.

I'm Allen,
V.P. Of Public Relations.

Please have a seat.

I'm here to discuss
the examination reports...

on the Thirds we've requested.

Ah, yes, we're working on it.

The architecture of the type
is different from our designs...

so it's taking some time.

Even so, we need to...

Could AL androids
composed of organic fibers...

be an attractive product
for you?

For what?

What purpose do we serve
by simulating humans?

Are you familiar with our motto?

"Home Robotization."

But this is only under
the current legal system.

It's natural for you
to try to recapture...

the largest market share
by setting new standards.

I see. It sounds like
you're implying...

that we're manufacturing Thirds.

In addition... let's see.

Wait a minute.

Is an inventor named Asakura
on your staff?

Asakura? I can't remember.

Yes, he is.
I would like to see him.

He quit.
- When?

Before I joined the company...

several years ago.

I understand.

You're welcome
to check employee files.

Everything can be verified.

Is she a sample of
"Home Robotization"?

One purpose of robots...

is to help turn human fantasies
into reality, isn't it?

They can do anything
except reproduce, right?

Well, something like that.

Drive home safely.

Sorry to take up your time.

No problem.

Drive home safely now.

Human fantasy!

Personnel code copy.

The command is not authorized.

Personnel code copy.

Access wild, Third type.

No data
on Third type located.

Access wild, Asakura.

Data on Asakura is locked.


I guess the information
is classified even to VPs.

It's terrible!
This makes number seven.

Seven dead Thirds.

I can think of two people
who kill robots like this.

I'm talking about D'anclaude
and Armitage.

What's that?

She told me before.

She pities the robots
used for crime...

so she kills them instantly.

Still, it's unbelievable.

Yeah, the village is a pit,
you know...

so I moved here
in the new downtown.

Listen, I'd better
go back to writing.


Continue. Untitled.

Chapter 2, paragraph 5.

"How could she greet the ones
from the deep far away?

"She, who has spent a pleasant
and enchanting afternoon...

"had never thought
about the person from Luluie...

the same one who had
once picked her up here."

Let's see.

"Her battle
with the old gods ended.

"As a spiritual truce
was struck...

Who's there?

Who are you?

Armitage? Are you the one
who contacted me?

You fooled me!

You mean Armitage is a suspect?

I wish I could deny it...

but the woman's last words
said it all.

The lieutenant had suspicions
about Armitage all along.

He's already issued
a warrant for her arrest.

That sly old dog.


Mail, log file, Armitage.


This is Pluto.

I'm a Third just like you.

That's not her.

I'm sending this message by use
of Armitage's I.D.

Chris, could you find out where
this mail originated from?

I'll try.


C'mon, c'mon...

c'mon, c'mon.

Yes, bingo!

Here is a list
of Thirds from Pluto.

Pluto? The planet?

So that's the game.
Hot damn.

Lieutenant, I've got it!

Just hold on.
Are you sure?

Yes, sir.

I had to take the body apart
to get the result.

But how?
Can robots really do that?

Why not?
They can do it technically.

I'm not talking about that!

Get me Ross!
- Yes, sir.


I've heard you put a warrant
out for Armitage's arrest.

That pattern was figured out.

As we expected,
it's a list of Thirds.

Pluto is the last one
that's still alive, right?

How did you know?

I found out at
the murdered writer's house.

I'm heading toward dispatch
sector that Chris found.

I'll call you later.

There's one more thing.

We finally learned why
all the Thirds are female.


Lavinia Whately was pregnant.

That's crazy!

That's a purpose of the Thirds?

Androids that can reproduce?

Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Who is that strange girl?

I don't know.

Good morning.


Now everyone get in.
Hurry up.

Class will start shortly.


I used to run home all the time.

I fell down
and went home crying once.

MPD has been searching for you.

You came here to protect
Pluto, right?

Let's go.


I am here to...

That's him, I'm sure of it.

But it's a kid!

How do you do, Pluto?

Your memory has been locked.

We're brother and sister.
You've forgotten?

Uh... sorry.

By the way, what are you
doing, playing hooky?

I'm transferring my thoughts...

to the main memory
at the navigation center.

What for?

To make a backup of myself,

I appreciate you sending
the list, Pluto.

Please don't call me
by my handle.

It's embarrassing.

Very well, Julian Moore.

I never imagined
a child Third...

and a boy.

Even the most sophisticated
AL robot cannot grow up.

I'm a kid forever
unless I'm destroyed.

Do you know that?

I've heard that I'm the last
model off the Third test line.

They made me a child,
and a male no less.

The joke's on me, isn't it?

What is he talking about?
- Well, that's...

Never mind.

There's no need for Armitage to
be concerned with it now anyway.

Hey, you!

Even though you're Third,
you're just punk!

Can't you talk to me
more politely?

What's happened?

Something's wrong.

It won't stop!

At this rate,
we'll crash in 20 seconds.

Hold on tight!

Hey, what are you doing?

Just trust me.


I think my right arm
and some ribs are broken.

That's the assassin?

I'll kill you!

He's fast.

Ross, Julian,
we gotta run for it!

Go on. Leave me here.
- No!

Oh, my God.

I guess I don't have any choice.

Thanks, kid.

If Armitage is killed,
then I'll be the next.

Who's in Shinora, then?

I love to watch a girl
throwing up. I just love it.

You freak!

I won't let you die alone.

The other two
will join you later.

Fucking bastard!

He's not human!

Nice right hook...

but I'm going to
crush the three of you...

right now!


What happened?

Well, then...

so long.

You crazy bitch!
Give me the key!

No way!

From this height,
he shouldn't be alive.

I believed...

you weren't the killer.

Security should be here
any minute.

They'll take you to a hospital.


Police don't leave
their injured behind.

You're cold, lady.

I knew it.

I am always cold.


Why were Thirds killed?

Why were they made?

Why are they designed
to reproduce?

Where is Asakura?

Is it really D'anclaude
at the hospital in Shinora?

Right, I have no choice
but to go.

Armitage III, Episode 3,
"Heart Core."

I'll exterminate you.