Arctic Air (2012–…): Season 3, Episode 4 - The Finish Line - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Arctic Air"...

Everybody, this is Tag.

- You're gonna stick around?
- Yeah, I was thinking about it.

Tell him there's still
time to change his mind.

I want him to come to the Antarctic
with me, research trip.

Mel tried to split
that difference, too, but...

Married a free spirit,
brought her to Yellowknife...

My darling girl!

What kind of mother
would I have been

if I had just kept on
squashing my own dreams?

I'm not ready to leave.

I'd rather freeze my ass off all
winter than be away from you.

- Unless you don't want that...
- I want.

You are listening to
99.9 The Knife!

We're broadcasting live from
Bullocks in old town tonight,

and if you're not already here,
you should be,

because we're kicking off
the Great Northern Mail Run!

I'm J.C. Cameron, I'll be
your host all weekend long.

Two days, five stops.
3,000 kilometres.

But in the end, just one team
of pilots will get their name...

On that Mail Run trophy.

See you all at the flag drop!

And now, back to the Fugitives
with "Old Mistakes."

You're lucky
to be here for this!

It only happens
every five years.

Yeah, it's kind of like
Halley's Comet with beer.

Bobby, Krista!

You never told me that your
fathers were racing legends.

Yeah, they were
pretty good.

They were triumphant
in the first three races.

Then for the last 20 years,
Twin Lakes has won almost every race.

Wow, is there
some history there?

- It's a long story.
- Not really.

Mel knew he couldn't beat my dad,
so he cheated and retired from the race.

Tag, meet Connie
and Glen Jackowski,

sore losers.

If you have a problem with Mel,
I suggest you talk to Mel.

Mel wouldn't show
his face here.

You two still bent out of shape

over a race I won
when you were fillin' diapers?

Doesn't it eat at you?

Knowing that you don't deserve
to have your name on that trophy?

No, it doesn't.

Well, the way I see it, there's only one
way for you to wipe the slate clean.

Arctic Air
versus Twin Lakes.

Winner gets the loser's plane,
just like the old days.

Don't listen to her, Mel.
She's just trying to get you going.

Yeah, it takes
two, Martin.

- Your old man, just as guilty as Mel.
- What did you say?

You heard me. Look, best-case
scenario, your old man didn't cheat.

He still covered
for Ivarson.

Hey, J.C.?

Is there room for
one more plane in this race?


If Arctic Air is back in,
we'll make room.

Then sign us up.

Season 3, Episode 4
"The Finish Line"

So, she's pretty much
the way you left her.

But here,
is the piece-de-resistance,

this little rig
is a lean-mix carb adjustment.

Gives you
a little rocket-boost

as you're going over
the finish line, if you need it.

You've just got to, um...
Pull that, uh,

That little T-handle
down on the console there...

You're a genius, Cece.
I've always said so.

Well, it's hard to go wrong
with a little beauty like this.

How could you do this?
You know how I feel about this race.

Krista, Mel never cheated,
my dad would've told me.

Maybe he didn't know.
This race is also Mel's vice.

The last time
he got in that plane,

he did something that smeared
his reputation for 25 years.

And I'm afraid he's gonna do
something crazy again.

Then why don't you
race with me instead of Mel.

- You know, the younger generation?
- It's not up to me to clean the slate.

- Hey, babe.
- Hey.

Your dad's racing plane
is pretty badass.

Hard to believe it's been
gathering dust for 25 years.



- This is Bobby.
- Hi.

- And you remember Krista.
- Yeah, of course.

I thought you were in the Antarctic.
What are you doing here?

Looking for you. Someone
backed out of the expedition.

So there's still room on the boat.
We could really use you.

I appreciate the offer, but I'm gonna
find work here this winter.

And Krista’s roommates
are moving out,

and I gotta pull my weight now,
isn't that right?

- Come on, let me show you the plane.
- Sure.

Here to wish us luck?

She's probably here to make
sure I don't leave early,

even though I was up half the night
prepping your plane.

The supply runs pay the bills.

Well, five days a week
used to be enough.

You're stretching us
to the limit here.

Well, if you're so
stretched to the limit, Cece,

maybe I should hire someone
to lighten the load.

- Oh, yeah, like who?
- Like Tag.

You know he's a good engineer,
and he needs a job, so win-win.

please, make your way to the tarmac!

Let's go do
the pre-flight.

Five-minute warning.

- Hey...
- Just... Mel!

Is there something you wanna
tell me before you go?

I am not even
a mechanic.

You did three years of engineering.
You created an app.

Apps don't keep
planes in the air.

- Are we going or not?
- All set.

Thank you so much
for assisting us.

You're in luck.
Tag actually likes moving.

Yeah, it's kind of
an illness.

But first we should
watch the takeoffs.

Uh, no, we are moving.
Let's move.

I need help prepping the DC-3.
Might as well get your feet wet.

I don't want to
live on charity.

Well, you'd better work hard,
otherwise Cece is gonna fire your ass.

- Another northern adventure.
- I'll pick you up for dinner.

Here they are,
ladies and gentlemen,

your Mail Run pilots!

Hey, see you up there, Craig!
Good luck!

Thanks, Mel, you too! Take it
easy on the rest of us, huh?

Poor guy. Runner-up
four times in a row.

He'll be lucky
if he gets third,

'cause we're gonna blow
the flaps off of Twin Lakes.

Hey, Ivarson!

You got enough Ben-Gay
for your trip?

Seven planes are entered.

the race is limited to six,

but we made an exception for
Mail Run legend Mel Ivarson

and his co-pilot, Bobby Martin.

This year, the hands-down
favorite is Twin Lakes,

piloted by Connie Jackowski
and her cousin, Glen.

Here are the rules.
There's only one.

Each team has to deliver their own
packages, in order, at all six stops.

After that, first to cross
the finish line wins.

Pilots, are you ready!


Four... Three...



Looks like Mel's plane,
"Ol' Misty"

has developed engine trouble.

Was "Ol' Misty" mothballed
too long?

- What the hell happened?
- Is it the electrical?

It's turning but not catching.

What's going on out there?

I don't know,
it doesn't want to start.

- Did you follow the checklist?
- You know I did.

How's your fuel pressure?

Pressure's good.

Cece, are you sure you
reconnected that manifold?

Don't you be blaming this
on my carb adjustment!

That thing was running
like a top this morning!

Try resetting
the Magneto switch!

There she is!

We got it, Cece!

And Arctic Air's back
in the race, with both engines firing!

Okay, Dev,
can you stop for a sec?



- You gotta... hey! Hey!
- Oh, I'm sorry.

Do you have to listen
to music right now?

Oh, no, it's not music.
It's radio coverage of the race.

Mel and Bobby have moved
into second place!

All you care about
is that stupid race.

What do you want me to do?

I shouldn't have to
tell you what to do.

The point is to catch any metal
that might be in the oil.

The screen keeps moving.
I'm just trying to hold it still.

I know what
you're trying to do.

You dropped out of
fancy engineering school?

This should be a breeze for you.

Can we slow it down?
It feels like we're rushing.

Maybe you could relay
that message to your girlfriend.

She's the one that's
running us ragged,

trying to get her
search and rescue thing going...

Come on!


And to top it off, I've got
to babysit her drifter boyfriend.

I don't know what I've done to piss you
off, but I'm not doing this for money.

I'm doing it so I can make
things work with Krista.

You didn't want her to hire me, I didn't
want her to hire me, but I'm here.

So deal with it.

I can't get around
Copper Wing.

Vic and Kyle keep
cutting me off.

Don't worry about it,
we'll pass them on the next leg.

You don't win this race
if you're last into Norman Wells,

and I'm in this to win,
whatever it takes.

If you're not, feel free
to find your own way back.

Twin Lakes is coming up
on our right.

We should be okay.
They won't try to pass us.

That's exactly
what they're doing.

They can't.
We're cued for landing.

- Where did they go?
- Are they below us?


Whoa! Hold on.

What the hell is wrong with you?
You could have got us all killed!

You're the one
who cut us off.

And you call Mel
a cheater?

Mel's the one who started this.
All bets are off.

- What's that supposed to mean.
- Glen! Don't waste your breath on him.

- Yeah...
- Come on, hurry up.

What the hell took you so long?
I wanted to get ahead of this storm.

Do you think Cece's carb adjustment
screwed up the Magneto switch?

It's electrical, nothing
to do with the carb. Why?

I think someone in the race
is sabotaging planes.

Not gonna make up any ground
if we can't find a hole in this storm.

What if we went around?

Avoid the headwinds,
gained airspeed.

- No, it's a risk.
- Whatever it takes to win, right?

Copper wing, Twin Lakes
and Arctic Air

are all on the ground
in Norman Wells.

Oh, hey, Caitlin.

Oh, hey.
You on shift today, too?

I'm helping her study for her pilot's
licence. I'll be done in a minute, kid.

- You work here now?
- Well, so far.

Hey. Oh...

Yeah, I kind of smell
like a gas pump.

Let me get out of
these coveralls.

So... how's it going?

Well, he's, uh...

Gonna be a hell of a mechanic.

- Yeah?
- I'm glad you hired him.

Yeah, it'll be good to have a second pair
of hands on the supply run tomorrow.


In fact, I think I'm gonna give him
the weekend shifts on a permanent basis.

You, uh, keeping up
with the race news?

Mel and Bobby caught up
with the pack in the Wells.

Well, I still stink, but,
hopefully, I look a bit better.

Let's go.

Fort Good Hope, straight ahead.

- See the others?
- Nothing.

Dammit, we shouldn't have
taken that detour.

- Wait, I see one!
- Where?

Right behind us!

And there's another!
What did I tell you?

- I knew it would work!
- Yeah, yeah. Don't get cocky.

Did you push Glen out
of the airplane so you'd go faster?

We're not the ones that need to
make up ground before Tulita.

Because you ran us
off the airstrip.

That was an accident.

"All bets are off."
That's what Glen said.

Meaning what?

Meaning I was wondering if you
tampered with our plane back in YK.

That's a good strategy.

Accuse us to throw suspicion
off yourselves.

So we sabotaged our own plane?

Who would suspect Mel

after his own plane had trouble
in front of the whole crowd?

He'd never do that.

Bobby, you're an honorable guy,

but you're throwing away
your reputation by backing Mel.

He's my friend.

I could be your friend.


Finally! Hurry up, Willie!

What the hell
took you so long?

Couple of girls wanted to take a
photo with me.

- Hey, Willie, you see Bobby out there?
- No. Sorry.

The Fugitives!
Broadcasting live from Bullocks.

I've got a race report
out of Fort Good Hope...

Team Arctic Air has dropped
back to last place.

How can that be?
They were in first place!

I bet you the Jackowskis
had a hand in this.

Excuse me.

If he is so interested
in the race,

he can spend his first night
alone in the new apartment.

You and you and me?
We will drink all night.

Ooh, wish we could,

but we have to get going.

What? No, no, no, no.
Why? Why? Why do you...

Ah, first night
alone together.

I see you, lovebirds.


Can I have...

A drink?

One more.

I can't believe it.
She completely suckered me.

Put it behind you.
We're not out of this race yet.

You know, I was thinking about
the last one you flew in.

Irene and my mom brought
Krista and me down, remember?

Surprised you and dad
at the airstrip in Tulita.

Silas and I were lagging
behind on the first leg.

He decided I was dead weight,
so he left me behind,

made the next drop-off himself,
and came back and picked me up.

Came into Tulita
in first place.

And I was so excited,
I ran onto the runway.

While we were

Give me a break,
I was only 10.

It was one of
the best days of my life.

Not for Krista, though.

She didn't say why.

If this is your subtle way
of accusing me...

I'm not accusing...

This is Vic from Copper Wing.

Reporting emergency landing
about 30 miles northwest of Tulita.

Hey, Vic, it's Mel.
You guys okay?

Gauge just went wonky,
so we went down in a field.

We're not hurt,
but the wheel strut's busted.

We're out of the race.

Finally, I can relax with
the only other person in town

who doesn't give a damn
about this race.

Didn't I tell you?
Dev and I talked.

I'm gonna be his co-pilot
in the next one.

Okay, wait, wait...

I have something to give you.

Give it to me tomorrow.

Close your eyes.

Keep them closed.

Okay, open them.

I wanted you to have something
for the house that was just yours.

Do you like it?

I love it.

No regrets about Hanna
and the expedition?


- Any news on Copper Wing?
- Yeah.

You messed
with their plane.

We saw you admiring it
back in Yellowknife.

You little punk.

You know, it's one thing
to spread rumours

about a race that happened 25 years ago,
but Vic and Kyle are friends of mine.

So was my dad.
But that didn't stop you, did it?

All right.

New bet.

Loser hands over
the keys to their plane, and,

withdraws their bid for
the bounty mines transport contract.

- Mel, what are you doing?
- Is it a bet or not?

You're on.

- What is wrong with you?
- Gonna teach these pissants a lesson.

Betting a plane is one thing, but
that contract is worth millions.

This is none of your business.

Arctic Air is my business
and Krista’s.

Trust me, we'll beat 'em.

How can you be
so sure about that?

What does that mean?

It means, maybe
they're right about you.

Maybe you did mess with
Copper Wing's plane.

And this is J.C. Cameron talking to you
live from the Tulita air strip.

Twin Lakes holds the lead

as we prepare for day two
of the Great Northern Mail Run!

The pilots are gathering
at the flag drop,

and tensions are running high.

Nobody I've talked to
is pointing fingers,

but let's just say,
the ghost of 25 years past

has come back to haunt
this race...

You look pretty exhausted.
Couldn't sleep?

I can't find
my co-pilot.

I've been looking for him
since 4:00 in the morning.

Willie? I saw him
in town last night.

He went to town?

He was smashed
when I ran into him.

Said he was looking for
female companionship.

Little son of a...

By the time I find him, I'm gonna be
out of the damn race!

Sorry to hear it, Craig.

Hey, you know what,

maybe we could solve
each other's problems.

Yeah, how's that?

There's no way I'm getting
back into Mel's plane.

If you need a co-pilot,
I'd be glad to fill in.

giving up on Mel?

The rules don't say anything about
swapping co-pilots mid-race,

and I wanna get
my name on that trophy.

- What do you say?
- I say deal.

You can put your stuff in my plane.
I'll be right there. I gotta take a leak.

All right.

I had the chance to talk with Copper
Wing pilot Vic Meadows late last night

he's disappointed
to be out of the race,

but had some encouraging words
for the other teams.

I wish we could play you
the taped interview,

but old Vic
has a colorful vocabulary.

Can't believe I'm here
at 7:00 A.M. on a Sunday.

What, missing
church, are you?

If I was religious,
I'd have a case.

- Is a hangover a religion?
- I've worshipped in that temple.


Hey, babe.
What are you doing here?

I bumped Dev,
figured I'd join you.

Oh, and on the seventh day,
she micromanaged her employees.

You couldn't bump me?
I'm bumpable.

I'm gonna go
pull the chocks.

You've got my number.
Text me anytime.


I just figured if you were
working weekends, so am I.

Getting another update
now from Trent back in Tulita.

Apparently, one of
the co-pilots, Willie Figgs,

missed the takeoff after
a night of heavy drinking.

The rule is 12 hours
bottle to...

I was just checking,
you know, for updates.

How's the move going?

It proceeded
without a hitch.


- Well, perhaps one tiny hitch.
- Yeah?

Astrid did not
come home last night.

But I'm sure she had
a perfectly good reason.

I'm sure.

You haven't by any chance
seen her, have you?

- No.
- Not, perhaps, earlier?

- No.
- She hasn't called?

I don't know where Astrid is.

She hasn't called.

Assisting you with your studies might
give my life some shred of meaning.


Looks like Bobby
finally came to his senses.

Your own partner?
That's gotta sting.

It was mutual.

Besides, I don't need him
to beat you, do I?

Looks to me like the jury is in
and the verdict's unanimous.

I'm on the phone now
with Mickey in Hottah Lake.

Twin Lakes was first to land,
with Mel Ivarson a close second,

and now Jackowskis
are first to take off.

But hold on, it looks like Twin Lakes'
plane is having engine trouble.

Mickey says he's seeing smoke.

This is Hottah Lake Tower.

We have a plane down with engine
fire on the end of the runway.

Repeat, we have a plane down.

If anyone is able to divert,
please call in.


You've got your two batteries
connected in sequence,

gives you 24 volts to your bus,

assuming someone didn't
borrow the damn batteries

for spare parts
when you weren't looking

because you've worked two
shifts in a row on a weekend!

If you're not getting any amps,

well, it could be
a faulty generator,

or it could be that someone
pushed the old bird so hard,

that the wings fell off,
just to make a buck.

I think that's about enough
for one day.

I wouldn't want you
to wear yourself out.

If you'd hired me
a qualified airplane mechanic,

that wouldn't be
a problem, now, would it?

You didn't know a thing
about airplanes

when Mel stuck you into maintenance
just to give his best friend a job.

Well, at least I didn't have to sleep
with Mel to get the job, did I?

That's it, you know what, I don't want
to be in the middle of this. I quit.

- You are not the problem.
- Oh, I'm the problem here?

Well, here's the solution to that!
I quit!

And you needn't
beg me to come back either!

I don't need you!
You're fired!

I'll put Tag in charge of maintenance!

Cece, can you
give us a minute?

Will you stop?

It's better than
punching something.

- We need to talk.
- I don't wanna talk.

I wanna open that door, so that
Cece can get sucked out of it!

I heard that!

Will you please
keep your voice down?

What? What is so important that
you need to say it to me right now?

I love you.

You do?

I do.

But this isn't working.

What? What do you mean?
What isn't working?

You love me.
That works for me.

Krista, you just fired your mechanic.
After he quit.

Yeah, because he was
being a complete ass.

And I'm the boss!

I sound like my dad.

It's me.

It's this situation.

- You're not acting like yourself.
- Okay, wait.

I know I was out of line,

but that has
nothing to do with you.

It does.

And I'm not gonna be the cause of you
ruining your life in your home town.

You're wrong. You are so wrong.
It's gonna be fine.

I'm not gonna turn into my dad.
I'll get an exorcism.

I'll make it work.

I promise.

Your dad's on the radio!


The Twin Lakes plane went down
with engine trouble.

I want you guys
to divert and fix it.

I'm sorry,
is this Mel Ivarson?

You want our mechanic to fix
your competitor's plane?

You heard me. Cece is hours closer
than the Twin Lakes mechanic,

and I want to win this race
fair and square.

I'm flying the Jackowskis
to Lac des Bois,

so we can drop off our packages
at the last stop,

and I want their plane fixed
before we head back that way.

It's one klick straight off the end
at the Hottah Lake air strip.

Bobby's going for this?

Bobby's no longer a factor.
I'm flying solo.

- What? Why?
- Just get Cece over there.

Just because you're making
a big show of sportsmanship

doesn't mean that you didn't
sabotage our plane.

In case you didn't notice,

while I was picking you up,
all the other planes passed us.

Now neither of us
can win this race,

but I'm giving you a working airplane
so at least you can watch my rear end

when I cross the finish line
ahead of you.

So... What are we gonna do?

The Jackowskis
can go to hell.

We're not gonna leave anybody
stranded when we can help.

Set a course
to Hottah Lake.

Well, I'll do it for Mel.
For my friend, Mel.

I've got a report here.
From Mei ling Riley in Lac des Bois,

the final stop
before Yellowknife.

This is weird.

She says that Mel Ivarson has landed
with Connie and Glen Jackowski on board.

Soon, the entire world will be
living in peace and harmony,

yet my own household
will be marked by conflict,

possibly with tape dividing
the two sides of the bedroom,

meaning "lucky" is something only
other people will be getting.

T.M.I., Dev.

I'll be damned.
There's no friggin' oil leak.

Looks like somebody just poured
oil all over the manifold.

- So someone is sabotaging the planes.
- What?

You haven't been
listening to the radio?

The Jackowskis deserve
whatever they get,

but I can think of a thousand
better ways to cheat than this.

Who else has been sabotaged?

- Mel had that engine trouble.
- That was not my carb adjustment.

Then the Copper Wing plane had
some sort of mechanical problem,

but they still
don't know what that is.

- Sounds like Mel.
- There he is.

What did you do?

Bobby wouldn't play dirty
so you ditched him?

Bobby bailed on me
in Tulita.

Called me a cheater
in front of everyone.

- Cece, is it fixed?
- There's nothing wrong with it.

Not that I wasn't tempted
to wreck it myself.

Bobby would not just
bail on you.

- I owe you one.
- You're damn right you do,

especially considering I don't
even work for you anymore.


- What the hell are they doing?
- Stealing your plane.

Hey! Hey!

No way are you doing that!

Connie, this is Mel!
Come in, dammit!

Did you really think we'd trust
your mechanic to fix our plane?

I helped you!

Maybe we can't win the race,
Mel, but we can still beat you,

and that means we win your plane
and the bounty mines contract.

Whoa, whoa, wait,
what is she saying?

Those ingrates.
After we stopped to help them.

The bounty mines

I had the better plane
until 30 seconds ago.

This is absolutely...

You do not make the decisions
for Arctic Air anymore!

- What do you want me to do about it?
- I...

I want you to get in that plane and
beat them to the damn finish line.

Well, I'm gonna need a co-pilot
so we can win this thing.


- Button 'er up, Cece.
- All right.

Do not give up on me.

Good luck.

After years
of being a runner-up,

it looks like Craig Hewson will finally
take home the Mail Run trophy.

But... what?
I-I don't believe this.

Hewson is riding
with Bobby Martin?

Bobby Martin changed teams mid-race?
Is this right?

It's official!

Hewson and Martin are on the ground
and heading toward the winner's circle!

Congratulations, Craig.

- A long time coming.
- Too long.

You know, with Mel back
in the race, I didn't think I'd win,

but, hey, it all worked out.

It sure did.

- Congratulations.
- What were you thinking?

You ditched Mel
in the middle of the race?

The race is not over yet.


That's what Arctic Air
used to be about.

Without loyalty, we're just a bunch of
weasels taking bites out of each other.

Dev, I need to talk to you
about last night.

Astrid, if you feel I am insufficiently
committed to our relationship,

then we have
a very serious problem,

and need to seek
better solutions

than sleeping at the houses
of unknown strangers,

- ...possibly male...
- Dev, I came home last night.

And I stayed up all night...

And I watched you sleep.

You did?

It's not you
I'm worried about, Dev.

We're getting our own place.


I'm kind of scared.

I checked the apartment
thoroughly for vermin.

I'm not afraid of mice,

you idiot.

- I'm afraid I'm not good enough.
- Good enough for what?

You know, I would
propose to you this instant

if I was not reasonably sure it would
cause you to flee the Western hemisphere.

We'd better take it slow.

We should go
lean mixture.

Can't let
the cylinders overheat.

- Full rich until we need more power.
- Fine.

Pouting won't get your mining contract
back. Get your head in the game.

I still can't believe
you bet that contract.

That's why Bobby bailed
on you, isn't it?

If you want to know what's going
on with Bobby, just ask me.

And you'll tell me the truth?

- I've always told the truth.
- Always?

Except about
why your mother left.

And about the northern lights being
electric eels in the sky, but you were six.

Okay, then tell me the truth. Are you the
one sabotaging the planes in this race?

Is it so hard for you
to have a little faith in me?

I guess that's my answer.

And when did you start
to feel confident you could win?

Oh, I always
feel confident, J.C.

I mean, it's not just about the planes, you
know. It's about the pilots, too, huh?

But it didn't hurt that the other
planes were dropping out of the sky.

Yeah, that was unfortunate.

So, you think
there was sabotage?

Well, let's just say

I was glad that Mel's plane had a problem
while it was still on the ground.

Vic and Kyle, they could've died
when their plane went down.

- It was an electrical problem.
- They still could've died.

Just some instruments

There wasn't anything wrong
with their engines.

Really? Where'd you hear that?

Uh, I guess I heard it
at Hottah Lake.

The Copper Wing mechanics didn't get
to the plane till this afternoon.

And you didn't hear it
when I was with you.

So how do you know that?

I guess I just,
I assumed.

- Or you did it.
- Bobby, come on, man.

Got tired of being a loser and
decided it was your turn to win?

No! Did you ever think
maybe it was Willie?

That's funny. 'Cause Willie
said maybe it was you.

To hell with you, Martin.

I don't believe this.

If Craig Hewson has been
sabotaging the other planes,

this race may not be over.

I must confess
I suspected Twin Lakes.

Me too, but Craig was
the only pilot that I'd seen

near all three
of the sabotaged planes.

Well, I'm glad to hear
you're not a weasel.

We've got a report here
from the tower at Yellowknife.

The Jackowskis and the Ivarsons
are both on approach

and they appear to have
switched planes!

Look, I know you're under
a lot of pressure right now.

Just answer the question.
Are you sabotaging the planes?

You really think I'm the same
person I was 25 years ago?

How do I know you're not?

Because I cheated then
and I'm not cheating now!

Your mother told you,
didn't she?

At the end.

In the hospice.

Damn death-bed

That's another way I know
I'm not the same guy.

I sure as hell wouldn't
marry her again.

She knew you loved her. That's why
she stayed as long as she did.

I think that's what
you're really worried about.

I think you're worried

that you're the same person
as I was 25 years ago.

Meaning what?

Tag doesn't
remind you of anybody?

Don't try and
make this about Tag.

You're the one who's got
a mess to clean up.


What are you doing?

The only way I can make amends
is by losing this race.

Oh, no, to hell with that.

I am not gonna let the Jackowskis
get that contract by stealing our plane.

The damn
carb adjustment!

If Connie kicks that in,
we're screwed.

Why did you and Cece
have to make

such a big deal about it
in front of the other pilots?

It's almost like we were daring
someone to steal my plane.

We're gonna beat that old goat
with his own modification.

Life is sweet.

No, no, no, something's wrong.
It's cutting power.

- We're losing our airspeed.
- Turn it off.

Just turn it off!

We have very
good news to report.

Bobby cleverly
cleared your name,

at least as far as
present events go.

Hewson was disqualified!
You guys won.


Hey, you're still an ass for betting
the contract, but I'm glad you won.

We won.

- Told you it would work.
- Bobby figured it all out in Tulita.

- Can't believe you got Willie loaded.
- It was his idea.


Sly, just like
your old man.

It looks like you got
a better co-pilot anyway.

That I do.


- Your carb adjustment was a fake.
- Good enough to fool you.

- I guess it doesn't qualify as cheating.
- Is that an apology?

Don't push it.
You already have our plane.

And the contract.
A bet's a bet.

Keep the plane,
we'll call it even.

Ladies and gentlemen,

let's get team Arctic Air
over to the winners' circle

for the presentation
of the Mail Run trophy!

Ivarson and Martin.
Go get your names on that trophy.

Hey. Oh.

So you quit, huh?

Sorry about Krista.
She can be a bit of a hot-head.

Yeah, well, no idea
where she gets that from.


It's okay,
you don't have to pretend.

I know this is all
small town stuff to you.

You know, for a while, you were
on the outside with me, looking in,

because of your time away
from here, but now...

It's different.

Yeah, well...

It was hard at first,
coming back.

But this is my home.

I know.

I want you to be a part
of my life here...

But I'm not gonna make the same
mistake my dad made with my mom.

She was a free spirit, like you,
and he loved her.

Like I love you.

But when things started
to go wrong,

he did everything he could to try
and keep her in Yellowknife, when...

He should've let her go.

That's why I want you
to go to Antarctica.

Krista, I've been thinking,
I can get a different job...


No, it's not working,
you were right.

I'm hoping, if you go away,
you'll realize that you're wrong, too.

That you love this place.

And maybe you'll find out...

That you can't live without me.

Next Tuesday...

when a controversial business
deal needs community support...

- I hired a consultant.
- Are you crazy?

You want to save this deal?
I know how to handle these people.

Bobby faces an old
foe, hungry for revenge.

An all-new "Arctic Air",
next Tuesday at 9:00 on CBC.


- Who are you?
- Bill Murdoch, who are you?

Yannick Bisson,
that's detective Murdoch to you,

guest stars in a special
"Republic of Doyle",

Wednesday at 9:00 on CBC.