Aquarius (2015–2016): Season 2, Episode 7 - Episode #2.7 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Aquarius"...


You ain't met the real Sadie.

She ain't met the real Ralph Church.

Hey Ralph.

Like that home cooking?

Charmain Tully?

- I'm Captain Perry with...
- The red squad.

Are you trained for undercover work?

We've been trying to infiltrate the SDS,

Students for a Democratic Society.

There are other ways of
making people hear you.

- I'm Dennis.
- You know Dennis Wilson?

You got some good music in you.

Hiya, Bunchy.

You gave birth to me as a Black Panther.

The Panthers want to raise
consciousness in the community.

- It needs raising.
- It's "we" now, huh?

Welcome, sister.

I love you, Bri.

Everybody's doing the funny.

Tina Greenwood, reported missing

right after Thanksgiving.

It's the same girl.





My brother need not be idealized

or enlarged in death
beyond what he was in life.

Be remembered simply as
a good and decent man

who saw wrong and tried to right it,

saw suffering and tried to heal it,

saw war and tried to stop it.

Ah, here it is.

Do you mind taking that away?

I'm sorry. Yes.

It took you guys long
enough to do anything at all.

I reported her missising two months ago.

Well, that was a different precinct.

Um, when was the last time you saw her?

Months. Church.

Her father is my brother. He's ill.

She stays home with him.

She never went out?

Didn't have any
friends or a boyfriend maybe?

No. Gail hasn't had a
boyfriend since high school.

She's so shy, you know.
Blush if you look at her.

This is all very helpful. Thank you.

I tried, you know, to give her a push?

I told her, you have to
make yourself available.

I even got her to
put the ad in the paper.

- I'd just hate it if that was...
- Ad in the paper?

Yeah. One of those Lonely Hearts.

Didn't you get the letters?

Their mom wiped their
butts and made their lunches,

so they see a woman and they
think that she's here to serve.

- Maybe.
- They're chauvinists,

but we can raise their consciousness.

They're not gonna do it on their own.

That's why I tell Leonard,

"Baby, we can screw, but I am on top."

Okay, so, if we're so equal,
why are we bringing the snacks?

I was hungry. The boys benefit.

Marxist dialectic in action.

All right, it's right here.

Chemistry building. South campus.

All right, so this is it.

This is where it goes down tonight.

Fuel, everyone.

What's cooking?

Well, Billy finally
got the blasting caps,

so it's the chemistry building tonight.

- Protest is tonight.
- Well, this is a protest.

Name a more concise
protestation than a bomb.

Just... it's just we
shouldn't rush this, you know?

Let's take our time. Do it right.

Your problem is is you're
thinking a sane response

is gonna stop an insane system.

So you want to kill people?

No one's gonna be in there at nighttime.

- You don't know that.
- What I know

is that half of the chem professors
at this university

are on Uncle Sam's R&D payroll.

Okay, so if someone stays late

to work on a formula for
bigger, better napalm,

well, that's what he
gets for his extra effort.

Hey, listen, if this ain't
your bag, you can take a walk.

There's the metaphorical door.

You can walk right through it.

I'm in.

All right, 'cause this happens tonight.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I need to find a shoebox.

- What?
- Our missing Gail?

The one without any friends?

Turns out she's a Lonely Hearts girl,

kept all her letters in a shoebox.

- That's... that's great.
- Which were delivered

to Missing Persons
upstairs who now can't find it.

The irony of that is palpable.

I'll check Evidence. You
check Records. Mush!

All right, watch out,
watch out, watch out.

All right, grab anything
that says "flammable."

All right, let's go.

Hey. Thought you
might want to sign your work.

- Charlie.
- Aw, hey, man.

Another day in paradise.

What you got?

It's a bill. Doctor's office?

Ah, yeah. The girls are getting funky.

But it's all good.

Doctor said a little
penicillin will clean it right up.

They'll be fresh as virgins in a week.

Yeah, but it's 1,500 bucks.

All right? The dentist
bills are coming in, too.

It's like tens of thousands.

I know, Jack.

They're running the sickest
game in town, ain't they?


Yeah. Sadie.

- Look, Charlie, I can't just...
- Take care of my girls?

Who love you just right, huh?

No, it's not that. They're great.

- You're all great.
- Yes, we are great, man.

We give you truth.

You need to be where it's at
to do what you do, all right?

We're what that is.

Even if it's $100,000?

Cost of authenticity, rock star.

Well, then I guess we'd
better get down to it

and start recording something then, huh?

Well... well, yeah. I mean, hell, yeah.

Wait, who was that?

Got yourself a gentleman caller?

That was the doctor's office.

I'm pregnant.

Nothing in Records. Nothing in Reception.

Nothing anywhere.

Conway said he would put it on my desk.

There is nothing on my desk.

If this is some Allen Funt crap...

- Meg!
- Just came in.

Maid came to work this morning
to find her boss on the floor.

So who wants this case?

Two of us are investigating.

One of us is investigating breakfast.

You investigating dust bunnies, Hodiak?

Looking for a shoebox.

- Probably next to a unicorn.
- Wait.

This shoebox? It was
sitting on my desk when I got in.


Didn't know you wore a ladies' 4.

So who's gonna take this?

- Fine.
- Uh, bup, bup, bup.

Give that to Sam. He's spent enough time

daydreaming about girls in ropes.

Shakespeare couldn't
have written this one better.

Dick's long, hard climb just became

a quick ride down a greased slide.

To acts of God and man.

Always thought he was a fake.

Who, Kennedy?

That "for the people" horse hockey.

A born-and-bred politician
who doesn't lie and cheat?

- Ha. Please.
- Right. Right.

Still, young guy in
his prime, vibrant...

There's a sadness.

Softie. Better toughen up and
think what appointment you want

when Nixon takes office.

He's leading by double digits.

I'll get right on that.

There's just one new hurdle.

- What's that?
- Johnson.

He's a failure and an embarrassment.

He's in secret cease-fire talks with Hanoi.

Well, Saigon will still have to agree.

Or be strong-armed to agree.

We need to stop the talks.



At what point do you go,

"Time to move on to knife number three"?

My mother worked for Miss Becker.

I grew up here.

I mean, I know it's
not the same as family.

I work here.

But it was very warm.

I understand.

Now, Miss Becker...

Uh, like that when I
got here this morning.

Any signs of forced entry?

I go in the back. It was... like always.

- I'm sorry, I don't know.
- No, no.

Does anybody else work here?

Just me and the cook, Joe.

- He's new.
- How new?

She fired the last one about a week ago?

You destroyed the bomb.

Well, I drenched it and hoped
that that would destroy it.

Why the hell would you do that?

Because people would die.

Maybe so. And we can
do something about that.

We can imprison people.

We could take considerable
steps to put an end to SDS

and other groups like it.

Ask me what we can do
about people sitting and talking.

Look, I put you in to be eyes and ears,

not charge in like
Lancelot the bomb defuser.

So next time, do us both a
favor and sit on your hands.

If you can, point them
in the right direction.

Now, one whole new
chance to not screw up.

I need you to take a drop from
a CI with the black separatists.

Can you do that? Or
you gonna pour a Coke

on their afros and defuse them, too?

All I'm saying, if it's
mine, I want to raise it.

Be a dad, you know.

We'll raise it together.
That's what Charlie wants.

If it's my kid, I should
get some say how it grows up.

Even if it's yours, the
baby doesn't belong to you.

It belongs to the family.

What the hell are we
doing out here anyway?

Quick pit stop. Handing off a bag.

Drug deal?

- This is a drug deal?
- "Deal," hardly.

Fella already paid for the stuff.

I'm just the delivery man.

- How much is it?
- It's a lot.

This fella, pretty fresh out of prison,

trying to start up a new operation.

My buddy had some
extra supply he sold him.

Giving me a little scratch
to drop it off.

So what do I do?

You just sit there and be pretty.

You're good at that.

Feel bad for this guy.

Had a hell of a time when he got out.

Mind you, I don't know how
much is truth or tale,

but from what I hear,

he was nearly
killed, poisoned with soup.

And his crew, his
only friends, all dead.

I don't know if he was resurrected

as much as just he's a big dude, but...

Tex, we gotta go.

What are you talking about?

Ralph. This guy's name is Ralph.

Tex, we gotta leave now!

I got a ranch worth of grass
in my trunk and it ain't mine,

so scrunch down and shut up.

- Hey brother.
- Well, ain't you friendly.

Let me see.

Well, all right.

Who's the little thing
in there riding shotgun?

Oh, she's just some chick
I picked up... stray, you know.

Let me see.

I love a alley cat.

Let's do this, Ralph. Come on.

I'm just looking, man.

Hey, girlie.


What's wrong with her?

She's shy. Come on, I gotta get.

This bitch. Oh, this bitch?

- Aah!
- Hey, hey!

- Get back here...
- Get off her!

Get off me!


Get off me!

- Aah!
- Aah!



Go, Tex! Go, go!


I'll kill you!

♪ Pretty, pretty girl ♪

♪ Cease to exist ♪

♪ Just come and say you love me ♪


♪ Give up your world ♪

♪ Come on, you can be ♪

That's great, that's great, man.

Hold on a second.

What's the trouble, man?
That was working.

Nothing, man. I love this.

All right, it's deep.

I was just thinking,
you know, one thing.

You're asking her to
give all this stuff up,

so instead of "cease to exist,"

what if it was "cease to resist"?

That's what I'm saying.

But it ain't all I'm saying.

Yeah, I know. I get that.

It's just... It's pop songs, Charlie.

They want to be simple.

Something they can
sing along to, you know?

Hell, this ain't no damn sing-along.

I'm trying to give folks what they need,

a juicy helping of uncut truth.

Charlie! Charlie!

We ain't changing
the damn song... What?

We messed up. Bad.

We accidentally
stole a fortune in drugs.

Fortuitous timing.

Rations were running
low. What do you got?

No, no, no, no,
no. That's not what I'm...

Take a breath there, little bird.

Ralph Church is alive.

Live long enough, you see everything.

This is not a joke. He wants to kill you.

Hey, everybody calm down.

He can't kill me. I can't die.

Charlie, I love you, but I am serious.

We need to take care of...

You're serious?

Had a packed suitcase.

Said he was going to visit Mom.

I asked had he made those plans

before or after he stabbed an old lady?

How'd that work out for you?

Yeah, well, hold on to your shorts.

He says he's innocent.

Get in there and close this damn thing.

There you are. Come in here.

Why don't you take this guy?

I gotta go look at those letters.

Whoa, whoa. You're dumping this on him?

I'm delegating.

It is about the younger generation.

They're the future and lifeblood
of the party, and...

I don't know, I think it helps to see

young faces at a political rally.

Well, I couldn't pay my
kids to come to a fundraiser.

Death by boredom.

Oh, I understand. Mine's the same.

- Uh, cream and sugar, Becky?
- No.

When do we finally get to meet Emma?

Semester must be done soon.

Well, she's fallen in love with France.

Can't say I blame her.

I think she might extend her stay.

- Hi, Daddy.
- Everything okay?

No, everything's fine. Ken's great.

We're very involved in the campaign,

and, well, I think it could
be great for both of us.

You're working on something
for the campaign now?

Yes, actually.

- Tea with the ladies.
- How are the ladies?

Oh, just complaining about
their figures and their kids.

Oh, terribly exciting.

Daddy, they keep asking about Emma.

Well, you keep telling
them she's traveling.

I know, I just... I don't think
I can keep it up much longer.

Why not?

Because she's in Los Angeles, she's...

God knows what she's doing.

We have to stick to the same story.

I think...

I think we need to do something.

Shootout. Two officers
hit. Three Panthers dead.

- Where?
- Gas station.

Down near Panthers' headquarters.

Kristin. Y-you gotta...

Go, go, go.

No, I don't know anything
right now, sir.

- Kristin, Kristin... is she okay?
- I understand.

Tell me!

I know Kristin Shafe. I'm her husband.

I'm the only white cop that comes
in and out of here, okay?

I can have a wagon down
here in five minutes,

get you all on obstruction.

- Sorry, I have to go.
- Baby!

Hey, guys, that's my husband.

- You okay?
- What in the hell

are you doing here? You
cannot be here right now.

To see if my wife is alive or dead?

Yeah, I think I can stop by.

I'm fine. Now please leave.

Baby, you're not staying here.

That's not your decision.

Sweetheart, it's just not safe.


You do not get to use that on me.

Officer Shafe, you
need to get out of here.

You don't like that feeling?

Wondering if I'm
okay, if I'm coming home?

Who's gonna watch after Bernadette?

Well, neither do I.

So now it's your turn.

I will see you at the house.

Police chop off your hair?

Yeah, and Kristin took care of my balls.

Excuse me.

Hey, Wanda?

I'm Perry's friend.

Thank you.

What you reading?

I read that in college.

Outside of class.

- Anything else, or...
- No.


Are you okay?

This your first day?

Two months. The SDS.

Yeah, they ain't at
where the Panthers at.

But you'll see.

Once the group goes
violent, the boys do, too.

If they haven't already.

I know men. They're unconscious.

They don't think. They're
just chauvinists...

- They're what?
- Chauvinist pigs.

Tell our friend I said hi,

and maybe next time, send a grown-up.

You have a great little day, miss.

Yes, at Dennis Wilson's
house. It's gated.

- Are you sure she's there?
- Grace!


I won't be at dinner tonight.

- Late meeting.
- Okay.

Who you talking to?

It's my father. He's
giving me campaign advice.

"Be the prettier one" should cover it.

Give him my regards.

I'm sorry. It was Ken.

- He doesn't know yet.
- Well, you need to tell him.

I'll tell him once we have Emma.

What'd I miss?

Besides your job?

Bennie didn't do it.

In fact, he wasn't even fired.

He quit, after the old lady

called him "spade" one too many times.

So what's next? You want me to...

No. I want you to stay.


Sorry to make you wait, Miss Wallace.

What happened with Bennie?

Bennie didn't do it. We sent him home.


You knew Miss Becker.
You grew up with her.

- Mm-hmm.
- Can you tell me about her?

- She was generous...
- Mm.

- Always.
- Mm-hmm.


Only one way to do anything.

But so kind.

We could use her around
here, it sounds like.

I'll never forget this.

She let me have my
sweet sixteen at her house.


I got to invite all my friends.

They were in awe of the place.

It was a palace.

Made me feel like a queen the whole day.

'Course I still had
to clean up afterwards.


I bet your mom is happy
to see her, though.

Up there?

What do you think they're talking about?

Think they're talking about you?

I suppose.

What do you think they're saying?

Actually, they wouldn't be talking much.

Miss Becker, she
wasn't much of a talker.

I'd like to go now, please.

Well, Bennie told
me different, actually.

Bennie said she liked to talk a lot.

Said her favorite word was "spade."

She ever call you that? "Spade"?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

What about "jungle bunny"? "Tar baby"?

Stop it.

Deirdre, what did she
call you, "monkey"?

'Cause that's what you are.

Look at you, just lying here right...

I don't want to hate coloreds,

but you're just lying to my face.

You're not helping your cause at all.

Now what did she say to
you to make you want to...

- That's enough!
- Get out!

What did she say to make
you want to kill her?

You can't even fool me. You
think you're gonna fool God?

All those things she
called you, you are.

That made you want to kill her.

Damn it, get out.

If IA gets wind of this...
You cannot do this.

What is wrong with you?

I'm being dragged out of a case

that I'm closing by an idiot!

Closing? Are you kidding me?

- You are making a woman cry.
- Who is not your wife!

- I know. Yes.
- Do you?

Patron saint of the underserved.

- Hodiak...
- She's not a victim!

- She's a murderer!
- Then prove it!

- Prove it!
- Don't lecture me

on a job I've been doing

since you couldn't wipe your ass.

- Are you hearing yourself?
- Are you hearing me?

Stop, stop.

I couldn't take it anymore!

I couldn't take it anymore.

Good job, Detective.

I'm sorry.

Let's just... sit down.

I'm so sorry!

Is that actual police work?

I went through all the
Lonely Hearts letters

for phone numbers and addresses.

Every one was a married
man, wife and kids.

Nothing worse than a
public intox on any of them.

We're a classy gender, aren't we?

Except for one.

Asked her to meet him at an address

that was an auto body shop until
it closed five years ago,

empty storefront since.

That's the rendezvous. The letter?

No prints. Same for
other letters from him.

So it's a clue and a dead end.

Oh, I got here just in time.

Hey, I heard you
questioned that maid so good

she tried to give herself
the death penalty.

You know, sometimes I
think I'm a bad person,

and then you arrive.

You're welcome.

Now, I got three more
cases with your name on them.

And since these are, as
you say, a dead end,

you can get back to working
on actual murder cases.

It's not like it's a thankless job.

White House Counsel.

I'm sorry?

My appointment. White House Counsel.

That's what I want.

You might have to work for it.

Johnson bullied the South Vietnamese

into a cease-fire deal.

- What are the terms?
- We don't know.

Not great for Saigon, but good enough.

For our honeymoon, Grace
wanted to go to Paris.

I didn't. Filthy city, no beach.

So I told her that I had a secret
honeymoon planned for us

but she'd have to wait until
after the wedding to find out.

- Where'd you go?
- We didn't have one.

I had work, she had the kid.

It all fell through.

No Paris.

We tell Saigon we'll offer them

a better deal after the election.

What you're suggesting is
a violation of the Logan Act.

Then when Nixon is
elected, I, his Counsel,

will advise him not to prosecute.


You scared me.

Where do you want to be shot?

Now you're really scaring me.

Everybody's got a spot.

Most say forehead, cause it's quick.

But it doesn't work all the time,

and you end up a vegetable.

Heart's a good possibility,

but if the shooter misses,
you drown in your own blood.

If I had a choice...

medulla oblongata.

System shuts down.

No pain, instant.

Not too bad, considering.

Brother Bunchy, I don't understand.

Your husband was wrong
for coming down here,

but not about why.

Everyone in the movement's
ready to be killed.

- I understand the risks.
- You have to embrace it.

Every day you leave your
daughter to come here,

that's the last time she sees your face.

Just 'cause you picked a spot

doesn't mean you won't get
a shotgun to the nose.

We're lucky to have you.

But you gotta know what
being here really means.

Get home safe, sister.

Now I ain't saying you
went looking for this evil,

but it found you.

It chose you.

So it's gotta be you to respond.


There's gotta be another way.

I... This... This ain't me.

This here is life.

Obstacle and action.

Go on.

Pick it up.

- I don't want to.
- Damn it!

You brought this evil
from the past upon us.

You will take care of it.

Come on, you can
do it. I know you can.

Charlie, you gotta... What the hell?

Come on in. Join the fun.

- What is this?
- It's a pep talk.

See, the devil has delivered
Ralph Church back to us.

Right as we're on the cusp of recording,

getting our message, our
love, out into the world.

But Tex is going to protect us.

So what, you're gonna kill Ralph again?

We're gonna do what needs to be done

to protect our family,
to protect the mission.

We pointed guns at him,
poisoned him, moved here.

He still turns... up.

Seems like we're more
safe when he's in jail.

Remember that cop friend of yours?

The one that beat me till
I was a bloody pulp

at the foot of the Pearly Gates?

You still able to get to him?

Yeah. Yeah, I can.


How you doing?

I get it now.

When you're the one in danger,

you don't have time to be afraid.

You were all I could think about today.

Was it like that for you,
when I was undercover?

I don't know, Bri.

I don't know what to do.

I don't want to spend all day,

the rest of my life, in this house.

- But I don't want to risk...
- A babysitter.

- Miss Lopez?
- You mean the expensive one?

Maybe she'd give us a
discount if she was every day.

Like a nanny.

What are you saying?

Maybe you go to school.

And not just night
classes, a full-time thing.

Get a fancy degree.

Write a bunch of books about...

whatever it is you want.

You don't gotta have your
boots on the ground

to change the world.

You're laying out this perfect life,

but you still can't tell
me that you're using?


I found it. The needle and the...

No, no, that was for work.
That was just for work.

I just had to make it look like I did.

Please, please don't.

Baby, I can't tell you
anything but the truth.

I'm sorry I brought it in the house.

You're gonna look
me in the eye and tell me

- that that's the truth?
- Yes.

Baby, come on.

Honest, that is the truth. Okay?

Hey Adams? It's Sam Hodiak.

Are you still working the crime beat?

You want a story or not?

Yeah, there's this walking
bowel movement out there

who's trying to get my attention

by killing girls.


Get me a glass, too?


You seem upset.

You've pulled some crap, Sammy,

but going to the press behind my back?

I thought it was time to
make it a two-way conversation.

"He's just an amateur."

"It's only a matter of time
before he slips up."

What is this, a challenge?

The guy's gonna stay in the woodwork

- unless we draw him out.
- No, no, no.

The only thing this is
gonna do is egg him on.


Sorry. Hodiak, there's
a broad to see you.

Darn... Barn.

No, it's not Barn, it's, um...

- Karn?
- Yeah, that sounds right.

Because it is, Conway.

What, did you put her in a shoebox?

No, I put her in the break room.

Thought you and Grace were, uh...

doing your own thing.

I'll fill you in later, Dear Abby.

Detective Kodiak.

For the record, not a "broad."

I just wanted to tell you... show you...

that my life's back on track now.

We're not living in that house anymore.

I'm staying with Dennis
Wilson of The Beach Boys.

He's helping me start a music career.

So you, uh,

you came back just to thank
an old guy in a tie?

Or you want to tell me
why you're really here?

Look, Dennis has been great for us.

All Charlie does now is just play music.

Every day, that's it.

If your next word isn't "but,"

I'm gonna need another cup of coffee

to keep me awake during this.


There's this guy.

From Charlie's past?

He's been on our tail and
I'm just afraid that...

He's the one that taught
Charlie to pimp.

And I heard this guy say that

he wanted to start
back up again, with me.

Hmm. What about
your Beach Boy friend?

He can't keep you safe?

He'd get himself killed trying.

He's not a fighter. He's a drummer.

Well, unfortunately
we can't lock up people

for what they want to
do, so unless he actually...

He's on parole.

And he attacked my friends yesterday.

His name is Ralph Church.

- Miss Karn.
- Yes?

Mr. Wilson sent us for you.



Thank you.

The cops shot first.

Those Panthers did nothing.

Nothing but stand tall.

They got gunned down because they think.

The Man's biggest fear is anybody
who uses their brain.

That's what we do. We do it every day.

That's why I got this.

I say everyone here do the same.

'Cause next time that
story's on the 6:00,

it could be us.

It won't be us.

You want to say why not?

Those cops didn't shoot the
Panthers 'cause they think.

They shot them 'cause
they're scared of them.

But us? Sleep tight, we're fine.

Hell, they hardly even know we exist.

All right, that's enough
outta you today.

- On campus we're a name,

but off campus in the
middle of the country,

- where the voters are...
- Hey, listen.

We've had enough of you talking.

We're just the kids who skip class,

call it a sit-in.

Yeah, well, if that
bomb would have gone off,

- different story.
- Well, it didn't, so...

All right, well, the next
time we send a message,

we'll make sure it's heard.

What are we talking
about? Shooting people?

Darlin', we're talking.

Am I not a part of this group?

No, you are. Very vital role, too.

You know, 'cause none of
us guys can ourselves off.

Charmain, let's go.

I wanna stay here.

Provoke? Provoke them to do what?

I really can't say.

Are these dangerous people, you think?

Yeah. They are.

You know, when I worked
undercover at the homo bars,

vice, I went way past my comfortable.

But you can't actually arrest
them until they break the law.

Sam, this is not some
homo kissing charge.

This is...

What is it exactly, then?

I don't know how...

I can't talk about it 'cause
I'm not allowed to talk about it.

Okay, good.

Well, I'm glad we had
this heart-to-heart.


You're Laika.

- Who?
- Laika.

First dog in space?

Cute, too, for a Russian.

Excuse me?

Look around. You're
the first of your kind.

Do you see any other woman doing

the kind of police work you're doing,

anybody who's gotten as far
as... nearly as far as you have?

What does that have to do with this?

Nothing, except everybody's
watching you,

and not with a big
generosity of heart, either.

So if you fail or quit because
of your feelings,

then everybody's
gonna get a chance to say

that they were right all along
and you'll have to go back

to cleaning coffee pots for good.

- So I'm supposed to just...
- Pick.

But carefully.

- Detective Hodiak?
- Yeah.

There's a call for you up front?

Can you make it so that it's
a call for me right here?

Yes, sir. Yeah.


- Hodiak.
- Samson Benedictus Hodiak?

Number one detective in L.A.?

I saw the paper today.
Nice of you to say hi.

Who is this?

I've gotta go, business
to take care of.

Be in touch soon.

What was that?

It's that creep sending
me those photographs.

I recognize that voice.