Appropriate Adult (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Continuing to sit in on the police interviews Janet is shocked when she learns of the Wests' sexual depravity and when Fred calls her Anna,one of his victims whom she physically resembles. With both the Wests charged,she is no longer needed but visits Fred in prison privately in the hopes that he will disclose the fates of more victims to her. When he kills himself,the police need Janet to tell them what he revealed to her in order to convict Rosemary and she comes to see how he used her. At Rosemary West's trial Janet's evidence helps secure a conviction,though an end title suggests that the corpses of other West victims have yet to be unearthed.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You can't leave.

You're my appropriate adult.

I don't give a shit.

No, please, please.
Please, Janet.

Please, stay.

You're the only one I can trust.

On one condition.

You tell the police
who else you've killed.

All right.

In writing, so
you can't backtrack.

I'll get Mr. Ogden in.

Mr. Ogden.


Mr. West wants to
make a statement.

Saying what?

Who else he's killed.


Well, what-- what exactly
do you want to say?

Go on, Fred.

Here, Janet.

Come and sit here.

So what should we put?

Go on.

I, Frederick, West
authorize my solicitor--

Authorize my solicitor--

HOWARD OGDEN: Howard Ogden--

Howard Ogden--

superintendent Bennett--

Superintendent Bennett--


Of a further eight killings.


All right, nine.

Well, is it eight or nine?

Should we just put approx?

That's it, approx.

Good girl.

further 9 approx killings.

Is this his signature?


Because these don't
sound like his words.

Well, we drafted it for him.

Following his instructions?


He made this admission following
a conversation with Mrs. Leach.

I also got him to draw a map.

He said that there's--

somebodies are in
the garden, some

are under the cellar floor,
and there's a body in a field.

Drawn a bit vague.

Others to be identified.

We've already
made a start trying

to identify who they might be.

It's a huge breakthrough, sir.

come out with all of this?

I told him that if he didn't
start telling the truth,

then I wouldn't
help him any more.

Well, that could be regarded
as putting him under duress.


I was just being honest.

And I told him that it
was you he should tell,

not me, Because what he
tells me I have to keep

in private confidential.

You've done exactly
the right thing.

I won't have to
go to court, will I?

Oh, I doubt that
very much Mrs. Leach.

You're the appropriate adult.
You're here to assist Mr. West.

See the problem I have down
here is the hot water table.

No matter how much concrete I
put don't, I still get seepage.


Let's see what I can do for you.

I don't know.

What don't you know, Fred?

I can feel them, spirits
reaching out to me.

But I'm getting the same
message from all of them.

They're trying to
tell me that they're

better off where they are.

They don't want to be disturbed.

This is a pile of crap.

Either there are more
bodies here or there aren't.

He's told us that there are.

He better not have come
up with those extra nine

just to impress you.

I don't think he's done that.

All the same, I'd be weary
of getting too pal-y with him.

I'm not getting
pal-y with him.

I'm just trying to help.

Dig the floor up.

Take the house apart brick
by brick if you have to.

This is getting out of hand.

People are gonna start thinking
he's taking the mick out of us.


Janet Leach?


Can we have a quick chat?

What about?

JOURNALIST: What you're
doing with the police.

Janet, hi, Kirsty
Stephens, the Herald.

Kirsty, I'm talking to her.

Listen, Janet, before you
make any decisions, please,

talk to me.

What you mean, decisions?

Cromwell Street.

You clearly know
the inside story.

Who told you that?

We have our ways.

I've got nothing
to say to you.

It's me.


How's things?

MIKE: Look, at this.

It's a Jag XJ-6
4.2 Litre Coupe 8.


Yeah, and only
6,000 were made.

It's got full leather, automatic
transmission, top speed of 120.

Immaculate throughout.

You're not thinking
of buying a car.

It's only four grand.

We haven't got four grand.

We could get it easy.



Look what came through the door.


They want to buy your story.

Could be worth thousands.

I can't talk to the press.

But everyone else is.


I don't know, the police?

How else does all this
stuff get in the papers?

It's a hell of a story, Janet.

It's just been on the news
about there being more bodies.

Mike, this is ridiculous.

I'm doing this because it's
vital, not to make money.

Bonkers if you ask me.

Well, I'll have to rustle it
up from somewhere else then.

Is he all right?

JANET LEACH: What you mean?

It's the sort
of thing he starts

doing, talking about buying
stuff he can't afford.


He's fine.

He's taking his medication.

Yet another takeaway?


We had to eat something.

How long is this gonna go on?

I don't know, love.

Oh, it takes me
back, this, you know.

Right back to boyhood, every
inch, every blade of grass.

That was the letterbox
field down there.

We've come here to
search for the remains

of your first wife, Fred.

We're not sightseeing.

I know.

Lovely to get out of that
police station, eh, Janet?

Smell God's fresh air.

Try there.

lads, we're over here.

Let's spot there.

Mark that one down.
- OK.

That's it.

So if you take that as
your starting point--

I have a mind to wander
over there too, Janet.


Old time's sake.

What's so special
about over there?

See, I love Rose and I loved
Rena too, but Anna was the one.

Who's Anna?

True love of my life.

See, Anna, was
having a baby too.

That was the baby I wanted.

I don't understand.


I was just asking
Janet about my fish.


My tropical fish,
who's feeding them.

Let's get you
back to the nick.

Mike, you bought it?

MIKE: Yeah.

It's not the one I went after,
in the end, it's another.

Beautiful, isn't it?

How much was it?

MIKE: It's just immaculate.

The bloke I bought it from,
he's a-- he's a Jag specialist.

How much was it?

MIKE: Nine grand.


You can't spend that
kind of money on a car.

It's fine.

I got it on HB.

We don't even
need another car.

What is going on in here?

We got a new TV
and a new video too.

Even better deal than the car.

I got this new unit
to put them on.

But they haven't supplied
enough fixings here--

We're not getting a
new TV or a new car.

Have you been
taking your lithium?

Yeah, of course.

JANET LEACH: You sure?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

No, you haven't.

You've been missing days.

You can't afford to miss
any days, you know that.

Right, kids, upstairs.

Go on.


Mike, the car is going back
and the TV and the video.

MIKE: Why?
JANET LEACH: Just sit down.

- I'm not taking them back.
- Just sit down.


Just sit down.

Go and sit down.

Come on, love.

Come on.

I'm going to have to get
you into the hospital.

I'm going to go and call
them now, all right?

I warned you.

JANET LEACH: Just stay
out of this, Josh.

None of this would've happened
if you'd been thinking of us.

You'd far rather spend
time with that murder.

Just leave it, will you, Josh?

Oh, hello.

Yeah, my name's Janet Leach.

And I'm calling
about my partner.

He's bipolar and he's
going into a high

and I need to bring
him in urgently.

He's finally dropped off.

He's clearly got very
overstimulated thought.

It could take days,
maybe weeks, to get

him fully stabilized again.

I see.

Do you need me to stay?


Would it be all
right if I came back

this afternoon at half four?


I'm admitting nothing.

Because I got fucking
nothing to admit.

No, I-- that's
what I'm saying, May.

I'm as shocked about
this as you are.

Rose is denying to
us and to her daughter.

We've got nothing else on her.

So unless Fred drops her in it--


Ready to crack on?

Yeah, but I need to leave
about four at the latest,

because I've got an
urgent family matter.

That's fine.

DC DARREN LAW: Did you engage
them in sadomasochistic acts?

They were adventurous
young girls.

So how did you
end up killing them?

You see, you even
got the killing wrong.

You're trying to make
out that I just went out

and blatantly killed people.

It wasn't like that.

Enjoyment turned to disaster.

We're all having difficulty
understanding this,

especially how these
things can have

go on without Rose's knowledge.

Rose was out.

Out where?


Whilst you had sex,
murdered, and buried them?

She must have had an
awful lot shopping to do.

FRED WEST: She does.
It's a fair walk to Tesco.

DC HAZEL SAVAGE: Mary Bastholm,
Carol Cooper, Lucy Partington,

Shirley Hubbard.

The women I just named
didn't stay at your house.

I don't believe they were
known to you in anyway.

They just disappeared
from local bus stops.

gone on long enough.

DC HAZEL SAVAGE: Do you know
where you were then, Fred?

through this one more time.

DC HAZEL SAVAGE: Did Rose ever
have these sexual encounters?

Did she participate in them?

Did Rose kill Charmaine?

Rose didn't kill no one.

I killed Charmaine when I
come out Leyhill Prison.

For the last time, Rose
had no part of this.

Your loyalty's very touching.

Do you think she feels
the same about you?

Rose loves me.

And you're so confident
about that you didn't mind

her having sex with other men?

That's correct.

So long as you knew about it.

I always knew about it.

So you knew she was
seeing male clients at

another premises in Gloucester?


Sunderland Street.

That's rubbish.

DC DARREN LAW: We've spoken to
men who met her there for sex.

Do you find the
upsetting, Fred?

There were things
in Rose's life you

didn't know about,
sexual relationship

she kept to herself.

No, I don't, because
you're making it up.

No, I'm not, Fred.

Rose is all mine.

She always has been.

And I would know.

I'd know here if
that ever changed.

Rose is my love.

That's what she is.

And I'm not having you
lot telling me otherwise.

Sit down please, Fred.

Fred, you're not
helping yourself.

DC DARREN LAW: The interview
is ended at 15:47, by my watch.

This suggestion that Rose
without Mr.

West's knowledge.

Did you have any further
disclosure about that?

better come to the office.

want to be sure I'm

given the correct advice.

Don't rush off, Janet.

JANET LEACH: I have to.

That's all
bullshit about, Rose,

seeing other fellas in some
place I don't know about.

I'm afraid I can't
stay and discuss it now.

A man needs to know
his wife has no secrets

from him, doesn't he?

Would keep secrets
from your husband?

I'm not married.

There's still a lucky
fella in your life.

I can tell that.
- Mind your own bloody business.

No, please, don't go.


I'm-- there's something
I want to tell you.

It's about Rose.

What about her?

She was involved.

In how many of them?


Things I could
tell you about what

she done to some of them girls.

I may have started
it, but she took over

and did whatever she liked.

I mean it.

She did took baby out of
Shirley's body, not me.

That's the kind of woman she is.

If all of that
is true, how can

you hold that back from police?

For the sake of the family.

I don't understand.

We made a pact,
see, that I would

take all the blame to myself.

On the day the police come
around with a warrant,

I was out.

Rose called me to warn me.

When I got home, police gave
us five minutes alone together

and we agreed then that
I'd tell him it was all me.

And I know you think it's wrong
that Rose gets away with it

and I pay the price, but.

that's the plan we made so she
could look after the family

and that plan is working, Anna.

Why did you just call me Anna?


I-- Janet.

I get confused.

My mind's spinning
with all this--

I'm losing everything.

My family, my wife, home.

And you, you're helping
me through the most

terrible time of my life.

You're my only friend.

I'm not your friend, Fred.

You are.

We're going on a
journey together, Janet.

And neither of us knows
where it's gonna end,

but we're on it together.

I have to go.

Mrs. Leach?


We won't be
needing you anymore.


Your services on the inquiry
are no longer required.


I'm not obliged
to give reasons.

You can't just drop me
without any explanation.

Yes, I can.

No, you can't, not now.

What do you mean, not now?

I can't answer that.

Well, clearly, you find
all this very distressing,

but thank you for your help.

I tell you, I'm sick of
this, the fucking your father

caused me.

And those fucking police,
yammering on at me.

What I'd done, when,
what your dad done,

when, you stayed in the
fucking house, when.

Well, I'm not taking the
blame for fucking nothing.

It was a long time
ago, all right?

I don't know what you
think happened, anyway!

I got a fucking hairdresser's
appointment this afternoon.

Don't pull me.

Don't you fucking
pull on my arm, girl,

or I'll pull on yours.

I'll fucking break it
for you, if you want.


She was wearing the
last time you saw her?

How old was she then?

And the exact-- the
exact date, please.


How could you have
killed Charmaine if you

were in prison, Mr. West?

No comment.

And I'm DC Carl Kempinsky.

And could I have
your name, please?

That's a photograph
of the remains

of your daughter, Heather.

How do you feel
when you look at it?

No comment.

Could you please

confirm your name for the tape?

Rose helped you kill
Heather, didn't she?

No comment.

thought that different team,

different tactics might
be things up a bit.

So you want me to resume
as his appropriate adult?

I'd understand if you said no.

No, I'll do it.

Not cause I want to
do him any favors.

Sir, Mrs. Leach is
back on board, sir.


I appreciate it.

He's-- he's coming up
from the cells now.

We're going to Kempley.

We can't find Rena's remains.

Mrs. Leach has
agreed to resume

as your appropriate adult.

Well, now, day already
looks a lot rosier.

You see all the work
we've done here, Fred,

and we still haven't
found any remains.

Rena's somewhere here,
I'd put my shirt on it.

But if Rena's here,
then why isn't Charmaine?

You killed them
at the same time.

Charmaine was a child.

It's very hard to
talk about that.

We need you to do that, Fred.

Tell us exactly what happened.

Are you gonna answer
the officer, Fred?

DC DARREN LAW: You'd split
up with Rena, hadn't you?

You were living with Rose
and Charmaine was with you.

Well, You arranged to
meet Rena in the pub.

Might have got a drink in,
gone absolute paralytic,

and then drove her out
here and strangled her.

Where was Charmaine?

Asleep in the car.

Rena had given her a
lager or something.

And I thought what the
heck am I gonna do?

Mom and Dad, poor little lamb.

Who's gonna to tell her that?

So I strangled her.

And drove her back
to Middland Road

and we sat outside
the house a while,

wanted to make sure
Rose was in bed.

And then, I hid Charmaine by
the back wall of the house,

thinking I'd bury
her the next day.

So we need to start
searching the Middland

Road house as well?


What is it, Fred?

Why are you looking over there?

Something pulling me there.

JANET LEACH: What is it?


this Anna McFall, Fred,

Anna who used to look
after your children

when you were with Rena?

I can feel her now.

She's calling to me.

I've got to remind
you, Fred, that you're

still under caution.

You don't have
to say anything,

unless you wish to do say.

And what you do say
maybe used in evidence.

I feel her presence now,
like she's standing beside me.

Did you murder Anna, Fred?

Did you bury her here?

You all right, Fred?

I didn't kill Anna.

You believe me, Janet.

Anna had my baby.

How could I kill the
greatest love of my life

with my baby inside her?

I've got nothing to say.

That's it.

The woman's just
trying to get home.

Hi, Mom.

Hi, Mom.


How's things?


Great fun living in
the middle of a siege.

really sorry about that.

JOSH LEACH: So why are
you doing it again?

Tell them to stick it.


Oh, hi, Hazel.


Now All right.

Don't, Josh.

Mrs. Leach, I'm
come down with you.


It's all right.

Oh, Janet, I just
wanted to say how--

hope I didn't upset you today.

Thought I'd frightened you off.

What are you doing?

I can't get through
this without you.

Get off of me.

That is completely out of order.

Sorry, Janet.

Won't happen again, I swear it.

It's just that this
business about Anna,

it's really upset me.

And you see, Anna was more
important to me than anyone

in the world.

And I truly did feel
her in that field.

I can feel her with me
now, because you're here.

She's guiding me through you.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

No, but you would,
you would Janet.

If you-- if you saw
Anna, you'd understand.

I'm sorry about that.

He was insisting he
wanted to see you.

He just needed reassuring
that I wasn't gonna quit.


Can I ask?


Anna McFall, who
exactly was she?

Basically, she was
a 17-year-old girl.

When Fred was with
Rena, she used

to look after their children.

She developed some
kind of infatuation

with Fred, which
led to an affair.

Anna got pregnant wanted
Fred to leave Rena.

Shortly after that,
she went missing.

This was August 1967.

We released a picture
of her earlier.


DC DARREN LAW: We're now
applying for a warrant

to search the area where you
indicated Anna McFall might be.

I'd say that'd be wise.

you kill her, Fred?

I'd sooner stab myself
in the arm with a dagger.

if you didn't, who did?

It was anyone, it'd be Rena?

Why Rena?

When Rena found about
Anna, she couldn't bear it.

But Anna refused to give me up.

Did you enjoy having two
women fighting over you?

I've learned to
live with women

competing over my affections.

You enjoy being part
of a love triangle?

Is that how it
sometimes was with Rose?

If you're trying to get me
to say that my loving wife ever

hurt anyone--

You just said that
your previous wife did.

This is a trap.

Did you see that, Janet?

The police are just
asking questions, Fred.

And you need to
answer them honestly.

And I am doing.

Rose is not a murderer.

I just don't
believe you, Fred.

I think Rose killed Charmaine.

that's up to you.

And we're asking Rose
all the same questions.

And if there's any discrepancy--

There'll be no
discrepancy, because she'll

tell you absolutely nothing.
- How would you know?

Did she tell you
that's what she would do?

FRED WEST: All I know is
you'll never wear Rose down.

She ain't a afraid of you lot.

Matter of fact, it's you
lot should be afraid of her.


On account of the fact
that some of your lot

were using her services.

You with me, Janet?

There was coppers
paying Rose for sex.

Where's your evidence?

Rose has got the evidence.

If there were
such evidence, Fred,

we wouldn't allow that to
inhibit our investigation.

Now, you're grinning again.

You're adopting that cocky tone.

Do you agree, Janet?
- Yes, I do.

And I think it's
most regrettable.

And I think you should
take this very seriously.

Don't you start being
harsh for me, Janet.

I'm just telling
you the truth.

You see, I don't believe
you about Charmaine.

Nor do I believe that you could
conduct sexual relationships

with young women,
kill, dismember,

and bury them in
the house you shared

with Rose without her knowing.

Well, what you believe
don't matter, Hazel.

It's what you can prove matters.

Lynda Gough, for instance.

Her parents believed
that Lynda became

very friendly with Rose when
she came to lodge with you.

Rose looked after her.

She was like that.

And when Lynda disappeared
and her parents called

at your house to ask if
you knew where she was,

why was Rose wearing
her cardigan?

Well, Lynda must've
left it behind.

We told them that.

I think that's nonsense.

I think that you
and Rose manipulated

and coerced young women
into sexual activity--

I've admitted we're
broad-minded people.

Activities which became
sadomasochistic in nature.

We know what your taste
in pornography is.

We know what Rose
did with her clients.

And now you're putting two
and two together to make five.

I suggest that
you and Rose took

those acts much further
than those girls

could possibly have imagined.

There was a beam in the
cellar, ropes, rolls of tape,

a surgical mask, other
instruments of torture.

I suggest that you suspended
them from that beam--

Janet, tell her to stop it.

bound and gagged them.

Janet, you're my friend.

You watched Rose--

Just be honest, Fred.

Unspeakable agonies,

until they eventually died.

And you just stood
back and watched for

your own sexual gratification.

And when Rose had
finished with them,

you dismembered their
bodies and buried

them with her full knowledge.

I suggest that
the two of you did

similar things to your daughter
Heather and to Charmaine.

Rose is innocent.

I ain't got nothing more to say.

Interview was
terminated at 15:54.

A word, please, DC Savage.

Rose has been charged with
the murder of Lynda Gough.

I don't believe you.

Well, that's up to you.

But it's a fact.

She wouldn't have
admitted nothing

and you ain't got no evidence.

Oh, I believe we have enough.

I need Rose back in the house.

And I need our house
put back together

and our family
put back together.

I don't think that's
going to happen, Fred.

Janet, help me.

Help me get--

Don't let them.

Fred, calm down.

Come on, Fred.

You OK?

Have you really got evidence?

Detective Superintendent
Bennett feels

we've got all we're gonna get.

He's bringing these
interviews to a close.

Your part in this is over.

Thank you.

Rosemary West,

the wife of the Gloucester
builder Frederick West appeared

in court today, charged
jointly with him of murdering

19-year-old Lynda Gough.

She's jointly

accused with her
husband Frederick

of killing Lucy Partington
and Carol Ann Cooper.

Both their bodies were
found in the cellar.

Hidden beneath a blanket,
Rosemary West is led into court

to face a fresh murder charge.

She's jointly accused
of killing 21-year-old

Swiss student Therese
Siegenthaler, who vanished--

Relates the discovery

at Cromwell Street of the body
of 18-year-old Juanita Mott.

She disappeared in 1975.

West, wife of the Gloucester

builder Frederick West has
been charged with murdering

her daughter Heather.

The teenager's remains
were among those

found at the West's home--

(VOICEOVER): Mrs. West

said nothing during the
three minute hearing,

just listened, then
nodded as the two

new charges were put to her.

Lynda Gough

were found under the
ground floor bathroom.

The next day, the search
unearthed the remains of Carol

Cooper, again, in the basement.

Even as the last of the
nine victims was discovered,

the search team have already--

So which one's Lucy?

That one?

And which one's Max?

That one.

I just wanted to say sorry.


For saying you
shouldn't have done it.

I saw it on the telly.

They've both been set for trial.

You can forget it now.

Move on, yeah?

Ready to go?

Come on, Mom.

Where are the sausages?

And rolls?

All right.

I'll go.

Oh, Mom, don't leave.

In a minute.


Janet, it's me.

How are you?

I'm fine.

relieved to hear your voice.

Where are you calling from?

FRED WEST (PHONE): Birmingham,
Winson Green Prison.

How'd you get this number?

You see, I need
your help, Janet.

What do you mean?

I can't really discuss
it over the phone.

Can you come an see me?


Fred, my involvement
with you is over.

I've-- I've gone back
to normal family life.

That's-- that's grand.

That's lovely.

Only, please, give me
this one bit of help.

I'd be-- I'd be so grateful.

I need you, Janet, please.

All right, I'm off.

All right, love.

- See you.
- See you.

Oh, I might be late tonight.

If Mike's not back,
can you start my tea?

Oh, God.
MIKE: It's no problem.

I'll be back.

Anything special?

Oh, it's just a late lecture.

MIKE: See you.


All right.

Sit here.


You can't divorce me.


We haven't even gotten
ready to get married yet.

So how come you need a lawyer?

I'm doing it for Fred West.

How come?

He asked me to.

You've been to see him?


At his request.

I can't believe it.

It was a purely
practical matter that--

And you agreed?

That he needed help with.

You must be mad.

You're only finding
him a solicitor?



I get the feeling that there's
more that he wants to tell me.

About what?

About what he
did, what Rose did.

Such as?

I don't know, Mike.

And if I did, I wouldn't
want to talk to you about it.

Look, our life go into
such a terrible mess

before because of him.

So if you don't
want me to do this--

No, no, no.
I'm fine.

I'm taking my medication.

So long as you're OK with it.