Animal Kingdom (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 8 - Grace - full transcript

The police put pressure on Amy to find the truth about the church robbery and Pope tries to divert suspicion. Craig plans an unusual heist. Baz surveils Smurf to find out her secrets.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Manny used to always say that

Smurf will climb over her own
kids just to keep from drowning.

You're not even her kid.

You have a storage unit?

The boys don't know
about it. And neither do you.

You've been
skimming off our work.

You really think I
have more, don't you?

You're paying me back
before they know it's gone.

I've got your money, right here.

You wouldn't do what
needed to be done.

He was gonna take the money!

"Like family" isn't family.

Leave Nicky alone. Please!

Did they hurt you?

- You gonna be a caterer?
- Our way in, man.

For the outhouse we've
been, talking about.

You're looking at Eric Miller.

How does someone
like Cath, just disappear?

Doesn't mean they
can't be found, just.

Depends on how bad you want it.

They asked if I had an alibi.

As if I had something to do with
stealing the mission drive money.

It's gonna be fine.

- And the checks?
- I say, we not risk it.

I'll take care of it.

I got pulled over
this afternoon.

He starts asking me about
Cath. What I did to her.

They think he killed Cath.

Cops don't know anything.

What if they arrest Baz?

We don't have
anything to worry about.

I'll just be a minute.

That in case Javi comes back?

Javi can't come back.


Don't tell the
others I told you.

I can't.

I won't let Baz take
the fall for Cath.

I won't.

It's never gonna come to that.

Do you think that I
would let that happen?

I don't think you've
been sleeping enough.

You know how you get
when you don't sleep.

What is it, Baz?

I think Smurf's been
skimming off our jobs.

Are you sure?

I'm gonna find out.

It's okay, you can go.

You sure?

Yeah, you can go.

Listen, it's gonna be late
by the time I'm done up there,

but I can come back.

You're in Oakland a
lot these days, huh?

One rule, remember?

Ah! Break it.

What the hell's
going on up there?


- Where's Lena?
- Disneyland.

Ally took her and
her niece overnight.

They've done studies about
the germs there, you know.


Good to know.

I gotta go.

So soon?

- Bye.
- Bye.

Hey, come here.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

Great to see you.


Forgot how well you
guys got along. Nice to see.

What's up?

Has that cop been
back asking about Cath?


So, detectives pulled me in
yesterday about the church.

I walked them through the whole
night, Bible study, Amy's place.

How her roommate was
with us the entire time.

- And?
- They bought it.

That's not just what they want
you to think? "They bought it"?

It was the truth
because I wasn't there.

- They ask about the rest of us?
- No.

And I'm telling you,
I'm not on their list.

There's a lot of
ex-cons at the church,

and there's no reason
for them to lean on me.

And nothing connects us, right?

You destroyed those checks?

Oh, shit. The checks
are in my wallet.


Baz is buying more motion sensors
and those night vision cameras.

Be around tomorrow
to help set them up?


I'm gonna update
the alarm codes,

we can talk about that then.

I'll be here.

What the hell are you wearing?

Got some things to take care of.

What, you got
a shift at Chili's?

Baby, can you do me a favor?

Do you think you and Deran can
go pick up the sliding doors for me?

- Yeah, I'll talk to him.
- Thank you, baby.

All right, I gotta go. You
need a ride to school?



I won't get caught
off guard again.

Then you should learn
to make your own loads.

It's harder to trace.

Want me to teach you?

- Yeah, sure.
- After school.


You're like a college kid.

All pent up, hungry.

Hell's that supposed to mean?

It's called a compliment.

It means you're good in bed.

Why are you
keeping shit from me?

Like what?

Like, why are you
dressed like that?

Where are you going?

Why haven't you done
drugs the past few days?

It's like I don't
know you anymore.

Well, isn't a little
mystery sexy?

You know, when those
assholes put me in a van,

and I had no idea where they were
going, or what they were going to do to me

did I freak out?

Did I call the cops?

You can trust me.

I trust you.

Okay, prove it.

- I'm setting up a job.
- Seriously?

Well, what kind of job?

- We're gonna be pirates.
- Huh?

We're gonna rob a boat.

Oh, that is so cool.

Yeah, it is.

Okay, what's my part in it?

You know, when I first met you, I
thought you were a total asshole.

Oh, the feeling was mutual.

I wasn't the one talking.

Well, you didn't have to be.

You walked in, thought
you were too cool to be there.

It's just my type.

So I'm a type?

Everybody's a type.


Dude, are you kidding me?

- What?
- You got to get your shit together here.


That's a very carefully
designed system.

Look, I've sold
a lot of properties

to first-time business
owner who bellied up.

Let the little things
overwhelm them.

- It's always the little things.
- Yeah.

Big stuff, floods, earthquakes,
you got insurance for that.

You do have
insurance for that, right?

Yeah, I'm shopping around.

Okay, uh...

This is my insurance guy.

And a bookkeeper.

Cheap and good.


Oh, and I need
your association fee.


Are you serious?

Why'd you think I
came here last night?

To get you to pay.

That's funny, 'cause
I thought, you know,

if I slept with you,
maybe I wouldn't have to.

- Okay. Well, next time, then.
- Yeah.

"We" all fall short of
God's glorious standard.

"And yet God freely and graciously
declares that we are righteous."

Romans 22:24.


- Can I help you, detective?
- Yeah.

Can I talk to you for a second?

Excuse me, guys.

Yeah, what's up?

Yes, he's a very avid
member of this group.

No, you are not...



I'm sorry. You guys... Do you guys
mind if we pick this up on Thursday?


Thank you so much. Thank you.

What'd they say?

Just a sec.

You okay?

Not really.

They were looking for Leon.

They've been
trying to reach him.

There's no way Leon
would steal from the church.

Since he got out, this place
has been everything to him.

You should call him and tell him the
worst thing he can do is avoid them.

Okay. Yeah.

Straight to voicemail.

I know where he works.

Will you come? Talk to him?

No, I don't think
that's a good idea.

If Leon's not calling
them back, he's scared.

Okay? You've done time.

You know how he feels.


You really won't do it for $50?

How many times
do I have to tell you?

You are not doing
shots off my stomach.

Dana! I love that name!
Dana! Baby, be reasonable.

Sugar, come on. $75.

Customer wants to do body
shots, he should have 'em.


Listen to Eric.

Come on, on the couch. Let's go.

All right, I'll do it.

Hope you don't mind a
little bit of sweat, though.

It's hot as balls in here.

All right, let's go.

I'm cool, man.

You sure?

Yeah, whatever, man.

All right.

I owe you one. Thank you.



- Nice to meet you, Dana.
- Nice to meet you, Eric.

Making loads?

J wants to learn.

What's in the box?

Got some new motion sensors.

Gotta make sure they're
compatible with the alarm.

Craig and Deran still
bitching about not getting paid

to save their mother?

Just throw them five grand,
or I'll never hear the end of it.

I'm gonna need
the $200,000 back.

I'm not sure the other guys
would be too cool knowing

you used their money for a hit.



Yeah, I'll go to the bank.

Use credit if I have to.


- Baz?
- Yeah.

You know what I
was thinking earlier?

Do you remember
when Pope was 13,

and he decided that the cops
had tapped all our phone lines?

Ripped every
phone out of the wall.

And then he ran out back...

Climbed up the telephone pole,
was gonna rip down those wires.

If you hadn't talked him down,
Pope would have been electrocuted.

Is that why you took me in?

To take care of Pope?

No, Baz.

I took you in because the minute

I laid eyes on you, I
fell in love with you.

I gotta make sure these work.

Ah, no, thanks, I don't smoke.

Gotta focus.

Suit yourself.

It's exhausting, right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

And they're not even tipping.

Oh, the clients
tip us at the end.

- Oh, yeah? How well?
- Okay.

Drunk dudes paying with expense
accounts tend to be generous.

So, what about the weddings?

You want them
rich, but not too rich.

'Cause if they're too rich, they never
had to work for it. The tips are crap.

So, how do you tell who's rich
when you're choosing your shifts?

Go online.

Search the date, the boat.

You can figure out
who the rich clients are.

Smart girl.

So, why can't these be traced?

They're made of
compressed copper powder.

And they just crumble on impact.

Now, seat it.

I had to get rid of Javi, J.

For you.

Because he broke into
our home, and hurt you.

And because you wanted me to.

Why couldn't I be part of it?

I saw an opportunity,
and I took it.

Now, if you can get
someone else to take the risk

and still get what you want,

do that.

That is way more powerful

than one of these.

So, how mad are your uncles?

I used to get fed up
with my mom all the time.

So, one time I packed up all
my stuff, and I was ready to leave.

And then, her ex, this
asshole junkie named Keith,

turns up at the house
and tries to break in.

Me and my mom kicked,
the shit out of him together.

- And in the morning, you unpacked.
- No.

No, I was still gonna leave.

Then she apologized.

What the hell are
you doing down here?

Looking for you.

The client insisted that
I got the crew a round.

Boss will never go for it.

But I could use one.

- Just let me talk to him for a second.
- All right.



There's nothing to be afraid of.

The police, they only
want to talk to you.

They just need to
cross you off their list.

Why's he here?

Just hear him out?

Last thing I wanted to do,
coming off three years inside,

was talk to the cops.

Where were you?

Solano, four years.

- Folsom.
- Yeah.

You know, I got
cleaned up inside.

But lately, man,
I've been slipping.

You know, the night of the
robbery at the church, I scored.

Went on the roof of
my apartment, and fixed.

I talk to the cops,
my PO will be there.

I'll get tested...

Piss hot. Blow my parole.

Okay, this is what you do.

You tell them that you've been
sick. You take six Sudafed PEs.

They make you piss hot, too.

Nothing connects you
to the robbery, right?

- No. Hell, no.
- So then, you call them.

All right.

Hi, Daddy.

Hey. How was it?

Good. We went on lots of rides!

That's good. That's good.

Can I get my goodbye hug?

Put your stuff in your room.

Is everything all
right? What's going on?

A policeman was waiting at
my house when we got home.

Wanted to talk to
Lena about Cath.

But you didn't let him, did you?

I didn't know if I
should. But Lena...

She knew him.

- What do you mean?
- She recognized him.

I guess he knew Cath.

He left his card.

What did he ask her?

If you and Cath fought a lot.

If Lena's ever scared of you.

Thanks, Ally.

If something happens to you,

I'm here for Lena,
if you need me.


So Ally said a grown-up friend of
your mommy's visited you at her house

- Is that right?
- Patrick?

Do you know him well?

Did he ever visit Mommy
here at the house?

But he bought me ice cream.

He bought you ice cream?

- What's he like?
- He makes jokes.

But not funny ones.

How many times did you see him?

You don't know?

You playing a game, Daddy?

Yeah, sort of.

Finish your cereal.
I'll take you to school.

Told you to replace your leash.

Well, they're putting up new
security in the house today.

- You coming?
- Yeah.


I grew up in that house, too.

Plus, smurf can
give me my money.

Yeah, I wouldn't
hold your breath.

I got in the engine room.

We can drain the oil out of
the engine. It'll seize right up.

When you thinking
we should hit it?

It all depends on
who's renting the boat.

I'm doing some research.

Yeah, you're doing
some research?


Nothing, I've just never
seen you like this. It's good.

You know, when the
boat goes around Catalina,

we'll have 20 minutes
with no cell coverage.

I mean, they're gonna have
satellite phones on the bridge.

We can get a Shoghi jammer.

It'll kill those, take
out the other cells.

Yeah, Shoghis
aren't easy to get.

No, I got a guy. My
buddy Nick can hook us up.


I'll make the plan more solid
when I pitch it to Baz and Pope.

Does it bother you how Baz and
Smurf dealt with the whole Javi situation?

Nah, the guy had it coming.

It's how they handled it.

Then telling us after, I mean, that just
makes us all accessories after the fact.

Well, no one's
looking for that kid.

It's just the principle, man.

I said I wanted to have
nothing to do with it.

I do a job, I get
caught, that's four years.

That's on me.

But murder, man, that...

That's 20 to life.

I didn't sign up for that shit.

Hey, man.

A woman came in this morning.

Blonde, 60s, drove a gray
pickup or a white Jag, you see her?

Gray pickup, yeah.

What unit does she rent?

- I can't tell you that.
- Yeah.


Unit number and the
name it's rented under.

Dora Hayes.


How long's she had it?

Since 2004.

Yeah, I haven't done
that math homework.

Nope. Not gonna do it.

He's such an asshole
for setting it on a Friday.

I know. What the heck?

What are you doing here?

I'm staying here.

Your ex is staying
at your house?

That's not weird at all.

No, it's not. She's
actually screwing my uncle.

So it's cool, right?


Nicky, could you get us some
beers from the refrigerator, please?


Andrew. How are you?


Your super let us in.

Right. Pope.

Your girlfriend at
the church, Amy.

She doesn't call you
that, though, does she?


As you know, per the
terms of your parole,

we can accompany your parole
agent, Mr. Williams, in here.

I thought I answered
all your questions.

And we appreciate
your cooperation.

Check that top one?

Under it, too.

Just dotting our "I's"
and crossing our "T's."

Hey, you do what you gotta do.

We're gonna check
your vehicle next.

Then we're gonna talk
about your brothers.

Car's out front.


- Hey.
- I got a little, uh...

You know, if you don't
have time, it's no big deal.

No, it's cool, I'll do it.

- Here, I got, uh...
- No. Don't. I got it.

Don't be stupid. Come on.

Goods in kind then. Um...

Drinks. Your bar. Tonight?

Yeah. I mean, it was
an excuse to, uh...

I hope we get to catch up.


Okay. Well, I'll
see you tonight.

Yeah, I'll see you around.

We both know why you brought
Shannon here and it's idiotic.

- Do you mind?
- Okay? And, not to mention, immature.

Okay, I brought Shannon here

because she's a nice person.

No, Shannon not nice.

And it's none of your business.

If you wanna screw the dumbest
of my uncles, then do your thing.

Craig's not dumb.

He burned down his
own apartment, Nicky.


Well, he's planning a job.

- A big one.
- Yeah?

- All right. Is that what he told you?
- Mmm-hmm.

Craig doesn't plan
jobs, okay? He's muscle.

Well, he does now.

And I'm a part of it.

- Hey, man.
- Hey.

What is that?

It's a sensor. You
put it on the window,

and if the glass
breaks, it makes a noise.

Where's Smurf?

- I think she's in her room.
- Okay.

Hang with J for a
second, okay, kiddo?

Look, it's sticky.

Get the money?

It's on the bed.

You can count it if you'd like.

I trust you.


I'm gonna put this away.

Come on, let's go play.

Let's go play, play, play!

Fun house.

You gonna help us or what?


Can I help make the guacamole?

In a little bit. Go
check on Lena.

She's fine, she's just coloring.

Okay. Yeah, I'll check on her.

Stop for a sec?

Craig? J?

You want a drum roll
or something there?

I wanna say thank
you for having my back.

I know that if any of you were
threatened, we'd all act the same.

Is that right?

Is this your way of saying
you're not gonna pay us?

It's 20k.

- I thought we were getting five.
- What's this for?

I don't believe in "sorry."

"Sorry" is cheap.

You want something to
mean anything, it's gotta cost.

You think Craig with
20k is a good idea?

- Blow me.
- No, I'm serious.

- Do you?
- That's the point, isn't it?

You're all adults now.

And I have to learn to let go.

But I want something.

Oh, of course you do.

Was waiting for that.


To launder your cash.

I need money to run
through my buildings.

You need paychecks
on the books for the IRS.

But your jobs, what
you do, how you do it?

Not my business, I'm still out.

We'll think about it.

Let's finish what
we came here to do.

I'm trying to be quiet.

When she's out, she's out.

Is that the last one?

- Yeah, that's it.
- Great.

That's a lot of free cash.

What are you gonna do with it?

Nothing's free, man.

You get something?

Go see what he caught, okay?
I'm gonna be right over there.


Called in some
serious favors on this.

Okay. Let's hear it.

Patrick Fischer's interest
in Cath wasn't personal.

What do you mean?

He'd opened a Confidential
Informant file on her.

No way.

No way.

They put her in foster care when
her parents died. She hated cops.

I'm telling you what I know.

Patrick Fischer was
working her as a CI.

Well, all right, Katy.

As you guys down
there may have noticed,

Katy has already
won an impressive...

$22, 300.


Here's one two
Saturdays from now.

Father of the bride, Alan Boyce.

All right, he's a doctor,

orthopedic surgeon,

- No, we can do better than that.
- Right.

Here we go.

Father of the bride,
Willie Cardosa.

- And what's he do?
- I don't know, but he has a jet.

Wait, let me see that.

Yo, dude's got a winery,

Rolls-Royces, and a Bentley.

Nice Jabra.

Mark Liston?

You know him?

Yeah, I've been to
those stupid meetings

He's an asshole.

I mean, he hooked me up with
a good bookkeeper, so, there.

That's a plus.

I feel like I haven't
seen you in forever.

What's going on?
Tell me about it.

Uh, I just started
classes. UC San Diego.

- No shit.
- Yeah.

That's awesome,
man. Good for you.

Yeah, you know,
I like competing,

but you know, I don't wanna be
one of those 60-year-old surfers

with a one-bedroom
off The Strand.

Just a place to
keep your boards.

Yeah. I don't wanna
be a 60-year-old

lugging some 300-pound safe
down some tunnel, you know.

I used to think I was so
different from my family

because of all the
shit, that I was hiding.

I just don't want
any of the baggage.

What baggage?

All the shit that blows
back on you. It's...

So, how are you not
gonna be that 60-year-old?

Soon as I make enough
money to buy this building,

I'm going legit.


You think your
brothers will let you?


If I had run away from home,

I would've come back
to my mom eventually.

I don't need you to
make me feel better.

- Maybe the cops are wrong.
- No.

Detective Halleck
called Pastor Stevens.

Checks from the church
were found in Leon's car.

All the time I spent with him.

I even helped him
find an apartment.

I had... I had faith in him.

I never once thought he was avoiding
the cops because he was guilty.

And he used that faith.

Cops made an arrest

for the church.

It's gonna stick.


You know, I always wanted
to believe Smurf had limits.

But that's bullshit.

She's been stealing
from our jobs since 2004.


Yeah, I can prove it.

The cop who pulled me over,

he opened a CI file on Cath.

And she wouldn't talk. I
know she wouldn't talk.

But if Smurf...

That cop she pays,

he could've told her they
were trying to get Cath to talk.

You think Smurf killed her?

Yeah. I do.
