Andromeda (2000–2005): Season 4, Episode 11 - The Torment, the Release - full transcript

Dylan and the crew are put on trial by the Commonwealth. The Collectors now control the Commonwealth. The crew wants to escape, but Dylan wants to stick out the trial, to determine if he still has ANY allies in the Commonwealth he...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I have the Commonwealth fleet

out of Tarazed
approaching at a rapid pace.

They are armed for combat

and have closed
to point-blank range.

on the Andromeda.

This should be interesting.

Incoming communication.

Captain Hunt,
requesting permission
to come aboard.

Explain the presence
of the Commonwealth fleet.

In person, please.


You're talking to me
from the end of a gun.

You're under arrest, Captain,

for high crimes
against the Commonwealth.

Specifically, treason.

You are to proceed
to Tarazed for trial.

Are you going to tell me
what I have done?

You are refusing
to surrender

a wanted criminal
of the Commonwealth,

Lieutenant Commander,
Telemachus Rhade.

Rhade was taken illegally
by the collectors.

It starts with him.

It ends with murder
and treason.

You're to be tried,
and if found guilty,

sentenced to hard labor
on the planet Biotraz.

What? That's...
that's a death sentence.

Or perhaps you prefer
to be reprogrammed
on one of the moons of Pyrium.

I demand to talk to Tri-Jema.

She won't talk to you.

She brought the charges,
which is her right.

We are taking you
to Tarazed, Captain,

dead or alive.

In that case,
I may as well go down fighting
and take you with me.

And how many
do you think
you will lose?

Any friends there on the ship?

Any friends on yours?

Let me talk to Tri-Jema,
and I will go peacefully.

Very well.

Take the Andromeda to Tarazed,
but upon arrival there,

your crew
will be under surveillance

by Commonwealth forces.

I'm sure.

I'm not worth
the demise of the Andromeda.

I should...

I should be given up to them.


I came here
to learn from you.

If it were you,
you would do it.

I'm not turning you in, Rhade.

In fact, I'm going to make sure
that they don't find you.

But this could destroy
all you've worked for.

No one is going to destroy
what I have worked for.

Not Tri-Lorn,
not the collectors,

no one.

The universe
is a dangerous place,

but in our future,
my crew and I
fight to make it safe.

I am Dylan Hunt, Captain
of the Andromeda Ascendant,

and these are our adventures.

Amazing. I've given
the Commonwealth
everything I've got.

You knew
this was going to happen.

You have betrayed
the Commonwealth.

Come on. I have not.

Not its ideals, perhaps,

but a force within
has been transgressed.


I've always done
what I thought was right.

Then others disagree
and feel betrayed.

Trance, just because
someone feels betrayed,

doesn't prove me guilty

anymore than their disliking
the color gold makes you evil.


per your request, Rhade
is secured and out of the way.

Thank you. Keep him there
pending my further orders.

The military escort
has arrived to take
you planet side.

I don't suppose
I should keep them waiting.

They might get insulted.

Oh, look.

It's my old buddy, Pish.

Captain Hunt.

So, we meet again.

Captain Dylan Hunt
of Tarn Vedra,

you are to be tried
for high crimes
against the Commonwealth.

You are to be found guilty...

Or innocent

by the Commonwealth congress.

Three judges are present
and presiding.

More specifically,
those are your leaders,

the Triumvirate,



and Tri-Camille.


She has displaced
her sister, Tri-Ortiz.

Things are changing
in the Commonwealth, Captain.

As you will see,
the strong grow
and prosper.

These proceedings
are being communicated

throughout the Commonwealth.

Its loyal citizens
stand in sad wonder

at the fall of a great hero.

May I have the
screen, please?

This is our enemy...

The World Ship, the abyss.

This is its weapon, the Magog.

And there is its ally.

Oh, please.

I'm afraid this might be
quite dull for you, Captain.

Your life has been
so exciting lately,

all this effort
to undermine
the Commonwealth.

Are we talking about
the same Commonwealth
that I reinstated?

Now, why I would do that?

I think we're going
to find out.

Where, oh,
where should I begin?

Oh, yes,
your Commonwealth fugitive,

Lieutenant Commander Rhade.

You are having entirely
too much fun, Captain.

Breaking onto
a Commonwealth ship
without detection?

Disabling without killing?

I feel like
I'm back at the academy.

Well, you're not.

We have to get out more.

There could
be repercussions
to this.

I don't care
about that.

Rhade's cell.

How you doing?

Captain Hunt,

another welcome surprise.

Well, I don't
leave my crew behind.

I'm honored, sir.

Let's get out of here.

You... you've got
to be kidding me.

That is considered treason?

Oh, I'm just
getting warmed up.

Do you care to make
an opening statement?

Yeah. I think
you're an idiot.

And I want
to talk to Tri-Jema.

We will adjourn, briefly.

I will leave you
to your own recognizance.

Don't get scared and run away.

Oh, I'm not running
until I take care of you.


Rest assured,
Captain Hunt,

I will always think of you

as the seed
of the Commonwealth.

Oh, come on.
That is crap.

You brought these charges
against me.

I'm sorry, Captain.

You are a survivor.

I'm not,
and I need to survive.

I must outlive and outlast.

You knew that
when we first met.

I am no more
a politician now

than I was then.

No more, and let me
be clear, no less,

and this is politics.

Politics that bring a logic
to all of this.

There is no logic.

The only reason
this is happening

is because the collectors
want me out of the way.

They want complete control
of the Commonwealth,

and you're too afraid
to stop them.

We can't have
a civil war, Captain.

Okay, but this
is not the way
to prevent one.

I'm trying to look
at things differently.

The only way
to beat a temptation

is to give into it.

What is the saying?

Different courses
for different horses?

Tri-Jema, that is neither
the saying nor the solution.

Look, if we all gave in
to our temptations,

there would be no order,
only chaos.

I don't know
what you were doing,
Captain Hunt,

but the sum total
of your past actions

have torn
the Commonwealth apart.

You flatter me

to think that
I am so powerful.

This is a conspiracy,

and you know it.

All right, who wants some?
Come on!

Oh, okay! Ah!

This is our ship,
you know.

You guys are the interlopers.

You'll come with us.

For reprogramming.

We need
what you know...

Information, memory,

and we'll have it
with or without
your cooperation.

We're running
everything already.

I'm still in control.

Actually, you're not.

Check decks 57 through 58.

They're filling
with poisonous gas.

All crew,
report to quarters immediately.

All crew,
report to quarters immediately.

This is not a drill.
Repeat, this is not a drill.

We are isolating you
from your crew.

If you prefer,
I could switch
the gas to steam

and burn them to death.

You really have no choice.

I will have all your files.

No sense being the classic
hostile witness,

however surprising
from a mere avatar.

Are you questioning
my loyalty or my veracity?

I'm not questioning.
I'm accusing. That's my job.

Release your files.

I wonder what you believe.

You wonder?


Do you... feel things?

I won't admit to empathy,
sympathy, or even fortitude.

I have, however,
observed and digested

many elements during my time
in service to Captain Hunt.

I am able to assimilate hate.

Good answer. I like it.

Are you saying we,
the Commonwealth,

are prejudiced?

Justice can be jaundiced,
true, but--

You are what you are,

and I have had my experiences.

Is this your response?

Captain Hunt
has done nothing wrong.

Then let us see.
Let us be the judge.


or we will take this information
out of you

when you're deactivated.

You will never see
Captain Hunt again.

Never be able to serve him.

Your choice.

Release your information.

Tell us
about strategic truth.

I'll dispatch a courier
to Tri-Lorn immediately,

but you are aware,

we suffered no damage
to our GFG .

We did if I say we did.
Strategic truth.

Right, and the strategy is?

I need time to find Tyr
and understand his scheme.

Rhade is the key to that.

Right, and the truth is?

I am beginning not to trust

certain aspects
of the Commonwealth,

and I don't like that one bit.

So, you took it
upon yourself

to disregard
Commonwealth decisions.

No, I took it upon myself
to do the right thing.

How about you, Pish?
You doing the right thing?

You're working
for the Nietzscheans.

You were even making deals
with Tyr Anasazi.

I'm not on trial here, sir.

You should be.

Whoever you think you are,

you should stop being
that person right now.

You, sir, are a criminal.

You've been on quite
a tear, Captain.

The destruction
of a Commonwealth supplier,

theft, bribery, king-making...

It goes on and on,
like a small child's
wish list

for his birth date.

You know, I know
you're talking,

because I see your
lips moving,

and stuff's coming
out of them,

but you're not
making any sense.

It'll all make sense soon,
I assure you.

Do you know this man?

He's a loser who doubles
as a dictator.

Oh, and he also
sabotaged my ship,
but I'm sure

you're going to tell me
that he's some
incredible asset

to the Commonwealth.

He's the appointed
Commonwealth industrialist.

Oh, Nietzscheans.

You know,
surprise, surprise.
Running away.

All right, get this
Admiral Kosugi
on a comm line for me.

I already told him
that you wouldn't approve.
Then he quoted me

some obscure paragraph
of the Mutual Defense Pact.

All right, you know,
just get him anyway,

and I'll tell him where he can
put his Mutual Defense Pact.


Captain Hunt,
the evidence is damning.

First you disregarded
Nietzschean advice,

then came the great
Nietzschean attack.

We know what you had
to do with that.

I had nothing
to do with that.
I was under attack.

We have evidence
to the contrary.

You, Pish, have nothing
but a collection of lies.

Hey. Nice day for a walk.

I was thinking
the same thing.

You don't need exercise.

They know everything.

Have they found Rhade?


Game plan from Mr. Harper.

We'll need
a distraction.

I think we've got
the right guy.

You'll sustain
a lot of damage regardless
if we can pull this off.

Well, if Dylan's lost,
we're all lost.

Seems like old times.

We explained
that it was just a test.

A harmless game
at worst.

Oh, they explained,
all right, but only afterwards.



Bets? Wagers?


The board has set odds
based on your skill...

300 to one you lose.

Yeah. Game over.

It all started
as good, clean...

- Effervescent...
- Fun.

Then, thanks
to Captain Hunt...

You know, you must have
a broad definition

of "good clean fun."

You tried to kill me
six times.

You know, I can't believe

that you're taking the word
of these Nietzscheans.

Come now, Captain.

All Nietzscheans are bad?

That's like saying
all heavy worlders are good.

And what
of your friend, Rhade?

You consider him worthy
of your crew's inner circle.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Whoa, whoa. Their testimony
is prejudiced.

They lost a lot of money
because I didn't die.

And-And they're not even
part of the Commonwealth.

Moving on, Captain.

What were you up to with this?

Three couriers to
Tarazed Triumvirs dispatched.

A fourth one has coordinates

to a secret location
laid in by you.

A fourth courier ship.

This man must be stopped.

He lives and fights
by his own rules
with total disregard

for the higher designs
of this Commonwealth.

The infidelity.

The disregard.

The horror.

It has to end here.

Damn you, Hunt.

You are in the way.

You are in the way
of a glorious Commonwealth.

We, the collectors,
are trying to save it,

but you are blocking us
at every turn.

Damn you.

You're not
the Commonwealth. I...

We are.

Well, then,
stop the universe,

because I want to get off.

Ah, the un-indicted

Tell me about this.

File-D's secondary function

is to wipe out
the senate congress.

File-D looks like an innocent
little news flexi, right,

simple enough to plant
on a unsuspecting senator,

and why a senator?

Because the Commonwealth
congressional facility

uses neutron ray scans
at all the entrances.

File-D is not only

but is also activated
by a neutron ray.

Senator's reading the news,

carries it right through
the front door,

it goes off, nobody knows,
syncs to his heart,

counts out just enough beats
to let the chamber fill

with the heads of all
the Commonwealth member worlds,

and zap!

The congress is a meat locker.

Care to elaborate?

The weapon is hidden
on your ship, is it not?


See, on Earth,

the only planets visible
in the night sky

to the unenhanced, naked eye

are Jupiter, Saturn, Mars,
Mercury, and Venus,

which is the gold one.

You continue this, Mr. Harper,

you bury your Captain.

You stand there defiant...

Hey, I'm sweating here
like a glazed ham,

wish I could
really go for right now,

nice cold bottle
of Weissbrau--

What role did you play
in Captain Hunt's
traitorous actions?


The court awaits.

All right.

The Andromeda,
like any other ship,

runs on hydrogen
and anti-protons, or AP.

The hydrogen combines
with the AP

in controlled reactions

to create
anti-matter/matter reactions,

or matter/anti-matter reactions,

either way, it makes no matter,
but what it does make is power,

for the ship,
a few hundred megawatts.

Most of the power is used
to power the GFG,

which reduces the effective mass
to just under a kilogram.

A smaller chunk of power
is used

to accelerate more hydrogen

in a dozen magnetoplasma
dynamic drives,

which impart a thrust.

A thrust of half a million
Newtons or so.

So, when you're pushing
a kilogram

with half a million Newtons
of thrust,

it's a good idea to keep
one hand on your valuables,

'cause you never know
when you just might run

straight into
some two-faced lying jerk.

Take him away.


I'm not coming in with you,

no matter what you try
to say or do.

I ride with Dylan to the end!

Oh, hell.

I liked it better
as a woman.

You've used faithful
Commonwealth personnel

for your own pleasures.

What? She was a robot
created by the Nietzscheans.

She drugged me,
then she tried to kill me.


Let's talk about killing.

Murder, murder,
and more murder.


All loyal members
of the Commonwealth.

But wait, there's more.

Andromeda, clear his path.

This is
the Commonwealth fleet.

Do I need to show more?
Haven't we seen enough?

I know I have.

If these are examples

of loyal members
of the Commonwealth,

then I don't want
to be part of it anymore.

Is your ill health
somehow connected

to the signals
you've been sending
to the Pyrians?

I wasn't talking
to the Pyrians.

Who have you
been talking to?

The signals you intercepted
were messages home.

I was trying to reach my family.

And you failed?

No. Worse.

I succeeded.

What they told me was not good.
It's not good at all.

Were you communicating
secret orders from Captain Hunt?

Do you communicate
secret orders to Tyr?

I'll ask the questions.

I will as well.

But I will have the answers.

I ask again,
Trance Gemini,

do you communicate
secret orders
from Captain Hunt?

I have my own way.
My own communication,

a freedom allowed
by the Commonwealth charter.


Very engaging,
bordering, uninteresting.

Where are you from?

You are not Commonwealth.

I am Commonwealth.
More than you know.

misdirection, vagueness.

What do you think
you are doing?

Answer me.

Maybe I'm messing
with you.

I feel like I'm holding
a bag chock-full of nuts.

This is not the last time
we will meet.

Next time, it will be
everything you imagined...

Everything you feared.

I do not fear the truth.

Do you think that's wise?

The truth is relative.

The truth is relative
to one's own agenda, Mr. Pish.

You're finished here.

You are finished as well.

All set.


Ready and waiting.

Let's go.

I have struck the posture
of pater of Floradeen.

Do you know what that means?

It assures your defeat.

You can only hope for mercy

or wish you had died
in your sleep.

Andromeda, this is Rhade.
Override systems.

Implement auto-defense
on my command.

Beka, Rommie, Harper... go!


Let's go.
We are back
in control.

The entire crew
is with you.

Yeah, it's free
sailing, boss.

Take back your command.
Take out everything in our way.

I wish I could,
but I don't want to.

Come on, boss,
it can't end this way.

It's not going to end.

I don't know about you, Dylan,
but this is my chance...

Chance to be free.
We have the most powerful ship
in the universe.

We can do
whatever we want.

It won't solve anything.

As far as I'm concerned,

it would solve
pretty much everything.

I'm sorry.

I'm going to see this through.

I can't run from a trial

and expect others
to respect the law.

And besides, I still
need to determine

if we have any friends at all
left in that court room.

Say, nice and cozy in here.

Kind of like
being buried alive.

You are unfair.
How about 351 vector violations
on the Maru?

That's seven days to pay
or they revoke my license

on all Commonwealth
flight corridors.

I'll bet half of these
are from before there
even was a Commonwealth,

and we rebuilt
the freakin' thing.

Wait a minute. 351?

Like it's news. I got
a slight authority problem.

I would suggest
you are in a lot more
trouble than this.

Up to much more.

We're overlooking
your rescue attempt
of Captain Hunt for now.

For heaven's sake,
I am perfectly capable
of telling the truth

without constantly
being monitored.

Fairness? You want fairness?

Get me Able LaDrone.

Smalltime scoff-law
to big-time perpetrator.

I bet you say that
to all the girls.

Are you saying
there were no plans

to attack the Commonwealth?


It's a fact.
File-D's secondary function

is to wipe out
the senate congress.

He was making a joke.

You gotta know
about jokes.

You are one.


That was sabotage.
Ask Tri-Jema.

I was operating
under orders from her.

You destroyed him,

and then you walked away
without reason, notice, or pity.

People died on those
ships, Captain.

Open fire.

And so much for Eight's ships.

Prep my slipfighter.

I broadcast his crimes.

He admitted to them.
You all heard it.

We have no record of that.

Of course, you do.

You are a collector.

We didn't begin
monitoring your methods

till much later in your game.

So it's a game now.

I'm sure you think it is.

Or perhaps you see this
as some sort of adventure?

You've sullied one
of our best.

You've treated the laws

and the spirit
of the Commonwealth

with a willy-nilly,

devil-may-care attitude.

Coincidences exist, definitely,

but, but conspiracy, no!

Workers who I own

evidently go berserk
on your ship

for reasons
that are still unclear.

The Prescient said
that there would be chaos
on the Andromeda.

Maybe you should cancel
your retrofit.

No, I think
I'll play this one out.

Sources tell us
he tried to warn you.

Leaving? Really?

I'm surprised.

I didn't expect you would talk
before you fight.

Captain Hunt,

if you leave,
I will make a case
against you for treason.

Yeah, right. I'm the traitor.

I work against the Commonwealth,
and since that is true...

Load offensive missile tubes
one through 40.

Captain, I'm warning you...

Hunt, out.

You can twist my actions

and make believe
what you want of me,

but in the end,
you're still left
with who I am

and what I believe...

And that's what you can't stand.

Well, I've got news for you.

I'm not unique.

There are others
who share my ideals
and my values.

Dreams never die.

Time has come
to hear your side of the story.

Well, It's simple, really.

For the past four years,
I have struggled

to restore the Commonwealth
to its former glory

as a bastion of righteousness,
security, freedom, and justice.

In the last two days,

you have made a mockery
of my accomplishments...

You've made a mockery
of the Commonwealth itself.

All of you have.

Is that your defense?

Is that all
you want us to know?

What you don't know
I could fill a galaxy with.

You are crushing
the dreams of billions.

You're crushing the future.

The prosecution rests.

The Commonwealth
will live another day.

Captain Hunt,

you will receive
our verdict directly.

There won't be
"another day" for you.

Your lust for power

will not survive
what is coming our way.

Captain Hunt.

We should talk.

We've been through
some tough scrapes.

We? Right.

I use you as I need you.

This isn't about me anymore.

It's about the Commonwealth.

It's about the fight,
Good vs. Evil.

There are forces
that will unite against us.

Us. We?

You use these words,

and yet I still feel
like I'm on my own here.

I will take care
of the Commonwealth.

I already control Tarazed.

We will find out
who is with us or against us.

Well, may be too late.

You've been found guilty.

I know you look at me
as someone who oozes breed,

born to my position.

But here's the odd part...

I'm with you.


Prove it.

I've given Seamus Harper
the security and ordinance codes

to the collector ships
that stand guard out there.

The other ships, I control.

This will start a civil war.

You haven't got much time.

The collectors are trying
to take over the Commonwealth.

You're their number-one target.

You've ruined everything
for them.

Show what you can do
before it all falls down.

Finally, a politician
brave enough

to fight for what's right.


Tell me why.


You're my hero.

Give me ship-wide.

This is Captain Hunt.

Any crew member
can disembark now

and be safe
from legal repercussions.

If you stay on board,
there's going to be a fight.

No one is going
to leave, Dylan.

They know what is right.

The collector ships are arming.

We've been painted, boss.

We cannot fire
the first shot of a civil war.

Correct as usual, Rhade.

Take us out slowly.
You got it.

Captain, they're firing on us.

I think now
we can take the second shot.

Take them out.

The Commonwealth ships
are repositioning.

They're taking over
the collector ships'
previous positions.

Hold fire.

Continue on course.

Let's see what
they're prepared to wager.

Tri-Lorn. We've played
into his hands.


But they may be good hands
for a change.

Incoming communication.

And away we go, Captain...

You one way, me the other,

but we'll fight together.

Allow us to escort you
to further adventures.

So Tri-Lorn, huh?

Guess you finally got
what you wanted, boss.

We found out
who our friend is.

Yeah. One out of three
ain't bad.

At least we're not alone.

I don't think
we'll ever be alone.

There will be plenty
on our side,

and we'll make sure
that the Commonwealth survives.

What's our first move?

We travel into the future.


Because it belongs to us.