Andante (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Episode #1.7 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Subtitles by DramaFever



Shi Kyung said he's studying with friends
for a performance assessment.

Don't you need to?

What do you mean?

Lee Shi Kyung is watching a movie
with his girlfriend.

Seriously, that kid.

So, that's Bom.

Mom, you know Bom too?

I've seen her at the hospital before.

What's she like?

I don't know her very well.

From what I can tell,
she is smarter than Shi Kyung.

She does better in school than Shi Kyung.

That's a relief, at least.

What does her father do?

- What?
- What's with you adults?

[Episode 7: Two Rings]
You have to even if you don't want to.

It may only be convulsions now,
but you could go into a coma.

I really can't do it.

I can do anything else but not that.

Mrs. Shin Kyung Ae.

We understand why you feel this way.

Still, you must get an enema
to stop these convulsions.

You think you'll be able to talk
to your daughter with that hand?

Why does my hand have to do this?

No one will see.

I will be in here alone,
so you will feel at ease.

How can I feel at ease? How?

You must like drip coffee.

No, not me.

The patient Song Kyung Ae requested it.

I don't think she's allowed
to have coffee.


When it comes to food and drinks,
you need to get the doctor's permission.

Ah, I forgot.

I'm sorry.

What should I do then?
Should I put it away?

No, just give it to me.

Oh, what is that smell?

Are you crazy? Why are you in here!

I thought something happened
to you, Soo Bin's mom.

What are you looking at?
Get out of here.

Oh... yes.

What am I to do?

Soo Bin, what is your mom going to do?

[Youth Art Show]

Do you know that painting?

It's "The Scream" by Munch.

After my children's father
went missing...

I kept this painting by my side.

Your husband?

It has been over 10 years.

I must have wanted to scream
like the person in this painting.

I'm sorry about before.

I was acting so crazy, wasn't I?

I would've done the same.

I'm craving coffee again.

I bought beans.
Should I grind them for you?

Could you?

You can only enjoy the smell.

Caffeine is not good for you right now.

That movie was really fun, right?

You were funnier than the movie.


You have no idea how funny you look
when you laugh, do you?

I've been told I look
very handsome when I laugh.


You see? It's funny.

- What are you doing?
- Just enjoying my own private view.

It's just something.

Who is it that you're not answering?

The president of a modeling agency.

Why is the president of a
modeling agency calling you?

I met him years ago on the street.

He's been bothering me
about modeling ever since.

Does he, perhaps... have
other motives toward you?

Other motives?

There are a lot of dark
and strange people out there.

Isn't that why he's calling you?

Give the phone to me
if he calls you again.

What will you do if I give it to you?

Once I pick up I will...

Say he calls.

Hello, uh...

I'm from Violent Crimes
of the Gaon Police Department.

How can I help you?

The president of a modeling agency?

Oh, really.

- Forget it. Come on.
- What?

"Gi Uk."

Grandma, you sure like "Uk."

It isn't "Uk." It's "Yeok."

Like for the word seaweed.

Okay, like for the word seaweed.

Why didn't you say so to begin with?

"Yeok" like the word seaweed.

What is this one?



Oh, Grandma!

This is "Nieun."

Oh, it's not "Ni Nyun."

- "Ni Eun."
- Why?

"Stupid, dumb idiot."

"Eat crap and take a hike."

You had no problem memorizing
those music lyrics.

Why can't you memorize easy Korean?

Because my old brain
is full of curse words.

From now on, "Giyeok" and "Nieun."

Read it out loud, and write it 20 times.

20 times!

That's how Dad taught Shi Kyung
how to read and write.

If you can't memorize it,
read and write it until you can.

I told you to stop calling
your older brother Shi Kyung.

If you manage to learn all of this,
I'll call him "older brother."

You promise?



You are doing this out of spite.

Stop picking on Grandma.

Take care of your own problems.

You told Mom you were studying
for our performance assessment.

How did you know that?

Mom came to town and
saw you two in the store.

Really? You should have told me!

She caught me
while I was taking out the trash.

Was Mom mad? She didn't say anything?

She said something I can't repeat.

What am I supposed to tell Mom?

Just tell her the truth.

"I like my girlfriend more than you."

Hey, Mom would feel bad
if she heard me say that.

Have you ever cared about Mom
when you have lied in the past?

You only do it for your own comfort.

That's not true!
I care about Mom, too.

Sure, I'm sure you feel guilty, too.

You wouldn't be human if you didn't.

Lee Shi Kyung.

There you are.

Eom Yong Gi.

The music teacher wants to see you.

I wonder if you and Shi Kyung should
just live in the consulting office.


It's nothing.

Get going. She's waiting.

What nonsense...

Stop right there.

What is it you want to say
that's making you take so long?

I said some really nonsensical
things last time.

So, you know.

I wanted to talk to you about that.
Can I take it back?

You're not even friends with Shi Kyung.

I invited you to his
birthday party all on my own.

I think I was really crazy
at that moment.

Could you just take it
as nonsense and forget about it?

I don't want to. I'm going to go.

You're going to go?

Yes. I was invited, so I'm going.

That's my answer.

You wouldn't have to worry about
getting caught if it was a normal call.

Soo Bin says she has to see
my face once a day.

Otherwise, she can't study.
What else can I do?

I miss my Soo Bin, too.

She shouldn't be able to see
the hospital building from here.

It should be okay.

I think so too.

How do I look?
I don't look sick, do I?

You still look very healthy.

How long are you going
to hide it from Soo Bin?

Until my daughter is accepted
into college...

Soo Bin would stop studying
if she knew I was terminally ill.

She would come running
to act as my nurse.

Yes, but what if--

What if I die before then?

Even still...

I still need to hide it.

I will be gone someday.

I don't want Soo Bin to destroy
her life because of me.

That's the way all mothers feel.

- It's time to talk to Soo Bin.
- Okay.

I'll be over here.

- Daughter.
- Mom!

How are you feeling today?

Very good.

Did you do well on your
social studies presentation?

I did just as you coached me.

I discussed the issue of comfort women
using law and politics.

The reaction was totally great.

That's great!

What about the book?
Did you read it and write a report?

I wrote it and mailed it to you.

You haven't read it yet?

You did?

I'm out at a college entrance exam
information session, so I haven't yet.

I'll read it later and review it.

Are you looking for someone?

Yes. My mom.

I wronged my mom yesterday,
so I wanted to cheer her up.

I saw your mom out in the yard
with the patient Song Kyung Ae.

Really? I better go see my mom.

Oh, Bom. Do you want come too?

You know you have the TEPS exam
this weekend, right?

Try to score at least a 920.

That's why I'm going to study all night.

Mom, this is Bom.

Mom, is someone there?

Oh, uh...

Say hello. This is my mom.



Mom, who are you with right now?

Oh... well, uh...

Soo Bin! Hi, I'm your mom's friend.


I went to the information session with
your mom, and we're resting in a park.

Information session? Park?

Why is my mom acting like that?


The person who just spoke is my son.

Shi Kyung is a junior just like you.

Hi, my name is Soo Bin.

Park Soo Bin. How about you?

Oh... I'm Lee Shi Kyung.

Isn't that totally absurd?


Soo Bin's mom is in the
late stages of breast cancer.

It has spread to her liver,
so she doesn't have much time left.

But, she's hiding the cancer
from her daughter.

Does that make sense?

I understand it.

You understand?

Yes, I think I can understand
how Soo Bin's mom feels.

Then what about Soo Bin?
What about her?

What happens once she finds out
after her mother dies?

She'll go totally crazy.

She will, at first.

Wouldn't Soo Bin eventually
understand her mother's sincerity?


You understand if it's sincere?

Shi Kyung.

Hello, Grandma.

Oh, it's my Shi Kyung's girlfriend.

You know that we're dating too?

The whole town knows that you two are
a "gouple" or "couple," whatever it is.

You're practically married.

That's not good.

You have a good one with our Shi Kyung.

Grandma, you're the best.

Grandma, I'll take that.
I'll carry it for you.

- Please put it in the director's office.
- All right.

Grandma, Bom said
she met you in the past.


I don't remember that.

I was so nervous I was sweating.

Thanks to you, we got through it.

Sorry about my Shi Kyung.

Be careful.

Shi Kyung must have a girlfriend.

Yes, I recently found out myself.

It will be hard to study
if he already has a girlfriend.

You're going to have big trouble,
Shi Kyung's mom.

You are simpler than I thought.

I don't know how much time you have left.

Learn from what I'm doing if you
want to send Shi Kyung to college.

This one too?

Why are there so many?

Is there something to eat?

There are some yams in there.

Hey, Shi Kyung.

How many assessments
have you done so far?

How many have I done?

Uh, the tombstone inscription...

The tombstone inscription...

You can't even remember what you've done?

Why do I have to remember?

Forget I said anything.

Why are you suddenly asking?

Soo Bin's mom told me...

that your personal profile is important
if you want to get into college.

All these extra assessments
are part of your profile.

Mom has become strange
ever since she met Soo Bin's mom.

You've been reading
your books, haven't you?

In a very negative way, at that.

Then, there's my friend, Ga Ram...

He is regressing in a very positive way.

Ga Ram, I'm sorry for being your friend.

Eat up.

What is Bom giving you for your birthday?

Oh yeah.


What can I help you with?

Kim Bom, I thought about it.

The birthday present I want from you
is for you to come over to my house.

That's more than enough.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday, dear Shi Kyung.
Happy birthday to you.


Thank you.

- Can I blow them out?
- Yes.

All right.

- Happy birthday!
- Thank you.

Today's highlight!


Grandma Kim Duk Boon will now sing
a celebratory song for her grandson!

We will now have a rap concert!


Grandma, rap.

- Grandma, Grandma, Grandma!
- Grandma, Grandma, Grandma!

What is this?

Here you go.

- Grandma, Grandma!
- Grandma, Grandma!

What are you saying
in those nonsense words?

How could I be controlled by
my granddaughter at the age of 70?

Look at this room. Look at your clothes.

If you put a flower in your hair,
you're a crazy woman.

- Grandma does not know.
- What don't I know?

- She does not know a thing.
- Why wouldn't I know?

- She doesn't know age 17.
- Why wouldn't I know?

She does not know a thing.

Why are there so many requirements?

Yes, Soo Bin's mom.

What did you say?

007 bang!

007 bang.

Wait, wait! I'll be her black knight.

Oh! So annoying.

That's not fair.

It was you, right? Was it you?
Who punched me?

Next round. Come on.

007 bang!

- Soo Bin's mom.
- Shi Kyung's mom.

What do you mean Soo Bin
is in the emergency room?

Soo Bin has a very high fever,
and she's in the ER.

Is the teacher with her?

Well, yes but...

Soo Bin keeps rambling
and looking for her mom.

Shi Kyung, Shi Kyung.

Can you go outside?

Outside, why? Is someone here?

Oh... Eom Yong Gi.

Eom Yong Gi?

I invited him.

- Aunt!
- It just worked out that way.

What can I do?

Go on inside. I'll take care of it.

I heard my aunt invited you.

You can come in since you're here.

Are you insane? You think I would go
to a birthday party like a kid?

Then why are you here?


This is what you were searching for
like crazy in the woods, right?

Why do you have this?

Because I found it there.

This was in the woods.

Is it real though?

It's fake, right?

007... bang!

Hey, get over here.

Indian rice!

007 bang!

Get over here.

Indian rice!

Who did that?

Do you want something to drink?

No, I was just looking for Shi Kyung.

He's probably in the bathroom.
Shi Kyung ate tons of food.

You seem to get along well with everyone.

I thought you wouldn't want to play
007 Bang because it's childish.

The game is a bit childish,
but it's fun playing with everyone.

This is my first time
being part of a birthday party.


What do you do on your birthday?

I buy a cake and light
a candle for myself.

I play by myself.

Now, I understand why you let
yourself go to have some fun.

Let's go back in.
We should play more games.

Later. I want a tour of the house.

Okay, then.

The front yard is the best part
of this house.

The best part of it is
Grandma's clay jar stand.

Take a look.

I told you not to call me.

How many times do I have to say it?
I'm not doing the dating service anymore.

Fine. Let's meet up and talk.

I'll meet you where you
dropped me off in an hour.

It's not a modeling agency,
but a dating service?

Then, the girl in the
sports car was Kim Bom?

I wanted to see you
because I like you, Min Ji.

Why are you being so difficult?

I have no interest in you.

I don't want to date you.

You need money, don't you?

I'll give you everything.

I'll buy you everything you need.
You still don't like me?

How many times do I have to tell you?

If you keep this up,
I'm going to call my boyfriend.


Who? Him?

Lee Shi Kyung!

Is this how it feels
to fall into a blackhole?

It looks like your boyfriend
is a high school student too.

Min Ji.

The whole world is
suddenly dark and spinning.

Just come to me.

I'll be waiting for your call, Min Ji.

Shi Kyung.

What was real?

Out of all the things you have
told me... which ones were real?

Yong Gi found this ring in the grass.

You told me you found it.

You said that the guy who just left
is the president of a modeling agency.


- It was all a lie.
- Yes, but why!

Why did you lie to me?

- Why?
- I wanted to do something for you too!

I tried to buy the same ring.

It was too expensive.

So, I felt I had no choice
but to work a job that paid a lot.

Lee Shi Kyung, I did it
because I like you so much.

Because you like someone.

Whose cactus is that?

Lee Shi Kyung's.

Once Shi Kyung finds out the truth,
he'll be very disappointed.

I'm still going to continue to do it.

I want to see how this cactus
helps Lee Shi Kyung grow.

I'm curious.

[Lee Shi Kyung]
For the sake of someone's future...

I'm looking for a patient
named Park Soo Bin.

She's over there.


Soo Bin.

Mom. Where's my mom?

Your mom? She was rushing to see you
and sprained her ankle.

That's why I'm here instead.

- Are you okay?
- Yes.

If you truly care for someone...

you can even lie to that person.

I wanted to see my mom.

I felt like I understood that a little.

It's your birthday present.

I was going to give you this ring today
and tell you the truth.

It's too late now.

I know Bom did it for my sake.

I know all of this in my head...

but my feet will not move.

What is this feeling that keeps
my feet planted to the ground?

What is that?

[What’s the one human trait
that AI can never duplicate?]

That's the topic for the ethics test
at the end of the term.

- Oh no!
- I hate it.

What is that?

I know it's too hard for you.
But, just try it.

- That's how I feel now.
- You will present in groups.

Class President, give me
a list with the groups.

A human trait that AI can't duplicate?

Also, Lee Shi Kyung and Lee Shi Young.

Come with me after class.

That's it.


Forget it.

Bom is avoiding me.

Or, am I avoiding Bom?

What is this?

I threatened the chief of administration,
so I could get the keys and get this.

I searched and found it
after a difficult search.

You seeing this is a secret.

[Personal Profile]

Lee Shi Yoon?

Is this my father's?

Yes, his profile and grades
for three years.

A document you must see to believe.

You two need to see for yourselves
what kind of student your father was.


Ranked first in the school,
the entire time.

Back then, there were many students,
and it wasn't a bad school.

Lee Shi Yoon was like a jewel among us.

You don't know how happy I was
to see Shi Yoon's kids.

But, you two don't take
after him whatsoever!

You are Lee Shi Yoon's son
and daughter, after all.

How? As kids these days would say...

How could you be such losers?

To put it another way--

Do you need this back now?

- What?
- Can I look at it and return it?

I want to look at it in detail.

Okay. Look at it quickly,
and put it on my desk.

Also, come back after school.

We're going to have a consultation.

Hey, I'm not done yet.

Are you memorizing it?

Can I look first?

See you later.

It's pretty.

How can the colors be so vibrant?

The green background
makes the flowers stand out.

I like it.

I like it all.

Music, art, sunlight.

A cup of coffee would make this perfect.

I'd do anything for a cup of
hand-drip Ethiopia Aricha from my cafe.

I like Guatemala Antigua.

You didn't know I was from Seoul and
owned a cafe that closed down, right?

I know how to prepare hand-drip coffee.


I would have loved
to have gone to your cafe.

I'll get some Aricha
for you and make it.

You can enjoy the fragrance.

You're lucky.

This music and art...

This sunlight and coffee.

Seeing the kids grow up.

You can enjoy all of that.

Who knows what will happen tomorrow?

The person who lives for today
is the winner.

You think so?

Anyway, I like it.

I like it too.

What did you just say?

I beat Jin Hyuk
on the test this time.

How did you do that? I thought
Jin Hyuk was impossible to beat.

That's what I thought.

But, Jin Hyuk has a girlfriend now, Mom.

Oh my! That's why he's not studying.

What's he going to do?

It's not that he isn't.

I don't know.

I beat Jin Hyuk for the first time.
Can you believe it?

You're the best, Soo Bin!

Mom, I'm going to go out
with my friends this weekend.

- All right.
- Wait, no.

First, I want to eat your home cooking.

I really miss your cooking, Mom.

Ah, Mom. Is your foot better?

You're well enough to drive, right?

Yes, I'm all better.

I'll cook for you.

Really? Shi Young
really gave this to you?

She wouldn't do that.

Lee Shi Young isn't the type of person
to give something like this away.

I guess she thought my bike broke
because of her.

Besides, she won this as a prize.

Even so, Shi Young is the type
to want her cut of the prize.

I think you're very wrong about her.

Am I?

Shi Young giving away a free bike?

She would never do that.

You must not know
Lee Shi Young very well yet.

She would never do anything
that would cause her to suffer a loss.

She is inhumane and revolting.

You just want to hit her
whenever you see her.

So detestable.

Hello. Yes, Grandma.

Shi Young is here. Yes...

I'll tell her.

How long have you been standing there?

You're supposed to give Grandma
Korean lessons today.

She said she's coming home early,
and you should come home early, too.

- She said you weren't picking up.
- It's true that I gave him the bike.


Lee Shi Young.
Hop on. I'll give you a ride.

I'm not going home.

Wherever you're going,
I'll take you.

It's okay. I want to walk alone.

If this is about the bike
that I gave you...

It's not that.

You rode my bike as soon as you got here.

Use your designated driver,
Driver Park, often.


You can go on your own today, Driver.

Next time.

[Where are you?
My mom invited you to dinner.]

Grandma went out?

Yeah, she was waiting for Shi Young,
got angry, and left.

- What happened to Shi Young?
- I don't know.

I told her that Grandma would be waiting.

Is that so?

Let's eat for now.

Ga Ram, enjoy your meal.

If you feel up for it afterward,
study for the test with Shi Kyung.

- You can sleep over too.
- Okay.

So, that's why Mom invited
Ga Ram to come over.

Jung Won, you have to be at a
similar level to study together.

It would be a tutoring session
with these two.

He would be tutoring him.

Aunt Jung Soo is right.
You could pay Ga Ram a tutoring fee.

Shi Young, have you had dinner?

Hey, I told you Grandma would be waiting.

How could you be so inconsiderate?

Lee Shi Young, come sit down.

I don't feel like eating.

Where have you been?
You broke your promise to Grandma, too.

Are you working during the exam period?

Are you determined not to study
in this town, too?

Yes. I'm not going to study.

Also, I'm not going to take the exams.

What? What did you just say?

I'm not taking the exams.

Also... I'm quitting school.


That... that human ticking time bomb.

She has exploded again.

Your words are unconvincing.

If you had never studied at all
like Shi Kyung, then I would understand.

Mom tricked me into thinking I was smart.
Never studied at all?

You were at the top
of your class in junior high.

People said you were a genius.

That's all in the past.
I'm not that person anymore.

No. Being able to study that well
means that you're a natural at it.

No, I have no interest in studying.

There's no clear reason for me to study.

Isn't this just your selfishness?

Still, how can you quit school?

What will you do if you quit?
What's your plan?

I'll make money and think about
what I want to do.

It's better than going to school
when I'm not even studying.

Is school a place only for studying?
That's not true.

You just said I should keep going
because I'm good at studying.

You are always contradicting yourself.
Do you know that?

Are you serious?

Why is it so noisy in here?

It's not like I'm asking for a lot.

What was that during a meal?

- I liked it.
- What?

It feels like a house
where people actually live.

My house is just two guys,
and it feels totally lonely.

I told you to take Lee Shi Young.

Our house is quiet without her.

Gosh, you.

- Where are you going?
- Should I give you a ride?

I'm going to take a bus out and walk.

You don't seem troubled over Shi Young.

Is something going on with Bom?

It's not like something's
going on or not.

I don't really know.


I want to help, but I'm not
so knowledgeable in this area.

Don't they teach this in school?

My feelings for my girlfriend are
complicated, so I don't know what to do.

Complicated how?

You wouldn't understand if I told you.

You've only been with kids who are
like family, so how would you know?

That's true.

See you at school tomorrow.


I miss her.

But, I'm afraid of running into her.

What is this feeling?

Games are not even fun.

How could this be?

I can't go?

I'll only go for this one weekend.

What did the doctor say?

He's away at a seminar.

When is he back?

Please ask him for me.

It's well-known that a trip
out is very dangerous.

What if I go with her?

Shi Kyung's mom.

I'll go with her. I'll pack the medicine.

If case something happens...

And what if something happens?

Would you be able
to take responsibility for it?

- Well...
- I don't have the confidence to.

I can't be responsible for what might
happen to a patient I allow out.

That's why it's a no.

Gosh, that woman.

She wouldn't bleed if you pricked her.

I can understand her.

It would be a lot of trouble
if something happened to a patient.

What should I do?

I wanted to cook for Soo Bin
one last time.

What do I do?

My Soo Bin wants to eat her mom's food.

She won't be able
to eat it in the future.

Doctor Lee's phone number?

What is this about?

Are patients here
ever allowed a trip out?

That would depend upon the patient.

Ah, the chief nurse said no.

How did you know?

Doctor Lee and the chief nurse
often disagree on that.

Doctor Lee wants to give them trips out.

The chief nurse says no.

Who is correct?

They just approach things differently.

I will give you Doctor Lee's number,
but don't tell anyone I gave it to you.

I'm scared of the chief nurse.

All right.

You've never seen this neighborhood other
than the school and the hospice, right?

Get on.

Hold on tight.

It's a chicken.

Oh, that scared me.

This land belongs to Ji Hoon's family.

You know that small guy with the glasses.

You're good at these
discussions, Min Suk.

You should lay down the basics.

Isn't it better if each person
gives his input?

No, no. You never know what he'll say.

I'll keep my mouth full.

Who's in Ga Ram's group?

Ga Ram's the best at these discussions.

You're so right.

Lee Shi Kyung, aren't you going home?

I'm going to go.
I'm on clean-up duty today.

You, Ga Ram, Bom, Yong Gi, and Shi Young.

You're in the same group
for the ethics project, okay?

No, this is the first I'm hearing of it.

I told Bom already.

Guess she didn't tell you.

I saw Bom this morning,
but I haven't seen her all day.

I haven't seen Bom, either.

You were with Bom in town yesterday.

- What do you mean?
- Huh?

I saw you.

You saw me and Bom?

Yes, you were in front of Bom.

Bom was standing for a long time,
staring at you.

- Where?
- Where was that?

I thought you two were saying "bye bye,"
and Bom was sad to see you go.

I was so envious.

Wasn't that it?

Bom was watching me?

You have to tell your group,
especially Yong Gi!

Okay, I should go see her.

Go see her and tell her everything.

This is where you hang out?

There's a library in the hospice?

Yes, but not many people come in here.


It was built, but people
don't make much use of it.

It's practically my private study room.

You study here?

Let's go.

What are you looking at?

It's for Grandma.
I'm teaching her how to read Korean.

Are you really quitting school?

For real?

Why? Are you going
to try to stop me, too?

No, that's not it.

I saw my dad's profile and grades
from when he attended our school.

Shi Kyung didn't tell you, right?

No, I hadn't heard.

It felt very weird to see that.

It felt like I was meeting my dad.

My dad was ranked first for three years.

He had the same goal
for his future for three years.

Doctor, doctor, doctor...

Then, he really became a doctor.

I was a little envious.

He had a reason to study
and the talent for it.

It made me wonder why
I was going to school at all.

What would happen if only people
like your dad went to school?

Ah... you're like him, too.

- What?
- You have talent and a reason.

Oh! You're going to medical school, too.

You're just like my dad.

You goody two-shoes.

I don't think so.

I ran away from home in junior high.

With my bicycle chain?

Bicycle chain? Why?

Do you want to see where I ran away to?

Okay, I'll pretend to be crazy
and get help from my dad again.

Dad, you know what state I'm in
even if I don't tell you.

Give me a hint.

I'll close my eyes, count to three,
and open my eyes.

Then show me a hint
right in front of my eyes, okay?

I'm doing it.

One, two, three.


[I knew if I stayed around long enough,
something like this would happen.]

Dad! That isn't it.

People are calling me Bernard
because I used that quote.


Yes, yes.

An enema?

I've never administered one.

Yes, I'll have my mother-in-law teach me.

Have you gone over the medication
with the chief nurse?

Oh, that's a relief.

I'll organize the medication,
and let you know if anything happens.


Is this about taking that patient out?


I'm worried.
It should be okay, right?

Take Shi Kyung or Shi Young.

You never know.
You might need more people.

That sounds good.

Do you have time?

No, the student dean wants me
to submit a lot of things by Monday.

I'll lend you the car.

Who should I take?

Shi Kyung, of course.

Would Shi Young even go
after your fight earlier?

You haven't made up, right?

Sh Young's not home yet, right?

She here, teaching her grandma.

She seems to be in a good mood.

- That's unusual.
- How long will that last?

One or two days.

Good thing you're here.
You're not busy this Saturday, are you?

I have exams soon.

What do exams have to do with you?

Help your mom.

Mom is so sharp these days.

Oh my! Already?

I have so much to do.

I'll get in trouble
if I stay around like this.

Dad, did you plan this with Mom?

Dad was persistent.

Why are you just standing there?


Subtitles by DramaFever
