Ana's Revenge (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 31 - Episode #1.31 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Mejía for president, gentlemen!

What are you doing here?


The people we love never leave us.

They stay with us.

Like my mom.

I didn't think you'd come...

with Guillermo.

He asked me to join him.
I couldn't say no.

The last words of your speech
got to me, you know?

I know you judge every decision I make
and I don't expect you to understand.

I think that happens
to the both of us.

What do you mean?

I don't understand
some of the decisions you make.

How did you get Carolina
to retract her allegations?

I didn't get back with Carolina,
if that's what you think.

She's staying at home until she recovers
from her nervous breakdown.

You forgave her.

You know I'd do anything for my daughter.

And if forgiving Carolina
for slandering me...

will help bring our war to an end,
well, I'm glad to do it.

Forgiveness is the only way, Analía.

Carolina didn't take your daughter away.

Yeah, but she almost did.

Guillermo killed my pregnant mother.

That cannot be forgiven.

You're right.

You're absolutely right.

What happened to you is completely
different from what happened to me.

All I ask is that we do this
through legal means, that's all.

So that's your motivation

for becoming Pérez's vice presidential
candidate, isn't it?


But doing it in a way
that's completely different.

Go get your dad, honey.

Tell him they need him urgently, OK?

You won't be able to do it.

Mejía is a cheater.

And corrupt. He always resorts
to cheating in order to win.

In fact, he asked me to dig up
all your secrets to bring them to light.

Well, let him do it.

I have absolutely nothing to hide,
unlike him.

Daddy, they need you in the foyer.

Sweetie, I'm so sorry about your grandpa.

Hey, your leg looks great!

Right? Is it doing much better?

It is, huh? And school? How is it going?

Fine. Everything is much better
since my mom came back to live with us.

Well, let me steal him for a little while.

Let's go, honey.


Come, honey, let's go this way.

What do you want?

I came to see you,
to express my condolences.

OK, you did. Thank you.

OK, listen.

- What are you doing? We're in public.
- So don't run away from me.

Ugh, don't give yourself so much credit.

Last time I saw you at the debate,

you made it very clear you wanted
nothing to do with me.

And you know what?

Neither do I.

So, don't come looking for me anymore.

- Excuse me.
- Please...

Excuse me, please.

What happened with Salinas?
Were you arguing?

What? Did your dad ask you
to spy on me?

You know I wouldn't do that.

Sadly, I don't know.

You didn't answer.

What's going on between
Mark Salinas and you?

Is that the reason why you want
to leave Dad?


No, the reason is that your dad...

is selfish, cruel and abusive.


Why do you look so shocked?

- Has he...
- Hit me?


No, he's done worse.

Tell me what he's done right now.

Honestly, I don't want to discuss this
with you.

Besides, you didn't want to be my ally

or help me uncover anything
that'd allow me to get away from your dad.

Listen, Mom, it's just awkward to come
between the two of you. It's not healthy.

Look at Alejandra's position.

I understand.

And, because of that, I don't want
to disturb your peace of mind.

Keep doing what you're doing.
Stay neutral.

But don't question what I do or don't do.

No, honey. Really, no.
I can't eat anything.


it goes without saying that you can count
on us for anything, OK?

Manuel José was an...

incredible man, a role model.

Yes, that's true.

He was a man of irreproachable morals.

Something many others lack.

Come, let's get you something to eat.

Come, honey, let's go.

- I'm taking her to get something to eat.
- OK, cousin. Thank you.

- I'm going to go say hi to...
- Santiago.


I'll see you at the construction
company tomorrow, OK?

Yes, I forgot to tell you that...

Padrón's report is ready.


Is early in the morning good for you?



Excuse me.

- Hello.
- How are you?

Much better.

I don't know if you've heard
that someone vicious

wrote horrible things about me
on some website.

And that triggered a nervous breakdown.

I'm so sorry.

No. No, don't be sorry.

Because, thanks to that person,
Pablo and I are back together.

Excuse me.

You're dying inside, aren't you?

You're the person who posted
on that site to hurt me.

I won't defend myself
against something I haven't done.

Stay away from Pablo.

I know you don't care...

You don't care about my family.

- Have some decency.
- "Decency"?

Right. "Decency".

Says the woman who has cheated
on Pablo even before getting married.

Stay away.

Or I swear, I don't know
what I might do.

What you're saying doesn't
make much sense.

So I'm going to walk away.



You're absolutely right.
I've behaved horribly.

But I truly regret it.

All I want is to have my family back.

Pablo and I have a daughter together.

A daughter we want to raise together and
we can't do it if you come in between us.

Please, stay away from him.

Pablo and I have nothing.

Promise me you're not going
to be together ever again.

I'm walking away.

- Hello, honey.
- Hello.

Dorita stayed at Isabella's today.

So, I made your favorite meal.
Do you want some?

I'm sorry.
No, I don't.

Did you talk to Pablo?

Did you see him?

I think I've lost him.

We've become distant.

I think I've lost the only...

pure and honest thing I had left
from my childhood.



Ana Lucía.

Come here, honey.


Here. Help me put it on.

- Mommy...
- I know you've wanted it for a long time.

But that's Grandma's necklace.

I know, but it's yours now, OK?

So you can look after it,
just like you looked after me today.

Thank you, baby.

Do you like it?

Yes, ma'am. That's what we're here for.

To always look after
and protect each other.


Oh, thank you, baby. Really.

Please, give me the strength I need

to keep going with the promise
I made to you.



this obsession of yours
about getting back at Mejía must end.

Yes, well...

it's not healthy...

and it's costing me, but I won't stop.

What if I told you something?

What's that?

What do you have?

What is it?

Mom, what is it?
You're making me worry.

It's your mom's. Darelis's lawsuit
against Guillermo Mejía.

And you've had it this entire time?

The lieutenant gave it to me
the day of the explosion.

Before leaving
the district attorney's office.

And Inés gave it to him,

a woman who worked with your mom
in the De la Torre household.

Why didn't you tell me?

You should've given me this
a long time ago.

I wanted you
to forget he existed,

to let go of your hate.

And, if I showed this to you,
that would've been impossible.

Well, still, this is the physical
evidence I needed.

This explains what my mother was doing

and I can use it against Mejía,
so it's good news.


Before you see it...

I need you to listen to me.

Everything I've done...

what I haven't told you...

what I've kept secret...

I did it to protect you.

You're my girl, my little girl.
And you know how much I love you.

You were in such pain
and I didn't want to bring you more

when we left for Mexico.

I'm not following you.



is the paternity lawsuit...

Darelis filed...

against Guillermo Mejía.

- Yes, I know, but...
- Let me finish.

Let me finish.

The truth is that...

Darelis sued Guillermo Mejía...

because he's your father and
he didn't want to acknowledge you.


Guillermo Mejía is your father.


No, no, no. No, you're wrong, if...

- my mom was pregnant when...
- Listen to what I'm saying.

You're his daughter.
It's all in here.

It's all here.


- have a last name.
- Are you crazy?

Well, yes! I'm crazy!

Because you have no idea why...

No, listen to me! No!

Don't touch my mom! Let go of me!

Let go of her!

No, stop! Ana Lucía, stop!
Stop, calm down!

If that man's already hit you,
who knows what else he's capable of.

No, he won't do anything else, I promise.
Enough, Ana Lucía!

Just calm down, honey.
It's OK.

Why were you fighting?

It was nothing, honey. Grownup things.
Things that happen, OK?

I need you to promise me
something, Ana Lucía.

Honey, don't tell anyone
what you saw in there.

Promise me, OK?

I promise you.

Thank you, baby.

Why didn't you tell me this?

To protect you, honey.

By telling me lies and hiding...


I wanted to take you far away from here,
to forget about that man,

for you to leave all that hatred behind.

- If I'd told you he was your father...
- No, but he's not my father.

He's my mother's murderer.

That's very different.

I understand how bad
you're feeling right now.

You have no idea.

You should've given this to me
at the very beginning.

And don't you dare tell me now
that you didn't

because you wanted to spare me the pain
and protect me...

All I wanted was for you to forget
that man existed.

Tell me the truth.

I didn't want any of this to happen.

I want the truth.

Tell me!

Tell me the truth.


raped Darelis.

Darelis found out she was pregnant
with you.

And some years later,
she wanted to sue him.

But he already had a family,
and his political career

was just starting,
and it was apparently very successful.

And he had to protect it.

All I wanted was
to spare you all this pain.

Forgive me, my child, forgive me.


You wanted to know
the reason why he killed her.

That's it.

Forgive me.


Analía, say something.

Analía, don't close the door. Analía!

Analía, please, don't close the door.
Don't shut yourself in.

No, talk to me.

Say something.

What part of "you can't come in"
don't you understand?

- I'm sorry, it's just...
- The hell you are. You know what you are?

A wild reckless animal
that goes around

destroying everything it sees.

- Do you know how much that vase costs?
- A fortune.

Much more than what you think I owe you.

Inés, please help them pack

and make sure
they don't take anything.


What did you do to her?
You killed her!

Ana Lucía...

Don't worry.
She'll be OK.

Tell me. What did poor Darelis
know about the Great Mr. Mejía

that you had to get rid of her?

Must we talk about
a maid no one cares about

who died over 20 years ago?

Go ahead and do it!


you and I are the same.

You're strategic.

You're always thinking one step ahead,
like me.

And this is why we stand out
from the rest.

That's why we're misunderstood.

My dear Analía...

you really complement me.

You're his daughter.

Mejía raped Darelis.

Did you talk to your aunt
and put her in her place?

Yes, I talked to her,
but not about what you wanted.

You are good for nothing.

She told me you mistreated my uncle
before he died.

I don't understand why you had
to be so cruel at a time like that.

So, if she now hates you, I understand.

If you understand anything,

talk to the lady and tell her that
her attitude isn't helpful to me at all.

- Especially now with the press.
- Is that all you care about?

You know what?

Don't tell her anything.

In the end,
all she has left is her pride.

She's all alone.

- Your entire family is the same.
- You are so ungrateful.

- Did you forget how you got where you are?
- Of course not.

I am where I am,
thanks to my hard work.

You're where you are thanks
to the support of my aunt and uncle,

the same people you're ignoring now!
And because of me!

Before you met me,
all you had was your ambition.

You didn't have a dime.
You were a nobody.

I was a nobody
and you got involved with me.

You, especially, you.

You've always been crude
and dishonest.

I've known you were a bad person
for years, but I thought you'd change.

Hey, hey, hey.

What the hell are you talking about now?

I don't forget things.
That's what I'm saying.

You don't forget what's convenient
for you.

Other than that, you've always been
a very selfish woman, so...

speak up.

You've done just about everything
to save your neck.

Or do I need to remind you again about
the night you arrived covered in blood?

Hmm? Do I need to remind you?

- Yes, because I don't remember anything.
- It was 1992, exactly.

I know because Sofía was born
a few months later.

What a coincidence. The same night
that my aunt's housekeeper was found dead.

And the same night you were
elected council member.

I know I never asked you anything...

but you shouldn't think I'm that stupid.

- I know you had something to do with it.
- That's not true.

The fact that we didn't discuss it
doesn't mean that I don't know.

You killed that woman.
I don't know why, but you killed her.

Let go.

You can think whatever you want.

Anything you say
would make you an accomplice...

to something
you'll never be able to prove.

You are a murderer.
And we both know it.


Well, if that's the case...
I'd be more careful if I were you.


So, according to the report
submitted by Padrón,

it's very clear that as of today,
the company is doing great.

Our deficit is not serious,
besides the usual depreciation

- and it all...
- This report says the exact opposite.

What... whose report is this?

The other auditor's.

And it contradicts Padrón's report.

You hired a different auditor?
What for?

- We didn't trust Padrón.
- And it seems we were right.

These two reports show
very different results.

Which means that one of them is wrong.

- No, OK, boys, let's take it easy.
- Taking it easy...

is what we've been doing with you,
Santiago. But it's over.

See, according to that report...

the company has been mismanaged.

Our financial deficit is significant,
plus there's double invoicing.

Which is extremely serious.

Well, I'm not responsible
for this company's portfolio.

There's a procurement department.
And if anything, that's where it started.

Don't be so shameless
and irresponsible, Santiago.

You're the CEO of the company.

You have to request quarterly reports
and submit them to the board.

Well, it's too bad, but I did my job.

So you're involved in the embezzlement.

Because, if you did your job,
you must have known about it.

Look, Pablo,

I won't tolerate you accusing me
of anything illegal.

Where's the evidence?

What's more,

where were the two of you
when I took over this company?

You ruined it. That's what you did.
And we trusted you.

Because our dad trusted you.

But you're right about something,

David and I have been away.

And we will change that immediately.

Because today is your last day.


I'm sorry, but this isn't fair.

You two are now taking this out on me?

You're accusing me
of wrongdoing I'm not responsible for?

- Listen!
- Santiago, that's enough.

Please, excuse yourself.

No. I'm not leaving.
I also have stock.

I'm not going to leave the company

- in the hands of two bozos like you!
- Enough!

Santiago, that's enough.

According to my dad's will,

my mom, my brother and I have
the majority of shares.

David will take over your position.

Please leave.

And you should be thankful
we're not throwing you in jail.

Because I'm sure we'll find something
if we start digging.

You two are going to squander everything
your dad made while he was alive.

You have to throw me a farewell party,
I'm going back to my neighborhood.

- Ugh, farewell for what?
- I don't want to say goodbye to you,

I'll miss you so much.

- Oh, the truth is, me too.
- Let's do something tonight.

Or you can come visit me where I live.

You can take the bus
right over to the corner.

- Of course.
- Exactly.


Andrea, I brought all the ingredients
to make you some

- delicious chilaquiles.
- We won't take long.

What's the matter with you?

Why that face? What happened?

I had to tell Ana Lucía the truth.

What truth?

Ana Lucía is Guillermo Mejía's daughter.

Where did you get that from?

Where's Analía?

In her room.

She doesn't want to talk to me
or look at me since I told her.

She can't process what I told her.

She'll have to accept it anyway.

But we can't leave her alone
after such a crushing blow.

We can't just sit here,
feeling sorry.




Froggy, I heard what happened.

And I think I know how you feel.

I don't want to leave you alone.
I'll never leave you alone.

You and I are sisters.
I'm here for you.

Why can't you understand
that I want to be alone?

Sometimes it is less painful
when we are not alone.

I want him dead.

Don't say that.

I have thought about it all night.

He knew he was my father
and still tried to kill me.

You're angry.

I know how that feels.

I've wanted to kill too.

But trust me, that doesn't solve anything.

You're the only one
who'll end up losing.

Don't get blood on your hands.

I won't.

But Toto will.

You can't ask Toto to kill Mejía.

Why not?

You know he would if I asked him.

I want him dead.

Where are you going? Froggy?

What are you going to do?

Wait. Where are you going?

- Where are you going?
- Out of my way.

- No.
- Out of my way.


Analía, you can hate me.
You can be angry at me.

You can even feel betrayed
because I kept the truth from you.

- But I didn't raise you to act like this!
- You have no idea.

None of you have the slightest idea

of how I feel right now.

I want him to stop breathing.

I want him to die.

Like my mom.

You have no idea how it hurts
to see what you've become.

Become what? What?

Isn't that how the man you hate
the most solves his problems?

- Don't ever say that again.
- It's the truth!

- Don't ever say that to me again!
- It's... the truth.

- It's the truth.
- Stupid.

Are you listening to yourself?
Are you listening to yourself, Analía?

You are talking about killing someone,
my God, killing someone!

Just like Mejía does.

I've taught you the difference
between right and wrong.

But if you still feel the need to do that,
in your heart,

in your heart you know it is not right.

Should I break some news
to you, Froggy?

That's life.

Life gives to you and it takes from you.

It took your mom away.

But it gave you another one.

And look at how much this lady loves you.

And all the opportunities she's given you.

Listen to her.

Life hasn't given Toto and me
many opportunities.

Actually, very few.

Very few.

Why can't you understand
that I want to wipe him off the map?

It's not that hard.

Do it then.

But as you had planned it.

And, Analía, please...

How can you even think about asking
your friend to do such a cruel thing?

To end someone's life? How?

No, it's just that one might
speak out of anger sometimes.

And that's what happened to Froggy.

Because you'd never disrespect Toto.

And you'd never make him
a murderer, would you?

Would you?

If you kill him...

you're the only one who'll lose.

You yourself told me that death

wasn't enough punishment
for that rat.

Look at us.

Look at us. We're here with you.
You're not alone.

We love you.
We support you.

That's unconditional.

We're here.

We are here.
We won't let you crumble.

We won't let you make a mistake.

Did you hear that?

A bit more, please.

Where's my dad?

I don't know.

What's wrong with the baby?

Didn't you sleep?
Did you cry all night?

No, I didn't sleep well.

I suffer from insomnia,
in case you don't remember.

Oh, that's true, that's true.
You always have an excuse...

about everything,
just to get attention.

Not everyone wants attention like you.

You always think I have an excuse,
but you won't even bother to ask

if what you assume is true.

Excuse me?

I always ask about you.

The fact that you never answer me
is a different story,

and having to run after you
all the time is annoying.

What're you talking about?

You come here and you judge everyone,
play the victim.

You didn't even call me
when I was kidnapped.

Oh, no, I made that up too.
Sure, I made it up.

Hey, cut the drama. I called you,
and looked for you and you never replied.

So I asked Mom about you.

Cut it out. This is not working.

You have to chill.

I mean, we have enough drama at home.

Hey, hey, what was that?

We were just talking about you.

It's so nice to see you all together.

- How are you, my child?
- Dad.


I actually wanted to talk to you

because I've made progress
with the adoption process.

I want it to be done as soon as possible.

And I need all of you.

Well, you know you can count on me.

Whatever you need,
just let us know, OK?


forgive me.

I'm so sorry.

We'll keep going.

I need Mejía to feel
he's very close to succeeding,

so close he can almost taste it.

So he can fall from grace.

It's the only thing that'll get to him.

But in order to do that,
I need you on the campaign.


Do you think Mejía
would hire her?

- Oh...
- No, no, it's not because of you.

We have two advantages.

The first is that he liked you.

And the second is that Mejía
likes to promote his image

in the press
and to potential voters.

So I'll devise a strategy keeping
those two things in mind, so...

So he'll agree to my proposal.

It will be dangerous, Dorita,
I don't want you to feel pressured.

Nah, sis, I got what it takes.

You go ahead.
Full speed ahead.


I just left the construction company.

My cousins just threw me out like a dog.

Weren't you supposed
to have everything under control?

but they hired their own auditor

and the numbers don't match
Padrón's report.

Did they find out you were sneaking
out materials to build on the side?

No, but I still looked like an idiot.

What's important here is...

that they never find out...

I'm involved.

Do I need to warn you or is it clear?

Memo, everything I do,
I do it carefully

so nothing can be traced back to you.

Go back to that company.

With the excuse of picking up
your stuff...

and take the database with you.

What for?

We will steal their key clients
and suppliers.

And we'll bleed them dry.



It's appalling...

that incidents like these keep happening
in our country.

Today, I want to demand justice, not
just for the poor woman who was murdered,

but for all the murders
that take place every day in this...

That's how I wanted to see you.

Now will you tell me
what happened to you?

About what?

Come on, that look you had at breakfast,
that's not just lack of sleep.

Who's the guy that's keeping you awake?

I overheard Mom and Dad arguing
last night.

You don't say!
That's nothing new!

Close the door.


accused Dad of being involved in

the death
of Aunt Eugenia's housekeeper.

What are you talking about?

I don't know. I couldn't understand
whether it was an accident or what.

The point is that Mom either
covered for him this whole time...

or kept her mouth shut...

or, I don't know, and now she's talking.

OK, what exactly did Dad tell Mom?

He denied it, of course.

But Mom said that Dad came home
that night, his shirt covered in blood.

What? No.

If that's true,
Dad might be involved in a murder.

Look, we need to keep...
we need to keep a cool head.

If that were true,
Dad would be in trouble with the law.

And he's not.

I've been researching
and look what I found.

It's appalling that incidents like these
keep happening in our country.

Today, I want to demand justice, not
just for the poor woman who was murdered,

but for all the murders that
take place every day in this country.

No more impunity.

That's why today I want to call
upon the entire community

for everyone to report
these criminal acts.

Because the only way to carry this
country forward is to do it together.

Listen, first, let's not mention this
to anyone.

And we need to find a way
to get to the bottom of this,

to find out what really happened.

The truth is that I don't know how.

Subtitle translation by: Damián