Ana's Revenge (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 23 - Episode #1.23 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Mejia for president, gentlemen!

I had no idea that the damn Engineer
was going to be at Fabiola's house.

Don't worry, it's not your fault.
If the Engineer was there,

it must be because Mejia sent him.

Can he hurt you?


Now, that proves that Fabiola
does have something against Mejia.

And we have to find out what it is.

I couldn't find anything,
I couldn't do anything.

The important thing is that
the Engineer didn't catch you.

And he also has no way to find you.
That's what's important.

Are you all right?

Yes. Just scared.

I'll get you something anyway, OK?

It's over.


Do you have access to motor vehicles?

I have a motorcycle
and I want a name.

Take this down.

Oscar, Delta, Indian,
Seventh, Eighth, Delta.

Number one.

Thank you.

Bro, you don't look good.
Did something happen to your father?

No, Ramiro.

No, it's something else,
but I'd like you to know, anyway.


Carolina and I are getting a divorce,
and it's a little complicated.

Yes, yes, yes, I understand,
I get it.

It's really difficult
when there are kids involved.


And that's why I wanted to ask
for the day off,

because, first,
I need to go to court

to resolve the issue with the divorce.

And second, I need to go to the hospital,
because my daughter had an accident.

Is she all right?

Yes, fortunately
she's recovering from the surgery.

Bro, you should have told me before.
Of course, take the day.

- Thank you.
- Of course.

Ramiro, I want you to know that
I'm committed to this campaign

one hundred percent.

- OK?
- Yes, I know, I know.

Go, don't worry.
Nothing will happen if you miss a day.

If you need anything,
you know you can count on me.

Thank you very much.

- Goodbye. Thank you.
- Good luck with everything.

Excuse me.

- Pablo.
- Hi, Mark, how are you?

Well, I heard that Pablo's daughter is
in the hospital.

Yes, that's why he's taking the day off.

Fine, well,
we have to keep going.

We've got the campaign
and I want you to see this.

It's a pretty powerful move
by Mejia. Look.


What's this?

Mejia's interview has thousands
of followers now,

and on, and on, and on.

That's the key.

We need an influencer,

someone like Juan Mario,
for example.

- Someone accomplished.
- That's it.

Fabiola lied to you, sir.

Her mother is alive.

And another thing.

When I was there, I ran into the guy
who filmed the video of your son.

Who is he?

He got away.


I have his license plate, sir.
We'll get him.

It's very odd that
that guy would have gone there.

That's what I thought.

Hello, my good man.

The contract that you told me
to draw up.

Thank you.

Everything all right?

Yes, Fabiola,
and I want to ask you a favor.

Next time, knock.

Thank you.


What do you want me to do with her?

For now, nothing.

First, I need to find out what the guy
who made the video of Juan Mario

has to do with that witch.

Fabiola is very dangerous
and we need to be very careful with her.

I've worked my whole life
to give my daughter a better life.

But Pablo doesn't recognize that.

On the contrary,
he always throws it in my face.

I work too, Your Honor.

I look out for my daughter
morning, day and night.

I take her to school every day
and I bring her back home, too.

And I've never thrown that
in your face, Carolina.

You're throwing it in my face right now.

- No, that's not true.
- It is true.

I've always recognized
how hard you work.

That's not true. You're always
reproaching me for my meetings,

- my trips.
- That's not true.

I've always supported you.
I've supported you in everything.

No! It's true, it's true and you know it,
just like other things.

No, excuse me, but that's not what
we're talking about. We're talking...

I declare this hearing unsuccessful.

As a result, a trial will be scheduled

with evidence presented for the petitioner
and the respondent.

Will you excuse me for a moment?
Excuse me, Your Honor.

You already heard?
Yes, of course.

Don't worry.

My assistant tells me
that we've received notice of a new case.

Pablo has challenged paternity,

and has asked the judge in charge
to order a preventative measure.

What do you mean,
"a preventative measure"?

Yes, that your daughter
will continue living with her father

while the two cases get resolved.

A judge is never going
to give custody to Pablo.

The thing is, Carolina,
because of your daughter's accident,

he already has,
and we have to comply.

No, but.

You're just trying to make me look bad
in front of the judge.

Did you think your actions

would have no consequences,

You got everything with lies!

The only liar is you.

And you know it.

I'm doing this
for my daughter's wellbeing.

Besides, why should I tell you
when you don't care about anything.

You don't care about Heli,
and I'll use that as part of this case.

You think you're going to win?

You know what? I don't.

Because this is a war
that you're starting.

And I know that we're all losing,
but I'm not going to allow you

to do whatever you want.

You know how I'll let you keep Heli?

When you end things with Analía.

I won't allow you
to tell me how to live my life.

Do it! Or I'll cause a scandal for you.
I'll destroy her and I'll destroy you.

Carolina, hey, listen to me.

This is an issue between the two of us.
We don't have to involve anyone else.

You involved Analía!

Don't. Carolina, if you want to hurt me,
do it to me, that's it.

My daughter has nothing
to do with this, understand?

You don't care about Heli.
All you care about is that woman.

That's not true, and you know me.

The most important thing in my life
is my daughter, and you know that.

Did you ever love me like that?

So much so that I never realized
you were hiding things from me, Carolina.

And you?

Do you realize how much pain
you caused Helena and me

when you told me I wasn't her father?

Did you ever think about my pain?

I didn't think I had hurt you.

If that's true, I apologize, Carolina.

And even though there's no love
between us,

we have a history.

We have a daughter,

so let's do things the right way.

The right way is not to divorce.

Why are you obsessed with that, Carolina?

Let me go on with my life,
and you go on with yours.

Because I don't want to be a divorced
woman. That wasn't in my plans.

You have to accept it,

because I'm not getting back together
with you, Carolina.

I can't get back together
with you.

Then I'm going to say that you threatened
me with taking away my daughter.

And that you've always treated me horribly
and made me feel terrible

simply for working.

You think that through lies...

- you're going to get what you want, huh?
- No, it's not lies.

In public, you were the best person
in the world,

but behind closed doors,

- you treated me horribly.
- You're crazy, Carolina. You're sick.

Are you scared now?

I can't believe you would sink
any lower than you already are.

Be careful how you talk to me,

because I can destroy you if I tell
everyone you emotionally abused me.

That's why I ran off
to find another man.

Go ahead, tell everyone, Caro.

Tell them anything you want to,
if you can prove it.

But if we're going to play with lies,

I won't have any other choice
but to file suit against you

for defamation.

Just by planting a seed of doubt,
I'll destroy you.

And at the same time,
I'll get my daughter.

Don't start anything with her.

Why don't you ask your lawyer

if this isn't going to have
consequences on your life, Carolina.

For yours, too.

You know what?

Do what your conscience dictates,

if you still have one.
Juan Carlos, let's go.

Take a break.

He didn't sleep very well.

And every day, he loses more
of his sense of reality.

- What do you mean?
- Well.

Sometimes he says incoherent things.

Or he talks about the past.

So, please, be patient with him.

How could I not be, Eugenia?

Manuel Jose isn't just family.
He's been a great friend my whole life.

He'll be very happy to see you.

I'll leave you two alone.

Hello, Guillermo.

How are you feeling?

Like someone
who knows that death...

is circling around me
and is eager to take me away.

Who would have thought?

The great Manuel Jose, who used to have
so much pride, lying in bed.

Did you come...

to say goodbye...

by talking to me like that?

And how did you act
when you took away your support?

The decisions in a household...

must be made...

by the strongest.

And, in this case,

that is not me.

Pablo isn't qualified
to fill your shoes.

He's supporting someone
who isn't one of us

and you thought that was fine.

Pablo never agreed with you.

He's only doing...

what has always seemed right to him.

Pablo is going to ruin everything
that you've achieved, Manuel Jose.

Go, get out of my house.

I won't allow you to speak badly
about my son in my own house.

You're not in any condition
to demand anything.

You smell of death.

I know you won't ever see me
elected president.

But when I am...

I'm going to make you pay
for everything you did to me.

And I'm going to start
with your eldest son.

Get out. Get out... Get out of my house.



He got very ill all of a sudden.

My friend, get better.

We need you.

Pablo, for God's sake.

You can't take away Guillermo's support

without your father's and my permission.

Mom, relax. He's the one
who asked me to take charge

- of his affairs.
- Fine, do it,

but without harming the relationship
we have with Guillermo and Rosario.

We have a commitment to Guillermo
and I'll die of shame.

Oh, enough about Guillermo. What shame?
Mom, please, come on.

You should have seen
Guillermo's face

when I said we were withdrawing
our support.

Then you would have seen
that all he really cares about

is his campaign.

What answer do you think
Pablo will give to Guillermo?

Well, I hope that Carolina

helps him make
the best decision for everyone.

Although, I don't know if she'll agree
to turn down that job in Chile

so Pablo can be vice president.

Didn't you see her face?
She's power hungry. I always told you.

I'm going to dedicate myself to politics.

That's wonderful!

I see you finally listened to Guillermo.

No, no, Dad, this has nothing
to do with Guillermo.

I received an offer to be part
of the presidential campaign

for Ramiro Pérez.

- What?
- But, my God.

Pablo, what are you saying?

You know we're supporting Memo
not just for his ideas,

but also because he's family.

How did he seem?

Not good at all.

All of a sudden,
he got very agitated.

He accused me of mistreating him.

I warned you. I'm so sorry.

You know what?
I can't do it anymore.

I'm tired.

It's true what they say
about bad things all happening at once.

Why do you say that, dear?



not only is this going on
with Manuel Jose,

but we just found out
that Pablo is getting a divorce.

Don't say that.

And what's worse is that he's doing it
in the middle of a terrifying war.

But he and Carolina seemed
to get along so well.

Do you think that woman got aggressive?
Because Pablo is a catch.

I really don't know her, you know?
She has sunk so low.

Can you believe that we just found out
that Heli isn't Pablo's daughter?

- I can't believe it.
- Can you imagine?

And on top of it all,
she threatened me,

claiming that Pablo is an emotional
abuser. Can you believe it?

She had the nerve to tell me
a lie like that to my face.

- My God, what's wrong with Carolina?
- No. I don't know what's wrong with her.

After we made her part of this family,
and look how she pays us back.

Yes, I understand.

The worst betrayals come
from the people we love most.

Excuse me, ma'am.

May I see you for a minute?

Excuse me.

I want to claim that
Pablo has abused me emotionally

throughout our whole marriage.

Do you have evidence?

My word isn't sufficient?

Well, this is a very serious accusation,

and if you don't have proof, then no,
unfortunately your word isn't enough.

I don't care.

I'm going to cause a scandal
and I'm going to ruin Pablo.

Look, Carolina, why don't we just focus

on the custody of your daughter,

take advantage of the fact
that he doesn't have

any blood ties to her?
It's much easier.

You don't understand.

It would hit him much harder
if I say what he supposedly did to me.

Besides, it could justify
my infidelities.

Of course.

But if you don't have proof,
then he could easily take legal action

for his reputation, for defamation.
And then what would you do?

You'd have to go back to the media
and retract your statement.

Not if the people and the judge
believe me.

Which side are you on?

Well, obviously, your side,
but I have to show you the whole picture.

If you continue like this, there will be
legal and financial consequences.

I don't understand
why I'm paying you

if you're not doing anything for me.

Look, Carolina,
if you go on like this,

I'm not going to be able
to continue defending or advising you.


You want me to do something that
goes against my professional values.

If you abandon me in this case,

I swear I won't give you
a single cent.

All right, let's leave it at that.

Don't worry.


But I will take this opportunity
to tell you something,

and I won't charge you for it.

Go get psychological help,
because you need it.



This is Guillermo Leon Mejia.

You might be surprised
that I'm calling you.

May I take you to dinner?


I'll send you the address
where we can meet.

Everything is coming along very well.

In a few days, you can go home.

Hey, that's good news,
my love, isn't it?

Sweetie, what's wrong?

Nothing, Dad. I'm just sleepy.

Can we talk for a minute?

I don't know if you're aware,
but when her mother came,

your daughter got very upset.

I had no idea, Doctor.

Yes, I had to ask her to leave.

Of course.

- Well, thank you for telling me.
- It's my duty.

Hi, how are you?

Fine, and your daughter?

Fine, fine, but no thanks to Carolina.

- What happened?
- She's crazy, crazy, bro.

Well, how is the audit going?
Tell me.

Padrón is almost done.


OK, we really need
to look over the finances

for the company if you're going
to be in charge of construction.

- Please.
- Yes, yes, don't worry.

You have enough going on
with your daughter, OK?

Look, I know you've got
a lot going on today,

- but can you do me a favor?
- What is it?

Can you stay with my daughter tonight?

- Of course, of course.
- Tonight, right?

- Let me know if anything happens.
- OK.

Come here. Thanks.

Care to join me?


I promise not to go too fast.

Do you really think I'm afraid of speed?

OK, then hold on tight.

I heard about what's going on
between you and Pablo.

I suppose you're going
to attack me, too.


I'm very fond of you both.

I want to listen to you
and help you fix things.

Thank you, Guillermo,
but that's impossible.


when a person wants their marriage
to last a lifetime,

they have to be willing
to overcome any problem.

If you knew what was going on,
you wouldn't say that, Guillermo.

Well, anyway...

I'm here. I'm listening.

I stayed quiet all these years

to avoid problems with Pablo's family.

But Pablo isn't who you think he is.

You may speak freely here.

He was a man who was...



We need to be...

very clear.
What exactly are you talking about?

Psychological abuse.

I know it's hard to believe.

Well, no.
I'm not going to judge

what you're telling me here so bravely.

And I know that type of abuse
slowly undermines

your self-esteem.

Well, I...
I'm very sorry for you, dear.

May I call you "dear"?

You know what surprises me
about all this?

That you would understand so easily.

Because of that, I want to be
absolutely honest with you.

Helena is not Pablo's daughter.

I know. Eugenia told me.

Of course.

Of course, but she didn't tell you
that the blame for my mistake

is due to Pablo's abuse, right?

No, you were trying to get out
of a difficult, cruel situation.


Pablo and I were really having problems.

I got pregnant and...

I wasn't able to tell him the truth.

But now, everything is different,
because we're separating

and he wants custody of my daughter.

Well, legally,

only you have a right to her custody,
you know.

Yes, that's what I think,
but my lawyer said no.

I'm going to refer you to someone.

Look, I'm not against Pablo,

but I am a defender of women.


How long have you had this place?

Five or six years, approximately.

Although my first house was one
I built when I was a kid

and I built it for my first love,
to impress her.

Great way to make an impression.

What do you think?


Well, look, I'll tell you.
The sun sets over there.

There isn't a highway for miles.

Obviously, you can't see anything
at this hour.

How about the mountains?
You can see something there, no?

Everything is green,

silent, beautiful.

And this will be our new home
until we can

tell the whole world
that we're going to be together...


Because that's my plan.

Mine, too.

I have something here that...
I don't know.

Let's see.

May I have your hand for a second?

OK, uh, I'd love for you
to wear this forever.

So you'll remember me.


All right?

It's wonderful.

What's this?

Do you like it?

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Absolutely wonderful.

How's Heli?

Fine. Getting better.
That makes me very happy.

Children are miraculous, no?

No, they're magical.

Like this place.

Like you.

- Well...
- Well, well.

I'm going to have to put aside the
magical and miraculous and all that

to ask you what I need to ask you.

Oh, you need to ask me something.
Is it mandatory?

- Definitely.
- Definitely. OK.

How's it going with Carolina?


She threatened me with starting a scandal
involving you.

Thank you, Guillermo.

You're the only person
who hasn't judged me.

That's why I think that...

that it's only right for you
to know about something else.

Pablo is dating your political adviser.
I followed Pablo and saw them.


But that will end when I talk to the media
and tell them what's going on.

Pérez needs to fire Pablo
and you need to fire Analía immediately.

No, let's be calm about this.

- Calm?
- All right? Yes.

How can you say that?
I'm furious, Guillermo.

I know this is a serious issue
and I'm going to take care of it,

but you can't go around telling
the media that they're together.

Why not?

That would damage me.

Then what do you intend to do?

Let them just be all happy together?

I don't think so.
That's not fair.

Caro, the only person
supporting you here is me.

And it wouldn't be fair to me. Look.

The public claim of abuse
is enough to bring Pablo down,

but if you come out
and say he has a lover,

you'll sound like a spiteful woman,

making all kinds of accusations.

The abuse,
and his going out with Analía...

Your whole argument
would lose credibility. Understand?

Of course.

Of course, the important thing here is...

for you not to get hurt in all this.


That's why this meeting

and what you're saying
about Analía and Pablo

can't go beyond here.

And that's how it will be.

What can I do?
How can I help you?

Well, the issue is going
to be a little complicated, no?

For one thing,
stay by my side.

All right? If you stay by my side,
I promise

that I'll protect you forever.
Well, you and my daughter, OK?

That's the most important thing
in my life right now.

And if it's like that, you also have to.

- Yes.
- Yes?

- I don't want you to talk anymore.
- No?

What are you doing?

Looking at you.

It's my new favorite pastime.

Oh, really?

Did you sleep?

You make me incredibly happy,
you know that?

I didn't know.

Did you have any nightmares?

- Not even a little. Nothing.
- Not even a little?

When all this is over,
I'd like for us to go

to a solitary beach,
just the two of us,

barefoot, walking.
I have a few options, right?

What do you think?



Without anxiety, without hiding.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Hello, my love.

What did you do yesterday
to make her so upset?

Mind your own business.

I know all my rights.

I know that right now,
Pablo has custody of my daughter,

but nothing can stop me
from seeing her.

Don't fight because of me, please.

I'll be outside, all right, my love?


Do you think I'm going to hurt her?
I love my daughter to death.

Keep that in mind.

Hello, love.


I brought you a gift.

I want to apologize to you
for all this.

I love you and it pains me deeply
to hurt you like this.

But there are things you don't know
that happened with your father.

What do you mean?

You'll find out later.

And then you'll understand me.

But what things?
Tell me now.

I can't.


Because your father
doesn't want you to know.

And because I need to be
stronger to tell you.

All I want you to understand...

is that everything I've endured,
I have endured for you, Helena.

Because I love you to death.



Did you sleep
or did you have a good night?

I don't know how much longer
I can do this.

Stop thinking so much.

You think about what's going to happen,
what's not going to happen.

You worry about the good, the bad, the...

But if I don't think...

The truth is that...

as happy as I am with Pablo,

everything is working against us.

Hey, wait, wait, wait.

What? Tell me.
Was it good?

Family, I want you to be with me
at the debate

in which I am going to destroy

all the other candidates,

especially Pérez.

Of course we'll be there
supporting you.

We have to be an example for the country,

and what's important, the difference,
the advantage

that we have over Pérez
is that we are...


Whereas he's a lonely man, divorced,

without children,

and he keeps surrounding himself
with people who are worse than he is.

What do you mean?

I heard from a very close source

that Pablo is getting divorced
in the middle of a very serious problem.

Do you think we can skip
the gossip column next time?

It's very unappetizing.

What's affecting that campaign
helps mine a lot.

So we...

will remain united,

no matter what happens.

I hope I've made that...


Yes. Cheers.

You have a new job.
Investigating Carolina, Pablo's ex.

I need information to keep her
from ruining my work on the campaign.

And how can she do that?

Do you think it's normal

that she told Pablo that she would tell
the whole world we're together?

Tell them what?

No, I can't believe it.
I mean, if she does, we're screwed.

- No, I know.
- You'll get fired.

I know. I'm not going to allow it.

I'm also not going to allow her
to keep threatening him,

because now she's saying that Pablo
psychologically abused her.

Oh, we're talking about a crazy person.

Listen, does Pablo know
we're going to investigate her?

No. Besides,
we know all about her infidelities,

so that's not it.

What hurts her the most?

Her work.

Start there.

Investigate her family, too.

I'm going to headquarters.
Let me know if you hear anything.

- OK, bye.
- Bye.


What's up?

I need you to answer something
with complete honesty.

As always, go ahead.

Are you in a relationship
with Pablo de la Torre?

Where did you get that idea?

You look surprised.

Of course, because I think
the question is absurd.

Carolina, Pablo's wife, told me.

They're getting a divorce.

And she thinks
you're largely to blame.

And that Pablo turned out
to be an emotional abuser.

Please, Carolina is completely crazy.

Look, Carolina says that...

you're Pablo's lover,
and you say that she's crazy.

Who do I believe?

The evidence.

Because I imagine that she must have
already given you texts, recordings,

photos, emails.

Or something like that, no?

She saw you at a restaurant with him.


So, let's see. Carolina says that
I was with her husband,

who is also the campaign director
for your biggest opponent

in the election.

And I allow myself to be seen
so that someone would come tell you.


You know what? I quit.

- So, are you saying it's true?
- No, what I'm saying

is that if I had made a mistake
that stupid right now,

you would need a new adviser.

I can't deny
that you've proven you're the best.

Of course, but Carolina planted
a seed of doubt in you,

which means
that we can't work together anymore.

Are you really going to quit?

Yes. I would.

And I'll tell you why.

Carolina's accusations are absurd.

What surprises me about this
is that after everything I've done

to put you in first place in the polls,
which is where you are,

you think that I'd betray you.

Sometimes, love or passion...

make us lose control and do...

stupid things.

I never lose control.

And I have only one passion.

My work.

I'm going to do whatever I need to do
to get you in the Presidential House.

And I would never make such a stupid
mistake, because all that would do

is derail my objective.

I believe you.

I believe you, dear.

Well, then, now can we talk
about serious matters.

For example, the preparations
for your debate?


I want to talk about something else.

Come with me.

Cases of emotional abuse
are unforgivable in politics.

Hello. And what does that issue
have to do with us?

With Pablo de la Torre.

It turns out that his wife...

Correction, his ex-wife...

is accusing him of emotional abuse.

- I don't believe it.
- I know.

It's hard to believe.
Poor Carolina is shattered.

Well, what does Pablo
have to say about it?

I don't know and I don't care.

I don't know if the claim
of abuse is true either.

Really, the only thing that interests me
is that we have the perfect issue

to leak to the media.

OK. And we can affect
Pérez's campaign directly.

And we'll ruin Pablito before the debate.

I'm not sure I'm in agreement with that.

Pablo's image will be ruined,
and Pérez,

well, he'll be
in an uncomfortable position.

Why are you following Carolina's lead,

if she's a person
who neither acts nor thinks right?

Why do you say that?

She's a woman who says
she has been emotionally abused

by a guy who has been making
himself look like a saint.

OK, then let's use her...

as the face of our campaign
about domestic violence.

You know, I like that idea.

We could go with something like,
let's see, like...

"Abuse doesn't discriminate
against any social class."

Subtitle translation by: Ruth Kunstadter