Amazing Stories (1985–1987): Season 2, Episode 9 - Thanksgiving - full transcript

Eighteen-year-old Dora is miserable living in an isolated desert town with her dour stepfather, but their discovery of mysterious "hole people" in a dried-up well changes each of their fates by Thanksgiving Day.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[ No Audible Dialogue ]

[ No Audible Dialogue ]

?? [ Country ]

[ Woman ]
? If you've got leavin'
on your mind ?

? Tell me now
Get it over ?

? Hurt me now
Get it over ?

? If you got leavin'
on your mind ?

? If there's a new love
in your heart ?

[ Girl ]
? Tell me now
Get it over ?

?? [ Humming ]

[ Spray Paint Can
Rattling ]

Will you be diggin'
today, Calvin?

I mean,
seein' as how tomorrow's
Thanksgiving and all,

I thought maybe
we'd go get us a turkey.

You're just like
your poor, crazy mother,

always tryin' to think up
some lame excuse
to celebrate.

There ain't gonna
be no holidays
until we find water.

? If there's a new love
in your heart ?

? Tell me now ?

[ Chuckles ]

Now go get
your chores done.

I need you
to haul dirt.

? Hurt me now
Get it over ?

? If there's a new love
in your heart ?

[ Jingling ]

[ Girl ]
With any luck at all,
we'll find water today,

and then my stepdaddy'll
get us a turkey.

Send us some luck, Mama.

Please help us
find water today.

? If you've got leavin'
on your-- ?

- [ Strums ]
- ? Mind ?

? Tell me... now ?

? Get it over ?

? Hurt me n-- ??
[ Gasps ]

I'm coming
right now, Calvin.

I'm out there slavin'
to find water,

and you're in here
playing missy
country-and-western star.

I've just about had it
with you, girl.

- You hear?
- Yes, sir.

I am gonna put an end
to this caterwaulin'
nonsense right now.

- [ Exhales ]
- Now get on out there.

[ Sighs ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Grunts ]
Haul away!


[ Spitting ]

I'm sorry, Calvin!
It's just so heavy!

Quit your bellyachin'
and haul away.

Oh, please, Mama,

Let something happen--

just so I don't have to haul
any more of this dirt!

[ Wind Howling ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Air Rumbling ]

I'm sorry, Calvin.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to.

I tried to hold it,
but it just slipped
right out of my hands!

I tried to,
but I couldn't help it.

You-- You won't believe
what happened down there.

I'm not so sure
I believe it myself.

The bottom just dropped
right out from under me.

For one second there,
I was just standing
on thin air.

[ Sighs ]
If it wasn't for that
ladder, I'd be in China.

- [ Whimpers ]
- [ Dora ]
The bottom...

dropped out?

What are you
gonna do, Calvin?

[ Beeping ]

I can't see
the light anymore.

I'm gonna pull it up.

Must be caught
on something.

- [ Gasps ]
- Did you see that?

That line jerked
in my hand!

how could it?

There's something
down there.

What'd I say?
What'd I say?

It could be a fish.
I read a story once--

Don't feel like
no fish to me.

That doesn't make sense.

What the heck
could be down there?


Calvin, what is it?


My Lord.

Gold. Pure gold.

For a flashlight?

It's like
National Geographic.

Gimme that.

What's it say, Calvin?

I don't know
what it says,

but I sure do know
what it means!

- Yeehaw!
- What, Calvin?

Don't you let anybody
go near that hole.

Anybody, you hear?

And that includes you!

- But, Calvin!
- [ Laughs ]

But, Calvin,
what am I supposed to do?

Just like you always do--



Hello down there.

"Dear Hole People,

How are you?"

Who are you?

Your friend,

Dora Johnson.

Hope they can
understand English.

[ Gasps ]

- [ Gasps ]
- [ Barks ]

"Using your
crude code book,

our scholars
have determined
this food to be ham."

[ Chuckles ]
"Very tasty.

Payment enclosed.
What else do you have?"

[ Scoffs ]
No way.

He'd kill me.

[ Wheel Squeaking ]

- ? Crazy ?
- [ Echoes ]
? Crazy ?

- ? I'm crazy ?
- [ Echoes ]
? I'm crazy ?

- ? For feelin' ?
- [ Echoes ]
? For feelin' ?

- ? So lonely ?
- [ Echoes ]
? So lonely ?

- [ Laughs ]
- [ Laugh Echoes ]

- ? I'm crazy ??
- [ Echoes ]
? I'm crazy ??

[ Barks ]

- [ Grunts ]
- [ Barks ]

"Our scholars have
determined this food
to be chicken.

Very tasty.
Payment enclosed.
What else do you have?"

You do your chores yet?

- Um--
- Well, do 'em!

Calvin, you're gonna
be sending down
those flashlights?

Make me some dinner.

Well, Calvin,
I think them hole people
would much rather have--

Fix me some dinner!

Go on.

My worries are over.

New truck. New house.
A real well.

We'll advertise.

Maybe even put in
a water slide.

Calvin, there's somethin'
I gotta tell you.

It hit bottom!
It's hit bottom.

[ Sighs ]

[ Winch Whirring ]

[ Stops ]




No-good, double-dealin',
schemin' animals!

"Our scholars have
determined these devices
to be flashlights.

Prefer chicken.
No payment enclosed.

What else do you have?"

- [ Dog Barking ]
- Calvin,
what are you gonna do?

Slimy, stinkin',
cheatin' lowlifes!

This is war!
You hear me?


Calvin, please,
wait up.

You give me ten minutes
with them grubs.
Then you haul me up!

Hear me, girl?
Ten minutes.

You can't
go down there,

What's the matter
with you, girl?

That's real gold
down there. It's mine.

It's a sign, Calvin!

People waste
their whole lives thinkin'
they're cheated...

'cause they want somebody
else's luck or money--
somebody else's life.

This hole here--
This hole here
is like a sign...

for us to stand up and say,
"Amen! What we have here
is good!"

All we gotta do, Calvin,
is we gotta turn our back
away from that hole.


Did you get yourself
another piece of gold
out of that hole, girl?

Are you stealin' my gold
so you can play missy
country-and-western star?

You know, you get yourself
a pretty dress...

and a leather hat, and
a shiny white guitar, and
you're still gonna be nothing.

You ain't no
Loretta Lynn.

No, you're just
like your mama--

a worthless, stupid
farm girl that ain't
never amount to nothin'.

I ain't touched
your gold, Calvin.

[ Metal Clanking ]

Ten minutes!
Now lower away.

Time's up, Calvin.

In all the days
you've been my stepdaddy,

if you'd have just said
one nice thing to me, I
wouldn't be doin' this now.

Calvin, you're a mean,
no-good, lying,
worthless ball of slime!

You was born that way!

That's your work.

Everybody has a reason.

And yours is to make
folks miserable.

- [ Metal Clanks ]
- [ Dog Barks ]

Oh, dear Mama!

Oh, dear Mama,
help me!

[ Winch Creaking ]

[ Hissing ]

[ Dog Barking ]

Calvin, you alone?

[ Dog Barking ]


You okay?

[ Gunshot ]

"Our scholars
have determined
this food...

to be turkey.


Payment enclosed.
What else do you have?"