Alone (2015–…): Season 8, Episode 3 - Chewed Up - full transcript

Participants continue to find unique ways to find food. One participant is afraid they have eaten a poisonous plant.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

♪ ♪

- I'm about to get caught
in a gnarly storm.

Oh! Should've been
working on the shelter.

- I knew it was taking a huge
chance not bringing

A fire striker.

My expectations are always
higher than my ability.

- I'm starting to feel

I'm starting to think,
"can I do this?"

- I don't think anybody has
ever forged a knife on "alone."

Maybe when it's done
I can prison-shank a muskox.

- Holy *bleep*, got one.

Solitude is not something
that I'm accustomed to.

I miss my family.

Oh, yes.
Got my first fish of the trip.

- No frickin' way.

It is swimming towards me.

♪ ♪

Male narrator: In "alone's"
most terrifying location yet,

Ten participants face
the deadliest predator

In north america.

- There he is right there.

- Grizzly bears.
- Hey, bear.

- There are a lot
of grizzly here.

I'm gonna have to live
with them.

- Go on! Get!

- Every second we're on
the land, we're being hunted.

- Holy *bleep*, mountain lion.

- He's circling around
my shelter.

Bone-chilling cold...

- Winter is coming.

- You combine the wind
with the rain and the cold,

This place could make
the arctic look easy.

- Oh, *bleep*.

And complete isolation.

- You cannot hide
from yourself

Mentally and emotionally.

- Ah!

- There's no place to go.

- I am suffering
from loneliness.

Narrator: Who will survive?

- Yes! Yes!

- This could be the end.

- I don't want to tap,
but I don't want

To die either.

- You have to suffer
before you can succeed.

The last one standing wins.

- At what point
do I push the button?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

I'm going to cut
the sleeves off my shirt.

♪ ♪

One sleeve, off.

All right,
sleeveless shirt achieved.

♪ ♪

- What to do with the sleeves?

Sweet headwear?


Arm cozies.


I don't know.
I'll find a use for them.

Oh, yeah. That's nice.

All right,
I got to get dressed.

♪ ♪

- Feeling pretty decent
this morning.

I'm most concerned about
getting that shelter finished,

So that's going to be
my main goal again.

I worked on getting two
more rafters on the front wall

For the roof and insulating
that front wall.

The sooner I get
my shelter squared away,

The sooner I can start

On hunting and fishing.

Rafters, it's more work,
but it's important work.

What I'm going to do is cut
them down to size,

Strip them,

And then get them up there
and secure them.

Gosh, wouldn't a fish
just be so lovely

Or a nice juicy grouse?

You don't deserve fish
or grouse.

You haven't suffered
enough yet.

A year ago, I was toiling away
10 hours a day

Building trailers in a factory

Full of fiberglass,
dust in the air,

And now I'm out here
in british columbia,

Chilko lake,
living the dream.

I left my job to come do this.

I'm going to hang on
as long as I can.

I got twins
on the way back home,

And that money would make a
huge difference

In their lives.

I don't really have the option
of going home.


There it is, the skeleton of
my beautiful house-cabin-thing.

Next part of the process:

What I'm worried about here
is making this wall

As solid as I can.

I want to block out the wind.

The wind comes heavy
from this side.

You can see right now
it's blowing,

So line the outside
with boughs,

And then I'm going to take
these big sheets of wood

From rotted tree stumps.

This is my answer to building
my shelter in a windy place...

Bark panels.

I got to finish this sucker.
I want to move into it.

♪ ♪

- So I was thinking about
testing out these underwear.

What do you think?

Triple xl.


So I'm going to do

What amós did
and hang my fish in them

After I tie these monstrously
large legs up.

Nice fish bag.

♪ ♪

I'm happy to have
caught that fish,

But I ain't got much left,

Starting to worry me
a little bit.

If I can just keep
a bear away from it,

♪ ♪

I'd be able to see
that one good.

All right.

Maybe nothing will get in that.
That would really suck.

♪ ♪

- I got a good start
on the permanent shelter.

I think I'm going to try
to get the fireplace finished

And just moss the whole thing.

I think that would insulate
it pretty well.

It's going to get cold.
It's going to get wet.

We're going to have
strong winds.

It can be freaking miserable.

A big heavy fireplace draws
out the smoke much better,

And then also,

There's just a massive amount
of thermal mass there.

I know that
long-term efficiency

Is going to be important,
so when I cut firewood,

That's a big calorie

I want to get as much
out of that wood as I can.

I might have to put some moss
in that crack

And then put mud over it.

A little too big for the mud.

I don't think I've ever thought
about my family more.

It's like every second.

♪ ♪

I do all these things,

Fishing and building shelters
and everything,

And these are things
that corey and finn

Would absolutely love doing.

Every day
I want to push that button

So that I can go see them,

But then I remind myself
that it's just temporary,

And it'll seem like
the blink of an eye.

I'll see them soon enough

And have lots of stories
to tell.

♪ ♪

Got the back
pretty much sealed up.

I'm going to get a fire
going in this thing

And see what it does.

There we go.


Seems to be working
pretty good.

Yeah. It's nice to have
a fire in here.

That makes me happy.

I'm glad it works.

Wish I had some marshmallows
and a graham cracker

And the boys;
they'd love this.

I wish I had them here with me.

They would be having a ball.

Before I left home,
my oldest boy said,

"do lots of cool stuff
so we can see you on tv lots,"

So I'm doing my best.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- I was up listening to
the mouse go through my stuff,

But I don't see
too much damage.

I was trying to smash him
with a stick.

I almost got him a couple times
but couldn't quite get to him,

But going to suck it up.

Going to do what I got to do.
Got to just keep going.

♪ ♪

- We can do it, chad.
We can do it.

We can do it, chad.
We can do it.

We can do it, do it,
do it, do it.

Starting to feel
a little bit better

About the prospects of today.

I still haven't fully
explored my land yet.

Still have more to explore.

All right, onion time.


Let's see
what we got on them onions.

Fixin' to have a big-old stew.

I'm getting really good
with the onions.

It's exciting.

I mean, I
know it sounds simple,

Because it's just digging up
wild onions,

But I love learning stuff,

And I love getting
better at stuff,

And I love seeing the result
of getting better at stuff.

So what I like to do
is jab at the soil next to it,

Soften it up,
pry it just a little bit

And then follow with my fingers
along the stalk

Until I get to the goods.

I'm just learning
this landscape.

I hardly know it at all.

You can never know everything.

You can hope to know
enough to survive,

But you don't know
if you know that

Until you put
yourself out there.

Usually, I have my wife along,

And she helps keep
my mentality straight,

Helps keep me alive.

♪ ♪

Not having her around
is a challenge,

Big challenge.

Oh, *bleep*.
There's a fire going.

Oh, *bleep*.

Holy *bleep*.
I didn't even notice it.

Holy *bleep*.

♪ ♪


That was crazy.

I looked up,

And this little patch of earth
right here was burning.

Holy smokes.

That could've been bad.

Very, very lucky.

♪ ♪

Let's see.
How's our pile looking?

That's good enough
for one stew.

Chop them up and put them in.

I'm so thankful that the wind
wasn't worse in my spot.

♪ ♪

- If I start a brush fire
in my area

With the amount of grass,

I'm looking at
the entire area burning.

Now I keep the fire
going all the time,

Because I do want to have
a fire for cooking food,

But I need to pay
close attention.

I'm not doing this again.

♪ ♪

survival stew,

World's finest
meal when doing survival.

Just a few simple ingredients:

Water, whatever food you have,

And that's about it.


♪ ♪

- ♪ I can't wait to move
into my hall ♪

♪ it's going to be
*bleep* glorious ♪

♪ warm and cozy ♪

♪ happy as can be ♪

♪ I made a hall
in chilcotin mountain ♪

I'm pretty excited about it.

♪ ♪

- The goal today is to just
get the cabin

Into a sleepable state.

First things first,

I'd like to get a bed
on a raised platform.

Having a comfy bed
is important.

Boards for my bed.

I don't know if everyone came
here with the mindset to win,

But I sure did.

I came here with *bleep*
in my bank account.

The money is a pretty
big deal for me,

What we're going for...

♪ ♪

Oh, yeah. That'll work.

Now that we've got
the frame made for the bed,

Let's say we go
and get some padding,

Some boughs and some moss.

♪ I toil away
building my cabin ♪

♪ the suffering is needed ♪

♪ you can't come out here
expecting to thrive ♪

♪ without making a sacrifice ♪

♪ ♪

I hope by the time
I'm out of here

I have something on here

That'll make my unborn
daughters proud

When they watch it one day,

And I hope I'm the last one
standing to see that end.

♪ ♪

So far, that feels pretty
damn comfy, I've got to say.

♪ ♪

- Okay. Move-in day has come.

This is my move
into high society.

That's right, folks.

Biko wright is moving up
in the world,

Upgrading from a tent
to a house.

♪ ♪


Not complete
but move-in-able.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- It's windy right now,
and the waves are crashing,

So I'm not going
to try fishing.

I mean, as far
as the wind goes,

I'm really concerned about
being able

To even put a gill net
out effectively.

Long-term food
is constantly on my mind.

Being able to shoot a deer
is the only way

That I'm going to be able
to make it till the end,

So I'm going to go
deer hunting.

♪ ♪

That thicket has bear trails
all through it,

So that's a big gamble,
but either that or go hungry.

♪ ♪

Man, I hope I'm not
burning calories for nothing.

I've got to find good,

And I can't control
where I'm at.

The biggest hurdle
is just reading that landscape

And figuring out
where the opportunities are.

Right there,
those open shrub slopes,

That's where the deer would be.

Let's see what's up
this ridge here.

Bear scat.


♪ ♪

This is not bad, this little
aspen patch down below us.

I won't be able to determine
if there's any deer in here

Until I get down
into the bottom.

God, this stuff is...

I'm afraid this whole place
is like this right there.

I've hunted
some rugged country

But not anything ever this big
and this rugged.

♪ ♪

Just nothing but jack straw,
lodge pole timber.

And you could slip and fall
and stick a pole

Through your leg
in nothing flat.

♪ ♪


What a pain.


God, this stuff sucks.

This is not what
I was hoping to find.

♪ ♪

Holy crap.

I am glad to be out
of that stuff.


♪ ♪

Hmm, no deer.

This burn may have been
productive at one time

Before the timber
started falling,

But it's so jack-strawed
in there now

That it's not
what I was hoping for.

♪ ♪

My hopes of having a good

Deer-hunting spot are crushed.

Oh, well, just have to get the
fish and figure it out better.

I don't know how to...

♪ ♪

I know what to call that.
That's a *bleep*.

♪ ♪

All right. Back to camp.

I don't have the body type

To be able to not
procure food from the land,

And so if I had
an achilles' heel,

It would probably
be my metabolism.

I'm too skinny.
I cannot out-starve anyone,

Which means my chances
of being able to stay here

As long as I think
I need to stay here are low.

It's starting to worry me
a little bit.

I ain't got much left.

Bear scat all over this

More bear, more bear.

Claw marks.

♪ ♪

- Grizzly bear.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- That's no more than 12 yards.

♪ ♪

So there's my bow,

And that willow right there,

That bear was just on
the other side of that.

Had the bear spray out
just in case.

All right.
I'm gonna head back to camp,

Hopefully not run into
any big bears.

I don't want to surprise
a mama bear.

I respect grizzly bears.

They make me anxious,
because you never know

When something
might walk up on you.

♪ ♪

You could blunder
into the wrong grizzly

And be in a world of hurt.

I mean, if you come up
on a grizzly that's guarding

A kill or a sow with cubs,
the next thing you know,

You've got a grizzly bear
standing on your head.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- It's shaping up to be
a nice day.

So I'm going to bathe,
because everything stinks.

♪ ♪

Viewer discretion is advised

Partly because of the nudity

But mostly because
when I hit that cold water

I'm probably going to scream
like a little kid.

♪ ♪



After that cold of water,

I don't think you have
to blur me anymore.

Oh, goodness.

I'd better to get
back to work on the shelter.

♪ ♪

This wind is telling me I have
to get this shelter done.

♪ ♪

These notches are driving
my ocd crazy,

Because I'm trying not
to take too much time.

As a carpenter, I like
to have things just perfect.

♪ ♪

I am over
sleeping in the tarp.

Less whining, more notching.

♪ ♪

I'm determined
to get this knocked out.

I feel like it's going
to be a game changer

Once I have a solid home.

♪ ♪

- As someone who takes pride
and enjoyment

In constructing things, that's
of prime importance to me,

That I have a quality shelter,

And it's really,
really difficult,

Because I know
I could spend a month

Making this perfect cabin,

And yet I know
I have to hurry up

And get it done while
my energy is quickly waning.

♪ ♪

- This is survival
in the real wilderness.

This is not a sanitized
version of nature

That many people get.

This is not a park with
curated wilderness and plants.

This is actual wilderness.

This kind of interaction
with nature

Is something that very few
people get to experience,

And I think it's something
that will change

How you view
the wilderness and survival.

♪ ♪

A full doorway just big enough
to be able to get in

And out of, small enough
to try and contain the heat.

Tonight is going to be
a different kind of sleep.

♪ ♪

- You could pretty much eat
the scenery here.

It's just so beautiful.

I mean, look at that,
caribbean-waters color.

Are you enjoying
that nice blue lake

That I can't seem
to pull fish out of?

Please, chilko,
just give me one fish.

No. Instead you're going
to take my lure, huh?

*bleep* this.

Damn it. That was it.
That was my chance for a fish.

*bleep*. It's so frustrating.
I'm normally a great fisherman.

You ain't getting
no fish out of me.

You need to lose
some weight, buddy.

That's what chilcotin
is saying to be right now.

♪ ♪

Since I'm done with
all the shelter stuff,

I'm going to switch gears
to food-getting,

Start focusing on that.
I can't just starve.

It's not a good way
to go about it.

My area, it's definitely hard
to walk around and hunt it,

And I haven't seen any sign,
no deer scat.

I haven't seen
a single grouse.

It's been a long while
since I left my immediate area.

There may be a hidden meadow
that I don't know about,

Some kind of hidden corridor,
just got to explore.

So my game plan is to try
and swim across

This bay here.

My landing point is somewhere

By those deciduous trees.

I couldn't get there on land.
I tried.

You hit dead ends
trying to work the shoreline

Through the thick trees
and all the deadfall.

My only other idea is,
you know, I swim a lot,

And I figured maybe
I can swim over there.

I think it's about a 1/2 mile,

So it's going to be
a pretty long swim,

And I could get swept
into a powerful current

That takes me out,

And the water is freezing,
so hypothermia is a risk,

But it's a risk worth taking,
because you never know, man.

That might be the land
of promise over there.

♪ ♪

- Here I go.

Hopefully, it goes well
without any issues.

♪ ♪

- Yep, that's *bleep* cold.


Gods of the lake,
keep me safe on my swim

So that I may venture and see
what treasures my land holds.

Let's go find out.

Here goes. One, two, three.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- And we have amphibious

♪ ♪

Whew. Holy *bleep*.

♪ ♪

Maybe we'll have a couple
of silt bearings.

Only two left on that one.

How about some rose hips?

*bleep*. It's thick in here.

Looks like more of the same,
super thick,

Unhuntable forest.

I don't see myself harvesting
much game from the land here.

Arrow is bound to hit a branch
on the way to something,

Even if I did see something.

♪ ♪

This is a bummer.

I'm going to head back
towards camp and the sunshine.

♪ ♪

Well, that's that.

I swam all the way across.

It was very tiring,
a total waste of calories.

♪ ♪

I want to do well in this,
make my family proud.

I don't want to let them down.

It would make it
a lot more enjoyable though

If I could figure out
the food production.

Once again, I am eating flowers

And plants and roots
for dinner.

I know I won't be able
to carry on on plants forever,

Because come late fall,

The plants aren't going
to be available anymore.

I'm already starting
to see them dwindle,

And fall just begun.

Greens, roots and flowers,

It's what's for dinner.

♪ ♪

- So this is a fishing pole.

This is my--
my reel right here.

I wrapped a wire
around the back,

Put the tension that I needed,

Came up through those holes,

And just bent them over.

Then I made--
with my trapping wire,

I made eyelets.

That's pretty cool.

♪ ♪

I'm hungry.

It's gonna be a nice day
to go fishing.

♪ ♪

My focus is finding food.

♪ ♪

I have water, shelter,

Fire for food.

I can tell I've lost weight.

I want to be here
as long as I can by choice

And not taken out
because I can't keep weight on.

♪ ♪

Fishing pole isn't working
as well as I thought.

This spins too fast.

♪ ♪

I think I want to be able
to pull that in and out,

I have that lure on there,

So I'm going to

Put the stopper on this

And set it down.

♪ ♪

So much to figure out here.

♪ ♪

I just need to get food,
and I'm going to be all right.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Hey, bear.

♪ ♪

That was intense.

Now I'm very...Um...

I don't know, just--

Not really scared,
just so cautious.

♪ ♪

Everything right now is a food
source for grizzly bears

Going into hibernation,

So I think it's making them
more curious,

And it keeps me on high alert.

It doesn't change the fact
that I'm going to stay

And stick this out,

But I think this season
upping the element of danger

Makes it a different game.

I don't think
it's about being tough.

I think, you know--

I think I'm pretty--

I can endure a lot.

I think it's about being smart,

And I think
I have to be very smart

When maneuvering around here
in the things that I do.

♪ ♪

- Well, it's me again,
tonya riesling,

Coming to you like
from chilko lake.

I would say
if you were planning

On a leisurely kayak today
on the lake,

You should perhaps
choose another day.

Back to you
in the studio, herb.

♪ ♪

Head back to my spot.

Everybody worried
about the bears,

But really it's the weather.

It's really nice to be
in a more permanent space,

And this will allow me
to focus on food.

I gathered some cow parsnip.

Cow parsnip has a nice center,
so it makes it easy

To make up tubes that I can get
the fire going with

Instead of having to always
blow it so close.

First things first, we'll check
this out and see how it goes.

Oh, it works like a champ.

So that's a small win,

All right.

Here's our first foray

Wow. Ugh.

That might be
one of the worst things

I've ever put in my mouth.

♪ ♪

Well, it looks like the weather
is starting to change,

So I'm going to head
to the water.

♪ ♪

I need to fish.

Fish have what my body needs.

They have fat.
They have protein.

I need fish.

So that rock over there has
a little bit of a notch in it

That I could probably
brace a pole off.

♪ ♪

- I think it's really
important to make things

And be a part of the food
that we eat,

Whether you hunt
or fish or garden.

I think it builds gratitude
and understanding.

There's a little notch
in the rock.

♪ ♪

I think it's important
not to take all that

For granted for sure.

All right. I braced it.
It's out in the water.

I'm going to leave it to sit
and soak and hope for the best.

♪ ♪

- I ain't going to lie.

I'm feeling the loneliness
a little bit.

It's not the loneliness so much

As it is the change

From normal.

There was a routine
there that was built that...

There's something swimming.

♪ ♪

- Is that a black bear
moving across the way?

Let's see if I can get it.

♪ ♪

- There it is. See that?

That's a black bear
across the way.

Just trudging along

Without a care in the world.

I like seeing that.

I mean, it's all the way
across the lake,

But it still counts
as a bear sighting.

♪ ♪

- Having a deep connection
with the landscape

Is what I'm all about,

And that's what it's going
to take for me

Personally to win this:

Building and sleeping
in an earth shelter,

Making fire from the sticks
that you find,

Gathering food
from the landscape,

Whether it's animal
or vegetable food.

Now that the bulk
of the shelter build is done,

It's definitely time
to focus on hunting.

♪ ♪

I'm going to grab my bow
and see

If I can get
a shot at something.

♪ ♪


What the *bleep*?

♪ ♪

What the *bleep*?

A *bleep* mouse
chewed my bow string.

♪ ♪

I can't *bleep* believe it.

He *bleep*
chewed through the whole thing.

♪ ♪

What the *bleep*?

Holy *bleep*.

What the *bleep*
am I going to *bleep* do?

♪ ♪

- What, am I going
to tie a *bleep*

Knot and re-splice the thing?

A *bleep* mouse chewed right
straight through

My bow string...

♪ ♪

Trying to get at my
string silencer.

♪ ♪

Just being able to hunt
with the bow

Is such an important part
for my mentality.

Tie a knot in it.
It'll be very difficult for me

To be here without the ability
to wander around with my bow.

♪ ♪

What I'm doing here
is wrapping this serving

Around the bowstring
as protection for the string

Where the nock of the arrow
comes onto it.

Oh, moment of truth.

Is it going to hold?

♪ ♪

Yes! Back in business.

♪ ♪

- Definitely a harder day
mentally, emotionally,

But still in the game.

♪ ♪


Time to make

The little mousetrap,

Hoping to kill
my little marauder here.

♪ ♪

- Here we go. Figure-four trap
to catch a mouse.

♪ ♪

This is hopefully
going to eliminate the problem.

♪ ♪

I'm super hard on myself.

I lack belief
in my abilities in life,

But it's just something
I've got to learn

To stop doing.

Just need to ease off myself.


It's like the blessing
and the curse of the cameras.

The curse is that everybody
can see it and can judge me,

But then the blessing
is the motivation to do better.

It holds. It holds.

I got it set, chad,

And there it is,

Figure-four deadfall.

Mouse comes in,
jiggles the bait stick,

Pow-pow, pow, gets smashed.

So we'll see if it works.

♪ ♪

- Take my hat off.

I got to see this hair.

It feels like it's taken
on a life of its own.

I think this might be the
longest I've gone

Without washing it
in the past, say, 20 years.

Whoa. It feels like straw.

That is a look. Love it.

♪ ♪

- All right. The sun is out,
which is nice.

Although that can change
at a moment's notice,

So I'm just going to start
working on this door stoop.

♪ ♪

All right.
So I'm going to do a beam here,

And then I can always
dig this out

And have a little bit
of a step-down,

Because it is pretty darn small
to come in and out of.

My stomach feels a little off.

♪ ♪

I feel a little nauseous.

♪ ♪

- I haven't really eaten
much today.

I've been eating cow parsnip,
and it's just not enough.

♪ ♪

Ooh, I'm still feeling
a little funky.

It's, like,
stomach and...

♪ ♪

Into my armpits,
which seems really weird.

♪ ♪

- Yeah, so...
Oh, my god.

I'm getting really nervous
about something I've eaten

Or if it's the water.

Oof, boy.

Just going
to sit for a second.


Oh, man.

I feel like
I'm going to barf right now.

Oh, my god.

♪ ♪

So I went to tend the fire.

I was feeling a lot better,

And I started to blow
on the fire

Using my little tube

And instantly started to feel

As bad as before.

I am worried that what I've
been eating

Is not cow parsnip.

It could potentially
be water hemlock,

Which is extremely poisonous.

They look very similar.

So I'm going to see
if my symptoms get worse.

♪ ♪

Just remembering charcoal
can help neutralize toxins,

So I'm going to just chew on
some charcoal from the fire.

♪ ♪

And now it's just
a waiting game

To see if things stay the same
or get worse.

♪ ♪

I am so dizzy and nauseous.

I am afraid that if I have
indeed poisoned myself

In some way
and it escalates, who knows?

I might have some terrible
reaction and not wake up.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- So I slept okay
and then just woke up,

And whew, I mean, broke out

In a crazy intense sweat.

I thought I was going to
throw up,

So I come outside
and just,

stripped off my layers,

And I feel really weak,

Just trying to basically

Get to morning.

It's hard when you don't know
exactly what's going on.

You just feel bad,
and you're not sure why.

♪ ♪

I think something is coming out

One end or the other.

I think the lower end,

So I'm going to take a moment.

♪ ♪

- All right. It is daylight,

So we're going to go down
and get some water.

♪ ♪


To be up and moving feels
really weird right now.

♪ ♪

But I feel
a little bit better.

Whatever was there worked
its way out of my system.

♪ ♪

Let's just go sit for
a second,

Have a little water.

Earlier, I was close
to tapping, because for me,

This--it's not worth
risking life and limb over.

The further you go
into hunger,

The less clear your mind is,

The more likely you are

To make errors
that can be really harmful.

The thing is about
these kind of experiences is,

There's a lot of ups
and downs there,

A lot of doubt
that you have to work through,

And then you have to fall back
on what you do know.

So I'll just keep going
as long as I can.

♪ ♪

- Good morning.

I need to get fish.

I need meat, period.

I need to get some calories in.

There's not really much
for berries around anymore

Other than bear berries.

♪ ♪

Once you're warm,

Dry, and have water,
you have to find food.

That's the name of the game
to stay in it long-term.

♪ ♪

So I'm going to spend a couple
hours fishing this morning.

Let's get to it.

♪ ♪

To come out here,
I had to shut down

My contracting business.

It's a very serious

I don't take lightly.

Oh, no. What's this rat's nest?


This was not something
I did on a whim.

This is something
I took a lot of thought

And consideration into
before I decided to do it.

I don't need
another rat's nest.

Come on.

And if I don't succeed,

Then have I just put
a speed bump in life?

Have I sent financial
and family stability

Backwards rather
than forwards?

No way.

No way.

No way.

No way.
Come on. Come on. Come on.

♪ ♪

- No way.
No way.

Come on.

Come on.
Come on. Come on! Yeah!

I did it!

I just got
a bull trout.


♪ ♪



I'm going to cook this up
and have a good meal.

♪ ♪

- Let's go see about a place
to make a refrigerator.

Want to get down here
in this draw near the creek,

A place that
I can dig a little hole,

Because all the cold air
is going to sink down there.

I think it'll help
keep it cooler.

♪ ♪

I picked about a gallon
of cranberries and currants,

And, you know,
it's still warm.

So the only way that I know to
get these berries cooled down

Is to go down beside the creek
and dig a hole.

♪ ♪

That's something
that my great-grandparents

Did down in florida

To keep their milk
and stuff cool.

There we go.

That ought to keep them cool.

♪ ♪


anyone that's planning

To spend the winter here

Would've spent
the entire spring right on up

Until the first snows
preparing to be out here.

We don't have that luxury.
We have to get on the ball

And get whatever
berries are left,

And you're competing
with not only grizzly bears,

Who love berries,
but all the birds.

Anything that you need later
in the year

That's not going to be there
you need to collect right now.

Look at all that goodness.


They'll probably ferment
and get me drunk.

That'll be all right.

♪ ♪

- Hello, folks, and welcome
to another episode

Of chef jordon's
"wilderness cooking cuisine."

♪ ♪

- Today we have got a treat
especiale just for you.

We are talking bull trout
head soup,

So first off, we're going to
start with about a quart

And a half of water.

To that we're going to add

One bull trout head,

And then we're going to
add about 2 tablespoons

Full of chopped false
solomon's seal root.

♪ ♪

That's going to give
a little extra flavor to it.

While this
is simmering,

I want to put together
a smoker

So I can smoke
the rest of the bull trout.

♪ ♪

But now we've got fish,

And with fish come the bears.

Now, smoking typically
takes 24 to 48 hours.

The problem is,
I'm not sure how long fish

Is going to be able
to sit here overnight

Without a bear coming
and eating the fish.

My thoughts are to slice up
the fish very thinly

And try and accelerate
the smoking process,

So I can do it much quicker,
and then I can get it

Stored away
and safe from all the bears.

♪ ♪

Now I've thoroughly made
a mess of things.

♪ ♪

You know, I really need to make
some real chopsticks

At some point
instead of these...

♪ ♪

last-minute alder branches.

♪ ♪

That's a bone.

♪ ♪

Mmm, fish head skin.

♪ ♪

It is a huge confidence boost
to realize,

"you know what?
I can get fish."

Not only that, but this is
a substantial chunk of meat

That I just pulled in,

And if I did it once,
I can do it again,

So it feels like
a turning point.

I have a way of obtaining
food out here,

And hopefully that means
taking home

The half-million dollars.

♪ ♪

- I cannot play
fattest-man-wins game.

I need a house
where when I'm in it,

No extra calories
are being burnt.

- I think we're just going
to go for it.

We're putting the pier in,
wind and waves be damned.


- Very few people know
the details

Of what I'm about to say.

- Hey, bear!

Nothing I seem to do
seems to scare them off.

he's coming.

♪ ♪