Almost Paradise (2020–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - All In - full transcript

Before the grand opening of Mactan's new resort casino owned and operated by the Villegas family, Ann Villegas recruits Alex to test the casino's security system.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
This was to be your father's
penthouse apartment.

Every detail built
according to his exact specifications.

It's a tragedy he died
before this was finished.

The security technology built
into this apartment is second to none.

And so, now that you've inherited
my brother's position

as CEO of our families' businesses,

we think it's best for you
to make this your home.

Especially considering
the break-in and shoot-out

that happened in your house
a few months ago.

It's just all so...


It's an enormous responsibility,
Uncle Johnny.

I've been Head of Operations
for over 20 years.

I knew your father well.

He really believed in you, Ann.

We all do.

You have the backing
of the entire family.

I'll do my best to live up
to the confidence entrusted in me.

Come, let me show you
the command center.

This is the heart
of the Villegas empire.

It was designed with a military-grade
encrypted video-conferencing system.

You can speak to any of our teams
in any part of the world

in complete privacy and secrecy.

Additionally, you can access
the entire casino system

from inside this room.

All the motion sensors are in place.

It seems my father went to great lengths
to upgrade our security.

There is a lot at stake here.

Which is why the Board of Directors

brought in
a world-renowned security specialist.

Ann, let me introduce you
to Mr. Barton Coyne.

Ms. Villegas,
what a pleasure to meet you,

even if it is in cyberspace.

Mr. Coyne, I've heard of you.

You have quite the reputation.

Barton Coyne Security
has a perfect record.

Zero loss to theft in any casino
that has utilized my system.

We have a saying,
"Reputation is the residue of results."

Why do you think this is necessary?

My Uncle Johnny here
has run security for us for many years.

Let me bring your attention
to the other monitors.

On this one stretch of land in Macau,
three of the four casinos here

were robbed of millions of dollars
by the Trask Force,

who leave a fake I.O.U.
signed by "James Trask"

in place of the stolen money,
though this is believed to be an alias.

With the Villegas Casino
having recently opened

to such great fanfare,
you're now a prime target.

My worst nightmare.

Which is why the Board of Directors
has hired me.

I'll be arriving in the morning

to personally implement
our security protocols.

We won't let this happen to you.

My name is Alex Walker.
I'm ex-DEA.

One of my first assignments
took me to an isolated beach

right here on this island.

I sold what little I had
and bought myself a gift shop.

Just peace, no stress, no drama.

Boy, was I wrong.

Alex, your phone is ringing.

Can you answer it, please?
I'm with a customer.

Sorry about that.

Hello? Who is this?

How about a snow globe?

Ann? Ann who?


-Oh, he's with a customer--

Hey, this is--
Hello, this is--

Alex Walker.


Alex Walker.


It's Ann.

I'm sorry?


We were shot at together, remember?

Oh, yeah, right, right, right.

How are you? Hi.
How are you?


We finally opened the casino.

I heard. Congrats to you.

Alex, I need to talk with you.

I was thinking we could have lunch.

-Are you free tomorrow around 1:00?

You know, I--I think.

Let me check my schedule
just real quick, but I think it's okay.

Hold on one second.

I can make it.

I'm gonna have to move
some stuff around, but I can make it.


I'll meet you just inside the casino,
past the lobby.

That works for me.

Great. See you.

All right. Bye-bye.

Okay, who was that?

That's the one that got away.

I knew she'd be back.


Looks like we've got a bogey.

It's a little early in the day
for a blackjack cheat.

I don't know,
mornings are slow.

Maybe he thinks
we won't be paying attention.

And now is as good a time as any
to test our removal protocol.

ICSDB has IDed a black hat
entering the casino.

Come with me, Mr. Murphy.

Uh, I'm not Mr. Murphy.

Hey, don't cause any trouble.

I'm not Murphy.

-Listen, I'm here to see Ann Villegas.
-Sure you are.

All right, not again!
I'm not the guy you think I am!



-Alex, are you okay?
-I'm fine.

You know, your security team's
a little aggressive.

He's been identified by the ICSDB.

The ICS-- the I-- what?
The what?

Casino Security Database.

Ann, say hi to Felix Murphy.

High-end card cheat.

Felix Murphy?

His name is Walker.
Alex Walker.

What's going on?


You know this man?

He's a friend of mine.
I have an appointment with him.

What's a friend of Ms. Villegas doing
in a database for casino undesirables?

Yeah, about that...

I went undercover once
as a card cheat to bring down a drug ring.

Riverboat casino in Costa Rica,

and then, you know,
my identity got flagged.

You're American. DEA?

I'm ex-DEA.

And I've been trying
to get out of that database

for as long as I can remember.
Caused me all kinds of problems,

especially at my cousin's
bachelor party in Vegas.

I'm not gonna get into that.

Can you make sure
that's taken care of?

Though it is nice to know
that it works so well.

We'll see that it's done.

Thank you.

My apologies, Mr. Walker.
I'll leave you to your business.


Let's go.

That was delicious. Thank you.

So, what do you think?

What do I think about the lunch
or what do I think about your apartment?


I think the lunch was amazing.

And I think the view...

is spectacular.

And the casino?

Casino is very impressive.

It was my father's crowning achievement.

Unfortunately, he died
just before we opened.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.


They told me you were up here!

Uh, Uncle Johnny,
this isn't a good time.

I'm having lunch with a friend.

Yeah, I'm Alex. Alex Walker.

Uh, this is my uncle, Johnny Villegas.

Do you know what he's done now?

Yes, and I'm sorry, Uncle Johnny,
but he's the expert.

We have to let him do things his way.

I used to be the expert
on security in this family.

He fired me.

Barton Coyne! Big shot!

And my own flesh and blood
let him do it.

You know the Board of Directors
want him here.

What can I do?

Don't let them fire me!

You aren't fired!

You have an ambassador position.

Emeritus status.

The Board thinks
it's more fitting for your age.

So that's it?

I'm a glorified floor greeter now?

I'm so sorry about that.

We've always been a family operation,
but Uncle Johnny's old school.

He was a P.I. for years.

Goes on his instincts.

He doesn't believe
in modern tech-based security.

Old dog, I get it.

There's a lot at stake here.

I think we're just all
feeling the pressure.

I have a feeling you didn't call me
over here for just lunch, huh?

No, I didn't.

I wanted to ask a favor of you.


You need to understand.

My father had been dreaming
of this place for years.

He bankrolled
our entire family fortune on this.

He put up all our properties,
all the hotels around the world,

all against the loan to build this place.

Seems like his bet's paying off,
though, huh?

The casino's a success, no?

We've only been open for a short while.

And to a lot of fanfare.

Right now, we're the golden goose.

But if we were to be robbed,
especially a high-profile one

that hits the press,
it could cripple us.

Ruin our reputation.

The bank would call the loans

and the entire house of cards
could fall apart.

My family would be in ruins.

How can I help?

I've seen you in action.

You have a brilliant analytical mind.

Your years undercover
working with high-profile criminals

gives you a unique understanding
of how they think

and what they would do.

Well, why are you telling me all this?

Don't you have that guy Barton Coyne?
You don't trust him?

It's not that. It's just...

I don't know him.

I know you.

All right, so, what,
you want me to take a look

at the security system they're putting in,
just get my opinion on it?

No, not at all.


What do you want from me?

I want you...

to rob the casino.

She wants you to rob the casino?

You can't steal her heart,
so she wants you to steal her money?

It's not like that, okay?

She wants me to beta test
her new security system.

So she wants you to break
the security system in order to fix it?


Look, man, white hat hackers
do it all the time.

They break into computers
and see if there's any flaws.

But the family hired a top guy,
um, Barton Coyne,

-from Zurich?
-Yeah, you know what?

This guy's all hat and probably no cattle,
if you know...

It's an expression.
It means all talk.

So you wanna do this because
Ann has the hots for Barton Coyne?

What? That's not what I said.

Didn't have to. I could tell.

Man, I hate casinos,
gambling, the whole bit.

So materialistic, so phony.

Well, Ernesto, you're in luck because
this has nothing to do with gambling.

This is about crime prevention.

The Villegas operation
has reason to be apprehensive.

I have been reading
on this Trask Force.

Nobody has any idea who's behind this.

Not the PNP, not the Americans,
or the Interpol.

Every attempt to catch them have failed.

Exactly. And why is that, huh?
Why is that?

Because police work is reactive.

It's always after the fact, okay?

We have a brilliant opportunity here
to be proactive.

You know? Get out there
and solve the crime before it happens.

I distinctly heard you say "we."

Well, I can't jolly well
rob a casino by myself.

-Here it comes.
-I knew it.

Like, this is a great change of pace
for you guys, huh?

Get you to be able to see
inside the criminal mind.

Does, uh, Ann's security team
know about this heist?

Of course not.

That wouldn't--
That wouldn't make any sense.

We're officers of the law, not criminals.

It's two sides of the same coin.

He's serious.
Can you believe this?

He wants us to help him
clean out the casino.

No, that's not what I--

You're not listening to me, okay?
We can only--

You can't take more
than a million dollars, all right?

Anything above that,
then they notify the insurance company,

even if it's a test.

So you want us to steal their money,
just not too much of it?


I like the idea. You have my permission.

Are you serious?

Yes. Walker has a point.

An exercise like this will help us
to prepare to take on future attempts

by teams like Trask Force.

And the Villegas family
deserves our help.

They were a major donor
to my campaign for governor.

- Ah.
-Hey, huh?


Let's go steal a casino.

Why'd he do that
and just walk out the room?

I've stopped trying to understand that man
a long time ago.


You look like Luigi
from Mario Brothers.

All right, look. Look at this.

-Well, now...

Security knows what I look like,
so I need a disguise.

Isn't this a little revealing
for a work situation?

I don't--
I don't think so.

Let's go over the plan one more time.
All right.

You need to get a full assessment
on their defenses, all right?

We need numbers
on all the front line of their security.

I'm talking pit bosses, even dealers.
You know what I mean?

Anybody that has training
on how to spot trouble.

- All right.

Now, you, you're gonna do
some human intel, all right?

Get the worker scuttlebutt,
if you will.

Who's happy, who's not happy,
who's a screw-up, you know?

And find out who you can get to help us,
even if they know it or not.

-And what about you?

am gonna be a janitor.

I'm gonna be up top,
cleaning the rugs on the balcony.

I'm gonna get a bird's-eye view
on everything.

So you're not doing anything?

I'm masterminding, okay?

I'm looking at stuff
from different angles.

That's how plans are made.

-Yeah, while we do all the legwork.

All right, so we meet back
at the van at 0500 hours.

And remember...

think like a thief.

The cage is like Fort Knox.

Forget about the cage.

There's easier ways
to get a million bucks out of here.

I was the one that placed that bet.

I obviously won it.

No, it's mine.
You just took it from my turn.

No, I didn't. Those are my chips.


-You really wanna go?
-Let's go.

-Let's go.
-Let's do this, then, huh?

-Do you know who I am?
-Belligerents. Sector G-14.

Bad look. Not the Villegas brand.

Get them out. Now.

Eighty-six them.

Give it back, bro.
I won it. I won it.

Hey, hey, hey, relax.

All right, all right,
break it up, break it up.

We're gonna get you out of here.

Come on, get him out of here.

Can you see what I see?

I see that.

So you'll be shadowing me
for the first week or two.

I can tell you're smart.
You'll pick it up quick.


Don't thank me.
It's not brain surgery.

I have worked in casinos
all over the world.

You'd be surprised how many people
mess up a simple job.

Two mango mojitos,
a vodka and calamansi juice.

They're watching, you know.

Extra close
'cause it's your first day of training.

I'm guessing they'll be watching
on my hundredth day as well.

Hi there, Johnny. How's it going?

Better since I'm looking at you.

Say hi to Natalie.
First day on the job.

Welcome to the Villegas.

Johnny's a Villegas.
He's the head of security.

Not anymore.


That slick son of a bitch Coyne
moved me out.

Give us a second, will ya, honey?

Johnny, that is terrible.

That's terrible, Johnny.

Everything nowadays
is about the technology,

the algorithms, the machines.

No one values talent,
experience, resourcefulness.

Why don't you have a drink with me?

I can't. I'm working.

Sure, I get it.

I'm just a floor walker now.


That's very kind of you.

I know you've worked at
the finest casinos all over the globe.

That's true, but there is something
so authentic about this place.

This facade, for instance,
I see them all over the casino.

What is the story behind them?

Those are replicas
of all the original buildings

of the city of Cebu
when it was first built.

That's incredible.

My family puts a great deal of value
on Filipino history and tradition.

This was a very important
representation for my father.

Yes. There is something special
about this place.

And the people who run it.

-Hey, oh, shh. What?

I lost my ear pods.


My ear pods fell off, and I think
your carpet thingy here ate them, yeah.

Ah, there you go. Okay.

What is this?

It's money for another pair.

-But they cost more than that.

Here you go.

But they're 900 pesos, all right?

All right, dude,
that's all the money I got.

You can get more money from this ATM.

I'm not about to...

There are 15 ATMs
in and around this casino.

Now, they're so busy,
they get refilled three times a day.

Each one of these things
holds 20 million pesos, all right?

Now, if you do the math,
that is--

That's, in American,
that's roughly--

Three hundred and forty thousand
U.S. dollars.

No, I know. Thank you, Kai.
I knew that. Thank you.

So three machines
gets us over the finish line.

How are we gonna
break into three ATM machines?

Well, we're not.

You see, the money's only vulnerable
when it's on the move.

Employees used to steal money
out of the drop box

from the tables
to the counting room, all right?

That's when they came up
with the locked drop box cart, okay?

But they don't use that for ATMs.

They use these.

That's a banking cassette.

Yeah, and once a day,
they pull money out of the vault.

They put 'em in these cassettes,

and then they wheel 'em out
in a handcart,

all right, and that cart hits
the ATM machines and refills 'em all.

-How many guards?
- Two.

One to push the car
and one to protect him.

So they're more careful bringing
money in than taking money out?

Still, there are two guards
wearing radios.

One can easily alert the rest.

If we've learned anything,
it's that Coyne's security system

overreacts to any sort of disturbance
on the floor.

I mean, hell, you saw it.

They almost abandoned a handcart
when there was a little scuffle nearby.

You're planning to start a scuffle?

We're gonna turn their strength
into a weakness.

See, Coyne's security system
relies on the ICSDB service

to identify any known cheat
or card counter, all right?

Once Coyne's facial recognition system
spots an undesirable,

security are on 'em
like white on rice,

and they're not afraid to get physical.

So we're gonna wait for the system
to identify a cheat?

We're gonna make
the whole casino filled with cheats.

We're gonna fool the ICSDB

into thinking that half that casino
are known cheats.

After that, security will be overrun,

and then it's just a matter of timing.

But how are we gonna
hack into an ICS Database?

Cousin Angelo?

Cousin Angelo.


Well, this is all great,

but we're gonna need
a lot more information.

The timing of the guards
going to the ATMs,

and we're gonna need an escape route
for once we have the money.

-And then we're also gonna need--
-We're gonna need an inside man.

Need a refresher?

I'm good.

How's the training going?


But, uh, when I heard about
what they did to you,

it makes me wonder how loyal
they are to their employees.

Margot told you?

She didn't need to say much.

Well, it's this outsider, this Coyne.

Somehow, he's got my niece trusting him
more than her own family.

What if I told you
there's a way to show him up?

Make him look bad in her eyes?

All right, thank you for coming.

Uh, I wanted to meet here because
I want everyone to be crystal clear

that we are doing this
under the supervision

of the Mactan Police Department.

It just seems wrong
planning a heist

from inside the police station.

Fake heist.


A paradox inside an enigma.

Very Tarantino.

Ernesto has filled you in
on what we need you to do?

Yeah. I'll hack into the International
Casino Security Database,

change IDs to be flagged
as gambling cheats.

That's the idea.

But wait, how will I know
who's inside the casino?

How do I know which IDs to change?

Look, you're gonna have access
to the casino's security cameras.

All you gotta do is intercept the images

as they are transferred to the database,

and then just give 'em a new designation.

Yeah, but the casino is a closed system.
I can't hack into that.

That's where I come in.

I'll give you remote access
to my computer,

which will be logged
into the internal system

from inside the casino.

Okay, but, you know,
these facial IDs

happen in the system
in a matter of seconds.

-Doesn't give me a lot of time.
- I know.

Can you do it?

It's possible.

But is it probable?

All right, good enough.

Johnny, aside from getting us
access to the security,

can you get us a guard outfit
with an ID badge?

Maybe a key card?

I can make that happen.

I'm also gonna need a schedule
when the ATMs are reloaded.

-Okay, but let's get this straight.

This is a security test.

Ann wants us to do it,

but our ultimate goal is to make
the Villegas more secure.

And to make a monkey
out of Barton Coyne.

You're early.

Yeah, I thought I'd get a head start.

I didn't wanna be one of those people
who screw up an easy job.

Hey, sunshine.

Hey, Johnny.

Last night was amazing.

I knew you'd finally
succumb to my charms.

Shush, Johnny.
You wanna get me fired?

Anything going on?

All good, boss.

Excuse me, sir. Your drink.

Did you want something else? No?

Hi. Did you want a drink?

Whiskey sounds good. Mm-hmm.

- Yes. Rum cola, please.

Okay, you got it.

We've got a bogey.

What the hell is going on?

It's a flood. A mob of cheats
hitting the casino,

hoping we can't catch them all.

I want all security
on the floor right now!

You fix this!

Sir. Ma'am, you've been identified
by the ICSDB.

You're gonna have to leave.

What?! I've never cheated at cards
in my life! What are you talking about?

Man, what the hell
is going on over there?

That's gambling and alcohol for ya.

Hey, man.

You better keep
a better watch on this.

Look, maybe it's better
if you take this back to the vault

until this whole thing blows over.

What do you say, huh?

Wait, don't we need a key?

No. No, they unlock the cart
when they leave the vault.

That's it.
The exact amount we needed to steal.

Man, I gotta admit, crime is fun.

-Don't get used to it.

You guys bring this to Ann and Coyne.

I'm going to grab my computer
from my office inside.

I've documented the entire crime on it,

step by step,
so we can show them how we did it.

Can't wait to rub it in Coyne's face.

Sometimes good old human resources
is better than algorithms, huh, Johnny?


Let's go.

Thank you. Got it.

Hey, nice work.

I could use a guy like you in security.

Cool, 'cause I could use a job.

Good. While I'm gone, you change back
all those IDs we flagged.

Put everything back
to what it was, okay?

You got it.

How did you get access
to this apartment?

Had a security ID card.

What's the meaning of this?
Don't you know we had a robbery?

I do.

That's why I thought
you might want this back.


Do you have 35 more suitcases?

Wait, what? What?

An I.O.U.?

For 36 million dollars?

From James Trask. Trask Force.

Hey, what are you doing here, baby?

Leaving early?

Uh, looking for you.

You won't believe it, but it worked.

It actually worked!

We've gotta go. Now.

Why is he here?

Margot, what is this?

Can't you do anything right?

Don't kill him here.
Let's take him with us.

Hi. You've reached the voice mailbox
of Detective Kai--

Hi. You've reached
the voice mailbox of Detective--

This can't be happening!

Ann, I know you're upset.

You asked me to test your security.

Your test allowed the Trask gang

to hit my casino for 36 million dollars!


You ruined my reputation
with a stupid prank.

Maybe you should look
in the mirror, Barton!

You hire someone to rob your casino
and you don't tell me, and it's my fault?

It was a test!

Do you realize what you've done?

I had intel that Trask
had people inside the Villegas.

I was setting a trap to expose them,

but you two
had to play your little game.

You knew the Trask gang was here,
but you didn't tell the police.

I was gonna wrap up the whole gang.

Trask himself was embedded here.

We couldn't identify him,
but I had solid information

that he was trying
to turn your Uncle Johnny.

That's why I had to let him go.

Uncle Johnny?

He wasn't working for Trask.
He was working with us.

He doesn't like you.

Where is Johnny?
He was supposed to be here.

I can't believe this is happening.

Ann, did you tell anybody about our plan?

How could I tell anyone?
You didn't even tell me!

Until I saw what was happening
in the security cameras,

I had no idea what you were all up to.

Do you think that Angelo
would have told anybody?

He's been by my side
since we brought him in.

-He wouldn't tell a soul, Alex.
-I know.

That only leaves Johnny.

Uncle Johnny
is loyal to our family.

He would never
do anything to hurt us.

What about Margot?

- Margot, the cocktail waitress.

I heard Johnny say
he saw her last night.

He's desperate to impress her.
He has a big crush on her.

Margot, I can't believe
you could do this.

Actually, we had
an entirely different plan

until you spilled the beans
on your fake heist last night.

When we realized you had
a much better distraction set up,

we changed our plans
to take advantage of a lot more money.

I guess I should really thank you.

This is Alex Walker.
Leave a message.

- Hi, this is Detective Alam--

Why do you still have
your phones turned off?

The heist is over!

Hopefully, I still have
Johnny's backdoor access.

This is all completely faked.

How do you know?

It says she lived and worked
her entire life in Hawaii

up until she moved here.

There are no casinos in Hawaii,

yet she knew the casino life
inside and out,

and she knew intimate details
on casinos all over the world.

Gather all the footage we have on her
and get it to Interpol right away.

Ernesto, you guys in there?

Angelo, we're here.

Sorry about this, but you guys
still have your phones turned off.

Where are you?
What are you doing?

Where's Uncle Johnny?

I saw a woman and some of
the security guards

drag Johnny to a van,
so I followed them.

Wait, wait, well, followed them where?

They just pulled into
the Cebu Port Authority, Pier Four.

They're gonna dump the money on a boat
and get it out of the country.

Angelo, stay right where you are,

but stay out of sight
and keep an eye on them.

-We're on the way.
-Got it.

You don't really think you're going
to get away with this, do you?

You're so naive.
You still think the good guys always win?

This is the one.

Put the money in the container.
It'll be shipped off within the hour.

What about the old guy?

Put his body in the container, too.
That way, no one will find him.

But I thought you cared for me.

Oh, baby, that was just pillow talk.

Hold it right there!

It appears, my dear,
that you're surrounded.

-Stand down!

Uncle Johnny!

What's going on here?

Hello, Ann.

Meet my old teammates
from my private detective days.

They may be older now,
but still loyal,

and still fantastic shots.

But how?

Margot and I had been
casually flirting with each other.

But when I told her
I was no longer head of security,

she was genuinely rattled.

Oh, I could see it in your eyes.

You were recalculating,

so I became suspicious.

And so I thought I'd drop a bait
and see if she would take it.

So you told her the plan.


And the more I told her,

the more chummy
she got with me.

And so I knew
if she was going to rob the casino

while we went out the service entrance,

she and her team would have to leave
from the employee entrance

by the loading docks.

And sure enough,
there she was.

But you had people waiting here
to get the drop on her.

How did you know
she would bring you here?

When you pulled into the "let me slip
into something more comfortable" routine,

I went through your purse

and saw you booked a hotel room
in Guam for tomorrow night.

I checked the Port Authority records

and saw a container ship
was leaving for there today.

And only one container was listed
as "personal and private."

This one.

Well, lady and gentlemen,
you're all under arrest.

Let's get 'em out of here.
This way, miss.

I'm so glad you're safe,
Uncle Johnny.


So we still have to get all this money
back to the casino.


Lend a hand?

Yeah. Yeah. I got these.

I don't think you'll be
taking those anywhere.

Throw the bags out to us
and step inside the container.

You're gonna take the money.

You're gonna shoot us

and you're gonna
stuff us in the container, huh?

You catch on quick.

Yeah, I don't think so.

I wouldn't come any closer.

You know how
Uncle Johnny spotted Margot

and set her up to fail?

I spotted you.

You see, I knew you were James Trask
from the beginning.

Did you really?

I don't know.

So you also have old gunmen

who are about to pop out of nowhere
and rescue you, huh?

Nah, I don't need 'em.

You see, I already took
all the bullets out of your guns.

Get up.

-Easy. Easy.

I thought you removed the bullets!

Huh? Did I say that?

Did I?

Did I say that?

I was told you wanted to see me.


Please come in.

What's all this?
It's not my birthday.

As Head of Operations,
it is my privilege to reinstate you

as Head of Security
for Villegas Family Businesses.

I don't know what to say.

Thank you.

And I would like
to personally apologize

for ever allowing anyone
to come between us.

I love you, Uncle Johnny.

- I love you, too, Ann.



I'm sorry,
the store is closed for today,

so come back tomorrow.


Yeah, Alex has a hot lunch date.

He does?

He really likes her.

He said that
she's the one that got away.

-He said that?

So come back again later.

-No, wait.
- Ann.

- Hi.
-Sorry about that.

Yeah, well, you're a little early.

Actually, I'm a little late.

Huh? No, that's what
I was trying to... meant.

So who's this
charming keeper of the gate?

I'm Rita.

Nice to meet you, Rita.

Yeah, she works with me
here at the shop.

Not like--

Not like child labor-type stuff.

She more helps out.
She helps out.

Her mom is up cleaning
some rooms at the resort.

So anyway...

-He's like my uncle.
- Oh, I...


We should get going,

yeah, 'cause I've got
a fantastic lunch planned for us.

You're the hot date!

Oh, thank you, Rita.
Thank you, Rita.

Bye, Alex!

What do you think?

It's charming.


I know she's not much,
but I love her, you know?

This is really cute, Alex.

You know, I was...

I was nervous, but--

I wasn't nervous,

I was excited this morning
just thinking about it.

I mean, I was nervous,
but, you know.


Well, I mean, you're...


I had the hotel whip this up.

I know it's probably not gonna be
as good as your private chef,

but there's some pretty good cooks
at the resort, so...

This is wonderful.

I had a feeling you'd like it.

-Did you?

I think I'm starting to figure you out.

I wouldn't count on that.

Please, please.

-Let's eat.
-Please. Yes, yes, yes, yes.