Almost Paradise (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Almost Paradise - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It's all there. 2.5 million.

First, you show.

Now, this beauty right here

is a standard issue
assault rifle

for special forces
around the world.

Gas-operated action,
uses a 5.56 millimeter round,

and the magazine
is compatible with
the American M4.

And now, uh,

why don't you show me yours, eh?

Okay. Okay.

First, do you not need
to consult your avocado?

I think what you mean
is "abogado."

Mmm. Nyet.
I mean "avocado."

Go, go.

Open the case, man.


What is this?

You have no idea
what you've done.

No one can put me away.

And when I get free,
you're a dead man.

Man, if I had a nickel

every time
I heard that line, huh?

Have fun in the Filipino
prison system, El Diablo.

Why won't anybody buy you?

Nobody gets irony anymore.

Irony is when you retire

and you don't have money
to pay your bills.

And your bills are due today.

I don't want to chase
you no more.

You no late this week.
You pay me today.

Here you go, Cory.
Paid in full.

- Paid on-time.
- You pay on-time?

Who are you?
What did you do to
the real Alex, huh?

Oh, no,
I'm not gonna let you do that
to me today, all right?

I'm having a good day.

The bad guys lost,
the good guys won.

I don't owe anybody any money!

Mmm, good day for me.
I got money.

And you got more work to do.

I don't...
I don't have any work today.


You make repair. Very bad.

Oh, very, very bad.

What the hell is a "bagyo"?


We have to tell Alex.


He'll never trust us again.

It's above our pay grade.
We don't get involved.

Besides, he can't do
anything about it anyways.

- Paradise Gift Shop.
- It's Ernesto. I had to call.

A guy from the
State Department is here.

They're taking El Diablo.

My name is Alex Walker.
I'm ex-DEA.

I quit the agency
because my friend and partner
betrayed me.

One of my first assignments
took me to an isolated beach

right here on this island.

I sold what little I had

and bought myself a gift shop.

Just peace.
No stress, no drama.

Boy, was I wrong.

Where's he at, huh?
He in there?


What's he doing?
Is he hiding? Ocampo!

- You promised me, man!
- Excuse me?

You cannot let them
take El Diablo back
to the United States.

I know I said he'd
stand trial in Manila.

Yes, you did.
Just don't let it happen.

I was unaware of
the U.S. State Department's
interest in his activities.

we caught a bigger fish
than we can chew.

This is exactly
why I quit the DEA, huh?

People put their
asses on the line,
good people,

while these guys cut deals?

They get off scot-free?

Shame on you guys,
day-drinking and brawling
when a bagyo's coming?

I could actually be
out there helping people.

Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, don't you dare
throw up in here.

Hey, take them
down to the basement,
lock them up.

Hopefully they get sober
before it's too late.

- That is not what you said.
- Agent Walker.

- He's gotta stay here
to face real justice.
- Just wait. Take it easy.

That's the only reason
why I helped you, man.
You! We are not done here.

- You. You that
State Department yahoo?
- Don't hurt him.

Screw him, man.
You think you're
gonna come in here

and take my prisoner
and cut some sweetheart deal?

You got another thing
coming, dude.

Man: Hey!

Hey, lady!

Lady, are you really a cop?

Get some coffee
in them, will you?

The sooner they're sober,
they sooner they can go home.

Of course.


Sweetie, stop that.

Sergeant, I need to talk
to the person in charge of...

We'll need your location.
We'll send someone.

But, sir, we need to...


- Excuse me, sir. Excuse me.
- One moment, miss.

- Sir, excuse me, um...
- Ma'am, you'll have to wait.

- May I help you?
- I hope so. I'm Sampaguita.
This is my grandmother.

I'm a community organizer
from the barangays
near Maribago.

- I'm from Maribago.
- So what if you're
from Maribago?

- You're not there and
the people there need help.
- Lola, please.

- Oh, please.
- Forgive her.

We've been calling everywhere
trying to look for someone

who can help us
with the storm coming.

- What do you need?
- We need help getting
families to the shelters.

Okay, let's talk to the boss
and see what we can do for you.

This way.

That animal in there
is gonna go back with you

and he's gonna work the system
till he cuts this thing

down to a parking ticket!

Agent Walker,
I have the authority

to take him, and I mean to.

And though I appreciate your
assistance in this matter...

No, no, no.
I don't recall assisting
you on anything.

I assure you that El Diablo
will be prosecuted

to the fullest extent
of U.S. law.

I assure you, I am not assured.

Look, I've been after
El Diablo a long, long time.

And, yeah,
sure, we cut a deal
with him years ago.

Why? Because we had to!

He was gonna get released
on a technicality.

That was because
some yahoo on the ground
didn't follow protocol.

You don't know
the first thing about
being on the ground.

Sometimes following protocol's
gonna get you killed.

And sometimes not following it
gets your prisoner released.

Look, the law
isn't just for them.

It applies to all of us,
even if it makes our job harder.

So what we need
are at least half a dozen
vans or police cars

to help transport
the older people

from the community center
in Tejero

and bring them to
the shelters in Maribago.

Believe me, I sympathize,
but our resources

are absolutely
stretched to the limit.

We have nearly every man
in this precinct out right now.

I have less than half a dozen
officers left in this building.

Can you redirect
some of the men
who are already out?

I'm sorry. I can offer
you and your grandmother
shelter here at the station,

but at the moment,
we are out of resources.

- Can I ask what that is?
- It's a state-of-the-art

bomb detection
and disposal unit.

So how many resources
can that buy?

I'm sorry about that.
Look, I have some family
back in Maribago.

- I can reach out to them.
- We would appreciate any help.

My cousin is a truck driver.

Maybe he can help
get some people

- before the bagyo.
- Hey, "bagyo."

There's that word again.
What does that mean, "bagyo"?

Typhoon. Big one.
Heading this way.

The gift shop, man!

That's what Cory
was talking about.

It's gonna get blown away.

Guys? I need a ride.

Who can give me a ride?

Damn it, man!

All right, here's some nice
hot coffee to sober you up

and get you back
to your families.

There you go.

- No, no!
- Got it.

Where are the weapons?

Take us to them.

All right, come on, man.

Thank you.


Open it.



Hey. Why you stoppin'?
Why you stoppin', man?

- I cannot see.
- No, no, no. Everything's
gonna be fine.

Everything's gonna be
just fine. Just keep goin'.

- I do not see.
- Listen to me, man.

I got a gift shop.
It's gonna get blown away.

If I don't get there,
I ain't gonna have a gift shop.

Do you understand?
I cannot see.

Do you understand, that this
thing is completely exposed,
all right?

The front door... I didn't even
lock the front door.

- No, no. I cannot drive.
- Huh?

- Sorry.
- Where you goin'?

Where you... why don't...
Where you goin', man?

Are you kidding me?

He took the keys?

Damn it driver person.

I can't get us a ride back.

I'm not able to reach anyone.

My shift is almost over.
I can drive you guys back.

No, I can't impose.

It's fine. I spoke to my
family in Maribago.

My cousin is taking his
truck to the community
center now

to pick people up and
take them to the shelter.

Oh, you're a good man.
Sampaguita, this is the kind
of man that you should marry.

Lola, stop it.

So you're not... involved
with anyone?

Hey. We need to prepare
El Diablo to be transported.

The escort caravan's
gonna be here soon.

Mendoza, Alamares.
With me...

You sure they'll be able
to get through the storm
to pick him up?

These are the best contractors
that U.S. taxpayer dollars
can buy.

They make Blackwater look
like Campfire Girls.

Excuse me.

Once we transfer the prisoner,
I'm free to go. I'll drive you
two back home.

The television said
the roads are flooded.

And I think they're
shutting down the bridges.

- I've driven through worse.
- I can't ask you to.

Oh, oh. He offered. It will
be rude if we will not accept.

Besides, you will get to know
each other better along the way.

I think she has a crush on me.

She's been
trying to marry me off
since I turned 16.

Well, glad she's failed so far.

Crap. Are you serious?

What about helicopters?

Oh, God. Okay.

Keep me posted.

- Ocampo: Problem?
- They say nobody can get
on the island

until the Osmena Bridge reopens.

All aircraft have been grounded.

How sad. Another failed
U.S. military operation, eh?

It's gonna be a while.
We need to put the prisoner
somewhere safe.

We have holding cells
in the basement.

Perfect. We'll keep
him there until the
storm passes.



Ah. Stay down.


Ernesto. Ernesto.

Move, move.
Get their weapons.

I believe we can hold
and secure this lobby

until the pick up arrives, eh?

Our men were shipped
and booked in Manila
before the storm.

So I hired these locals
to get you out.

But we have to get out
of the country as soon
as possible.

- When are they getting here?
- Storm just knocked out
the phones.

Well, then. At least
we have the American
government to thank.

Because now, we have
a satellite phone.

Don't we, Assistant
Director Lockhart?

What do you think's
gonna happen? There's
no way outta here.

We have our own
private contractors.

And I can assure you
that they are not as timid

as the ones being hired
by American State Department.

Estamos listos.

Voy esta en ellobby.

Now, if everyone is smart,

then we will go our
separate ways and...

live to see another day.

Get them out of here.

- Hey. Leave him alone.
You can't move him.
- You take him, he'll die.

- He'll die here if he stays.
- No, he won't.

I'm a nurse.
We can take care of him.

But he can't be moved.


Back-up generators kicked in.
We better take the stairs.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Leave those two.

We'll take them hostage
when we leave.
Also the uniform.

Keep him there behind
the front desk in case we
get any unwanted visitors.


I'm never gonna hear
the end of this.

El Diablo escapes under
Assistant Director's watch.

Do you know how long I begged
and pleaded to be put in
the field?

They all laughed at me.

And now the one timethat
I get out of the office...

That's what you're
worried about?

They could still
decide to kill us.

At this point,
that may be preferable.

You're the Assistant Director.
What the hell are you even
doing in the field?

Everyone wants to know
if they have what it takes.

If they can hold up
under pressure.

I've been telling field agents
what they should and shouldn't
do my whole career.

Now I finally get
my turn at bat...

- and I strike out.
- Uh... this could be
a problem.


Agent Walker. Whoa,
I'm so happy to see you.

Tell me you've got the keys.

I'm so sorry.

Lockhart, give me your belt.

- Excuse me?
- Your belt.

- Just do it.
- Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah.


These cells were built
over 100 years ago.

- Even with the keys
it's hard to open.
- Damn.

All right. Here.

El Diablo:


Haven't I seen you on TV?

Yeah. I've seen you.

You are important man.

El Diablo chooses his
hostage wisely, huh?

- I owe your grandmother
a new skirt.
- Shh.

Just try and rest.
You're going to be okay.

A nurse, huh.
Community organizer, too.

You applying for sainthood?

There are a lot of people
in this world who take.

Perhaps we need more
who are willing to give.

It's not working.

I need bandages.


I have a first-aid
kit at my desk.

Tell them you need it.

Tell them.

I need a first-aid
kit right away,

or I'm gonna lose him.

- Says he has one at his desk.
- I can get it.

- I know where
his desk is.
- Go.

Go with him. Make sure he
doesn't do anything stupid, eh?

Good man. Good man.

God damn it.
It broke.

- Oh, man. I love that belt.
- You've gotta get the keys.

This basement keeps
filling with water.
We're trapped in this cage.

I think I saw a guy
with the keys. He was
headed back to the others.

I think Ocampo has another
set in his office. Hurry.


Well, help me.

Get his legs.
Get his feet.

Gonna find you a weapon.
And you're gonna help us
take these guys down.

No. I have to go back.

Ernesto's been shot.
He needs this.

Okay. Go help him.

If we come in hot,
you do all you can.

News reporter: The typhoon has
appeared in fact, right now,

- making landfall...
- No one is going anywhere

for quite a long
while, El Diablo.

Your big escape plan has
a significant flaw.

Say, hey.

- Where is Jiji?
- He said he was going

- to look for something
to eat.
- Idiota.

Well go find him.
And do it yourself.

- The gift shop man is here.
- I was hoping he'd show up.

Hey, you, Uniform.
Get away from him, eh?

Hepe: Jiji?



Where are you?

- We are quickly running
out of time.
- Thank you.

Assistant Director
of the Obvious.

Alex will be back in time.

Any moment now.

Oh. Oh. Agent Walker.
Thank God.

- About time you decided
to show.
- Hang on, I got the keys.

Hepe: Who are you?

Where the hell
did you come from?

Just take it easy, man.
You don't want to make

any quick decisions
that could affect
the rest of your life.

- We're in no rush here.
- Actually, pretty big
rush, Alex.

Listen, all right?

Anxiety, it can make you
make bad choices, man.

I know.

- I like to sometimes take
ten seconds.
- Shut up.

- Okay.
- Where's Jiji?

Jiji? That's a weird
name for a guy.

Gimme that shirt.

Right there.

How many they got up there?

- Seven, plus El Diablo.
- All right, I already took one
of them out.

That's two down.

Thin 'em out a little bit more,
we got a fighting chance.

The window will be small, eh?
So the evacuation team

needs to get here before
I have to buy some time.

- I don't care.
- Just get 'em here.

Where are Hepe and Jiji?

- Those guys aren't coming back.
- How do you know?

Walker's here.
He took them out.

Of course he is.

How well do you know, Jiji, huh?

You think he can betray us?
You think he can betray Hepe?

- He told me to tell
you something.
- What's that?

"It's in your office."

- What's in my office?
What's that mean?
- I don't know.

He just told me to tell you
that. "It's in your office."

What is this? What?
A back-up generator go out?

Alex on speakers:
No, comrade.

The generator did not fail.

- I killed it.
- What the hell
are you doing?

Oh, I forgot. I don't need
to do the accent anymore.

- You know exactly who I am.
- You, huh? You do this?

You are a dead man.
That is who you are.

Didn't you already tell me
I'm a dead man?

Maybe. But not today.

Today it's your turn.

You. You tell me where
the PA system is, or you
get another bullet hole.

This time in your skull.

It's in my office.

The PA system.
The back-up generator.

They're all controlled
from my desk in my office.

Find him.
And kill him.

Jiji. We almost killed you.

- Wait. Let me get this off.
- Behind you.

They're here.

And then there were four.

Si. Claro.

The plane is already
in the hangar waiting
and ready to go.

We should prepare to meet
it in about... 20 minutes?

You can't take off in
this storm. No plane can.

And you'll never
reach the airport.

I've already spoken to my
associates in the area.

And they assure me that
this storm has at least
a ten-mile wide eye.

Which means, when it passes
over us at 25 miles per hour,

we should get about
20 minutes of calm.

And the evacuation team
takes us to the beach
to a waiting seaplane

and then we ride the eye off...

to parts unknown.

The sounds of the storm
should give us some cover.

All right, Lockhart.
You're gonna be our
sniper from up here.

Me and Kai are gonna
rush 'em from the ground.

Four of them, three of us.
Maybe we should pick off
another guy or two first.

El Diablo's never gonna
fall for that again.

Don't forget. Ocampo and Berto
will help when things get hot.

We're gonna need a bigger plan.

- This should do the trick, huh?
- Put it over there.

So, what do you plan on
doing with that thing?

All right, Junior R.O.T.C.,

what do you do when you want
to cut off the enemy's freedom
to maneuver?

- Encirclement?
- Encirclement.

Those operations require
a numerical advantage.

Or creating the illusion
of a numerical advantage
through distraction,

confusion, and the
element of surprise.

All right, here's the plan.

I'm gonna be in
the vent here, okay?

In there, I can get past them.
Get between them and the door.

Kai: The lobby has a hallway
to the side of the front desk.

- I'll be there.
- You are gonna come
from the stairs, okay?

The other side of the lobby.
From here, I'll drop down
from the vent behind 'em.

All their attention will
be turned towards me.

And we ingress when
they all turn away.


You all right, hoss?

- You can do this, man.
- Who am I kidding?
I've never fired a gun

- at anyone.
- You think this is something
I do all the time?

- It's time to nut-up, Lockhart.
- All right, listen to me, man.

I know we've had our
differences, okay?

But those people down there,
they are not hostages.

They are human shields.
And when that plane lands,
El Diablo's gonna execute

every single one of them.
He will... now listen.
You cannot make deals

with guys like him.

You have another chance
at bat here.

But this time, it's either
homerun, or game over.
Okay? You've got this.


"Once more unto the breach."

No. No Shakespeare.

El Diablo: The eye will probably
get here in about five minutes.

We should go to the plane
when the weather clears up.


They're going to
kill us, aren't they.

If today's my last day,
I'm grateful to have
spent it with you.

I don't want to die, Ernesto.

I won't let that happen.


They can already see
the eye from the plane,

which means it's gonna
get here any second.

- Kill the hostages.
- No. No, no.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

You hear that?

- Biggly: The storm.
- No, no, no. Listen, listen.

That's him. Up there.
It's him. Kill him.

Stop, stop. Stop.

What the hell's that?


Freeze, you dirtbags.

Not yet.


Ah, son of a bitch.

Tell them to drop the guns.
Tell them!

- Stop shooting. Hold your fire.
- That's not what I said.

I said drop your weapons.
Right now!

Not so fast.

It looks like it's time to play
"Let's Make A Deal," huh?

El Diablo: All the hostages
are still alive.

But that could change with
one wrong move from you,
my friend.

It's on him. You tell him
to put his gun down.

- Or what, huh?
You gonna execute me?
- Don't test me, man.

Don't test me.
Not today.

Then she dies as well.
And her blood will be
on your hands.

All right, all right.

All right.

Biggly: You should
have known better.

You think you can take on
the great El Diablo?

You are fools.

El Diablo is unstoppable.


- It's over.
- No. No. Shoot him.

Kill them all.

- You're good at that.
- I learned how to be
a nurse in the army.

Wait a minute.

You had a gun the whole time?



Lift this up.

When the moment is right.

It was a team effort.

Sampaguita: You're
going to be okay.

He is. You did a great
job taking care of him.

- Gimme a second, buddy.
- Sure.

You saved my life today.

I think
it's the other way around.

Yeah, but I wasn't the one
firing off an automatic

That was kinda fun.

I have some weekends off.
Maybe I can volunteer

some time at your
community center.

I... I think they
would appreciate that.

He's gonna serve
hard time, Alex.
I promise.

Not cutting any deals.
No reduced sentences.

You've got my word.

You're all right, Lockhart.

Just don't get addicted
to the action, 'cause...

- it doesn't suit you.
- No, the Department needs
guys like me

in the home office.
And guys like you
out in the field.

Nope. I'm trying to stay
away from stuff like this.

There is no trying.
Only do.

Yoda? Really? That's
what you're going with.

- Your team's leaving.
- Yeah, I guess I gotta
head out of here.


I wouldn't be standing here
right now if it weren't for you.

Likewise, Lockhart.

Well, looks like
the storm's over.

Everything's back to normal.

The storm's...

Oh, my God. The storm.
My gift shop. I gotta go.


Hey, can I get a ride?
I need... I need a ride.

- Cory?
- Why you worry? Huh?

Typhoon no bother
this old shack.

It's here for 40 years, huh?

I thought I lost everything.

Alex, pamilya ka.
You family.

Impossible to lose everything.

- You did this for me.
- Of course. You not listening?

'Sides, you pay me
on time for once.

Least I could do.


Oh. You let go,
you crazy man.

- Okay.
- You no hear
of harassment?

Oh, yeah, sorry. I was
just really happy right now.

You don't need to make
it a big deal.

You stupid man.

Next time, shut your windows.