Almost Paradise (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Almost Paradise - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It'’s kind of hard to be undercover
with "DEA" plastered all over you.

Partner, the game'’s
finally over today.

Windbreakers are so we don'’t
get shot by our own people.

It'’s go-time, bubba.



Sorry, partner.

Alex: My name is Alex
Walker. I'’m ex-DEA.

I quit the agency because my
friend and partner betrayed me.

One of my first assignments
took me to an isolated beach

right here on this island.

Sold what little I had
and bought myself a gift shop.

Just peace.
No stress, no drama.

Boy, was I wrong.

- Ira.
- Your mail, Mr. Walker.

Thank you.

Bill, bill, junk.

- Bill, junk.
- Hey.

- Hey, how are... hey.
- Good morning, sir.

Hey, how are you?

What'’s your deal, mate?

So sorry.

Hey, Dad.



Well, we finally caught up
with you, Mr. Usato.

Or would you prefer
to be called "Numbers"?

I don'’t know what
you'’re talking about.

We'’ll be taking you
to the police station.

You'’ll have plenty of time
to regain your memory.

We'’ll take him off your hands
as soon as we formalize

his extradition papers
to the U.S.

Until then, I want
my men on him at all times.

Thank you, Agent Zivic.
I think we can handle this guy.

This guy has been
sitting on your island

helping the largest
criminal in Europe

ship his wares
from South America

to San Sebastian
for over two decades.

You'’ll forgive me if I don'’t have
a lot of confidence in your abilities.

Our abilities
are why he is in custody.

For which you'’ll get a very nice
thank you note from the President.

Everything okay, boss?

We caught Francisco Aguero'’s

he knows all his secrets,
and I'’m on top of the world.

How'’s this guy
the devil'’s bookkeeper?

He uses a pager
and a day-planner.

Staying analog
is how Lawrence Usato

managed to hide for 20 years.

- He'’s unhackable.
- With his help,

we'’ll be able
to find Aguero'’s ledger

and all their accounting.

Remember, Capone wasn'’t
convicted for his crimes.

- He was convicted for...
- Tax evasion.


Have I told you
this before? My bad.

Ernesto: Zivic'’s back.
Alex is gonna blow a gasket.

Snow globes on a tropical
island? I like the irony.

All I got are these beach
chairs that we rent out.

- But no on ever
really comes in.
- It'’s okay.

- I'’m not staying long.
- What, what? What?

So, uh, you live here now.
In a gift shop.

- I stay in the back.
- It'’s, uh, very...

- transactional.
- It'’s okay.

Uncle Danny said you moved here
because of some medical condition?

Is that why you came here
to the Philippines?

- '’Cause Uncle Danny...
- No, I joined the Peace Corps.

I'’m headed to Indonesia.

Just thought
I'’d stop on my way.

- The Peace Corps?
- What?

- I care about
helping people, okay?
- Yeah, that'’s... I...

That'’s what I'm...
I'’m excited about it.

Come here.
Let me just... all right.

You look fantastic, Butterfly.

Don'’t call me that.

You used to love it
when I called you Butterfly.

No. I don'’t.
Shows how little you know me.

Okay, then I'’ll...

Look, I should go. I just
stopped by to give you these.

- What is this?
- They'’re the checks you've
been sending me every month.

I don'’t want your money.
Take it back.

- Those are for you.
- Keep it.

Looks like you could use it.

Okay, look, I am trying to help.

Stop trying to buy
my affection, okay?

I'’m not trying
to buy your affection.

Look at me. I love you.

Oh, my... okay,
when you love somebody,

you don'’t abandon them.


I'’m not...
I didn'’t abandon anybody!

Tell that to my mother.

Your mom is the one
that divorced me!

Yeah, because you
were never there.

You were halfway
across the world.

We didn'’t see or hear
from you for months,

sometimes years at a time.

You know that I was
deep undercover then, okay?

Your mother and you,
you would'’ve been in danger

if I would'’ve tried
to reach out...

- That is such bull.
- It'’s not.

It comes with the job.

And it'’s a screwed-up job,
but that'’s how it is.

Yeah, and you chose that job.

You chose that job over us.

Over me.

I was trying to protect you.

You have no idea
the people I was dealing with.

Don'’t act like you
were saving the world.

You were just a narc.

Well, I wanted
to make a difference.

And how'’d that work
out for you?

Bad guys all locked up?

No more drugs on the streets?
Drug problem all fixed now?

What did you actually
accomplish, Father?

- I guess nothing.
- So you missed out
on half my life

- for nothing.
- Evelyn. Evelyn, I...

You know, I'’ve been waiting
five years to say this.

- I don'’t want you in my life.
- Evelyn, please stop.

Unlike you, I'’m gonna do
something good with my life.

- Evelyn, I'’m trying...
- I'’m actually going to help people.

So don'’t send me money.
Don'’t pretend you care.

Just leave me alone.


Dad! What'’s going on? Dad!

Unresponsive male, mid-40s.
Blood pressure is elevated.

- Evelyn: What'’s happening?
- 210 over 100.

- What'’s happening?
- Ma'’am, I'm sorry, you'’re
gonna have to wait outside.

Have a seat. I'’ll let you know
when I hear from the doctor.

- Is everything all right?
- He'’s okay.

- You can see him
if you would like.
- So he'’s not dead?

No, he'’s not.
I can take you to him.

- No thanks. I just wanted
to make sure he'’s alive.
- Ocampo: Where is he?

Alex Walker, where is he?
They said he was taken here.

- Where is he?
- Yes, he'’s fine.

- I was just telling
his daughter over here.
- Daughter?

- Can we see him?
- Yes, of course.

- I'’ll take you to him.
- Thank you.

- Wha... aren'’t you coming?
- I should go.

Stick around.
It'’ll be good for you dad.

I'’m pretty sure
I'’m the reason he's here.

He came to this island because
of this exact health issue.

You'’re not to blame.

So, who are you?
His girlfriend?

Girlf... eww.
No, no, no.

Okay. That'’s not the
reaction I was expecting.

No, that was wrong.

Um, I actually
work with your dad.

Sort of. Unofficially.

But I'’m actually
very close to your dad.

But we fight. A lot.

- I know the feeling.
- Yeah?

You know, my mom and I
used to fight all the time...

just before she died.

And I would give anything to
be able to talk to her again...

just to make things right.

Oh, he'’s going to be having
some psychedelic dreams.

They'’re giving him
the good stuff.

You gave us quite a scare,
Agent Walker.

- He looks all right.
- Oh, he should be fine.

The doctor said as long as he
gets his rest and takes it easy,

he'’ll be back on his
feet again in no time.

It looks like he'’ll be out for a
while. We should get back to work.

If it'’s okay with you,
I'’m gonna stay.

- Just until he wakes up.
- Okay.

You know, it'’s strange
seeing him like this...

Vulnerable, peaceful.

He'’s almost likeable.

Now you'’re talking crazy talk.

I'’m glad you're here.
He'’s told me a lot about you.

He has?

He worries about you
all the time.

He could pick up a phone.

Would you have taken his call?

Probably not.

Hmm. Is that my Butterfly?

I told you not to call me that.


You'’re going to
wake up your mother.

Butterfly? It'’s cute.

Cute? You want to know
why he calls me that?

Because when I was ten years old

he was teaching me
how to break out

of having my hands
zip-tied together.

He said I was moving my arms
like butterfly wings.

He zip-tied your hands together

and taught you
how to break free?

- Mm-hmm.
- Huh. Sounds like Alex.

Yeah, he never wanted me.

He never wanted a little girl.

I doubt that'’s true.

He had me take karate
at seven years old.

Bought me a BB gun at 12.

When other kids went camping,

my dad took me
into the mountains

to teach me survival skills.

It just sounds like
he wanted to bond with you

over the things he knew about.

I think he just wanted a son.

Or he just lived
a very dangerous life

and was constantly worried
about your safety.

I don'’t know.

I guess I don'’t really
know him that well.

Oh, there he is.

Mr. Alex?

It'’s me, Rita.

Her mother asked me
to bring her here.

She may come by after her shift.

You must be Evelyn, huh?

Alex says that I'’m annoying,
just like you.

It'’s nice to meet
a kindred spirit.

Will you give this
to him when he wakes up?

It'’s for healing.

He gave that to me
when my father died

and it helped me.

But now he needs it.

Well, you'’ve seen him.
We have to go.

I have a resort to run.

Nice meeting you. Bye.

He has this whole life here.

He'’s helped a lot of people
on the island.

They all care about him.



I'’m so sorry.
I dropped my tray.

- Would you mind?
- No, of course.

I didn'’t realize there was
anyone here behind the curtain.

I didn'’t want
to interrupt your privacy.

Oh, what happened?

I was hit by a jeepney
and it broke my leg.

- I'’m so sorry.
- It was my own fault.

I work overseas
and I had just flown home.

I was eager to deposit
my earnings in the bank

and I wasn'’t paying attention.

Next time, you should
just mail them your check.

I do construction
and I only get paid in cash.

Oh, it is not safe to leave
this here behind your pillow.

What can I do?

And the worst part is
I'’m late on my payments,

and by the time
I get out of here,

I could lose my home.

You don'’t have anybody
to deposit this for you?

My wife.

But she died last September.

- She was all I had.
- I'’m so sorry.

I could deposit it for you
if you like.

I can'’t ask that of you.

- The bank is in Bororanco.
- I don'’t mind.

He'’s pretty out of it.
I could probably go

and be back before he wakes up.

You would be saving my life,
young lady.

Here'’s the address of the bank.

- I'’m happy to help you.
- Thank you.

Kai, I have an errand to run.

When my dad wakes up, can
you let him know I'’ll be back soon?

- Uh, wait. Here.
- Oh.

Back soon.


Someone'’s back with the living.

- Where'’s Evelyn?
- She said she'’d be right back.

- She had an errand.
- Damn it.

I wanted to talk to her.

Sorry. She didn'’t say
where she was going.

I know where she went.

She went running an errand
for that guy in the other bed.

- She'’s such a do-gooder.
- The other bed?

You have this room
all to yourself.

There'’s a guy in that bed.

Hey, Diego?

I think you'’re seeing things with
that funny juice they have you on.

I heard him talking.

She was going to deposit
something for him

in a bank in Bororanco.

Now I know
it'’s the pain meds talking.

Trust me,
there'’s no bank in Bororanco.

If there were,
it would be robbed every day.

That place is scary.

- What are you doing?
- Get my clothes.

The doctor said
you need bed rest.

We'’re getting out of here.

- You'’re not going anywhere.
- Listen to me.

It'’s a setup, all right?
They'’re going to hurt Evelyn.

Come on.

Stop lying!

Or I swear
I'’m going to lock you

in the worst prison I can find
and leave you there to die.

I told you, I'’m an accountant

for an teak furniture importer.

Maybe he isn'’t Numbers?

His shirt is Spanish,
shoes are Colombian,

and his watch is a knock-off

from a forgery ring
busted in Hong Kong.

He'’s wearing a map
of everywhere Aguero operates.

Chief, this guy'’s strength
is his intellect.

If we want him to tell us
where the ledger is,

he needs to be reassured,
not bullied.

Mr. Usato,
would you care for a coffee?

No, thank you.

In case you change your mind.

You give any more thought
to turning over the ledger

to Francisco Aguero'’s
crime syndicate?

I told your American partner...

He'’s not our partner.
I can'’t stand him.

He thinks everyone who'’s
not American works for him.

We take the risk.
He takes the credit.

You know what that'’s like.

My employer treats me very well.

You have a one-room apartment
above a butcher shop.

Aguero has seven
mansions on the beach.

I don'’t know anyone
named Aguero.

- I'’m a teak imp...
- Oh, right. Importer.

And I assume this Mr. Aguero
is a rich man.

He can have as many mansions
as he can afford.

It'’s not any of my business.

Of course. I forgot.
You'’re his accountant.

You'’re fully aware
of everything he buys.

But did you know that two of those
seven mansions are for your boss'’s dogs?

Chi Chi and Pancho?

They have pools.

His dogs have mansions
with pools.

Where'’s your pool, Mr. Usato?

If you want to get away
from that teak importer,

we can protect you.

Thanks anyway. Thanks.

Excuse me?
I'’m looking for the bank.

I can'’t seem
to find this address.

Sorry. Sorry.

Where the hell is she?

Alex, there she is!


- Hey!
- Dad?

- Dad!
- Hey!

Man: Go, go!

Go, go!

No, no!
Hey, get out of the way!

Move the truck!
Move the truck!

Back it up.

Do you see anything?

We need to get you
back to the hospital.

- Not until we find Evelyn!
- You dropping dead

isn'’t going to help
your daughter, okay?

I got the plate number.

I'’ll run it back
at the station.

Mr. Walker,
where have you been?

You know you shouldn'’t
be leaving this room.

I'’ll get you a fresh gown.

Who are you?

Where are you?

I know exactly where you are.

Daddy needs a ride.


I wanted to take the guy out,
but the boss said,

"Just drop the bait.
I need him alive."

So I said,
"Fine! But make it fast,

because the food here
will kill us both!"

Where'’s my daughter?

Wait! Wait!

How'’d you find me?


The spider web tattoo
on your neck

belongs to gangs from the
southern part of the island.

The dirt on your shoes is baguio
clay from the Tabla Valley river.

And the design on your belt,
they only make that in two towns.

The place it all intersects
is right here.

If you kill me,
you won'’t find your daughter!

I found you, didn'’t I?

Oh! Whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa!


Hey, it'’s okay.

I got you. I got you.

Man: Drop it or she dies.

Hands in the air.

Turn around slowly.

Howdy, partner.

It'’s a nice place you got here.

A little drafty.

Must be hell during
the monsoon season, huh?

Apparently they ran out of money

before they could
finish building it.

They'’re gonna demolish it
tomorrow morning.

They already rigged
the explosives.

It'’ll be a hell of a sight to
see when they blow it up.

Well, I hope you
are standing right there

so you can see it happen.

Still cracking jokes even when your
own daughter'’s life is in jeopardy.

You want to kill me, Todd,
then you kill me and let her go.

You think I went through
all of this just to kill you?

What do you want?

I want you to do a job for me.

You want me to work for you?

Yeah. It'’ll be easy.
Trust me.

Trust you? Trust the guy
who tried to kill me?

Is that what you think
happened? You think I just missed?

I'’ve always been
faster than you, Todd.

We were partners
for nearly ten years.

Yes, I was supposed to kill you.

That'’s what Francisco
ordered me to do,

to show loyalty
once I switched sides.

But I couldn'’t do it, man.

I couldn'’t kill you.
You'’re my friend.

Because I didn'’t kill you,
I'’ve been on the run ever since.

Francisco put
a bounty on my head.

DEA put me on
the Most Wanted list.

So while you'’ve been here
tanning on the beach,

I'’ve been a man
without a country.

And I'’m supposed
to feel sorry for you?

No, of course not.

I made my bed.

But I found a way out, Lex.

I found out
that Francisco Aguero

desperately needs something
here on this island.

And if I can get it for him,
he'’s agreed to call us square,

my debt to him paid.

I can finally stop running.

Why me?

Because that thing he wants
is locked up

in that very same police station

that lets you walk around
like you own the joint.

If I do this for you,

then me and my daughter,
we go free?

- Of course.
- And if I refuse?

Hey, let'’s not speak
in hypotheticals.

What'’s the job?

They'’re holding Mr. Aguero's
accountant in a cell.

You kill him
and bring me back his ledger.

Inside you'’ll find
a phone and a knife.

Slit Usato'’s throat on camera
so I can watch it live.

No tricks.

You bring me back his ledger

and you and your daughter
both walk away.


if Usato'’s
still alive in an hour,

she won'’t be.

Okay, I'’ve got two witnesses
who say they saw a black SUV

passing by the university
heading south.

- Who'’s got the camera footage?
- Sir.

You see anything relevant,
come get me right away.

Yes, sir.

Kai: Alex?


What are you doing here?

Checking up on you guys,

seeing how everything'’s going.

- Any leads?
- Yeah, we'’ve got

the whole floor working on this.

Going through CCTV footage,
security cameras.

- Okay.
- We even have
a tip line running.

- All right.
- Everyone volunteered
to help on this.

We'’re going to find
your daughter, Alex. Right?

Kai: I would have
told you about Zivic.

With everything going on...

It'’s okay.

I'’m going to get back
to the hospital.

- I'’ll give you a ride.
- That'’s all right.

I don'’t need a ride.
Thank you.

Thank you, Ernesto.

Alex, you didn'’t come here
to see us run plate numbers.

Why are you really here?

You were nearly
out of time, Alex.

Carpenter, I don'’t want
Evelyn to see this.

Deprive her of seeing
what her old man'’s capable of?

Carpenter, please, no.
I'’m begging you.

- Do it, Alex.
- Evelyn, close your eyes,
babe, okay?

You don'’t want to see this.


I'’m sorry, baby.

I'’m so sorry.

Now you let her go.

First you bring me
back that ledger.

Nice work, Daddy.

I'’m sorry, babe.
I'’m so sorry.

Now you let her go.

Carpenter: First you
bring me back that ledger.

- We clear?
- Alex: Yeah.

Well, this tie'’s ruined.

Had to make it look real.

Okay, now we'’re going to
need that ledger.

- Tell us where it is.
- What'’s in those records

could send hundreds
of people to jail.

Any one of them
would kill me and my family.

I'’ll kill you...
I'’ll kill you right now.

- I'’ll kill you right now.
- Whoa, Alex.

Not if we make it look like
it came from your boss.

Then they'’ll
turn on him instead.

How are you going to
make it look like

it was Aguero
who handed it over?

Because I got a plan, all right?

Now give us that ledger.

They took it
when they booked me.

You mean,
the ledger is actually...

The day planner?

I can'’t believe the day
planner is actually the ledger.

It'’s written in code. It'’s designed
to look like calendar appointments

to anyone that doesn'’t
know how to read it.

Usato'’s the only one
that can decipher this.

That'’s why you've
got to keep him safe.

Carpenter is going to hand
this ledger off to Aguero.

You guys got to stay with him.

Well, what about Carpenter?

- I'’ll take care of him.
- Alex.

Hey, I got to make sure
my daughter'’s safe...



The ledger.

Coded in a day planner.

You have to admit,
it'’s ingenious.

And now you can
hand it over to me.

Francisco. Señor.

I told you
I could make this happen.

I would not have believed it

if I had not seen it
with my own eyes.

Good work, Agent Walker.

Too bad you couldn'’t join us

when we were back in Spain
when you had the chance.

Yeah, well, I didn'’t then
and I wouldn'’t now.

You'’re a foolish man,
Mr. Walker.

All right, Carpenter,
you got what you wanted.

Let us go. Todd. Todd!

Sorry, buddy. No witnesses.

I have to get rid
of both of you.

That'’s my daughter.
Don'’t be stupid.

You just got square with Aguero.

If you kill us, you'’re going
to be on the run again.

But no one will ever know.

When they blow up
this building tomorrow,

thousands of tons of concrete

will collapse
on your dead bodies.

There will be no trace
of you or your daughter.

The world will think
you'’ve just gone missing.

Just wait.
Wait, wait, wait.

Stop. Wait, all right?

If you do this,
you'’re all going to die.

We'’re going to die?

My butterfly
will make it happen.

Your butterfly?

She'’ll flap her wings,
and then...

And then what?

Kai: Evelyn, watch out!

Get her out of here
and get her somewhere safe.

Where are you going?


Carpenter, let'’s go!

Pretty good with
your fists back there.

Your father forces you
into ten years of karate,

you learn a thing or two.

I may have missed you
back in Spain, buddy,

but I never miss twice.

Good-bye, Alex.



Sorry, buddy.

Had to be done.

What the hell?

You looking for me?

You can'’t win.
I know your every move.

Hell, I taught you most of them.

You should have never
come to my island, Todd.

Your island?

This isn'’t your home.
You don'’t have a home anymore.

You don'’t have a family.
You have nothing left.

You know what I do have?

I got a best friend with a .45
aimed at the back of your head.

Freeze, douchebag.

I'’m going to teach you
something, Todd.

Alex, don'’t.

No, he needs to learn
this lesson.

You see, that'’s how you
miss shooting someone, okay?

So the next time
you want to miss someone,

that'’s how you miss!

Nice try.

You have the right
to remain silent,

but feel free to talk.

Ooh, what do we have here?

This is useless to you.

Everything is written in code

and the only man who knows
how to read it is dead.

Is he?

This is suicide!

Everyone will know you turned!

On the contrary,

everyone will know
that you turned.

They won'’t believe that.
I am king, and you...

The one who did all the work
without any of the reward,

and I'’ve had enough.

Due to our police
department'’s abilities,

you have now
Aguero in your custody.

I got to say, Ocampo,
it'’s pretty impressive.

Alex: Zivic!

You taking Aguero
back to the States?

Walker, stay out of it.
This is none of your business.

Whoa, easy, man.

I was just wondering
if you had room for one more.

Todd Carpenter.

How the hell did you find him?

Take the win, Zivic, hmm?

Oh, man, they might even
hand you a promotion.

You know, I just might.

Thanks, Alex.

Hi, Todd. There'’s some
people who want to talk to you.

How did I get all this stuff
in here in the first place?

You really think you'’re
going to need all of that again?

Well, you never know.

You might run into a rainy day.

You mean like lessons
for breaking out of zip ties?

Or ten years of karate classes?

Yeah, something like that.

Listen, I'’m sorry you had
to watch me fake kill that guy.

Oh, I knew that wasn'’t real.

- You have a tell.
- I have a tell?

You'’re doing it right now.

I'’m doing it right now?
What is it?

Listen to me, I am so glad
that you came here, Evelyn, truly.

And I'’m grateful that you
taught me everything you did.

I wouldn'’t be brave enough to
join the Peace Corps if you hadn'’t.

Well, then you are welcome,
and I hope... wait, what? Huh?

Why do you need combat skills
to join the Peace Corps?

Oh. Uh, oh, my God.
Look at the time.

- What?
- I have a plane to catch.

Huh? Hold on. Oh.

- I gotta give you something.
- Not the checks.

No, I already rolled those up
and stuffed them in your sock.

The healing crystal.


Give it back
to that little girl.

We'’ve done enough healing
for one trip.

Alex, we'’re going surfing!

Uh, we can come back later.

No, it'’s okay.
I have to go.

I'’ll leave you
with your new family.

Hey, Evelyn?

We good now?


But we'’ll get there.

See you, Pops.

Good-bye, Evelyn.

Call me Butterfly.

- All right.
- Yeah.

Hard to believe
she'’s related to you.

Yeah, you sure she'’s yours?

You were gone
for years at a time.

- A housewife can get lonely.
- Unh-uh.

Um, I need a ride.

Yeah, she'’s yours.

Yeah, that'’s
definitely your kid.