Almost Human (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 5 - Blood Brothers - full transcript

Detective John Kennex and Dorian are tasked with protecting the only remaining witness in a major murder trial, while Captain Maldonado faces off with the defendant.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The year is 2048.

Evolving technologies
can no longer be regulated.

Dangerous advancements forever
alter the criminal landscape.

Police are not prepared.

Law enforcement combats
this corruption

with a new line of defense.

But not all are created equal.

RUDY: The idea behind the DRNs
was to be as human as possible.

They were based on a program
called Synthetic Soul.

That's one of the crazy ones.

- I'll lead you in?
- Let's go.

Now all cops...

human and manmade together...

take on the battle
to watch over us all.

(quiet electronic pulsing)

Excuse me.


Detective Kennex?

May I help you?


What are you doing down here?

I was, uh...
I was just looking, uh, for you.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah.

I'm-I'm, uh...
I'm, uh... I'm great.


I'm sorry I'm late.

They're replacing
my chest plate.

We have to go by Rudy's later
and pick one up.


We'll... we'll do that.

Oh, I can't get it
out of my head.

What are you talking about?

The life-sized Ken doll.

That's what's bothering you?

I'm the one that
lives with them.

I have no privacy,

and they glare at me with their

lifeless eyes.
I'm miserable.

You need to talk
to Captain Maldonado.

Talk to Maldonado...
about what?

I need my own place.
You gotta be kidding me.

- You saw how awful it was down there.
- Yeah.

It's burned into
my brain forever.

Welcome to my world.

You're, uh...

you know, you're not...

like that down there, are you?

Not that it's any
of your business...

but my designer
was much more thoughtful.

I'm made to look human.

Oh, okay, good.
I can show you.

No, no, no. What are you doing?
(zipper unzips)

No, no. Oh, my G...

Is that all for one person?

Dude, put it away.

(zips up) Wait.

You're a robot.

What... what do you do with it?

Probably the same thing
you do with yours...


I do plenty with mine.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah? What's up
with Detective Stahl?

What about her?
The way she smiles at you...

the way she says your name...

(Valerie's voice):

Oh, please, don't.

She likes you.
Come on.

We work together, so...

(Valerie's voice):
Your fake leg is really sexy.


Captain Maldonado, you said

you oversaw the investigation
of this case.

Can you elaborate
on what you found

at the crime scene?

I saw Dr. Fuller, the victim,

lying dead on the ground
in a parking garage,

adjacent to a clinic

where he worked as
a fertility specialist.

Could you be a little
more specific? Yes.

There were three shots...

two bullets to the chest,
one to the head...

at point-blank range.

I know that because
the residue from the gunpowder

had blackened the wounds
around Dr. Fuller's skin.

Sounds brutal.

It was.

Whoever did this

must be a horrible person,

with a record of
doing horrible things.

I call your attention
to Exhibit C.

This is the weapon
that was found

next to the body of.

Dr. Liam Fuller,
is it not?


It's a high-capacity
assault pistol,

banned for street use.

Were my client Ethan Avery's

fingerprints on the gun?

No, they were not.

Nor were they at the scene.

And did you find his

DNA at the scene?
No, we did not.

FARLEY: You're telling
me that my client,

an upstanding citizen

with no criminal record

who donates a good portion

of his inheritance
to charity...

Objection, Your Honor,


Move it along.

You're telling me

that my client, Ethan Avery,

brutally murdered
Dr. Liam Fuller...

Yes, that's correct.

...and you have
no physical evidence

to connect my client
to the crime. Thank you.

- But what we do have...
- FARLEY: Captain.

- That'll be all.
- No.

That's not all.
What we have

is two eyewitnesses who saw

your client
murder Dr. Fuller

- in cold blood.
- I said no further questions.

Two witnesses who are not
related to each other,

- who were both at the scene of the crime...
- I... Your Honor.

- ...who were able to pick out
of a lineup... - Objection.

- JUDGE: Sustained.
- ...separately, that man,

Ethan Avery.
(gavel pounding)

That shuts the door
on reasonable doubt.

- Your Honor...
- That's enough, Captain.

You may step down.

Thank you.

(gallery murmuring)

It's so stressful, isn't it?

All this waiting.

It's my first time
being a witness.

Have you ever been a witness
in a murder trial?

No, I've never been a witness.

I like your scarf.

It's your grandmother's,
isn't it?

How did you know that?

She told me.

I'm sorry,

but my grandmother's
been dead for a year.

I know that.

I'm a psychic.

And a medium.

A little bit of both, I guess.

A medium psychic?

On good days,
I'm a petite psychic.

The lawyer asked me
not to mention it

on the stand.

But we're not on
the stand, so...

No, I can't tell her that,

she's about to testify.

Tell me what?

She thinks you're
ruining her scarf

with your oily skin.

Her words, not mine.

I think your skin is lovely.

I told you, nobody
wants to hear that.

Haley Myers?

They're ready for you.

Don't worry.

You're gonna be great.

(scanner whirrs)

Please raise your right hand.

That wasn't nice.
I told you.

I shouldn't have said anything.

I always do that.

Is the State ready to call
its next witness?

Uh, yes, Your Honor.

Um, as you know,
the two eyewitnesses

are in protective custody,

so to ensure their safety,
we're going to be

broadcasting their
testimony remotely.

That's fine.

The State calls Haley Myers
to the stand.

JUDGE: Have you been sworn in?

I have.

You may be seated.

(clears throat)

State your full name
for the record, please.

Haley Jolene Myers.

And what is your profession?

I'm a registered nurse.

Thank you,
Mrs. Myers.

You were at the parking garage

the day in question, were you not?

I was.

You were going
to your car, correct?

It was around 8:00 a.m.

I had just

finished my shift.

ORTEGA: And can you
tell us what you saw?

I, um...


It's all right, Mrs. Myers.

Just... take your time.

I saw a man

striding toward a parked car.

He was moving quickly,
like he had a purpose.

Then I saw he was holding a gun.

(distant gunfire)


Mrs. Myers?

Something's happening.

The safe house
has been compromised.

Deploy now.

(Haley screams)





Someone help her!


(gallery exclaiming, gasping)

(officer grunting)

Where's the other one?

(distant gunshot)





(indistinct conversations
and background radio chatter)

Maya Vaughn.

I'm a police officer.
You're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay.

What do we got?

A single shooter,
entered by force,

a large-caliber weapon,

took out the bailiff first.

Then shot and killed
Haley Myers,

one of the witnesses in
the case against Avery.

Any DNA? Prints?

So far,

nothing to give us an I.D.

- Armor-piercing.
- Yeah.

Probably purchased
on the black market.

Any idea how the shooter
found the safe house?

We found this tracker
on the bailiff.

Someone must've figured out he
was on the protection detail.

Followed him here.

Any word on the other witness?

Yeah, she's alive
and in custody.

Good thing.
Because right now,

she's the only thing
standing between

Ethan Avery and his freedom.

JOHN: I've got an eye for you.

An eye for me, that's funny.

Morbid, making your MX
hold the bin, isn't it?

Oh, he can handle it, right?


I can hold more
than a metric ton,

which converts to

2,204.6 pounds.

I'm collecting pieces for Rudy.
If he can reassemble the MX,

he might be able to pull
some footage from its CPU.

- Mm.
- I.D. the shooter.

The Knights just scored.
The score is now two to one.

Hey, whoa...
whoa, buddy, stop.

- I'm recording it.
- VALERIE: Oh, sorry.

He's been updating me.

I didn't know you were a fan.

Glad I can surprise you.

I better, uh...

They just scored again.

(Valerie laughs) JOHN:
Hey, you're ruining it.



I bet you're having
a pretty bad day.

A witness under police
protection murdered

in front of an entire courtroom.

You're not gonna
get away with this.

Get away with what?

I was in court. With you.

You think you're so smart.
I don't get

how a guy with a 180 IQ
could be so sloppy.

Your assassin didn't complete
the job.

I'm sure the warden told you
I've had no visitation,

phone calls or correspondence
since I got here, so...

how could I pull off
hiring a hit man

from solitary confinement,

- Lieutenant?
- Captain.



You were on the news...
about that ordeal at the wall.

I came out of that all right.

I'm surprised you're not
more highly ranked

for a woman your age.

I-I bet you have one of those
plaques hanging on your wall

just to show everyone
how far you've come

in such a short amount of time.

No ring.

Been single a long time,
haven't you?

You don't know anything
about me.

I know that you don't
like me because...

people respect me.

Because what I do
amounts to more

than just buttoning up
a business suit

and barking orders from a desk,

hoping that people
will take me seriously.

You think this far-fetched
scheme of yours

to put me in jail
will make you feel important?

Well, let me be
the first to tell you

that you're not important.

You'd be content if just
one person could see you

and want you.

But they don't, do they?

All those men you work with,
they just walk right past you.

Like you're invisible.

No matter what you do,

no matter how bad you want it,

at the end of the day,
it'll always be just you.


You're a son of a bitch.

I know you killed
Dr. Fuller.

I know you're behind the
murder of Haley Myers.

And I am gonna
personally see to it

that you never get on the other
side of the razor wire.

I hope you get your man.

Can you tell us what happened
when you were at the safe house?

I was listening
to the testimony.

I got up and went
to the bathroom.

And then I heard a shot.

And then another one.

Did you ever get a look back
at who was shooting?

No, the door was closed.

I knew if I didn't do anything,
I'd be next,

so I went to the window
and opened it.

And that's when you climbed down.

And I just started running.

Did you ever look back?

So you didn't see the shooter.


But Haley did.


The other witness.

Haley told me
she saw the killer.

You said you ran away after
the shots were fired, so...

when did she tell you?

About ten minutes ago.

Um, sorry, I'm not
quite following you.

I'm a medium psychic.

But on good days,
I'm a petite psychic.


I can communicate
with her spirit.

Miss Vaughn, we don't usually

get our leads from spirits.

We like to deal in facts.
Well, this is legit.

I had the Cerebellux procedure.

It worked on me.

Cerebellux procedure?

It's relatively
new and unproven.

It's meant to increase
percentage of brain usage

in human beings.

Enhancements have been known

to add sensory abilities

or a notable increase
in intelligence.

Maybe you should try it, John.

MAYA: I was one of
the positive results.

When I touch items,
like, anything, really,

the voices start in my head.

And if I'm holding an item
of a deceased person,

well, then they

just start talking
to me from the beyond.

That's fascinating.

That's insane.

I'm sorry, sorry.

You know what happens
when I get nervous.

I just can't stop talking.

Haley's upset.

She wants me to get to the point

and tell you who killed her.


Ethan Avery.

Ethan Avery?

Uh, Miss Vaughn...

Ethan Avery was sitting
in a courtroom across town...


Could you please
lower your voice?

Sorry, she really
needs you to listen.

Ethan Avery murdered her.

She knows it for sure.

She saw his face.

Okay, uh...

Thanks, Maya.


We'll be right back.

Medium. DORIAN:
Psychic-medium, actually.

She's a kook.
She says that Ethan Avery

is the one that killed
Haley Myers in the safe house.

Ethan Avery was
with me in court.

It's impossible.

That's what I said.
Look, I think

the real problem here is the
D.A.'s last living witness

belongs in a puzzle factory,

not giving testimony
on a witness stand.

Hello, my fellow law enforcers.

Sorry to interrupt.

But I thought you might
like to hear this.

We all know that facial
replication technology exists,

DNA can be fabricated,
fingerprints can be planted.

The human vocal chords
can't be faked.

Recorded, yes.
Duplicated, yes.

And to the human ear,
they can seem identical.

However, if an
auditory specialist,

like moi, tirelessly analyzes

the audio print, it is possible

to discern
whether or not a voice

is a recording or...

as in this case,


- Anybody get that?
- I do.

Thank you, my friend.

I pulled some audio

from the hologram testimony,

and picked out a voice
from the safe house.

The killer's voice.

This voice.

Where's the other one?

That voice is 100%
not a recording.

Those are coming directly
from vocal chords.

Which means that
whoever was saying this

was actually in the room...

with the witnesses

and fired that gun.

And the voice belongs to...

wait for it...

...Ethan Avery


What about an identical twin?

That would explain why
someone with his voice

killed the witness
and the bailiff.

We checked that out.

Avery's an only child.

Narcissistic, sociopathic...

But what's the ultimate
in narcissism?

What if Avery cloned himself?

No, we checked with the
Anti-Replication guys.

They said there's no
case file on Avery.

Oh, come on, those ARD guys
are so backlogged.

I wouldn't trust their records.

Hello, people...

cloning is complex.

Unless Avery had a secret
Ph.D in biogenetics,

he wouldn't have the skills.

We did a thorough
background check on Avery.

If he was harboring a clone,
we would've found evidence.

Wait a minute, Dr. Fuller's
a fertility specialist.

I mean, we don't know
why Avery killed him,

but cloning's
a reproductive technology.

What if there's
a connection we missed?

Right, we've never been able
to establish motive.

Or any connection
between Avery and Fuller.

Let's check it out.


Uh, you sure you don't mind?

Oh, no, it's fine.

Here... this was hers.

(Maya sighs quietly)

I'm sorry.

I'm not getting anything.

How long ago did
your wife pass away?

My ex-wife.

I was just hoping she was dead.


I don't think
this is gonna work.

Yeah, that's what she said.

Wait, uh, what was that?

That's Haley. She wants me
to deliver a message.

What is it? What'd she say?

The message isn't for you.

I wanted to ask you a few
questions about Liam Fuller.

You knew him, didn't you?


I read about his murder.

It chilled me.

Although I hadn't seen him
in many years.

Actually, I found
an article by Dr. Fuller

that was published 22 years ago

on stem cell cloning.

It mentions Adelaide Jones

as his research assistant.

That's you, right?

That was Dr. Fuller
being generous.

Did you stay in touch
with Dr. Fuller

- after the study was over?
- No.

When they passed
legislation banning cloning,

research funding
dried up overnight.

Dr. Fuller had
to give up that work

and refocus his career.

By any chance do you recall
an Ethan Avery

taking part in that study?

I wouldn't know.

The subjects were anonymous.

I've looked for more
of his work on cloning,

but I haven't been able
to find anything.

We worked a lot out
of his mother's house.

If his old research
still exists,

you might try looking there.

Uh, have you seen Maya?


- The witness?
- Yeah, yeah.

The one I asked you to watch?

Yeah, look, she asked me to go
get her a cup of coffee.

- I come back, I can't find her. - Paul, I
couldn't have given you an easier job.

You think it's easy to take
care of bananapants all day?

What are you doing?

I'm checking the
surveillance cameras

around the precinct.

If she left, we should be
able to trace her...

I've got her.

She's walking down
Eighth Street.

No, no, wait... why don't you

just go re-read the How
to Be a Cop manual?

(siren chirps)

Hey, Maya.

Nice day for a walk.

I'm going to see
Haley's parents.

She wants to talk to them.

Did Haley ask you to do that?

I have to give them a message.

Tell them that she's okay.

Haley is definitely not okay.

Look, why don't you
hop in the back?

You can either hop in the car

or I'll arrest you
for jay-walking.

Either way you're
coming with us.

JOHN: Why did you leave
the police station?

What were you
possibly thinking?

I wasn't thinking,
I was listening.

Something you could
probably learn to do.

Tell me about it.

We're doing our very best

to try and protect you.

And you're wandering around

like a walking bull's-eye.

You're in protective
custody for a reason.

People are trying to kill you.

John, has anyone ever told you
about your energy?

I have.

It's very troubling.

You're surrounded by

a very strong aura of red.

"Strong aura of red."

It's the color
of anger and frustration.

And apples and Christmas.

It pushes people away from you.

I can tell that's not
what you want.

You know, I kind of like
being by myself. Really?

'Cause when we met, John,
I got a very intense vision.

I'm getting an intense
vision right now.

It was all dark.

There was a bright light.

And there was, um...

- running.
- So, you're telling me

to run towards the light?

No, you're not running.

Someone's coming towards you.

Someone very special.

It's also a very strong smell.

Is it New Spice Special Reserve?

'Cause sometimes he wears
too much aftershave.

- No, I don't.
- No, not that.

Something else.


Now you're talking.

You on the other hand...

when I read you,

everything is quiet.


See, now I know
you're way off base.

'Cause this guy
is anything but.

(tires screech)


Get down!
Watch out! Watch out!

I'm going out.

But you can't!
You don't have a chestplate!

Maya, no! John, she's hit!


Leave him! We got to get
the hell out of here!

I need an ambulance... now!

Ethan Avery...?!

We got a lead on who killed
Haley Myers in the safe house.


Ethan Avery's clone.

He looks exactly like him,

- ten years younger.
- What about the others?

I don't know. I didn't get
a look at their faces, but...

if I had to guess,
I'd say they were clones, too.

They're well-trained,
well-armed, and proficient.

Stahl's gone to Fuller's mother
to track down his research.

Have you heard
from the hospital?

Maya's got a chipped collarbone

and possible internal bleeding.

That's not good news.
How the hell did they find her?

I have no idea.

We weren't
at a predetermined location.

Stahl checked
the precinct surveillance.

She wasn't followed
when she left.

We're sweeping the cruiser
for tracking devices.

She has to pull through.

If we don't have her,
we have nothing on Avery.

We can't connect her to Fuller.

I know.

He's winning.

Avery's winning.

I'll call you
if I get anything else.


Try not to move too much.

Is Detective Kennex okay?

He's fine. He's looking
for the shooters right now.

We're all just glad you're okay.

The bullet's impact
was 37 millimeters

from puncturing your lung.

You were very lucky, Maya.

I don't think anyone's
ever called me that before.

I never thought of myself as


Why is that?

The week before
my 19th birthday,

my parents died
in a car accident.

The police said it was instant.

I'm-I'm sorry.

That's okay.

We all know that
we're gonna lose our parents.

I just assumed
it would be years later.

Definitely not both of them
at the same time.

Everyone said,
"With time, it'll get better."

And I tried,

but I was living in the house
that I grew up in.

I didn't want to move.
It was my home.

That's why you got
the procedure.

I heard it helped people
connect to the other side.

Everyone told me not to do it,
that it was a fraud,

that hearing voices was a sign
of mental illness,

but I didn't care.

I signed up right away,
followed all the rules,

did everything they suggested.

And then when I woke up...

I knew something was different.

When I heard the first voice,
I was terrified. (Laughs)

It was so clear...

and no one else could hear it.

When the shock wore off,
I knew I had the ability.

That must've been amazing.

Realizing you could reconnect
with your parents.

That's what I thought.

While I was recovering
from the procedure,

there was a fire.

Our house burnt to the ground.


And when I went back,
it was just ash.

(voice breaking): And I needed
something of theirs to touch,

to connect to them.

But everything...

everything was gone.

The irony is, I talk
to dead people all the time.


But I can't talk to the people
who matter the most to me.

What'd you find?

There are no trackers,

Your vehicle is clean.

I want you to turn

this phone into
a secure comm, okay?

Completely off police channels.

Certainly. One moment.

(comm ringing)

Ooh, a secure line.
What's the occasion?

Rudy, did Valerie deliver the MX
destroyed at the safe house?

Ah, yes, Detective Stahl,

she graced the lab
with her presence.

Check the MX's comm tech.

See if it's missing.


It's not there.

In fact,
the whole ear is missing.

That's how they did it.

That's how they followed Maya.
They stole it,

and they're monitoring
police comm signals.


We should take a look inside.

Do we have probable cause,
Detective Stahl?

Yes. I'm worried
about Mrs. Fuller's health.

She's an old lady.

No problem. I'll notify
the precinct of our location.

(device whirs, lock clicks)

Anybody home?

Mrs. Fuller?

Clear the upstairs.

(device trills)

(drawers open)

The second floor is clear.

Send this and all the files

on this computer to
Maldonado immediately.



(gun cocks)

Stop right there.

All police frequencies have been
compromised. We have to assume

that Avery's clones have heard
everything we've broadcast.

Dr. Lom is setting up
an encrypted frequency.

Should be up and running
in 15 minutes.

Captain, this was sent by Detective
Stahl via her MX. She marked it urgent.

She found the connection.

Dr. Fuller was the one
who cloned Avery.

How do you know?

This is a letter Dr. Fuller

sent to him, threatening
to publish his research

and expose the clones.
That's why Avery killed him.

Wait a minute. Valerie sent that
on the compromised frequency.

What's her status?

Detective Stahl logged in

in a farmhouse
on Old Sawmill Road.

The locator in her
cruiser indicates

it was parked out front.

(phone rings) It's Stahl.

Valerie, listen to me.
You got to get out of there.

MAN: You must be
someone very special.

Who is this?

I think you know.

Of all the people she could

have contacted when her life
depended on it, she chose you,

Detective Kennex.

Let me speak to Detective Stahl.

That's not the way this works.

You have someone I want,
and clearly we have someone

you want, so let's see how
we can accommodate each other.

You listen to me,
you hurt her in any way...

I suggest you listen, Detective.

I'm going to send you
a set of coordinates.

I want Ethan Avery brought

to that location in two hours.

You will come in one car.

If you bring reinforcements,
we will know.

If there are drones in the area,
we will know.

If we detect anything amiss,
she's dead.

And don't even try
coming to this house.

I know you know where we are.

Wow, you must be the smart one.

We all are.

You have two hours.

They won't negotiate with you...

not even for me.

You're not gonna get
what you want.

I beg to differ.

You should've heard him
on the phone.

You're important to him.

I say we kill her anyway!

They shot Eli!

And they'll pay for it,
but not right now.

We have to get Ethan back.

We have to put
the family back together.

You're not a family.

Why do this for a murderer

who's held you hostage
your entire life?

Because he is us.

How far would you go

to save yourself?

They want to meet in the
woods north of the city.

There's a road at each end.

PAUL: What about aerial
surveillance? Maybe helos?

These guys have tech
capable of spotting our assets.

You can't seriously be thinking
about taking Avery out there.

Paul, if we don't comply,
they won't hesitate.

They'll kill her.

Check out a transport vehicle
from the motor pool.

I'll prep Avery for travel.

Captain, you can't just give in.

This is my case.

We're gonna do it my way.

Call Rudy.
We're gonna need his help.

Scanning me for weapons,

Captain Maldonado?
What's the occasion?

It's standard procedure.
You're being released.


Please tell me
you finally got your man.

Enjoy your freedom.

It'll be short-lived, I promise.

He's clean.
Thank you.

Have transport standing by.

Mr. Avery's ready for release.

You must have a guardian angel.

Get her in the van.

(engine winds down)

All right.

Everyone's in position.
Let's get started.

Calibrating scanners.

Linking scanners
with our GPS coordinates.

No drones. We're good.

Get set up.

And scanners are locked on.

All right, let's get 'em.

Bring her out!

Get your hands off me.

You set?

hologram projection.

It's him.

I've got to admit,
it shows some

real spine on your part,
coming down here in person

just to let me go.

Your clones put us
in a tight spot.

They are remarkable,
aren't they?

Yeah, that's one word for it.

Slight problem. We're getting
short on the hallway.

This needs to happen fast.

Do you really think,
after this is over,

you can all just disappear?

I kept them hidden
for over two decades,

I'm sure we can disappear
for a few more.

Okay, Rudy, how we looking?

Not so good.
About 20 feet at most.

It's not him!



What's up?

Did Dorian just flip that van?

Why hasn't he done that before?

You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

- We got Stahl.
- Copy that.

What the hell's going on?

Why am I not being released?

You're not going anywhere,
you son of a bitch.

When I stepped into
the garage, I saw a man.

He was walking towards
a parked car, carrying a gun.

And then what?

I saw the man shoot Dr. Fuller
three times.

ORTEGA: And without any
doubt, can you see the man

who pulled the trigger

in the courtroom today?

Yes, I do.

Can you point to him, please?

That man right there.

ORTEGA: Let the record
show that the witness

identified the defendant,
Ethan Avery.

Thank you, Miss Vaughn.

Your Honor, the State rests.

Court will adjourn. We will
resume again in one hour.

I got to say, you held
yourself together

really well up there today.

Really? I was so nervous,
I was shaking like a leaf.

JOHN: Well, you
didn't look nervous.

You did great.

Listen, I know
you're a skeptic,

but remember the energy
I was telling you about

the other day in the car?

Yeah, the, uh,

the red one that repels
anything and everyone around me,

except for bourbon and someone
coming towards me, right?

Mm, that one.

Just so you know,

the universe has a way
of working things out for us.

MALDONADO: All the wonderful
things you've done,

it's already being erased.

I think we both know
where this is going,

so I wanted to be
the first to tell you

that you're going
to jail forever.

In the next few days, people
will be talking about you,

about the killer, the cloner,
the novelty that is Ethan Avery.

In a few years, people will
bring up in passing

the egomaniacal philanthropist

who made duplicates of himself
because he thought

the world needed more of him.

And decades and decades
from now,

while you're in jail
rotting away alone,

Ethan Avery will be forgotten.

It will be like
you never existed.

Hey, Sandra.


Oh, nothing.
I just wanted to say,

uh, just wanted to say
you look nice today.


Hey, Dorian.

Hey. I wanted to catch you
before you left the courthouse.

I wanted to give this to you.

What is it?

I've been thinking about
your parents, what happened.

I thought I'd look into it.

There was an arson

Yeah, they never figured out
who did it.

I know, but this box
was in the evidence locker,

and I had it released.

Maybe there's something in here
that might work for you.

I hope it helps.

(sighs deeply)



Want some company?

Yeah, sure.

Where'd you get the booze from?

My desk, top drawer.

Never know when
you're gonna need it.

Boy, you really are
full of surprises.


What are you doing
in here this late?

Had to log some evidence

What's your excuse?

Ah, I was just
finishing off a report.

Thought I'd catch
the second half of the game.


Yeah, is that okay?

"People running..."

Yeah, it's soccer.

You okay?



Cheers, Detective.