Ally McBeal (1997–2002): Season 3, Episode 20 - Hope and Glory - full transcript

Nelle schemes her way into turning Elaine against Cage and Fish and starting her own firm. Nelle has hired her own lawyer in defense of stealing clients, but Richard has slept with this lawyer, John is reduced to repeatedly uttering "balls, balls, balls", and while Ally is becoming serious with Brian, it will be left to Mark, and Ally and Elaine's friendship to save the firm.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Ally McBeal...

When I joined, you promised I would
be the first associate to be made partner.

Promises I make are
irrelevant. You should know that.

The Hallen file, and you also
poached the Skinner file from Richard.

- Does he know that?
- You're doing something
despicable. I can tell.

- I have a little surprise
for you.
- What are you up to?

Nelle. Just the
person I want to see.

If it's naked,
you're out of luck.

I'd sooner puke my intestines and
snorkel in them than see you naked.

- What did you call me?
- You rich bitch,
elitist ice queen.

You little mayor
of Munchkinland.

Amazing I didn't lose
my penis to frostbite.

I just have this feeling. I-I
swear there was something...

- And the way he looked at me, I...
- Have we met before?

I don't think so. It's just
you-you were looking at me like...

Well, I like to distract
opposing counsel.

I like to look at 'em
like I just wanna...

tear off their clothes and
lick them from head to toe.

You promised me I would be
considered for partnership in two years.

W-We have considered you, Nelle.
I-I did the analysis. I-It didn't work out.

When we examine the numbers...
Uh, me and John, I get half.

Include you, I get less. Can't
ignore the research, Nelle.

There will be consequences
for this, Richard. Well...

There are the
legal considerations,

but there are also the
practical ones. Like what?

Are your phone lines up? Do
you have copying machines,

toner, legal pads,
supplies, an assistant?

Setting up your
own law practice,

if you don't hit the ground
in a sprint, you're stillborn.

The office, the phone, the
supplies... I have all that. The files?

If the clients decide to
come with me, I'll get them.

What? I know
this isn't the case,

but allow me to speak for a
minute as if you were an idiot.

When you leave, the
clients... the would-be clients...

They will be very
nervous, insecure about

whether you could
handle the workload alone.

Richard Fish will prey
upon these insecurities.

Long as he still has the
files, he's in the game.

Most of them are on disk and I don't
have the passwords to access them.

Who does? Well, the
responsible attorneys.

And there's one
secretary, Elaine,

who's figured them
all out, but... Hire her.

Not in a million
years. I don't like her.

If she has the
passwords, you love her.

She's very loyal to this
other attorney. She'll...

Give her more money
and a better title.

Now, one other thing. I've
actually met Richard Fish.

We're not exactly friends, but
I... I did have sex with him once.

You slept with Richard
Fish? It wasn't intimate.

You don't think
there's a conflict here?

What I'm about to
do is very dastardly.

I have no problem being dastardly with
men I've slept with. I'm dastardly during.

Final thought: the clients.

You've indicated that
you're going to leave? Yes.

And they've indicated
they'll follow? Yes.

But at no time have you actually
solicited them to leave? Correct.

All right. We're set.

Tomorrow, you'll recruit
Elaine, then you'll get the files.

By Wednesday, you're
solo. Thursday, you'll be sued.

Isn't it exciting?

♪ I've been down this road ♪

♪ Walkin' the line
that's painted by pride ♪

♪ And I have made
mistakes in my life ♪

♪ That I just can't hide ♪

♪ Oh, I believe I am ready ♪

♪ For what love has
to bring Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I got myself together ♪

♪ Now I'm ready to sing ♪

♪ I've been searching
my soul tonight ♪

♪ I know there's so
much more to life ♪

♪ Now I know I
can shine a light ♪

♪ To find my way back home ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Baby, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪♪

♪ Games changing and fears ♪

♪ When will they go from here ♪

♪ When will they stop ♪

♪ I believe that faith
has brought us here ♪

Is this the only bar
you ever come to?

Well, my friends come here,

though I don't see
any of them now.

Are you hoping
to? Yeah. A little.

I'm not very good at
evaluating a man one-on-one,

so it helps to see him in
context with my friends.

It... I-I get to observe more.

Yeah, I know what you
mean. The little things...

How he treats others, how
he treats you in a group,

whether your friend will
give you one of these.

Well, the truth is I wasn't
sure how this drink would go.

I thought I might
need an escape hatch.

You're a little angry I
didn't call for two days.


Ally, you strike me
as the type when

everything's right,
something must be wrong.

If he's too interested, then...

I didn't wanna scare you off,

'cause I am so interested.

♪♪ Oh.

Oh, that's, uh...

That's very nice to hear.

What-What... What are...
What, are you leaving?

♪ I try to walk away
and I stumble ♪

♪ Though I try to
hide it it's clear ♪

♪ My world crumbles
when you are not near ♪

♪ Walk by and I choke ♪

♪ Try to walk away
and I stumble ♪

♪ Though I try to
hide it it's clear ♪

♪ My world crumbles
when you are not near ♪

♪ I may appear to be free ♪

♪ But I'm just a prisoner
of your love ♪ John.

Twenty-nine. Dance floor.

♪ And I may seem all right ♪

♪ And smile when you leave ♪

♪ But my smiles
are just a front ♪

♪ Just a front Hey ♪

♪ I play it off but I'm
dreaming of you ♪

♪ I'll keep my cool
but I'm feignin' ♪

♪ I try to say
good-bye and I choke ♪

♪ Try to walk away
and I stumble ♪

♪ Though I try to
hide it it's clear ♪

♪ My world crumbles
when you are not near ♪♪

Cage & Fish.

What are you doing?

My therapist said to go right
into a smile upon seeing you,

instead of waiting for you to engage
in your typically horrendous behavior.

Mmm. Elaine, could
I see you a second?


Tell all your little friends to
stay hidden. I'm a bad witch.

That was an obscure reference
to me as mayor of Munchkin City.

Yes. I caught that.

I'm sure you're not interested, Elaine,
but I'm looking to hire a paralegal.

You're the most
qualified person in the

office, so I feel
obligated to offer it to you.

But I understand you
wouldn't want to leave Ally.

Well... I asked anyway.

W-W-W... Wait-Wait...
Wait a second.

Were you required to
officially ask me or something?

Not at all. Just for my
own conscience, I guess.

Wouldn't be fair of me to go
to anybody else before you.

You've got the most
experience, seniority.

If somebody junior was suddenly
making twice your salary, you'd flip out,

probably start
wearing underwear.

Twice my salary? What
do you care, really?

You've got that face
bra thing. Aren't you rich?

Well, sales have
cooled a little.

Twice my salary?

It's a tougher job, Elaine.

Uh, you don't just do other
people's bidding all day long.

You become your
own decision maker.

And with autonomy
comes pressure.

Uh, I'm not sure you'd want this.
M-More money, more autonomy?

But it would mean that
I'd have to work for you.

Look, you're never
gonna leave Ally.

She'd never let you leave.

It isn't just her decision.

Oh. If you say so.

Tell you what. Think
about it, if you want.

I'll hold off offering the
position to anybody else.

Nelle, why would
you ever want me?

Purely selfish. I need
the best person for the job.

I'm offering a job only,
Elaine, not a friendship. Yuck.

♪ "L" is for the way
you look at me ♪

♪ "O" is for the
only one I see ♪

♪ "V" is very, very ♪♪

Mark. Hi. Hi.


Uh, this Brian guy...
It could be serious?

Uh, th-that's kind of a
private question, Mark.


I mean, the reason
was... Never mind.


- What?
- Well...

I was thinking, if it wasn't
serious, of asking you to dinner.

But if it is serious,
and/or going that way,

then us having dinner
would be a lousy idea.

Oh. Well, it-it...

It would be... n-not lousy,
but, um, inappropriate.


That's fine. That's great.

I... Suddenly, I feel... stupid.


Hey, Mark. Hi.

How's it goin'?

Not bad.

'Scuse me.

Ready? All set.

- What?
- Close the door, please.

I'm afraid I have
to rescind my offer.

Why? I just do,
that's all. I'm sorry.

Wh... Nelle.

Y-You can't just offer a person
a position, dangle a big salary...

and then pull it back
without an explanation.

It... It just wouldn't work
out. Can we leave it at that?

No. W-We cannot.

Okay. But you have to
swear yourself to secrecy.

If Richard or John ever
found out I told you... I promise.

- I mean it, Elaine.
- I give you my word.


They're okay with
me hiring a paralegal.

They're not okay
with it being you.


They don't think you're capable of
handling that much responsibility.

For whatever reason,
they think you're just...

some horny, dumb
blonde and nothing more.

What? I don't agree with them.

Elaine, if you're really interested,
I'll try to work on them, but...

That's okay. Thank you.



♪ What would I have to do ♪

♪ To get you to notice me too ♪

♪ Do I stand in line ♪
♪ Stand in line ♪

♪ One of a million
admiring eyes ♪

♪ Walk a tightrope way up high ♪

♪ Write your name
across the sky ♪

♪ I'm goin' crazy
just to let you know ♪

♪ You'd be amazed how
much I love you so, baby ♪

♪ When I get my hands
on you I won't let go ♪

♪ This time I'll
know it's for real ♪♪

- Hi, bitch.
- Hey, bitch.

I haven't seen you around lately.
What you been up to? Oh. Work.

Want to get lunch? Well,
today's tough. Maybe tomorrow?

Sure. Everything okay? Fine.

Elaine, could I
steal you a second?

Okay. Twerp.

Again, I need your word.
You'll keep this secret? Okay.

I've decided to leave
Cage & Fish. What?

I've been having philosophical
differences with the way they do things.

You mean, with the philosophical
way they wouldn't make you partner?

That was one of them. Yes.

Anyway, I'd like
you to come with me.

Me? You'd be a full paralegal.

I'll start you off
at 85,000.85,000?

As we grow, I'll make you
my chief operating officer,

in three years.

Wait... I'd be C.O.O.
in three years?

It's a risk, Elaine. If
I fall flat on my face,

there'd be nothing
to be C.O.O. of.

Like, you would
be walking a plank.

It's much safer, I guess,
to stay a secretary.

Though here, that's
all you'll ever be.

Well, uh, it's just so...
I don't even like you.

Nor I you.

At least, not much.

Then why? I don't
get it. Purely selfish.

The best way to build a business
is to surround yourself with talent,

and I admire your ability.

Well... Can I think about it?

Not for long.

Since I've made my decision, I feel I owe
it to Richard and John to leave quickly.

I don't want to be taking their
money if I'm not committed here.

That's very honorable. And I'd
need my paralegal in place when I go.

I've thought about it. I'm
in. Don't rush this decision.

What's to think about?
You're offering me a future.

Why would I stay in a place
where they don't think I'm qualified?

You're sure? Yes.

But I need to tell
Ally. You can't.

This has to stay quiet. If
she gives me her word...

Well, then you'd
be risking her job.

If she stayed quiet, and Richard
ever found out she knew...

You'd be doing her a huge
disservice by telling her before, Elaine.

You can talk to her after.

You really sure
you want to do this?



Great. I'll secure
our office space.

Oh, uh... Once we leave,

we'll be contacting clients I've
had, ask them to come with us.

Uh, here's a list of everyone
I've worked with here.

If you could download their case
files... Probably good to have them.

Is that okay to do?

Well, I'm just concerned if the
client chooses to come with us,

Richard might become
petty and not release the file.

If the client doesn't come with
us, there's no consequence.

I guess that's true.

I see you're a
little uncomfortable.

Tell you what. Give me the
passwords, I'll do it myself.

Then I won't be putting
you in an awkward position.

That might be better.

We're gonna have fun, Elaine.

We're gonna build something
from scratch, you and me.

- You got all the files?
- The ones I wanted.

Okay. Before you can legally solicit
the clients, you have to officially leave.

Does that mean I have to notify
Fish? Because as soon as...

No, but your new office has to essentially
be open. Make the calls from there, Nelle.

What's left in your old
office that you need?

Uh, nothing.

Then go now. Start calling now. The
secret doesn't stay a secret for long.

Uh, what about Elaine? She
can join you whenever she wants.

You got the files.
Do not wait. Move.

Oh, Nelle?

Above all, don't
forget to enjoy yourself.

This is nasty fun.

Yeah. Yeah.

That's the thing about women. They're
all lovely and-and sweet and funny,

right up to the point when they
reveal themselves as utter monsters.

Is that right? Mmm.

I'm sure there are exceptions,
just... no documented cases yet.

Which is why I... I
try to date monsters.

It allows me to make an informed
choice, should I decide to get married.

And how am I doing so far?

Maybe we should order.

By the way, I'd quite
like to have sex tonight.

Quite suppose I deserve that.

What a nice surprise. I was actually
planning to, uh, call you today.

Yes. Well, I really thought I owed
it to you to come in, in person.

What's up?

Nothing. I just
wanted you to know I'm

appreciative of all the
work you've done for me.

Y-You came... You
came in to say that?

And I hope, even
though we're not doing

business together
anymore, we can be friends.

Well, Milton, uh, my
friendship has always come...

What do you mean, "not
doing business together"?

Didn't she tell you? Who?

Nelle Porter. What
about Nelle Porter?

I've given my account to her.

Uh... Milton, I, uh...

Nelle i-is a fine lawyer.

But certainly, at a minimum,
you'd want me overseeing things.

Overseeing? Richard, she doesn't work
here anymore. How could you oversee things?

- Uh, of-of course
she works here.
- Oh, my goodness.

Richard, Nelle Porter
called me an hour ago...

to tell me she left Cage & Fish
and she started a firm of her own.



Lock down our computers. I
want Nelle's office searched.

I want her phone
records checked. I...

I'm talking to myself.
Where the hell is Ling?

What's the matter?
Nelle left and stole clients.

Did you know about this? No.

- I don't believe you.
- Richard!

Nelle's raiding clients. She left!
She's gone! She's started her own firm.

Can you turn the alarm off?

For everyone's attention,

Nelle Porter is
not allowed in here.

I want her office door locked. If she
shows up, I am to be notified at once!

Talk about dishonest. I hired
her to steal from her old firm.

She ends up stealing from me!

Richard. John.

I just came by to
tell you I was leaving.

Little late for that. Milt
Meyers is in my office.

You lying, conniving,
sinister, back-stabbing...

I bet you'd really like
to spank me now, John!

Anyway, I enjoyed myself here. I
hope we can work together one day.

You think you'll get away with this?
You think you'll get away with this?

Yes. Yes. Want to ask
again, go three out of five?

- Come on, Elaine.
- Elaine?

I'm going too. What?

- Elaine?
- It's better for me
to be where I'm appreciated.



I wanna get her.

We don't wanna make
this personal, John.

It's personal. It's about
money. It's personal.

I wanna get her!

A-All right. Um... I
d... N-Never mind.

Wh-What are we gonna do? We
have to get an injunction, or at least try.

I already marked it up. We're
before Judge Walsh in an hour.

I can't believe she got to
Elaine. It just doesn't make sense.

I wanna get her.

Let's go.

There she is.

This will be difficult, but it's very
important that you not say anything.

- I know they're your friends, but...
- You lying thief.

I'm sorry. I can't allow my
clients to communicate with you.

Hope. I-I had sex with you.

Yes, Richard. Thank you
for raising the relevant issues.

- You're her lawyer?
- Elaine, could I
speak with you?

- I'm afraid I can't advise that.
- I didn't ask
what you would advise.

This woman is a friend of mine.

I think we better get inside.

- Elaine?
- I had sex with her.

She wouldn't talk to me.

It is the equivalent of stealing,
Your Honor. It's as simple as that.

Nothing is as simple as Mr. Albert
appears to be, Your Honor.

There's case law
in this, and when...

When a person steals files...

Case law indicates that the courts
look at the situations in their totality.

- She did not solicit clients...
- She stole files.

My client was
promised partnership.

Mr. Fish then announced a little over a
month ago he doesn't keep his promises.

Your Honor, my client
was subjected to corporal

punishment by the
other senior partner.

She has suffered retaliation
since ending her relationship...

Balls. Balls. Balls.

Which brings me
to my next point.

We have a lot of
stuff going on here,

a lot of which doesn't serve anybody
to be aired out in a big public forum.

I would suggest
binding arbitration.

The court has a list of arbiters.
You can simply pick one.

That's probably a good idea.

Mr. Albert?

That sounds like a great idea.

Fine by me. We don't need the
personal allegations... Oh, balls...

If we can deal with this
more privately, we will be...

Okay. Okay, fine. Go. Go.

We agree, Your Honor.

I'll pick a name out of a
hat. You'll have an arbiter.

- Elaine?
- I'm sorry.

- No, no, no. She is my friend,
and I will talk to her.
- Elaine?

Richard refused to let
me become a paralegal.

He said I was unqualified.
How could I stay there?

How could you not talk to me?

I didn't want to get
you fired. Let's go.

If you knew... I gotta go.

Did you refuse to make Elaine
a paralegal or something? What?

W-Well, did you
even discuss this?

I didn't. John? Balls.

Bad news, folks. Walsh
just drew the name.

Julia Brattle. Bulldog Brattle?

Who's Bulldog Brattle? The
biggest man-hating lawyer in town.

She's cute, though.

I was at the
point... I was just...

I felt I had no esteem
left. I was so humiliated.

Could you tell us
why, Ms. Porter?

Well, can you imagine...

Being in a relationship
where you're so controlled?

He had a-a clicker to make me
shorter or taller, depending on his wishes.

I, uh...

I'd have to wear
these shoes for him.

And even my hair.

He had another clicker
built into my hair pins.

Did he ever
physically abuse you?

Once he took a hairbrush to me.

He said it was to,
uh, sexually excite.

- So what did you do?
- Well, I just knew
I had to get out.

It was like bondage
there, like I was a slave.

I had to get out, so
I planned to leave.

Uh... Uh, I'm sorry.
Um... Can I take a break?

- I-I'd like to use
the ladies' room.
- Five minutes.

Could somebody come with me?

That's another thing.
There's a unisex here.

I don't feel safe.

The men, they follow you
into the bathroom here.

- You lying, manipulative,
conniving bitch.
- Mr. Cage!

Friends tell each other
what's going on. Oh, please.

If you had knowledge, Ling, Richard
would have fired you in a second.

It was for your own protection.

You know, Richard, I
can't tell you how many

nights I lie in bed
thinking about that night.

You... Regretting it.

Yeah. Does, uh, Nelle
know about your little

secret, Hope? What
would she think about that?

All Nelle wants is to win this dispute,
which she appears to be doing.

Well, I'll tell you something.
When this is over...

When this is over, I was
hoping you could maybe

give me a little
something to regret again.

Right. Uh, right.

Wow. Nice place.

If I'd told you, you would have felt
obligated to tell John and Richard.

As far as I can figure,
Nelle came to you,

offering some
paralegal position,

and then she said
that Richard nixed it.

Well, John and Richard never knew
anything about any paralegal job.

Nelle never
discussed it with them.

Wh-What did she need from you?

Maybe I'm just a
very good assistant.

Maybe I'm more than
just a horny, dumb blonde.

Of course you are.

But what did she need from
you that only you could give her?

Elaine? Did she need
something from you?

The passwords
to the client files.

She needed to
download them before...

She didn't just download them.

She deleted them off our
computer. She stole them, Elaine.

Nelle? You indicated
Richard indicated...

he would not make you
a partner a month ago.

Was that what you
indicated he indicated? Yes.

But you started talking to clients
as long as three months ago,

indicating to them
you might leave.

And that was long
before Richard indicated...

what you indicated that
he indicated... three months.

- Because I could see it coming.
- Oh, you could see it coming.

Yes. Between thwacks
of the hairbrush,

I could see this place
wasn't good for me.

What was that?

His nose. It whistles
when it's without merit.

There'll be no more whistling.

And tell me, John, how easy do
you think it was for me to stay here,

with you, the senior
partner, walking around...

declaring me to be a rich bitch,
elitist snob, cold-hearted witch?

Because that is
exactly what you are.

- John...
- Arrogant, unfeeling...

- John...
- I was stuck in an elevator.

- Mr. Cage.
- Oh, pipe down, Bulldog.

I think we're done, Your Honor.

- Uh...
- Do you have anybody else?


We would like you to
hear from Elaine Vassal.

This woman is
represented by counsel.

I hope you haven't been
communicating with her.

She decided to switch lawyers.

I was the only one who
had all the passwords.

Then why didn't she just
ask you for the passwords?

Because I wouldn't have
given them to her. I don't like her.

Then why'd you
go to work for her?

Well, that's where
she was clever.

She offered me
this job here first,

and then said Richard and John
wouldn't let her give me the job here...

Supposedly because they
considered me unqualified.

She told me this
confidentially, by the way,

so I couldn't confront
Richard or John on it.

And then she comes to me
and says that she's leaving,

after turning me sour
on Richard and John.

And she offers me this
incredible position at her new firm,

plus a huge salary.

And I'm thinking, "Well, they
don't hold me in much regard here.

I-I'd be a fool not to take it."

And then she comes to me and she says, "Oh,
by the way, we need those client files."

And since she's sensitive to how
awkward I might be about downloading them,

she says to give her the
passwords and she'll do it, which I do.

But instead of downloading
them, she steals them.

So... So you felt deceived?

Totally. I was totally duped.

And I can't believe I fell for it,
because I know she doesn't like me.

Thank you, Elaine.

So, what you're saying, you
were in the dark about everything?

Completely. I had no idea
what was really going on.

So why should we have any
confidence that you do now?

- Poor Elaine.
- Uh, objection.

Although Nelle was deceptive about
the paralegal job being offered here,

it was only to lure you
away because she truly

believed you to be the
most gifted assistant.

Really? Elaine.


Okay. I think I've heard enough.

I'll take 20 minutes,
then make my ruling.

Wow. Haven't seen the
big dismount for a while.

John, it's a little late now,
but should she call us back in...

for any more testimony, I
don't want you in the room.

I beg your pardon? Well, no offense,
but you've kind of blown our case,

what with the
"Balls, balls, balls."

Oh, and uh, "Pipe down,
Bulldog." That was helpful.

Well, I am senior partner, and I
most certainly will be in that room.

You will not. I have to decide
what's in the best interests of this firm,

and you're personalizing.
This is not an autocracy.

We are co-senior partners. And when
one becomes incapacitated, the other...

I'm not incapacitated! John,
we're in this mess because of you.

Me? Yes, you!

The hairbrush, the clicker, the
walking around calling her a witch!

You're the one who
promised her partnership,

and you revoked that promise.
I don't want to discuss this!

Look, go home, get some rest!

You go home!

John, I-I don't... I don't
know your problem,

but don't ever,
ever push me again.

Yeah? Yeah?

Yeah. Now. All right. Mm-hmm.

That's not what I'm...

You're coming back
here? Yes, Nelle. I am.

You're not a nice
person. You do know that?

Let me ask you
something, Elaine.

If you hear about a woman,
"She's a really nice person,"

or you heard she's
a tough bitch...

Deep down, which do you
admire more? Truthfully?

I admire honesty.

What do you know?

I know that rich, successful people
like you often end up with no friends.

Say uncle! I won't!

Say it, John. I won't.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Richard, come on. Break it up.

There we go.

- He started it!
- Did not!

- You pushed me first!
- Did not!

All right.

And you!

I was afraid to come out.

Richard? I hope you're
not taking this personally.

Oh, no, Hope. Why should I?

An associate's
trying to ruin my firm?

A woman I slept
with is helping her?

Remember how you loved it when
I ran my fingers through your hair?

You had more then. Hope...

You know, you should be
flattered by all this, Richard.

Flattered. Explain that one.

This is all about money, and
that's your influence... money.

In a way, Nelle wants to be you.

She sees how attractive
wealth is on you,

how sexy power can be.

I'll tell you this,
Richard. Wh...

Win or lose, I plan on
reliving that night we had.

Oh? You're going to be
sucking my toes again.

Mmm? And if you're
really, really good?

Hmm? I'll let you
tongue my button.

You're the enemy,
Hope. Try to get that.

I don't fight fair.

The judge is calling
us, douche bag.

Tell her to pipe down, asswipe.

All right. I find there is no
evidence of Ms. Porter...

unlawfully soliciting clients
while she was still employed here.

But the client files? They
were taken in bad faith.

I can't order the clients to come
back here if they don't choose to,

nor can I order
Ms. Porter to return.

So I'm denying
the injunctive relief.

But I'm ordering Ms. Porter
to pay liquidated damages...

in the amount of $300,000.

- What?
- Not enough.

- That's my ruling.
- I appeal!

You can't appeal. I'm binding.

Y-Your Honor? Uh,
I... I wanted to just say...

I thought you conducted a
fair hearing with a fair result.

Thank you. If I may? I... I'm
doing a study on tricep wattle.

It excites me a little,
but that's not the point.

It's a gravitational pendulum, but...
I won't bore you with all the data.

If I could just... Please.
Take just a second.

What are you doing?
Uh, it's for science.

- Will you settle down?
- Settle down?

In effect, I'll still be
working for them.

In order to pay off this
judgment, my earnings are... Nelle.

You're really not
being attractive.


You have clients. You
have a practice. You can

walk into any bank
and get a loan right now.

I'll talk to Richard, get
the judgment structured.

It'll be like a mortgage payment,
nothing more. You're a winner here.

Now, I want you to go
back to your new office.

Here. It's a '78
Latour. It's like silk.

Open it, pour yourself a
glass and toast yourself.

You have your very own law firm.

- I have a lot of debt.
- No friends.

You've made it.
Enjoy this moment.

♪ If you want ♪

♪ Something to play with ♪

♪ Go and find yourself a toy ♪

We are gonna stay here all night
if we have to until you two shake.

- He assaulted me.
- I pushed you,
and you twisted my ligaments.

- Because you wouldn't
say uncle.
- Shake hands.

♪ I don't want no little boy ♪

♪ No, no ♪

- You know I love you, John.
- I love you too.

♪ Don't go play with my
heart It makes me furious ♪

- Are we having a party?
- What do you want?

Richard? Few details, we
can finalize the settlement.

I love what you're
trying to do with your hair.

Come on, Hope.

♪ Tell it like it is ♪

- There's a rumor
about Hope Mercey.
- What?

- Well, supposedly...
- Are we ever gonna dance?

Let's go.

- Wait. I wanted
to hear the rumor.
- Mmm.


Thank you for allowing
me to come back.

I never really lost
you, did I, Elaine?


Present-day value is exactly the
same. The interest has been computed.

By who? Me.

Oh. And I'm
supposed to trust you?

When there's something
in it for you, yes. Like what?

My button. Uh, Hope, I...

Case is settled, Richard.
We're not enemies anymore.

Besides, you know you
can't stay mad at me for long.

Come on. Tongue my little innie.

Hope, I have scruples. I
got some for Christmas...

H-Hope... Hope?

Mmm. Oh.

Quick, before it's an outie.

♪ Deep down inside ♪

♪ I believe that you love me ♪

♪ Just forget
your foolish pride ♪

♪ No, no ♪

♪ But if you If
you are serious ♪

♪ Don't go play with my heart ♪

♪ It makes me furious ♪

♪ And if you ♪

♪ You want me to love you ♪

♪ Baby, I will ♪

♪ Oh, yes, I will ♪

♪ Tell it like it is ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Let your conscience
be your guide ♪

♪ Yeah, baby, baby, baby ♪

♪ Tell it like it is ♪

♪ I believe you love me ♪

♪ Forget your foolish pride ♪

♪ Tell it ♪

♪ Oh, tell it like it is ♪♪

You stinker!