Ally McBeal (1997–2002): Season 3, Episode 10 - Just Friends - full transcript

Ally is convinced that John is her one true love, but John is busy making devices that make Nelle a closer match to him. After a first date who wanted in, Elaine is concerned about the image of herself that she puts out there. Meanwhile, Sandy speaks up to Billy about what she wants.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Woman] ♪ See me ♪

♪ Feel me ♪

♪♪ [Humming]

John. Ally. What
are you doing here?

Ah, I've been working. [Sniffles]
You've been here the whole time?

Yeah. I'm kind of
backed up lately.

Remnants? Uh, backed up in work.

Oh. Right. Me too.

♪ Touch me ♪

- Sorry?
- I didn't say anything.

What's wrong, Ally?

Nothing's wrong. Uh,
I'm just working late.

I-I-I don't even like
dating. Nothing is wrong.

I mean, a light, lovely
snowfall going on out there,

and we're in here being lawyers
right down to the last minute of the day.

I promised myself I'd
never become my father.

♪ Listenin' to you ♪

♪ I get the music ♪

- And how is it?
- How is what?

How is it you and I can stand right in
front of each other's noses every day...

and not see what's right in
front of each other's noses?

♪ Gazing at you ♪

♪ I feel the heat ♪

♪ Following you ♪

♪ I climb the mountain ♪

♪ I get excitement
at your feet ♪

♪ Right behind you ♪♪


[Bed Squeaks]



Hi. Are you awake?

Why are you in my bed?

I had a dream.


I think it was more
like an epiphany.

It involved John Cage.

Now, Renee, don't think I'm
crazy, but I think he's the one.

John Cage and I. He's the one.

[Nose Whistles]

♪ I've been down this road ♪

♪ Walkin' the line
that's painted by pride ♪

♪ And I have made
mistakes in my life ♪

♪ That I just can't hide ♪

♪ Oh, I believe I am ready ♪

♪ For what love has
to bring Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I got myself together ♪

♪ Now I'm ready to sing ♪

♪ I've been searching
my soul tonight ♪

♪ I know there's so
much more to life ♪

♪ Now I know I
can shine a light ♪

♪ To find my way back home ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Baby, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪♪

Oh, Ally, the Biscuit's
looking for you. He is?

Well, why? Did he say
what he wanted? No.

Well, did he tell you anything?
What was he wearing?

Ally. New case. I may need
you to second chair. Oh.

♪♪ [Rock]

♪♪ [Continues]

Oh, is he still doing that?

I like it. Uh, Billy.

Excuse me.

♪♪ [Ends] Stay.

Stay? They heel and they
stay? What else do they, uh...

Richard. Richard.

I have a meeting with Charles
Ramis, head of Bell Computers today.

And what? He's another Neanderthal
who responds to an entourage of bimbos?

- It's a look.
- Oh, yes. It's a look.

Ally, I have a snowball's chance
at best to land a client this big.

We're talking about a company with
a revenue stream of over $500 million.

And if dripping with girls helps
you land the account... Then I'll drip.


[Man's Voice] ♪ There's
a new man in town ♪



John, you want me?
Oh. The Kristen case.

No, I was looking for the
trial schedule, but I found it.

Great. Mm-hmm.

So, how's it going?

Fine. Why?

Oh, well... [Squeals] we
haven't spoken in a while,

and, you know, I just like to
be caught up on where you're at.

Are you dying?


[Chuckles] I'm not dying. Why?
Is that what people think of me?

If I take an interest in somebody
else's life, I must be dying?


[Laughs] Well, no.

I just wanted to know how it was
going with a friend. That's all, buddy.

Are you sick? Forget it.

Ally. What's wrong?

Uh, nothing. I'm fine.

You sure? Um, I'm sure. Uh...

[Laughs] Why are
you taking off your...

I got a potential date.

Friend of a friend. He just
called. He's in the building.

He sounded so incredible.

I have these pants for
these kinds of emergencies.

They're marinated in pheromones.

You have pants that are
marinated in pheromones? [Sniffs]

You can't smell
it, but it works.

Trust me. There have
been studies. [Clears Throat]

How do I look? Fine.

It's tough to meet the right man,
Ally. You got to put in the effort.


Elaine. Have you
ever met anybody...

that you think would be,
you know, right for me?

No. Nobody?

No, it's not that you're not
a wonderful person, Ally.

- It's just that you're
so complicated.
- Mm-hmm.

The only person I know who would
match up at all would be John Cage.

But you don't wanna
be with him. I don't?

- Why?
- Do you?


No. He's with Nelle.
He's out of the question.

But why do you think that
we... well, him and me...

Come on. Isn't it obvious?

You both got that
inner-world thing going.

And you get him a lot
better than Nelle does.

And if you ask me, he gets
you better than Billy ever did.

[Shutter Clicking]

You okay? What?

Oh, f-fine. Um, excuse me.

Excuse me.

Ooh! Ooh! Ga... Hey. John.

Hi. How's it going?

Um, still fine. Yes. What? After
all of two minutes, no change.

[Laughing] That's...
That's funny.

You have a good sense
of humor. I like that.

All right. What's going on?

I'm just, uh, adjusting
to the new millennium.

♪ It's so easy to fall in love ♪

♪ It's so easy to fall in love ♪

- ♪ It seems so easy ♪
- ♪ It's so easy
It's so easy ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ It seems so easy ♪ ♪
It's so easy It's so easy ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ It seems so easy ♪

♪ It's so easy It's so
easy ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪♪

Elaine? Bob?

Hi. Nice to meet
you. [Laughs] You too.

You had a great voice on the phone,
but you're better looking in person.

Oh. Thank you. You too actually.

Well, shall we go?

Listen. I lied about wanting to
have lunch. I hate lunch dates.

I just agree to them
because it's safer than

going out at night
with a total stranger.

But now that we've met, forget
lunch. Let's make it dinner.

Fine by me. [Laughs]

Great. 8:00. You can pick me
up here. I'll pick the restaurant.

- Well, that's easy enough. Until then.
- Until then.

And again, nice to
meet you. You too.


[Elevator Dings]

That was pretty deft, Elaine.

It doesn't just happen, Ally.

If you wanna end up with Mr. Right,
you have to make it happen.

♪♪ [Disco] [Barry White]
We got it together, didn't we?

- Did you hear that?
- What?

Nothing. Nothing.


You know, when something's the
matter, we usually tell each other.


Uh... Did you ever...

Um, John,

if I were to meet a guy
who could be the one,

but he's sort of involved
with somebody else...

How involved I don't know...
But he could be the one.

- That happened to me.
- It did?

Mm-hmm. This woman... I was
convinced that she and I were...

But she was still... Well, she
wasn't still seeing her old boyfriend,

but, um, there
was stuff going on.

He was my friend. Hmm.

But she... I've never
met anybody like her.

She got me like...
And what did you do?

Well, I went ahead and
asked her out. How could I not?

And what happened? Oh, the
date. That was an utter disaster.

But at least I took the chance.

Never forgiven
myself if I hadn't.

[Sighs] It was a
disaster? Total.

But we still remained friends. In
fact, I think we're the best of friends.

Do I know her?

Some days, yes. Others, no.

What does that mean? [Sighs]

Ally, it was you.


Yeah. It's funny, huh?


[Woman] ♪ See me ♪

♪ Feel me ♪

♪ Touch me ♪

♪ Thrill me ♪

- What's wrong?
- ♪ See me ♪♪ [Song Warps, Ends]

Nothing's wrong. Why?

You're staring into the mirror. That's
what you do when something's wrong.

Maybe I just like looking at
myself. Ever considered that?

Fine. Don't tell me.

[Sighs] Okay. Okay,
okay. I will tell you.

I know this guy.

I've actually known
him for a long time.

And, well, I think he
could be perfect for me.

The thing is is
he has a girlfriend.

Ally, there's always a girlfriend.
The best men are always taken.

If you don't steal them,
you don't get them.

That seems... Are we talking
about somebody who'd be a fun date,

or is this more about
your life's content?

"The one."

The latter. The one. And you're
gonna hold back out of what?

Courtesy to some woman
you're not even friends with?

Ally, most women never even meet that man,
let alone have a chance to be with him.

If he's there... What
if it doesn't work out?

What if I just end up ruining everything
between him and his girlfriend?

You're worried about him?

Well, yeah.

Then forget it. If it's his
interest we're looking out for,

then I don't think you
should go near him.

Thank you, Ling.
You've been a big help.

[Electrical Zapping]

Uh... Hi.

What's that?

Shoes. Oh, no.

Oh, John. Oh, don't tell me
you've got a fetish for shoes.

I don't have a...
First the spanking...

I do not have a fetish.
Well, who are the shoes for?

Well, if you must know, you.

[Laughs] Me?

Yes. Put them on.

Wow. Oh! They're beautiful.

Oh! I love them. [Kisses]

Watch. [Electrical Zapping]

That's what they're for.

[Zapping] [Laughs]

What do you mean
you quit? I'm sorry.

I just... It's just not
working out for me.

Why? It just isn't. I thank
you for the opportunity.

Sandy, I think you at least
owe me an explanation.

Okay. I think you're a jerk.

Oh. Don't misunderstand.

You're a fantastic guy
under the layer of jerk, but...

Is there something
that happened?

I'm a legal secretary.
It's a good job.

Good career actually. I like to
take it seriously, and I want others to.

And when the lawyer I work for
walks around with Robert Palmer girls,

it's... it's silly.

You look silly.

And I think it
makes me look silly.


I'm sorry. I never
meant to demean you.

I know that.

And like you say,
the look is working.

So it's my problem, not yours.

I don't want you to leave.
I'll get rid of the girls.

Billy, I'm an assistant. I
shouldn't be telling you...

I'll get rid of the girls.
I want you to stay.


They're not too perky, are they?

Actually, they
need to look alive...

and awake.

There you go.


There. What do you think,
John? How do her breasts look?

Yeah. It's...

John. Hey. How's it going?

It's been more than two minutes
now. Still going good? I bet it is.

♪ Look into your heart and see ♪

♪ What your love book
has set apart for me ♪

♪ It seems so easy ♪

♪ It's so easy It's
so easy It's so easy ♪

♪ Oh, it seems so easy ♪
♪ So doggone easy ♪♪

It's not easy.

♪♪ [Song Warps, Ends]

Ally, you are behaving so...

Is it nerves over this
dilemma you're having?


I, um...

The man I was talking about?

I had a dream last night
about you... and me...

together... as a couple.

We were standing
over by the elevator,

and you said something like,

"We've been standing in front of
each other's noses the whole time."

And it just hit me.

And-And when I woke up...

Well, it keeps on
hitting me, John.

You know, the way that you
can see into my imaginary life.

And I can even hear
Barry White sometimes.

And a couple of weeks ago, you
described yourself as a loner savant.

And you said something
about how I brought you out.

And I realized that...
you bring me out.

So many parts of me. I'm...

I'm too embarrassed or I'm too
scared to share with anybody else.

I'm so comfortable
sharing them with you.

I can't shake it.

I've even got the damn Ikettes running
around following me, singing to me,

saying how easy
it is to fall in love.

I can't shake it.

And then when you
said what you said,

I... [Exhales]

[Door Closes] [Sighs]


Oh. Nelle. Hello.


♪ We've been friends
for, oh, so long ♪

Seen where John went?

He just hurried by, said
he'd meet me at the bar.

♪ I let you share what's mine ♪

Oh, the bar. It's
that time, I guess.

♪ But when you mess
with the boy I love ♪

I guess.

♪ It's time to draw the line ♪

♪ Keep your hands ♪
♪ Keep your hands ♪

♪ Off of my baby ♪

♪ I ain't gonna tell you ♪

♪ But one more time ♪

♪ Whoa, keep your hands ♪
♪ Keep your hands ♪

♪ Off of my baby ♪

♪ Girl, you get it
through your head ♪

♪ That boy is mine ♪
♪ That boy is mine ♪

You're late. Where you been?

Oh, I... Guys to do. I
mean, things... Work.

Everything okay? Yeah.

You talk to the Biscuit?

I just did. He ran away.

Hmm. You scared him.

You know, I think it was
selfish for me to say anything.

- He's got a good thing
going with Nelle.
- Oh, please.

How good can things be with
long, blonde, stuck-up bitch?

Gee, Renee. Why don't you
tell us how you really feel?

♪ Keep your hands ♪
♪ Keep your hands ♪

♪ Off of my baby ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Girl, you get it
through your head ♪

♪ That boy is mine ♪♪
Oh, yeah.

[Laughing] I'm over here.

I had a really great time.

Oh, me too. Amazing actually.

You're pretty cool, Elaine.

So I gave you my
phone number, right?

Yeah. Home, your cell and
your pager and your e-mail.

And, uh... What's this
one? My high school.

They always know how to
track me down to ask for money.

[Laughs] [Laughs]

Well, good night. Oh!

Oh, come on. I thought
the night's so young.

It's quarter to
12:00 on a Monday.

Ah. I mean, oh! The wine.

I should get a cup of coffee
before I make the trip home.

You're walking three blocks.

I, uh... I want you.

That's sweet.

Hmm. Hmm.

Bob. What? [Chuckles]

Uh, I don't understand.
I thought you liked me.

I do. But it's a first date.

Oh, with Danny O'Connell
on the first date, you...

[Exhales] Danny O'Connell
told you about our date?

No. No. Just...

What happened after the date.

The mutual friend that gave you my
number... was that Danny O'Connell?

Uh, yeah.

Well, good night.

Look, can I ask you something?

Our date. We seemed to
be clicking. Really clicking.

And Danny said you
guys had fun, but it wasn't...

Why does he get
invited up, but I don't?

Because you and I
were really clicking.

I thought may... Never mind.

So from what I'm hearing, you might
like me more than you did Danny.

And yet I'm punished for
that. Does that seem fair?

I should get to come
up. Good night, Bob.


Billy. Walking a
little naked today?

I don't have any meetings
today. Anything else?

No. Fine then.

Ally, the Talbot deposition
has been canceled.

Evidently, they're willing to settle, and
the judge has scheduled a conference.

Uh... Uh... Uh,
that's-that's fantastic.

Yes. I thought you'd be
pleased. What's wrong?

Nothing. Elaine.

How did the date go?

Fine. We got along swimmingly.

He was like a salmon
heading upstream to spawn.

[Elevator Dings]

Um... Um... Uh, I'll be
with you in-in one second.

John. Oh.

[Nelle] Hi, sweetie.


Everything okay? Yes. Fine.

Uh, Richard, I need to
talk to you. It's important.

Do people think of
me as promiscuous?

Well, that's sort of
how you bill yourself.

What happened? Nothing.

What happened? Oh.

The date went great.

It's the first guy I've been
with in a really long time...

where I actually
thought, you know...

He was a maybe? Yeah.

Well, it turns out he
went out with me...

because somebody else I went out with
told him he'd get laid on the first date.

Oh. He's a creep
then, not a maybe.

[Sighs] Yeah.

Elaine. No, you're right,
Ally. He was a creep.

It shouldn't bother
me. [Inhales]

- She said that?
- Yes.

- Well, so she had a dream...
- No. It's not the dream.

She was suggesting that she
and I explore being a couple.

And, Richard, I have to admit I've
always harbored feelings for Ally.

Gee, there's a flash. Look, John,
there are ethical considerations here.

The only question you
have to ask yourself is this:

Can you sleep with Ally
without Nelle finding out?

No, that's not the
question. I love Nelle. I do.

But Ally... I've always wondered
about my special connection with her.

It could go deeper. Much
deeper. I don't know this.

It's a feeling. And the
risk of the exploration itself.

Because I have feelings for Nelle
too. Do you know what I'm saying?

Yes. You wanna have
your cake and eat Ally too.

Would you please take
me seriously, damn it. John.

[Sighs] Who do you want more?

I don't know.

I mean, I haven't really
explored a relationship with Ally.

And to be honest, I haven't fully
explored one with Nelle yet either.

Well, look, explore Nelle tonight.
Go spelunking with Ally tomorrow.

You know, it's just that simple with
you, isn't it? Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex.

It's wattle with Whipper
versus knee pit with Ling.

Boy, you put the "fish"
in superficial, damn it.

Sex! Sex!

"Fish in superficial."
I like that.

[No Audible Dialogue]

Georgia, hey. We've missed you.


Georgia. Hello.

Hello. This is for you.

You're filing for divorce?
Renee's representing me.

As soon as you decide on a lawyer, let
me know so we can get them together.

You're filing for divorce,
just like that? Yes.

And you had to serve
the papers yourself? Yes.

[Door Slams]

[Door Opens]

- Anything I can do?
- No.

I'm sorry.


[Ally] I feel so awful.

Ally, to get what you deserve in
life, you have to take bold steps.

And I deserve what I
deserve, right? Absolutely.

I should get my due. Right on.

- [Screaming]
- [Gasps]


Ling, hey. What's up?

Why don't you tell me, Ally?

Excuse me? I figured it out.

I'm penile psychic. This love of
your life, it's the funny little man.

Wha-Who? Nelle's my
friend, Ally, my best friend.

If you think I'm just gonna sit
back while you steal away...

Ling... You're not sure you like
men. You shouldn't be going after...

other people's... I like men.

Give me your leg. I am
not gonna give you my leg.


Stop it.

Where did you learn
how... Oh, never mind.

Ally, don't do this.

I am not doing anything! I
haven't done anything! So get out!


We could put John
on it. But for a divorce

case, I'd go with Nelle.
She's your best bet.

I want a team. I'm not letting her
take me to the cleaners on this.

A team it is.
We're here for you.

Elaine. Hey. Love the new look.

Nuns getting action these days?

Hey, Richard. Go to hell.

Was she mad, or does
she think I'd like it there?

Haven't the slightest.

Women. I think
they're all nuts, Billy.

[Both Sniffing] Yeah.

Hmm. No? Uh-huh. Mm-mmm.

Elaine, was it something I said?

No. It's just...
It's not important.

Anything you wanna talk about?

'Cause, you know, I could
get Ally, or-or maybe John.

Richard, if you could describe
me with one word, what would it be?

Well, uh... Blonde.

How about an adjective
to describe my personality?

Okay. Uh, fun. That
would be it? Fun.

Smart. Okay.

If a friend of yours
was about to date me...

and you could only use one
word, what would that be?

Oh. That's easy.
Well, what would it be?

Uh, easy.

Thank you. Elaine.

That's exactly why men date
me, Richard. Because I'm easy.

Because they
think that I'm easy.

Well, I'm not, all right?

You can spread the
damn word. I'm not easy.

Preaching to the choir,
Elaine. I love sluts.


Ah... Ah...

[Door Slams] Great. Now she's
going through a change. [Sighs]

John? Oh, Ally.

Hi. I was just, uh,
pinching my head.

I am so, so sorry.

I... I just want
you to know that...

That I totally respect you
and Nelle as a couple...

and that I would
never do anything to...

Well, it was really unfair
for me to do what I did.

To do what, be honest? Yes.

Sometimes honesty
can be selfish.

Ally, it wouldn't have
even upset me if I didn't...

Didn't what?

This is something that has
gone unstated for a long time.

We've talked about
being soul mates.

We talk about the fact
that neither of us fit in,

how we embrace being odd, how
we both live inside our inner worlds.

All these very peculiar things
that we have in common.

And at least on some
unconscious level,

I'm sure we've both been wondering
if you and I are right for each other.

You didn't stutter
once saying that.

I just came from Dr. Flott.
She's helped me focus...

on what it is that I
really truly want in life.

And as I sat across from her,
this-this amazing clarity came over me.

The common insanities
that you and I share.

The connection
of our inner lives.

I know what I want. You do?

I want Nelle for my girlfriend,
and I'd like you as my therapist.

Oh. [Laughs]

Well, um, gee.

You know, the idea of jeopardizing
our friendship by trying to be a couple,

that's an insanity
that I'm not capable of.

Yeah. Yeah.

Great. Yeah.

Well, friends forever? Yep.


Elaine, you look
like Miss Hathaway.

If Billy can change, so can I.

Hi. Morning, everybody.

Oh, I just said "morning."
Didn't say it was good.

[Water Running]
Nelle, while I have you...

And just out of curiosity... how do
you think the women here regard me?

I'm not sure they do, Elaine.

That was really nice.

What has happened to everybody's
sense of humor lately? [Door Slams]

Life isn't funny. Can
you not see that?

[Door Opens, Closes]

Ally, if you're still
thinking about it, don't.

- [Roars]
- [Screaming]

[Screaming Continues]

[Wheezes, Coughs] Ally.

[Growls] Morning to you.

What is all this
"good morning" crap?

Is everything all right?
Why shouldn't it be?

I just picked up you
as a patient, and things

couldn't be more
dandy, could they, John?

You're obviously
upset with my decision.


No. I... I think you made
the right call actually.

Ally, I don't need to tell you how
much I adore you and admire you.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, I am curious, John.

How did this clarity hit you?

Well, let's face it. I'm odd.

I have all these
little eccentricities.

And, well, I admit
it. I'm a strange duck.

And for a partner, I think I need
somebody who can just ground me a little.

And, well, you're a... A
bigger wacko than me.

- Oh. Oh. I'm a wacko?
- I mean that affectionately.

Oh, John, nobody is a
bigger wacko than you.

Oh, wait. You don't
need to turn nasty.

Well, how many people look in the
mirror and see Barry White, besides Barry?

So don't be calling me a wacko.
At least I know he's not really there,

which is more than I can
say for you with Al Green.

- Hey, as far as hallucinations go...
- Oooga, chucka. Oooga, chucka.

Have you seen any
babies run by lately?

You know what, John? When you
do your first drafts, your feet smell.

Nobody wants to tell you 'cause they're
all afraid that your nose will whistle.

Well, that's nice. One little
rejection, and this is what you turn into.

Why don't you just go p-p-p-p-pekip
yourself out of here, you funny little man.

Oh. The smile
therapy. What a nut.

[Nose Whistles]

[Blows] [Door Opens, Closes]


I apologize.

I had a great time,
Elaine. I think you did too.

Why throw it all
away just because...

You know, I'd like to try again.
Just be a perfect gentleman.

You don't be a gentleman, Bob.
Either you are one or you're not.

Elaine... I'm not going
out with you again.

I'm not the bad guy here. You went
out with me for what you thought I was.

I went out with you for
what I thought you were.

And we were both
wrong. Now beat it.

I'm sorry again.

I know you were right. You do?

Well, look at us. We're already
fighting just at the prospect of dating.

I don't think we ever
exchanged a harsh word before.

You know all of
mine came from hurt.

I do.

I still love that you're odd.

And I still love all
of your eccentricities.

And... And I still
love you... as a friend.

What do you think that
dream was really about?

[Sighs] I'm not sure.

Maybe I-I'm just so starved
for intimacy on any level...

that I might have mistaken
the intimacy of a friendship...

for the kind that...

[Exhales] I don't know. Well...

What I do know...

The thought of losing
you as my friend,

my best friend...

It's unthinkable. Yeah.

To me too.




♪ Shoo-bop, shoo-bop my baby ♪

♪ Shoo-bop, shoo-bop my baby ♪

♪ Shoo-bop, shoo-bop my baby ♪

♪ Shoo-bop, shoo-bop my baby ♪

♪ Shoo-bop, shoo-bop my baby ♪

♪ Hello, stranger ♪ ♪
Shoo-bop, shoo-bop my baby ♪

♪ Shoo-bop, shoo-bop my baby ♪

♪ It seems so good to
see you back again ♪

♪ How long has it been ♪

♪ It seems like a
mighty long time ♪

♪ Shoo-bop, shoo-bop
my baby, ooh ♪

♪ It seems like a
mighty long time ♪

This looks a little cliché.

Served with divorce papers,
you're sitting on a bar stool.

I should be out there dancing with
Richard? That would be more cliché.

You're a good girl, Sandy.

I'd be asking you
to dance, but...

I'm going home. [Sighs]

Anything else you need upstairs?

No. I'm going too. I'll walk
you out. That's all you'll do.

♪ It seems like a mighty
long time ♪ It's all I'm offering.

♪ Shoo-bop, shoo-bop
my baby, ooh ♪

♪ It seems like a
mighty long time ♪♪


Got some mascara in
my eye or something.

[Sniffles, Sighs]

Do you regularly sleep
with men on the first date?

No. Then the guy got it wrong.

And think about what that
car wash guy thinks of me.

That was out of
character with you, Ally.

I mean, with me, whether or
not I actually sleep around or not,

the reputation that I have...

Maybe it's in my character.

Elaine, you... you enjoy putting
yourself out there as a sexual person.

And if some people misconstrue
that and think you're a slut,

well, they just get it wrong.

That's all.

It doesn't mean that you
have to start dressing like this.

There's no power in acting the way
you think other people want you to be.

The truth is, I admire you.

[Scoffs] Yeah. Right.

The lecture that you
gave me last year...

How... how you like your life,

how... how not everybody
wants to be doctors or lawyers or...

Why do you think I sang that song
at the Christmas party last year?

I wanted to be you for a night.

[Scoffs] Please.

How many people do you
know marinate their clothes...

in pheromones?

You're an optimist.

That's what I wanna be
when I grow up. [Chuckles]

I'm lonely.

Yeah, well, so am I.

There are worse things. Yeah.

Like what?

I was afraid you were
gonna ask me that. [Laughs]

Could I think about it
over dinner, if I buy it?

I guess.

[Exhales] You've been
awfully pensive lately.

Is anything on your mind? No.

John, something
has been going on?

It's nothing we need
to talk about, Nelle.

Nothing we need to talk about?

We're a couple. Couples don't
have secrets. Sometimes they do.

Well, I don't know if
I'm comfortable with that.

You wanna know the
big secret? Yes, I do.

[Electrical Zapping]

I love you.

♪♪ [Woman Vocalizing]

- [Zapping]
- ♪♪ [Continues]

♪ When you're down ♪

♪ And troubled ♪

♪ And you need a helping hand ♪

♪ And nothing ♪

♪ Oh, nothing is going right ♪

♪ Ohh-oh-oh ♪

[Man] ♪ Close your
eyes and think of me ♪

♪ And soon I will be there ♪

♪ To brighten up ♪

♪ Even your darkest night ♪

[Together] ♪ You
just call out my name ♪

♪ And you know wherever I am ♪

♪ I'll come running ♪

♪ Running ♪
♪ Yes, I will ♪

♪ To see you again ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ You've got a friend ♪♪

[Woman] You stinker!