All Round to Mrs. Brown's (2017–…): Season 4, Episode 3 - Episode #4.3 - full transcript

Agnes and the family are joined by Spice Girl Mel B and comedy actor and Little Britain star Matt Lucas, who brings his mammy Diana along for a memorable encounter with Mrs Brown. Foley's bar lights up with music from Jax Jones and Raye.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
# Make a date, don't be late

# Cos you know it's gonna be great

# When the irrepressible Browns
come to town

# To begin, just tune in

# And you'll wear an ear-to-ear grin

# Watching Agnes and her clan
act the clown

# Instead of feeling depressed

# Let laughter make you feel blessed

# So it's
All Round To Mrs Brown's! #


Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to All Round To Mrs Brown's!

Oh, hello.


Welcome to a windy night
here at my house.

We've not seen wind like
that since...

..well, since Grandad tried to tie
his own shoelaces.


I don't know.

Maybe that Greta Iceberg is
right about this climate change.

Which reminds me...
we've got new recycling bins.

I can't figure these out.

Cardboard goes in blue and...

Something goes in red and...

The only one I'm sure of is
Grandad's socks go in yellow.

Ah, dear. Well, what a show we have
for you tonight.

Matt Lucas is here!


I know. Or should I say...
MIMICS ANDY: "Yeah, I know."

And Cathy's very excited because she
has a genuine Spice Girl

on her chat show.




You shouldn't be wearing that
in that storm out there.

It's a beautiful day out. Yeah.


Well, is she here? Is she? What?

Mel, is she here?

Mel, listen to yourself. You'd think
you knew her all your life.


Mrs Brown, I'll have you know, I've
been following the Spice Girls

for over 20 years.
Well, Sharon, I'll have you know

that that's called stalking
and it's illegal.


Sorry. I saw yous.


Did we not have a Spice Girl on
the show already?

Do you remember, erm, Ginger Rogers?

I love Ginger, but...

BOTH: Mel B!

# Hai si ja, hold tight. #

Girl Power!


Out! Get out!

Get out!

Oh, my God.

Oh, the heat!


I know the weather said changeable,
but that's ridiculous!

What are those two like?

You know, Cathy's always
dreamt about being a pop star.

I remember watching her in
the school Christmas show

when she was a little girl.

Brought tears to my eyes.


She butchered Away In A Manger.


Hello, Buster.

Hello, Mrs Brown.



Is Dermot here yet? No.

He's picking up one of Cathy's
guests from the train. Melanie B.


Oh, wow. I'm a massive fan. Really?

Yeah. I've seen all the movies.

Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein.


Silent Movie. Huge fan!


Buster, I'm trying to figure out
this recycling

thing like Gertrude Funbags,
you know, asked us to,

to fight global warming.

Ah, I remember last year
when everything started warming up.

Yes! And then it got hotter
and hotter. Exactly.

But then, it started to cool down.

And the leaves on the trees went
brown and fell off.

And then it got really cold
over Christmas.

Buster, have you never heard
about the seasons?

Parsley and thyme, salt and pepper.
No, no!

That's the seasonings.




Here, Melanie. You sit down.

Melanie, thank God you're here.
Oh, I feel much better now.

Right, Ma, I'm off.

See you later, Mrs Brown.




I was hoping he'd hang on
and help me

figure out these recycling things.

Well, it's actually quite simple.

Oh, so was he.

Would you like a cup of tea?
Yes, please.


Do you know what I've been dying
to ask you? Oh, go on, what?

I'll tell you what I want,
what I really, really want.


What is it
that you really, really want?

I really, really, really, really,
really want... Zigazig ah?

No, I don't smoke.
Thank you very much.

I wanted to know, where did this...?
Why did they find you scary?

I'm actually not scary,
I'm not scary.

You know, it was hard not to be
a fan of the Spice Girls.

You broke the mould,
yous really did.

You started off girl power, and yous
are such role models for young

women who are now coming up.
There's girl bands everywhere.

You were the first. Aw, it's nice
when you say it like that.

Isn't it? Getting a bit
embarrassed, yeah.

What was it like, starting off?

I mean, back in the day, you know,

we were all living in a small house
in Maidenhead, you know, collecting

benefits, trying to get jobs,
but in the meantime,

working on our music

and trying to form our band together
with as little money as what we had.

So, we, the taxpayers,
paid for your band?

And you were famous
for your leopard-skin print.

I know, I am wearing leopard print.
You can't see it right now. Me, too!


Listen, I don't like putting
you on the spot,

but honestly, have you ever
seen Victoria smile?


Of course I have!


She actually has a really wicked,
sarcastic sense of humour.

She's actually really funny.
Has she got teeth?

Cos I've never seen them.

Yeah, she does. Does she? No, she
does have teeth and she does smile.

Now, I know you lived over in LA,
as we call it. Yeah.

But you've moved back to Leeds?

We were there over the summer in

cos I was rehearsing
for Spice Girls Show,

and so my middle child, Angel,
who's coming up to be 13,

spent a lot of time in Leeds,
so she decided

she wanted to go to school there.

So I kind of nearly fell off my
chair a little bit.

I'm like, "You really want to go
to school in Leeds?"

You really, really wanna,
wanna, wanna?

I always say my home is wherever
my kids go to school. Aw.

Even though I'm from Leeds,
but now it's properly my home again,

cos my kids are now in Leeds.

Oh, that's a lovely thing to say.
It really is lovely. Yeah.

It is nice.

You'll need to get ready for
Cathy's show.

Let me just check that the green
room's ready.

Stay where you are, and I'll tell
you when it's ready.


Go ahead.

Melanie B!



CATHY: Mammy, come on,
the show's about to start!

I'm coming!
It's time for the Cathy Brown Show.


# Lights aglow, here we go

# The Cathy Brown Show. #


Hello, and welcome to
the Cathy Brown Show... HELLO!

With me, Cathy Brown.
And me, don't forget me!

I'm Mrs Brown
on the Cathy Brown Sho-o-ow!



OK, you now, Cathy. You just
read that there, see that line.

Yeah, I know, Mammy, thank you.

"Yes, I know, Mammy, we've got
a fantastic..." Mammy, I know!

We've got a fantastic...
"Fantastic show..."

I can do this bit on my own, OK?

We've got a fantastic show for you
tonight. "Fantastic show..."

He's one of the nation's best-loved
comedians and actors,

the brilliant Matt Lucas is here...


..and she's part of the most
successful girl band in history,

get ready to spice up your life,

it's Melanie Brown.


Please welcome Matt and Melanie!


Hello. How are you?

Very good. Hi! Hello!

Mwah, hello.

Sit down, sit down.
And hello to you. Hi.

Welcome to the show, both of you.
It's lovely to see you.

Oh, that is fabulous.

MUSIC: Little Britain Theme Tune


What the hell, Buster?!
It's for Matt.

I love Little Britain,
I'm a massive fan. I could never

pretend to be such a stupid
character on television, though.


MIMICS DAFFYD: I'm the only gay
in the village.

No, that's...



I so can't believe you just
said that!

You are well getting a beating.

No, no, wait! No, wait a second!

You've got it the wrong way round.
Show them, would you, Matt?

No, YOU say,
"I'm the only gay in the village."

And YOU say, "Oh, my God, I so can't
believe you just said that!"

That's what you... You have to...

Shut up!

I'm the only gay in the village.

That's better.
Nice tits, by the way.


No, I was talking to him, yeah.

Oh, Ma. Yes, love? I found a few
slates out the back, from the roof.

That's from that storm. What storm?
Oh, it doesn't matter.

I'll call the roofer.
No, me and Dermot will fix it.

We get to go on the roof! Buster!


MUSIC: Little Britain Theme Tune


Sorry about that, guys. Sorry!

Well, we are delighted to have
both of you here.

It's such a real thrill for us,
it really is. Unbelievable.

So, guys, you've both spent some
time in LA. You've lived in LA.

So, Matt? Yes? You had a very
interesting housemate.

We've a photograph here. Yes, I did,
yeah. You and Rebel Wilson. Aw!

I did. How did that come about?

Well, we were in a film together
called Bridesmaids.

Fantastic. Brilliant. And...

..we just got along, we played

brother and sister in the film,
but it was one of those...

Have you ever met someone
and thought, "Oh, I feel like I've

"known you my whole life"?

So, I was moving over there
and I had this house,

and I thought, "Oh, it'd be
a bit boring to live on my own.

"Do you want to come and live
with me?"

And she said yes. So, we lived
together for three years,

until she became this
massive movie star

and bought loads of houses,
and then she moved out.

But it was fun living together.
We did get in trouble with

the neighbours because we would sing
show tunes very loudly at the piano.

And we made a bit of a rumpus
in the pool sometimes,

so we'd get letters of complaint.

In that movie, the minute I saw you,
this is no lie,

I went, "Are you sure they're not
REALLY brother and sister?"

Well, no, we're actually
the same person. Ah.

No, people think we look
a lot alike,

but I think sometimes there's
only so many faces to go round.

I've also got Boris Johnson's face.
Like, a little bit.

Oh, God love you. At least
you don't have his hair! Yeah.


Yeah. Melanie, did the Spice Girls
live together? Yeah, we did.

It was good. I shared a room
with Mel C.

Victoria had her own room,
and Geri and Emma shared a room.

Wow. Apart from yourself,
who was the bitch?



Tell, tell, tell, tell!

I don't think any of us are bitches.
Oh, you liar! No, Mammy, no!

I don't think so!

Did you draw straws for who got
the room on their own? No.

Yeah, how did she wangle that? Yeah.

I just don't think anybody
wanted to share with her!


You just answered my question!

I mean that in the nicest way
possible. Aw.

"In the nicest way possible,
we locked the door behind her."

So, Melanie, you've just started
a new podcast.

A dating podcast. Yeah.

I'm sure you've heard all sorts of
stories on that.

I have actually, yes. I'm a very
kind of nosy person. OK.

So, I'm the host of this podcast
and I interview people

and I get to find out what single
life is like out there.

It's really interesting to hear
people's, like, opinions

on views on, like, dating apps
and what to

do on a first date, a second date,
a third date,

so I just literally sit there.

I'm like the confession box
and they just tell me everything.

I'm like, "No way." And you've
started your own podcast.

What's that about? Yes, so I've got
a podcast,

which is on the BBC Sounds app,

and it's also going to be broadcast
on Radio 2 around now.

And it's called Bitch Bitch Bitch.

And each week I get on three people
who have the same job,

but it's an aspirational job,
you know,

something you would love to do,
like be in a West End musical,

I've had airline hostesses,

and then I get them to just moan
and whinge.

And people are very candid.
And it's been great fun, yeah.

Is there one of the professions
that you really thought yourself...

Well, well...
..that they shouldn't be moaning?

Well, West End musicals, we had
stars of West End musicals,

and I've been in a few myself,

and that was interesting because
actually one of the things

that people don't really realise is
all those theatres in London

are really old and a lot of them
have really bad sewerage problems.

Ugh! And so backstage stinks
in the West End.

Just stinks of poo!

It's like being inside of a poo...


..if you're in a show.
I can just imagine.

# Bring him home

# Bring... #

Jesus! Smell of shit.

# Bring him home! #

And, Melanie, you were in Chicago.

Well, I did Rent on Broadway
and then Chicago,

so it was nice to come back
to Broadway

cos it had been like 15 years
since I'd done it.

But you were in the original cast of
Rent, weren't you? Yeah. Yeah, wow.

Which was a lot of fun, but it was
kind of a double-edged sword

because my now 21-year-old
was 4 at the time,

and she learnt all the words,
so she'd go to school,

and show and tell,
she'd be saying...

# Bisexual, transsexual. #

That would be her song
in show and tell.

I'd be like, "Ooh, God, sorry!"

So, Melanie, it's been
another great year for you.

Spice Girls went back on tour.


Here we have a photo of you guys.
You look amazing!

That was fun.

You guys haven't aged a bit.
Oh, no, we have.

No, you look fantastic.
But gracefully, I hope.

Is it true you might be doing

Well, there's a bunch of rumours,
but there's nothing set in stone.

Would Victoria join you guys?

I thought she was going to join us
on this tour,

but she didn't because, you know,
she's got her other commitments

and, you know, her fashion line,
which is amazing,

and her family and stuff.

But I would like to think if we do
ever get back together, whether

it would be this year or next year,
I hope that she would join us.

It would be a nice one to do,
though. We all started off together.

Yeah. Speaking of reunions,

is it true there's going to be
a Little Britain reunion?

Oh, please! Go on! Please.
Please! Please!


Thank you. Um...

So, it's been reported in the papers
that there's going to be

a reunion, and what's actually
happened is the two of us

have, you know, been meeting up
quite a lot and saying,

"Ooh, we'd like to do that again."

But we don't know exactly
in what form it will happen,

so we don't know if it will be on TV
or whether we'll do something live.

We haven't decided yet, but
what we have said is we'd like to

try and do some more
Little Britain.

But I do think it would be... People
are on the edge of their seat,
like this!

But I don't know, I don't have
a firm date of anything

and I don't know what it would be.

Well, let's say if it was,

would it be new characters or
the old characters?

Oh, no, no, please. I don't know.

Or would the old characters still
be the same age,

or would they have aged?

I think that's a good question,
and we haven't worked it out yet,

whether Vicky is now in her 30s,

and her children are now
the age she was when we saw her,

or whether she's just still
Vicky Pollard of that age.

But I think the show would feel
different if we did it again,

because, you know, times
have changed.

There's a lot of things you
can't do.

I don't know, for instance, now
if people want to see a comedy show

in prime time where people are just
using the F word.

I don't know if...


I don't know...


I mean, a question I'm always asking
myself, David, too -

do people want to see a man
dressed as a woman any more?

I just don't know. Absolutely not.
I just don't know.

That's sick! That is sick.

We will keep our fingers crossed.
Thank you.

And the Spice Girls,

do you think the Spice Girls
could be in Little Britain?

What would you do?
Oh, we would LOVE that.

Would you be Vicky Pollard's
friends? Yeah, we'd all just fight.

You wouldn't have to act!

Melanie, the Spice Girls had
some pretty impressive fans.

I'm going to ask Matt, can he guess
who this is in this photograph?

Look at all the Spice Girls pictures
all over the wall. Do you know what?

Yeah, I think she doesn't look
anything like that any more.

Is that Adele? It IS Adele.
Is it? Wow.

That's Adele in her bedroom
when she was a little girl!


Speaking of famous fans, Elton John?

You had a naughty interaction
with Elton John.

Well, he was in our movie thing,
Spice World. Spice World, yes.

So, we found out that Elton John was
staying at a Four Seasons Hotel that

we happened to be at one time,

and he was staying up on
the penthouse floor,

so me and Geri got dared
to go up to the penthouse floor -

I mean, there's cameras
in the hallway,

I don't know what we were thinking -

run down the hallway,
knock on his door,

pee in the plant pot
that was outside his door...

..then run back down to our room,
as if nothing had happened!


We did that kind of stuff.

We thought only us five knew,
but clearly the whole hotel

and security system knew.

It wasn't a great plan, because I
would have peed in the plant before

I knocked at the door. I know,
but Geri did that on purpose.

As I was peeing, she was knocking.
I was like, "Argh!"

Such childish things you do,
but it was a lot of fun.

Melanie, can I ask you?

Can you remember the original dance
steps to Stop Right Now?

Yeah, it's still the same ones
that we still do.

Do you think you could teach us?
Really? Really! Yeah, really!

If you want.

You can be Baby Spice. Thank you.

So, Baby Spice, Posh Spice. Which
one would you like to be, Melanie?

Scary! Oh yes, of course!

Of course!

So, that's three.
We're still short two.

by Spice Girls

We're two. Perfect.

CATHY: Mel, can you walk us
through this?

Yeah. It's really simple.

So, you go...

# Stop right now

# Thank you very much... #

Sorry, I did it wrong.

# Need somebody
with a human touch. #

Let's do it with the music.
Can we do it with the music?

# Stop right now

# Thank you very much

# I need somebody
with a human touch

# Hey, you, always on the run

# Gotta slow it down, baby

# Gotta have some fun... #

Ladies and gentlemen!


Get out, you two. Get out!
Oh, that was fantastic.

I haven't danced like that since,
erm, ever. There you go, Mammy.

But as always,

it's that time in the show
to bring out one

of my guest's family members.

So, please give a big welcome
to Matt's mammy, Diana.


Hello. Hello!

Oh, I love your nails! Hi! Oh,
thank you. Your nails are lovely.

Oh, Diana, you look stunning.
You look absolutely stunning.

I love that top. Give it to me
when you're finished, will you?

Sit down, Diana.
Make yourself comfortable.

I like the glitzy cushions.
So, Diana, we've been speaking about

Little Britain. Who were
your favourite characters? Um...

You didn't like it. I DID like it.

No, there were some characters
I didn't like... Oh, which ones?

..cos I thought they were too rude,
like Bitty.

What was it about it
that you didn't like?

Well, she didn't like the fact
that it was based on our life.


For people who don't know,
what do you mean?

Well, David was an adult
breast-feeding from his mum.

And it just brought back memories,
did it?

Diana, did he make you laugh
as a kid? Um...

Well, no! The answer's yes!


He did. That's not one
you think about.

Yeah, he did, he was quite sort of
mischievous. Yes, thank you.

And I remember somebody used to call
you Nosh Pop.

He was quite a sort of...

Nosh Pop?

Nosh Pop. He was a very...
He was a chubby baby.

Surprise, surprise.


You're getting rave reviews here!

That's a common theme, by the way,
my size. Very cuddly.

I go to my mum's house for dinner
and, as she puts the food down,

she goes, "Right, I've got
more peas, I've got more chicken,

"I've got more potatoes, I've got
more carrots, I've got..."

And then through the meal,
"Matt, have more potatoes.

"Matt, have some more potatoes."

And then she puts it on my plate
and feeds me, and then at the end

of the evening, she goes, "Now what
are we going to do about that, eh?"

"Eh? Mm?"

It's true.

Well, Matt, your mam did share
a little video with us

of when you were younger.
Oh, no! Really?

I don't think there is much.
It was actually at your Bar Mitzvah.

Oh, no, no, no. You can't show that.
Would you like to see it?
Yes, yes, yes.

I haven't seen this since my Bar
Mitzvah. Well, let's have a look!

1987. 1987, actually.
Nor have I. Oh, my gosh...

YOUNG MATT: Well, it's finally
arrived and I can hardly believe it.

Thank you very much
for that exceptional speech.

Don't worry, I will get my own back.


Aw! I'm sure you would all agree
that none of this would have gone

anywhere without Mum.

I know that I might get on
your nerves

blow my top sometimes...

..well, actually,
only very occasionally.

I do love you and I've got something
for you here.

Ooh, thank you.

Very unexpected.


I didn't know...

That is cute. Thank you.

I haven't seen that since 1987,
and I genuinely

didn't know it existed.

I'd completely forgotten about it.
Yeah, got the whole tape, actually.

What does it feel like watching it
now? Yeah, it's weird.

That was our house
that we grew up in.

It meant a lot,
it meant everything to me.

And 13 is your entry into adulthood
in the Jewish religion,

but I still haven't entered

Thank you, Diana, for sharing it
with us. Thank you.


Thank you. Thanks, Mum.

That's 33 years ago. Yeah, all
right! Don't tell them I'm old!

OK, Mammy, why don't you take

Diane into the kitchen for a little
chat of your own?

Diana, come on. Meet me in
the kitchen, we can have a chat.


Now, this... It's very nice.
This is my own brand of drink.

This one's called
Drink Till He's Cute. Ooh, God.


We'll be drinking all night.


A toast... Cheers.

May the roof above us never fall in
and those beneath it never fall out.

Up your bum.


Oh, that's nice.

When did you realise that you had
a special child on your hands?

Um... I saw something.
He was different?

It was unusual talent.
Different, yeah, but...

I just saw... I just saw
an unusual talent, so I encouraged

him to audition, and he came home
and he said, "I've landed a really

"big part in this school play."

It was a musical, actually. Right.

And he absolutely brought the house
down, and he got a stand...

He did, I'm not lying, he got
a standing ovation. From his mother?


The part was
called Accrington Stanley

and that was in
The Roman Invasion Of Ramsbottom.

And Matt got chosen to play
the role on the Edinburgh Fringe.

That's incredible.
He was 13, actually.

So, he was destined for it?

That was his path to... Yeah.

I read somewhere that you used to
take him to his gigs?

Yeah, I was a chauffeur, actually.
That's right. Very often.

He was only, what, 16, then?

Yes, he started at comedy clubs,
just doing slots that were

not paid, and then he'd come back
late at night and of course,

being a mother, I'd be worried,
so I'd go and collect him. Yes.

You brought some fantastic
photographs. Ah, yes!

This... Look at that.


He was six months old
on that picture.

He's a very special son, he really
is. He's a marvellous son.

What makes you most proud of him?
Well, two things.

I think, first of all,

I can honestly say that fame has
not gone to his head.

He never, ever forgets family
and friends.

He is the most thoughtful,
most generous of his time,

when he can be, and just a very
generous, thoughtful, kind son.

Look at this one, look.
Look at mucky face, look at that.

Look at that!

Now, there's one of them
here I want you to tell me about,

cos this is an interesting one.

This one.

You see that? His hair is thinning
in that.

Yeah, I think he was about
four or five at school.

What happened was he lost his hair,
but then it actually did grow back.

He had some treatment
and it grew back,

but then after that,
when he was seven, it fell out.

And it's funny, because I think most
people think that his head is

shaved and it's a choice.
No, no.

Well, it suits him, I can't think of
him any other way.

I couldn't picture him
any other way.

Look at that birthday... Look
at that. Oh, yes. That was about...

# Happy birthday to you. #

He was 32 there. He was about eight.


Probably about eight.
About eight years old.

This is like being present
at your own funeral!

Well, you know what?
You're a very lucky mother to have

a child like him. I am indeed.

I wish I had just ONE like him!
I'd be very, very happy.

But he's also a very, very
lucky boy. Aw, thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, Diana!


Let's go back inside.


Mrs Brown, help! There's somebody
at the door.


Chef Aly! Mrs Brown, help!

What? The door's open. Oh, my God.

You've got your sausage caught in
the wheel of your bike.

Let me help, let me help.
Be careful, be careful!

I am being careful! Ready?


Chef Aly's sausage.

Chef Aly's in the house!



MUSIC: Boombastic
by Shaggy


Oh, well, Chef Aly, what's all this?

This is my ingredients
for one one-minute meal.

OK, so what are you going to do?
What dish are you going to do?

I've got here nice tuna. It's tuna
with a spicy noodle. Melanie. Yeah?

Come on in and have a look at this.
Do you cook yourself, Melanie?

I do cook, yeah. What do you like
to cook? I'm not very good.

What kind of food do you like
to cook?

Well, I do like regular, like pasta
or Sunday dinner. Oh,

yeah, yeah. Sunday roast.
Family meals? Yeah.

Now, you're going to have until you
hear the gong, so it's one minute.


AUDIENCE: ..two... one!


OK, so this is the seared tuna.
There goes the...

What's that going in there?

It's vegetable here.

It goes in the pan for stir-fry.

The tuna is here.

And I've got the noodles here.

Just stick it in a bit of heat.

This one goes here, just put
the noodles in here.

We mix the soya sauce with
some chilli,

a little bit of coriander and...

Very nice, Chef. Shall I turn
that over?

Little bit here. You could turn
it over.

This one doesn't need long to cook.

And already here... That smells

really good. Yeah.

Very good, Chef.

Oh, toss the noodles. If you want to
know how to

toss your noodles at home,

it's on our website.

How are we doing? How are we
doing time-wise? Wow. 15 seconds.

That noodles is ready to go.


nine, eight, seven,

seven, six, five,

four, three, two,



That was close, Chef. That was
close. Smells really good.

Let's have a taste of this.
Go ahead. Oh, look, it's so tender.

It is. Oh, my God. That's really
good. That's very good.

That's nice, eh?

Mm! That's really tasty.
Oh, God, yeah.

You didn't prep anything? You just
did it? No, it's actually

like what you see. Already there's
tuna, already doesn't need long.

Oh, shut up.


MUSIC: Boombastic
by Shaggy


Let's go back inside for the rest
of the show!

Chef Aly's one-minute meal!


Are you there, Agnes?

It's open! Oh, how are you?

How are you, Winnie, love?


How did you get through that
weather? It's lovely out there.



OK, I give up.
What are you doing over?

Well, you told me to come over.
You said I could ask the question.

Winnie's one question. Come on.

Excuse me, everybody. This is my
best friend, Winnie McGoogan.

Hello. Hello. Hello.

Now, Winnie gets to ask
one question. One question.

So, who would you like to ask,
now - Matt, Melanie or Diana?

All of them. Oh, OK.

Yeah. Now, the question is,
what size is the carbon

footprint of an aeroplane?

No idea. Matt? No, I'm not...
I wouldn't know. Not a clue.

I wouldn't even know that, Winnie.

Size 9 and a half! Oh!

Is it?

Just get out, go on.
I have another question.

That's a shoe size, eejit.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry,
Diana. No, well... I'm sorry.

Well, that's all we have time for
on the Cathy Brown Show. Oh, yes.

Thanks to all my guests tonight,
Melanie Brown...


..Matt Lucas...

Thank you.

..and of course, his mammy, Diana.


We'll see you next time. Goodnight!

See you later in Foley's!

# Lights aglow, here we go

# The Cathy Brown Show. #


Hello, boys.

That's the roof all fixed for you,

Well done, son. I see you've still
got that useless tool. Which one?



Ha-ha-ha. We checked the whole roof,
Ma. There's no storm damage.

Oh, fantastic.

But your satellite dish
did blow onto next door,

so I got it back and put it back on
the roof for you. Well done...

Wait, I don't have a satellite dish.

Well, you do now.

Right, Ma, we're off.
Wait, Dermot! What, Ma?

I need you to help me sort out these
recycling bins.

I don't know which is which.
Ma, I don't even know meself.

Yeah, I know, but I don't want
to disappoint,

you know, Greta Thunderbolt

or whatever her name is.

It's easy. Really, Buster? Yeah.

Biodegradable into the red.

Something goes into green.


I'll get this. I'll get this.

Biodegradable into red.

Tin and plastic. I can do
the line, then.

Really, Buster?
Yeah, biodegradable into the red.

Tin and plastic into the green.

Glass goes into blue,

unless it's green glass,
in which case, goes into the white.

Ha! Phew.


Buster! Say that again!

The biodegradable goes into...

..the red. Plastic into the...

Feck that. I'm going down
to Foley's.


Oh, well done, girls.

Winnie, what do you think about this
climate change?

You know what I mean, like
recycling? I think it's essential.

I always wear the same knickers
two days in a row.


Ladies and gentlemen, look,
it's Jax Jones and Raye!

Mwah, mwah!

Hello. Mwah.

Oh, my God. You're so sexy. Thank
you. I was talking to her. Oh, man!

So, how did you two get together?

Wrote a song called
You Don't Know Me years ago,

it's our only hit, ever.
You only had one hit?

No, that's a complete lie.

Every song Jax has done...
Liar! Exactly.

Don't lie to them!

Never washing it again.

Are you going to do a new one
for us, are you? Yeah. Mm-mm.

What's the name of that?
It's called Tequila.



Salt and lemon. Mm!

So, I like when my guests come on,
the guests that just come on

for a little croon, a song, you
know, just for me.

We have one for you.

Really? We have got a song for you.
Oh, please. A dedication, yeah.

I've got to put my specs on.
Of course you do. You ready?

# Let there be you

# Let there be me

# Ooh

# Let there be oysters

# Under the sea

# Yeah, yeah, yeah

# Let there be cuckoos

# A lark and a dove

# But first of all, please

# Let there be love

# Love. #


OK, you two, go get ready
for the songs,

and I'll get myself a drink.
Sharon, same again!

Ladies and gentlemen, performing
their big hit from last year,

You Don't Know Me,
plus a new song, Tequila,

it's Jax Jones and Raye.


Let's keep the hands going.

# What you, what you gonna do?

# Ooh, na-na, yeah

# Don't act like you know me
Like you know me, na-na, yeah

# I am not your homie
Not your, ooh, na-na, yeah

# Don't act like you know me,
Like you know me, na-na, yeah

# You don't know me

# No

# Yeah, time is money
so don't, oh, with mine

# See, I'm out with my girls,
I'mma have a good time

# Oh, oh, oh

# Step back with your chit-chat
Killin' my vibe

# Oh, oh, oh

# Oh, na-na

# Yeah

# See, I can't get too much of
a good thing

# It's why I'm here dressed up
in the finest things

# Oh, please hold your tongue
Don't say a damn thing

# Mm-mm, sing it with me, let's go

# See your iPhone camera flashin'

# Please step back
It's my style you're crampin'

# You here for long?
Oh, no, I'm just passin'

# Do you want to drink?
No, thanks for askin'

# Ooh, na-na, yeah

# Don't act like you know me
Like you know me, na-na, yeah

# I am not your homie
Not your, ooh, na-na, yeah

# Don't act like you know me
Like you know me, na-na, yeah

# You don't know me

# Yeah

# Hey, don't act like you know me
Like you know me, na-na, yeah

# I am not your homie
Not your, ooh, na-na, yeah

# Don't act like you know me
Like you know me, na-na, yeah

# You don't know me, yeah. #

All right, guys, it's
Tequila time, everybody.

# That's my lifestyle

# That's my, that's my lifestyle

# Tonight if you take a photo
Get my good side

# Toasting to the future
Tell them more life, na-na

# If you want some drama
catch me outside, na-na

# Let's not take it there, no

# In the rave so serious

# See me dance so serious

# Why you look so serious?

# Hands up if you're feeling us, no

# One shot, two shot,
three shot, four shot

# I think that you need
some more shots

# Wait, hol' up

# Take it to the, take it
to the dance floor

# Tequila, la, la, la

# Tequila, la, la, la

# Yeah

# Tequila, la, la, la

# Tequila, la, da, dum

# Tequila, la, da, dum

# Tequila, la, la, la

# Hey, tequila, la, la, la

# Tequila, la, la, la

# Tequila, la, da, dum

# Tequila, la, da, dum

# Tequila, la, la, la

# Oh

# Why you tryna grab your coat
and go home?

# Let me introduce you
to my friend, though

# He goes by the name of Don Julio

# Julio, hey

# Hands up if you're feeling us

# Hands up if you're feeling us

# Mel B, hands up
if you're feeling us

# Oi, oi

# Take your body
over to the dance floor

# Tequila, la, la, la

# Oh, yeah

# Tequila, la, la, la

# Tequila, la, la, la

# Tequila, la, da, dum

# Tequila, la, da, dum
Hey, hey

# Tequila, la, la, la

# That's my lifestyle, that's my,
that's my lifestyle

# Tequila, la, la, la

# That's my lifestyle,
that's my, that's my lifestyle

# Tequila, la, la, la

# That's my lifestyle, that's my,
that's my lifestyle

# Tequila, la, da, dum

# Tequila, la, da, dum

# Tequila, la, la, la. #


Love you, Mrs Brown.

Well, that's the show.

I hope you enjoyed Mel B.
She's such a wonderful role model.

And as for Matt Lucas, he's the son
every mother dreams she'd have.

With a son like Matt,
Diana must feel she's won the lotto.

I think I won mine at the bingo.

We all want what's best
for our children,

and what's best right now is to stop
fecking up the planet.

Greta Thunberg is just a child.
WE'RE supposed to be the adults.

You wouldn't give a child
a dirty toy, would you?

So why would you leave them
with a wasted planet?

So, let's do something.
Not tomorrow. Now.

And on that cheery note, goodnight.


# Make a date, don't be late

# Cos you know it's gonna be great

# When the irrepressible Browns
come to town

# To begin, just tune in

# And you'll wear an ear-to-ear grin

# Watching Agnes and her clan
act the clown

# Instead of feeling depressed

# Let laughter make you feel best

# So It's All Round
To Mrs Brown's. #