All Rise (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 4 - Trouble Man - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on All Rise...

You were working
for my campaign.

It looked like you were
trying to buy votes.

- Oh.
- "Oh" is right.

Emily Lopez, working
for the biggest pro bono

- law firm in the world?
- No pressure. None.

The Southland Women's
Reentry Center.

Many women live there
with their children.

Louise and Harry Collins?
What's happening?

You must be Charlotte Collins.

Excuse me, you can't
just take them.

Please, you've got
to help me fix this.

I will, I will, I will, I will.

Ah, peekaboo.

Peekaboo. Oh, what
you got there?

What you got there?


Oh, what did your daddy do?




Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. It's okay.

You do know that babies tend

to stop wearing diapers
before the age of four, right?

You've got enough
pampers in there

to last Bailey until
her senior prom.

Very funny.

Robin Taylor,

you have got our home looking
like a wholesale warehouse

with all these coupons.

So, would you prefer
I not pay lower

than low-low prices?

All right. Start talking.

Who's your supplier.

I get my coupons from Nancy.

Nancy Adler?

From your little
mommy social club?

Nancy's got you all hopped up?

On deals and discounts, yes.

You're welcome.

Wait a minute.

Mmm. I think I know
what's going on here.

You think I'm jealous?

Oh, no, no.

I've got to get to work.

Anything new on the
Sherri assistant drama?

Oh, Sherri kept her word.

She transferred to
Delgado's courtroom.

But I have already decided

that she ain't
going out like that.

All right. Handle
your business.

- Good day, sir.
- Okay.

Bye, Bailey. Oh, wait, wait.

I got you a value
sausage biscuit

for your car ride.

I don't want your
little discount biscuit.

- Thank you.
- Okay, well I'll eat it.


♪ 'Cause it hurts my mind

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

Damn, did that just happen?

Did Mark Callan just
outrun Luke Watkins? Dude.


Did Mark Callan just refer
to us in third person?

Because Watkins
really hates that.

So, what's your excuse?

What, you got a
pebble in your shoe?

Didn't get enough sleep
last night? What's up?

Well, that and I just haven't
worked out in a while.

- How about you?
- Yeah,

I've had my share
of sleepless nights.

It's not every day you
go up against your buddy

in a murder trial.

Let's make a pact.

We keep up our
weekly jogs as usual.

No matter who wins?

No matter who loses.


Like the saying goes,
"Bros before..."


Bros before litigation.

Hey, no fair, man. You're
getting a head start.

I've got a new trick,

guaranteed to knock
your Barbie socks off.

Zachary, I am not in the mood.

You know, I'm good
with the 101 tricks

you showed me over the weekend.

Oh, girl, real quick.

Now, do you have a quarter?

No? Okay, look, I
have one right here.

Okay, so what I'm going to do,

I'm going to take this quarter,

and magically put it
inside of this balloon.

When it happens, it's
going to instantaneously

turn into a bunch
of dollars, yeah?

So, you're going
to be my assistant.

You hold this. There you go.

Woah! Oh, my God.

Zachary, what the hell?

I'm so sorry.

You know, it appears
that I purchased

the confetti bomb
version by mistake.

Okay, do you have one of those

cute little vacuum things

- that we can just clean up...
- You get away.

Oh, fine, fine.

Oh, my God. What?

Where'd the quarter go?

Hey, Wilson.

All right, Kansky. This
is how it's going down.

You're coming back to my court

at least for the week

and if you want to leave
after that, then fine,

but for right now
it's you and me,

so snatch up your hot tea,

gather your little
meditation crystals,

and be at my courtroom

before they start calling
morning calendar. Got it?



But I'm bringing
this chair with me.

What's happening today
is evidentiary hearing.

The judge is going
to rule on the motion

that I filed to throw
out the statements

- you gave to police.
- Look,

I know the strongest evidence

the DA got against
me is about DNA

so I've been reading up.

They say one to four percent

all DNA matches are false.

- Carl, listen to me...
- You need to tell the jury

about all of that.

There is this legal thing

called the presumption
of innocence.

Yeah, I know, innocent
until proven guilty.

Right, it exists in
theory, but I promise you,

from the moment that you step
in front of those jurors,

they're already pegging you
as a cold-blooded murderer

who shot a woman in the head

and dumped her body
in the trash bin.

But I can persuade them

that their preconceived
notions are wrong,

but I need you to
stop fighting me.

Do you believe I'm
innocent Mr. Watkins?

It doesn't matter what I think.

Nah, nah, nah.

I need you to
answer my question.

My job is to show how weak

the prosecution's
case is against you.

That's the only
thing that matters.

Yeah, I was going
to represent myself.

My sister said no.

She told me it'd be stupid

not to ask for a...
A public defender.


I don't want to be
one of those guys

that gets old in prison

before someone finally
proves they're innocent.

Please. Please, Mr. Watkins.

I'm putting my
life in your hands.

Today's calendar, Your Honor.

Thank you, Sherri.

This case is already
working my last nerve.

It feels like it's
been 100 years

and we haven't even
started the trial yet.

I just hate the thought
of seeing Mark and Luke

go at each other's
throats in court.

I would posit that
if the trial had gone

to someone like Lasky,
the punisher would be

eating Luke Watkins
alive right about now.

Lasky does have an appetite

for new public defenders,
that's for sure.

But I see your point.

See, that's why we
work well together.

You're the Yin to my Yang.

- Ping to my pong.
- If you say so, Your Honor.

Aw, that sneaky husband of mine.

He snuck my favorite shea
butter into my briefcase.

It's the little things.

Wait a minute.

Looks like the only
reason he got me

this hand cream is
'cause he had a coupon.

Does this man not think
I'm worth full price?


Amy, hey.


- what are you doing here?
- What?

I mean, not that I mind
the surprise visit.

Oh, well, that's... Okay.

Okay, so I ran
into Ness in court

and I mentioned
that there's still

no desk available for me
at Free Council Initiative.

And Ness offered
you Rachel's office

until she gets back.

Obviously without
your knowledge.

I am so sorry.

I can... I can find
someplace else, honestly...

No, absolutely not. Her
instincts are spot on.

I would've invited you myself.

I really, really appreciate it.

So, what case are
you working on?

Charlotte Collins.

Single mom in the
country on a green card.

She caught a mayhem case
and I got it reduced

to felony, false imprisonment,

so she is set up

at the reentry
center on probation,

but DCFS still
took her two kids.

When's the hearing?

In a couple days.

I dropped the ball.

Like, I should have
been in front of this.

You were focused on keeping
Charlotte out of custody

and in the country, and
you did exactly that.

And you will get
her kids back, too.

In the meantime, make
yourself at home.

Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

All right.

Olani Broadnax, am
I pronouncing that

- correctly?
- Yes.

You are a stenographer at
Elite Deposition Solutions,

Riverside County Superior Court.

Oh, goodness.

- Excuse me?
- It's strong.

Very, very strong.

My boss gave...

It is a little strong, isn't it?

No, dear. Your
energy is strong.

I feel it emanating
from your aura.

You see, I'm a psychic.

I'm looking for this job

as a court reporter to
supplement my income.

Oh. I sense someone well
above your pay grade

seeking your forgiveness.

- Oh.
- Someone very close to you.

Well, you are not going to
win me over that easily.

What's that, dear?

Miss Olani Broadnax.

Welcome to courtroom 802.

Of course.

Did you know that was coming?

I saw that, too.

Hi, Darius?

Hi, I... I'm Sara Castillo,

I'm the victim's advocate
assigned to this case.

Uh, right. Right. Hi...
hi, Miss Castillo.

Oh, no, please. Call me Sara.

I'll... Sorry, you'll have to

excuse me appearance.

Anyway I'm here to
offer any support I can.

I... I also want to
offer my condolences.

You know, I know
it must be tough

just sitting through this trial

and hearing all the details...

All due respect, Miss Castillo,

my mom was the victim.

Not me.

So, I'm going to
head in there now.

Oh, yeah. Yes. Please.

Did you pick up Brenda Fletcher

from the bar she worked at?

You know, maybe I...

Maybe I should get a lawyer.

I keep telling you I
didn't kill nobody.

We found your DNA

on her dead body, Carl.

It's like your signature
is all over her corpse.

Thank you, Judge.

Very well, Mr. Watkins.

I will hear you one last time
before I rule in the evidence.

Your Honor, detectives

interrogated Carl Brewer
for 21 continuous hours.

He was not in his
right state of mind.

Even more outrageous,

his statements were
made involuntarily.

He continuously asked the
detectives for an attorney

and they denied him.

Your Honor, the techniques

used by the detectives
during the interrogation

were not coercive,
and for Mr. Watkins

to suggest otherwise is...

Look, I'll borrow

one of his own dramatic
terms, here, "outrageous."

Mr. Brewer clearly
stated that he understood

he had a right to retain
appointed council,

and yet he never definitely
asked for an attorney.

- He waived his Miranda rights.
- He absolutely did not.


I'm ready to rule.

Mr. Watkins, as to your motion

to suppress
Mr. Brewer's statements,

I believe detectives
had an affirmative duty

to confirm whether Mr. Brewer
was exercising his right

against self-incrimination.

With all due
respect, Your Honor,

the law says the officers
do not have to clarify...

It is good police
practice to do so.

I believe the detectives
should have asked

further questions to clarify.

I'm granting the defense's
motion to suppress.

Now, as for the
people's 402 motion,

relevance regarding

the defendant's
medical condition.

Mr. Callan, it
is your position

that the jury should not hear

Mr. Brewer's suffers from
acute myeloid leukemia,

correct? Yes, Your Honor.

It's clear that the
defense is only trying

to gain the jury's sympathy
by mentioning that...

Mr. Brewer has suffered from
leukemia his entire adult life,

he would not have
the physical ability,

nor the energy, to
commit such a murder.

Well, it doesn't take
much vim and vigor

- to pull a trigger, Your Honor.
- The victim wasn't just shot.

Her hair was ripped
out, her wrists bound,

he body dumped like
trash. That takes energy.

Energy that Mr. Brewer
does not have.

Mr. Watkins. Take a breath.

I find that the defense as
a proponent of the evidence

regarding your client's
current medical condition

has not met its burden.

Your Honor, you
cannot be serious,

the jury needs to hear...
The probative value

of your client's medical
condition is outweighed

by the risk of undue prejudice.

I agree with the people that
this evidence would elicit

more sympathy than it would tend

to disprove identity.

My client has an absolute
constitutional right

to present a...

But not with
inadmissible evidence.

I have excluded the
evidence on 352 grounds,

and do not interrupt me again.

I apologize, Your Honor.

The trial will begin
in a couple days.

Good morning, Your Honor.

I'm hoping it will be.

Tea for you, two for me.

I might need to triple
up on the caffeine.

I did so much tossing
and turning last night.

- Is it the trial?
- If the evidentiary hearing

is any indication,
it's about to get

- brutal out there.
- This must be an immense amount

of pressure for Luke, I
can't think of any new PD

who got a murder case so soon.

He has come a long way

in a short amount
of time, Your Honor.


How are you and I doing?

Are we making any
bit of progress here?

Your Honor, I will be returning

to Judge Delgado's
court on Monday.

I want to see my kids.

- Now!
- Ma'am, calm down.

- Don't tell me to calm down!
- Ma'am...

Charlotte, hey, I
have been looking

- all over the town for you.
- Louise is sick.

They say she's in the hospital
but they won't tell me where!

- Charlotte...
- Where is my daughter?

You need to get her out of here.

I got it. Thank you.

Charlotte, look at me.
Your daughter is fine.

No, I spoke to the doctor

after the reentry
center called me.

She is fine, she had
an ear infection.

She's okay. She's okay.

I need to see my children.

I understand, but right now

we need to get you
back to the center

- because you cannot afford to...
- Oh, God.

Officers, hi, we
had a young lady

who was distraught,
but it's fine.

- I'm her attorney.
- We need to talk to her.

Okay, look, she found
out her kid was sick

and she panicked, all right?

We are on our way out
right now, I promise.

The murder trial of
56-year-old Carl Brewer

begins in about an hour.

The forklift operator is accused

of shooting a woman to death.

This morning, the
victim's 20-year-old son,

Darius Fletcher... I join you

with someone today
who is concerned

about the dangerous effects

of under-policing
in our communities.

So many women in the
past three decades

have gone missing
or been murdered,

the cases unsolved.

So, in the spirit of
calling for justice

for my mom, and other women,

I ask that you join me
in saying their names.

Sheila James. Sheila James!

Harriet Boyd. Harriet Boyd!

Martina Sanchez.
Martina Sanchez!

I'm not saying I disagree,
I just wonder if the push

for more policing
doesn't get lost

behind the argument for
defunding the police.

Police reform can
walk the fine line

between maintaining
public safety

and decreasing police brutality.

This murder trial I'm
handling right now

has me thinking about all of it.

Clearly, black and
brown communities

are suffering the worst of it.

The problem is either
aggressive policing

or not enough policing.

Or both, you know,
it's a complex issue,

and one which probably
isn't going to be solved

over coffee and fruit
in the judge's lounge.

Oh, here we go. I'll say this.

Most police officers
in this country...

are selfless,
patriotic citizens.

No one is disputing that.

Yes, we must curtail

the authority for
police officers

to use deadly force,
but not to the extent

that their actions are frozen

when confronting violent crime.

Since you chimed in with
the pitch of the problem,

why don't you hit
us with a solution?

I'll hit you with several.

De-escalation training.

The tearing down of the
blue wall of silence

which protects abusive policing,

more effective training
for police officers

dealing with crisis

I want to bring this back
around to the dangers

of under-policing.

Grassroots organizations
have long offered up

solutions to these issues.

Real progress would be
city and police leaders

- sitting down with them.
- Not just every other quarter.

And that's something
on which we all agree.

I'm not bad.

We should have this
chat every week.

We'll be here.

Mr. Slimms.

- Jimmy Slimms.
- That's me.

Luke Watkins, we consulted
on the Brewer case

over the phone, I was supposed

- to meet you here.
- Oh, yes. Forgive me.

Most days, I don't know
if I'm coming or going.

But right now I am going.

I'm sorry. I've got
to get to trial.

I... I just need two seconds.

Have you found

any discrepancies
on how the police

collected the evidence?

Compromised DNA?
Contamination testing issues?

I haven't spotted
any inconsistencies,

and we may not find
any, Mr. Watkins.

That's just the reality.

Trust me, I've seen
DNA specimen techniques

as messed up as a Hogan's goat.

But not here.

If you could just
take another look

at the case file I sent you.

I'll try and grab some time

- over the next couple days.
- Great.

- I will call you.
- I will call you.

There were rope burns

on the victim's wrists.

And we could see that
a lock of her hair

had been ripped from the scalp.

And where did you
apprehend the suspect?

In the backyard of his home.

He never asked why he
was being arrested,

which I found odd.

Yo, can he even say that?

You should object.

You found in the alley,

what kind of bullet was it?

The casing we found was
from a silver colored

nine-millimeter bullet,

it's a very particular
piece of ammo.

And what more did you find?

Using the automated
firearm system

we were able to find
out that Mr. Brewer

- owns a nine-millimeter.
- He's lying.

I'm telling you to object.

And I'm telling you to be cool.

From the shell casing

found at the scene, we
determine that Mr. Brewer

owns the same type of gun
used to murder the victim.

Thank you, detective Blair.

Mr. Watkins.

You led a search of
Mr. Brewer's home,

correct? Correct.

But you didn't find any firearms

in the house, correct?

As I already stated,
we knew Mr. Brewer had

the same type of gun.

- Is that a yes, or no?
- No. We didn't find a gun.

In fact, Mr. Brewer
filed a report

years ago that a
nine-millimeter gun

that he owned was stolen,

- isn't that right?
- Correct.

It's funny, I
didn't hear you tell

- the prosecution that.
- Objection.


Did you find any
of Mr. Brewer's DNA

in the alley where you believe

Mrs. Fletcher was
shot to death?

Just Mr. Brewer's
DNA on her body.

And you testified earlier
that you didn't find

any scratches, bruises
or cuts on Mr. Brewer,

correct? Correct.

Yet, you found,

or you say you found his DNA

under the victim's fingernails?

Right, again, I stated
that I personally

didn't observe any
injuries on your client.

That doesn't mean
he didn't have any.

That's all, Your Honor.

Redirect, Mr. Callan?
- No, Your Honor.

Your Honor, I'd like
to address the court.

I'd like to fire my lawyer.

Carl. Excuse me?

Bailiff, remove this
man from my courtroom.

Mr. Watkins is not following
any of my directions.

I demand new council.

Members of the jury,
we will take a break.

Disregard Mr. Brewer's

- I demand new council.
- Mr. Watkins,

you need to control your client.

- Bailiff.
- Mr. Watkins is not adequate

for my defense.

My sixth amendment right...

You showed a lack of
respect for this court,

for council, and
most significantly,

for the jury.

Any more outbursts like that

and I will have you removed
for the rest of trial.

- Am I clear?
- Yes, Your Honor.

I will say, I considered
your request for new council,

and since you did
not make this request

before trial began,
and we are already

deep into testimony, I
am denying your request

for a Marsden hearing.

I know Mr. Watkins well,

and he is an excellent attorney.

It would behoove
you to trust him

in representing you.

We will pick up again
tomorrow morning. Bailiff?

Thank you, Your Honor.

I miss my kids.

I know you do.

But you get to see
the judge tomorrow.

I'll be right there with you.

I'm a screwup.

And the judge is
going to know that.

Well, then you must
be screwup number two

because I hold the title.

Oh no.

You should have seen me
when I was a teenager.

You could not tell me anything.

I had all the answers,
I knew it all.

If there was a rule, I
just broke it, you know?

I spent time in juvey.

You were in juvey? Mm-hmm.

And then I just...

I turned things
around for myself.

Look at you now. A lawyer.

And look at you.

A fearless mom who has raised

two beautiful, amazing
kids on her own.

That doesn't look
like a screwup to me.

Can I tell you something?


They tried to take away my kids

before I came to the States.


Oh, what are we smiling at?

It looks like our new
stenographer slash psychic

has earned her keep.

She predicted that an admirer

would give me a
gift and here it is.

A gift card to Cycle City.

Someone just left it on my desk.


Robin actually got
me that gift card.

It must have fallen
out of my bag

and someone accidentally
placed it on your desk,

but, no, no, no, no, no,
Sherri, you... you keep it.

No, thank you. It's yours.

Come on, Sherri.

When would I even have the time?

I suggest you make
the time, Your Honor.

Mr. Watkins. I'm
sorry to disturb you.

I'm Carl's sister, Mildred.

I met you when you
first took on his case.

Yes. I... I remember.

I'm so sorry about
my brother's outburst

today in court.

That should not have happened.

Please, have a seat.

He has had challenges
his whole life.

When we were kids, Carl
got into a lot of trouble.

I've been trying my whole life

to restore him to Christ.

It may be true he's
trapped in sin,

but my brother is
not a murderer.

You said that your
grandparents raised you two?

- What happened to your parents?
- Momma, well...

she had a hard time.

- And I didn't mean to...
- No. No, it's fine.

I think about how
sick my brother was

with leukemia and everything.

I was his only caretaker

after our grandparents passed.

I've seen that
cancer come and go

and come back again,

but because of God's
grace and mercy,

my brother is still here.

I went to Howard University.

Mom helped me enroll using
some outrageous money.

She sounds like
a wonderful lady.

When I was a kid...

my mom, she got this tattoo

on her arm of her
favorite bible verse,

and I'm not such a
religious guy myself,

but I want to do
something special

to remember her by so
I actually ended up

getting the same tattoo.

"Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth."

That's a beautiful verse

and a great tribute to your mom.

Thank you.

♪ We just got To
rise up, hoo ♪

♪ Rise up, hoo

♪ Rise up

Come on, believe in yourself!

You can do anything
you put your mind to!

If you see it, you
can achieve it.

- Let's go!
- Excuse me.

- Lola Carmichael?
- Yeah.

I'm officer Bernard. My
partner, officer Cohen.

We'd like to talk
about the gift card

you used for this class.

Would you come with us, please?


Tomorrow the prosecution
will call more witnesses,

including the criminalists
that worked with investigators

on your case... Let me guess,

you grew up in an
upper-middle class home,

went to one of them

highfalutin private
schools, hmm?

Probably only dated
rich white women, huh?

Your mommy and daddy spoil
you rotten, I can tell.


Carl, I get it.

I get that you had
it rough growing up.

Your sister, she
told me about your...

The troubles you faced.

It's a lot.

Your father's untimely death...

your mom leaving you
with your grandparents...

Don't talk about my
mother, you understand?

Don't ever talk about her.

It's okay, deputy.

Just give us a minute, please.

I don't know if my
sister told you...

but after our mother left,

she came back, years later,

when she found out
about my cancer.

She was a match

and she wanted to
donate her bone marrow.

Yeah, and I was so happy.

My momma came back to save me.

Then she took off again.

Right before my surgery.

I never knew why.

All I knew was my momma
had left me a second time.

She left me.

That bitch left me to die.


And thanks for showing up.

You think I wouldn't?
I wasn't... I'm not...

Can I ask you a question?

You ever worry about charging

the wrong guy with murder?

Just curious.

I tend to worry
about the guilty guy

getting away with it.

Look, I've been doing
this long enough to know

that restorative justice
doesn't work for everybody.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

I can't tell you everything,

but we are learning
new information...

New information like...
I can't tell you.

Are you planning to drop
a bombshell in trial?

This has nothing to
do with trial, Luke.

And maybe I shouldn't
have said anything,

- but I am your...
- But you sure as hell did.

I'm giving you a heads up
that there is something

coming down the pike, okay?

And there might be
more to Carl Brewer

than you think.

You know what I think, Callan?

I think this is you
trying to get into my head

and knock me off my game

because your case
is getting weaker

by the minute and
you cannot handle

the thought of losing
to a public defender

in his first murder trial.

Are you serious right now?

Your ass can't
handle it, Callan.

Wow, man. Okay.

I'll see you in court.

- Bailey's down.
- Mhm.

Thank you, husband.

You're welcome, wife.

Rough day, huh babe?

Well, at least they didn't
throw you in the clink.

You should've let me
come down to help you.

No, it was fine

once I explained
everything to the officers.

The point is I got embarrassed

in front of my entire spin class

because of your little
girlfriend, Nancy.

I can't believe that gift card
she gave you was counterfeit.


A wanted scammer.

I didn't see that
one coming. Yeah.

I'm as surprised as you
are, Mr. F.B.I. agent.

Guess this puts a huge dent in
me and Nancy's relationship.

It's too soon, Robin.

Too soon.

I'm sorry, baby.

I guess I've got
some making up to do.

Mhm, but this prime rib feast

is a good start.

It looks delicious.



Did you buy this dinner
with one of Nancy's coupons?

I plead the fifth, Your Honor.

- Appreciate you coming.
- Are you kidding?

I live with my brother
in his very crowded home.

Of course I was coming.

Congrats on the new place, Em,

- I'm happy for you.
- Oh, thank you.

I mean...

I move in a week or so,

and I... I just, I cannot wait.

I look forward to my
invitation to the housewarming.

Well, I look forward
to having you.

So, what's up with this
new adventure of yours

- they call Holistic Law?
- Yeah.

I... I told you about
the case I'm working.

Single mom trying to
get her kids back.

She's young, you know?

And she's had a
really tough life.

She... she shared
some stuff with me...

about something she experienced
that was extremely difficult.

Then you share that
with the judge,

and if the judge
is empathetic...

It's Judge Taylor.
Judge Needum Taylor?

I appeared before him
before he was transferred

over to juvenile court.

I'm not going to
lie, he was tough.

Great. Maybe think about

holding your most
compelling argument

to the very end right
before he rules.

- That worked for me.
- Duly noted.

- So, Luke Watkins...
- Mm.

What's up with this
new adventure of yours

they call public defense?

I'm not going to lie.

It's been tough.

The trial... Callan.

My client, he shared something

very painful with me
today about his mother.

I could feel...

the misery...

that he was living with.

How haunted he was, it was...

It was almost like I could
feel that misery, too.

Mr. Slimms, thanks
for getting back.

Did you have a chance to
look at the case file again?

Bottom line, the prosecution
is saying Carl Brewer's DNA,

and only his DNA,

was found on this woman's body.

A lot of it. Like,
too much to ignore.

You're going to
argue something else.

The DNA is solid.

Hey, listen, I wanted
to ask you again

about my client's, uh,
transplant from 35 years ago.

I thought you weren't allowed
to mention that in trial.

I'm not allowed to talk about

my client's current
medical condition,

but no one said I can't
refer to his medical history.

Well, you're the lawyer.

Wait a minute.

What kind of transplant did
you say your client had?

I've heard all that I'm
going to hear, Miss Lopez.

I would just like to
say one more thing

on behalf of Miss Collins.

She recently shared
with me something

that she experienced that was
very tough for her to handle

back in British Columbia,
Canada, where she's from.

There was a certain practice
called a birth alert.

It allowed social workers
to flag an expecting parent,

without their consent,

as being unfit to
care for their child.

Tell me how this
relates to the case

- before me?
- Yes, Your Honor.

These birth alerts
were often issued

without regulation,

against indigenous women,

but also low-income
women like Charlotte.

In fact, she received them
during both of her pregnancies.

She spent years on
the run for fear

that her children were
going to be taken from her.

Judge Taylor, please do
not add to the trauma

that Charlotte
has had to endure.

She is a loving...
a loving mother.

And she deserves to
have her children back.

Sherri, you are a lifesaver.

Very welcome, Your Honor.

It was a look.

This incredulous look

you gave me at the
Public Integrity hearing.

The same look you give
to guilty defendants

before you sentence them.

And in that moment, it hit me.

The woman that I
have come to respect.

Idolize, even.

And care for.

Would think that I would steal

half a million dollars
from her campaign.

And though I did nothing wrong
I carry tremendous guilt,

as though I had
somehow betrayed you.

And for that I am angry.

It really hurt.


The look I gave you
wasn't a look of scorn;

it was one of concern.

For the first time,
something nefarious

had happened in my backyard,

and while I never for one second

believed that you had
stolen that money,

someone in my camp did,

and I was worried sick about it.

So, for what seemed like
an accusatory glance

that I gave you,
I am truly sorry.

But this look?

This look right here

that I'm giving you right now

is a look of...

admiration and appreciation

and of respect.

It is a look of
love and of apology.

Thank you.

Miss Collins, you've
missed court-mandated

therapy sessions, you've
missed A.A. meetings,

you're someone who
does not obey rules.

That is a problem.

Having said all that,
I strongly believe

in a concerted effort to
strengthen the relationship

between parents involved in
the system and their children.

Miss Lopez is right,
you've been through a lot

and I'm convinced you never put
your children in harm's way.

I'm ruling that your
children be returned to you

while you serve out the
terms of your plea agreement.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

We sent the blood for processing

and we found that
the genetic profile

generated from the blood
found on the victim's body

was consistent with Carl
Brewer's DNA profile.

Thank you.

Mr. Watkins.

Miss Reed.

Just to be clear,
you told this Jury

that the DNA from the victim
and the DNA from my client

matched to a certainty
of, what was it,

- one in 19 billion?
- Correct. Right.

19 billion, that's a big number.

Three times the total population

of humans on the planet.

Even with that certainty,
wouldn't you say that

there are circumstances
in which DNA can change?

Change? Uh.

It's possible, but
extraordinarily rare.

I want to show you something.

Know what this is, Miss Reed?

It's a Chimera.

A Chimera.

Comes from Greek mythology,

right? Yes.

A fire-breathing monster.

A hybrid creature made
up of three different

animal parts: A lion,
the body of a goat,

and a snake's head for a tail.

- Beautiful, actually.
- Your Honor, relevance.

Overruled, I want to
see where this is going.

But we're not talking
about Greek mythology,

are we Mrs. Reed.

Tell us how this
beautiful creature

connects to the
medical definition.

In medicine,

Chimera refers to
a hybrid human.

Someone who could be carrying
two totally different

sets of DNA inside their body.

So, let's say if someone
received a procedure

like, say, a bone
marrow transplant,

that person could
be a Chimera, yes?

They could be carrying
two distinct sets of DNA,

one of the recipient and
one of the donor, right?

Sorry, I didn't
hear you, Miss Reed.

- Human Chimerism is rare.
- Rare, yes,

but it is possible under
these circumstances.

Objection, relevance.
352 in foundation.

Overruled. Continue,
Mr. Watkins.

Miss Reed, if you
learned that Mr. Brewer

had a bone marrow transplant,
would that change your opinion

regarding the probability
of the DNA evidence.

Your Honor,

marking defense exhibit W.

Carl Brewer's medical records
from 1987 showing he received

a bone marrow transplant

from the California
Cancer Organization.

Your Honor, objection
on prior grounds.

The defense just violated the
court's rulings to prohibit

the mention of the
defendant's medical record.

The court didn't tell me
not to present evidence from

a medical procedure that my
client received 35 years ago.

You serious, Watkins?
- Bailiff, remove the jury.

I ask that the evidence be
excluded and that the jurors...

Be instructed to disregard
it. Those records include

recurrent medical records
as well as the fact that

Mr. Brewer received a
bone marrow transplant.

Watkins, are you
serious right now?

I complied with the
court's discovery rules

as well as the
court's 402 rulings.

Council, you are
both out of order.

I want to see you
in my chambers.
