All Hail King Julien: Exiled (2017): Season 1, Episode 13 - The Day Before Tomorrow - full transcript

King Julien rallies his troops and comes up with a plan for all of them to work together to destroy the mountain lemurs once and for all.

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𝒯𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓉e 𝓊𝓃𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓉 E𝒩𝒢LI𝒮H

I'm okay.

It all comes down to this.


The final chapter!

Your Majesty!



Pierce me for my King Julien!

My favorite bum-cheek!


Your Majesty! You're okay?

I'm as surprised
as you are, buddy!

Wow, I would not want to be
that guy's butt right now!

Right? Right? I mean, to be...

Perhaps we should escape
this battle alive

before we start the
big victory rave-up?

Clover, I say this as your king
and occasional life coach.


The sky Gods have shined
down good luck on us.

We obviously have
the upper hand.

They did not have
the upper hand.

And the worst was yet to begin.

On the morning of the
Battle of Booty Ridge,

the lemurs of King
Julien's kingdom

launched an epic
blitzkrieg attack.

Then, remembering the
Mountain Lemurs are huge,

and scary, and heavily armed,

the lemurs reconsidered
and ran screaming like...


"Dear Abner, it
ain't looking good.

We might want to switch sides

if the Mountain
Lemurs'll take us.

"I think there's maggots in my leg.

Throughout it all,

King Julien was very active,

driving the story of the
battle and briefly turning...

the tide.

But King Julien's
happiness didn't last.

The Mountain Lemur Army was
just too large and powerful.

And our plucky heroes could
not get on the same page.

King Julien and his peeps

were losing the Battle
of Booty Ridge.

They would need a miracle.

Oh, golly! My arm!

I can't find my arm!

Oh, sweet Frank. I've lost my...

Oh, wait a minute, here it is.

Seriously, Ted?

Stupid! Stupid!


You must get out of here.

Yeah, what she said!

Been there. Done that.

If I run again, everybody's
gonna think I'm a total wuss.

Which I'm totally okay with.

Run, fall back. Retreat!

They're getting away!
We've got to stop 'em!

Let them run!

In the morning, we'll track them
down, and exterminate them.

Saw... Suture...


This is all my fault.

I literally let Koto in.

Maybe if I turn myself in, he'll
let everyone else go free.


Koto was mega-bummed
we ruined his wedding.

He won't rest until
he's gotten revenge.

On all of us.

Maybe I could talk to him.
He kinda looks up to me.

No one looks up to you, Mort.

We need to get far
away from here.

I guess I never was
a real king anyway.

Only got the job because my
uncle wanted me to get eaten.

My peeps deserve
better than a loser...

like me.

Feel free to disagree.

If Sage is correct,

which admittedly is not
typically the case,

we have no choice but to stand
and fight against Koto.

But what are we supposed to do?

The Mountain Lemurs outnumber
us, like, infinity-to-one.

No, they don't!

- Mo-Mo, say what?
- They seem like they outnumber us

because they're
working together.

The Mountain Lemurs
are just one kingdom.

But us? We got Aye-ayes,

and Space Monkeys and weird
snails that worship me.

The Chosen One!

Maurice is right.

We do have the numbers.

All we need is someone to
bring us all together.

A leader.


You love your kingdom
more than anyone.

If I must die, I'd prefer to
do it fighting for my king.


The only thing I have
left to give, is my life.

It is yours.

Mine too, your Majesty.

Without The Feet my life would
be twice as meaningless...

as it is now.

What's happening, Maurice?

Your Majesty, I believe
you just became

the One True King of Madagascar.

I'm probably gonna
need a bigger crown,

new business cards.

My peoples!

We face an enemy that I
admit seems invincible.

The Mountain Lemurs are strong
and they are disciplined.

And us? We are not. At all.

- Uh, where is he going with this?
- Let's wait and see.

Our kingdoms have nothing in common.
Like zero!

We're all different. And, sikapow!

That's what makes
us strong, y'all!

If we work together and lean
on each other's differences,

nobody can beat us!

'Cause the Mountain Lemurs
only have one strength.

And what is it?

Well, it's their actual
physical strength.

But us? We are all
over the map, baby.

And most importantly,
we're not alone!

Ted, you still have Tentacle's
contact info, right?

I do not, sir, but I can try
and track it down I guess.

Hot dog! That's the kind
of can-do attitude I love!

My peeps! We are united
under the same freaky flag!

One island under Frank!

With liberty and hummus for all!

Tomorrow, we take
back our island!

Bring me Julien.

Do what you wish with the rest.

There are only so many
places they can hide.

Oh, oh, boy! It's
that Julien fella!

I found him, Koto! I found him!

Shame, I was looking forward
to hunting him down.

Yo, Koto!

It's ya boy KJ here to give
you a chance to surrender.

Surrender? To whom?

What? To me.

Here's the dealio!

If you walk over here
and get on the ground

and crawl over to me and
kiss my kingly grits,

and beg me to forgive you,

I might let you guys go back
to your village in peace.

You're either incredibly crazy

or incredibly stupid.

Joke's on you, Koto!
I'm actually both.

DJ Glitterbunz, on
the ones, and twos!

Hit me with a dope
beat one time!

A wiki-wiki DJ Glitterbunz!

It's a re-re-re-reverse
invasion, you snitches!

I was hoping you'd want
to do this the hard way.




You started all the
fun without me?


Momma's proud baby! You
ready, Butterfish?

Time to go to work, baby.

All right.

It's working, your Majesty.


Wow, you really bailed
me out there, Ted.

Ain't no Ted about it.

I reckon you can
sho'nuff call me Snake.


Or Ted's fine, I'm
not a Picky Pedro.

That was a noble effort.

I underestimated you.

But now... Whoa!

Hey, King Julien.
Sorry I'm late.


Hey, no fair!

I'm not good at catching things!

I'm more of an indoor tentacle!

Hey, that's my son!

Dad, what are you doing here?

I said some things
I shouldn't have.

I'm sorry.

I miss my Tentacle Son.

We're winning!

I'm awesome again!

I never should have
doubted myself!

How did this happen?

We're badly
outnumbered, King Koto.

Half of our army has
defected already.

We must retreat!


No! Stay and finish the fight!

That is an order!

You did it, your Majesty.

Oh, yeah.

I don't wanna toot my own
horn but I rocked those guys.

They never even had a chance.

All because of me!


Hey, Mo-Mo, I hope that's
just allergies, buddy,

because I can't get sick right
before the big victory party.

My peoples!

I'm sure you have
so many questions.

But I'll go ahead and
start with the big one

you're all wondering about.

"Will there be a victory party?"

The answer is, yes.

And since this place
is already trashed,

we can really get crazy!

- You're welcome.
- King Julien!


Koto! Oh, man. That is so rude.

I was giving a speech...

You destroyed everything
I worked for.

Come on, man. We beat you guys!

You gotta surrender. That's,
like, totally the rule.

Not cool.


Do something! You
gotta save him!

I am trying to, in case
you haven't noticed.

It's over, brother. You lost.

Yes, I lost everything!

Because of him!

Put him down!

Not the best choice of words.


I'm gonna need someone
to catch me...

or Mort's stupid face
to cushion my fall!

On it!

What the Frank is
she doing, man?

Wow, that was epic!

FYI, if you're feeling
anything wet,

I spilled some gecko
milk earlier.

Wow, would you look at those
majestic creatures...

just soaring through
the air doing battle?

Yeah, and the hawks
are pretty cool, too.

Any last words?

Something that might
go on your tombstone

or an inspirational poster?

You wouldn't kill me, you
couldn't hurt a plant,

let alone your own flesh.

True, but the journey
that brought us here

has shown me that sometimes
it is the only option.

Goodbye, brother.

Wait. What are you...

Clover? What are you doing?

It doesn't have
to end like this.

You don't have to
hurt your brother.

I don't understand.

Well, I do.

I finally understand what this
quest was meant to teach me.

You don't have to be
aggressive to be strong.

You don't have to be physically
tough to be resilient.

You just have to do what you
know in your heart is right.

Jarsh-Jarsh taught you that?

No, you taught me that.

I thought we didn't
have a prayer

unless you became
something you're not.

But the truth is you're
perfect just the way you are.

Clover's right!
Don't do it, Sage!

Let him stew in all of
his life's mistakes!

In exile or some sort
of jail situation,

or just like a really
aggressive time-out maybe.

But, if I don't finish him...

The cruelest thing
is to let them live

with the consequences
of their actions.

Koto's army has abandoned him.

His kingdom is in shambles.

He wants to die on
this battlefield.

Don't grant him that wish.

Don't listen to her.
Do it, Babak.

Destroy me. Right here,
right in the center mass.

I'm still angling
for an open casket.

Huh? Hmm.

Oh, yeah! You hear that, Koto?

You're gonna live a
long, miserable life.

And we're all just gonna
kick back and watch you.

Maurice, what did you do?


Mort! Come on, man!

I thought this time
would be different!

Now, where was I? Oh, yeah.

We can clean up
this dump tomorrow.

For tonight we
celebrate our victory!

Tonight, my peoples...

we twerk!

DJ Glitterbunz, back
by phat demand people!

Oh, twerka-twerka-twerka,
say what?

Feet! Feet! Feet!

Dancing? Oh, please.

Never been one for
parties, Chauncey.

But I'll be seeing
King Julien again.

This isn't over.

Not yet, at least.

What do we do if the
Mountain Lemurs come back?

They aren't coming back.

What makes you so sure?

Because with me as
their new king,

they have a leader
to look up to now.

A leader with deltoids for days

and the charisma of a
semi-professional hand model.

Suppose that doesn't leave
a whole lot of time

for our little adventures
then, does it?

Don't worry, Clover.

When the sun bees have finished

drizzling their nectar
for Grandfather Time,

even a blade of grass can
shred the perfect cabbage.

If you add mayo, you've got
a delicious summer slaw.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

I'm hungry.

I sure am gonna miss you, Sage.

We got your kingdom
back, your Majesty!

I'm just bummed so many people
had to get hurt along the way.

If I wasn't so into this sick
beat, I'd take a second to wonder

what all of our fallen
soldiers are up to now.

They're here with us at
the party, King Julien.

I can feel it!

Wow, that's powerful, bro.

And I can also see their
ghosts right there.

They aren't mingling.

Hi, there!


Oh, yeah! Party rainbow!

Come on, people, let's
crank this up a notch!

King Julien is back in business!

And back in business he was.

True to form, King Julien's
party lasted about three weeks,

causing more damage,
higher casualties,

and far greater destruction
than the war itself.

And when the smoke cleared,

the newly liberated animals
went their separate ways.

It was a glorious love-fest

of tearful goodbyes and
impassioned hellos.

Ted and Dorothy embraced like
the day they first... met.

And Zora...

well, finally made an honest
mouse lemur out of Mort.

Pancho set sail
for Siren Island,

where he found disappointment

and a number of aggressive
restraining orders.

The Snails found a new
home on Monkey Island.

There they were free to
be their true selves.

The Mort Horde had no
taste for escargot.

That was the story at least.

And the Space Monkeys, well,
they were in for a real...


Remember when those preppy
dolphins sold a nuke

to the shark-collecting
Russian oligarchs?

Well, there was an incident.

And King Julien, well, he had
one final bit of business

to take care of.

Yeah, daddy's home!
Daddy is home!

I am so proud of
you, your Majesty.

You're finally back
where you belong.

Aw, man. That's one lucky chair!

Koto made like a weird
butt groove. Oh!

And it's wet for some reason.

There is a smell.

I can't quite...

Can we reupholster this or something?

Maurice! Fix this.


Maurice! Maurice!

Kill me.

Sorry, Hans, you
missed the big war.

But there's always next year!