All Hail King Julien (2014–2017): Season 4, Episode 2 - The Neverending Clover - full transcript

After Clover is knocked unconscious, the entire kingdom plays along when she wakes up believing she's living in a make-believe storybook world.

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I'm okay!

♪ Party ♪

- ♪ Who's the king? ♪
- ♪ King Julien! ♪

- ♪ Who's the king? ♪
- ♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Get down for the get down ♪

- ♪ Everybody party with King who?
♪ - ♪ King Julien! ♪

- ♪ King who? ♪ - ♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Tonight will be forever ♪

♪ Let's do King Julien style ♪

♪ Woof! ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ Y'all tell me who's the king ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ All hail King Julien! ♪

And so, the story
of warrior princess

Plunderhorse continues

as she rescues her one true
love, Norge Grendelfist.

Hand-in-hand, Thighsander and Norge flee
across the Bridge of Imminent Doom.

Trapped, Thighsander looks out and sees
none other than her mortal enemy...

Lord Chevalier Lorn Von Lorn.

I'll get you, Lord
Chevalier Lorn Von Lorn,

if it's the last thing I do.

Oh, no, the last thing you'll
do is die, Thighsander.

Come on. I can do
better than that.

I'll get you, Lord
Chevalier Lorn Von Lorn,

if it's the last thing I do!


A tornado full of old people?
What the...

That doesn't even make sense.
Come on, Clover, think.

What happens next?

I'll get you Lord
Chevalier Lorn...

Who's making all that noise?

All right, everybody,
into the lifeboats.

This is bad! This is bad!

Go, go, go! This is not a drill. Actually,
yes, it is, but still, hurry up!

Why are we doing this again?

It's water safety week, Mo-Mo.

I'm teaching my peoples proper
lifeboat evacuation protocol.

Uh, okay, but couldn't we demonstrate
proper lifeboat evacuation protocol

with the boat on the ground?

Or, I don't know, in the water?

Ha! In the water? Are you crazy?
Somebody could get hurt.

And why would anyone need a
lifeboat if they're on the ground?

I mean, really. Verbal
eye roll, Maurice.

Let's go! Chop, chop!

Who put those old peoples there?

On it.



Clover. Clover. Clover.

- You.
- Hmm?

Barnaby, my sword.

Barnaby, Clover needs her sword.
Wait, who's Barnaby?

Barnaby? I know that name.

Clover? Clover? Clover?
Clover, wake up!

Somebody call a doctor, quick! I
think I'm having heart palpitations.

Also, Clover might
need some help too.


This is a banana.

I know. I just thought
you might want a snack.

Jeez! Bite my head
off, why don't you?


What do you see, Dr. S?

Wouldn't you like to know?

I'll get you, Lord
Chevalier Lorn Von Lorn,

if it's the last thing I do.

You see? She keeps
saying nonsense words.

It's not nonsense. It's a name.

Chevalier Lorn Von Lorn is the sworn
enemy of Thighsander Plunderhorse,

warrior princess, defender
of the downtrodden,

and hero of the mythical
realm of Gavaria.

From Clover's books.
I'm a big fan.

Yes. It's as I suspected.

Clover is suffering
from acute fictionosis!

A cute what now?

Due to the blow to her head, Clover thinks
she is her own fictional character,

Thighsander Plunderhorse, living
in the world of her books.


No, I lied. Still
not getting it.

Uh, I think what Dr. S is saying

is that Clover is literally lost
in the world of her imagination.

Ha! Oh, is that all? For a minute there,
I thought it was something serious.

That doesn't sound so bad. Whew!

Yeah, I live in my own world too,
and nobody ever gets hurt...

Most of the time.

I assure you, it's very serious.

Since the blow to Clover's head was so
severe and her delusion so complete,

if she were faced
with the truth,

the shock to her brain
could kill her!

Kill her? But there's
gotta be a cure, right?

Well, there are some salves.
Massage is always good.

Or we could chop off her head!

- You can't seriously be...
- Ssh.

Maurice, please. He is a doctor.

- As far as we know.
- But...

Hmm. Nope. Chopping off Clover's
head is not going to work.

How could Clover be my head
of security without a head?

You see? Just
doesn't make sense.

Pack up the saw, Nurse Phantom.
Maybe next time.

Told you we wouldn't need it. But, no,
you made me lug it all the way here.

For nothing.

Wait. Where are you going?
What about Clover?

Isn't there anything
else we can do?

Please, Dr. S, we
have to save her!

Wow, Mort. I didn't realize
you liked Clover that much.

Yeah, we hang out all the time.

Hey, Mort. Where's Maurice?

I don't know.

- Hey, Mort, you seen Ted?
- No.

- Hey, Mort. Know where Masikura is?
- Nope.

Yeah, we're pretty
much best friends.

Which is why we've
gotta save her!

The only other way
to save Clover

is for everyone to play
along with her fantasy

and wait for her brain to heal

and the memories of who she
really is to be restored.

You mean, the whole kingdom
has to pretend to be

the characters from
Clover's stories?

Is that what I said? 'Cause
that sounds pretty good.

Ooh, will there be costumes?

Of course not, Ted. We don't
have the budget for that.

Will there be costumes?

- Mm-mmm.
- Aw.

Snap! Okay, everybody, you
heard the creepy snake doctor.

Operation Save Clover's
Brain is a go.

I must warn you...


You must not break character or
Clover's brain could explode.


Relax, Mort. I'm sure Dr.
S is exaggerating.

Oh, no.

Brain explosions are very common
with this type of illness.

You'd be surprised how many
heads detonate around here.

Nurse Phantom,
demonstration please.

It'll go something like this.

And then...

And then...

All right, everyone, you should all now
have cards with your new names on them.

Ooh. Hey, everybody,
I'm the bad guy!

For example, Sage here will
be playing Norge Grendelfist,

enchanted prince and
prisoner of Lord Chevalier.


Jealousy is a pill on the
sweater of friendship.

Okay. And I will be playing
Chetwin the Wandering Troubadour.

Better warm up the old pipes.

Oh, la, la...

Barnaby, the squirrel?

There must be some
mistake, you know.

'Cause I don't even know
what a squirrel is.

Is there a king? Prince?

Some sort of magician or
something else in there?

It's pronounced
"squire," Your Majesty.

It may be pronounced like that,
but it sounds like "lame"!

I'm sorry, King Julien, but Clover...
I mean Thighsander...

called you Barnaby and we
can't break the illusion.

Plus, you look just like him.
See? Squire Barnaby.

Thighsander's sword-carrying sidekick.
Skilled at dancing, but not much else.

Known for being dramatic,
lazy, and often selfish.

Sidekick? Oh, no! That's...

No! Look at me.
Look at this face.

This is not the
face of a sidekick.

I am a leading man. How
could Clover do this to me?

Being a sidekick isn't so bad. Besides,
it doesn't matter what part you have.

We're doing this to
help Clover, remember?

Sir Reginald.

Uh, yes, that's me. Sir Reginald,
brave and loyal knight.

How can I be of
service, Thighsander?

Gather my men at once.

Maurice gets to be a knight?

Barnaby, give your
seat to Sir Reginald.



You will stand. Now, Squire!


It is up to us to rescue Norge and stop
Chevalier from seizing control of Gavaria.

In order to do this, we must
first embark on a quest

to retrieve the items that will
enable us to defeat Phlog,

the two-headed dragon guarding Norge, and
ensure our victory against Chevalier.

- Uh.
- Yes, Barnaby?

Hmm, yeah.

Can't we just skip all that quest stuff
and go straight to the rescuing Norge?

Just sayin'. Might
save some time.

Barnaby, please don't make me discipline
you with my elven poker again!

Trust me, you don't want the poker.
I read about it in her books.

That elven tool gave me
nightmares for days.

Good. We leave at once.
First stop, the Wizard.

Everyone be on guard.

Encounters with wizards can
be a dangerous business.

♪ Encounters with wizards Can
be a dangerous business ♪

Greetings, powerful wizard.


Squire Barnaby!
What are you doing?

I'm not Squire Barnaby. I'm
way cooler than that guy.

I'm Chair Lemur
Wizard, the Wizard.

Uh, yeah. Check out
my sweet wand.

We don't have time for your feeble-minded
buffoonery, Squire Barnaby.

Where is the wizard?

Over... here.

I am sorry, friend. Forgive
my foolish squire.

We have come for your
invisibility potion.

My... precious?

Uh, yeah. Yes. Wait, what?
You call it your "precious"?

That's kind of... that's weird.

This potion will help us in our
quest to defeat Chevalier.

No. No!

Perhaps the wizard is forgetting that
we need this potion to save our friend?

Oh, all right.

Wait for it.

Thank you, powerful wizard.

Your generosity will
not be soon forgotten.

This is the bit where you... If
you could just... I'm gonna...

We have the potion!

Now, it's on to the Den of Certain
Death to retrieve a manticore tooth.

Certain death?

What's a manticore?

Thighsander, what are you doing?

Are you out of your mind?

Technically, she is.

Oh. There's no need to be afraid.
They can't catch me...

if they can't see me.

You can't see me.

You can't see me.

Ooh. Ah. You can't see me.

You can't see me!


Wait a minute. They can see me.
The potion isn't working.

I hate wizards!

Barnaby, my sword.
Throw it down to me.


Get that toe jam. Yeah!

Squire Barnaby!

Uh, whoops.

You have... got to be...
kidding me!

This isn't good. What do we do?

Don't look at me. You're the knight.
I'm just a squirrel, man.

Ted, you've read all of Clover's books.
Do something!

My character's just an itinerant
singer/songwriter. What can I do?

Uh, Sir Reginald, could use
a little help down here.

I can't hold them
off much longer.

Come on, Maurice.
Clover needs you.

Maurice would be scared, but Sir Reginald,
he'd know what to do. That's it!

Everyone, hold hands.

We're pulling Thighsander out of there.
Hold on!

What now?

Thighsander, grab my hand!


Nasty boy.

I've been bit.

How bad is it? Don't sugarcoat it.
Just tell me straight out.

Hold still.

That bad? I knew it. I'm going to die.
But I'm so young!


No. We have the tooth
of the manticore!

♪ Squire Barnaby's
butt may be sore ♪

♪ But, hooray, we got the
tooth Of the manticore ♪

Can you believe it? Hmm? Squire
Barnaby actually did something right.

Squire Barnaby did
something right.

You okay, Squire Barnaby?

Yeah, I'll be okay. Just gonna
sit here and suffer in silence.

Enough! May I remind you
that you are a squire?

And as a squire,
you have one job.

To bring me my sword.

Maybe if you had done that
like you were supposed to,

you wouldn't have gotten hurt.

That is not my job. Speaking of
jobs, your job is to protect me.

And you're doing a pretty
bad job at that job.

Grr. Look at my booty!
Look at it!

Your booty is fine.

If you're using the word
"fine" colloquially,

then, yes, my booty is fine.

But if you're suggesting
that my booty isn't injured,

you're wrong, wrong,
wrong, all sorts of wrong!

Stop talking.

♪ Is anybody hungry? ♪

Squire Barnaby, why
must you be so selfish?

We have to rescue Norge from
Chevalier before it's too late.

You are forgetting
what's important.

I'm not even important enough to you
to be a main character in your story.

Story? What story?

Uh, I think what Squire
Barnaby means is...

Snap out of it, Clover!


There is no Norge!
There is no Chevalier!

You're Clover, I'm King Julien.
And guess what?

I am done with this quest!
Squire Barnaby out.


♪ Oh, that Squire
Barnaby What a kidder ♪

♪ How about I make some dinner ♪

Great idea, Chetwin.

Don't pay any attention
to that silly squire.

Everybody knows that you're Thighsander. A
brave warrior on a quest to save Norge.

You're right. Norge is being held
prisoner by the two-headed dragon.

We must leave for the
dragon's cave at once.

Who dares enter my cave?

Didn't anyone ever teach you to
breathe with your mouth closed?


Um, I'm Thighsander

here to rescue your prisoner,
Norge Grendelfist.

You are disgusting.

- Well, you're a...
- Um...

Hey, yeah. No, again, just in
case I wasn't clear before,

I'm here to fight you.
Show yourself, Phlog!

I'm too old to be doing this...
uh, to fight.

You can have Norge. You're
welcome and buh-bye.

This doesn't make any sense. Why
isn't the dragon putting up a fight?

This is... This is... Something's...
Something's not right.

♪ Don't listen to that silly old dragon
Let's go find Norge and grab him ♪

I don't care if Clover's brain is damaged.
I'm the king. Star billing. Duh!

Hello, King Julien.

Sorry to startle you, I was just...
doing some gardening for Dr. S.

Everything okay?

Actually, Nurse Phantom, no.

How do you do it? How do you
play sidekick to Dr. S?

I mean, yes, you're
horribly disfigured,

so being a featured player is clearly
not in your wheelhouse, but...

I think I can help, old friend.

To me, being a sidekick isn't about
just cleaning up after Dr. S has...

resurrected a corpse
or a long-dead plague.

Uh, Dr. S resurrected
a long-dead plague?

We contained it before
it reached the mainland.

The point is, I'm the glue. Not the glue
I use to hold up my sagging muffin top,

but the actual glue that
keeps the machine going.

But don't you ever want to be the hero?
The star?

I am the star. Of my story. Just
like you're the star of your story.

But this story...

Is not mine.

Oh, boy!



Oh, hey, Clover.

Clover? Ugh... Who's Clover?

Exactly. We are everything
and nothing all at once.

A question mark wrapped in a conundrum
swallowed by a four-legged starfish.

What are you talking about?

Wait, hold on. Why would Lord Chevalier
leave you out in the open? It's...

No! It's a trap!

Was this supposed to happen?

Thighsander. I knew you'd come.

I'll get you, Lord
Chevalier Lorn Von Lorn,

if it's the last thing I do.

Try if you like. The wheel
has been set in motion.

I will defeat Thighsander Plunderhorse
and Gavaria will be mine!

I have only to remove those who oppose me.
Namely, you.

Wow. He's good. Very convincing.

He is acting, right?

Mort! What are you doing?


Mort? There is no Mort. I am
Lord Chevalier Lorn Von Lorn!

What do we do now, Clo...

I don't know. I don't
know what happens next.

No one knows what happens next.

We are all just drops of toilet
water on the quinceañera of time.

Somebody need a sword?

Oh, yeah!

Huh? Hmm? Barnaby!

Yup. Barnaby, the squirrel.
That's me.

You came back!

Yeah, I realized something.
Being a sidekick isn't so bad.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want
to do it all the time or anything,

but, you know, once in a while,
to help a friend, it's okay.

I'm sorry I let you
down, Thighsander.

It's okay, Barnaby. I
should apologize too.

I underestimated you. You're
a brave and loyal squire.

Uh, now is not the time for
a touching moment, people!

Right. Barnaby, my sword!

Got it!


Not so fast, Chevalier.

You'll never defeat
me, Thighsander.

Let's see, shall we?


Uh, hi.

Uh, are we going to
let Clover kill Mort?

Maybe it's his time. Who are
we to play Frank after all?

King Julien!

Oh, okay, fine.

Thighsander, wait!

I know how it ends.

Prepare to meet your doom,
Lord Chevalier Lorn Von Lorn!

One minute.

If I must fall into this volcano to
save Clover's brain, then so be it.

I'm ready.

And with one final blow,

Thighsander Plunderhorse
cuts down her foe,

the evil Lord Chevalier
Lorn Von Lorn,

who plummets down into the
fiery depths of the volcano

and is swallowed by
the churning lava,

never to be seen or
heard from again.

That's how it ends. Ha!
I finished my story!

Clover's back!

And so with Norge safe
and Gavaria no longer

at the mercy of the evil Lord
Chevalier Lorn Von Lorn,

Thighsander thanked her brave comrades,
without whom she would not have survived.

Especially Sir Barnaby, a
squire no longer. The end.

That's right. Booyah!
I'm a knight.

♪ Chetwin here with one more tune
Merry song is what I croon ♪

♪ Thighsander, Barnaby made amends
Everyone's happy and best of friends ♪

It's over, Ted. It's over.

Buh-bye. Buh-bye.

♪ Brave Thighsander
went off one day ♪

♪ To fight her foe,
Lord Chevalier ♪

♪ Took a band of brave
friends along ♪

♪ But 'twas Norge To whom
her heart belonged ♪

♪ Chetwin here with
one more tune ♪

♪ Merry song is what I croon ♪

♪ Thighsander, Barnaby
made amends ♪

♪ Everyone's happy and
best of friends ♪