All Hail King Julien (2014–2017): Season 1, Episode 10 - One More Cup - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[dance music playing]

{\i1}♪ Party ♪{\i0}

{\i1}- ♪ Who's the King?
♪ {\i0}-{\i1} ♪ King Julien ♪{\i0}

{\i1}- ♪ Who's the King?
♪ {\i0}-{\i1} ♪ King Julien ♪{\i0}

{\i1}♪ Get down{\i0} {\i1}for the get down ♪{\i0}

{\i1}♪ Everybody{\i0} {\i1}party with King who? ♪

{\i1}- ♪ King Julien ♪{\i0} {\i1}- ♪ King who? ♪

{\i1}♪ King Julien ♪{\i0}

{\i1}♪ Tonight will be forever ♪{\i0}

{\i1}♪ Let's do{\i0} {\i1}King Julien style ♪{\i0}

{\i1}♪ Woof ♪{\i0}

{\i1}♪ Whoa, whoa ♪{\i0}

{\i1}♪ Y'all tell me{\i0} {\i1}who's the king ♪{\i0}

{\i1}♪ Whoa, whoa ♪{\i0}

{\i1}♪ All hail King Julien! ♪{\i0}


King Julien, we have a problem

with the royal to-do list.

What kind of problem, Maurice?

Ah, I see, yes.

There does appear to be a
lot of "do" unattended to.

Crime is up, housing is a mess,

royal proclamations
are unsigned...

Okay, I get it.

You're behind on your duties.

I forgive you.

They're {\i1}your {\i0}duties!

- Ha ha ha!
- Whee! Hello.

Why is Mort tied to the
end of your fishing line?

Why, you ask? Because of this.

Yeah? So?

So? Did you not see the words "king"...
Of which I am...

And "magic"... of which I want?

King Julien, can I take a break?

This squeezy rope is making my
inside parts feel all poppy.

Are you holding my magic sack?


no. Aah!

Tell me this isn't
more important

than a lot of king chores.


I got it, King Julien! I...

- Mort!
- My sack!

I'm okay.

I was only partially digested.

What... Huh?


That doesn't look like magic.

Looks like beans.

Clearly, Maurice, these
are magical beans.

The sea gods have
bestowed them upon me.

Your Majesty!


Quiet. Something is happening.


Ah! I'm choking!

The magic doesn't
seem to be working.

King Julien, look at this.

What is it?

I'm frightened by what
I don't understand.

Of course.

The magic must be
locked inside the beans,

and this tool is
the magic juicer.

But we don't have anything
that looks like that.

No. But I know
someone who might.

Timo, I need your
science-y help.

I require a tool for my beans.

- Huh?
- It's his show, baby.

I'm just a co-star.

Ha ha ha ha!

Okay, the instructions
on the bag were vague,

and by vague,
I mean nonexistent.

[laughs, snorts] But,
uh, this should work.

Or it will explode,
killing us all.

I'm willing to take that chance.

[bubbling, hissing]

Ooh, listen to the magic

screaming with joy
at its release.

I wonder what powers
it will give me.

Flight? Superior thigh strength?

Hmm. Ah, yes.


Aah! The royal
tongue is on fire!

Here, here, here.

I'm blind!

That's better.

King Julien, how do you feel?

I feel...

nothing! Timo, what's
wrong with your machine?

Might need an adjustment
to get the mixture right.

More or less.

I heard the word "more".


Aah, that burns!

Here we go. Come on, magic.

Show the king some love. Doesn't
have to be a lot of love.

A limp handshake would be fine.


The gods are
mocking me, Maurice!

Let's give the
king a few minutes.

I hate it when
King Julien is sad.

It makes me so... [sobbing]

Don't start crying,
or I'm gonna start...


Really? Come on, guys,

this is not what
King Julien needs.

King Julien?

He's left!

[laughing hysterically]

This is amazing.

Feels like there's a
dance party of Juliens

powering my brain! [echoes]

Oh, even my echoes are better.

We know you stole
the boombox, Willy.

Give it up, you're surrounded.

[Willy] What?

I'm not even in here.

- He's bluffing.
- You think?

[Julien laughing]

[Willy] Hey, hey! Stop it! Aah!

Rampant crime, check.

Welcome to the new
secret headquarters

of the Lemur Alliance
Liberation Army.

You know, I like it.

But where's the rest of it?


Housing shortage, check.
Ha ha ha!

- He knows!
- Evasive maneuvers!

[alarm blaring]

How could you let him drink it?

It was Julien and magic beans.

What was I supposed to do?

Clover, Maurice, there you are.

Your Majesty, we've been
looking all over for you.

Are you... reading?

Yes, I have read the entire
history of our kingdom.

We are so messed up!

King Julien, have you slept?

Nope. It's amazing what you
can accomplish without sleep.

Ha ha ha! All the "dos"
are "dones" now, Maurice.

And with the free time
left over, I had time

to start work on something
called a rock opera. Check it.

[music playing]

That's the act one outro.

I call it {\i1}Musings
{\i0}o{\i1}f a Sad Pineapple..

King Julien, this is...

No, Maurice. It's coffee.

It's brought out the
truly kingly potential

buried underneath my
Julien layer parts.

I have been peeled.

If that's true, where
can I get a cup?

This kingdom would be
crime-free in a day

if I didn't have to sleep.

Clover, you psychotic genius!

I'm having an ide-e-e-a!

[playing music]

I have an announcement.

King Julien is dead!

[all shriek]


[sighs] I'm not a zombie!

It's a metaphor,
people, look it up.

- Huh?
- I'm still me, but improved.

Imagine a me sandwich
stuffed with me.

That's a pretty good
sandwich, right?

I'd eat you, King Julien. Yummy.

Hmm. Now, what if I told you

I had a drink that could
improve you all the same way?

That sounds pretty
far-fetched to me.

Where did this drink come from?

Magic beans the gods
left me in the ocean.

Oh, okay, I buy that.

Uh, uh, what do you call it?

I call it Brown Julien.

Who's first?

[all stammering]

Clover! Thanks for volunteering.



Mmm. Burns!

I like it.

How do you feel? Wait,
before you answer,

drink five more cups. Just five.

Yes, go ahead.




Oh, yeah, baby! Lift-off!


[all clamoring]


Soon the kingdom will be
super-charged on coffee.

With no need for sleep,

imagine what we will accomplish!

I'm still a little unclear

on the "no sleep is
a good thing" theory.

That's because your tiny brain

is not yet Brown Julien-ized.
Drink up.



Tastes like foosa burps.

Wonder how long
it takes before...



Mort, what's wrong?

Isn't it obvious?

I have a drinking problem!

Aww, that's because you're
chewing instead of swallowing.


Mmm! It's a miracle.

Brown Julien has cured
my drinking problem!

[sighs] In 24 hours,

this kingdom will
be unstoppable.

Without sleep, we
will pick more fruit,

build more huts,
dodge more foosa,

and still have time left to...
Wait for it.

- [music playing]
- Party-y-y-y-y!



All I'm saying is we
should increase security.

The way Brown Julien affects
people is unpredictable.

It nearly vibrated my fur off.

Cowboy up, Maurice.

Brown Julien has opened my eyes.

It's like I can see the jungle
behind the jungle. You understand?

I understand you're scaring me.

[music slows and
grows distorted]

All I'm saying, Masikura, is
someone pulling the strings?

Am I even talking right now? Or is
someone moving my tongue for me?

Ahh. Oh, that's a bug.

[music slows and
grows more distorted]

Hey! Ha ha!


Aah! Refill before
it's too late!

Give us your cup! See if he's
got any more in his pockets!

Lemurs don't have
pockets, you bumpkin!

I'll check anyway.

Get him! Get him!

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!

Fact: Super-intelligent foosa

are trying to control us from
the center of the planet.

Fact: King Julien might
already be corrupted...

Aah! Hey!

Time to quit the
conspiracy theories

and start doing your job.

A conspiracy theory is
just truth without facts.

All I'm sayin'.

Please tell me we're
almost out of beans.

- Just poured my last cup.
- What?! We're out of...

Unless you want a bunch of
Brown Julien-crazed lemurs

tearing this place
apart, let's keep that

on the down-low
for now, you dig?

King Julien?


Your Majesty!


[British accent] King
Julien will be fine.


- [Maurice] Mort?
- [Clover] Mort?

Sorry for startling you.
As you know,

coffee's effects vary.
In my case,

It made me incredibly

and gave me a smashing accent.

Okay, Maurice,
you've convinced me.

Coffee must be stopped.

If coffee's what
King Julien needs,

we have a problem. The
kingdom is officially out!

What? What?! Ohh!

Why do I have a
splitting headache?

That's from lack of coffee.

It's depleting your
cerebral blood flow.

Your brain is drying out.

I can't run a kingdom
with a dried brain.

I need more coffee!

How can we be out
of Brown Julien?!

Your Majesty, please
keep it down before...

Out of Brown Julien?

They're trying to keep the
god juice for themselves!

I say tear the kingdom apart!

[all growling]

[Karl] Please...

everything is going
to be all right.

[gasps] It can't be.

There's no need for violence.

Not yet, at least.

Hello, Karl.

King Julien, you remember me.

One should remember
his arch-nemesis.

Oh, is that what you are?
I thought you were the guy

who failed to defeat me once
with his evil genius plan.

That's an arch-nemesis.

Huh? Enough mind warfare!
Why are you here?

To defeat you, of course.

And this time, my plan
is working perfectly.

What plan?

To bring the lemur
kingdom to its knees.


Using a simple cup of coffee.

Since our last encounter,
I've had Chauncey

{\i1}watching your every move.{\i0}

{\i1}I discovered you were
fond {\i0}o{\i1}f taking breaks{\i0}

{\i1}to gather{\i0} {\i1}your
brilliant thoughts, {\i0}

{\i1}at your Cove of Wonders.{\i0}.

Uh... yes, that {\i1}is
{\i0}what I do there.

[Karl] {\i1}Once I knew
where you'd be, {\i0}

{\i1}I spent months training
{\i0}c{\i1}rocodiles to carry coffee{\i0}

{\i1}along an underwater rail
{\i0}s{\i1}ystem to your cove.{\i0}

{\i1}I knew the moment you
saw {\i0}t{\i1}he word "king", {\i0}

{\i1}you would take the bait.{\i0}.

Pretty elaborate plan, Karl.

Unfortunately, it
doesn't make any sense.

I hope.

Oh, but it does!

Your kingdom is now in the grips

of horrible coffee cravings.

They need coffee,

coffee which I have.

Drink up, suckers!


Ah! [kissing]

What do you want?

The removal of Julien

as king of the lemurs.

In exchange, I will
make sure this kingdom

has all the Brown
Julien it needs.

How does that sound, Julien?

- Julien?
- [snoring]

I'm conscious. Sorry, Karl.

But you're a two-time
evil-plan failer.

Because there's no
way my adoring people

will choose Brown Julien
over the real thing.

Right, people?


[all screaming]

They cast me out?

Over coffee?!

That's the last time I share.

Thank you, guys,
for standing by me.

We weren't actually stand...

Of course, Your Majesty.

Smart Mort? You, too?

I'll always love
you, King Julien,

no matter how intelligent I am.

Oh, hey, thanks, Smart Mort.
I don't know what it is,

but I find your British
accent very soothing.

He has the same accent as me.

You have an accent?

I believe I have something

that will make you
all feel better.

- Brown Julien?!
- I stole grounds out of the trash,

and made one last batch.

It's got a kind of
mushroomy, old-feet infusion

that's not bad.

Whoa, yeah, that's the feeling!

[slurps] Take me
to the moon, mama!

Oh, zing-a-ding-ding!

There must be a way to
get the kingdom back.

There is. Find Karl's
supply of beans.

You've faced him before.

Julien, what do you remember?


Poo coffee! Uh...

that's what I remember.

Karl liked showing up in my bed

and whining about his
family's poo coffee business.

That's it! That's where
he's getting his supply!

From my bed? It's
only a twin, Maurice.

No, from his family's
poo coffee business.

And there's only one
part of the island

where you could grow enough
beans to supply a kingdom.

- [all gasp]
- Whoa!

[Mort] Karl's poo coffee fields.

Look who's working them.
Giant jumping rats.

vicious, loyal.

I've been semi-intelligent before.
I'll handle them.

Look over there! Karl's lair!

Okay, let's take a knee.

Okay, our mission is clear.

[snoring] Huh, what?

To reclaim my throne,
we must destroy.

Karl's coffee stranglehold
on my kingdom and replace it

with my own coffee
stranglehold on my kingdom.

Or we could just
stop drinking coffee.

Last of the Brown Julien.

It will hopefully get
us through this fight.

This is where I leave
you, my friends.

Good luck to us all.

In the end, he was
the best of us all.

Right, King Julien?



Come on!

What? Sorry, I wasn't listening.

I was trying to suck
the last, you know,

moisture from the coffee grounds...
like you do.

Look at this fine morsel here.

Let's eat him and make a
wind chime with his bones.

Hmm, you could.

But before you consume
me, I'm curious...

Are you happy with your
healthcare benefits?

Huh? Why?

Ugh. This is a ten-pin lock.

Could take me hours
to get through it.

That's okay. I have a plan.

- [banging on door]
- Who is it?!

[Julien mumbling] Special
delivery for Karl!

- That's your plan?
- Shh.

I've got orders!
"No open the door

unless it's an emergency."

[Julien] Oh, okay.

Uh, emergency!

- That's better.
- Hyah!

[Clover] Hmm, place
looks deserted.

[Karl] Not completely.

Did you really think my
brilliant criminal brain

couldn't predict your
brilliant king brain

would go after my fields?

- Uh... maybe?
- Hmm?

[all grunting]

- Hmm.
- [yelling]

I hope you're applauding
your own downfall, Karl.

'Cause that's what's happening here.
You're falling down!

Did you really think I
wouldn't have a backup plan?

Can I use another "maybe"?

[Karl] It's over...
former King Julien.

Despite your genius,
you've never been able

to take care of your people.

So now I will.

And no falling balloon is
going to save you this...



- Speak to me!
- [chattering]

Who? What is this?

This, dear boy,

is the United Bean
Workers of Madagascar.

And they are
officially on strike.

We want a working wage!
Whatever that is.

And a retirement plan
that doesn't involve

being tied up in a sack
and drowned in the ocean.

- Mm-hmm.
- Hold on!

If they're getting paid,

we should get paid, too.

Enough of this!
Get back to work.

I can offer you more
money, a competitive rate

and stock options.

All I ask is that you help
me take out the trash.

[all mumbling]

- Well done, Your Majesty.
- Thank you, Maurice.

Where's Smart Mort? He
was right behind us?

He couldn't have gone far.

[Karl] No. Not far at all.

I'm sorry, my friends.

As the Brown Julien
began to wear off,

I found myself getting
distracted by a single thought.


I'm not even sure
what that's about.

Oh, I know what it's about.

But... the jumping rats. How?

Please. A rat doesn't know
what a stock option is.

I promised them something
they could understand.

Free bagel Fridays
every other month.

Now, step back so I can
incinerate your king.

[all gasp]


Now, King Julien! The weapon!

Put it down, or I'll end him.

- [groans]
- King Julien...

you know what you have to do.

[normal voice] No! I
love you, King Julien.

[British accent] Don't listen to me.
Take the shot.



[powering up]

Good-bye, Smart Mort.

No! My parents'
poo coffee fields!

When my brother Bruce
gets back from vacation,

he's gonna kill me!

Smart Mort! Wait.

If the coffee is
gone, that means...

well, you'll be
Stupid Mort again.

I've been stupid before.

[normal voice] Fruit hat!

You made the right
decision, Your Majesty,

for Mort and the kingdom.

We'll be fine without coffee.

Yeah, tell that to
my splitting headache

and my desperate
need for a scone.

Well, Karl, it appears your
evil plan has failed... again.

Yes, you are indeed a
brilliant and worthy opponent.

Fortunately, there will
always be other evil plans.

Oh, by the way, that weapon

takes several
minutes to recharge.

Did you think I wouldn't
have a backup plan

for my backup plan?!

This isn't over, Julien!

Not yet, at least!



[Julien] I miss
Smart Mort already.

[Mort laughing]

[music playing]