Alias Smith and Jones (1971–1973): Season 2, Episode 1 - The Day They Hanged Kid Curry - full transcript

The second and last 90-minute episode (the third show filmed for the second season) finds Heyes visiting wealthy con artist Silky O'Sullivan at his San Francisco mansion -- only to find out that Kid Curry is on trial for murder in Colorado. Heyes rushes to the town and thinks he sees Curry in the dock -- until the real Curry cheerfully waves at him. The man on trial is an impostor; what's more, he never committed the murder he's accused of. Curry loves the idea of "dying" and going off the wanted list, but Heyes reminds him -- and the impostor -- that this will leave Heyes up a certain creek without a paddle. The impostor apologizes but won't back down. Just before the impostor is due to be hanged, Heyes shouts out that Curry's "grandmother" (Silky Sullivan in drag) is coming on the next train to say goodbye. The judge agrees to stay the execution, and soon enough "Grandma Curry" arrives. The disguise is enough to fool the not-too-bright sheriff's deputy in charge of the prisoner, but Heyes grabs for a gun and tries to force the issue. They manage to get the fake Curry out of jail and hide out, but now the whole town is looking for them -- as are members of their old Devil's Hole Gang, who have taken an interest in the affair.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What's the fare from the train station?

A dollar.

I sure hope you're good friend
with Mr. O'Sullivan.

He don't even take the visitors
in the daytime.

I only got six bit or
a twenty dollar gold piece.

You got change?

For $20?

No, Sir.

Well, we'll get old Silky help us out.


I'll take the six bits and be on my way!

Speak of the devil.

Make it four bits!

Hi Silky.

I can't believe my eyes!

Nothing wrong with your eyes.

Wouldn't happen to have
some small change on you?

Well, now for you the sky's the limit!
How much you need?

Man says the fare's a dollar.

A dollar?

Where'd you bring him from?

No Sir, the train.

Boy, do you realize that you?re trespassing
on private property in the dead of the night

and if I wasn't a gentleman and, in every way,
opposed to the use of firearms

you'll never make that game
without a load of buckshot in your britches.

Now here take this and consider yourself
fortunate that I'm in a generous mood!

Mr. O'Sullivan - just one question

how did an ornery man like you
get the name of Silky?

On account of my lyrical voice,
you young squirt.

and now git off
before I call the police here!

Git, git git!

You gave him a dollar, didn?t you?

I did no such thing.

Anyway, it's none of your business.

How are you?

Good as ever Silky.

I see the Kid's not with you.

Nah, we ran into a little trouble up north
and had to split up.

When was that?

About ten days ago.

You haven't heard from him since?

No, we planned on meeting here
in San Francisco at your place...

Oh...I see.

Silky, what is it?

It's not good.


I'm afraid so, Heyes.

He's not...?

No, but...

...maybe something just as bad.

He's going on trial for...

...for murder.

Little premature, isn't it?

I say it's a bit premature.

Green wood's good enough for a hangin'.

Hear ye, hear he, hear ye.
Heart oh please rise...

...superior court of Red Rock, Hancock County, Montana the Honorable judge Carter presiding...

All right, Mr. Hansen.

Yes, your honor.

The prosecution will prove

that Jed Curry

otherwise known to every law enforcement
officer in these United States as Kid Curry

did on the night of June 15th

willfully gun down in cold blood

Warren Boggs,


father and beloved member of our community

and it will be my duty and yours

to demand that Jed Curry be found
guilty of murder

and hanged by the neck until he is dead.

The people now call Miss Penelope Roach
to the stand.

Penelope Roach put your hand on here.

You solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth nothing but the truth so help you God?

Yes Sir.

Miss Roach,

you are acquainted with the defendant,
Mr. Curry, is that right?

Yes, Sir. That's right.

Lovely girl.

Yes, ma'am.

But stupid...

Do you by any chance have any
off hand knowledges

of what the defendant does to earn a living?

Did he not admit to you that he was in fact
an outlaw?

Kid Curry to be precise.

Oh well, no not at first.

Miss Roach.

All right, yes, yes he, he said
that he was Kid Curry.

And did this man

who's accused of attempted
robbery and murder

did this man even go so far as to
boast about his exploits,

his skill with a six-gun,

his great bank and train robberies?

In a way...

Well now did he, or didn't he?

Mr. Hansen we're not here
to judge this young fella

on what he may, or may not have done
hundreds of miles away from here

in some other states.

He's on trial here

for his alleged participation in the murder

and he will be judged strictly

on the basis of evidence in connection
with that charge.

Makes no difference whether his name's
Kid Curry or Martha Washington.

Is that clear?

Your Honor! I object...

Tom, you have my decision. You want time
to consider the case, I'll give it to you.

Court's adjourned till 10 o'clock
tomorrow morning.

The judge is a fair man.

If you believe in coddling criminals.

Oh, I do.

Hey, Kid.

No matter how hard we try, things
just seem to keep going against us.

Against us?
I never felt so lucky in all my life.


They're fixing to hang a man in your name...

and when they do, I'm gonna be a free man,

Law stops chasing me forever.

If that ain't good luck,
I don't know what it is.

You'll be a free man...

...of all the unappreciative, miserable..., self-centered,

Who we talking about?

You, you ingrate.

It never occurred to you that a good
friend of yours might be in trouble -

I mean serious trouble!

Now, who we talking about?


That's who - in case
you haven't read the papers.

There were two men involved
in the killing in this town.

The one that got away is described as
a smooth-talking brown haired,

brown eyed fellow who works with Kid Curry.

Is that's not familiar?

Heyes...I apologize.

You are in trouble.

Partners 6 years
and that's all you got to say to me?

Good luck?

If I can't get that kid to change his story,
my life won't be worth a paper dollar.

All right.
If you're really determined to see him,

I think I've got a way figured out.

I do the figurin', remember?

What is it?

All right, Mr. Curry.

You say that you're the prisoner's cousin?

What may I ask you do you for a living?

Sheriff, I'm from the honest side
of the family.

Oh, you are not all...?

Yes, Sir.

We figure old Jed's caused
enough trouble for

the whole rest of the family put together.

Well, if you feel so poorly about him,
what are you doing here now?

He's clean!

Well, he is my blood cousin.

I mean we have the same grandparents
and all.

And their hearts are nearly broken in two
over this terrible trouble.

Came with a real shock to 'em, did it?

Well, no.

We expected it sooner or later.

His grandma tells it

'He who lives by the sword,
he's gotta to expect to die by the sword'.

Well, your grandma has showed
some real sense.

It's a shame some of it didn't rub off
on the Kid.


Keep it short, will you?

Look alive, Curry.
I brought you some kin!

Jed, old buddy. How are ya?

I got here as fast as I could,
but you know those trails out of Utah.


You don't mind if we talk alone do you?

Kind of old times sake you understand.

You got three minutes and I'll be close by.

Thank you.

Who are you? What are you doing here?

If you were Kid Curry you'd know.

I don't think we've got anything to
talk about.

No, no it seems we don't have much
in common.

I don't believe in killing people...

...but then neither does Kid Curry.

I didn't kill that man
and I never said I did.

You did say you're Kid Curry
and I know that's a lie

so I don't see any reason
to believe in the rest of your story.

Mister, look...

they're planning on hanging me,
so it doesn't matter to me what you believe.

Or you telling me you've come to get me
out of this?

No, but you're not doing yourself any good
by lying.


you just don't get the picture.

I mean I'm as good as dead right now

and if you know you're gonna have to go

you might as well go in style.

What does that mean?

I'll tell you.

A few months ago, I was stopped in a
small town by a sheriff.

He thought I fit the description of a

Kid Curry, so he locked me up.

Had one them photographs taken of me

and he sent it out to someone
by the name of...uh...Lom


I guess, he knew what the Kid look like
because they let me go.

But I, I found out things changed

when I was Kid Curry.

I mean, people they showed me a...respect.

Even the ladies.
Especially the ladies.

So, I started letting on here and there
that I just... know I...might be him.

You'd be surprised how it changed my life.

Doesn't seem hardly enough to die for.

The judge said:

who I am it won't make a difference
whether they find me guilty or innocent.

And if they find me guilty,

I'm gonna walk out of here and
up to the gallows as a

as a somebody.

What's your real name?

Oh no, I can't tell you that.

It's bad enough I've messed up my own life
without ruining my

folks and family, too.

You're so worked up about other people's

what about Kid Curry's?

Why should I worry about a known outlaw?

But what's he gonna do, ride in here
and complain to the sheriff?

No, but maybe I will.

Maybe I'll tell him you're not my cousin.

I hadn't seen you in
a few years and it took

me a while to figure out you're an imposter.

Yeah. Yeah. You know, I

I think if you could have done that

you'd have done it
when you first came in, you know.

There must be some reason why you don't...

want the sheriff checking you out too close.

I wonder what that reason is?

You see him?

I saw him.

What he'd say?

He said he doesn't mind
dying with his boots on -

as long as they're yours.

He said that?!

Bless his heart.'re gonna have to take this
whole thing a lot more serious

'cause you're in almost as much trouble
as I am

Yeah? How do you figure that?

What happens the first time you run into
some lawman who recognizes you on sight,

he sees you up and prancing around
after you've been legally hanged?

More'n likely that lawman
gets to thinking

that maybe you had something to do

with getting
some poor 'critter' hanged in your place.

Heyes, why would I do that?

To be a free man!

Who'd believe that?

I'll tell you who just might believe it.

The governor of Wyoming!

Heyes, we gotta get help.

We can get Lom.

He can tell 'em that he ain't Kid Curry.

At least he'd know
we weren't involved in it.

Lom's in Mexico, remember?

Even if we could get word to him...
he couldn't get here in time.

There's another way.

What is it?


If that kid gets off they'll send him
back to Wyoming.

As soon as he gets there they'll
know he isn't you.

End of problem.

That kid's a long way
from a free trip to Wyoming.

Well, we're just gonna have to help him
on his way.

$20 on the lady's age.


All right, c'mon boys, here we go.

No more bets.

18, red, the winner.

Twenty-one, huh?

...and then this man comes into town
calling himself Jack Brown.

I don't know how he got together with Jed.

Well, but anyway
one night they rode out to this ranch

to play a game of poker.

I guess they planned on robbing the game

they came sneaking up from the back

and this ranch hand came
and took 'em by surprise.

Well the man with Jed shot the cowhand

and killed him.

Jack Brown got away, but

Jed didn't.

Didn't Jed ever tell you
his side of the story?

Man said his name was Jack Brown.

We...we met at a saloon.

I guess...

we'd both been having a little bad luck

at the tables and he told me

about a poker game outside of town.

He said nothing about holding up the game?

No, he didn't.

He just said he knew a

lot of big ranchers who'd like to play poker
and they played it terribly,

like to get drunk

and...could afford to lose money.

He'd been invited to...

play poker with 'em and he just
wanted me to...

come along.

So, you went?

Well, I was pretty low on money and

I play poker pretty good.

So, I thought it was a

good bet.

Then what happened?

Well, we were riding up through a

short cut

and a ranch hand came out of out a

out of nowhere and before I knew what
was happening Jack had shot him

and he was riding off.

Thank you.

Your witness.

That's quite a story, Mr. Curry.

Are you asking us to believe this man

invited you to join a poker game
to which you had not been invited -

a game played for big money

and yet by your own admission you had
very little money.

Is that right?

Yes, sir.

And you accepted this total stranger's story

and approached the ranch house by a back way,

never suspecting...

it might be a surreptitious way of
approaching the ranch for

criminal purposes -

and when the ranch hand stopped you
and got shot,

it was all a great big surprise to you
- is that right?

Yes, sir. That's true.

Your honor, the people have
no more questions for Mr. Curry.

Do you believe his story?


Nobody would make one up that bad.

The jury is back! They got a verdict!

Jed Kid Curry, you have been found
guilty of the charge of murder.

You will be remanded to the custody of the
sheriff until Friday morning 9 o'clock

when you will be removed to
the steps of the courthouse

where you will be hanged by the neck
until dead.

Jury is dismissed,

and the Court stands adjourned.


Boys, we got us a problem

and I mean it's a real one.

It's Kid Curry, boys.
He's been arrested

and convicted in a murder up in Montana

and they're gonna hang him
come next Friday morning.

Well now, that is a problem.

But it's the Kid's, it ain't ours.

That's just the kind of thinking I'd expect
out of you Lobo,

but let me tell you something

the rest of us remember just
how much the Kid did for us

and we're gonna want to show him how
much we appreciate him

by going up there and blastin'
him out of jail.

All right now. Let's saddle up and
get ridin'. Let's go!

All right, c'mon now. Let's go.

It's a long way but we can make it
if we start right now.

Let's saddle up!
Let's go! Let's go ridin'!

That's way it's gonna be, huh?

You gonna sit down let this ungrateful
broken down excuse

for a saddle tramp do your thinking for you.
Is that it?

Look, Wheat.

If they're fixing on hanging the Kid,
me and the boys feel real bad about it.

But not bad enough to ride in and bust
him out of jail.

Besides, we might wind up getting killed.

That's right.

Rest of you feel the same way?

What about you, Kyle?

You gonna turn your back on the Kid, huh?

Just walk right away from him, huh?

Well, I did just ride an awful long way.
My horse is about to give up, Wheat.

Lobo, I believe it's your deal.


The closer we get to the hanging
the more dangerous he is to us.

You think the Devil's Hole gang will
show up in Red Rock?

You'd bet that them friends ain't gonna
let us hang him without a whimper.

Maybe we can just improve our catch.

Kind of gives ya a lump in your throat.

We're the ones gonna be giving out lumps.


Maybe this ain't such a idea.

Kyle, good ideas is the only kind I have.

'Course some are a more good
than others.

I knew the Kid couldn't be in trouble and
won't Heyes get on place.

You're right.

House pays 20.

What are you boys doing here?

Anything friends could do, Heyes,
I'm gonna help you.

So, the boys kind of got tied up but me
and Wheat came as fast as we could.

Really? Looks like we're gonna have to
sit down and talk in private.

Right. I getcha.

Anything done yet?

No, we just got here, see.

You ain't got nothing to worry about.

I figured out a plan, didn't I, Kyle?

Wheat brought a full load of dynamite.

The good stuff!

That's real considerate of your Wheat.

However, this situation isn't
quite the way it seems.

Wheat and I we see all deputies
around the jailhouse.

Well they're gonna scare me not.

See the way I figure it...

we may have to blow up about half of this
town just to get within a block of the Kid.

'Lo Boys -


Hey Kid, we just talked...

That's a kind of joke?

No joke.

There's a kid over in the jail
who's gonna hang for murder

and he's claiming to be me.

Why would he do a foolish thing like that?

For the glamour and glory
of being a real outlaw.

Oh well, that makes sense. I mean we clean
forgot about the glamour. Didn't we, Kyle?


We didn't say it made sense, but it's truth

and it's got Heyes and me
sitting smack dab under a rope.

How's that again?

It's a long story, Wheat

but there were two of them
involved in killing

one of them got away and his description
sort of fits me.

Now sooner or later somebody's gonna come
to the conclusion that it was me.

Just between the four of us here, Heyes.

Was it you?

Wheat, were talking about murder.

Yeah, that's a fair question - I mean

for couple of boys
with ropes over their heads

you're looking pretty good spirits to me.

That's because Heyes has come up
with a plan.

If it don't involve dynamite,
it ain't gonna work.

This one involves a lady.

I like it.

She's the only person in the whole world we
know that's got any kind of hold on that kid.

So, we're gonna have her go and talk to him

see if she gets him tell the truth.

You expect that to work?

If you only had eight hours to live,

and the most beautiful lady
in the whole town

is going to spend those hours with you

...all alone...

Excuse me.

Thaddeus, can I speak to you a moment?

I suppose that's the most
beautiful lady in town.

He refused to see her.

Did you have any luck?

They wouldn't let me in!

They wouldn't let you in
to see your own cousin?

If I was running things,
I'd take this town apart.

Take it easy, Wheat.

Heyes isn't his cousin and you aren't
running things.

It might be better for you if I was, Kid.

Stand back!
Stand back, there!

Don't worry. He'll do the right thing.

A man always likes to clear his conscience
at the end.

Well, he's putting on the best show

since they hanged Black Jack Ketchum
in Waco.

Seems to take the crowds.

It's a man's last words that're important.

Son, these are the last few minutes
of your life.

Now I'm gonna ask you a question. And
I want you for the good of your soul,

you give me an honest answer.

I'm not worried.
He'll do the right thing.

This man who was in with you on the crime -

this man with brown hair and brown eyes -

he was really Hannibal Heyes, wasn't he?

If he don't do the right thing here, Heyes,
you should better take up Spanish lessons.

It won't do you any good to lie, Son.

Everybody knows that Heyes was in
on every crime you ever committed.

Might just as well make
a clean breast of it.

We'll remember you Kid!

You and Heyes!

Yes, it was Hannibal Heyes.

He and I were the best!

Where is he going?
He's gonna miss the hanging.

Kyle, if there's any point to this life,
you're gonna miss it.

You want a blindfold?

We might as well get on.

I like this part the best.

On this 15th day of June

in the city of Red Rock Hancock County
in the great state of Montana

Jed Kid Curry...

Stop the hanging!

What, is he crazy?

Stop the hanging.

I been telling you that for years... Let's
get out of here while we get a chance.

Wait a minute and stay right where you are.

Your Honor, you've got to stop this hanging!

You come from the governor's office?

No, I just got word from my kin
from outta of state.

You know him?

Well, in a roundabout way.

I don't know if the sheriff's told you
but I'm Jonathan Curry,

the Kid's cousin, your Honor.

What do you want?

You're holding things up
and that's not legal!

It may not be legal, but it's moral.

Jed's grandmother is coming in here
she wants to see him before he dies!

His grandmother?

Now wait a minute.

I don't think there's a man or woman
in this town who's so stony that

they'd deny an old woman a chance
to see her grandson.

One last time, huh?

It's dangerous to keep him alive
and in this town.

Now, if somebody's gonna break him out,
they sure would've tried

before we got the noose around his neck,
wouldn't they?

When's his grandma's gettin' here?

She's coming as fast she can, Judge.
On the train.

We want a hangin'!

Did he let the man he killed see his
grandmother before you shot him?

Let him fly!

Let his grandma come!

Amen! Let the old lady see her kin!

Wait, wait, wait!

Just quiet down now!

Now this man is gonna hang!


there's no earthly reason

why justice can't wait a day or two

until his poor old grandmother gets here.

You all go home. The hangin' is postponed.

I know how important a grandmother can be

because I'm married to one!

So you all get yourself over to the saloon
'cause the drinks are on me!

He's clean.

Three minutes, no more!

Two minutes.

Come on.

I aughta take you apart
for what you did to me!

Now I'm gonna live through this
all over again!

I was all prepared! I was ready to go!

Well, that made one of us. Because I wasn't!

You talk like it was your neck up there.

Friend, when you decided to die as
Kid Curry, that was your neck.

When you decided to take
Hannibal Heyes along with you...

...that became mine.


Yeah, my friend, you beginning to catch on.

I don't know what to say.

Oh, you've said enough. Now it's my turn.

You're gonna tell the sheriff that you
lied about me,

that you lied about Kid Curry,
about everything!

Mr. Heyes,

I'm deeply respectful of who you are,

what you are and what I've done to you,

but I can't do what you say -

and if you don't get out of here and
you leave me alone

I'm gonna tell the sheriff
who and what you are.

You wouldn't dare!

You wouldn't want to take that chance,
would you?




My cousin was just leaving,

weren't you cousin?

Guess, there's no use in asking how it went.

I'm gonna save him, if it kills me.

You keep running the way you've been
and it probably will, too.


unless you've got a better idea...


it's about time you got around to asking
for a little professional advice, ain't it?

I'm gonna tell you, there's only one way
you gonna keep that boy from hangin'

and that's bust 'im out of jail.

Two men in front, one in back, one inside...'d take an Army.

Yeah, brought me an army of dynamite.

Look, Wheat, I agree we gotta bust him out
but it's gonna take finesse.

Wheat didn't bring any of that.

You got somethin' in mind, Heyes?

I think I have, yeah.

Now look Wheat, you and Kyle won't
do us any good here in town.

You ain't gonna bust that Jail without us,
I tell you that.

We're not gonna hit it head on.

We're gonna hit it by way of Hillsdale!

You and Kyle can save me and the Kid
a day's ride

if you'll stop off in Hillsdale
on your way back to Devil's Hole.


To Silky O'Sullivan, 400 Grandview Place,
Nob Hill, San Francisco.


Grandmother Curry come to Red Rock
within week.

We remind you of great favor
you often mention you owe us.

This is a matter of life and death.

Thaddeus Jones and Joshua Smith.

How much...?

Dollar 6 bits, please.

Dollar 6 bits?

That's highway robbery!

That's the rate.

Ain't there no cheaper way to send it...?

Try the mail.

How about collect?

You two fellas have any identification?


...6 bits.

6 bits...

Well, was there something else?

Dollar 6 bits...



Grandmother Curry come to Red Rock
within week.

We remind you of a great favor
you often mention you owe us.

This is a matter of life and death.

Thaddeus Jones and Joshua Smith.

Grandma Curry?

The sheriff sent me.
I'm the official greeter.

Who's this? Another cousin?

No, the name's Jones, Thaddeus Jones.
Just a friend of the family.

Oh well, there better not be too many
friends of the family on that train

or I've got orders not to let 'em off.

We're just expecting grandma.


Well, thank you.

I do believe your grandma has arrived.

Grandma Curry?

What you're doing here?

If this isn't a case of life and death
I'll personally turn the both of you in!

It's just wonderful to see you, grandson.

I'm your grandson.

They are old these eyes
you have to excuse them.

And who are you?

Oh, I'm?
I'm from the sheriff's office, ma'am.

I guess, you want to go over to jail
and see your other grandson?

Look awful tiered.

Young man I've been on that train
for two days.

And I'm not gonna see my grandson
looking like this.

Come along boys,

the first thing I want to see
is the hotel room and bath.

And you, get my bags!

Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.

Well, isn't this homely?

Silky, your beautiful.

Lovely, Silky.

Now, listen you two,

anything I've ever owed you
is paid in full.

You understand?

Silky, pulled it off, didn't he?
He sure did, boy!

Don't flim-flam a flim-flam man!

This was the last resort.

I tried everybody, even Emma Holstem.

She refused to play anybody's grandmother
and she's 88 years old.

We're glad you came, Silky.

So, we can trust you to stay in there
if it gets rough.


Well, she's here.

Who's here?

Your grandmother. Who else you expect?

My grandmother?

So, if he's hangin' tomorrow
without changing his story,

I'm wanted for murder.

To top it off, we think he's innocent.

A little mixed up maybe, but innocent.

Well, this situation is serious, all right.

...what do you figure to do about it?

We have a plan.

You go to the jail tonight
to visit your grandson.


You'll be carrying a six-gun
strapped to your leg.

Good-bye, gentlemen!

Oh, now Silky, come on, listen...

No, you listen!

You both know that all of my life as a con
man, I never carried a gun.

I was against it!
That's why I was a con man.

You won't have to touch the gun, Silky.

I won't have to. I wouldn't know how...

...probably shoot myself.

Oh, there won't be any shooting. And
I'll handle a gun after you smuggle it in.

Nobody's gonna get hurt, Silky.
We've got it all worked out.

Yeah, that's a promise!

And what happens to me?

we've got a way out for you that's foolproof.

Don't ever use that expression around me!

It's a jinx. A guaranteed jinx.

This time it's the truth, Silky.
Now just listen.

You get out of those clothes,

you put on your own

and we sneak you out the back of the hotel,

you walk around the front,
you come in the front door

and you register as Silky O'Sullivan.

And when the jail break is over,

you get rid of the dress
and then you can go back out on the street.

Because they're gonna be looking
for Grandma Curry

but you're gonna be back in the
hotel registered as Silky O'Sullivan

- safe and sound.

You don't even have to hide, Silky!

You've got the best getaway of all of us.

All you have to do is just check out in
the morning and catch the train for home.

If they think they have Kid Curry
in that jail,

they surely ain't gonna let Grandma Curry
in there without a thorough search.


there's only one thing in the world we're
better at than breaking into banks -

and that's breaking out of jail.

This is the last night you boys 'll have
work late so stay awake, will ya?

Same orders?

Yes, sir.

If anybody tries to take the Kid - why
shoot and shoot to kill.


What's the matter?

My gun - it's slippin'.

Don't be disgusting, young man.

Evening, ma'am.
Grandma Curry is here, Sheriff.

Welcome to Red Rock, ma'am.
I'm Sheriff Whittaker.

I'm pleased to meet you, Sheriff.

May I see my grandson now?

Well, yes, in a minute but...

...well first off I...

I don't know exactly how to put this but...

...well we just can't let anybody inside
without being searched.

Well, no self-respecting God-fearing
gentleman would suggest such a thing!

The idea of a man's hands touching
my person...

Ma'am, I'd like to make an exception but...

Sheriff, could I make a suggestion?

What if we get one of the girls
from the saloon?

Now perhaps grandma wouldn't mind
being searched by a girl.

A saloon girl?

Grandma they're nice girls.
Aren't they, Sheriff?

Oh yeah, sure. They're real nice.

Would that be all right, Grandma?

I mean seeing how the sheriff's on the spot
and all.

Well I...I suppose you do have your rules.

Hollis...maybe you better run over the
saloon and get one of them gals.

Yeah, sure, Sheriff. I'll get Big Bess.

Big Bess?

Sheriff, maybe I'd better go along?

I don't think Grandma 'd be happy at all
with Big Bess.

All right, all right, just get one of them.

Excuse me.

Wonder if Flossie's working tonight?

Where's Penny?
We're all set up!

Heyes, I don't know!

What do you mean, you don't know!

We only have a few seconds.

I know that!

She was playing the wheel a few minutes ago.

I looked up she was gone.

You better get moving and find her,

or the whole thing's gonna blow up
right in our faces.

No. 9, Red, 's the winner.

This is Florence.
Florence, this is Mr. Curry. Let's go!

Hollis, could I speak to you for a moment -
in private?

In private? Sure.

You're waiting here.

All right, where do you think you're going?

You said you'll gonna help us.
We're depending on you!

What's the matter with the dress?

Don't you think it's a bit...revealing?

Are you kidding?! That's nothing.
She's got one...

That's not the point!

The problem is...

I'm afraid my grandmother's most likely
to be offended by the way she's dressed.

I don't think that I can do it.

We can't do it without you!

I'm sorry, but...
there must be another way!

There's no other way and if you don't move,
it's gonna be too late.




Well, I want to help him...

but I know that I can't make it.
I'll just ruin it for all of you.

Penny, if you don't come right now,
and I mean right this minute...

your friend's already as good as dead.

Hey, beauty.

She didn't bust it up.

Well, yes, ma'am. I reckon, I have
caught me a passel outlaws in my time.

My, my, Sheriff, you must be terribly brave.

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

Here's the girl, Sheriff.

Well, good. Honey, don't let all these
guns bother you. It's just routine.

Now, if you just step over
here to Miss Curry

we'll get this thing over with right now.


Surely you aren't suggesting
I'd be subjected

to this humiliation on a public street?!

Now ma'am, it's like I told you.

Isn't there something you could do, Sheriff?


I reckon, I can make an exception
and take grandma inside. But...

Mr. Curry here and little lady
will have to be searched on the outside.

Come on, this way.

Thank you, Sheriff.

Ah, Bill...
you check him real good, will you?

you look after her, huh?

Oh, dang it, Paul,
I'll take care of it myself.

Miss Curry, ma'am, would you just
step over in that alcove?

You, too, young lady.

This is not a girly show!

She's alright.

She's clean, Sheriff.

I beg you pardon!

Well, that's just a figure of speech, ma'am.

Miss Curry,
I guess you can see the prisoner.

I'll get the key.

Hollis, won't you take the girl
back across the street, huh?

This way.

Hold it, Hollis.

You too, Sheriff!

Right now, get their guns.

You just keep on doing
what you're doing, Sheriff.

I'm 'fraid you made your play
just a little too quick.

You're right, Sheriff,
it isn't going exactly according to plan

but we couldn't let you take Penny
out that door.

You see, we promised to take her with us.

Can't for the life of me
remember the rest that combination.

Go ahead...

you might be able to shoot your way out
of here but it'll be without Kid Curry.

Ain't no way that you can get back into
that cell block without them keys.

I hope you're wrong, Sheriff,

for all our sakes!

I'm warning you folks...

aidin' and abettin' a condemned prisoner
is a hanging offence!

I'm willing to go easy on you if you'll
give up now before somebody gets hurt.

I'm sorry to see you close the stables
so early.

To you it's early. To me it's late.

I don't suppose you consider staying open
a few more minutes, would you?

It's kind of an emergency.

Mister, you don't hear so good.

Nothing keeps me open past 10:00.



Sometimes I do make exceptions.

You're making an awful mistake.

Why don't take blasting powder
to blow that safe open

then you'd have the whole town down on you.

You can't get away with this.

You'll live to regret this.


You'll live to hang.

I said, be quiet!

Look, you can't get away
with this kind of thing.

You just can't go all around tying people up
...and stealing their horses.


I might be willing to make you pretty
decent sort of deal if you'll just...

They put that rope around your neck and then
they tighten it behind your left ear...

and the trapdoor swings out and
you dangle 'till your face turns blue!

Are you gonna be quiet?

Go ahead -

I dare you.

You ain't got the nerve
You'd bring the whole town down on you!

Well, what you gonna do that...?
Don..don...don't do that...

Open that cell.

Kid, your Grandma is here.

What's that?

We're leaving!

You two get in there.

Tack them!

Open this door Sheriff.

Call in your deputy!

Hey, Collie!

Now, go get this thing off my head!


Penny, why did you get mixed up in this?

Don't you know?

Let's go, Grandma!

Out that door.

...get off my head!

Everything all right?

Where is it?

Now, come...
get this bucket off my head, c'mon!

Somebody - heeeeeelp!

Silky, we sure do appreciate
what you're doing.

Yeah, we talk about that later.
If there is a later!

There'll be a later.

We'll see you at your place.
Let's go!

Come back!
Put that bucket off my head!

Why are we stopping? They're gonna be
after us with every gun in town.

That's why we're stopping.
Come on!

I think my heart's gonna explode.

I'm sorry you had to go
through all this, Penny.


Look I'm only trying...

Did you hear it?

Yeah, sounds like a nice-size posse.

I think you're cutting off his air.

Oh, what happens next?

It's not much,
but it's ours!

Is there anything you haven't thought of?

Well, if there is,
we'll all find out about it together.


Hold it there!
Sheriff! Found two more horses up there.

If that's the case they're all on foot.
We can spread out and get 'em.

Hollis, these are not a bunch of trailhands
who we're chasing

these are hardened organized criminals.

You think these fellers had turn
their horses loose

unless they have some fresh one
standin' along the trail somewhere?

Well, if that's the truth
they could have went in any direction!

They could have doubled back
and went that way.

You know something like this sure gives
a fella a whole lot more respect

for the law down in Wyoming.

Come on,
let's see if we can pick up their tracks.

May I have some more, ma'am?

Girl puts together a pretty good meal,
Fred, case you're interested.

We're gonna get caught.


for fella who was just plucked
from the arms of a hangman,

you show certain lack of appreciation.

I guess,
I didn't mind much about hanging before.

Now, I do.

What changed your mind?

Well, last night while you two were

Penny and I we did some talking.

I should have...listened to you fellas.

It's bad enough I messed up my own life
without ruining Penny's and...

yours, too.

I'll get this?

You know Fred - I think I resent all this
talk about getting caught.

I'd love to point out to you
that most mine shafts

don't come stocked with food and water.

And in case you hadn't noticed
what we've been working on here is a plan -

a Hannibal Heyes plan -

which incidentally includes

you're setting the record straight
with the sheriff about me and the Kid.

By sundown that posse will run itself out...

...we'll just grab the first freight
that comes along.

11:40. Eastbound.

Stops for about 3 minutes more or less.

At least it did last night.

You listen to every word we said?

No, ma'am...

...but while you were talking
and he was sleeping, I was counting.

I don't mean to be disrespectful
of your plan,

but what happens if someone spots us
on the way to the train?

I mean the four of us.

I mean's not gonna take a genius
to figure out know who we are.

Fred, I know you don't mean
to be disrespectful,

but that's the way it's coming out,

so I'm gonna tell you one more time and I want you to listen.

First of all...

there isn't anybody within 60 miles
of this mineshaft...

and second...

we're leaving after dark.

At first we're buying resources in the town.

So, you see - we have nothing to worry about.

I guess your plan is...foolproof.

Why did he have to say foolproof?

Go to town to get the sheriff and I keep
an eye on the cave until he gets here.

Where's the sheriff?
Hey fellas, where's the sheriff?

I got the outlaws!

Where are they?

They holed up in a cave outside the town!

Let's go and get them. Get them outlaws!
Let's bring 'em up!

Don't pack those too heavy.
Remember we've to run for that train.

Frank, to the right and cover the bank,
all right? Will you?

Heyes? Huh?
May I see you a minute?

It's just me, Aaron, don't get excited.

What is it?

Thought I heard something.

Probably a fowl.

Yeah, but it's driving a wagon.

Ain't it's just a drifter...miner...

Or a posse.

We're all finished.

You may be right.

What is it?

There's something out there.

Come on, Heyes.
We don't have the time to sugar-coat it.

We've got some choices to make.

What kind of choices?


we could stay put and hope

whatever's going on out there
has nothing to do with us.

They start make a break for it - bust 'em.

Our best chance is to slip out
- one at a time.

Meet up at the water stop.

And leave Penny...
and let her make her way alone?

Maybe if there is a posse out there,
we could surrender?

What're you thinking, Heyes?

I'm thinking we've got less than
10 minutes before our train makes its stop.

Three minutes -
from the time they drop the spout.

We'll wait until she's ready
to roll, and we'll run for it.

If she's moving good when we get
to her, they'll never catch us.

What about Penny?
She can't run that fast or that far.

She won't have to.
She's staying here with you.

There's no moon. If we start moving they
not gonna see how many of us there are.

Once they see we're heading in the direction of that train,

there won't be a man who isn't on our tail,

trying to get off the lucky shot.

You're doing this for us, aren't you?

No, ma'am,

saving your necks will be incidental.

It's ours we're going to be ducking lead for.

Three minutes - we'll spot 'em two.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

I sure am.

You want me, to send a couple of men
down by that train?

No, if they're coming, they'll have to come
this way and we'll be ready for.

Hey Bill, take Collie with you.

Two minutes. One to go...

Get back and get set, boys!
Get back and get set!

We'll draw 'em off,
you take off in the opposite direction.

Don't stop!

We won't forget you
and thank you, Mr. Heyes.

If we do get away,
we'll look you up to thank you proper.

That's a promise!

Fred, you're heading in the other direction it's thanks enough.

Don't bother looking us up.

That's it.


Let's go!


Hold it right there!

One wrong move and you're dead!

Don't shoot, men. We got 'em.

In here.

You guys won't get away this time.


Silky, what happened?

I know your part of the plan was foolproof.

You don't speak to me, Heyes.
Don't say a word.

Your statement is officially on the record.

Your Honor?
Yes, yes...


Is that so?

Very interesting.
Bring 'em in here.

I'm most anxious to see 'em.

Well, well, well...

Now, I've got you all back here.
What we're gonna do with you?

Your Honor,
if I may set the record straight...

Out of order.

The last gentleman in this
courtroom set the record straight.

Case you're interested
his name is Jack Brown.

He made a full confession -
and he cleared you completely.

Fred, your free.

Hold on, young woman.

I mean let go!

Nobody said anything about anybody
go on free.

He has to go back to Wyoming to serve out
a 20-year sentence waiting for him there.

There there's a sheriff named Hawkins
on his way here

and he knows Kid Curry personally.

Your Honor,
I'm not Kid Curry from Wyoming. I'm...

I'm Fred Philpotts...

from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Well, sound it ought to be simple
to set the record straight

as soon as the lawman gets here.

If you do get a second chance I advise you

to let this little lady
help you to make the best of it.

Okay, take him away, Deputy.

Not you, little lady,
you're not through it yet!

I suppose you all knew he wasn't Kid Curry,

Yes, Your Honor.

And we knew he was innocent, too.

That's why we did the terrible thing
that we did, Your Honor.

And I for one regret it.

Me too your Honor.

I am deeply sorry for it...

We all...
regret everything, we did your honor...

Those are admirable sentiments...

but you all give me a big problem...

one that no judge likes to face.

The decision between justice and the law!

Luckily for you, when there is such a conflict
I generally tend to favor justice

and I suppose you did this community a favor

when you kept us from hanging
an innocent man,

we owe your debt.
So, I'm just gonna say one thing to you...

Get out of here!

Get out of Red Rock! I never want to see...

one of you again...whoever you are!

So, just go!

Deputy where's my gavel?

I've been thinking, Heyes,

someone must even watch
over the likes of us.

Catching that Jack Brown when they did
sure does seem like a lot more than luck.

You bet it was more than luck. That was
nothing but just pure skill, wasn't it, Kyle?

That's right.

I thought you two boys went back
to Devil's Hole!

We never got no farther than Hillsdale,
where we sent that telegram for you.

You know them small-town clip joints.

Yeah, well, we got caught in a poker game
lost all our cash.

Why'd come back here for?

Oh, we had to come turn in our prisoner,
Jack Brown.

Jack Brown?

Yeah, we...
we run across him holed up in Hillsdale.

It was his misfortunate to be
sleepin' in the same barn we was.

You boys came all the way back here with him

just for us?

We came all the way back her with him
just for the reward.

Hey, listen...

long as we're all going to be
on this train together...

it'd be a shame not to rob it...
what do you think?

I mean, just for old times sake.

Well, it was just a thought...
Come on Kyle.

Get away from me.
Don't touch me.


Don't even talk to me!

Silky, everything worked out beautiful.

Any indebtedness I may have owed you two is now paid in full.

I hope that's clear?
If that's what you feel, Silky.

I tell you something else...

if either of you ever come to me
and ask for anything more

than the time of day or a glass of sherry...

I personally will turn you in
and collect the reward...

and sleep very well after having done it.

Silky, wait...

Something's gotten into old Silky.

It's true he ain't been the same
since he became a woman.

I think there's a lesson to be learned
there someplace, Kid.

Never turn a good friend into a lady.

Never turn a lady into a good friend.