Agent Carter (2015–2016): Season 2, Episode 2 - A View in the Dark - full transcript

Peggy discovers her murder investigation has huge ramifications that can destroy her career, as well as everyone near and dear to her.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "agent carter"...

This was found
in deposit box 143.

Why did you want it?

We both know there are
currencies stronger than money.

Miss carter,
since our last adventure,

I'm exhaustively bored.
Allow me to drive you around.

Mrs. Jarvis!

I feel like
I already know you.

[ laughs ]

She hugs.

Hello. Chief.

to los angeles.

The ssr
came on board

Because a body of water
froze during a heat wave.

She was near
a particle accelerator.

Samberly: There's another one
at isodyne energy.

Here's my business card.
Thank you,

Calvin chadwick.

Jarvis: And his wife,
whitney frost.

I clean up
other people's messes.

We can
work this out.
They're not gonna let us.

[ gunshot ]

I want to thank you properly
for saving my life.

How about
dinner and dancing?

I make it my policy

Not to socialize
with persons of interest.

But it's nice to know
you find me interesting.

Chadwick: See, hon? You
figured out how to fix it all.

Frost: And that's
the last time

We should have to dirty
our hands, hmm?

Just because you dirtied
other parts of your anatomy.

I could do with a drink.
How about you?

I can't tonight.
Maybe another time?

[ birds chirping ]

One, two, three.

[ grunts ]

[ breathing heavily ]

[ grunts loudly ]

[ metal clanks ]

Good lord,

Ah. Yes.

[ weights clank ]

The attire
is a touch primitive,

But I've found that free
range of motion is imperative.

I had no idea your interests
were so diverse.

Since our adventures
in new york,

I've begun a regimented
physical-fitness routine.


As well as training
in the deadly arts.

Ah, the deadly arts,
you say?

Fencing is a gentleman's pursuit
and my hobby.


Look, my combat training
focuses primarily on boxing.

Queensberry rules,
of course.

And judo.

I've actually developed
into rather a dangerous judoka.

How many butlers
can say that?


[ inhales sharply ]

Try to
take me down.

[ chuckling ]
n-no, no, I don't think --

miss carter,

I am quite prepared
for you.



Don't be shy!
Mr. Jarvis, I really wouldn't
do that if I --

I shan't hurt you
too badly.

I really don't think you want
to do that, mr. Jarvis.

Mr. Jarvis,
would you --

[ grunts ]

I learned that one
from my brother.

[ groans ]

[ grunts ]

Oh! Whoa!

Mr. Jarvis!

Good morning,
you two.

Did he catch you with
his patented tortoise of fury?

Oh, is that
what he's calling it?

Ana's been my sparring partner
for the past 12 months.


She knows all my strengths
and weaknesses.

Thank you,

He's never more lethal
than when he's flat on his back.

Tea's on.

Unless you'd prefer to go for
another round with my husband.

Oh, thank you.

Um, mr. Jarvis,

If you wouldn't mind slipping
into something less athletic,

I could use a ride
to the office.

There's work to be done,
and I'm just getting started.

Very well.

So you haven't told her.

Not yet,

Are you
gonna tell her?
Yes, rose.

what are you waiting for?

It didn't really come up when
we were chasing officer icicle.

you're a nice guy.

that's just mean.

Look, all I'm saying is,
the longer you wait to tell her,

The more awkward it's gonna be
when they meet.

[ laughter ]

There he is.

I got
to start my shift.


I dropped off cookies.

Peggy's already
had three.

It was the best meal I've had
since arriving in los angeles.

So you --
you two have met.

Would you believe my
grandfather's from her hometown?

She's practically family.

Well, small world,
isn't it, chief sousa?

Yeah, tiny.

But I do want
to show you around, peggy.

We'll hit
all the tourist traps.

what are you doing tonight?

Do you want
to join us for dinner?

Oh, no,
I don't think that --

It's right
on the beach.

You can't come to l.A.
And not see the ocean.

Well, I -- the reservation's
for two, so...

We'll pull up
a chair.

You're coming.

Now I'm late.

[ bell rings ]

Um, [clears throat] daniel,
I don't mean to intrude.

Uh, no, no.
It'll be fun.

you heard violet.

If you don't show,
she'll throttle me.

All right.

Um, [clears throat]
we've sent our men

To pick up the body
of jane scott from the morgue.

It should be here
by midday.

We need our scientists
to identify

The mysterious substance
that killed her

If we're gonna get anywhere
on the case.

Sounds great.


[ ice crackling ]

[ silenced gunshots ]

[ grunting ]

[ body thuds ]

[ body thuds ]

[ slow classical music playing ]

[ indistinct conversations ]

Ah. [ sighs ]

Man: Chadwick,
good to see you.

[ chuckles ]

How about a scotch,
eddie, my boy?

Right away,
mr. Chadwick.

The gentlemen
are in the meeting room.

Are they?

Shall I bring your drink
to you there?



[ rumbling ]

[ indistinct conversation ]

Gentlemen, I didn't know
we had a meeting on the books.

Take a seat,


[ bookcase closes ]

In light of recent events,
the council has determined

Our best course of action is
to shut down the isodyne program

And dispose
of all assets.

The council?

Well, tom,
I'm on the council.

Thus far, your experiments
have yielded no results

And attracted
a federal investigation.

You can understand
our concerns.

Well, we suffered a setback,
yes, but --

And accidents
will happen.

Failure is often
a key component to progress.

Yes, I'm still living off the
dividends from the crash of '29,

A crash that tom here
had the vision to orchestrate.

But your program has put all
of our interests in jeopardy.

We are in possession
of what could be

The greatest discovery
of all time.

You've failed to illustrate that
to us, calvin.

[ chuckling ] well...

I mean,
I'm not a scientist.

All I can say
is that sharper minds than ours

Tell me this substance
is potentially priceless.

Atomic energy
isn't even regulated yet,

And isodyne is set to make it
a thing of the past.

This project
could make us billions --

The decision's
been made.

[ sighs ]

The woman's body is being
taken care of as we speak.

Tonight, our men
will clear out the laboratory.

And following that,

All connection to the program
will be terminated.

You shouldn't
take this personally, calvin.

Your interests
are our interests.

Your primary focus now
should be the senate race.


We've already contributed
a considerable amount

Towards your campaign.


You're right.

[ police radio chatter ]

No sign
of jane scott's body.

Sousa: Major beringer
was a marine -- three tours.

White had
a damn black belt.

This was
a professional hit.

Clearly, we've kicked
a very formidable hornet's nest.

This case is much larger
than we initially thought.

Chief sousa.

New york wanted you
to get this a.S.A.P.

Thompson got us
the isodyne search warrant.

Want to kick
that nest again?

Let's stomp it
to the ground.

Hello. Welcome to isodyne.
Is there anything --

We have a warrant
to search the premises.

You can help me
by opening the door

Or we will open it
by force.

There was
a small containment leak,

And the lab is currently
under isolation.

how convenient.

Dr. Wilkes!
Uh, a-agent carter.

Good --
good afternoon.

What is this nonsense
about a containment leak?

Oh. Yes, th-there --
there was a leak,

And I'm afraid
that the lab is --

Under isolation.
We heard.

And when might the lab
be safe enough to enter again?

I don't...


[ clears throat ]

...Um, these things
sometimes t-take some time.

Isodyne is up to something,
and I'm going to find out what.

Be careful you don't get
caught up in the crossfire.

I'm sorry.
I'm needed elsewhere.

Thank you
for coming.

He knows something.

We should've arrested him
last night.

I don't think that would've been
our best option.

Don't tell me you believe
that garbage about radiation.

but I do think

That dr. Wilkes is interested
in cooperating with us.

We may find some answers
after all.

[ indistinct conversations ]

[ buzzer ]

[ grunting ]

Yeah. All right.

The dunbar hotel downtown.

What do you know
about it?

I've been before.
It's a great time.

Real hot spot
for the colored crowd.

Violet and I watched
ella fitzgerald sing there.

you're gonna need backup.

I'll cancel my dinner.

The note says,
"come alone."
ah, right.

Whenever I'm planning
to ambush somebody,

I always ask them
to bring along some friends.

Even if that is the case,
and I don't think it is,

I can handle myself,

Well, this time,
you don't need to.

I got a change of clothes
in my locker.

It's a pretty swanky place.

You might want to get yourself
dolled up a little bit.

I'm perfectly dolled up,
thank you.

Just don't want you
to embarrass me.
[ chuckles ]

[ clatter ]

Oh, wait.
Oh, whoops.

No, it's okay.
I'll get it.

Thanks, I --

[ sighs ]

I'm sorry.

Don't be.
It's very beautiful.

I didn't mean
for you --
so your dinner t-tonight...

Will you please tell violet I'm
sorry I couldn't make dinner?

I'm very happy for you,

Plans for
the evening?

Just work,
but I'm told I must look swanky.


What are
the other agents wearing?

I'm going alone.

Chief sousa...
Has other plans.

There are
no other agents?

Well, he's the only one
that matters.

I mean, that -- that would be
useful, that is to say.

Where are you going?

The dunbar hotel.

[ gasps ] wonderful spot!
Do you dance?

I prefer
the east coast swing,

But edwin is quite adept
at the collegiate shag.

These won't do
for dancing.

Oh, no, I'm not dancing.
I'm simply meeting an informant.

Sounds dangerous.

he's a scientist.

Oh, very dull, then.
[ chuckles ]

Well, he's rather amusing,

He's a genius,

A bit odd.

He's very interesting.

It's nice to interact
with someone outside the ssr.

It's been a long time
since...Um, sorry.

what were you saying?

This will be perfect.

I do wish you'd allow me
to drive you, miss carter.

Your thirst for adventure
is appreciated.

Now, I thought
mr. Stark's leisure car

Would be appropriate.

Couple of things
I ought to show you.

[ clears throat ]

This button here is in case
you find yourself...

[ whirring ]


Howard stark
becomes more ridiculous

The longer I know him.

This button here
adjusts the tints of the windows

For extra privacy,

There's a small compartment
in the back

a change of clothes,

And this is what mr. Stark
affectionately refers to

As his...

[ light dings ]
...Sock on the doorknob.

His what?

It's a tracking device.

Mr. Stark
activates it

When he's abandoned the car
for the evening

Because he's found

[ scoffs ]

When I think howard has reached
the depths of depravity,

You did up a wellspring,
mr. Jarvis.

Uh, radio?

[ high-pitched voice ]


Good lord,
is that a mirror?

[ indistinct conversations ]

You could use
some pointers

In choosing
secret meeting locations.

I thought it'd be best to meet
somewhere in public,

Somewhere we wouldn't get
a lot of looks.

Very well.

So, tell me what happened today
at the lab.

One gin rickey, please,
and for the lady?

thank you.

Two gin rickeys.

Nothing for me.

Where'd you grow up?

Dr. Wilkes,
I'm not here for small talk.

A woman
from your lab died,

And two of my men were killed
to hide the evidence.

I had nothing to do
with that.

Your refusal to explain yourself
just makes you look complicit.

This morning
when I arrived at the office,

I was escorted
into a conference room

Stuffed to the seams
with corporate lawyers.

They very helpfully
reminded me

Of the highly classified nature
of the work we do at isodyne

And then threw around words
like "treason,"


And "hanging."

It was
a lot of fun.

The ssr
can protect you.

I'm not talking
to the ssr.

I'm talking
to you.

And before I risk my career
and my life,

I'd like to know
a little bit more

About the woman
I'm trusting.

I grew up
in hampstead,

Just outside
of london.

And I have
changed my mind.

I'm going to need
a whiskey -- neat.

You are all I have
in this world,

And you are all
I've ever wanted.

And if you leave me
and you go off to war,

Just the thought
of never seeing you again --

Just the thought
would crush me.

And I couldn't stand it,
my love.

I couldn't stand
being without you.

I love you.

I just...

I love you.

Cut! Cut! Cut!

[ bell rings ]
reset, everybody.

Very nice,

Why don't you go
take five?

Miss frost.
Frost: Yes?

Great work.
Thank you.

Just a couple adjustments.

Can I get makeup
over here, please?

Thank you.
Let's go. Let's go.

Let's see
if we can try

And get rid of the lines
around her eyes.

Can we do that? Great.
Let's talk about your wardrobe.

Uh, can we
bring it in anymore?


I can barely breathe
as it is.

Well, then, I guess someone's
gonna be skipping lunch today,

Isn't she?

You are. You're my trooper.
You're my girl.

Hey, ralph?
Ralph: Yes, sir?

Can we, uh, throw
a few more lights on her?

Yeah. I thought you said you
knew how to light older women.

Where is wardrobe?

Let's go!

And suddenly, I was alone.
I had nowhere to turn.

And it dawned
on me

That I was going to have to
face this all by myself.

And the door opened
and headmaster portley walked in

To find me wearing a bandit mask
in the middle of his bedroom,

My hands filled
with his wife's knickers

And his most expensive
bottle of brandy.

[ laughs ] and -- and y-your
friends just left you there?

It was my fault,
really. It was greedy
to go back for the liquor.

[ chuckles ]
and so, what happened?

They broke a few switches on me,
but I was the school hero.

But your friends
got away.



Maybe you're trustworthy
after all.

[ "I wanna be loved" plays ]

♪ I wanna be loved
with inspiration ♪

this is my song.

♪ I wanna be loved
starting tonight ♪

You can't be serious.
I-I'm sorry.

I-I have to dance
whenever I hear this song.

Oh, you have to,
do you?

Just a few bars.
D-don't worry.

I can still dance and
spill my guts at the same time.

♪ instead of merely
holding conversation ♪

♪ hold me tight

♪ I wanna be kissed
until I tingle ♪

You know
more than you're saying

About isodyne's involvement
in all this, don't you?

♪ I wanna be kissed
starting tonight ♪

I have
a pretty good idea.

Did calvin chadwick
kill jane scott?

♪ embrace until our heartbeats
intermingle ♪


Not deliberately,
in any event.

♪ wrong or right

Would he kill

To cover up the research
that we've been conducting?

I think he would.

♪ I feel like acting my age

♪ I'm past the stage
of merely turtle-doving ♪

It's bigger
than you think it is.

Bigger than even
mr. Chadwick thinks.

What is it?

Best way to explain
is to show you.

Come on.

♪ and I insist
the world owes me lovin' ♪

♪ baby, can't you see

♪ I wanna be thrilled
to desperation ♪

Thanks for the drinks.

My pleasure.

Have a good night.
You, too, sir.

♪ I wanna be thrilled
starting tonight ♪

[ sighs ]


They're scrapping it.

Zero matter,
the experiments, everything.

[ sighs ]

[ sniffles ]

We have at our fingertips
a means to change the world,

And they just want
to throw it away.

Zero matter
can make atomic energy

As obsolete
as the steam engine.

I told them that.
[ sighs ]

They think
there's too much risk,

What with
all the...Press

Surrounding the lab
right now.

Press we wouldn't have

If you had been better
at choosing your mistresses.

I did
what I could.

They'd made the decision
before I'd even arrived.

Then why didn't you
stop them

Instead of letting them walk
all over you like you always do?

[ sighs ]

[ clatter ]

I'm sorry.

The council
was adamant.

They're scrubbing the lab

As of tomorrow,
zero matter will be gone.

the council --

They really want me to focus
on my senate campaign.

In the long run, isn't that
better for both of us?


[ both laugh ]


I'm sorry.

You're gonna make
a wonderful senator.

[ chuckles ]

I love you.

[ sighs ]
I love you.

That's my girl.

[ brakes squeal ]

[ engine shuts off ]

[ car doors open ]

[ car doors close ]

Wilkes: I love
coming up here.

Helps me
keep some perspective.

I would think it would make you
feel rather insignificant.

Oh, no.

[ chuckles ]


See where the lights
sort of taper out into nothing?

That's where
I grew up,

Working in the orange groves
with my family --

Long days,
scorching heat,

Always wanting out,
wanting more...

And everyone saying
that you can't get out,

You don't deserve more.

That makes you
feel insignificant.

How does one make it from the
orange groves to the laboratory?

It started here,

I took a second job
at the observatory

Scrubbing floors
at night.

Saved enough
to get myself a degree.

But it was the war that gave me
a real opportunity --

Navy engineer.

And then some real,
actual scientific work

In the
weapons propulsion lab.

Seems to have paid off.

I applied to 16 companies
when I got home.

Isodyne was the only one
that was willing

To put one of...My kind
in a lab.

So you can see
why I didn't immediately jump

At torpedoing
my relationship with them.

You're a good man, dr. Wilkes,
but protecting isodyne

Betrays everything you've fought
so hard to achieve.

I know.

At least I'll still have
this view.

Makes the rest of it...
A little more bearable.

I've quite enjoyed myself
this evening,

But if you've brought me
all the way up here for a view,

Then I'm going to be
very cross.

this lovely view

Is not the only thing I have
to show you, agent carter.

[ projector whirring ]

During the war, isodyne,
along with

Every other legitimate company
in their field,

Was working towards a successful
atomic reaction.

It was
a scientific gold rush.

Now, isodyne didn't build
fat man or little boy,

But their research
got far enough

To continue atomic testing
after the war ended.

I-I assume you've seen
an atomic test before.

what happens?

A blinding light
followed by a mushroom cloud

Followed by
total devastation.

This one
didn't go as planned.

What happened?

I wish
I could tell you.

Isodyne has worked its people
around the clock,

Trying to determine the exact
science behind this anomaly,

Well, here.

See for yourself.

What on earth
could do that?


No sign of the men or
the vehicles since that moment.

Only one thing
was left behind.

Isodyne is calling it
zero matter,

Mostly because
there's no fit for it

Anywhere on
the periodic table.

Zero matter
is unlike any substance

That we
have ever seen.

I'm starting to think
that it's more dangerous

Than anything
we've ever known.

[ air hisses ]


what is it?

I have
a hypothesis.

Do you know
what a perfect fluid is?

Are you talking about
zero matter or your
winemaking machine?

[ chuckles ]

Real fluids conduct heat
and have viscosity.

Perfect fluids
have no sheer stresses,

No heat conduction.

You see,
zero matter I-I-is always

Drawing energy
into itself.

I-it'll always be
the coldest object in the room

Because it is literally
devouring any nearby energy.

And that's what killed
jane scott?

She must've made physical
contact with the specimen.

What exactly
was your involvement?

My job was
to build and maintain

The magnetic
containment chamber.

Zero matter does not want
to stay in one place.

Where do you think
it comes from?

Could be

Could be

Not of this earth?

Right now,
we don't know.

You said
you could contain it.


Could you
transport it?


Because you and I are going
to isodyne tonight to steal it.

[ footsteps approaching, clank ]

They're in here somewhere.

Fingers on
the trigger.

Shoot anything
that moves.

[ gasps ]

We need to find another way
out of here.

Follow me.

[ indistinct shouting ]

bloody hell!


What are you doing?

Sending an s.O.S.

[ light dings ]

[ classical music playing ]
jarvis: Whoa!

Don't move!

[ bernard squawking ]
I've got you.

Whoa. Whoa!

Oh, you beast!

[ buzzing ]



Come in, please.
Right now.

I had that pink atrocity
exactly where I wanted him.

What could possibly be
so important?

There's a sock
on the doorknob.

[ bernard squawks ]

Come on.

Come on.

Follow me.

Can you shoot?

I was in the navy,

Cover me
while I get this started.

Don't let them
get away!

[ grunts ]

[ gunfire ]

I'm out!

[ gunfire continues ]


[ engine turns over ]

Get in!

All right, spread out.
On me.

Go, go!

[ tires squeal ]

Go get in the car!

[ engine turns over ]

[ tires squeal ]

Do you see them?

It should be easy to lose them
once we're back in the city.

[ engine clanking ]
oh, of course.

Four lights down,
there's an alley.

Pull in there
and kill the lights.

[ tires screech,
engine backfires ]

[ tires screeching ]

[ tires screech ]

[ grunts ]

[ engine shuts off ]

[ breathing heavily ]

I'm starting to think I make
a pretty good secret agent.

Not your best hypothesis.

[ winces ] ow.

A lapel pin?

I've seen
this symbol before.

What's it mean?

I'm not sure.

So, what do we do?
Everything's closed.

We keep walking
until we find a phone.

Could be a long walk
in those heels.

I've performed far more
strenuous tasks in heels.

I like
leo carillo.

I'm telling you, zuma's got
those perfect barrels.

But malibu has the wind,

I'm a purist.

I'm ready.

You look...Great.

I thought tonight
called for something more
than my nurse's whites.

Who's that clown?

Someone learning
a hard lesson in rejection.

Have a good night,

[ telephone rings ]

Auerbach theatrical agency.


Mr. Auerbach,
call for you.


Jarvis: Chief sousa,
I'm terribly sorry to interrupt.

Ah, yes.
Edwin jarvis here.

I've received an s.O.S. Signal
from miss carter.

Apparently, she's at
the griffith observatory,

And I fear she may be
in some trouble.

I'll meet you there.

[ sighs ]

There. Perfect.

Do you have
any change?

not in this dress.

Let's ask inside.

Excuse me, can you make change
for the telephone?

[ sighs ]

you okay?

She's fine.
[ scoffs ]

We just
need to get --

I wasn't talking to you, boy.
I was talking to the lady.

I'm perfectly well.

I just need change
for the phone.

You'll have to buy something.

If you think
I'm gonna buy something

From some no-good charlatan
in this rat hole of a place...

Okay, okay.
...Then you
are seriously --

Hello? Operator?

Hel-- hello?
Oh, god.

The phone
isn't working.

That odious swine.

He may be a jerk,
but this éclair ain't half bad.

Next time,
we do things my way.

A quick jab
to the right eye

Will adjust his attitude

[ chuckles ]
won't get us anywhere.

Besides, it's not like
he's a rare specimen.

You gonna punch
all of l.A.?

I could do with a hobby.

I'd start
with the guys with the guns

That just tried
to kill us.

Tried to kill you,
dr. Wilkes.

That doesn't
make me feel better.

Who were they?

I'm betting they're operating
on orders of isodyne

To scrub
the project.

We need to get to your lab
to retrieve the research

And the zero matter before
those men get their hands --

There's a car coming.

[ grunts ]

Could be the men
from the observatory.

Don't move.
Definitely not.

[ brakes squeal ]

Is it them?



We're safe,


For the time being.

I have an idea.

So do I.

We're going to steal
that car.

That's, uh...

Yep, that's definitely
what I was thinking.

You hear from her?

What did you find?

A rather unsettling amount
of bullet casings.

And her car
with her tire slashed.

And no sign
of peggy?

Well, apart from
the bullet casings.

you don't think that --

[ door slams ]

[ grunts ]

[ crutch pounding ]

I fear chief sousa
may be losing his composure.

Oh, he's just
worried about peg.

As are we all.


Chief has a special
kind of worry about her.


Yes, sir?

Get to the observatory.
Supervise the crime scene.

I want you checking every
blade of grass for evidence.

On my way.

go shake down the dunbar.

I want a statement
from every person that
set foot in that place.

Baxter: On it.

Rose...Get on the horn
with local precincts.

Put an apb
for jason wilkes.

I want every badge in this city
looking for him.

[ cabinet slams ]

you're coming with me.

Where are we going?


I'm through
playing nice.

Looks clear enough,
but we'll have to move fast.

[ engine shuts off ]

[ car doors close ]

What's that for?

You used
all my bullets.

[ clank, indistinct conversation
in distance ]

Someone's here.

We've got to move fast.

Get the zero matter.
I'll take care of them.

[ zero matter whooshing ]

[ air hissing ]

y-you shouldn't be --

Whitney frost?

In the flesh.


You know,
I'm -- I'm a big fan of yours.

[ chuckles ]

What are you
doing here?

[ american accent ]
excuse me.

You don't have clearance
to be here.

What do you think
you're doing?

You'll have to
sign this.

Get her!

[ grunting ]

You really
shouldn't be here.

I-I-I-it's not safe.

it isn't.

In fact, I'm surprised
to see you alive, dr. Wilkes.

Excuse me?

Now, you're going to place
the specimen in that case,

And you're going to
give it to me.

Miss frost, you have no idea
what this stuff is capable of.

on the contrary,

I am the only person
who knows what it's capable of.

Now hand it over.

Miss frost, you're making
a terrible mistake.

I can't in good conscience
let you go through with it.

So you're willing to die
for this crisis of conscience?

I'm starting to think that was
your plan for me no matter what.

I'm also starting to think
that you're smart enough

Not to shoot me
while I'm holding this.

[ both grunting ]


[ lamps squeaking ]

[ normal voice ]
dr. Wilkes?


Do you see her?

Don't bother.

There's no way
anybody survived that.

Let's pack it up.

[ indistinct conversation ]

Yes, you're here.

Here's the situation.

Dr. Wilkes and I
entered isodyne energy
at approximately 4:30 a.M.

Carter, I --
I engaged
with four suspects

While dr. Wilkes went in
to retrieve this unregistered...

Slow down.
...Highly volatile
scientific discovery.

Peggy, stop.

Are you okay?

Um, yes, I'm fine.

And dr. Wilkes?

He di--
he didn't make it.

The explo-- explosion.

We're done here.

How about
you get some rest?

Th-there's still
so much to process.

You're going home.


[ police radio chatter ]

[ siren wailing ]

Miss carter...

I'm immensely relieved
that you're unharmed.

[ voice breaking ]
mr. Jarvis, can I trouble you

For a ride home?

Of course.

[ siren continues ]

[ brakes squeal,
engine shuts off ]

[ sighs ]

[ grunting ]

Is everything okay?


Well, no, not entirely,
but I'm fine, peggy's fine.

I just, uh...

[ sighs ]

I'm just
real tired.

Poor thing.
I-I was worried.

I'm so sorry about last night.
I feel awful.

It's --
it's all right.

Yeah, I know,
but still.

My boyfriend catches bad guys,
and I'm very proud of him.

I just like
knowing you're safe.

I am, and...

I'm gonna
make it up to you.

I promise.

I know you are.

I figured it was a long night,
so I brought you a bear claw.

now it's half a bear claw.

[ chuckling ]
'cause I got hungry.

Why don't you
keep that safe for me?

You should
hit the hay.

[ sighs ]

Call me
when you finish work.

Maybe we can catch a movie,
make up for lost time?

Will do.

I love you,

I love you,

[ sighs ]

[ engine turns over ]

[ sighs ]

Edwin suggested tea,

But I thought whiskey
was more the order of the day.

Bless you.


Strange that it should hit me
so hard.

I don't think
it's strange at all.

I'd only known him
a few days.

Edwin only knew me a few weeks
before he had forged papers,

Gone awol,
stolen a plane,

And helped me
escape the third reich.

Doesn't take long to realize
you've met someone special.

I just wish I had the chance
to get to know him better.

[ sighs ]

I'm sure he felt the same way,
miss carter.

[ knock on door ]

Chadwick: Whitney?

are you there?

[ knock on door ]

I need to talk to you.

There was an accident
at the lab.

The zero matter --
it's all gone.

[ shivering ]

[ doorknob rattles ]

Chadwick: Whitney!