Agatha Christie's Poirot (1989–2013): Season 6, Episode 4 - Dumb Witness - full transcript

Hastings is invited by his friend Charles Arundell to be at hand when he tries to break a water speed record on a Berkshire country lake, but his boat's engine fails him. At a subsequent reception at the estate of Charles' well-to-do aunt, Poirot and the other guests witness her refusal to continue to underwrite Charles' expensive hobby, and he threatens her. Later, when she is almost killed in a freak accident involving her pet fox terrier Bob, she confides to Poirot that she suspects a family member of trying to kill her to gain part of her estate. The detective advises her to disinherit her grasping relatives and name a friend as beneficiary. Despite this precaution, she dies abruptly under questionable circumstances, but the local authorities refuse to authorize an autopsy. Suspecting foul play, Poirot looks to his wits as well as the Arundell dog, who remains a silent witness to murder.

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[mysterious jazz music]


[gentle orchestral music]


[loon hooting]



[water lapping]


[papers shuffling]









Be quiet, Bob.


[growling softly]



Wretched creature.
Games at all hours.

Put him in his basket
before he wakes the whole house.



Put it there.

Non, non, non, non!
Monsieur, c'est ma valise!

She and I have traveled
together the world.

Accident, I think, Poirot.

No, Hastings,
it is a lack of care.

I will not see an old friend
used so roughly.

Put that there.

You see, Hastings, there's just
no pride in the work.

Look, Poirot,
if we don't buck up,

we're gonna miss Charlie's
attempt at the world record.

Alors, vite, mon ami.

[steam hissing]

[horn honking]

You see?

You tick off the porter,
and we miss the boat.

Do not blame yourself,

Oh, no.
Now what are we going to do?

Charlie starts in half an hour.

All is not lost, mon ami.

Excusez-moi, monsieur.
This is an emergency.

We are foreign observers
at the record attempt.

If you please, could you take us
to the Motor Boat Club?


[lively jazz music]

Just think,
in a few minutes time,

old Charlie could become

the fastest man in the world
on water.

And after the record,
it has been broken,

a few days for us, Hastings,

of the good food, the good wine,
and a little...

[uproarious laughter]


Anyway, I knew there was
a mistake with the speedometer

when, at 80 miles an hour,

this duck flew past me
flying in the same direction.


my dear old fellow!

I'm so glad
you could make it!

We thought we were gonna miss
the main event,

but if you're still here...

That's right, old boy.
They won't go without me.

- May I introduce-
- Ah, this must be him.

Ladies and gentlemen,
we're all very honored.

I'd like you to meet
Hercule Poirot.

Not the Hercule Poirot?

Are there others,

My sister, Theresa.

And this is, um--
oh, to hell with it.

You're bound to meet them
over the weekend anyhow.

They're just your sort,
Mr. Poirot-

villains, the lot of them.

I think you'll find
it's nearly time, sir.

Oh, hell.

You all got 15 minutes
to find a ringside seat.

Look after these two,
will you, Theresa?

There's a good chap.

Of course.

Would you bring their suitcases
up to the rooms?

Certainly, madam.

And here he is,
ladies and gentlemen,

the man we've been waiting for:
Mr. Charles Arundel.

Now, as you know, Mr. Arundel
is a local lad.

Indeed, his aunt,
Mrs. Emily Arundel,

put up the money
for this enterprise,

and we're honored to have her
with us today.

Mr. Poirot, I'd like you
to meet my aunt.

Hercule Poirot,
Captain Hastings, Emily Arundel.

Enchanté, madame.

I didn't know my nephew

had any distinguished friends,
Mr. Poirot.

This is Wilhemina Lawson,
by the way, my companion.


I hope they're treating
you well here, Mr. Poirot.

I know the food is meant to be
excellent, but...


The company...

Well, they are excited,

And after the world record,
it has been broken,

they will part
and go away.

[dog whimpers]

Yes, yes, all right,
I know.

He wants me to introduce you.
May I present Bob?

- Enchanté.
- [laughs]

Would you care to dine with us
tonight, Mr. Poirot?

Just a family dinner.

Mr. Arundel faces
a daunting task.

He's gonna cross
the measured mile

in under 29.58 seconds

to beat the current record
held by Commodore Wood.

However, conditions today
are perfect,

and Mr. Arundel
told me himself

he's confident that his craft,
the Spirit of Arundel,

is fighting fit
and ready to go.

There she is!

- Oh, there they are!
- Hello, Aunt Emily!

Hello, children.

How are you?

I'm well.
I'm well.

My other niece
and her husband, Mr. Poirot.

Bella and Jacob Tanios.

Jacob teaches medicine here,

but, sadly,
they're leaving us.

Why is your papa taking you
back to Greece?

I'm gonna miss you.

Emily, they have closed
my department at the university.

But, Emily--

is Charles fully prepared,
do we know?

Or is it time for
a wing and a prayer?

Charles will be
absolutely fine.

He's always had the luck
of the devil.

Certainly they're

- Emily?
- What is it, Minnie?

It's 2:00, dear.
It's time.

Oh, give them to me, then.

Would you care
to see the boat, Mr. Poirot?

- Hmm?
- Oh, I certainly would.

Oh, good.
You too, children, come on.

Yes, come on!

When did John Grainger

last give you
a thorough checkup, Emily?

Do I look ill?

Far from it.

Which leads me to ask

why you take these
useless liver capsules.

I think that's
Emily's business, Dr. Tanios.

Not yours.

Pray silence
for the mayor of Keswick.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm sure
you'd all like to join me

in wishing Charles Arundel
the very best

as he prepares
to make his bid

for the world's
water speed record.

Godspeed, sir.
Godspeed, and good luck.

[cheers and applause]

Here's for the record!

Break the record,
Uncle Charles!

We know you can do it!

- We'll never manage it.
- We must try!

That's him, honey.

Oh, honey, quick, come on.

- Mr. Poirot!
- Mr. Poirot!

- Mr. Poirot!
- Mr. Poirot!

Oh, God.
It's Dotty and Batty.

Take no notice of them,
Mr. Poirot.

Poirot, you may think
we're odd.

People do, you know?

But we are
the Tripp sisters.

Oh, now,
that isn't what's odd.

You must stop that boat.

I, madame?
Mais pourquoi?

Because something dreadful
is about to happen.

We came as quickly
as we could.

We had a message at lunchtime
from the general.

Aunt Emily's father.
Dead, 30 years or more.

Not dead, just living
in another place.

He sent us to you.

But how did you--
He know Poirot was coming here?

Bush telegraph's superb
in these parts.

He saw water

and blood leeching into it,

out there on the lake.

A crime?

A force of darkness.

You've got to stop it.

But I can do nothing, madame.

It is not in my power.

[dramatic music]

[engine grinding]

[engine turns over]

He's started his run-up.


Charles Arundel
is entering the measured mile


Five seconds.


15 seconds.

Oh, come on, come on,
come on.

20 seconds.

[engine clanking]

- No, no.
- Oh, my God!


[boat squeaking and rattling]



He is safe, mademoiselle.

Your brother, he is safe.

Until the next time.

Hello, Bob.
Yes, yes, very brave of you.

Now, calm down now.


No, no, no, no, no, no.

Allow me, Hastings.

Dog, you will sit!

You are very clever.

Bon. Merci.


A welcome most warm indeed

from Monsieur Bob,
Madame Wilhemina.

May I introduce Dr. Grainger,
an old friend of family.

- Monsieur le docteur.
- Good to meet you, Poirot.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Welcome to Littlegreen House,


[Bob whimpering]

" [barks]

Bob would like
to show you something.


C'est magnifique, ça!

Hastings, what make of dog
is this?

A fox terrier.

No, Charles, I will not
give you more money.

That boat has already cost me
a small fortune.

Now, look here, Aunt Em,

I'd do anything
to keep this project alive,

and I won't allow anybody,
not even you,

to stand in my way.

Good evening, gentlemen.

A family discussion-
we have them all the time.

Oh, and by the way,
if you're in the market

for a burned-out speedboat,

you'll find one
in the boathouse.

Ah, good evening,

This was supposed to be
a celebration,

but I fear it may prove
more of a wake.

[dishes clink]

[indistinct chatter]

Non, non,
monsieur le docteur.

It is the hot needle
in the joints,

not the hot coals
within the flesh.

Here, between the fingers.
You see?

Touch of rheumatism,
I should think.

Why not ask your doctor
to look you over?

No, but if I ask,
he will find,

and suppose
there is nothing there?

Then he won't find.

But if he does not find,

how can I be sure
that he has looked?


Is it time, Isabel?

Silence, silence.
A visitation.

[wind blowing]

Welcome, friend.



General Julius Arundel,

bring messages
from the other side.

Where is Hercule?

I must speak with Hercule.


The message is from M.P.

There is an M.P. in your life,

Marie Poirot.

She was my grandmother.

He says you have been lucky,

but luck seldom strikes twice
at the same door.

This afternoon,
down by the lake,

the danger receded, yes,

but only to gather
its strength.

I see it move on

and find its mark in...


Why I put up with this
nonsense, I shall never know.

[speaking Greek]

What the devil is she saying?

It is Greek.

She says you have all
been warned.

[loon hooting]

[clock ticking]

I just wondered if you were
having trouble sleeping.

And so you awaken me
to inquire?

That is friendship indeed,

I'm sorry, Poirot.
It was that business at dinner.

The general hauling out
your granny like that.

I mean, how did he know?

Regarde, mon ami.

[moaning softly]

There is a J.H.
in your family past?

My uncle Jack.

What does he say?

He says you are
to go back to your room

and leave me in peace.


That's amazing, Poirot.

Alas, it is guesswork,
mon ami.

It would be strange not to find
a James, a John, or a Jack

in an English family.

So it is in Belgium,
with M for Marie.

Yes, yes, I suppose so.

But what about
those evil forces?

They are in the mind
of Isabel Tripp, mon ami,

and nowhere else.

And yet...

And yet, there is no smoke
without a fire.

[mysterious music]



[dishes clanking]



What is it?

What's happened?

Oh, my God.
Go and get your father.

Go on, quickly.

- Father, wake up!
- Aunty?

What the hell is going on?

Is there some party
or something?

Oh, God!


Aunt Emily?


Don't touch her!

Stay here, children.




She's not dead, is she?

- She's alive.
- Look at this!

Bob's ball.

She must have stood on it
and lost her balance.

[Bob whimpers]

[birds chirping]

Oh, Mr. Poirot, thank you
so very much for coming.

Emily has been asking
for you.

I keep going over it
in my mind, Mr. Poirot.

I mean, did I step on
Bob's ball?

It is unlike him
to leave it there.

Perhaps it is not animals
that trouble you, madame,

but also the human beings--

both alive and dead,

You don't mean Isabel Tripp
could be right, surely,

and I'm really in danger?

Alas, it is possible,

Then it can only be
for my money.

What would you do, Mr. Poirot,
in my position?

Had I the family who would
be to gain from my death?

Et bien.

I would make a new will,
without delay,

leaving all to a good friend
that I could trust.

And would you tell
this friend?

Non, non, non,
pas du tout.

But I would tell to all those
named in the old will

that they were in it
no longer.

Wouldn't that anger them?

Oui, bien sûr.

But they would make certain
that no accident befell me,

hoping that one day I would
change my will again

and favor them.

I like that.

I like that very much,
Mr. Poirot.

Un medicament, docteur?

Yes, Poirot.
Exprotin for Emily's liver.

Perhaps for that
she has the capsules?

Gimmicks from
a local herbalist.

I've thrown them away.

Good morning, Emily.

I brought you your medicine.

[mysterious music]



Mr. Poirot, I'd like a word
with you in private.

In the garden, perhaps,
Madame Tanios?

No, no, it's too risky.

I'll call on you at teatime
at the Motor Boat Club.

This Monsieur Wordsworth,
the poet of these parts,

he annoys me, Hastings.

Clearly he is a slave
to depression,

but you know what cheers him,
mon ami?

A good wine?
A large beefsteak?

The company of a woman
most enchanting?

A daffodil.


"Beside the lake,
beneath the trees"--

"Fluttering and dancing
in the breeze".

Over there, madam.

Thank you.

Good afternoon, madame.

I'll not beat about the bush,
Mr. Poirot.

Charles and Theresa,
they've been scrounging money

off Aunt Emily
for years.

And just lately,
she's begun to say no,

and quite right too.

Please do calm yourself
and sit down, madame.

Thank you.

That fall was no accident,
Mr. Poirot.

She was pushed by one of them.
I know it!

But if my husband knew
I was accusing them, he--


You fear him, madame?

No, no, forgive me.
I am safe here, at least.

Why here?

People like Jacob
aren't welcome

at the Motor Boat Club, Captain,
if you get my drift.


He's different.

Mais moi aussi.

Yes, but you're famous,
Mr. Poirot.

However safe or not,

I'd rather we kept this meeting
to ourselves.

Of course, madame.

- Hello, Aunty.
- Morning, Aunt!

- Isn't it glorious?
- Oh, what a lovely day.

The roses are looking perfect.

Three visits
in as many days.

I am honored.

Oh, you are looking
so much better, Aunt Em.

The result, perhaps,
of changing my will.

Good heavens.

I never thought to see
you both lost for words.

You've changed your will?

Yes, dear, I am cutting
my family off without a penny.

But if we don't inherit,
who the hell does?

Why do you want to do
a thing like that?

What have we done to you

You threatened me, Charles.

"I won't allow anyone
to stand in my way", remember?

Oh, that wasn't a threat.
It was a joke.

But what about the silver
service you promised me?

Does that go
to someone else now?

And the paintings, Aunt Em?

You always said that one day
the paintings would be mine.

Littlegreen House.

Wilhemina, is Emily there?

I would like to speak to her.


I would like us to meet,

I am worried about you.

[indistinct chatter]

- You question all my decisions.
- Please.

I've got it written down.

Yes, but what kind of--

- Don't question everything
I have to say.

Thank you, madam.

First, you tell me
how you are.

Do you really want to know?

I feel tired, Jacob.
And ancient.

Which is why, I suppose,
I keep snapping at Minnie,

the one person who stands by me
no matter what.

She knows you don't mean it.

Well, I never.
Look at that.

Love, do you think?

Let us hope so.

He's a good man,
a good doctor.

You say that in spite of
his coldness towards you.

How generous you are.

I, too, have noticed
your weariness, Emily.

I want you to try this.

The recipe has been
in my family 200 years.

Quite new then, for Greeks.

Jacob, do you think someone
is trying to kill me?

Emily, who would do
such a thing?

Mr. Poirot seems to think
it's possible.

[soft jazz music]



Mr. Poirot?

There's a gentleman
to see you, sir.

He is outside.

Then ask him to come in.

Rather not, sir.
He is not a member.

I am not a member.

It's Dr. Tanios, sir.


And, of course,
he is not famous.


Why are you frightening Emily,
Mr. Poirot?

When have I done
such a thing?

You speak of designs
upon her life.

From duty, monsieur,
to warn her.

Of a fantasy
woven by Isabel Tripp.

I do not speak of a fantasy,

I speak of a possible crime
against Aunt Emily,

and I am not alone
in my fears.

Who else believes this?

I merely say
that I am not alone.

But you mention no name,
because there is none.

Very well,
in the interest of my family

and their peace of mind,

please do not speak to Emily

I don't like him either,

Quite so.

If you please, Hastings,
ask a steward to fetch our hats.

Where are we going?

Littlegreen House.

Thank you, dear.

[dishes clink]

I'm sorry, dear.

Forgive me.

It's been a long day.

But you look better than
you have for weeks.

Doesn't she look well, Julia?

Oh, yes, dear.

Why does everyone lie to me?

I look dreadful.

in my bag, there's a bottle.

Pass it to me.

Not your liver capsules,

If I'd meant liver capsules,
I should have said so.

The bottle.

Jacob gave it to me
earlier today.

It's his own preparation.

You're not going to take it,

It could be Greek.

I don't care if it hails
from the Moon.

I need some air.

Yes, that will help too.

It's a lovely evening.

" [barks]

Leave me alone, Minnie,
for heaven's sake!

All I've ever tried to do
for Emily is my best.

She knows that, dear.
Deep down, she knows it.

Oh, yes.
You've been an absolute saint.

[dramatic music]




Don't be afraid, dear.

It's her spirit,

reaching out to the ethers.

You mean...

She is crossing over,
even as we look at her.

Oh, what an adventure!


Emily! Emily!

Don't worry, my dear.

- Hello, Bob.
- [barking]

Qu'est-ce que c'est,
Monsieur Bob?

Vite, Hastings.


If you please, madame.

Mr. Poirot, what's happening?

Is she all right?

No, madame.

She is dead.



[mysterious music]


Just once more I beg of you,
Sergeant Keeley,

get the coroner to order
a postmortem

on the body
of Emily Arundel.

I'm sorry, sir.

We treat our dead with respect
in these parts,

especially the good souls
like Mrs. Arundel.

But her death, monsieur,

there are questions
that need answers.

Evidence may be buried
with her.

I've got the only evidence
I need:

the death certificate,

that says she died
of liver failure.

So amen to that.

[bell tolling]

"For He knoweth whereof
we are made;

"He rembereth
that we are but dust.

"The days of man
are but His grass,

"for He flourisheth
as a flower of the field,

"for as soon as the wind goeth
over it, it is gone,

"and the place thereof
shall know it no more.

"But the merciful goodness
of the Lord

"endureth forever and ever
upon them that fear Him,

and His righteousness upon
His children's children".

Nice of you to come,
Mr. Poirot.

She wasn't a bad old stick.

I wish I'd told her that,
you know?

Never did.

"And it is certain we can
carry nothing out.

"The Lord gave, and the Lord
hath taken away.

Blessed be the name
of the Lord".

[indistinct chatter]

Pauvre chien.

Through all,
you greet your visitors

with agitating of the tail,

But not today.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Mrs. Arundel's solicitor
has asked me to read the will,

since I am its executor.

It's a simple document,
dated the 10th of this month.

It leaves everything Emily owned
to Wilhemina Lawson.


No, she mustn't!

The family gets nothing,


Monsieur le docteur,

I should like to know,
if you please,

who benefitted
from the old will.

Everyone in the room,
in some measure,

most for
a few hundred pounds.

Charles, Theresa, and Bella
would have had the lion's share.


I believe that she was
murdered, monsieur.

And by whom, I wonder?

Oh, don't think
we haven't noticed

you two huddled into corners,

plotting and planning
like a couple of children.

Oh, don't blame them.
Blame our little Belgian friend.

He's the one who got her
to change her damn will!

Emily died of liver failure.

And you helped her
on her way

by throwing out
those liver capsules.

They were useless--

the triumph of advertising
over good medical sense.

I know of at least one attempt
upon her life.

Could I have saved her?

That is a question
that will follow me to my grave.

If you please to come.

The morning after the fall
of Emily Arundel,

I paid a visit,

and I observed
in the skirting

a screw eye,

to which a string or cord
might be attached

and stretched across
to the banister.

Like a trip wire,
you mean?


Oh, do go on, Mr. Poirot.

It sounds absolutely

Proof positive, I'd say.

But this murderer
makes mistakes.

The first of which
was to remove the screw eye,

because now I know
it was important.

[water lapping]

What exactly do you do
up here, Charlie?

Hadn't you noticed, Battler?

I drive boats, fast.

Yes, but I mean, you know,
what do you do?

Well, up until Aunt Em died,

I was a sort of
investment advisor.

- That sounds interesting.
- Hmm.

I advised, and she invested,
in me.

Until she spoiled it all
by changing her damn will.

For which, Monsieur Poirot,
merci beaucoup.

Well, he only did
what he thought was right.

Did he?

[metal banging]

Again and again I ask myself,

The advice that I gave to her
to change her will,

was it was good,
or was it bad?

Could I have prevented
her death?

Or if Grainger's right
and it was liver failure,

no, you couldn't.

And what is the cause
of liver failure, Hastings?

Old age.

And I say that
she was murdered.

Never, in all my years,
has a little detail so vexed me.

The motive, Hastings.

Maybe if she was murdered
before the changing of the will,

I could understand--

"Let us kill her quickly,
then we can inherit".

But after...

Who will benefit?

Could it have been revenge?

Excuse me, sir.

A lady and a gentleman
wish to see you in the lounge.

They have a dog with them.

A fox terrier, perhaps?

And you don't really
have any control over--


- Come here!
- [barks]

Damn dog!

No idea how to conduct himself
in public.

It's his way of showing
his grief.

Oh, Bob, please behave!

Bob, you will sit!



Odd request, Poirot.

Wilhemina wants you
to question her.

Mi pourquoi?

To stop people
talking about me.

They will, you know,
as if...

Well, as if--

- As if you had killed
Aunt Emily Arundel

in order to benefit
from her will?

There you are.
You see?

He thinks so too.

But I swear, I didn't know
I'd inherit her money.

No one knew, madame.

I myself advised this.

Nevertheless, Poirot,
we've had one or two ideas.

Tell him what you told me,
my dear.

It was just that
you were saying

that someone had tried
to kill Emily.

And now with her dying,

well, the night before
the accident,

Bob woke me,
wanting to play.

[Bob whimpering]

Be quiet, Bob.

There was someone
on the landing with him.

I told them to put him
in his basket.

Put him in his basket
before he wakes the whole house.

I didn't see the face,

but on the dressing gown,
there was this monogram

in gold embroidery,

the initials T.A.

Theresa Arundel.
But surely not.

I'm frightened, Mr. Poirot.

I might be next.

Your fears are easy
to overcome, madame.

Give your inheritance

to all those named
in the first will.


But surely that would be
going against Emily's wishes.


Come, my dear.

I think we've given Mr. Poirot
enough food for thought.

One more thing, Mr. Poirot.

- Madame?
- It's Bob.

He doesn't like
living with me.

You, on the other hand,
seem just his sort of person.

No, madame, I could not.
The responsibility...

Otherwise, it's curtains
for him, I'm afraid, Poirot.

[Bob whimpering]

[birds chirping]

The walking of the dog
before breakfast?

Non, mon ami.

The routine of Bob
is not the routine of Poirot.

A bit more exercise will do
you a power of good, Poirot.

But you yourself are
a keen walker, Hastings.

- Yes, I am.
- Well, then?

No, Poirot, Bob is not
moving in with me.

Good morning.

Bonjour, mademoiselle.

I've been meaning to do that
for six months.

The rain last night
rather forced my hand.

this may seem to you

a question
that is most strange,

but do you have
in your possession

a dressing gown on which
are the initials T.A.?

Somewhere, yes,

but, quite frankly,
I wouldn't be seen dead in it.


I bought it before
they were all the rage,

and now everyone's got them,
men and women.


Wilhemina Lawson saw a person
wearing it

on the night
before the accident,

and it has made her fearful
for her safety,

but sadly not enough
to give back her money.

Well, I got my solicitor
working on that.

With any luck,
he'll revoke the new will,

and I'll be able to afford
a decent place to live in.

[phone ringing]

Oh, Mr. Poirot, there's
a telephone call for you.

Will you take it here, sir?

Who wishes to speak with me?

Miss Emily Arundel, sir.

She is dead, mon ami.

You'll have to take that up
with her yourself, sir.

[mysterious music]


Hercule Poirot is here.

Mr. Poirot,
this is so thrilling.

Isabel is in touch with Emily

at this very moment.

Then please to convey to her
my kind regards.

She just whisked in
from the ethers

over our second cup of tea.

She's dying to speak to you.
Shall I put her on?

Non, non, non, non!

Just take a message,
and I will call on you later.


[Bob panting]

Emily knows you blame yourself
for her crossing over,

and she says it's very silly.

And she wants to put your mind
at rest.

She said, "Why don't we hold
a séance

and invite all your suspects?"

All the people you think

may have eased her path
into the next world.

when they're all gathered,

Emily, through Isabel,

will point out
the one responsible.

What do you say, Mr. Poirot?

I think it is an idea
most splendid.

Name for me, if you please,
a day for this séance.

Oh, shall we say Friday night?

We'll have some food and drink,
make a proper occasion of it.

Friday at8:00.

You will make sure Dr. Tanios
is at the séance, won't you?

Oh, oui.

They're going back to Greece
pretty soon.

But not until Friday.

And besides, madame,
a move of house,

even to another country,
is not a cause for murder.

I myself am the living proof.


Then the bottle of medicine
Jacob gave Emily,

which she took some of
the night she went,

will be of no interest
to you?

Au contraire, madame.

It interests me a great deal.

Where is this bottle now?


Mademoiselle Sarah,
at this present time,

I am interested
in the medicine cabinet.

Is there one in the house?

In the upstairs bathroom,

- May I see it?
- Follow me.


Every time the catch,
and not once does he drop,

and then the ball,
he takes back to his basket.

Does not this fox terrier
amaze you, Hastings?

Well, to be honest, Poirot,

I'm beginning to find his
repertoire a touch limited.

Liver capsules?

Dr. Grainger said he threw
these away, did he not?

Threw the ones he could find

She had others--
always a box on the go.

Doctor Jacob Tanios,
Hope Cottage, Hawkshead.

Good Lord!

Smells absolutely lethal,


And as the sisters Tripp
have said, some has been taken.

You know,
this séance of theirs,

what makes you think everyone's
going to turn up?

Because he or she
who does not, Hastings,

will surely prove that they
have something to hide.

Forgive me, Monsieur Poirot,
but as a man of method,

surely you cannot believe
in a séance.

Non, non, monsieur.

I myself do not believe, but
I believe that others believe,

and therefore I will use it.

It's a golden opportunity,
if you ask me,

for the Tripp sisters to accuse
people they don't like.

But nevertheless, madame,
you yourself will be present?

We shall see.

And you,monsieur?

I believe that it is soon
that you are to leave England.

May I ask why?

Because in Greece,
I can practice medicine.

You could practice it here

if so-called friends
would let you.

Bella, John Grainger
can't help

what his patients believe.

Huh, they believe that
because your husband,

he's a foreigner, that he is
the devil himself, huh?


A concoction of your own,
I believe.

An extraction of herbs,

providing many vitamins
and minerals.

A "pick-me-up,"
they say in this country.

Which you gave
to Aunt Emily Arundel.

If you please to take some?

You're a man who plays games,
Mr. Poirot.

No, I will not take.

Mais pourquoi pas?

It is, as you said,
a pick-me-up, not a put-me-down.

Yes, why not, Jacob?
What's wrong with it?

- Nothing.
- Then prove it to us.

Non, monsieur!

I believe
you would have drunk.

But suppose someone else
has poisoned it?

She still fears him,

Terrified of him, I'd say.

I would not say the same.

I would say that she no longer
loves him.

My question is:
why this is love,

it flies through the window?

Because of what he is:
a murderer.

Et bien.

Let us see what Scotland Yard

can make of this
Tanios medicine.

We shall send it to them
by the registered post.

And in the meantime?

In the meantime,
we make a visit

to your old friend
Monsieur Charles.


I don't really like people
wandering in and out of here.

No offense.

In case of another explosion?

How are the repairs going?

They'd go much faster

if Aunt Em had stumped up
some cash.

Could have hired
a proper mechanic.

I was present, monsieur,
on the night that she declined.

You think I was trying
to scare her, don't you?

No idea how tough she was.


But I do know that revenge,
it is sweet.

And you are of a nature
most fiery, n'est-ce pas?

As is your sister.

And, in your book,
that makes us murderers?

In my book, as you say,

everyone is a suspect.

And on this Friday evening,

everyone is invited
to a party,

including yourself
and your sister,

Mademoiselle Theresa.

A party?
Who's throwing it?

Your aunt,
Emily Arundel.

I, Emily Arundel,

revisit you tonight
with a dark purpose.

The evil that my father
warned us of

has come to pass.

Where is Dr. Grainger?

He sent his apologies,

These men of science

will never believe.

No matter.

For someone in this room

eased my path into
the next world,

isn't that right,
Mr. Poirot?

It is called murder, madame.

Quite so.


See how they all flinch?

Guilty consciences, Mr. Poirot?

How is your conscience,

- Good question.
- Is that you, Charles?

Always ready to accuse,

to blame the other party
for your own shortcomings.

Oh, what a rot.


Always defending
your little brother,

no matter what his crime.

Bella, dear,
why did you marry him?

Why did you marry
that dreadful man?

I have a question, Emily,

just for the record.

Did either
Julia or Isabel Tripp

have any hand
in your passing?

No, dear.

But you're wise to ask.

My killer
is known to you.

My killer

is in this very room.


See how they look
from face to face?

A name would help, dear.

His name is...

Robert Arundel.

Robert Arundel?
There's no such person.

Oh, but there is.

There is Monsieur Bob.

[dramatic music]


Charles and Theresa,
Bella and Jacob,

even Wilhemina
and Dr. Grainger,

I say all are capable
of murder, mon ami.

Quite a list of suspects,

Which is not complete.

You forget
the sisters Tripp.

Oh, those two?

They're batty, yes,
but not killers, surely.

But what is murder
but a kind of madness, mon ami.

Sit, Bob!

Good dog.

You are the only one who knows
the truth, mon petit.

You know
how your mistress died.

You also know, I think,
who killed her.

He or she passed you by
as they laid the trip wire,

saying to themselves,

"Oh, this is only Bob,
a fox terrier.

He cannot speak.
I am safe".

Such foolishness,
n'est-ce pas?


But you and I, we know, Bob,

that one does not have to speak
in order to tell.

And you will tell to me all,
in your own good time.

Marvelous view from up here,

Come and have a look.

No, we will take your word
for it, Hastings.

But now there is work
to be done.

First, we restore
the good name of Bob.

At the séance last night,
Bella Tanios was asked

why did she marry
that dreadful man,

meaning, of course,
her husband, Jacob.

Odd, really,

because Emily was rather fond
of Jacob in this world.

Must have changed her mind

Was it a change of mind,

or was it a mistake?

Oh, Emily never made mistakes.

Suppose it was not
the spirit of Emily Arundel

that spoke to us.

Suppose it was the subconscious
mind of Isabel Tripp.

So then I ask myself, what
other mistakes does she make?

Does she perhaps wrongly
accuse Robert Arundel?

But she's a trained medium,
Mr. Poirot.

She is also human, madame.

If you would be so kind
as to tell to me, madame,

if I wished to find an item
in the house,

such as a screw eye
in the skirting,

where would it be kept?

- The boathouse, I suppose.
- Ah.

Where Monsieur Charles,

he does not like to welcome
the visitors, huh?

Bob, stop that, please!

Quel imbécile!

Ever since we meet this dog,

he tries to tell to me

He is the dumb witness, yes,

but he speaks to Poirot
with a booming voice.

Tell to me, madame,

after the accident
of Emily Arundel,

which little Tanios
found the ball?

Young Katya.

Upon the landing,
n'est-ce pas?

Et bien, always, always
after his trick,

Bob returns to his basket
this ball.

Et bien, somebody moved it
on the night of the fall

to make it seem stood upon.

You can move it to there
in an L shape.

Theresa, what is it?

Bella, dear,
we came for a chat.

Is Jacob in?

- Yes, come in.
- Children, to your rooms.

I said go!

All right, off you go.

- Jacob.
- Charles.

We'll speak freely,

if that's all right by you,
about money.

Money that's rightfully ours,

left to Wilhemina
bloody Lawson.

Theresa's lawyer says
that we haven't got a claim,

says that we ought to
butter up Wilhemina a bit

so that she might leave us
a few quid.

I've always been nice to her
and to Aunt Em.

It's you two that got
her back up.

Look, I say we forget
our differences

and forget how she died,

since it makes precious little
difference now.

The fact is, she's gone.

And her estate is left
to Wilhemina.

So we just hand everything
over, do we?

To her and her
scheming doctor friend?

John Grainger
is a man of honor.

He does not scheme.

Any fool knows that he and
Wilhemina are in this together.

Now, what do you say, Bella?

Oh, for God's sake!
What are you looking at him for?

Speak your own mind.

I just don't see what can be
done about it, that's all.

Theresa has got a plan
whereby we might recoup

at least part of it.

" No!

We will not plot and plan
with you.

Please, leave my house!

Very well.

Just don't expect a share
in the profits.

Will you?

Loyalty, Bella.

Loyalty is everything.

[doorbell ringing]

So what can I do for you,

You can tell to me,
monsieur le docteur,

why you were not
at the séance.

I neither believe
in such things

nor do I approve of them.

There is only one world,
the here and now.

An accident of physics
with biochemical trimmings.

There is nothing beyond?

Nothing but wishful thinking.

Highly dangerous.
Especially for dogs, I believe.

When does Bob come for trial?

He does not, monsieur.

I have proved him
to be innocent.

But tell me,
Dr. Grainger,

you, yourself, have treated
Emily Arundel

for the complaint of the liver,
n'est-ce pas?

Yes, with Exprotin

and a mild sedative

And the liver capsules
that she took?

You can buy them
at any chemist.

They'll do you no good.

Do you no harm, either.

I must see him.
It's really important!

But he has people with him.

I'm sorry, Dr. Grainger.

I did explain to Mrs. Tanios

That's quite all right,
Mrs. Finch.

Thank you.

Forgive me, John.
I'm sorry.

I thought you were alone.

No, Madame Tanios,
we are leaving.

No, no, Mr. Poirot.
Please stay.

I was going to ask John to
tell you, anyway, about Jacob.

- Bella, think carefully.
- No, it must come out!

Jacob preaches loyalty at me
all the time,

but what about my loyalty
to Aunt Em?


A brave decision, Bella.

Earlier this year,
I took Alexis and Katya

sailing on Ullswater.

It was a scorching day,
so we had a swim before lunch.

On his back,
Alexis had extensive bruising.

I asked how he came by it.

I forget his exact reply.
Some excuse.

Oh, um, some horseplay
at school, he said.

Which you did not believe.


That night,
I questioned Bella in private,

and she broke down.

The bruising on Alexis,
she told me,

was the result of his father
beating him.

Good heavens.

Well, this explains
why you fear him.

More to the point, I think
he may have killed Aunt Emily.

If the bruises on that boy's
back are anything to go by,

I would say he is certainly
capable of it.

I never liked him.
All that smiling the man does.

Now we learn he's
an absolute monster.

No, no, no, Hastings.

We hear this, but as yet,
we have no proof

until we receive the analysis
from Scotland Yard.

Oh, the patent medicine,
you mean?

In the meantime--

In the meantime, Hastings,

have the patience and coffee
in the lounge.

- Oh, Captain?
- Something wrong, Walter?

Heavens no, sir.

I just wonder if you,
being a friend of Mr. Charles,

wouldn't mind asking him

to give his club bill
some attention.

You mean he hasn't paid it?

I mean, sir, that it must have
slipped his mind.

Monsieur, you do this task
every day?

- Filling the saltcellars?
- Oui.

Depends how quickly
they get through them, sir.

Sometimes it's every couple
of days, sometimes a week.

Sometimes longer.

Monsieur, you're a genius.

[dramatic music]



[door bangs shut]


[floorboards creaking]





What is it, Miss Lawson?

there's someone downstairs.

They're trying to kill me!

" No!

[doors slamming]

- There are two of them.
- Yes, miss.

I cannot make 'em out, though.

Two people, says you.

Down by the water?

So why is there no sign
of a break-in?

All right, then, Keeley,
explain the fallen painting.

Bad fixin', about to come down
sooner or later.

There are things
going on here, Sergeant,

to do with Emily Arundel's

things beyond our control.

Poor General, he foresaw
all this, you know.


Yes, well, my superintendent

is more concerned
with earthly crimes.

I'll bid you good day.

Good morning, Mr. Poirot.

Good morning to you,
Sergeant Keeley.

Mr. Poirot,
thank you for coming.



Why is he doing that?

Because you threatened him
with the curtains.

Didn't know
he spoke English.


One does not have to speak
in order to know.

Tell me, Mademoiselle Sarah,

you opened the window,
you looked out-

what did you see?

Two people running down the
garden, towards the lake, sir.

Did they mean to kill me,
do you think?

Et bien, madame,

it is a crime
which did not succeed,

and therefore the objective,
it is unknown.

I think I should come and stay
for a few days, Poirot,

don't you?

I mean, if somebody is trying
to get at Wilhemina...

That would be kind of you,

I'd feel a great deal safer.


- Good-bye.
- Au revoir, madame.

This Dr. Grainger, Hastings,
he is always at her side,

waiting for his chance
perhaps, huh?

What about those two intruders
Miss Lawson talked about?

[chuckles] This case has
many pairs, Hastings-

Charles and Theresa,
Bella and Jacob.

Uh, bien sûr this Jacob,
he bothers me.

Because you know what
he's capable of, you mean.

Because now I know
what is said of him.

- Good morning!
- Morning!


We just heard about the
break-in from Sergeant Keeley.

Ah, the telegraph bush,

We're off to give
moral support.


Another pair, mon ami.

The place we'd operate from
is Bonneville, Utah.

And as for facilities, Charles,
you'd never want for a thing.

Of course, you might miss
your English weather.

- Think it over.
- Fine.

Hastings, a favor.

Whatever I should say,
you will nod in agreement.

Did I ever do otherwise,

Ah, Poirot, Battler,
good afternoon.

- Monsieur.
- The boat's fixed, by the way.

You can come down and have
a dekko some time.

Can I get you a drink?

Non, non, non.
Merci beaucoup.

Tell me, the revoking
of the will of Aunt Emily,

your lawyer succeeds?

No, he jolly doesn't.

Mes amis,I am one who knows
the law,

where and how it might be used
to your advantage.

Hastings, you remember
the Fairbank scandal?

On that occasion,
I, Hercule Poirot,

stepped outside of the law

but only for the moment
very brief.


I might be able to do
the same again

for a cause that is worthy.

You mean you could get us
our money back?

How can you do
what our lawyer can't?

Oh, monsieur,
I merely say there are ways.

Allow me to pursue them.

But you yourselves
must do nothing, understand?


Because someone has already
broken into Littlegreen House.

- Really?
- Who?

Ah, who indeed?
Another mystery.

Au revoir.

What was the point of that,
saying you'd break the law?

They are young and foolish,

They are the hotheads.

I offer them
the crooked help

to prevent them doing things
that they will regret.

But there is something I've
meant to ask you, Hastings.

Your friend Monsieur Charles,

why does he give to you
the nickname of Battler?

Oh, English humor, Poirot.

You wouldn't understand.

Poirot does not see a joke?
Au contraire.

Well, if you must know,
it's Battler,

as in Battle of Hastings.


- Thank you, Isabel.
- She's a very good host.

Everyone has been so kind,
and I do so appreciate it.

Not at all, dear.

Lovely to see you,
Isabel, Julia.

And thank you for your help.

Come along, dear.

[indistinct chatter]

I thought they'd never go.

Thank you for moving in with us,

but people will talk.

But only behind our backs,
my dear.

How can that harm us?

That's where she fell.

Poor Emily.

I did admire her spirit,
you know,

her strength of character.

Why do you suppose
the human spirit is green?

White would have been
a better color, surely.

Or even red, not green.

Because our oneness
with the Earth, perhaps.

It's certainly
an interesting thought.

I saw Emily's spirit the night
she died, leaving her body.

Streaming out of her mouth,
floating away.

From her mouth?

[phone ringing]

Bella, John Grainger.
Is Jacob there?

He's not home yet.

He's at a meeting
of the faculty.

Can I help?

Strange question--

do you know if he has
a flask of phosphorus?

I think that Emily
may have been given some.

Who says?

A bit of a hunch,
that's all.

Something Wilhemina said.

I'm camping down here
at Littlegreen, you see.

Is phosphorus dangerous?

I mean, they make matches
out of it, don't they?

And fertilizers?

That's right, dear.

And you're saying
she was given some?

By Jacob?

I'm not saying anything yet.

I'm just asking if he has
any phosphorus, that's all.

I don't know.

Best not tell him I rang.

I'll speak to him tomorrow.

Those look delicious, my dear.

Who was that, Bella?

- John Grainger.
- What did he want?

- Nothing.
- You tell me now!

What did he want?

[dramatic music]


[wind blowing]


[gas hissing]







[birds chirping]

Dr. Grainger?


[knocks on door]

You all right, Doctor?

What is it, Sarah?

Gas, Mrs. Lawson.
Dr. Grainger's room.


[both coughing violently]

[gas hissing stops]




Well, Mr. Poirot, you can't go
digging up bodies,

but I would like to know more
about Mrs. Emily's death.

Two in a row
in the same house

is a bit much
for these parts.

Later, Sergeant.

Tell to me, if you please,
what has happened here.

This way, sir.

Gas filled
Dr. Grainger's room.

He died of carbon monoxide

Terrible business.



You have my condolences,

Why would anyone
want to kill John?

He was a doctor.

Even they have their enemies.

Was it the same people who
broke in the night before, sir?


Madame, if you'd be so kind
as to tell me,

did you see anyone
last night?

Or did anyone call at the house
or perhaps telephone?

The Tripps left after 8:00,
but no one called.

John telephoned out later,

to Jacob.

Did he say why?

I'm sorry.

He mentioned something
about phosphorus.

That's all I heard.


Once again, my sympathy.


[birds chirping]

Wait there.


Forgive me, madame.

I thought you were Jacob.

take this to the car.

I'm leaving him.

I cannot let my children live
with a murderer.

You have heard then about
Dr. John Grainger?

From whom?

Sarah, the Arundel maid.
I rang earlier.

Why should Jacob
kill John Grainger?

He telephoned here last night,
I believe,

to ask about the phosphorus.

He spoke to me.

He asked me if Jacob had any,
and I said I didn't know.

And you reported this
to your husband?

He demanded to know
what had been said.

You see, he came in just as I
was putting the telephone down.

Mr. Poirot,
I am so frightened.

So you leave him.

But where do you go, madame?

I don't know.

Then let us take you
to a place of safety.


Into the car, Alexi.
You too, Katya.

Poirot, what's happening?

Vite, mon ami!

- Where are we going?
- The sisters Tripp, mon ami.


[bird squawking]

[engine rumbling]

I have for you a task.

I would like Madame Tanios
and her two children

to stay here for a while,
away from Monsieur Jacob.

It's him, isn't it?
It's Jacob.

He killed Emily
and then, later, John Grainger.

Calm yourselves,
I beseech you,

for the great task
ahead of you:

to keep the presence here

of madame and her two children
a secret.

Yes, of course.

Bella, why don't you put
your things in the spare room?

Thank you,
both of you.


I have yet another favor
to ask of you, mesdames.


Monsieur Bob,
he is a person--

pardon, he is a dog of
the country and not of the town.

And I seek for him the good home
when my work here, it is done.

I'm sorry, Mr. Poirot,
but we couldn't possibly.

It's Albert, you see,
he wouldn't like it.

- Albert?
- Our own dog.

A springer spaniel.

Bob would put his nose
out of joint, rather.


I did not know
that you had a pet dog.

Both: A pet spirit.

Albert himself crossed over
three years ago.

They're just unpacking
a few things.

They'll be down in a moment.


It is you who row the boat
in this photograph, madame?

Yes, we used to keep
a little dinghy on Windermere

for getting about.

You say that you were at
Littlegreen House last night

until 8:00?

[laughing] Yes.

You can never get away
from Minnie.

Talk, talk, talk.

And on the night of the death
of Emily Arundel,

you were also at the house?

Well, yes.

Then both of these deaths

have in common
the same three people:

Wilhemina Lawson
and yourselves.

You think we had something
to do with it, Mr. Poirot?

You mean we're suspects?

Oh, how thrilling.

Go on, question us,
Mr. Poirot.

Just like you would
normal people.

I will, madame.

But not today.

[indistinct chatter]


- A telegram for you, sir.
- Thank you.

Hastings, at last.
There will be no reply.

- Can I get you anything, sir?
- Oui.

A coffee for one and, for me,
tisane, near the window.

Certainly, sir.

- Excuse me.
- No! I will pass.

Where is she, Poirot?

Calm yourself, Dr. Tanios.

You take my wife and children
from me

and tell me to be calm?

Your wife has left you
of her own free will, Doctor.

I have here a telegram
from Scotland Yard.

It contains the analysis

of the patent medicine that you
gave to Aunt Emily Arundel.

Do you want me
to read it here?

Damn you and your
dreamt up evidence, Poirot.

I'll telephone
Sergeant Keeley.

No, no, no.
Not yet, Hastings.

Bob and I,
we need time to think.


By the way, the steward
at the club, old Walter,

said you wanted
to have a word with me.


Yes, lunchtime.

Brought the shitty over
for me to sign and said,

That reminds me".

Oh, yes.

I reckon you'd forgotten
to pay your bill.

A trivial thing.

Clean slipped my mind.

This polish buffs up
to a marvelous shine, Charlie.

What is it?

Yes, I mix it up myself,
from phosphorus.


[mysterious music]


Your mistress, little Bob,
was murdered for her fortune.

Dr. Grainger,
he was killed

in order to keep a secret
that was already out.

The "whys"
and the "wherefores,"

these are known to me.

But the "who," mon petit,
that still to me is a puzzle.

But it does not puzzle you.

You knew from the first day.

And so, if you please,
I ask you now to tell me.

I say, Poirot,
you know you said you thought

had something to do with it.

Monsieur Bob!


Qu'est que c'est,
mon petit?

Mon Dieu!

I swear to you, Bob, there
is within you a Belgian blood.

What's he told you now?

He has told to me all.

Tomorrow morning, Hastings,
Bob and I, we catch our fox

and bring upon him terror.

Why don't we start, Poirot?

He probably won't show up

Monsieur Jacob will be here.
Of that I guarantee.

tell me what's going on.

Where are the children?

If you'd like to take a seat
over here, sir.

Mesdames et messieurs,

among us today
is the murderer

of Dr. John Grainger
and Emily Arundel.

Would that be one
in the same person, sir?

Have patience, if you please,
Sergeant Keeley.

You believed-
all of you except one believed

that the fall of Emily Arundel
was an accident.

If so,

who was the person on the stairs
the night before the fall

and what were they
doing there?

I say that this person placed
in the skirting a screw eye

to which a cord was attached
to form a trip wire.

Wilhemina Lawson
saw this person,

or, to be precise,

she saw the monogram on the
dressing gown that they wore--

the letters T.A.

And she assumed it was
Theresa Arundel.

Minnie Lawson's
never liked me.

It's just her style
to accuse me of murder.

While she went off
with Aunt Em's fortune.

But Emily fell.
She told me so herself.

She stood on Bob's ball,
and she fell.

Non, madame.

But how do I know this?

From Monsieur Bob himself.

Every time he performed
his trick,

Bob was telling to me
the answer.

Always, always
after his trick,

Bob returned his ball
to his basket.

And when I found out
that little Katya Tanios

discovered the ball
on the landing

on the night of the fall,

I knew that it had been
placed there

to make it seem like
an accident.

For the cause of the fall
of Emily Arundel

was a trip wire.




But it was not this

that was the cause of the death
of your aunt, no.

Because after the fall,
your aunt was bruised,

but she was still alive.

So our murderer tried again

and, this time, succeeded.

I believe that the death
of your aunt was caused

by being poisoned
with phosphorus.

If I'd wanted liver capsules,
I should have said so.

On the night of her death,

Emily must have ingested

some of this deadly substance.

Jacob gave it to me
earlier today.

I believe this
and so too did Dr. Grainger.

Being a man of science,

he knew of the many uses,
the many forms of phosphorus,

all of which produce a poison.

He made a telephone call
to Madame Tanios

to ask if her husband
had some of this substance.

This telephone call,
it was meant to be a secret,

but Jacob Tanios demanded
to know what had been said.

Maybe so, but Emily did not
die at my hand.

Non, monsieur?

Et bien.

I have here a telegram
from Scotland Yard

which tells to me
that the patent medicine

that Jacob Tanios gave
to Emily Arundel...

Non, monsieur!

Is harmless.

And so now I ask,
who poisoned her?

Dr. John Grainger
with his medicines?


Un medicament, docteur?

For he himself was soon
to become a victim.

So where else could be
discovered this phosphorus?

I suggest, mes amis,

in a liver capsule
that was placed in this box

that was always by the side
of Emily Arundel.

This also answers for me
a question most puzzling.

Why was she murdered
after the changing of the will?

Mesdames et messieurs,
I can now reveal to you

that she was murdered before.

Murdered three days
before she died?


Oui, and it was
the steward at your club,

Monsieur Charles,
who showed to me how.

One of his lesser duties
was to refill the saltcellars.

Would they be empty today,
tomorrow, three days after that,

who could tell?

It would depend upon the persons
who use them.

And so is it not possible

for our murderer...

To fill
a liver capsule...

With a phosphorus...

Which Emily Arundel
would take today, tomorrow,

or the day after that?

After her death, we concentrated
our attention

on the patent medicine
of Jacob Tanios.

But I believe on the night
that she died,

she must also have taken
the liver capsule

which slowly released its poison
and killed her.

The liver capsules
of Emily Arundel

were always within easy reach,

and so it would have been simple
for anyone to tamper with them.

The patent medicine she took

on the night of her death
confused us.

In fact, the phosphorus
from the capsule

was creating a lethal chemical
reaction within her body

which emanated from her
in the form of a green vapor

thought by some to be
her spirit leaving her body.

And then came the reading
of the will, huh?

The family did not like
what it said, non, non,

for all of the fortune
of Emily Arundel

was to go to Wilhemina Lawson.

So they turned their attention
to her?

Bien sûr.

Then two people
broke into this house.

The general prevented
their crime by falling.



And from the window, Wilhemina
Lawson and Mademoiselle Sarah

saw these two people making
their escape from the house,

but they could not make out
who they were.

I, Hercule Poirot, of course,

[dramatic music]


Monsieur Charles

and your sister,
Mademoiselle Theresa.

You broke into this house

to steal what you thought
was yours by right.

Yes, but that was our
one and only attempt, Poirot.

And we certainly didn't
come back the night after.

But someone did,

in order to murder
John Grainger,

who, on that very evening,

had begun to make the discovery
of the phosphorus.

Same person that murdered
Emily, you think?


This T.A. person, then.

I've had just about enough
of this.

Sit down, miss.

Mesdames et messieurs,

if you would please to observe
in the mirror.

It was Monsieur Bob

who first drew
this curiosity to my attention

when he barked at
his reflection

in the highly polished surface
of the boat

until he was sure
that I understood.

Wilhemina Lawson saw the person
on the landing in her mirror.

And she also saw
in reflection

the monogram
with the letters T.A.

And now,
mesdames et messieurs,

you will observe
that these letters,

without the reflection,

are now changed to A.T.,

the initials
of Arabella Tanios.

It was you, madame,

whom Wilhemina Lawson
saw on the landing.

Put him in his basket
before he wakes the whole house.

Not dead, is she?

It was you who placed
the trip wire

and then removed it
after the fall.

It was you who took the ball
belonging to Bob

and placed it close
to the top stair

for the purpose
of incriminating him.

And it was you who murdered
Dr. John Grainger

for what he suspected.

[gas hissing]

Is this true, Bella?


You know how brutal he is!

You know how he beats
my children!


I know that is what you say,

Always you point the finger.

You play out the charade
of fearing him.

You tell us of his temper
most wicked.

All are lies!

For you and you alone
are responsible

for the murder
of Dr. John Grainger

and, before him,
Aunt Emily Arundel.

Why, Bella?


Because I hate you, Jacob.

Hate me?
You hate me, Bella?

You were different once,
and I loved you for that.

But then people here
shunned you,

and you started to change
just to please them.

And I felt so ashamed.

Now all you want to do
is crawl away,

back to your homeland.

How could you be so weak?

What is there for me
in Greece?

With my inheritance
from Aunt Emily,

I could have lived here
with my children

and held my head high again.

If only she had done me
the courtesy

of dying after the accident,
I would have had inherited.

You too, Charles.
You, Theresa.

And if you hadn't meddled,
Mr. Poirot,

she wouldn't have changed
her will,

and we'd all have been
better off.

The cold heart indeed,

which deserves no mercy.

Nasty business, wife turning
on her husband like that.

Oui, but one good thing
has come from this, Hastings.

Wilhemina Lawson has made
a share-out among the family

of the fortune
of Emily Arundel.

At least I could pay my bill

And now the world record,

it begs to be broken,
n'est-ce pas?

Not by me.

I'm off to Bonneville.
It's in Utah.

Ah, but that is the desert,
I believe.

- There are no lakes.
- Quite.

Leave water speed
to Campbell and his cronies.

I am going for land speed
next time.

- And we're going to London.
- Not yet, Hastings.

Not until a matter
of the most important,

it has been resolved.


I was amazed,
wasn't I, Poirot?

Indeed so, mon ami.

To think that
all these years,

Poirot had the gift
for reaching the other side.

I said there were hidden
depths to you, Mr. Poirot.

Then it happened again,
last night.


Who came to you?

I woke up to find this--
how best to say this?

Presence in my room.

I looked up,
and I saw the springer spaniel.

- Albert?
- Oui.

What did he say?

He spoke to Bob, madame.

He said, "Go live with
my people.

They have of you
the great need".

Then, of course, he must.

Are you sure you can manage
without him, though?

I mean, he was a great help
to you with this case.


It will not be easy,

I shall try.

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