Adventure Time (2010–2018): Season 2, Episode 15 - The Real You - full transcript

Nervous about giving a speech at Princess Bubblegum's science conference and barbecue, Finn finds a magical pair of glasses that make him the smartest being in the land.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

You'll wreck my gift for
Princess Bubblegum.


Hey, what's it supposed
to be, anyway?

It's a scale model of
The Candy Kingdom,

made out of my saliva.

So, this means you want to
give her your spit, huh?

Yep. Hey, no!

It's okay, dude. I
totally get it.

Ha ha ha!

I just wanted to
give her something,

uh, to celebrate her science...

You mean her... super
science barbecue?!

You think it's sciencey
enough for her?

Relax. She'll love it.

And then she'll love you.

- Wha?!
- Hey, there's Bubblegum.

Hide it behind your back, man.


Oh. Hi, guys.

Just getting the grill
cooking for tonight's BBQ.


What's that you got behind
your back there, Finny?

Oh, I-I made you something.

Really?! Can I scope it?

Yes. Close your eyes.


Get ready to open your eyes?

Ah-choo! Can I open my eyes?

No, wait!

Uh, keep them closed for
like three more hours.

I'm gonna open my eyes.

Oh, Finn!

It's pink! I love pink!

Oh, thanks, Finn.

Princess, Princess!

Better not say nothing, you.

Yes, Chet?

Um, so, I called
Grill-meister for the BBQ,

but Pepper won't
give up the spatula.

Fine, fine. You can have it...

when you pry it from
my cold, dead hands!


Hey, if you two aren't
watching the grill,

then who's watching the...


Die, you fire!

Finn, that was awesome.


Thanks, Princess. I'm
always happy to help.

I see.

Your heroic brain is fascinating
in a scientific way.

Many scientific minds
are going to be

speaking at my barbecue.

You should talk about
something, too.

You'll do that for me, right?

Anything you want.

Thanks, Finn.

Listen, I have to
deal with this.

See you tonight?

Uh, yeah.

Buddy, just breathe into me.


You're just gonna give a speech

to a bunch of brainiacs.

I can't hang with those guys.

I'm full of stupid.

Then we'll just
borrow some brains

by going to the place
where knowledge lives!

Oh, Braintown.

Uh, no, the library.

The library of the undead.

No, just the regular library.

Hey, Finn, let's split.

This turned out to be boring.

But I have to cram this info.

Okay, okay.

I'll just keep reading
this book about figs.

And I'll just read
this book about pigs.

Ha ha! Whatcha doing?

I'm bored now, too.

Shh, hey!

That's completely inappropriate.

But... but we were just
enthusiastic about learning.


So, if I can't
book-learn for beans,

we'll just get some smarty

to explain scientific
junk to me.

Yeah, then you can at
least sound smart.

But where you gonna
find someone like that?

Jake, we're going to college.

And the great question endures.

Who would win in a fight

between Nietzsche's
Ubermensch and Mandroid?

The answer is Werewolf Queen.

It's always Werewolf Queen.


Jake, you can just
shrink yourself down.

Oh, yeah.

And when I finally meet
the Werewolf Queen,

she will take me on
as her royal consort,

and we will rule in blood!

Hey, teach, can you talk
more about scientific,

uh, stuff and things?

Well, sure, I could...

if this wasn't a class

on Theoretical Fight-onomics.


Are you even in this
class, Mister...

Uh... Wormy...

Wormy McSquirmy.

McSquirmy, huh?

Well, we'll just see about that.

Oh, there you are.

W. Mcsquirmy. I'm sorry.

Yes, you're registered,

and you haven't shown
up for a single class.

Truancy hurts us all, McSquirmy.

Hey! Ow! Please, where's
your compassion?

- Let's kill him.
- Assail!




Jake, let's get out of here.


And stay out of academia!


Well, that's it.

I'm all out of ideas on
how to learn this junk.

Oh! Let's just solve
this thing with magic.

No. That's the easy way out.

Yeah. It's the easy way out.

Oh. Oh, yeah!

Let's go visit Choose Goose
and his magical shack.

Magic, you say?

Yeah, Choose Goose.

I need magic... some kind
of mind-enhancing magic.

Oh, yes, the quest that
you are on requires...

the glasses of Nerdicon!

So, I just put those on,

and then I'd be able
to give that lecture.

And Princess Bubblegum
will totally dig it.


What do you want for it, C.G.?

Lately, I've been
feeling drained.

I only wish to be entertained.




Well done.

The glasses you have won!

Everything small is just a small
version of something big!

I understand everything!

Whoa, bud, are you okay?

Oh, Jake, I'm better than okay.

I know exactly how to
impress The Princess.

- More spit bubbles?
- No, no.

Those spit bubbles
were as fragile

as my old perception of reality.

But wait. Maybe you're
onto something.

I could show the
Princess bubbles

the likes of which no
one has ever seen!

And how will you do that?

I'll start with a
solid bulleted list.

Thanks again to Dr.
Dextrose for sharing

your fascinating research
on the future of cuteness.

Yes, yes, how charming.

What quaint notions.

And now for a special
guest lecture

by one of Ooo's
greatest heroes...

Finn, the human!

Ladies and gentlemen...

and Princess,

I'm here to talk about
multidimensional bubbles.

But I am not just going to
talk about blowing bubbles.

I'm going to blow your minds.


This is a bubble blower
of my own design.

With this, you can blow bubbles
in different dimensions.

This two-dimensional bubble
casts a one-dimensional shadow.

A three-dimensional bubble casts
a two-dimensional shadow.

A fourth-dimensional
bubble casts

a three-dimensional shadow.

It is beyond comprehension!

Beyond space! Beyond time!

Finn, that would mean
you've created...

Yes, a black hole!



Finn, do something!

It's okay.

I'm sure the solution is
on my bulleted... list!

Don't worry.

I have everything under control.

Under control?!

My guests are terrified.


And their brains are releasing
adrenaline, dopamine,

even dimethyltryptamine
from the pineal gland!

This has serious
educational value.

Thanatophobia and this N.D.E.

is giving us euphoric
altered awareness.

Don't you see, Princess?

We were all born to die!

You're trying to kill us all?

No, of course not.

I'm trying to give you the
greatest conference ever!

Finn, you've gone insane.

What?! No way.

I'm, like, the smartest guy in
Ooo, thanks to these glasses.


Finn, take those off.

You're not yourself.

- But...
- Please!

I need the real you.

What's going on? Whoa?!

You blew it, Finn, with this.

Then I'll kill it with this.

Be careful.

Finn! Look out!


Fourth dimensional!

Jake, let me go!

Finn, don't do anything stupid!

I can't help it, man.

I'm all about stupid.



Finn, my science
barbecue was a fiasco.

That was incredible.

That was the greatest
conference ever!

What's this?

"Make hyper bubble,
cause black hole,

become insane, P.B.
takes off the glasses,

save the day, win the
heart of the Princess"?

Finn, you knew all
this would happen?

Huh? Knew what?

I wrote that list when I
was insane with smartness.