Adamas (2022): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


The fire extinguishing system
is being activated.

Found it.

Stop the system immediately.

Someone's still in there.

Stop the system.

Mr. Ha is still in the house.

- Shut it down!
- Yes, sir.

Mr. Ha!

Mr. Ha.

- Mr. Ha!
- Mr. Ha!

What happened?

- Call a doctor!
- Mr. Ha!

Open your eyes!


Mr. Ha.

Mr. Ha, wake up!

What happened?
Where's the doctor?

He's on his way.


Have I been stood up?

Ms. Kim.

Why are you here?

I sent that text.

What do you mean?

I got him.

He has no fingerprints.

It won't be easy to identify him.

And Song Suhyeon?

Seohee will take care of him.

I lured you to this open area

to see if anyone was tailing you.
You're all clear.

Hold on. Are you saying I was your bait?

- It was simply a mission.
- What mission?

Are you kidding me?

I told you I visited Lee Changwoo
on purpose. It was a success.

A success?

You need to be more detailed than that.

Stop making me angry
by talking so vaguely!

I got him.

Who exactly?

The man who was tailing you.

The one who tried to kill me. I got him.


Don't be too offended. I was bait as well.

You too? Then who was the mastermind?

I'd like to introduce you to some people.

What are you looking at?

God, you're making me see red.

Who are you exactly? Tell me!

Come with me if you want to find out.

Are you sure
we don't need to go to the hospital?

I'm okay.

The doctor who came by said I was fine.

I can't believe that woman, Ms. Kwon.
She's frightening.

How could she not send you to the hospital
in a life-and-death situation?

Did you forget?

They're holding us hostage
until the election is over.

I have a few questions to ask you
as the chief of security.


Dongrim, can you get me a warm cup of tea?



Did you find the Adamas?


It was all in vain.
Everything we did was for nothing.


I think I found it.

You found it?

The halogen gas…

was being sucked into the ceiling.

The Adamas… is up there.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, 100%.

I finally realized...

why the carpet was placed there.

It was the same pattern

and design…

…as the carpet that was used
on the day the Adamas

was first revealed.

That's why

he has the same carpet in his office.

He just can't let go
of the euphoria he felt that day.

As someone who enjoys
having ultimate power,

that day must've felt like
his coronation ceremony.

The Adamas is his crown.

Now that we know where it is,

we just need to set a date
and carry it out.

You're going to get back at it
despite almost getting killed today?

I knew what I was getting myself into.

But let's make it quick.

Like Ms. Yoon today,

I don't like it when others are put
in danger because of me.

That's rich coming from someone
who's going to steal the Adamas.

Lighten up. Everyone is safe.

There's something that bothers me.

I lost the voice recorder.

What should I do?

This is driving me crazy.

Mr. Ha sure is one-of-a-kind.

He didn't hesitate to go back
into the house like a true man.

Treat him well. He's your savior.

What is it?

You knew I was at the heliport.

Were you really trying to kill him?

Are you worried about him

or your plan falling through?

I heard you were the one
who recommended him to our master.

Did you think I wouldn't find out?

Was it because of Ms. Hyesoo?

Because he resembles Mr. Minjo?

I can see right through you.

Do you think

Hyesoo will have an affair with him?

Do you think she will get a divorce?

Jeez, you're such an idiot.

What will you do about this situation?

They even got Mr. Lee's composite sketch.

Father decided to retire,

yet you can't wrap up such an old case.

Do you think he'll let
someone like you take over? Do you?

Haesong's 80th-anniversary ceremony
is just around the corner.

What was his name? Song Suhyeon?

Will you let that lousy prosecutor
ruin everything for you?

All of this happened
because you trusted Mr. Lee.


Kwon Hyunjo.

You need to do it.

Put an end to this once and for all.


Ms. Jang.

I have a discreet favor to ask of you.

That took long enough.
Can I take this off now?

Who are you guys?

- They're...
- I wasn't asking you.

I was a bit rude
for our first encounter, wasn't I?

Are you the head here?

It must've been an uncomfortable trip.
But please do understand.

I couldn't risk exposing
our safe house to a stranger.

That's enough.
Let's just introduce ourselves.


Prosecutor Song Suhyeon,
I'm Kang Hyukpil of the SIH.

Special Investigations Headquarters?


Mr. Ha.

Please forgive me.

For what?

Are you crying?

So you stole it?


when you were unconscious.


Lee Dongrim.

So I could give it to Ms. Kwon.


She wanted me to find out
what you were up to.

And I agreed to help her.

She said she'd let me leave this place
if I helped her.

I had no choice.

She was lying.

No one leaves
without the chairman's permission.

Then what should I do? I need to leave.

But you didn't leave
when I told you to, so why?

My dad might pass away.

What do you mean?

He may be in need...

of an urgent liver transplant.

But he can't get one without me.

I've been taking supplements

and working out regularly.

I've been taking great care of my health.


his donor, aren't you?

Mr. Ha, please help me.

I need to leave this house, so please.

Mr. Kwon picked them out himself.

Aren't they just perfect
for tonight's dinner?

Every single one is so luxurious.

This one looks good.

Do you like it? Will you go with this one?


This one.


He's got a cute side, that one.

Come in.

Visiting me at this hour?

What do you want?

I've decided on the D-day.

When is it?


- Why are you rushing it?
- What's the point of delaying it?

It's going to be easier than we thought.

How so?

You weren't certain
the Adamas was here, were you?

- Why not?
- Because there was no security system.

Exactly. Had there been
a cutting edge security system

inside the mansion as well,

then you would've known about it.

The door to Kwon Minjo's room,
which was locked,

had a keyhole. Old school.

I'm sure the Adamas' security system
isn't that strict either.

So that's why you think it'll be easy?
That's hard to believe.

Look at the furniture arrangement
in the chairman's office. It's obvious.

The center of that big room is empty

solely for him to appreciate the Adamas.

He's very sensitive to visual stimuli.

And that's proven
by how he exhibits

his priceless artworks
instead of storing them somewhere.

Plus, he makes his judgments

based on what he's seen.

He looks like a decent guy.

What do you think?

Isn't it splendid yet graceful?

Imagine a first date.

Someone who's sensitive to hearing
will remember conversations the most.

Someone who's sensitive to smells
will remember an individual's scent.

And someone who's sensitive to visuals
will remember their clothing or smile.

The chairman values what he sees.

And his office is the most ideal place
where he can appreciate the Adamas.

Fine. That's all great.

But how do we lower it from the ceiling?

He likes having ultimate power.

Where does the king reside?

On the throne.

It's on his desk.

So there must be a switch there?

Do you want to bet?

If it's not a simple switch,
then we may need a passcode.

That's even better.

It'll be easy to compile the
combination once we find out the numbers.

We should be able to specify
the first digit.

The first and second digits
have a psychological link.

I have more than enough information
when it comes to him.

Okay. Let me report this to headquarters.

They're dealing with an issue
at the moment.

What issue?

Your brother…

is at the SIH safe house.

He's as stubborn as a mule.
I wish I could give him a good beating.

Why must I join hands with you?

I explained it to you all night long.

Should I do it all over again?

Okay. So you know me through Woosin,

and you know Ms. Kim through me.

Then you learned
of her parents' mysterious deaths.

Then you noticed someone tailing me,

so you told her the truth
and asked her for help. I get all that.

But I'm confused
about what comes after that.

Lee Changwoo is innocent?

That's why you're getting involved?

Correct. That's when
we struck a deal with your brother.

That lunatic…

He's not on a trip but instead at that
mansion to write the chairman's memoir?

He's stealing what? The Adamas?

So what if that is the murder weapon?
The case is 22 years old.


The SIH reached out to him
and offered to catch our father's killer?

Look, Mr. Kang. What is your true motive?

You didn't tell me that last night.
What is it?

Answer me!

What an unbelievable bastard.

Kwon Jaekyu.

Your brother thinks he was the killer.

If the Adamas is indeed
the murder weapon that disappeared,

then Chairman Kwon has to be involved.


But that's what Woosin thinks.
What about you guys?

You couldn't have been persuaded
by just that.

We have a credible testimony.

- Testimony?
- An audio recording.

Haesong's daughter-in-law.

That's why we thought he must be involved.

I guess it's safe to say
that we're on the same page.

I hope we get along.

You freaking wish.

That lunatic!

What's wrong?

Prosecutor Song.


I was told not to let you go outside, sir.

Let me go.

Cut that nonsense and move aside.

I can't, sir.

Open the door.

Don't do this. Calm down!

Calm down? How can I when my brother
is going to steal the Adamas?

He could end up behind bars.

God, that idiot!

He must be aware of that.

I'm sure he has thought this through.

Do you really think he has?

He didn't even tell me about this!

Will you seriously keep this up?

They explained it to you
numerous times yesterday.

I can't believe them. No, I refuse to.

Chairman Kwon is the killer?
Don't make me laugh.

Then who was that man you saw?

That's something I must find out!

Don't you get it?

They're using Woosin.

They don't care who the real killer is.

They just want to tie
the chairman to this.

But that idiot has no idea
and is inside that mansion!

I can involve anyone
in order to catch the real culprit,

not just Chairman Kwon.

I won't hesitate to join hands
with anyone, not just the SIH!

Are you worried about your brother?

That's not the point.
I will catch the killer at all costs.


Hey, step aside.

I told you to move. Open the door.

Open the door!

Darn it.


Hey. You hit me first, okay?


Prosecutor Song!

They'll suspect us
if we're always together.

I said I was teaching you how to hunt,
so I need to make it look like I am.

Are we there yet?

We're almost there.

By the way,
will you be able to persuade him?

Your brother had a fit all night

even though they explained everything.

He'll understand once I talk to him.


We're here.

A satellite phone.

Must you go this far?

Darn it! That hurts so much.


Tonight is D-day?

I'm not sure.
We've encountered something unexpected.

Unexpected? Is it bad?

It's actually to our advantage.

Is Mr. Ha with you?

He needs to clear some things up here.


You lunatic!

Get out of that house this instant!

Did you hear that? He's all yours.

It's me.

Are you insane?
Who are you to meddle in this?

I'm the prosecutor.

I will catch our father's killer, okay?

So why are you getting involved?

The statute of limitations hasn't run out.

Chairman Kwon spent
a lot of time overseas.

We have 16 days.

If the Adamas was the murder weapon,

I can have Chairman Kwon stand trial.

What if he isn't the killer?

What if it wasn't him?

There's a witness.

A witness?

The man the witness saw
that night wasn't him.

It was someone else.

This means even if the Adamas
is proven to be the murder weapon,

it doesn't directly connect him
to the murder.

We can apply for a retrial
with the newly discovered evidence.

But that doesn't mean
Chairman Kwon will stand trial

because that man could be the real killer.

All right. You want to catch the killer?

Then we need corroborating evidence.

First, we need to find out
the relationship between the two.

And that's my job, okay?

So stay out of this. If you can't,

then just stop. Don't do anything.

I'll look into it.


Stop acting recklessly!

Are you worried about me?

What a load of nonsense.

I was going to turn myself in
after stealing the Adamas.

I'm sure my actions
would be somewhat extenuated.

I joined hands with the police
for a reason, you know?

Let's talk in person soon.

Hey, Woosin.

Taesung, let's put a halt
to the Adamas mission.

We got something on our end.

If we can get more information,
it'll be easier on your part as well.

Keep it up.



He should be reporting
back to us every six hours.

But we can't reach him ever since he said

he was entering Kim Seohee's house.

I believe
there are external factors at play.

Song Suhyeon.

Didn't you say
he and that reporter disappeared too?

Yes, sir. They could be involved,

but the prosecution hasn't made
any moves so far.

It's too clean-cut for Song Suhyeon
to have done this single-handedly.

You're certain someone's helping him,
but you don't know who?

Yes, sir. I'm sorry.

But how?

How did Mr. Lee end up offsite?

He volunteered.
He wanted to prove himself to you.

What about the rescue team?

They're ready.

Let's go.

The statute of limitations hasn't run out.

We have 16 days.

Chairman Kwon could be the killer.

I thought you'd decline, but you're being
awfully meticulous with that.

It could leave a scar.

You don't need any stitches.
And the back of your neck is fine too.

That stings.

You're okay, right?

Of course not.

He put his entire weight into it.

Not that.

About Lee Changwoo.

I was taken aback.

But if he really is innocent,
then there's no need to hate him.

He must feel more wronged than I do.

But why the long face?

Are you worried about your brother?

That too, and I just don't get it.

He was reckless enough
to put his entire life at stake.

He's not even our real dad.


Am I a terrible son for thinking this way?

Woosin used to always be levelheaded
no matter the situation.

But to hear that he put everything
on the line and went there

just feels off.

To be honest,
there's something I find odd as well.

It's about Lee Changwoo.

Why did he confess to it
if he wasn't the real killer?

At first, I thought he was threatened
to confess to the murder.

But when I met him…


I said I'm the culprit. I did it.

He was adamant.

He made me wonder
if he was the real killer.

He's been protecting the accomplice
for the past 22 years.

Why would he keep his mouth shut

for all those years?

This isn't easy at all.

What happened to that guy?

That guy?

Oh, him? He's being interrogated.

Jeez, I can't believe these people.

This isn't right. You're torturing him.

We're questioning him.
And nudging him just a bit.


He won't die. We have our boundaries.

That's not the issue here.
How can the police be doing this?

You aided and abetted
in illegal kidnapping.

All right. Calm down.

How much longer will you keep that up
to get him to talk?

I heard he remained
tight-lipped all night.

Then isn't it game over?

You should let me take over.

This isn't an interrogation.

You'll be wasting your time.

Telling Prosecutor Song to just watch

seems to be a waste of manpower.

Go to Kang. I'll take over from here.

He's Mr. Kang to you.

Yes, ma'am.

Go to Mr. Kang.

That little…

You know me, right?


Being tight-lipped won't end this torture.

Are you dead or alive?

So you're alive.

Those people have no plans to kill you.

They'll keep you alive until you tell them
what they want to hear.

They'll keep toying with this.

But I'm different.

There's nothing I want to hear from you.

I just want to verify
if what I know is true.

But I can't show you all my cards.

I'll just have to match mine with yours.

Simply put, I'm not going to be barbaric.

I just hope you'll repay my kindness.

Is this Chairman Kwon's doing?

Chairman Kwon Jaekyu.

Haesong Group.

Come on. He wouldn't do
something like this himself.

And who is he?

He's the hitman, right?

I don't know.

First response.

Is he on your team?

You guys are really organized and skilled.

That means you have an organization.
Could you have done this alone?

You must move as a team.

And you guys are responsible
for killing Ms. Kim's parents, right?

I doubt you committed the murders

and cleaned up after yourself

You must have a task force team
and a clear-out team.

What was it again?

You know Lee Changwoo's case, right?

It's been 22 years already.
It has a long history.

You guys did that.

I got this sketch from that incident.

I really don't know.

Second response.

You're reacting to him.
I wonder who he is.

I'm certain. The man in the composite
and Chairman Kang are related.

So he's still working for the chairman
to this day.

Where's home?

Where do you live?

Are your parents alive?

Do you have siblings?

Third response.



This is all the time I have.

The technician will return
and resume the party.


Do you have something to say?


What time is it?

You little bastard.

Darn it.

Jeez, we're done for.

He endured 12 hours of torture.

Goodness, he wouldn't fall for mind games.

Why do you think
he suddenly asked about the time?

It's a diversion of sorts.

Telling us that torturing him is useless.

No. He seemed desperate.

Why was the time important?

It's like a time bomb.

He'll succeed as long as
he stays there until the bomb goes off.

But since he's not a bomber,

he's probably keeping track of time.

Keeping track? What does that mean?

He has hope. Look.

He's conscious of his breathing.

That just shows that
he's trying to control himself.

He's already made up his mind
about whether to resist or surrender.

Since he chose the former,
he'll remain tight-lipped

as long as he has hope.

What hope?

What do you think,
given that he's been abducted?

Don't worry, sir.
I'm sure Mr. Lee is hanging in there.

Seeing how our headquarters is safe,

he must be keeping his mouth shut.

He believes his colleagues
will come to his rescue.

That's what's keeping him alive.

That's false hope.

This safe house isn't so easy to find.

And what if time runs out?

What could be on the other end of that?


In the end, we're the ones
who are being chased by time, not him.

If he kills himself,
we won't get anything out of it.

I don't know for sure
if he was the killer or not.

But this is what my husband said.

"My father killed someone with the Adamas.
And Lee Changwoo…

was the one who took the fall."

The man the witness saw
that night wasn't him.

It was someone else.

Chairman Kwon...

may not be the killer.

Mr. Ha?

I wanted to get you out of here,
but I think it'll be difficult.


It's a long story. But first,

I'll ask someone I know
to move your father to a safer hospital

so that Ms. Kwon
can't threaten you anymore.

They're with the police,
so don't worry and just trust them.

The election will be over soon,
and you'll be out in no time.

But my dad has moved hospitals already.

Where to?

Eunkook Medical Center.

Ms. Eun seems like a decent person.

What do you want?

I have a favor to ask of you.

I told her Ms. Kwon
was keeping my dad hostage,

and she helped me out.

You made a mistake.

What? Did I do something wrong?

No. We can talk later.

Mr. Ha!

I like your dress.

He got it for me,
but it wasn't to my liking.

I'm glad it looks good on you.

Such a hopeless romantic.

We need to talk.

Right now? As you can see,
I'm on my way out.

It won't take long.

Master, make sure you take
your medication on time.

Don't skip any meals either.

Force yourself to eat

even if you don't have an appetite, okay?

All right.

Where's Hyesoo?

Just cut to the chase.
The chairman is waiting for me.

- Ms. Eun.
- You want to know who recommended you?

I'm looking into it, so don't rush me.

No, it's about Dongrim's father.

- Ah.
- Thank you for helping,

but he'll move to another hospital.

What for?
Our hospital is the best one out there.

I'll take care of it.


Why would you decide on your own?

- Were you eavesdropping?
- You left in a hurry, so I followed you.

My dad isn't going anywhere.

- Dongrim.
- What?

Excuse me, gentlemen.

The reason why I helped him
is quite simple.

The Adamas.

You're familiar with it.

Everyone knows
about that arrow with a diamond tip.

Lee Changwoo.

Is he also famous?

- That's...
- You heard the voice recorder, didn't you?

- I was just...
- You must've realized it too.

I realized the moment he came
and asked for my help at night.

He must've heard everything.
"He must think

that we're on the same side."

But Dongrim,

you were mistaken.

I'll take great care of your father.

But if you let Ms. Kwon
control you once again,

I'll kill your father.

Goodbye, then. I have dinner plans.

What's going on?
What is she talking about?

- Dongrim.
- Let go of me!

Don't try to squirm your way out of this.

I have the right to know!

My dad's life is on the line.
What on earth are you two scheming?

- Ms. Kwon.
- What?

Ms. Hyesoo isn't in her room either.

Is that so?

You were already here.

Yes, I rushed a bit.


You've gone insane.

- Lee Dongrim.
- I don't know. I didn't hear anything.

You're the one who wanted to know.

So it's my fault?

That was before I knew
that you were committing theft.

I don't want
to end up behind bars. Why should I?

All because of your late father?

I take back what I just said. I'm sorry.

I didn't want to get you involved.

That's why I tried
to make you leave this place.

- But things...
- Ah.

I'm starving.

I'm famished.

What are you guys up to?

We were discussing our dinner menu.

Gosh, you looked pretty serious
to be discussing the dinner menu.

Because we should be.
We all eat three meals a day.


Mr. Ha, I have a question.

I heard Persona Non Grata
was based on a true story.

Yes, it is, although I dramatized it.

Does that mean
the lead character is a real person?

Am I wrong?

You're probably right.

Yes, he really exists.

So he's a real police officer?

No wonder. Mr. Choi said

it was a term for a police whistleblower.

Mr. Kim.

- Yes, sir?
- Playing hooky?

No, sir.

Patrol area three.

I need to speak with you.

I heard your new character loves to hunt.

I have some advice for you.

Go ahead. What is it?

There's a security button that has never
been pressed under the Chairman's desk.

A security button?

You know that button that banks have.

The emergency SOS button.

He had that installed
under his desk from the start. But…

the fact that
it never set off an alarm means…

There was either no emergency situation
or that button was for something else.

But if it's indeed a security button…

Then I'll be caught red-handed.

It's a 50-50 chance.

It could be the device
that lowers the Adamas…

or it could be an alarm.

I'm going to steal it tonight.

Darn it.

I only told you so that
you wouldn't rush it and ruin everything.

Wait for HQ's orders.

No, it needs to happen today.

Will Ms. Kwon ever be away again?

Do well while I'm gone.
Check up on the rest of the maids too.

Don't worry, ma'am.

Especially that writer.
Watch him at all times.

Yes, ma'am.

Mr. Choi.

Neither Ms. Kwon nor Chairman Kwon
is home today.

- This is our chance.
- No.

Then I'll do it alone.

We need permission from headquarters!

Don't be mistaken.

Joining hands with the SIH doesn't mean
I'll be following their orders.


Don't worry. I'm not pregnant.

I just felt nauseous.

Curse me if you want.

I don't know sign language anyway.


Yes, sir.

How are the plans
for the 80th-anniversary ceremony going?

Will everything go as planned?

Of course. Don't worry.

Make sure everything goes well.

It'll be my retirement ceremony
as well as your inauguration ceremony.

Yes, Father.


Yes. I'm going to officially announce him

as my successor that day.

I see.

Won't you congratulate me?


Am I having problems again?

Father, what's wrong? Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

Don't make a fuss.

I listened to you

and sent Ms. Kwon on an errand.

I heard.

I bet the house feels pretty vacant.

Once Ms. Oh does the final check,

the maids are forbidden
from entering the third floor.

This is it.

It's a 50-50 chance.

It could be the device
that lowers the Adamas…

or it could be an alarm.

What? Tonight?

What could I do?
He was adamant about doing it himself.

Since today is the day you collect money,
it wouldn't look odd to see you here.

Hold on.

What if Mr. Ha gets caught?

Then radio the others.

Ask for backup.
We need to leave an official record.

Go inside the mansion and arrest him.

- Arrest him?
- We need to cut him off.

Then it'd be difficult
for his actions to be extenuated.

Why should I care?

No one should find out
that we're connected.

Let's put on a show.

- What show?
- You guys can't kill him.

He knows that too.

But not me. He knows nothing about me.


- Prosecutor Song.
- It's just a show.

A fake. Do you not have anesthetics?

Do you?

Do you know what this is?
A muscle relaxant.

Once I inject you with this,

your muscles will gradually relax.

How can I cover that up…

Your diaphragm,
which helps you breathe, will also relax.

Ultimately, you'll suffocate to death.

But you'll get the full experience

since you'll be awake.

Zoom in on camera three.

Blink your eyes
if you remember who he is, okay?

Before it's too late, okay?

Hey, what are you doing?

What am I doing? I'm doing my utmost best.

What? Stop that.

Stop that. Damn it!

Don't do that.

Don't do what?

I don't care if you die.

I'm sure the SIH would feel differently

since they're trying
to connect this to Chairman Kwon.

But I'm just after my father's killer.

And what does that have to do with me?

Hey, don't do it.

Don't do it.

Prosecutor Song isn't bad.

He almost had me fooled.

Why am I so tense?

Darn it.


I'm not sure about this.

Maybe I should've done it instead.
What if he really dies?

What do you mean?

Isn't that just an anesthetic?

What have you done?

Do you think he could fool him
with a fake?

Are you telling me that
it really is a muscle relaxant?

Even truth serum didn't work on him.

He needs to experience near-death...

Are you insane?

Prosecutor Song isn't aware of this.

God damn it.

The security team isn't moving.
That means it wasn't an alarm.

The Adamas.


Ms. Kwon.

Ms. Jang, please hurry.

The sooner, the better.

I'll do my best, ma'am.

It is marvelous.

He's getting rid of the evidence.

The Adamas is gone?


Even if he's the scumbag
who killed your parents?

Something doesn't feel right.

We got a signal 200 meters ahead.

Then is the Adamas here?

Did they survive it?
Or were they spared?

They're the ones who raided the SIH.

What were you doing here
at 10 p.m. yesterday?