Acapulco H.E.A.T. (1998–…): Season 1, Episode 21 - Code Name: Matador - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Tonight on
"Acapulco H.E.A.T."...



♪ Oh, can you feel it

♪ Burning inside

♪ Yeah

♪ Making it hazy

♪ Making me crazy

♪ Deep in the darkest night

♪ I feel the motion

♪ Keep all my love alive

♪ Come to the ocean

♪ Out on the street

♪ I feel the heat

- There's a shovel in the trunk.

Get out.
Get out!

- Oh, thanks.

- Are you all right?

- Yeah, I'm fine, uh...

- What happened?

- Somebody hit Manny Soto
and another guy.

- Manny Soto?
The coke dealer?

- Yeah.

- And you saw it?

- Yeah, right from over there.

- Last I heard, Manny was doing
20 years in jail.

- Not anymore.
Now, he's doing life.

- Bring 'em over here.
Yeah, that one, bring her here.

- Okay.

- I know who Manuel Soto is.

That's who was executed.
- Are you certain?

- Unless he has
an identical brother.

You saw the body.

- We got a large exit wound,
much of his face is missing.

We won't be sure
until we match his prints.

Now, do you need me
for anything else, Chief?

- No, Lieutenant,
you're dismissed.

- All right.
- Thanks for the ride.

- My pleasure.

- What's his problem?

- He has a lot of problems.
He's a police officer.

- No doubt,
but I'm not one of 'em.

- Tell us about the vehicle
you saw.

- It was gray,
four-door, tinted windows.

- And you didn't see
a registration number?

- No.
- Why not?

- I wasn't looking for one,
I didn't have any reason to.

Not at first.
- Until after the shooting.

- That's right, it was just
another car by the beach.

- And after the shooting?

- I was pretty much
keeping my head down.

- But you can identify the men
who are responsible.

- Maybe not the gravedigger,
but the shooter, I can.

He was short,
had dark hair, beard...

was about 40 years old.

- Did he see you?

- If he did, I'd be dead.

- Yes, I suppose you would.

- What about the other guy?
Was he one of Soto's men?

We don't know yet.

Keep me informed.

- What's going on, Chief?
How did Soto get out of jail?

- He was released.

- Well, obviously.
But how?

I thought you had a witness
that was willing to testify

against him.
- We did.

He disappeared.

- Who was he?
- I can't tell you that.

- Why not?
What difference does it make?

- This is not a question
for you.

This is a police matter
and you're not a police officer,

nor are your friends.

- Fair enough.

But you are, and so is Valdez.

- And what is that
supposed to mean?

- I've been here
for the better part of an hour

looking at pictures of pimps
and pickpockets,

and no one has asked me
what the shooter looks like.

How come?

- The chief prosecutor,
Señor Astor,

he asked you that question.

- No, he didn't.
I volunteered it.

- Yes?

One moment.

- I can find my way out.

Did you get a name?

- I got more than names.

I got all the dirt
a gossip columnist can give you.

This guy Jamie Garza was gonna
testify against Soto.

Soto had him killed and dumped
his body in the ocean.

- Hmm.
Were there any other witnesses?

- Uh, Lupe Portillo,
better known as La Concha.

Her name ring a bell?

- Oh, wasn't she
an exotic dancer?

- She used to be...

Well, if you call
lap dancing exotic.

La Concha was her stage name,
she's retired now.

- So, what's her connection
to Soto?

She used to dance on his lap?

- No, Garza's lap.
She married him.

Now, she's the widow Garza.

If you wanna talk to her,
she's at a club on the beach

called El Caballo.

Well, she's an actress now,
she's shooting a commercial.

- Now, you can have the body
you want with Pro Skinny.

Just 20 minutes a day,
three times a week,

and in the privacy
of your own home.

Sounding like heaven to you?

Tell them no surprises
this time.

And no more script changes.

And no close-ups.

I'm wearing too much face.

I was very beautiful once.

- You still are.

- My husband liked to think
I gave up my career

as a dancer for him,
but it's not true.

It's gravity, you know.

- Have you heard
from your husband lately?

- Of course not, how could I?

Soto fed him to the sharks,
and now Soto is dead.

Yes, I know.

My friend Señor Maldonado
called me.

He was a fan of mine.

I used to dance for him
before I met my husband.

Pity about Soto.

Would you like
something to drink?

- Oh, no, thank you.

- Uh, I don't get it.

Soto killed your husband,
but you're sorry he's dead?

- Because now, I cannot
testify against him.

I love my husband very much,

and I wanted Soto to suffer
a life in jail.

He was an evil man.

- Hm, that's funny.
The way we heard it,

when your husband disappeared,
you changed your mind

and decided not to testify.

- Who said that?
It's a lie.

He changed his mind.
- Who did?

- Señor Astor, the prosecutor.

He said because I had made
my living as a dancer

and that I had a past,
no one would believe me.

- When you talked to Maldonado,

did he ask you what you knew
about the killing?

- Why would he do that?

Now, if you will excuse me,
I have things to do.

Excuse me.

I'm ready for you, Henri.

Well... isn't she something?

- She sure is.

Do you believe her?

- About which part...
That Maldonado's a big tipper

or that she wanted to testify?

- Well, no, that Maldonado
never asked her who killed Soto.

- What are you thinking?

- That Maldonado
knows who killed Soto.

- Maybe it wasn't Astor
who changed his mind

about her testifying.
Maybe it was Maldonado.

- Yeah, but why?

Because he was doing
business with Soto?

- Maybe she could tell everyone
she danced for him

and he was a big tipper.

Maldonado is a married man...

Get down!

Call an ambulance!

- Well, who else knows
I'm a witness?

They had to be connected
to the cops.

But why?

- Because I can identify
who killed Soto.

- Which means what?

- Whoever killed Soto
has got a friend who's a cop.

- Or he's a cop himself.

Can you access
Maldonado's personal files?

- I can if they're online.

- Cat, maybe you're right.

Maybe he knows
who the shooter is.

- How 'bout the car?
Was it the same one?

- I don't know, I couldn't get
a good enough look at it.

I'm in.

What am I looking for?

- ID photos.

- Huh.
Wanna pull up a chair?

This could take a while.

- How long?

- Depends on which end
of the alphabet we start at.

- Well, how many names
are we talking about?

- 267.

- Hold that.

Is it him?

- No... it's the other guy.

Martinez, that's the one
who was killed with Soto.

Scroll down a little bit.

He was a cop!

He was assigned with Valdez,
his partner!

Print up both files,
Martinez and Valdez.

Can do.

- Martinez was a hell
of a cop, man.

- Look at their records.

They match for the last
two years

except for this last case
with a code name.

- "Matador".

- They've done more than a dozen
drug cases together.

So, why wouldn't Martinez
be a part of Matador?

- Well, maybe it wasn't
about drugs,

or one of 'em
got reassigned or something.

- Maybe.

- Hector Zocalo.
He's the last one.

You wanna run
through them again?

- Hell no.

Let's try a composite,
can we do that?

- Sure.

Do you wanna start with
the eyes or the nose?

- This could be
a great many people.

And this man?

- Where did you get this?

- We got a leak, Chief.

- And you have a dead partner.

- We know our problems, we don't
need you adding to them.

- There was a shooting
at the Madocan.

Someone tried to kill Cat.

- We had a report
there were two women.

You were with her.
Where is she?

- If you find him,
then she'll be around.

- I could have you both
arrested, you know that?

- For what?

- For interfering in
an investigation of the death

of a police officer,
among other things.

- Was Martinez working for Soto?

Is that what Matador
is all about?

- Martinez was a good policeman.

And since you obviously
have his file

and the file
of Lieutenant Valdez,

you should know this already.

And you should also know that
if you continue to interfere

in my investigation,
I will have you arrested.

- Do you think he recognized
the man in the composite?

- Pfft, took the photo with him.



Oh, hello!

Young men are so playful.
Just love them.

Did you bring your things,
or do you like to swim naked?

- Uh, maybe some other time.

- Champagne, then?


Do I know you
from somewhere else?

- I don't think so.

- Were you ever a dancer?

Not me.

I'm not much of a dancer.

- Oh.

Maybe in some other life then.

I wouldn't forget
a look like yours.

May we live as long
as we want to,

and want as long as we live.

Good idea.

- Oh.

You said you had someone
you wanted to show me.

I think so.


Is this the man you mean?

- This is him.
Do you know his name?

- Grossman, I think.
I'm not too sure.

Um... it starts with a "G".

uh, I don't know.

Is he a cop?

- I think he used to be.

I think now he works for
Señor Astor, the prosecutor.

Why don't you ask him?

Or ask my friend Maldonado.
You know Chief Maldonado?

- I do, and I will.

- We have a problem.

- It's a good likeness
of Guzman.

- It's an excellent likeness.

- Where did you get it?

- That French woman that runs
the Acapulco H.E.A.T. shop.

- Mm-hmm.

These are new.
From Cuba.

Go ahead, they're excellent.

- Where is Guzman?

- Out, working.

Where's the girl?

- Hiding, probably.

Someone tried to kill her

- Really?
Does she say it was Guzman?

- I haven't talked with her
since she left my office.

We're looking for her,
we need to bring her in.

- Who else has seen this?

- You, me, Valdez...
others by now.

This is not good, my friend.

- Cat!

- What?

- The cops are looking for you.

Two of 'em came by the shop.

I told 'em I didn't know
where you were.

- Well, you do now.

Still no word
from Nicole or Tommy?

- Not yet.

- Well, where the hell are they?
- I don't know.

- I hate this.

- What are you doing?

- Take a look,
we've got company.

- There's a gun under my seat,
get it.

- But Cat!
- Get it!

Hang on.

Come on.

Go! Go!

- Uh... this way.


Ooh, la, la, feel the heat
on "Acapulco H.E.A.T."

- What happened to you?
- Where you been?

- Are you okay?
- I am not okay.

I am not even a little bit okay.

- Where's Cat?
- I don't know. We split up.

We had to ditch the car,
they were shooting at us,

we had to run.
- Whoa, whoa, slow down.

Run that by me again, what?

- A guy named Grossman
or Gasman,

he's the hitman Cat saw.

He works for
Chief Prosecutor Astor.

- They were shooting at you?
Was Cat hurt?

- I don't think so.

Where'd you leave her?

I'm right here.

We know who he is.
This is him.

- Lupe was close.
"Gasman", Guzman.

There were three of them.

Guzman, his driver
and one other.

- Did Guzman see you?

He must have, I saw him.

Come on, talk to me.

- What are you looking for?

- Department archives,
but I can't get in.

How 'bout Matador?

Oh, they're not online.

That's okay, we got enough.

- We sure as hell do.

- Where are you going?

- Thought I'd do
a little shopping.

Wanna come with?

- No, you're not,
you're not going anywhere.

- No?
Who's gonna stop me, you?

- Only if I have to.

- Oh, get real.

- He is, and so am I.

- Come on, Cat, use your head.
I mean, you can't go out there,

you or Joanna, not till
we know what we're up against.

- You know who we're up against.

I just told you
who we're up against.

- You trust Maldonado?

- Hell no!
- So, who can we trust?

- Well, I don't know!

- Well, then let us
find out first.

- Where are your friends?

- Resting.

- They must be very tired.

- Why do you say that?

- Because I'm tired too.

They can't hide forever.
We'll find 'em, you know.

- Well, they shouldn't have to,

I mean, they haven't
done anything wrong.

- Running from us?

Shooting at us?

- Yesterday, we show you
a drawing of this man.

Do you recognize him now?

- He killed Martinez.

Now, you might not care
about Soto,

but you sure as hell ought to
care about your partner.

- He killed your partner,

and now he's trying
to kill ours.

Now, we need your help.
What is Matador?

- Did you talk
to Chief Maldonado about this?

Matador... is a death squad.

- How many people are involved?
- Not many.

Not more than five or maybe six.

- But you don't know for sure?

What about Maldonado?

- I don't know.
- And Astor?

- It's possible.

- How long has it been going on?

- There's a proverb,
"When flies sing, rats listen."

It's been going on a long time,

as long as there's holes
in the law

and men with money to fill them.

- We're talking about Matador.

- Yeah, I know.
So am I.

You know the kind of man
Soto was.

- What kind of man is Guzman?

- Now or then?

Look, this man was
a good policeman for many years.

If you knew his record,
then you'd know.

He was a man of experience.

- Well, that was then.
What happened to him?

- Burn out.

One after another,
he arrested men like Soto,

and the courts would
set 'em free.

One day, he had enough.
He quit.

- And he went to work for Astor.

- I suppose he needed a job.

- Yeah?
- Have you heard from Cat?

- No, she was supposed
to be with you.

Cat's gone.
How long?

- Ten or 15 minutes.
I went up to take a shower,

and when I came back,
she wasn't here.

- Did she say anything?
- No.

I mean, we were talking
and she was pretty mad.

I mean, you know how Cat gets.
- Never mind that.

Did she say anything
on where she could be going?

- She was mostly talking
about Guzman

and how what she really wanted
to do was knock on his door.

Did you take both copies
of Guzman's file?

- No, why?
- They're both gone.

What do you want me to do?

- Nothing, just stay
where you are.

- What?!
- Promise me.

- I promise.

- Good.

Cat took one of Guzman's file.

- Is there a problem?
- Not if you have a car.

- Let's go.

- Hello.

- Hello, yourself.
- Visiting a friend?

- Something like that.
- Señor Guzman?

- Señor who?

Be careful.
There's a loaded gun in there.

- Señor who, indeed.

And where will I find a permit
that gives you the right

to shoot at these men?

Put your hands behind your back.

Put your hands behind your back,
do as I tell you!

- Now, what?
Make a drive into the country?

And get one of your flunkies
to dig a shallow grave

and then put a bullet
in my head?

Or do you call Guzman?

- Handcuff her.

I'd rather not...

but I will shoot you right now.

Now, I don't want to,
but I will shoot.

- I see.
And when was this?

- Moments ago.

Why are you on the speakerphone?

- I'm working,
my hands are busy.

What about the other one?

- Not yet,
we're looking for her.

- Apparently, they have
a photograph.

- Of Guzman.
Yes, I know.

- You haven't found him yet?

- We will.
- And the girl?

Where will you be keeping her?

Not at the jail, I hope.
- No, of course not.

I want to put her
some place safe.

- You could bring her here,
I have Benitez with me.

He could protect her.

- Yes, I could,
but I've got a better place.

You remember old friend
Lupe Portillo?

- La Concha?

Of course, you're taking her
to Lupe's.

That's an excellent idea.
Will you stay with her?

- No, my men are with me.
They'll keep an eye on her.

Let me know if you hear
from Guzman.

- Of course.

- Chavez and Lopez are with him.

- And that's the good news.

The photograph
is another matter.

- What difference does it make?
We have the girl.

- We have one of them.

But now... now, there's someone
else who can identify you.

- Ah.

The other girl saw nothing.

- You're wrong, my friend.
She saw you,

with Cruz and Lopez.

Perhaps... perhaps it's time
to put Matador to rest...

for you to take a vacation.

- I've been thinking
the same thing myself.

- Chico!
You naughty boy!

How come I never see you
until you need something, huh?

- Well, it's good
to see you too, Lupe.

- Come in. Come in.

Stay tuned for more H.E.A.T.

- Not too far, about 20 minutes.
- 20 minutes.

- Thank you.

Maldonado and two of his men
picked her up 20 minutes ago

before she went
into the building.

There was a fight.
- Was she hurt?

- Uh... pride, I imagine.
She lost.

What about Guzman?
- She's not home.

Maldonado must have
the place staked out.

- That could be a good sign.

- Maybe.
- I don't understand.

- If Maldonado was watching
the building,

he wasn't looking for Cat.

He couldn't know,
he was looking for Guzman,

which means the chief
is on our side.

- You should have
been a policeman.

- I was, in a way.
Where to next?

I wish I knew.

- Hola.


They're with Maldonado.

Astor and another policeman
are dead.

- What about Cat?

- She's at Lupe Portillo's
beach house.

Two of her men are with her.

- Guzman?
- Nothing yet.

- Let's go.

- Hey! There they go.
Go, go, go, go, go.

Just follow him, follow him.

- Big house, 12 rooms.

A living room, music room,

playroom, sewing room, laundry.

- Sounds like a lot of work.

- It's true.

- Well, get Pablo
to turn me free

and I'll give you a hand.

- You do windows?

- You bet.
Break 'em or wash 'em?

- It's okay.
Maria's coming tomorrow.

Besides, we promised Chico...
That is Señor Maldonado...

We'd keep an eye on you.


- You pig.

- Take her out.

And put her somewhere.

- Son of a mule.

I'll scratch your eyes out!

I'll rip your ears
away from your head!

I'll eat your heart!

- She's a fiery woman.

You have something in common.

- You're a sick man.
- You're too quick to judge.

- Then why'd you kill Martinez?

- He, uh... interfered.

- With what?

- With justice.
With Matador.

- Oh, don't make me laugh.

- I don't want to make
you laugh,

I want to make you understand.

Martinez was a good man,
but he had a narrow view.

I didn't want to kill him,
believe me.

I take no pleasure in killing.

Not even men like Soto.

But when the law is weak,
when it's corrupt,

when decent citizens
are no longer safe...

- You're starting to ramble.

Forget the decent citizens,
what about Martinez?

He figured out what you
and your pals were up to?

- You're like the rest.

You can't face
the unpleasant truth.

You can't accept responsibility
for the world you live in.

Your garden is choked with weeds
and you pretend

that they are flowers.

You water them
with civil rights,

you feed them with excuses
for who you are.

- Well, there you go again.

What about Martinez?

Did you see his face
when you pulled the trigger?

- Of course not.

I saw the back of his head,

as I will see the back of yours.

- Joanna, I told you
to stay put.

- My fingers
must have been crossed.

Hey, do you have any cash?
I'm a little short,

and I owe the driver.
- What the hell's going on?

- Her fingers were crossed.

- Come on, Tommy, I...
she's my partner too!

- Lieutenant Valdez,
meet Joanna.

- Lieutenant.

Got an extra one
of those for me?

- No.

- Tommy?

Don't worry, I won't shoot you.

- Thank you.

- Go to the car, get the radio
and find out where he is.

He's the son of a mule.

Do you know why?

His father had no interest
in women.

- Forget it, Lupe,
you can't insult him.

You can't insult a weak man.

You're right.

He's limp.

He takes after his father.

Hey, you, look at your friend.

He has no bones.

- That's enough.

Hey, maybe it's your diet.

You should try bananas,
I heard they work for some men.

I said enough!

- Okay, maybe I'm wrong.

Turn me loose
and then we'll know.

- Oh?

- You'd like that.

- Probably not,

but it's the only way
to know for sure.

Well, come on.

Oh, you poor thing,
I'll show you what to do.

Don't worry, Lupe.

He won't shoot us here,
will you?

I didn't think so.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Uh-oh.
- What?

He's one of them.

One of who?

- One of the cops
that was chasing Cat and me.

- Uh-oh.
How many we looking at?

- Three, no more than four.

- We'll take the back.

- I'll go in with you.

- Okay.

Nicole, take Joanna with you.

In case she gives
the position away.

- I have a better idea.

- You're good, Valdez.

- Thank you.
Now, drop your weapons.

- Or what?

You'll kill her
and we'll kill you.

- Or your friend inside dies.

It could happen.

- Now what?

- Now, we all go in together.

That's far enough.


- Bring them.

- Nice to see you again, Lupe.

What happened to you?
Did you forget to duck?

- Shut up.

Where's your car?
- Around the street.

- Bring it.

- He's another mule.

- Yeah, sure looks like it.

- What's she talking about?

- You.

Go ahead.
I'm not afraid of you.

- You will be.
Where's Benitez?

- Keeping an eye on Maldonado.

- Drop your weapons now
or we'll shoot!

- Nobody move!

Nobody move!

- You're a fool, Valdez!

He'll kill you the same way
he did Astor and Benitez!

- What's he talking about?
- Nothing. Keep moving.

- They're all dead, Valdez.

Who else killed 'em?

- Is it true?

Tell me!
- Now!

- Aah!

- Aah!

The H.E.A.T. team
will be right back.

Stay tuned.

How long did you know?

- About Matador?
For too long, I'm afraid.

But until I had proof,
until I knew for sure

who was at the top,
there was nothing I could do.


I owe you a debt and an apology.

You were the bait for my trap.

- You don't owe me anything.

If you owe anybody,
it's Lupe's husband

and Martinez.

Yes, of course.

They were good men.

All of them were
in the beginning.

- Including Guzman?

- Oh, yes, Guzman was the best.

They all were once.

- So, who was at the top?

- Yes, he recruited 'em.

He played to their anger
and to their frustration,

and he provided them
with information.

And in the case of Manuel Soto,

he provided them
with their target.

That's why you weren't
permitted to testify.

- He had Soto released
so that he would be killed.

- Well, there's nothing written,
but yes.

Your former career
was his poor excuse.

- To all of my brave
new friends...

and my brave old ones.

- To Chico!

To Chico!