Acapulco H.E.A.T. (1993–1994): Season 1, Episode 18 - Code Name: Shamrock - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

The sights.

The excitement and glamor
of the Mexican Rivera.

Michael Savage, you
old Irish wolfhound!

When Mike's childhood buddy

becomes a murder suspect...

- I want you to tell me
what you're doing here.

- I owed you that for
a long time, old buddy!

Their friendship
could cost him his life.

Now he's gonna
be shooting at us.

Between you and me, pal.

The heat is on
on the next Acapulco HEAT!

♪ I feel the heat, yeah

♪ Hey

♪ I feel the heat

♪ Hey, yeah

♪ I feel the heat

♪ Hot, hot, hot

♪ Sweat dripping down my spine

♪ Making me crazy

♪ Your fingers touching mine

♪ Making me hazy

♪ I feel the heat

♪ I feel the heat

♪ Burning inside me

♪ Burning hot

♪ I feel the heat

♪ Burning inside me

♪ Burning up

♪ I feel the heat

♪ Can you feel it?

♪ It's deep, deep in your soul

♪ Oh, whoa, whoa, feel that

♪ I feel the heat

♪ It's burning inside me

♪ Burning up

♪ I feel the heat

♪ Burning inside me

♪ Burning up

♪ I Feel the heat

♪ It's burning inside me

♪ Burning up

♪ I feel the heat

♪ It's burning inside me

♪ Burning up

♪ I feel the heat

While I waited at
the hotel for Mr. Smith to call

and give the HEAT team
their next assignment,

Mike went to buy
some sunglasses.

It shouldn't have
taken him long,

but it seemed like
he was gone forever.

There's absolutely nothing wrong

with a woman using
her feminine wiles.

- What happened to women's lib?

- That's the whole point
of women's liberation.

To allow us choices.

So you choose to
bat your eyelashes?

I was not batting my eyelashes!

Oh, right.

Before you showed
up, there was no way

he was interested in buying
any of those swimsuits.

I exercise what is known
in the trade as salesmanship.

- Yeah.

That's he started

Some of us got it
and some of us don't.

- Well, you definitely have it.

But what I'm trying to
say is that some men

don't like to feel manipulated.

Since when?

- Since always.

What if that guy
calls back thinking

you want to go out with him?

I'll tell him he
has the wrong number.

One of these days, Cat,

you're gonna get
your tail singed.

So it's inside the middle stand?

It's in the watermelons, Senor.

If this works,
they'll be perfect

for the job I got planned.

- Where'd you get them?

Ah, where?

A marine base, Senor.

You know, across the border.

Talk about irony.

- Now, Senor Flannigan.

Hold on, amigo.

What do you think I am,
a psycho, or something?

The Irish love kids.

Besides, this is only a test.

Wait here.

I'll buy every one you got.

- You all right?

You okay?

Hey, step back.

- Kiss me Blarney Stone.

Seamus Flannigan.

Michael Savage, you
hold Irish wolfhound!

What the hell
happened here, man?

I don't know, man.

I was just passing by.

- What are you doing in Mexico?

Just doing a little
bit of traveling.

Plumbing pays well, these days.

How about you?

You wouldn't believe
it if I told you.

Try me.

I'm into swimsuits.

- You're right.

I don't believe you.

No, really.

Acapulco HEAT, bikini wear.

Oh, bikinis.

Now I get it.

Where there are bikinis, there
have to be models, right?

Sounds like you haven't
changed a bit, old buddy?

I'll be right there, amigo!

Tour guide's getting antsy.

Look, where you staying?

And we'll hook up later
and shoot the bull?

- Westin Regina.

Great, I'll see you there
around about six, man.

- Okay, Seamus.
- Take care.

You took your sweet time.

I had to drop
something off with Brett.

What's up?

I just got off the
phone with Mr. Smith.

A new assignment?

A group of militant
anarchists who target

American politicians
on foreign soil.

You may remember that
incident in Malta last year.

They blew up the family of
an American senator, right?

Husband, wife, two little girls.

Senator Seely was a good
friend of the families.

Does Mr. Smith
know the next target?

- No, but he's certain it's
going to be somewhere in Mexico.


A dozen claymore
mines were stolen

from a marine base
outside of San Diego.

C-5 sources confirm that
those mines are now in Mexico.

Was I right?


Everything you said fits.

No injuries, no smoke.

Just a thousand steel balls
blasting out of one side.

Which explains
why nobody was hurt.

Excuse me.

Is this a private
conversation, or may I join in?

- There was an explosion
outside of town earlier.

I believe it was
a claymore mine.

It was.

So, whoever set it knew
what they were doing.

Claymores aren't easy
to use, like, say,

plastique, or a neat
little time bomb.

They're heavy, they're
awkward to handle,

they're hard to hide.

What is the
destruction potential?

- When detonated,
anything within 50 yards

of the front side is
instant swiss cheese.

- What would the motivation be?

- Good question.

- A test, maybe?

- If so, C-5 is correct.

The Anarchy Brigade's next
target will be in Mexico.

Lucky us.

I got a funny feeling
that my old buddy

wasn't at the bomb
site by coincidence.

- This Seamus thing must
be pretty rough on Mike.

I mean, it's not
every day you run into

one of your old
best buddies that

just happened to walk
by when a bomb goes off.

- Mike's a professional.

He can handle it.

- Yeah, but that doesn't
make it any easier.

Believe me.

- Sounds like the voice
of experience talking.

You could say that.

- Well?

Well, what?

What, you just gonna
leave me hanging, here?

Tell me about it.

There's not much
to tell, really.

Well, it happened in
Paris several years ago.

- Go on.

- An old friend of mine, Anton,

asked me to help
him out on a job.

Jewel heist.

Well, I told him no.

I was trying to go
straight at the time.

But he begged me
to change my mind.

To help him out just this once.

But when I refused,
he got mad at me.

Told me I owed him.

For what?

- Saved my tail when the
cops were closing in.

So, you helped him?

No, actually, he
found someone else.

I think I'm missing
something, here.

Where's the
connection between you

and Anton and Mike and Seamus?

The new guy tripped
a silent alarm.

The cops nailed
both of them, Brett.

Locked him up and
threw away the key.

And you feel responsible.

No, I should have
talked him out of it.

I knew the job was gonna go bad.


Just because he was your friend,

that doesn't mean he
was your responsibility.

- Like Mike and Seamus?

Just like Mike and Seamus.

Man, I gotta go into this
female psychology business.

You and your friend?

Yeah, about 100 years ago.

You guys look like brothers.

A lot of people
used to say that.

He was one wild man,
that Seamus boy.

Especially with the girls.

He'd snap his fingers,

and they'd follow him
just about anywhere.

He sounds like a real character.

He certainly was.

- Mike?

What is it?

- I don't know.

I've just got this
funny feeling.

- About Seamus?

I think so, but I can't
pinpoint it, you know?

It's just sitting there in
my stomach, eating away.

You know the feeling?

I sure do.

Bottom line is, do
you trust this guy?

Not even a little bit, man.

We're gonna have to
watch his every move.

'Cause he was at the scene
of the crime, you mean?

Because of his background.

Seamus was the
original loose cannon.

A real wild man who hated rules

and would do almost
anything for kicks.

Mike, that describes
a lot of people.

Seamus had more energy
than 10 guys I've ever met.

He lived every day like
it was his last, man.

He was never satisfied.

He always wanted more.

That doesn't make him a
candidate for terrorism.

One time, when we
were little kids,

the local council closed
down our playground.

He went and made up
a Molotov cocktail

and torched their office.

- That makes him a
candidate for terrorism.

Hey, Mikey.

Over here.

The best souvenir
photo I've taken yet.

It's great to see
you again, old buddy.

Same here.

Why don't you meet
a friend of mine?

This is Marcos.

Hey, Marcos.

How you doing?

- You remember Sully, don't you?

Like a headache.

- Sully, weren't you the
guy that spent the most

consecutive years
in the third grade?

- Okay, hustler.

Why don't you go do
that guided tour?

Me and Mikey got some
catching up to do.

Hey, listen, Sully.

I'm just breaking
your chops, man.

Why don't you let Marcos
here show you around?

He knows all the best
taco stands in town.

I truly am starving.

All right, one
guided tour coming up.

Let's go.

Let's you and me
hit the bar, partner.

Do some serious drinking and
maybe pick up a few babes.

Hi, Ingrid.

Join me for a drink?

Oh, I'd love to,
but Mr. Divndi's gone,

and I'm responsible for
all the hotel guests.

So where did
Claudio go this time?

Well, Acapulco,
Rio, and Buenos Aires.

Must be nice, having
all those hotels.

I mean, you get bored with one,

you just fly up to another.

Not the worst life in the world.

One of the best, I'd say.

Well, I have to get going,

but hesitate to give me a
shout if you need anything.

I won't.

How's Mike?

- He's hanging in there.

Must be rough when you think

you might have to bust a friend.


Looks like we have company.

Well, well.

Have I died and gone
to heaven, or what?

Seamus Flannigan's the name,

and this big handsome
guy is Mike Savage.

We'd be honored if you'd
let us buy you a drink.

Oh, I think that
can be arranged.

Are you on vacation?

Well, you could say that.

Mike here is kind of an
expert on beautiful ladies

in exotic places, so he knew
just which bar to come to.

I'm sure he did.

In fact, I know he did.

We work together.

Okay, I'm busted.

- These two lovely young
ladies happen to be

partners of mine in
my bikini company.

Excuse me?

- You know, our bikini company.

Order up, ladies.

I need to make a pit stop.

I'll be back in a jiffy.

Seems like a likable guy.

Well, listen, I'm
glad you think so,

'cause I want you to get really

close to them in
the next few days.

All right?

- Okay.

Well, that was fast.

We haven't left yet.

Marcos went to get the car.

I don't like this, Seamus.

- Is that supposed to worry me?

It should.

You've crossed over
the line this time.

Why, because I want to have

a few drinks with an old buddy?

- An old buddy who might
have been in the CIA.

That's just a rumor
and you know it.

Even a rumor's dangerous
in the middle of a job.

I say you dump him.

And I say back off
before I dump you.

Look, we're only be here until

the claymores are ready to ship.

Then we're history.

'Til then, it's Old Home Week.

Go find Marcos and
take that guided tour.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So, how'd it go last night?

Well, Sully and Seamus were out

trolling 'til three
in the morning.

- How beautiful.

Real model citizens.

What does Mike think?

If you ask me, Mike doesn't
even like the guy anymore,

Only Seamus just
happens to show up

at the scene of an explosion
we're investigating.

I was pumping him for
information, that's it.

Looks like it's my turn.

- How you gonna work it?

- Remember those feminine wiles?

- The ones I don't like.

You know, my aunt was right.

She said anything a man doesn't

understand makes him nervous.

You wanna know why
it makes us nervous?

I give up.

- Because it's the thing
you don't understand

that's most liable to
blow up in your face.

Oh, relax.

Oh, what about Marcos?

Did he find out anything
from Sully on the grand tour?

I don't know, I
haven't got a chance to...

This is Brett.

Speak of the devil.

Okay, got it.


- Yeah.

Sully's heading for
the parking lot.

We better get going.

- I'm gonna hit the south beach.

I told Seamus I hung out there.

Think he'll show up?

Like a bad penny.

Good luck!

Yeah, this is brett.

Suspect's on his way.

- Roger.

Drove this guy Sully all
over town yesterday, man.

What was he looking for?

Topless bars?

Nah, man.

Leather goods stores.

You know, the kind that
do custom-made work?

Was he trying to buy a gift?

I don't know, maybe.

Sure was into those
hand-tooled saddles, though.

Even terrorists can
ride horse, I guess.

You find a place?

Yeah, just out of town.

Old guy that says he can

make them exactly how you want.

Nice going, Sully.

We'll go take a swim,
then go see him.

Well, I guess it's time
for me to get friendly.

- This is Tommy.

Everything's going as planned.

You copy, Mike?

I'm clear, amigo.

What did I tell you, man?

I knew that little
girl was hot for me.

She got a friend for me?

- Uh-uh.

Her pretty blond
friend seems to be

interested in my
friend, Mike Savage.

Oh, hi!

Well, what do you know?

Of all the beaches
in Puerto Vallarta,

we just happen to
swim at the same spot.

Must be fate.

How much longer, Krissie?

I'm almost there.

Okay, there's three major
events taking place in Mexico,

and they all have the
top US politicians there.

Environmental Actions
meeting in Mexico City,

North American Free
Trade Agreement debate

in Mazatlan, and the annual
mayor's conference in Acapulco.

Which one do you
put your money on?

Does one of them tie in to
custom-made leather goods?

Saddles, maybe?

Not yet.

Maybe that was a smokescreen.

- Assuming it's not,
can we find a connection

between claymore mines
and leather goods?

It's certainly not
mentioned in here.

Krissie, is it possible
that you missed something?

- It's possible, but I doubt it.

What have you found out
about Seamus, Krissie?

Mr. Smith has
confirmed that Seamus was

up to his eyeballs in the
Anarchy Brigade for two years.

Sully has got a crime
sheet a mile long.

I've pulled up everything.

Well, then it's a lock.

Now, all we have
to do is find out

how it ties in
with leather goods.

It's in front of us.

We're just not seeing it.

Mike, let's go over
everything again.

My, my.

I'm gonna be sorry
to leave this place.

You're going away?

Gotta keep moving, baby.

Where are you going?

Who knows?

Cruising the world
somewhere, anywhere.

Why don't you pack up your
stuff and come with me?

Ha, and leave my beautiful life

as a bikini model behind?

Honey, I figured
you for something

more intelligent than that.

Well, we all do what
we have to do, right?

Yeah, right.

Look, I got a little something
for you to remember me by.

Oh, Seamus.

It's beautiful.

Let me put it on for you.

Plenty more of that
where that came from,

if you come with me.


Can I have a word
with you, right now?

- Oh, that's all right.

I'll catch up with you later.

Hey, what's up, old buddy?

We're friends, aren't we, amigo?

Best friends, why?

- I gotta know why you're here.

- Hey, I already told you, man.

I made a bunch in plumbing,
so I took a vacation.

- Cut the bull, Seamus.

This is Mikey, from
the neighborhood.

You gonna be straight with me,

I want you to do it right now.

Never did trust me, did you?

Hey, I trust you.

In a pig's ear.

You were always the good little
kid and I was the bad seed.

I wasn't so good.

I just didn't wanna
break every rule.

Mike's having another
go getting Seamus to talk.

- What happened to those
famous feminine wiles?

- It takes time.

Anyway, Seamus came
onto me like a real pig.


What did I tell you?

No, what did I tell you?

It worked perfectly.

He gave me a shell necklace,

and by next week, I'll
have him up to diamond.

- I still got this
present from you, Mike.

Scar to prove how
different we both are.

- You brought that
punch on yourself, pal.

You conned my old
man into thinking

you needed money for
your mom's operation.

You took his money, Seamus.

Sure, then I bought a gun
and robbed a liquor store.

You think I've
forgotten all that?

Or that you busted
my lip for it?

Got a hell of a
right hand, partner.

I needed it to keep you in line.

- Look, you know
what I wanna do,

just for old times' sake?

I wanna go have a
serious drink with you.

What do you say?

We'll go put back a few.

Then, we're gonna
talk about something

besides ancient
history, all right?

All right, let's go.

- You guys love it,
every single one of you.

You know, one of these days,

we are going to have
to have a serious talk.

Brett, there isn't
anything you could

tell me that I
don't already know.

How did I know you were
gonna say something like that?

Well, I'm gonna go see what

those two hound dogs are up to.

They were headed for the bar.

- Well, I wouldn't rush.

They'll probably be
there for a while.

Yeah, why is it when two
old buddies get together,

the first thing they
do is go and get drunk?

It's a guy thing.

Oh, yeah.

Male bonding.

Everyone's favorite
excuse for a beer.

- Battle of the sexes, part two.

Well, good luck, captain.

In this war, I'm
a general, babe.

Don't call me babe, babe.


Just like the old
days, eh, buddy?

Me having fun, and
you following me

around like some old mother hen.

- Yeah, well, somebody's got to.

Hey, I need a drink, man.

Where's the waiter?

Haven't had to wait
for service this long

since that lousy trip to Malta.

- Wait a second.

When were you in Malta?

Hey, I don't know.

Last, uh...

What's it to you, Mikey?

You gotta stop butting
into my business.

Seamus, I want you to tell
me what you're doing here,

and I want you to tell me now.

- You're on that again.

I already told you, man.

- You're a liar, Seamus.

You've always been a liar.

Told you that for a
long time, old buddy.

- Kiss my Blarney Stone.

So, how'd it go
with Mike and Seamus?

Well, they drank enough
beer to sink a submarine.

Good start.

Then they seduced three quarters

of the women in all
of Puerto Vallarta.

Even better.

But then Mike crushed a
beer can on Seamus's head.

- Nice.

That's not all.

'Cause then, Seamus decked Mike,

and he went into the
pool fully clothed.

Well, did Mike get
anything out of him?

Well, yeah.

He found out he was in
Malta, which is where

the claymore mine killed
the senator and his family.

- So, Seamus really is that guy.


Mike, I am really
sorry about Seamus.

Yeah, me too, but at
least now we have our man.

I still can't believe
it, but he practically

admitted to me he was on
Malta for the hit last summer.

Now, all we have
to do is prove it.

And fast.

There it is!

Turn in here.

You have come to pick up
the rest of the saddles?


Okay, they are right here.

This is the last one.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Mister Flannigan wanted
to show his appreciation

for all the fine
work you've done.

- Oh, very nice of him.

- The first thing we
have to do is figure out

which one of these three
events is Flannigan's target.

Let's hope he
doesn't plan to hit

more than one of them at a time.

Well, that's
always a possibility,

but I don't think it's his MO.

Marcos, have you
alerted the Ferderales

about the claymore mines?

Yes, and they've
set up road blocks

and checkpoints at the
airport, and I got one of my

uncles keeping tabs on all the
boat rentals at the marina.


Tommy has Sully
under surveillance,

and you, Cat, are taking
Flannigan for a swim?


We're meeting at the
beach in about an hour.

Don't worry, I'm a big girl.

I can take care of myself.

- I bet you can.

But still, I want
you to be careful,

and I want you to
check in, okay?

Hey, Mikey.

Can I come in?

Look, I wanna apologize.

I shouldn't have
sucker-punched you like that.

That's all right.

You always did have soft hands.

Well, if it ain't all right,

and if I had more time,
I'd make it up to you.

You splitting town already?

- Yeah, this afternoon,
I'm heading south.

It ain't too late
to come with me.

Yeah, I can't go anywhere.

I got a lot of stuff
around here to do.

Well, shame we won't be able
to spend more time together.

It sure is.

Hey, look what I found.

Remember us back in
the seventh grade?

Oh, wow.

DJ'd that dance together?

Hey, listen, Seamus.

I don't want you to
go through with it.

Go through with what, Mikey?

Hey, look, I gotta run.

Take care, huh?

He's either lying to me, or
he's setting me up big time.

Hey, Tommy boy.

Yeah, Mike?

Don't let Seamus
out of your sight.

You got it.

Seamus is in a hurry
to get out of town.

He may not show
up for your date.

- Yes, he will.

Got your ear mic?


You sure you don't
want me to come with you?

I'm sure.

Brett, I've got everything
under control, okay?

Just relax.

- I've got a bad
feeling about this, Cat.

gonna be fine, okay?

Be careful.

Got it.

Tommy says Seamus has
checked out of his hotel,

but he is not headed
for the airport.

He went to the marina.

All right, Ashley, it's all set.

This is the most likely place
Flannigan would rent a boat.

And Uncle Freddy's
cool with the idea

of letting you make the deal.

Good work.

Okay, now, buy him a
box of the best cigars.

Already did.


If Flannigan is
chartering a boat,

wouldn't you agree that
the most likely target

would be a political
event along the coast?

- Acapulco or Mazatlan.

And since Acapulco happens to be

over 400 miles
away, my guess is...

The North American Free
Trade Agreement in Mazatlan.

- But if they're going by boat,

then why the six
custom-made saddles?

- I don't know.

It always comes back
to that, doesn't it?

Well, either they're
a smokescreen...

And you don't believe that.

Not for a minute.

Or else, Krissie?

I want you to get hold
of the NAFTA people.

Find out if there are
any special events

that they're organizing
that involve horses.

You got it.


Is there any sign of Seamus yet?

Nuh-uh, not yet.

I'll you know when he shows up.

Time for a swim!

No, Seamus, I
don't want to go in!

You don't want to go in?

No, please, please!

Well, you're gonna go in!

Going in!

What's the matter?


What's the matter?

Something wrong with your ear?

No, I just got some water in it.

Maybe a nice little boat
ride will dry it out for you.


I'm chartering a boat, and
I want you to come with me.

And I won't take
no for an answer.

That's it.

Got the answer.

Got what?

Okay, the entertainment
agenda for the

North American Free Trade
Conference has the senators

and congressmen going
on a horseback ride.


Each one custom-made to
conceal a claymore mine.

Boy, Seamus really scraped

the bottom of the
barrel on this one.

Krissie, you've
got to alert Cat.

- Cat, this is Krissie, come in.


Something's wrong.

- Krissie, could there be
something wrong with the uplink?

- No, I just talked to
Brett three minutes ago.

Any sign of her?


Tommy says she's not with Sully.

She must be with Seamus.

- Did Tommy say where Sully was?

- Headed to the marina.

- To rendezvous with Flannigan.

Marcos, do you read me?


We've lost contact with Cat.

We're headed towards the marina.

If you catch sight of
her with Flannigan,

I want you to tell
us immediately.

Yeah, they're here.

Would you like to rent a
boat for a romantic cruise?

Uh, yeah.

Maybe you could suggest
a particular one?

Well, I sure can.

Just refuel that baby
right over there,

she's all ready to go.

Give you a good price, too.

I need a few minutes
to make up my mind.

- All right, you take your time.

I'll be right back.

- Tommy, this is Marcos.

Are you alone, or did
you bring the cavalry?

Yeah, they're on their way.

How's Cat?

She's fine.

Well, keep me posted.

Yeah, yeah, I gotta go, man.

Okay, sir.

Did you make up your mind?

Yeah, I'll take it.

- Excellent, excellent.

How long would you like it for?

Couple of days.

- Okay.

- Here.

This cover it?

Yeah, that'll do it.

Yeah, well, then buzz off,

and let us get
our stuff onboard.

Okay, have a good time.

Going for a ride on some
giant seahorses, are we?

Actually, I thought
we might hunt sharks

and use your pretty,
deceiving little body as bait.

Aw, what a shame.

Look, I don't wanna
go on this ride, okay?

Too bad.

I need you as a hostage.

- Seamus, look.

We got company.

Hold it, Sully.

Somehow, I don't think anybody's
gonna be shooting at us.

Hey, take care of him.

You guys go ahead!

I'll play tech
support from the van.

Come on, let's move!

Nice work, boys.

Where's Seamus?

- Hey, hey, they're moving out.

- No, he's not.

I took out the distributor.

He's going nowhere fast.

You guys stay here.

- It's no good.

It won't start.

No problem.

I got the situation
under control.

So, thought old Seamus Flannigan

was falling for you, did you?

Figured you'd gain my
confidence and then betray me?

Well, it looks
like you're the one

that got betrayed, little lady.

Oh, glad you could
join us, old buddy.

Let her go, Seamus.

This is between you and me, pal.

I think not.

Now, if you want the
lady to stay alive,

I suggest you do
exactly as I say.

First, drop your gun.

That's better.

Now, whatever you
took to disable the
boat, I need it back.

Use some of that
rope and tie her up.

You're wasting your time.

Mike's a pro.

He'll never let you
leave this marina.

- Wrong.

You don't know Mike like I do.

He's a pro, sure, but he's got
a soft spot for his friends.

I should know.

I took advantage
of it for years.

You're not gonna let
him get away, are you?

Yeah, let's rush him, Mike.

You guys stay put.

That's an order.

Grab the gun, Sully.

Well, welcome aboard, old buddy.

We're about to have my
version of an Irish wake.

He's crazy, Mike.

He's gonna blow us all to bits.

Not all, my dear.

Just you two.

Grab that and fix
that engine, Sully.

Well done, Mikey.

I see you haven't lost anything
in that right of yours.


Hold it right there, old buddy.

I press this button, bang!

Cat here gets blown
into fish bait.

That's better.

What's she trying to say?

Hold on, it's been a while
since I read morse code.


Jam bomb.

I don't get it.

She must mean jam
the bomb frequency.

The claymores
detonate by remote.

- How we gonna do that?

We aren't.


I'm way ahead of you, Brett.

Too bad you missed an even
bigger bang in Mazatlan.

Six of these babies
going off simultaneously

on the backs of six
unsuspecting horses.

How about that for
Irish ingenuity?


I don't know how you got
a hold of that knife,

but it don't matter.

You won't need it where
you two are going.

Come on board, old buddy.

It was fun while it lasted.

I'll remember our past
relationship fondly.

Please, please work.

- Looks like you kissed
the Blarney Stone

one too many times
there, Seamus.

You all right, sweetheart?

- Never better.

Thank god.

Come on.

- How you feeling, Mike?

- I'm all right.

That badly, eh?

Well, like Mr. Smith says,

old memories are hard to forget.

Me and Seamus go as far
back as I can remember.

Mike, people change.

You did the right thing.

He had to be stopped.

But I can't help to think
if I would've stuck around

and looked out for
him a little more,

he would've gone in a
different direction.

Can you stop torturing yourself?

You're not responsible for
other people's choices.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Of course I'm right.

Besides, you need
me around here.

- Yeah, really.

What would I do without you?

- Oh, got you a present.

Oh, Mike.

Oh, Mike, thank you very much.

We can go fishing together.

Oh, great!

Next, on Acapulco HEAT.

The HEAT team
travels to Colombia

to take down the empire
of a notorious drug lord,

and Ashley confronts an
ex-friend turned mercenary...

- Hand over the device, Taylor.

Working in his ranks.


You're in no
position to make demands.

Their reunion
has become a battleground.

She's dead,
and that's a promise.

As two old rivals find out

who is the best on the
next Acapulco HEAT.