A Sun So Bright (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 39 - Épisode 39 - full transcript

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You're here to serve,
not to listen in

on us.
- This is my place.

If you don't like it, then leave!

What are you playing at?

What about you,
flaunting your new guy?

What are we celebrating?

My olive oil has been accredited.

I've been dying to do this.

She found traces of banned pesticides

in my soil.

Let's do something new.

I put everything into my olives.

I'm glad Eliot's in the clear.

I don't think Akim's the dealer.

You'll put me in jail.

Does your statement stand or not?

Next time you stir the shit,
I'll kill you.

Why hasn't Akim Alami gone to court?

- We're waiting till the last minute.
- Why?

We've got a solid witness

and he's got form.
Let's speed it up.

He's not that solid.

It took him a week
to turn the barman in.

- Maybe someone threatened him.
- Yes.

Or Alami's being scapegoated.

Do you think
it was one of the students?

It's a possibility.

We can't dismiss it,
just because of this accusation.

So, the students
may have set this guy up?


What's your plan?

I'll ask them a few questions

and find out who did it.

- When's Alami being released?
- In four hours.

You've got four hours.

Keep it down!
Do you know what time it is?

I've been thinking,
I have to get out of here.

- Huh?
- I have to.

What's up now?

They'll now I lied to them.

You said it went OK.

I did, when I was
in there with him, but...


There's something I didn't tell you.

One of the cops said
I'd have problems if I was lying.

He was trying to scare you.

No, he suspects something.

- No.
- Yes.

He told me to name the real dealer,
if I knew who it was.

If they question me again,
I'll crack.

I have to go, for both our sakes.

Are you that stupid?

I'll go to Argentina or Mexico.

They don't extradite people.

If you go,
they'll know you were lying.

I don't want to go to jail.

Calm down.
You're not going to jail, OK?

I'll get the cops off your back,
for good.

- How?
- Just trust me.

It'll all be sorted out in 24 hours.


- Are you sulking?
- No, I'm not.

I know you too well.
What's up?

You want to know?
I regret sleeping with you.

That's not how it felt to me.

It was good, but it wasn't nirvana.

- You're still a pain.
- Let's put it down to that.

- I'm going.
- Already? Where?

You didn't want to be beholden.
Well, nor do I, now.


It's hard enough
without the AOP label.

If I lose my organic label too,

I don't know how I'll manage.

I'll find a solution.

Why are you getting so het up?

How can you even ask?

You're not even
thinking about retiring.

The olive grove is my life.

How long is this going to go on?

How long, until you stop?

Until I stop?

And abandon my trees and oil?

Do you ever think about me?

I'm sick of your trees and oil!

What's got into you?

I want your time
for me and the family.

We can't give everyone
a week for Christmas.

- I'd like to, but we can't.
- OK.

The idea is to do alternating years.

If you got Christmas last year,

you get New Year

this year.
- OK.

Use last year's schedule
to work out this year's.


What's up, Lucille?


Something's up.
It's been going on for days.

Is it your work here?

No. Nothing used to scared me.

I thought I was brave, but I'm not.

Why say that?

Lucille, tell me if someone hurt you.

I want to help.
You can trust me.

Hi, sorry I'm late.

Where can I find
last year's schedule?

On the computer somewhere?

In the Leave 2017 file.

OK, I'll deal with it right now.

20 bookings for Saturday.
That's good.

I slept with her.

- Sofia!
- It's fine - I can handle it.

But every time you go back,

you get hurt.
- Not this time.

I know what Jo's like now.

Then choose someone else.

I can't meet anyone.
This is practical.

- It's no fuss.
- Never.

OK, things used to get complicated.

I wanted a relationship.

- What do you want now?
- Nothing.

Just to have fun and stay free.

You see?

Just be careful.

There'll be no problem.

We're on the same wavelength.

I think you owe me something.

Thank you.

- There we go.
- Thanks.

We've been out for two days.
We couldn't cope!

Your oil is addictive!

Enjoy it - I'm not sure
I'll be able to sell you any more.

- What's up?
- Money problems.

I thought I'd be OK,
with the AOP label,

but not only didn't I get it,
I may even lose my organic label.

You've always found a way.

That's not all.
Marie told me

she wants me to stop.

- She didn't mean it.
- She did.

She's never been so serious.


- She's fed up.
- That's so selfish.

Be fair.

Marie's always supported Victor.

Then why say this now?

Victor hasn't taken a holiday

in 30 years.

She needs more.

- And Claire and Theo are back now.
- She wants you to spend more time

with your family.
That's normal.

Theo, what are you doing here?

- Can we talk?
- Yes, of course.

You were really hard on Victor
this morning.

I should've kept calm.

I don't mean that. It's just...

How can you ask him
to give up his olives?

You're too young
to understand, but...

at our age, you have to take care.

He'll ruin his health, at this rate.

Will giving up what he loves
be good for him?

He can divert his love elsewhere -
to his family.

We've got our lives.

What do you want him to do?

Stay home and wait for us?

I'd like to go away.
Just once in my life.

Why does that mean he has to stop?

Because farming

is a 24/7 commitment.

You know, when I got here,

that's where he took me.

He wanted to show me my roots.
That's what it means to him.

It's not just a field with trees.

- There we go: coffee.
- Thanks.

What's up?
Sofia said you wanted to see me.

- It's about Eliot.
- Isn't it working out, at the zoo?

- Yes - he's good.
- I'm not surprised.

Do you know him well?

No, Eve introduced him,

when Lea had her first fit.

What did you think?

I don't know.
He seemed nice, funny and helpful.


He seems that way,

but I think he's hiding something.

You just said everything was fine.

It is, with me.

But things are so tense
between him and Lucille.

Are you messing
in your staff's business now?

- She's scared of him.
- Scared of Eliot?

- Maybe I'm wrong.
- Yes, maybe.

But he is your partner's son.

You're not that objective.

That's true.
Then why even ask me?

Forget it.

I was worrying about nothing.

Certain points in a politician's life

demonstrate his belief in his values.

His faith in his values.

Faith. Or belief?

Faith or belief?

I'm sorry
about what happened yesterday.

Forget it - it doesn't matter.

It really bothered me.
I wanted to let you know.

To help you forget,

why don't we have dinner,
after my speech?

Faith. That's good.

You should foreground
your repsect for religion.

- I like that, about you.
- Really?

Like your total commitment

to your wife and five children.

You're not the kind of guy
who'd ruin all of that

for a fling.
- No.

I'd be a huge mistake.
Thanks for reminding me.

You're welcome.

You know,

I'm waiting
for the right person to come along.

Someone to build
something solid with.

I didn't think
you were so conservative.

Our park...

Now or never

We hardly know each other.

I'm sorry,
I forgot, I have a meeting.

- Go ahead.
- Thanks.


What's up, Mum?

- Why do you ask?
- You seem worried.

Is it Dad?
Did he get angry again?

Yes, he called.

He never changes.

- It was about the party.
- It's not your fault.

He blames me,
for introducing you to Virgile.

Your dad says
Virgile hired a dealer.

That doesn't make sense.

Who cares what Dad says?

After what he put you through,
he's in no place to lecture.

I know, but he knows how to hurt me.

Don't feel bad.

I'm glad I met Virgile.
He's a great guy.

That's true.

Dad can't stand the idea
that you're happy with him.

Ignore him.

- OK?
- OK.

The keeper walked right by!

- Did that jogger see us?
- I hope so, for his sake!

What did I do to earn
our little open-air frolic?

- It'll teach you to call me a pain!
- You're touchy!

Maybe - but I'm not a pain.

OK, I take it back.

You're full of surprises.
It turns me on.

How about a drink?

No, I've got a meeting with Mero.

- Then after.
- It'll be late, after.

What does that mean?

We need to debrief, after his speech.

It'll be late.

What are you doing with that guy?

This is getting boring. See you.

Mr Alami,
in the presence of your lawyer,

you're discharged from custody.

But you're not in the clear.

You'll surely be charged

with causing accidental injury
and drug trafficking.

If you have anything to say,
now's the time.

My client would like
to make a statement.

Go ahead.

I sold the MDMA.

I'm the dealer.
You're right.

Why didn't you say?
Why did you wait until now?

I'm saying now.

You can't hold his confession
against him.

Your client may be detained.

It's OK, I'm aware of that.

Maybe we could come to an agreement.

Tell me the name of your supplier.

I'll tell you nothing.
I'm not a rat.

Perrier is still in a coma.

I'm sorry for her.

Then help us find
whoever's to blame.

You'll be helping yourself.

I'm to blame.
And no one else.


Is that the guy who was with Jo?

The deputy mayor of Bérargues.

Aren't those guys far-right?


He's a hardline Catholic,
close to Common Sense.


What's that?

Common Sense
are a "family values" outfit.

They're against gay marriage.

- So, he's against gay people?
- Yes, it's...

Why is she with him?

No idea.

I'm glad he won't be coming back.

It doesn't seem that likely.

If I'd know,
I'd never have let him in.

How can Jo advise him?
It's disgusting.

What did you say:
"No fuss, just for fun"?

- You owe me 10 euros.
- They're together.

After what she just found out,
it's over.

- We'll see.
- Thanks.

Sorry about earlier.

No, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have asked.

It's OK.

I understand.

You gave everything to that grove.

I knew what to expect when I met you.

You deserved
someone to take care of you.

You did take care of me.

Not properly.

I should have eased up a bit.

But after Angèle died
and Claire left,

it was my refuge.

Don't you think I know that?

You were right.

It's time for me to move on.

It's your turn
to do what you want to do.

I'll sell the olive grove.



- Excuse me...
- No, come in.

- I can come back later.
- I've finished.

- How is she?
- Stable.

- I hope she pulls through.
- We all do.

You're really helping.

Being here is good for her.

Do you think?

Did you see?

What does that mean?
Is she...

It's a sign that she's waking up.

Why did he confess?

Don't make me work my magic on you.

- There'll be no long-term damage.
- Will she remember?

- You don't know journalism.
- You've sold your soul.

Stay away.

I need help.

- For what?
- Something with Theo.