A Different World (1987–1993): Season 4, Episode 25 - To Be Continued - full transcript

Whitley decides to follow her boss who's being transferred to the New York office and Dwayne tries to cope with what that will mean for their relationship.

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After four years of
learning and growing

we must leave hillman.

But what hillman stands for is
something we must never forget.

Hillman taught us that education
is not just a privilege.

It's a responsibility.

For every one of us
sitting here today

there are many more

living with no hope,
no dreams, no future.

And so we must ask ourselves
one important question:

Who had the western omelette

with spicy sausage?

£ I know my parents loved me

£ stand behind me
come what may £

£ I know now that I'm ready

£ for I finally heard them say

£ it's a different world

£ than where you come from

£ yes, it is now, yeah

£ here's our chance to make it

£ and if we focus on our goal

£ you can dish it,
we can take it £

£ hey, just remember
that you've been told £

£ it's a different world

£ it's a different world £

£ it's a different world

£ than where you come from

£ ooh

£ than where you come from.

"Good morning,
fellow graduates..."

Come on,
my little valedictorian.

Save it for the 4,000 people

who will be hanging
on your every word.

What did I say about playing
with my tassel in public?

What's wrong with you?

It's not fair.
This graduation

will not be the same
without Ron.

He should be here.

He should have taken
that history course.

When I left this morning, he
was as down as I ever seen him.

My fellow graduates!

How you doing?
Good to see you, baby.

Hey, how you doing.
Good to see you.

Excuse me?

Where did you get
this cap and gown?

Graduations 'r us.
I'm all set!

Ron, you're going to march?

You are perpetrating
a serious fraud.

What if the Dean sees you?

My father paid $55,495

to see me cross that stage.

I'm crossing that stage.

And what happens

when they don't call your name?

Do you know how many Johnsons
there are in this school?

Your dad will see
that it's not you.

He won't see anything.

He's got 20/200 vision

and, tragically, last night

he left his eyeglasses
in my pocket.

You are a sick individual,
but I'm glad you're here.

Even if it's not for real, Ron

walk proud and stand tall.

That's right.

Good morning, graduates.

The time has come for you
to face the future.

You do look wonderful.

And, I might add, so do I.

Form a line, please

and let us commence.

Dwayne! Dwayne.

I want you to have this
for your speech.

It's lucky "parshley."

Thank you, Mr. Gaines.

It's "parshley."

I've never had parshley before.

Well, well, well, miss thing.

So you finally made it
out of here.

Graduated with honors,
thank you very much.

You done good, whitley.

I'm really proud of you.

Would you repeat that?


See you.

You know, I deserve an award...

Best performance as a graduate.

Next year, I think I'll graduate

as an m.B.A.
From Harvard.


Ron, you got lucky.

Things could have gotten ugly.

My father fell for it
hook, line and sinker.

He was beaming
when he left here.

He won't need headlights
to get home.

Oh, here they are.

Summa cum laude.

And cum laude.

And thank you, "laude."

Well, let's have some champagne.

It's on the house.


Ha! Ha! You did it!

Oh, Dwayne.

Dwayne, your speech,
it moved me, man

really moved me.

Not far enough.

Ron, you ought to be ashamed,
masquerading as a scholar

soiling the sanctity
and solemnity

of the ceremony.

Good thing
you don't have a lisp.

Attention, graduates!

I think our valedictorian
and his lovely lady

should lead you all
in the graduation two-step.

Come on, come on.

Our public awaits us.

Welcome to the future,
Mr. Wayne.

Mmm, that sounds promising.

Ooh, enough of this.

'91 rocks the house!


What are you doing here?!

I've waited too long for this
to let it end.

But, dad, they need you
at the dealership.

But, dad, they need you
at the dealership.

No, they don't.

Sam can take care of it.

I'm staying one more day.

Stud, where you been all night?

Where haven't I been?

My pops dragged me
to every joint in town

and then when all the joints
closed down

he took me
to the Chevy car dealership

and we watched the sun come up.

Where is he now?

Asleep in his hotel room

with this stupid smile
on his face.

I'm so glad
he's leaving this afternoon

'cause he's wearing me out.

Sooner or later,
he'll want to know the truth.

What will you say?

That's a start.

Hey, bunny.

Hey, pookie.

What are you looking
in the classifieds for?

You already have a job.

I'm looking for an apartment.

With the money I'm getting
from e.H. Wright industries

I can afford my own place

and move away from that moose.

But you're moving away
from me too.

Oh, Dwayne, think about it.

No roommates.


We can be closer.

Here's one with
a continuous cleaning oven.

And this one
is close to your job.

Ooh, this is the one!

We have a lifetime to share.

But we waited
an eternity already.

Don't answer the phone.


Hello, miss Abernathy.

Hello, miss Abernathy.

It's business.

It's business.


Yes. Well, that's...

Come with me to the casbah.

I can get back to you
by 3:00.


Okay, thank you.

Thank you.



What was that all about?

That was my boss.


She's been transferred
to the New York office.

Oh. So who's your new boss?

Hey, it better not be a guy.

I don't want to know about that.

She wants me to go with her

day after tomorrow.


I guess your apartment will be
a little further away

than we thought, huh?

It's the head office...

What I've been working for
all this time.

I'm not going.

I can't go.

You cannot pass this up.

I can't leave you, Dwayne.

I made my career decisions.

You have to make yours.

What is that supposed to mean?

We each have to do
what we have to do.

So stuff me in a box
and ship me u.P.S.

I'm trying to be supportive.

I don't want you
to be supportive.

I want you to be sad
that I'm leaving.

Oh, so you're going.

You just told me to go.

Since when do you do
everything I say?

Why don't you say what you mean?

Tell me the truth, Dwayne.

You want to mess around
with other women.

Oh, whitley,
don't put that on me!

That's what you want to do.

You want to go up
to Madison Avenue

with your foo-foo
designer clothes

and strut around.

What is wrong
with the way I dress?

Baby, this is not about
the way you dress.

If you don't take this job

you'll never forgive yourself
or me.

But what about us?

We'll work it out.

Do you think we can work it out?

Absolutely, honey.

New York is only a six,
seven-hour bus ride.

I'm going to miss
your eternal optimism.

I'm going to miss all
the nights we never
spent together.

Well, if you and whitley

ever have need
of a catered affair

like an engagement party

I make a mean
heart-shaped meat loaf.

That won't be happening
any time soon.

Whitley is taking a job
in New York.

So you two will be apart.

Yes, sir.

Yeah? Well, that
reminds me of this
picture show

sin on seventh Avenue.

It's about a small-town couple,
Betty and Bob

struggling to build
their dream house.

Betty is a gifted seamstress.

Moves off to build their fortune
in the garment district.

She falls in love
with her boss, Zachariah.

Meanwhile, Bob is laying
the first brick

of their love nest
when he hears the news

that Betty has run off
to Niagara Falls with Zach.

You know what that means.

I don't need to hear the rest.

Oh, no, they get back together.

They do?


65 years


Bob is in this rest home

and this lady comes in
to do the drapes.


Yes, the same Betty.

They kiss.

He tells her he loves her

and then dies.

That's it?

Oh, no, there's more.

She sews him
the most beautiful funeral suit.

Now that's the end.

So you see?

True love can stand
the test of time.

Oh, I feel so much better now,
Mr. Gaines.

Yeah? Well, good.


Son, I am so proud.

I waited 22 years
for this moment.

These cigars are from the batch
I handed out

the day you were born.

I never thought I'd be prouder

until you walked
across that stage

diploma in your hand.

That was me.

Now, before I leave

I'll stop by
and pick up your diploma.


I want to blow it up poster-size
so your grandma can read it.

You're going to show my diploma
to Nana?

Yes. She's been living
for this moment.

Her only grandson,
a college graduate.

Yes, I am.

Look, I think we should go now.

Hit the road.

Son, I love you.

Yeah, I love you too, pop.


Hey, pop, wait a minute.


I don't have my diploma

because I didn't graduate.

You what?!

Pop, say something.

Pop, would you say something?


I'll pay you back every cent.

Why in hell
didn't you graduate?!

I didn't take European history.

European history?!

I know it sounds stupid...

It certainly does!

You missed one measly little
course in European history

and they didn't let
my boy graduate?

Can you believe it?

Who is responsible
for this outrage?

His name is Dean Winston.

What kind of car does he drive?

I don't know, dad

but Dean Winston
is the smartest guy

on the faculty.

He's the head
of the history department.

He wrote some major book
on the civil rights movement

and he's got a ph. D
in psychology.

So does every good car salesman.

Come with me, son.

Ah, Sookie Sookie, now!

Dean Winston,
my son has explained

the current state of affairs.

No European history, no diploma.

That is correct.

I come from plain, simple folk

although I did read that fine
book you wrote on civil rights.

Thank you.

Did you know
Ron's aging grandmother

is a close friend of Rosa Parks

and she would have
been on that bus

that fateful day in Alabama

but she decided to take a cab.

What's your point?

Dean Winston.

I'm just a plain,
simple car dealer

but I always believed
in one thing:

Even though I could
have made a fortune

selling those little,
fancy foreign sports cars.

But I always believed
in one thing.

What did I always tell you, son?

There's a sucker born
every minute.

There's a sucker... no.

Buy American.

No wonder my poor son

couldn't bring himself

to take a course
in European history.

If it was American history,
I'd have been there.

£ america

£ america

£ god shed his grace
on thee. £

what are these?

They're car keys, they're
American and they're yours.

Well, well, well.

I've never seen anything
quite like this.

Get out of my office.

Oh, jaleesa

I don't think I made
the right decision.

Don't think, just pack.

I know this is
a great opportunity

but part of me wishes

that Dwayne had asked me
to stay.

Whitley, that's the last
of your beauty salon.

Can I take you to the airport?

I don't leave until tomorrow.

But it's good to get there
nice and early.

I'm going to get you
some more packing boxes.

£ she's moving out, yes.



I had this framed for you.

it's your anatomical man.

How I hated it so.

I'll think of you
every time I look at it.

As you know,
I'm not very materialistic

but I got this for you.

Careful, it's really powerful.

Woo, woo.

I know. You can feel it.

It's a crystal,
and it's very spiritual.

It's a symbol of friendship
and it's going to give you
so much positive energy.

Also, on the subway

it doubles
as a blunt instrument.

I'll wield it in good health,

So what is going on
with you and Dwayne?

Is it the old splitsville?


It's okay, Kimberly.

We've talked about it

and we're going to work it out.

He's not going to see
other women.

New York is only a six,
seven-hour bus ride away.

Not on Fridays.

Absence makes
the heart grow fonder.

Well, if that's what you believe

then why aren't you seeing
my cousin Matthew?

We're just taking a break
for the summer.

Well, why, Kim?

We'll talk about this later.

All right!


Whitley has a lot
of packing to do.

Pack, pack, pack.
We should go.

Yeah, a lot of packing.

I'm going to miss you both.

Peace, my sister.


I'll write you in London.

You better, Kimberly.

And listen

I want you to catch
a nice, handsome doctor.

Ooh, yes!

What about my cousin?

Let's go, Freddie.

We can work it out.

We can work it out.

We can work it out.

Come on, imelda.

Let's go pack up those shoes.

Oh, what a great night.

What are you so happy about?

Dwayne, you had to see it, man.

It was beautiful.

The way my pops and I
worked over Dean Winston...

It was like
spontaneous combustion.

Dean Winston's going to give you
your degree?

Are you stupid?

He threw us both
out of his office

but we landed
on the pavement together.

Yeah, together.

Now what's wrong with you?

She's in there packing.

It's like watching a
movie I don't want to see.

She's really leaving, huh?

She has to, Ron. Doesn't
make it any easier.

I never imagined myself
being with someone like whitley

and now I can't imagine
being without her.

Do you want to hug me?

That's not going to get it, Ron.

Well, between you,
ma bell and greyhound

y'all going to be hanging tight.

I don't know man.

Anything can happen

when two people
are really far apart.

But you two have
something special.

Realistically Ron...

What kind of life
is a weekend relationship?

Even if I can get there
on weekends

I'll be carrying
a full course load

teaching classes all week.

We'll probably just drift apart.

It might be better
if I break it off now

before either of us
gets too hurt.

Seems like a no-win situation.

No-win situation?

Then why don't we just call
the honeys?

I don't want honeys.

I want whitley.

You don't if you want to give up
so easily.

I don't want to give up.

Did you hear me say
I was giving up?

Well, then, be quiet.

Hey, you've been awfully quiet.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to be.

This is the final boarding call

for flight 732 for New York.

Next Friday, after my last class

I'll jump on a bus

I'll be in your arms
by midnight.

I have a seminar next weekend.

Well, then,
the weekend after that.

We'll see.

Are you okay?

I've just been thinking
about us, Dwayne

and maybe we should
just make this good-bye.


It's easier that way.

Baby, I thought we were
going to work this out.

Bye, Dwayne.




I'm sorry.
Passengers only.


Marry me.