28 Days Haunted (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

Day One. The groups forge a connection to the spirit world, from sensitive Amy's visions of a bloody woman to the Connecticut team hearing disembodied voices.

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Once we go in here,
we're never going to be the same.

Look at the cabinets!

Oh, man, I don't feel too good right now.

This feels like a warning.

-Something's happening, dude.
-What was that?

Guys, this is gonna get real.

What was that?

Did you hear that?
I just saw a full-out shadow.

Is somebody out there?

Destroy them! Vanquish them!

Jereme! Are you hearing that?

Do not let me stop!

I just saw something come into the room.
It flew right here into the middle.

It's like all I have to do
is just keep putting my brave face on.

I'm tapping out. I'm done.

-You good?
-I saw her death.

Get her.

He said, "Get her."

-You all right?

-What the hell was that?

Oh, shit!

Off of me!


Goddamn it! You stay back!

Ed and Lorraine Warren

are the most famous
paranormal investigators in history.

Some of their 10,000 cases

were adapted into the biggest
horror movies of all time.

When the Warrens looked
at the body of their work,

they discovered that in their cases,

it took 28 days to fully pierce the veil
between the living and the dead.

They called it the 28-day cycle,

and they wanted to see if this potentially
groundbreaking discovery

held true with other investigators.

But the Warrens passed
before they could prove it.

So their paranormal research society,

now run by their son-in-law, Tony Spera,

is ready to put the 28-day cycle
to the test.

Three teams of investigators
will spend the next 28 days

in some of America's most haunted,
but rarely investigated, locations.

They'll be monitored at all times.

And since the Warrens believed
isolation was a key to the cycle,

the teams won't have any contact
to the outside

or prior knowledge about where
they'll be staying.

If the cycle can be proven…

-Brandy, get down there!

Something's happening, dude.

…it will completely change the way
future investigations are conducted.

The three teams,
one in Denver, Colorado,

another in Madison, North Carolina…

and a third in Preston, Connecticut,

are each headed
to their haunted locations.

These three places were chosen
because of their dark histories

and increasingly aggressive hauntings.

If the investigators can find a way
to persevere

and withstand the full 28 days,

it is believed the barrier
between the living and dead

will become virtually non-existent,

and the secrets of the location
will come flooding out.

I'm a little nervous,
because I have no idea where we're going.

Not being able to see is kind of
an added layer of stress for us.

I don't know about you guys.

It's strange, because it's actually--
I feel like they know we're coming.

NESPR's Tony Spera
has investigated

thousands of his own cases,

but he's brought in paranormal expert
and journalist Aaron Sagers

to witness the experiment and help set
the protocols and methods of research.

When Tony called me about this,
it was something I wanted to be a part of.

If we can prove the existence of
this 28-day cycle, it'd be a game changer.

You simply could not conduct
a paranormal investigation moving forward

without citing this experiment.

And it would have a profound impact
on how we approach the paranormal.


There's, like,
a really heavy feeling.

It's pulling my stomach, which usually
indicates that there's a male that's here.

So pulling from your stomach,
it means male?

-What about female?
-My head.

It's definitely got a story to tell.
I can feel that from out here.


Jereme, I think that we're in way more
than what we bargained for.

I do feel like something very tragic
has happened here. Yeah.

See, I was afraid of that.

I am definitely feeling
a lot of energy right now.


I keep getting a woman
at the top of the stairs,

along with two little kids
who keep giggling around the woman.

You've got to be kidding me right now.

-Oh, crap.
-Oh, my God.

This is a dry goods store.

A lot of energy coming.


The energy coming off this property
is pretty intense.

There's an oppressive energy going on.
I don't know what it is yet, but…


Lead the way.


Immediate energy. Do you feel it?
Yeah, I definitely feel it.

Oh, my gosh. That's heavy.

-Ooh, my heart just started.

Yeah, mine too.

All right, let's go upstairs.
Check that out.

-God, I feel like--
-It's really bad here.

Soon as you get up the stairs,
you feel it.

I can't shake it.

Paranormal investigators
Shane Pittman and Ray Cozzi

have had decades of success
connecting to spirits

using sensory deprivation equipment
to mimic psychic abilities.

But Amy Parks is a natural sensitive.

She's helped thousands of families
speak to their deceased loved ones,

and even aided in several
police investigations.

My name is Shane Pittman.
I'm a paranormal investigator.

I've been investigating strange
and unusual claims for over 16 years.

Anything that cannot be readily explained
with science, that's where I come in.

I left my wife and four kids in Georgia
to be a part of this.

I've not been away
from my family this long,

on top of not being able to communicate
with them at all.

That is going to be very difficult.

But as a paranormal investigator,
this is unprecedented.

Normally, you're invited to places,
but it's for shorter periods of time.

But for 28 days, you never get
an opportunity like this.

You see that?
Light's flickering here already.

-Is it?

My name is Ray Cozzi,

and I've been investigating professionally
with Shane for over ten years.

Shane's a natural-born leader and a great
wingman to have in any haunted location.

If I can survive this, it'd be the biggest
accomplishment of my entire career.

I wanna prove to my wife and my five kids
that this isn't just some hobby for me.

I take investigating the paranormal
very seriously.

Look at that. It started flickering again.

-It's not flickering.
-There's something about--

There it goes again.

My name's Amy Parks. I am a sensitive
and a paranormal investigator.

A sensitive covers
a broad range of things.

It's not just, "I can see dead people,"
or "I can read your future."

Like, I consider a sensitive
more of an energy reader.

With my abilities as a sensitive,
I am much more prone to spiritual attacks.

Being here for, you know,
such a long period of time

and having potentially dark forces
trying to overtake me,

I mean, that can be really dangerous.

I have no idea if I'm going to be able
to last 28 days.

-Wait, shh.

-Did you hear that thump?
-I did.

It was like footsteps, wasn't it?

Yeah, but we were both doing this.

-But it wasn't here.
-It was…


Come here.

Inside your room.

Holy shit. It's a "click, click."

Like just something being hit.

That's creepy as shit.

I'm definitely 100% sure
something happened here.

-Like, right here?
-This area and over here,

because when I stand over here,
the energy is heavier, so…

Are you feeling that?

I feel, like, something
and like someone died here.

Like something traumatic happened here.

I'm getting a vision of a woman
with blood dripping down her face.

As if she got hit but she had, like,
blood coming down her face.

Recent hauntings at Lumber Baron Inn

have been rapidly increasing.

The ghosts of several women,
distressed or sometimes disfigured,

are seen roaming the hallways
of the second floor.

These upstairs rooms are where we need
to start tonight's investigation.

-Oh, my God, you've got to be kidding me.
-Holy shit. Are you shitting me right now?

Oh, my God.
My heart just sank in my chest right now.

No way in hell.

Is this a funeral home?

They put us in a freaking funeral home.

Sensitive Brandy Miller
and demonologist Jereme Leonard

have been exploring Madison Dry Goods

and have come upon an unusual feature
on the property on the second floor:

a small display, commemorating the store's
history from nearly a century ago

when it was the town's funeral parlor.

You want to check
downstairs and see what's there?


My name is Jereme Leonard, and by day,
I'm a professional firefighter.

By night, I am a demonologist.

A demonologist is someone who studies
religious texts and theology

on the works of demonic activity,

and how that relates
into the physical world.

There's a lot of activity
that happens in here.

I feel a lot of items
that are moved, shifted.

My name is Brandy Marie.
I am a fifth-generation psychic medium.

It does go with my mother,
my grandmother, my great-grandmother,

and then my great-great-grandmother.

And then my daughter
is also a psychic medium.

The woman at the top of the stairs,
she's following us around right now.

Participating in this experiment
is very important to me,

but I do have to admit I'm really scared
that it could be too much.

Dark energies are typically
not what I mess with.

Jereme's more experienced in it,
so I'm gonna rely on him to protect me.

There's the little kids.

These are the kids I saw
when I was outside.

Something very tragic happened
to these kids.

I think they were murdered.

Tonight's gonna be entertaining.

Brandy and Jereme are starting to plan

for their first night investigation.

The computers at the locations
are only being used

to review investigative footage
and synthesize data,

and do not have access to the internet.

So, tonight, Brandy,
I'm going to put you in a coffin.

-Are you serious?
-Oh, I am.

-You'll really gonna put me in there?
-Oh yeah, I'm gonna put you in there.

And I'm actually gonna pretend
like I'm doing your last rites.

Brandy believes something tragic occurred
at Madison Dry Goods.

She sensed it from two young girls
as she entered the building.

And Jereme thinks the display coffin
may have something to do with,

or symbolize, that tragedy.

So he's proposed using the coffin
to provoke or trigger the spirits.

I mean, if you're scared, I understand.

-I'll do it.
-I won't blame you.

I mean, you're a trouper if you do.

It's a first, but I'll do it.

Kinda freaked out by it,
to be honest with you.

I want to challenge
these spirits immediately.

I want to stir up raw emotional,
spiritual paranormal activity.

And if those caskets have anything to do
with what happened at this location,

then putting Brandy in one
will definitely invoke the spirits

and put them on notice real quick.

Whatever spirits inhabit
this house, we mean no harm,

and sympathize if you're trapped here.

And anything you can do to show us
that you're here while we're living here,

we appreciate it
and be glad to try and help you as well.

This is a strange wallpaper.

I don't like this hallway.

Psychic medium Sean Austin

is teaming up with tech gurus
Nick Simons and Aaron Thompson.

They did their walk-through
of the first floor of Captain Grant's Inn,

but Sean is feeling more energy
on the second floor and in the attic.

My name is Sean Austin,
and I am a psychic medium.

Since the beginning of my journey
in the paranormal field,

it's been like a calling for me
to not only help the living, but the dead,

these earthbound spirits,

to give them peace
and to ultimately cross them over.

-These are the bedrooms up here, or…?
-Yeah. Look to be.

Bustin' in.

Dude, it's intense in here.

My name's Nick Simons.

I've been a paranormal investigator
since 2009.

I'm a skeptic, but I'm also a tech
and an audio guy.

I like to use technical devices
on investigations

to kind of validate what psychics
think they're hearing and seeing.

It's not that I don't believe,
I just want to see it for myself.

Who knows? Maybe after 28 days
I'll be a true believer myself.

There's a lot of stuff going on here. Ooh!

Yeah, that's a hot attic.

Yeah, that's what I'm feelin'.

There's definitely spirits
that are dying for help here.

My name is Aaron G. Thompson. I've been
a paranormal investigator for 22 years.

Nick and I, we have a lot
of history together.

He's been with me for 12 years now.

This investigation is much different

than a normal investigation
that Nick and I would do.


Something just touched me
right on my forehead.

Hmm, feels like I got punched in the gut
and got chills at the same time.

The owners of Captain Grant's

have seen evidence
of hundreds of spirits on the property.

And guests even report being touched,

or seeing items move across rooms
during their stays.

There's a lot of energy in this house,

but I'm sensing the most spiritual
connection on the second floor

where all the bedrooms are.

That's where I want to start
this investigation tonight.

Well, this is gonna be intense, guys.

So this first night, the investigators
are figuring out the location,

and the ghosts are figuring out
the investigators.

The first night of any investigation
is one of the most important.

It sets the tone for what's to come,

and it also tells us a lot
about the spirits inside.

It's also extremely unpredictable.

I've seen investigations where
little to no activity takes place,

or ones where investigators can't
even survive the entire night.

-You wanna hit your room?
-Yeah, we can.

In night one
of a paranormal investigation,

teams will utilize their high-tech
equipment for the first time,

hoping to boost their chances
of communicating with spirits.

Each of the teams
will start their investigations

in the rooms where they felt the most
energy in their first walk-throughs.

In the case of the Lumber Baron Inn,

Amy felt the most energy
on the second floor of the property

in Shane's bedroom, and her own,
called the Valentine Suite.

-You wanna hit your room?
-Yeah, we can.

Paranormal teams have
many different pieces of equipment

they'll use during their investigations.

Shane and Ray have gotten strong results
with something called the Estes method.

With the Estes method, Shane cannot see
or hear anything going on in the room.

The headphones are connected
to a device called a spirit box,

which scans through
radio frequencies at a high rate.

It sounds like this to Shane…

It's believed that these frequencies
are able to be manipulated

by spirits trying to communicate or speak,

so Shane will pick up words or voices
from the other side.

The first time I do an Este session
at a new location, I learn a lot.

I can tell how many spirits there are,
whether they're good or evil,

whether they're wanting our help
or just wanting us out.

"I'm dead. Help. Help me."

We want to help you. Please tell us how.

"I killed them."

Who did you kill?

-"Kill. They need help."
-What did he do?

Who? Who needs help?

"Help us."

If you need our help,
tell us where you are.


"The girl."

"Get out."

"Watch me do it again."

-What did you do?
-I don't feel good, guys.

Okay, we gotta get him out.

I don't feel good.

I don't know, but it feels evil.

The session started with me connected
to two women wanting help,

but as it progressed,
something else started coming through.

Something more intense trying to harm me.

Now, I'm willing to battle a dark entity,

but doing it without knowing
how powerful it is

or exactly what it is
would just be foolish at this point.

Earlier in the day,

Amy felt the presence of two dead women
in her room, the Valentine Suite. 

The team will repeat
the Estes method there

to see if she can communicate
with the same spirits as Shane,

or if new ones come through.

-Amy, can you hear us?

She can't hear us.

All right, we're in the Valentine room.
Estes method.

"Quick. Move. He sees."

Who sees?

-"Go look. Two."
-Is it--?

-"We are."

You are two? There's two of you?

"Get out."

Okay, we will.
We just want to help, though.

What the hell?

-Nope, nope, nope, nope.
-Hold on.

-Hold on. What?
-Nope. I'm not doing that.


When I start seeing eyes,
I'm not doing that.

You were seeing eyes?

It just was like blackness,

and then I see eyes opening,
and I'm like, "Nope."

-You okay?

I'm just-- That's where I stop.

-Okay, no-- I respect that.
-Holy shit.

I felt the same thing as you.
That's why I had to stop.

Shane and Amy were
both connecting with two women

before another malevolent spirit
forced its way into their Este sessions.

What the team doesn't know yet

is that in the 1970s,
two women were brutally murdered

in what is now known
as the Valentine Suite.

But the case was never solved,
and the killer was never caught.

Someone was just saying…

something about a body and grave.

The team at Captain Grant's

is starting their first night
investigation in Nick's bedroom,

the spot where Sean felt
the most spiritual connection.

I just heard someone say,
"I'll rip your heart out." Lovely.

Who's this violent energy?

Who is this…

that's being so threatening?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

Now I hear that-- The name.
That name Adelaide or something.

Any of them given you a last name yet?

That's tough,
to get last names psychically.

-I heard a voice in the distance.
-I heard that. Like, a female.


I keep tapping into that woman,
that desperate woman,

doing this with her hands.

I believe I've made contact with
a spirit of a woman named Adelaide.

So now we're gonna use our equipment
to try to communicate with her

and any other spirits that might be here.

The investigators at Captain Grant's Inn

also use a spirit box
to communicate with the dead.

But they're adding an electrostatic
generator to amplify the signal

and give the ghosts
an added boost of energy to communicate.

There's something behind you, Nick.
I just saw it.


It's in front of you.

It's getting real cold over here.
I got to get the digital recorder going.

Oh, my God. Whatever you were doing,
it was totally reacting to it.

It's working. It's working.

-I heard that.
-I heard that too.

Give us some names of the spirits
that are with us right now.

We need some names.

That sounded like "Liam."

Who's that voice coming through?
Was that Liam?

The right side of my head
just started hurting.

When my head starts to hurt
on an investigation,

it's telling me that

there could be a lot of spirits
trying to communicate with me at once,

or there could be some sort
of oppressive energy

that's coming into the environment
that I'm starting to pick up on.

All right.

It just said "Adelaide."

How many of you are with us right now?

"To Mary."



"Adelaide," it just said.

What do you want?

Leave here.

"Leave here."

We're picking up on a lot of spirits
in this house,

and not just from the spirit box,
but to me, psychically.

And it's pretty unusual.

I really do feel that
there's many souls here

reaching out desperately,
trying to get acknowledgement.

"Shut up."

I heard that.

Dude, I'm getting constant chills.

Oh my God, hear that woman.
"Help, I want help."

The woman just screamed for help.

Well, I just feel it's something
really just not good.


-"He's psychic."
-"He's psychic."

Right after I said that.
Right after I said that.

It is in-freaking-sane.

Oh! Chills, man.

No escape.

Oh, shit.

No escape.

Holy shit.

"No escape."

What the hell?

Guys, this is going to get real,
and this is only night one.

I should not be preparing my own funeral.

I'm really nervous
about the coffin experiment.

And, yes, it may give us answers
quicker than normal, but at what cost?

What if an evil energy attacks me
while I'm laying there?

Jereme and Brandy
are going to use

a piece of tech called a REM-POD

to aid their communication
with the spirits.

The REM-POD creates an electromagnetic
field around the antenna

and reacts to changes
in ambient temperature.

If the ghosts are communicating
with investigators,

they'll touch the device by breaking
that electromagnetic field,

and the REM-POD will light up and beep.

So, when you're ready…

As we gather here today
to celebrate the life of Brandy,

we all are stricken with grief and anguish

for losing such a great person
to the community.

There's kids by me right now.

-But as we sit here, fear not,

to know that although one life has ended,

she is now embarking on a new life.

Jereme, there's somebody standing
at the head of me.

There's energy above me right now.

It's a woman energy, younger female.

Something happened to her due to a male.

Who are you?

I see a lot of blood.

By the name of the Father, and the Son,
and the Holy Spirit.

I see a lot of blood on beds.

You see what?

But it's almost--
There's multiple at the same time.

It's not just one person.

-Tell me what you're feeling.
-Her face is in my face right now.

-Is she trying to tell you something?
-She's not telling me anything.

She's just looking at me.

It's just something tragic happened
with the family.

Jereme, they're surrounding
the casket right now.

I keep hearing, "Get out."

They want me to get out.

-You need to get out?

Why do you want me out?

There's a male energy right now,
standing at the head, like, right--

-Something touched the top of my head.