24 (2001–2010): Season 5, Episode 18 - Day 5: 12:00 a.m.-1:00 a.m. - full transcript

Jack and Audrey show Secretary Heller the recording, but are shocked by the actions he decides to take in handling it. Karen Hayes works to cut off Jack's support inside CTU. Mike Novick begins to become suspicious of President Lo...

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Evelyn, I need you to stay focused.

The recording of the call
between Logan and Henderson

is in a safety deposit box. Which bank?

City Trust and Savings in Agoura Hills.

Jack knows there's no point
going public until he has proof.

None of this should have happened. This
thing was planned to make our country safer.

And it all spiralled out of control
when you decided to kill David Palmer.

We have to focus on stopping Bauer
before he finds that recording.

Karen, I'm issuing an executive order for the
immediate apprehension and arrest of Bauer.

I want you to run point on this,
and make it CTU'S top priority.

Understood, sir.

If we really want to find Bauer,

we need to keep watch on
anyone he might contact for help,

starting with Audrey Raines.

Don't fill your father in on the particulars.
Just set up the meeting.

1%1 call back when I have the recording.

I need to see you in person.

Can you reroute your plane to Los Angeles?

- All right, yes.
- I'll see you there.

Jack. Are you aware Logan's
issued a warrant for your arrest?

The vice president's not behind this, is he?

No, it's Logan.

When we have the evidence,
we'll give it to the Secretary of Defense.

- It had to be done.
- I decide what needs to be done.

I never authorized you to kill David Palmer.

We got what we need.

The instant that Bauer
steps outside that bank, you take him down,

kill the others and get the recording.

We got the evidence.

- Have you listened to it?
- Yeah, there's no doubt it's Logan.

We're talking about taking down
the President of the United States.

This checkpoint isjust one of many
that have been in place for several hours now.

Despite his announcement that Los Angeles
is no longer under threat of attack,

President Logan has ordered
that martial law remain in eject.

While the move has drawn criticism
from civil rights advocates,

the president is defending his decision
as a necessatyprecaution.

- Yes.
- It's me.

- Is Bauer dead?
- Not yet, Mr President.

- You said your men had him.
- Bauer triggered the bank alarm.

Authorities came before my men could get
to him. Bauer used the fire fight to slip away.

- He has the recording?
- Yes, sir.

That evidence directly implicates me
in David Palmer's death.

If it gets to someone who can do something
about it. We'll have Bauer before that.

- How?
- You have established control over CTU.

CTU is heading up the search effort for Bauer.

You put a lot of faith in their ability.

This city is locked down. CTU will find Bauer.

And when they do, make sure you're
the first to know so my men can intercept.

- Yes, Mr President?
- Get me Karen Hayes at CTU.

We're sifting satellite and Caltrans video
for Audrey's vehicle.

I've distributed her photo
to checkpoints throughout the city.

If she used her DOD credentials,
there should be a record.

I hope we're not wasting our resources.
We don't know she's helping Bauer.

She dumped the tracker. There's a reason
she doesn't want to be followed.

Ms Hayes,
the president is on line one.

- Yes, Mr President?
- Where are we, Ms Hayes?

Still running active manhunts
on both Bauer and Henderson.

- I told you to prioritize Bauer.
- I have, sir.

I've allocated my resources accordingly.

If Palmer's killer is free
when the news cycle begins,

then all the success we've had
handling these terrorists will be undermined.

I will find Bauer, sir.

You let me know the moment you do.

Yes, Mr President.

Bauer, right?

Raines knows where he is. Those protocols
aren't donna be enough to track her.

- Chloe helped her break surveillance?
- I'm sure of it.

Remember, Audrey insisted
Chloe be assigned to her.

- Then we need to confront Chloe.
- No, no, no, no, no. She'll just deny it.

There's a way we can use her to find Bauer.


Bill Buchanan. Wayne Palmer.

I'm sorry about your brother.
What the hell's going on, Jack?

Every law enforcement agency across
this counts has a warrant for my arrest.

- What for?
- Killing David Palmer.

We cleared you this morning.

I'm being set up again.
This time by President Logan.

He was compliant
in David Palmer's assassination.

- My God, you're serious.
- Logan's trying to stop me exposing him.

We have the evidence. A digital recording of a
conversation between Logan and Henderson.

Secretary Heller will take it
to the attorney general.

They'll file for the warrant,
but I think Wayne's a target.

- I need you to take him somewhere safe.
- Of course I will.

- Where you donna meet Heller?
- Van Nuys airport.

- Yeah?
- Jack. My father landed. Where are you?

I dropped Wayne off with Buchanan.
I'm on my way to the airport.

All right. I'm on the north side
of the emergency runway at hangar, uh, 112.

- I'll be there in a few minutes.
- Hurry.


- Hi, sweetheart.
- H i.

Thank you so much for doing this.

Well, I don't know what it is I'm doing,
so don't thank me yet.

These men in your security detail,
do you trust them?

- With my life.
- I need to be sure that they are loyal to you.

What's going on?

Dad, I will tell you but only you.

Stay here.

You know I don't like to be kept in the dark.
Tell me what this is all about.

I promise I will. I just need a minute.

- Mr Secretary.
- What the hell are you doing here?

He's a fugitive. Every law enforcement
agency in the state is looking for him.

- He's innocent.
- Then why don't you turn yourself in?

I swear to you, I had nothing to do
with David Palmer's assassination.

I'd like to believe you,
but you're acting like a criminal.

I don't have a choice. They're setting me up.

Mr Secretary,
I only need you for a few minutes.

I need to show you something, but privately.

Inside the building. Please.

Thank you, sir.

- It had to be done.
- I decide what needs to be done.

I never authorized you to kill David Palmer.

- President Logan?
- And a man named Christopher Henderson.

- For God's sake, sir, he called your wife.
- I can handle my wife.

My concern is stopping this operation
collapsing like a house of cards.

All threads end with Cummings.

He thinks he's running this.
Keep playing it that way.

I know my part, Mr Henderson.
Youjust do as youre told.

Logan supplied the terrorists
with the Sentox nerve gas.

- What?
- He planned to deploy it en route to Moscow.

He could use the terrorists as an excuse

to invoke the military terms of the agreement
that he made earlier with Suvarov.

This was all to gain control
of the oil supply in Central Asia.

David Palmer found out about it,
and that's why they killed him.

How do you know
that hasn't been fabricated?

I trust the source. Mr Secretary, I promise
you, this will stand up under scrutiny.

I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not.

I watched Charles Logan
rise on the tide of his own ambition.

I was terrified when he took the oath.

I'm sorry I had to involve you,
but I needed someone who had access

to hand-deliver this to the attorney general.

- So you contacted me.
- You're the only one I can trust.

All right, then.

Thank you, sir.

Go with your father. He'll need someone
to corroborate the evidence.

- What about you?
- I'm donna go dark. I'll let Buchanan know.

All right.
Jack, everyth i ng's gon na be OK now.

- Go.
- OK.

- Jack, one more thing.
- What, sir?

- Dad, what are you doing?!
- Secure my daughter.

You're playing a dangerous game here, Jack,
and you're playing it wrong.

Turning Logan's crime into a public spectacle
will not bring back David Palmer.

It'll tear this nation apart.
You'll be destroying the presidency.

The collateral damage of the truth
will cripple this nation.

So what are you donna do?
Bury the evidence?

No. You're coming with me, Audrey.

We'll use the evidence
to get Logan to step down quietly.

Once he's gone,
we'll have a chance to set things right again.

Doug, I'm trusting you to keep this item safe.
She's coming with me.

Dad, I can't.

- Secure them both until you hear from me.
- Dad, please, no!

Mr Secretary! You can't make a deal with him!

You can't trust him!

What's going on in the situation room?

- It's a briefing.
- No one told me.

- It's a class three.
- I'm a department head. I should be in there.

It's all I know.

- Shari, what was that briefing about?
- Just a protocol review.

- I don't believe you.
- Why not?

Cos you're a bad liar. Miles just gave me
a bunch of busy work to do to keep me out.

Do you think
there might be a reason he kept you out?

He thinks I helped Audrey
break her surveillance.

- Is that what it was about?
- I've already said too much.

Come on, Shari. You owe me.
I stuck my neck out for you with Miles.

Tell me what happened in there.

Miles found Audrey.
He activated a transponder on her car.

- So they know where she is?
- We're running an operational support now.

That's what the briefing was about.
They sent a tac team ten minutes ago.

Please don't tell anyone I said anything.

Here she comes.

Damn, she's good.
She set up a proprietary comm channel.

- How long will it take to trace her call?
- Not long.

Pick up.

Somewhere in the valley.
Looks like a earphone.

I've got the receiving end
at a one-mile radius.

Why isn't Audrey picking up?

Narrowing. Got it!

- Where?
- Van Nuys airport.

The emergency runway.
Adjacent to the main field.

Move the tac team out now. Van Nuys airport.
Miles is forwarding the coordinates.

- Operations.
- Get me the president.

You said they sent the tac team
ten minutes ago.

- Miles set me up, and you helped.
- You're working against us.

- You've no idea what you've done.
- Milles told...

Miles is an idiot. You should know that.
I can't believe you went along with him.

- Please come with us.
- Where we going?

Let's go.

We still don't have confirmation that
Audrey Raines and Bauer are at the location.

!Ne'll find out.
I'll have the military authority follow up on it.

The military?
Sir, I just dispatched my tac team.

- Call them back.
- I don't understand.

Jack Bauer is a very sensitive problem.
There are political ramifications.

I've decided to handle him directly.

Besides, you must have your hands full
transitioning CTU to Homeland Security.

- I'll recall my team, sir.
- Good.

The president wants oversight
on the Bauer operation.

He's the president. He can do what he wants.


- CTU thinks they've found Bauer.
- Where?

Jack, what if my father's right?

What if he can get Logan
to step down quietly?

These people
bickered chemical weapons to terrorists.

They've killed an ex-president of the United
States. Logan's not donna make a deal.

If he did, he wouldn't keep it.
Henderson wouldn't let him.

Your father is making himself a target.

You hanna help him, help me get the
recording back before he speaks to Logan.

Look, Mike, if the president wants Jack Bauer,
why doesn't he let us take care of it?

I've been on other things.
Let me find out what's going on.

- I'll get back to you.
- Thank you, Mike.

..will be lifted within the next two hours.

But the curfew will remain in eject...

Come in.

Oh, Mike.
That's only six hours from now.

OK. Right.

David Palmer's body's
being flown back to DC at 7 am.

The president will be there
when the coffin's put on the plane.

- That's a good idea.
- Yeah.

- What's up, Mike?
- I just got a call from Karen Hayes at CTU.

Do you know about the president's decision
to pull them off the acquisition of Bauer?

- No. But what's the problem?
- It doesn't really make any sense.

Karen's teams are closer,
they can do it more efficiently.

Bauer's more likely to cooperate with them
than with a group of military police.

Karen has barely got CTU back on its feet.

I'm sure the president just feels more
confident with the military units in place.

- Well, the military has its hands full, Hal.
- What do you want me to say, Mike?

It's the president's call.
I can see it both ways.



- DOD Operations.
- Put me through to General Warren, please.

Yes, sir.

- This is Warren.
- Mike Novick on the line for you.

- Go ahead, Beth.
- Youke connected.

What is it, Mike?

General, can you give me an update
on your search for Jack Bauer?

- What?
- The one the president ordered.

We never received
such a call from the president.

I see. I'm sorry to disturb you, General.

Yes, sir.

- You should try to get some rest.
- Yes, I know. I should try to get some rest.

What is it you want, Mike?

I just got off the phone with General Warren
who's running military operations here.


Karen Hayes over at Homeland raised
a few good points I thought I'd follow up on.

What good points, Mike?

She doesn't understand why
she was taken out of this Bauer situation.

I really don't care
what Karen Hayes understands.

She should be doing her job and not
asking questions that diminish my authority.

Be that as it may, I did follow up, and, uh...

now, frankly,
I'm a little mystified by some things.

What things mystify you, Mike?

Well, you told Homeland that you wanted
the military to pick up Jack Bauer,

but I just spoke with General Warren
and he's unaware of any such directive.

Because I didn't go through General Warren.

May I ask who you did go through?

Mike, let's get one thing straight.

I don't answer to you.

Of course not, sir.

However, I will tell you this. I have decided to
use a covert task force to bring in Jack Bauer.

The reason I am doing that is because
Bauer presents special circumstances.

- "Special circumstances"?
- I want this completely off the radar, Mike.

The Chinese government
believe Bauer is dead.

If they find out he's alive, they're
going to blame us, they're going to accuse us

of fabricating the story of his death.

Wouldn't we be keeping the circle smaller
if we let Karen handle this?

Her people already know about Bauer.
They're working under a secretive mandate.

You know what, Mike?
I am tired of being second-guessed.

I've been dealing with wall-to-wall crises
for the last 18 hours,

and I think I've done a damn good job
of leading the country.

Of course, Mr President.

You came in here
suggesting that I should get some rest.

That's the one recommendation of yours
that I intend to take.

Thank you, Mike.

We traced your call
to a public phone at Van Nuys airport.

If Audrey is at that location,
you're in a lot of trouble.

This situation is complicated.
You have no idea what you're dealing with.

- But you do?
- Yes.

- Then why didn't you tell me?
- Because I can't.

You think the rules don't apply to you
because you're smarter than the rest of us.

They do. And you're not.

I won't miss you when you're gone.


Don't touch me.

- What?
- Jack Bauer did not kill President Palmer.

He's a federal fugitive wanted
for the murder of a former president.

Which means you're going to jail, O'Brian.

For a long time.

Miles. I don't think you're as big of a jerk
as you pretend to be.

- I need to speak with you.
- Yes, sir.

Has anyone
spoken to her in Holding?

- No, sir.
- Has anyone tried to speak to her?

- No, sir.
- O'Brian has been disloyal to CTU.

She has been working with Bauer,
and I don't think I need to remind you,

Karen Hayes and I regard her as a top priority.

What are you doing, Chloe?
You're supposed to be in custody.

- Miles let me out.
- You're a worse liar than I am.

Shari, don't do that.

- You helped Audrey break surveillance.
- For a good reason. I can't get into it now.

I don't really think you have a choice.

Listen to me for a minute.
Jack Bauer did not kill President Palmer.

He knows who did it. He may need my help
to prove it, and I can't if I'm in custody.

- Then why don't you just tell Karen?
- She won't believe me. Not without evidence.

- It's President Logan.
- What are you talking about?

The evidence Jack is trying to get implicates
Logan in the assassination of Palmer.

That's ridiculous.

You know your sexual harassment charges
against Miles? I know you were lying.

You need help. If you try to stop me, I will
recommend you for psychiatric evaluation.

You won't like that, trust me.


Are you coming to bed soon?

- I doubt if I'll get much sleep tonight.
- You should try.


- You OK?
- I'm fine. It's just, uh...

It's been a challenging day.

- Come to bed.
- I wlill.


- Yes.
- Sorry to disturb you.

Secretary Heller insists on talking to you.

- Tell him I'll call him back tomorrow.
- He says ft's urgent, sir.

Put him through.

- Yes, James?
- Thanks for taking my call.

- You said it was urgent.
- I need to see you, sir.

- See me about what?
- I'd rather speak to you in person.

Fine. But I won't be back to Washington
for a couple of days.

- I'm in LA, sir. I need to see you tonight.
- Tonight?

- Yes, sir.
- What is this about?

I'll be there shortly
and we can discuss it then.

I don't like your tone, James. You're
addressing the President of the United States.

I know who I'm addressing. And I think
you know exactly what this is about.

- When will you be here?
- Five minutes.


James Heller? What does he want?

He's getting flak from the joint chiefs
about my decision to maintain martial law.

You would think that these people
would show some allegiance.

- Can't James handle it himself?
- Apparently not.

- Come to bed when you're done.
- I wiill.


- Where are you?
- We're leaving now.

- How long will it take?
- Ten minutes.

We may not have that much time.
James Heller is on his way here to see me.

- Jack got to him.
- What if Bauer's given him the recording?

Heller's not stupid enough to carry it with
him. Without it, what he knows won't matter.

- Think Bauer still has it?
- I'm sure of it.

I'll hold Heller off as long as I can. Phone me
the second you have the evidence in hand.


Mrs Logan.

- What is Secretary Heller doing here?
- I don't know.

But you have an idea.

My husband says it's about
his order to maintain martial law,

but I think it's something else.

If you know what it is,
would you please tell me?

- I can't
- You can't?

Or you won't?

Please don't ask me
anything more, Mrs Logan.

Whatever you tell me
will remain between us,

I promise you.


you can trust me, you know that.

Not here.

- Just meet me in a couple of minutes.
- Where?

Outside the south stable.


Thank you, gentlemen.

- I hope this was important.
- I know what you did and what you're doing.

And I'm here to put an end to it.

- You'll have to be a little more specific.
- You are responsible for Palmer's murder.

- That's outrageous.
- I heard a recording.

A conversation between you
and a man named Christopher Henderson.

When Palmer found out about your
insane plan, Henderson had him killed.

And you let it happen.

- Where is this recording?
- In a safe place.

- I would like to hear it.
- Why? You know exactly what you said.

And so do 1.

It's burnt into my memory.

How dare you stand there and judge me.

You have no idea.

Until you sit in my chair, you don't know
what the hell you're talking about.

- Your chair is not a throne.
- I'm protecting the interests of our country.

- You mean oil.
- Yes. Yes!

This country needs energy, more than you or
anybody in this government cares to admit.

We'll see how you judge me when
the cost of oil goes up over $100 a barrel,

and the people who put me in office
can't heat their homes, or run their cars.

And you think that justifies
the blood on your hands?

- What do you want?
- Drop the trumped-up charges against Bauer.

And leave my daughter alone.

- Anything else?
- Announce your resignation by morning.

Blame it on the crushing stress of today's
events. Blame it on whatever you want.

Just as long as you go public
by the start of the morning news cycle.

- And then what?
- The recording will be kept safe.

This will remain between us.

Call in Gardner. I want to be here
when you hand him your letter of resignation.

Get in here.

- I couldn't contact Jack or Audrey.
- I haven't either.

CTU might have them in custody.
Where's your work station?

This way.
Homeland changed my access code.

I can create a workaround.

If CTU has Jack, it's all my fault.

I can get us gutta here.

Watch the door.


He's got restraints in his pockets. Secure him.

Wachsler, status report.

Mark, come in.

Don't move! Don't... move.

Slowly - put the gun on the ground
and kick it towards me.

t) it!

Put your hands where I can see 'em.

Give me the recording. Slowly.

Stand up.

- What did you do to my partner?
- He's fine.

Son of a bitch.
Take cover behind the wheel, now. Move!

- What's going on?
- They want the recording.

If you and I are donna get through this alive,
we need to work together.

Gimme my gun.


Go! Move in!

Take cover!



I have her, Jack. And don't make me kill her.

There's been too much killing today already,
so just throw out that recording.

- Let her go, Christopher.
- After I have the recording.

Why are you protecting Logan?

I'm protecting something
more important than Logan.

- What?
- The integrity of our government.

Our government has no integrity.

Not when someone like Charles Logan
occupies the presidency.

You can make this right.
You can help me stop him.

Sorry, Jack. Now, throw me the recording.

I'll give you the recording
if you let Audrey go.

- I wish I could believe that.
- I give you my word.

I'll tell you what -
I'll meet you halfway.

What does that mean?

- Get out.
- Aud rev.

- Dammit, Christopher!
- Here she comes, Jack.

Just walk out slowly or I'll kill you.


- That's far enough.
- What have you done?

The left brachial artery.

She has about three minutes before she
bleeds to death. Throw me that recording.

Jack, don't...

She's 15 seconds closer to dying, Jack.
Gimme the recording!

Jack, don't do it.

She's running out of time!


- Don't do it, Jack. Don't. Don't give it to him.
- Here it is!

Easy. Easy. Easy.

Easy. Stay with me. Stay with me.

- Jack, go get it. Go get the recording.
- Stay with me.

I'll be right back.

Gimme your arm.

I need to move you.

Come on.

All it needs is your signature, Mr President.

James, we can find another way
to handle this.

There must be something that you want.

You're giving me exactly what I want.

You asked to see me, Mr President?

Hi, Jim. Thought you'd be
on a plane back to Washington.

- What are you doing here?
- I'll let President Logan tell you.

Mr President.

it ?'I, 1...

- Yes?
- I have the recording.

- Really?
- I'll call you back after I've secured a vehicle.

Thank you.

Hal, I'm asking Secretary Heller to tender his
resignation. I wanted you here as a witness.

- What?
- He thinks I was compliant in today's attacks.

I don't know how he can accuse me
without evidence.

He orchestrated a conspiracy
to let terrorists acquire stolen nerve gas.

That's insane.

He sanctioned the assassination
of David Palmer, and I have the evidence.

Where? Show it to us.

Who was on the phone? Who made that call?

I want your resignation by the morning.

- If any harm comes to my daughter...
- Gentlemen!

Please escort Secretary Heller
out of my home.

This is donna hurt.