24 (2001–2010): Season 5, Episode 15 - Day 5: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. - full transcript

Audrey faces custody and torture. Bierko moves nerve gas canisters to the Wilshire Gas Company. Aaron Pierce goes looking for Wayne Palmer.

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I am issuing an executive order
imposing a curfew on all civilians

in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

This will be ejective immediately
and will be enforced by the military.

They're talking like it's an illegal action.

Don't worry, Mr President.
I'm in control of the situation.

Has it occurred to you
that he proposed this to set you up?

Hal's only motivation
is what's best.

There's going to be
fallout. And you know it.

You're here to shut this place down.

- I told you, the White House...
- I know what you told me.

- Now tell me the truth.
- CTU is being absorbed by Homeland.

From now on every operational decision
needs to go through me.

There's something from my brother
I need to give you. I'll be there in an hour.

- Youke coming here?
- I'd rather see you sooner than later.

I'm hoping be can meet discreetly.

- Does she have the schematics and codes?
- Yes. Everything we need.

We'll release the Sentox here
and 200,000 people die.

The decryption key
is Charlie, Alpha, three, nine, Alpha.

It worked. This is what you wanted.

Drop the gun!

I'm with the German
Federal Intelligence Service.

I've been gathering intel
on Collette's clientele.

If we don't find Bierko, hundreds
of thousands of innocent people will die.

Let him go. He's given us what we want.

Put your hands up!

As for the data I sold Bierko, I received it
from a contact at the Department of Defense.

- What's his name?
- Her name. Audrey Raines.

You are lying to me.

She sold me the information, Mr Bauer.
Apparently, she had a price.

Chloe, I need you
to do something for me right away.

Check out Audrey's activities
in the last 18 months.

- Audrey? Why?
- I'll explain later.

I'm particularly interested in any connection
to Henderson or Cummings.

- You think she's part of their conspiracy?
- I don't know what to think. Do it quickly.

- Audrey?
- Yes?

- I'm afraid I have to take you into custody.
- What? Am I being arrested?

- Detained.
- On what grounds?

College Stenger's been passing information
to Bierko for him to use in his next attack.

She claims she got the information
from DOD, and she named you.

That's impossible.

We already uncovered one mole
in the White House. I have no choice.

What kind of information
did Stenger say I gave her?

I've told you as much as I can at this point.
Prep Ms Raines for interrogation.

- Does Jack know that I'm being detained?
- Yes. He sanctioned it.

It's the truth. Audrey Raines was my contact
at the Department of Defense.

- You met with her face to face?
- Yes.

- Then you'd recognise her.
- Of course.

She identified Ms Raines
through photographs on the way.

If you are lying to me, I'm donna make this
the worst day of your life. You understand?

Put her in Holding.

Burke's interrogation
method is a last resort.

This warrants a more
aggressive approach.

- Then do the same to College Stenger.
- Stenger has immunity.

We can't touch her unless the information
she's provided turns out to be false.

So we can torture our own people,
but we can't touch a criminal.

I've known Audrey
Raines for years.

I trust her implicitly.
So does everyone else.

Maybe that's the problem.
Bill, we don't have the luxury of time.

Intel indicates that an attack is imminent.
Within an hour.

Hundreds of thousands
of Americans are at risk,

and we just got information
that Audrey Raines knows about it.

Karen, the decision is yours.

But any adverse consequences that result
from insufficiently aggressive action now

will come down hard on you.

- Why is Burke here?
- We're talking about medical interrogation.

- On Audrey?
- Yes.

- That's ridiculous. I'll do it.
- I can't allow that.

I brought this to you. I called it in.
You can't pull me off of this.

Your emotional involvement
with Ms Raines is not a secret.

- That has nothing to do with this.
- That's right.

You always put the work first.
You never let your feelings get involved.

Is that what happened with Nina Myers?

Nina Myers was a mistake.
I've never denied that.

But she was deep cover for years
before I met her.

She fooled a lot of people, not just me.

Well, maybe Audrey is fooling people too.

You might be right. But I'd think twice about
who you're willing to incisively interrogate.

Audrey is a senior advisor
to the secretary of defense, James Heller,

who happens to be her father.

And if you are wrong,
he's donna eat you alive.

At least let Jack talk to her for ten
minutes first. She deserves that much.

If she's guilty...
she doesn't deserve anything.

That's the point.
She hasn't been proven guilty.

You can see her for ten minutes,

but at the first sign
you're less than objective, you're out.


Thanks, Bill.

- I don't believe Audrey's guilty of anything.
- Neither do I.

The one thing we do know
is Bierko's donna release

the Sentox in the
city in the next hour.

If Audrey knows anything that could help us,
she needs to tell us now.

Keep an eye on traffic patrols.
Bierko's donna need to move those canisters.

With the curfew in place,
we might pick up the trail.


Hey, break it up!

Break it up now!

Gentlemen, I said break it up!

- Take their uniforms and weapons.
- Got it. Take it, all of it.

Now we have a police escort to the target,
the curfew won't be a problem.

Chloe, walk with me.
Are you running the background on Audrey?

- Yeah.
- What have you got?

You won't like it. I found a connection
between Walt Cummings and Audrey.

- What connection?
- She dealt with him a few times.

It was the usual stuff between DOD and the
White House, but there was something else.


Chloe, what?

They both stayed
at the River Hotel in Pikesville last April.


Pikesville isn't a hot
spot with top officials.

It wasn't a coincidence.

Chloe, what are you trying to say?

They didn't just stay in the same hotel,
they stayed in the same room.

How could you possibly know that?

I enabled photos of them to the manager.
He recognised them both.

He showed me phone bills, room service
receipts. I can show you if you want.

No, no. I'm sorry.

I believe you.

It doesn't mean she was part of their
conspiracy, but it doesn't look good either.

- Make copies of everything for me.
- I hAlill.


Excuse me.

I'm Shari. I work in Section Five downstairs.

- I know where Section Five is.
- Right.

Uh, Mr Buchanan told me
to report to Chloe O'Brian. Is that you?

You're donna have to wait a second.

I'm here to replace Edgar.
I understand he died in the attack.

Yes, he did.

Well, if he was a friend of yours, I'm sorry.


He worked at station six, right there. Are you
familiar with the Galvilan matrix analyser?

- Yes, I am.
- Use it to check our databases are current.

Some of them may have fallen behind.

No problem.

Mlles here.


Sit down.

Sit down.

- Ever had contact with College Stenger?
- No.

She says you gave her
information from the DOD.

I know. Bill told me.
That's ridiculous. You know it.

Jack, you're wasting
time that we don't have.

I had to ask CTU to
let me interrogate you.

I have a job to do.
If I don't do it Burke will, and I promise,

you do not hanna see him
walk through that door.

Fine. What did
she say I gave her?

The structural schematics
of Bierko's target.

- What kind of structure?
- She didn't know. She just delivered it.

She claims I gave her information,
yet she can't say what it is.

- And that's enough to make me a suspect?
- Dammit, you know what this nerve gas does.

They are planning another attack.
We will not ignore any leads.

- I have nothing to do with the terrorists.
- How did she get your name?

I don't know. My father is the secretary
of defense. I'm an easy target.

Maybe she's trying to use him
or embarrass him.

Is he involved?

Oh, Jack, you know him better than that.

You worked with him. He would never do
anything outside the law, and neither would I.

The two men we know are part of this
are Cummings and Henderson.

Have you had any contact with these men?

Christopher Henderson I'd never heard...
I'd never heard of him before today.

And, um...

Walt Cummings
I've met a couple of times, yes.

- Where?
- Um, DOD briefings.

- That's it?
- Yes.

- Are you sure?
- Yes I'm sure.

Open it.

The River Hotel, Pikesville, last April.

Yeah, I'm sorry, um... We were there at the
same time. We may have had a drink together.

You weren't having drinks with him, you
shared a room with him. You slept with him.


I was still recovering from losing you, Jack.

He had just separated from his wife, and...
I slept with him once and then I broke it off.

- Why'd you break it off?
- Jack, please...

Why did you break it off?

Because he wasn't you.

Why did you lie to me
when I asked you the first time?

I was afraid you'd think less of me,
that you wouldn't forgive me.

Because you slept with someone?

Because I slept with someone
who turned out to be a traitor, Jack.

- Was that the only time you spent with him?
- Yes.

- Did he ever talk about a terrorist attack?
- No.

- Did he mention Christopher Henderson?
- No.

- Dammit, Audrey!
- Jack... Stop!

- Tell me the truth!
- I am telling you the truth!

You already lied. Tell me what you know, or
I promise this will become very unpleasant.

I'm telling you everything.

Go ahead. Do what you have to do.

Dammit, Audrey, tell me the truth.

Jack, I am telling you the truth, I swear.

This is over. You understand? This is over!

- She broke him, not the other way around.
- Karen...

He didn't push hard enough.
He's protecting her.

She's innocent.

- We have to be certain.
- I am certain. Jack is certain.

- Well, I'm not.
- Karen...

Send Burke in. I have to do this, Bill.

I can't waste any more time.
And make sure that Jack doesn't interfere.

OK, I'll pass that on.

Shari, that was the agent
at Bierko's safe house. The place is empty.

Forensics are still looking,
but they don't expect to find much.

- Upload that information onto the subnet.
- Oh, right.

I checked your file.
You're not qualified for level three work.

And that... is level three.

I'm provisionally qualified. It's all in my
supplemental file. Check it if you want.

First mistake, I yank the provisional
and you're out of here.

What's with him?

Two years ago, we both worked in the San
Francisco office. It was sexual harassment.


It was subtle at first, and then it got
really bad. I finally filed a grievance.

- What happened?
- He got off with a warning.

These things are hard to prove. They said
we didn't have enough evidence to go to trial.

I can't get into any
details. The file is sealed.

Don't worry, I
don't need details.

I guess I better not make any mistakes.


- What's going on?
- I'm sorry. This is out of my control.

Karen wants to push Audrey a little harder.

- No. Her interrogation is over.
- I'll try to stall her as long as I can.

I have orders to take Ms Raines
for interrogation.

I don't care about your orders.
It's not donna happen.

Get out of my way.

Get out of my way.

Jack, don't make this
any harder than it is.

Bill, do something!

Let go of me! Bill, make them stop.
Stop it!


- Mr Henderson, it's Brennan.
- Is Wayne Palmer dead yet?

- No.
- Explain.

We rolled his car,
but he survived and got away.

- It was sloppy. We'll make it right.
- You better. You know what's at stake.

Yes, sir.

This is Wayne Palmer.
At the tone, please leave a message.

Has Wayne Palmer come through
a checkpoint within the last half-hour?

Yeah, checkpoint six 30 minutes ago.
He's not here yet?

No, he's not.
And I can't reach him on his cell.

- If you're worried, I can send out an alert.
- No.

I actually kind of want
to keep his visit under the radar.

I'm donna go out and take a look myself,
in case he had car trouble or something.

Do me a favour.
Keep this between us, would you?

- Yes, sir.
- Thanks.


You need to calm down
and remember who's in charge.

- Audrey Raines is innocent.
- She slept with a known conspirator and lied.

She slept with him once, and lied cos she was
embarrassed. It hardly makes her part of this.

- Why did College name her as the source?
- She got Audrey's name from Henderson.

- Why would he want to implicate Audrey?
- He doesn't want to implicate Audrey.

He's after me, trying to make me lose focus,
and pull you off target. And he's done it.

These plans were made some time ago,
when Henderson believed you'd be killed.

Karen, you listen to me.

This is what I do for a living.
The first rule is you have a contingency plan.

This is his, and it's working.
You're getting ready to interrogate Audrey

when you should interrogate College
because she still has information!

Stenger has immunity. She's being protected
by a federal marshal. You made that deal.

I know.

But if I can prove she's
withholding information from us,

that act alone
negates her deal.

I'll be able to question her again.
She'll give me Henderson.

Once I have Henderson he'll lead us to the
nerve gas. That's what we should focus on.

What are you suggesting we do, Jack?

Let me and Chloe find proof
that College Stenger is lying to us.

If we don't, you lose nothing. But if we do...

we can stop this thing from happening,
I promise you.

Karen, please.

Excuse me.

These matrix sweeps are partials only.
Where's the rest of the data?

- I thought matrix data could be unfiltered...
- That's not protocol.

- I thought it was all right in-house.
- Only if it's authorized. Who authorized it?

I did. She did it under my authority.
I take full responsibility.

- I don't believe you.
- Believe what you want.

That would be sloppy, O'Brian.
You don't work like that.

She told you about my alleged
sexual harassment, right?

Well, she's lying. Listen...

You listen. There are
17 canisters of nerve gas

somewhere in LA. We're
trying to find them.

If you interrupt us one more time,
I'll file a complaint with Division.

Then you'll see what protocol's all about.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Chloe, we need to help Audrey.
- How?

- Find a link between College and Henderson.
- We found Collette's name on his computer.

We need proof they had direct contact,
preferably more than once.

You think he gave College Audrey's name?

I'm sure of it. Use outside
agencies, including foreign.

Put it on a priority channel.

We have an important delivery.

There's no delivery scheduled.
I'm donna need to call this in.

Stay out here and watch the perimeter.

Very good. Finish off over there.

Who's in charge?

- I am.
- We need access to the control room.

What are you guys doing here?

Can you take us to the control room?

- Yeah. It's that way.
- Good.

Cooperate and no more
of your friends will die.

- Understand?
- Yes.

Take the canisters
to the main distribution tank, quickly.

Let's go.

- Sam, what's going on?
- Ah, Sam.

I'm not an engineer but I know enough,
so you'd be wise not to try to deceive me.

What we're doing here is very simple.

We're going to release a certain substance
so it flows into your pipelines.

- What kind of substance?
- That's not your concern.

But at the pressure
which currently prevails in these pipes,

the substance will react chemically
with the gas and become inert.

So I need the pressure reduced by about 50%.

Sam, don't do it.

Do you understand what I want?

- You want PSI cut by half.
- Exactly.

- How long will it take?
- It could take an hour.

You don't seem to care very much
for your friends, do you, Sam?

No, no! Don't!

I might be able to do it in 30 minutes.

You have 15.

- Better get started.
- Yes, sir.

Don't move.

Drop the gun. Now!

Move away from it.

Now get on your knees.

Mr Palmer.

It's Aaron.

Oh, God.

- Aaron, what are you doing out here?
- I was looking for you, sir.

So are some other people. Let's go.

We know you conspired with Mr Cummings.

- Who else in the White House was involved?
- I don't know.

- You know, Ms Raines.
- I don't have... have any names.

- Give me a name.
- I swear, I don't know...

We don't have the time, Ms Raines.
Give me a name!

I don't... I swear, I don't know.

- What have you got?
- Masked entries in Collette's cell phone.

- Come on.
- Henderson placed eight calls to her.

- Where's College now?
- Holding room three.

Bill, we have a connection.

Henderson made calls to College.
That voids her agreement.

- It's for the president to decide.
- Call him.

- You need a rescinding order!
- Get 'em to back off of Audrey!

Get me the president.

- What's your connection with Henderson?
- I have an immunity agreement.

She can't be questioned.

Her deal's rescinded.
The order's on its way.

When it gets here,
she's all yours.

- An innocent woman is being interrogated!
- Look, I'm sorry, sir, but you have to go.

We know you lied. We know you did not get
the schematics from Audrey Raines.

Henderson told you to use her name
in case you got in trouble, right?

You do not hanna try me.


Did he tell you why?

- No.
- He's using you.

He wanted you to get inside my head.
And it worked.

And now I'm...


You have three seconds to tell me
where the target is, or I will kill you.

Where is the target?!

A natural gas distribution centre.

- There are dozens in the city. Which one?
- I don't know. I swear it.

I don't know. I don't.

Jack, what's going on?

The target's a natural
gas distribution centre.

Natural gas?
He can use it to deliver Sentox,
to get it into people's homes.

Get Chloe on it. We need to find which one.

The rescinding order
will be here in 15 minutes.

Give it to the marshal.
He'll be looking for this, too.

Please, no more. I'm begging you,
please don't do that. Please...

Please. I'm telling you the truth.

- You're bringing this on yourself.
- No!

- Stop it!
- This can end...

Shut it down! Shut it down now!

You're finished in here. She is innocent.
You can confirm it with Buchanan.

I said, you're finished! Get out!

- Are you all right?
- I don't know.

It's over. I promise you, it's over for good.

My God, what's happening to me?
What's happening?

Henderson set you up to get at me,
to throw me off his trail. Now come here.

I'm so sorry.

Jack, the only thing
that got me through this,

was that I knew that you would come.

I knew you would come.

I'm so sorry.

- Bauer.
- It's Bill.

Chloe's got some information. We needyou.


- Jack?
- I'll be right there.

Bill, send someone over from Medical
to interrogation one, to tend to Audrey.

- All right.
- Thanks.

I'll be right back.

Go. I'm OK

This only covers 60% of the centres.
If our target's not there, we're out of luck.

- Can we redirect any other satellite?
- I'm trying.

- Did you identify the distribution centre?
- We're pulling in more satellites.

Once the Sentox hits the main tank and
goes into the pipes, it's impossible to stop.

- From there, it goes to people's homes.
- How many casualties?

Centres serve 90,000 people.
Could be twice as many casualties.

- Intel says we have 15 minutes.
- I'll prep a team and go airborne.

We'll be ready as soon as you ID a target.

Mr Buchanan, there may be a faster way.

I was a chem major at Caltech.
Toxins become inert under high pressure.

PSI would have to be lowered
before the gas was introduced.

Chloe, can you monitor the pressure levels?

Yeah. I have citywide readings
of them all. Hold on.

Wilshire Gas Company. The PSI's dropped
to 75% in the past 10 minutes.

We have to assume that's it.
I'll tell Jack. Great work, Shari.

- Congratulations.
- Thanks.

Did you see the way his hand brushed across
my shoulder as he walked by?


That was wrong.

He shouldn't have done that.

What is it?

Get down!

Come on.

- Chloe, what's the PSI level?
- PSI level's down to 57%.

Another seven is all they need.

- How long will that take?
- Four, maybe five minutes.

The PSI level can only be adjusted
from the main control room.

It's the large building,
two floors down from the roof.

Copy that. OK, we'll
insert here. We'll advance

to the control room and
secure the canisters.

We're almost there. The noise from the plant
should cover our descent.

- We're ready.
- Good. Get back here.

How much longer?

A few more minutes.

I can't lower the pressure any faster
without risking a shutdown.

Chloe, do you have any heat signatures?

Yes, but I can only scan
from the exterior of the site.

There are two guards patrolling.

I've given the pilot an approach vector
to keep you from their line of sight.

- Maintain this position.
- Yes, sir.


CTU, the team's away.

They're on the roof.

PSI level's down to 54%.

CTU, we're inside.

Jack, Bierko will be ready
to deploy any minute.

Copy that.

Silencers off.



He's moving. Cover me.

Curtis, the Sentox is already in the system.
Who's in charge here?

Listen. You have nerve gas in your pipeline.
Can you shut down the pumps?

By the time we power down,
the gas will be in the main tanks.

I need a pipeline that feeds those tanks.

Out the door to your left.
It'll have a red arrow on it.

- I need C4 and a timer. Get these people out.
- What are you doing?

To deliver the Sentox,
it had to mix with natural gas.

If we can ignite that gas before it leaves
the plant, the Sentox will be incinerated.

Bill, this is the last chance we've got
to stop this threat.

Sentox has been in the system for one
minute. You've 60 seconds before it gets out.

The charge has been set.

- Curtis, are you clear?
- Just about.

Keep going!

Jack, are you clear?


Jack, respond.

Come on, Jack.

Jack! You OK?

- I got a visual on Bierko.
- There's no time before the tanks explode.

- He's our only connection to Henderson.
- Jack!

Bill, he's going in.


Jack, that's it.
The main tanks are going. Get out!