24 (2001–2010): Season 3, Episode 13 - Day 3: 1:00 a.m.-2:00 a.m. - full transcript

Nina releases a deadly computer virus into CTU's systems after getting captured by Jack and Chase. Sherry runs out of options and decides to directly confront Alan Milliken but things go too far. Chloe and the rest of the tech cre...

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"Previously on" 24.

David, I still believe in your presidency,
and if Alan Milliken is threatening...

your ability to lead this country,
he will be stopped.

Milliken was driving the car that hit
and killed your daughter 12 years ago.

Yeah. I saw Milliken driving
the car that night.

Kelly was the only one who saw it.
Then Milliken's people got to him.

- And he'll swear to this?
- "Yes."

Mr. Kelly?

- " What is that?"
- " It's a baby."

- "I can see that it's a baby. Whose baby is it?"
- Chloe's.

- Chloe doesn't have a baby.
- Adam just told me you're not
the mother of this child.

Frankly, I think she's delusional.

She's the only one capable of filtering
audio streams Chase is sending us.

- If Chloe is unstable...
- Look, we don't have an alternative.

We have got to
keep her in place.

Amador will be here in 15 minutes.
Confirm that he has the virus...

get him his money
and bring the virus back to us.

Good job.

- I don't need you anymore.
- He's gonna kill him.

- "Delta team's not gonna get there in time."
- Ramon, we had a deal.

- Chase!
- "Tony, Delta's here."

All we want is the virus.
Just put the cylinder down slowly.

Get down!

We do not have the virus! The cylinder
Ramon was carrying was rigged with a bomb.

Amador must have switched it.
Do we have a position on him?

Delta has a team on him, Jack.
He won't get far.

Hands in the air,
get on the ground.

Jack, Amador ambushed Delta 3.
It was a setup.

- " What about his position?"
- "We lost the signal."

Son of a bitch.
Delta 3's been taken out.

- They don't have a position on Amador.
- What do you wanna do?

We gotta find Nina.

The following takes place
between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m.

- Jack.
- It's Bauer.

- I have an area lit up past the fire road. That you?
- Negative.

- I'm gonna check it out.
- Be careful.

Stop right there.

Drop your gun.
Drop it!

Put your hands on your head.

- You in a two-way with Jack?
- Yeah.

Give him a Code 6.

I'm gonna reach in my bag,
and I'm gonna pull out a two-way.


- Jack.
- Yeah?

- I'm Code 6.
- What about the light you saw?

It was nothing.

Off, not standby.
Throw it over here.

- Who else is on the grid with you?
- Just me and Jack.

- You're lying. I saw a Delta team.
- They went north.

- What about Amador?
- He escaped with the virus.

- He ripped off everybody.
- Son of a bitch.

- All right, move down the hill.
- Where are we going?

Just walk.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Contact Delta. Tell them
to meet us at the airfield.

- What are you gonna do to her, Jack?
- Interrogate her.

- No, he's not.
- Shut up!

Chase, please, just trust me.

I'll meet you at the airfield.

Jack, Amador still has the virus.
I can help you track him.

The only reason he chose this town
is because it's close to the border.

He needs to get back to Los Angeles.
Once he does, he's gonna meet somebody...

unload the virus and disappear.

I can help you find him.
Jack, I don't wanna die.

Let me help you find him.

I can help you.

- C.T.U.
- This is Jack Bauer. Patch me through to Almeida.

- Almeida.
- I've got Nina Myers alive.

- Any sign of Amador?
- No. Not since the ambush of the Delta team.

Once the satellite comes around,
we'll do a sweep.

- Nina says he's headed to Los Angeles.
- You believe her?

I think she knows something. She wants to
cut a deal. We gotta bring her back to C.T.U.

- Okay, uh, I'll get a Delta plane ready.
- Copy that.

Get up, slowly.

Tony, I'm coordinating too many comms. I
need to off-load some of it to Adam's group.

- You have everything?
- Yeah.

Look, Chloe, uh, you need to
go talk to Chappelle.

- For what?
- You know what for.

- Kim Bauer.
- Did you get a chance to update the logs?

Most of them. Look, what's going on
with my dad and Chase?

That's why I called.
Uh, they're headed back to Los Angeles.

- They lost Amador. We're looking for him now.
- What about Nina?

- They're bringing her back with them.
- Thank you, Tony.

All right. You got it.

I'd love nothing more,
but we have to prioritize, don't we?

- " I understand."
- "All right. Yeah."

All right. I gotta go.

Tony said you wanted to
talk to me. Here I am.

- Sit down.
- If you want me to talk about the baby...

you're wasting your time,
because I'm not gonna talk about her.

So, sit down. Tell me
what the hell's going on.

- What?
- All right.

First, you told us the baby was yours.
We found out that was a lie.

Then, you tell us you and your boyfriend
took it from its mother...

because the baby
was being abused.

I did say that, and I'd like to
correct that right now.

I don't have a boyfriend.

You're unbelievable.

- Who does the baby belong to?
- I can't tell you.

You brought an unauthorized person into
this building. That's a federal offense.

- It's just a baby.
- I don't care who it is. You're in violation.

- Fine. I'm in violation.
- Who does the baby belong to, Chloe?

Do you want me to take it down to
the lab and run blood tests to get an I. D?

- 'Cause I will.
- I'm not gonna talk anymore about this baby.

And it's not because I'm a horrible, evil person.
It's just because I can't do it.

Just please don't start
sticking needles in her.

- Eileen.
- Yes, Mr. Chappelle.

Send Security in. I want Chloe O'Brian under
guard while we run some tests on the baby.

Right away, sir.

Tony Almeida from C.T.U.
Has just informed us...

that they were unable to confiscate
this Cordilla virus in Mexico.

I thought they located the seller
and had the entire area surrounded.

Well, the seller,
a man named Michael Amador...

apparently, he never
intended to give up the virus.

In fact,
it was a well-planned rip-off.

David, we lost six men.
Members of a Delta team.

We lost a Delta team?

This man, Amador, where is he now?

The latest working theory is Amador has this
virus and is headed back here to Los Angeles.

- To release it?
- We don't know...

but Amador doesn't have a history of
implementing terrorist strikes.

He's an arms dealer
with no known ideology.

- Bottom line is we just don't know
what his intentions are.

I'm sorry to interrupt, sir.
I finally reached Sherry Palmer.

- Is she on the line now?
- Yes, sir.

Continue here, Wayne.


I'm sorry I couldn't call you back.
I had to leave Kelly's in a hurry.

Did you talk to him
after we spoke?

- That's just it. When I got back there, he was gone.
- Gone?

- Do you think he ran?
- No, I don't...

because he was more than ready and willing
to come forward against Milliken.

But someone obviously
got to him first.

- But you didn't see anyone?
- No, I ran back to my car and got out of there.

I was, uh... I was
pretty scared there, David.

Milliken must be on to you.
Get back here as soon as you can.

- It's not safe for you out there anymore.
- I need to do something first.

- "What?"
- I'm going to go see Julia Milliken.

No. No. I don't want you to go anywhere
near her or Alan tonight.

I have to, David. Alan Milliken
had to move fast...

in order to kidnap... maybe even kill...
this Kevin Kelly guy.

I've gotta take advantage of that
before he has time to cover his tracks.

Sherry, I do not
want you confronting Alan.

I told you, David.
I'm just going to talk to Julia.

I promise.
I'll stay away from Alan.

- Sherry...
- David, you asked me to help you, right?

Please, let me do that.

- What happened back there?
- She wants to help us find Amador.

Agent Bauer,
Mike Murphy, Delta 4.

- The navy was good enough to reroute a C-130.
- Tell them we said thank you.

We're gonna take you and the prisoner
back to Los Angeles.

- Any movement on Amador?
- No. Air Tactical's been monitoring
the entire area.

- So far, nothing.
- Jack, you sure you wanna leave?

- Secure her.
- "Yes, sir."

Amador's already gone.
He's planned this thing well.

We need to find who wants the virus
and where and when they're gonna release it.

We need to go now.
We need to leave.

Let's go. Let's clear this up.

- Hello?
- Marcus, it's me.

- Where are you?
- I'll be there in an hour.

- You got the virus?
- Yes. Just be ready.

I will be.

- Hello?
- Julia, I'm almost there.

- Where's Alan now?
- He's in his room.

- Is he asleep?
- No. He just got off the phone with someone.

Do you know who he was talking to?
Did you hear a name?

- No. No.
- How do I get to you without him knowing?

The gate code is 41-32.

Park off to the side and walk up to
the service porch.

- I'll be there.
- All right. W-What's that number again?

- "41-32."
- Okay.

- Are there any security cameras?
- "Yes."

- Make sure they're disabled.
- Sherry, I don't know if I can.

Find a way, Julia.

I'll be there in a few minutes.

Strongest opponent is
ahead in the polls and gaining favor...

with the American people.

- "As for President Palmer..."
- You're up late.

Ken called from Singapore.

He still hasn't figured out
how to calculate the time difference.

- You should be in bed yourself.
- I will.

I just put on some tea.
I'd like to settle my stomach.

- All right, then.
- All right.

- Good night.
- Good night.


I know you felt demeaned earlier,
but that's behind us now.

I know it is.

I let you live.
Tell me what you know.

Anytime Amador does business
on the West Coast, he washes his deal
through a man named Alvers.

Alvers. What's his first name?

All I know is Alvers.
It could be a first or last name.

How does Amador contact this Alvers?

I don't know. I've never met him. But I did
check out Amador before our deal...

and I kept coming across
the name Alvers.

He was a connector to a lot of his past deals.
Los Angeles was always the hub.

- "Who's in charge of transportation? Okay."
- Chase, you on with C.T. U?

- Yeah, it's Tony.
- Tell him I wanna speak to him.

Tony, Jack wants to talk to you.

- Tony.
- Hey, Jack.

I want you to run a check
on the name Alvers.

- Cross-reference it with everything that
you've got on Amador.
- Is that it?

Yeah, just the name.
Alvers. A-L-V-E-R-S.

- You got this from Nina?
- Yeah.

- All right. I'll work it up. I'll get back to you.
- Okay. Thanks.

Keep it.

- How's the hand?
- Don't worry about it. It's fine.

You and I have been through a lot today.
Why don't we move past it and do our job?

You don't trust me, Jack. Why didn't you
tell me about your deal with Hector?

It couldn't go beyond Gael, Tony and myself.
That's the only way I knew I could contain it.

What'd you think? That I wasn't going
to come after you and Ramon?

I didn't know whether to
save you or kill you.

I expected you
to follow my orders.

But I probably would have
done the same thing myself.

You put a gun to my head,
and you pulled the trigger.

I made a judgment call that Ramon Salazar
would not give me a loaded weapon.

- That he was testing me.
- And if it was loaded?

- "Then what?"
- I'd have finished my mission.

Chase, listen to me. You do this job long
enough, you're gonna have to make choices.

You don't know you've made the right one
until the whole scenario plays itself out.

Right now,
the only thing that matters...

is if we don't stop this virus, the world
as we know it will change forever.

And that fact...
and that fact alone...

is the only thing that you have to keep in
the front of your mind, and you know that.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Why don't you keep pressing her?
She probably hasn't told you everything.

No, she probably hasn't. We're gonna have to
wait, make sure Alvers is a real lead.

Over a thousand Alvers showed up in the
Langley database. I did background checks...

and consistency refs with Amador:
This is the only one that red-flagged.

Marcus Alvers. Born in Austria,
moved to England.

Met Amador in Cambridge,
where Alvers was studying biology.

In 1994, they were suspected
of manufacturing weapons-grade anthrax...

- "but there was no hard evidence."
- All right. Sounds like this is our guy.

The dossier's sketchy, but Alvers
and Amador have definitely crossed paths.

C.I.A. Had these on file.

Over the past three years, there've been
14 sightings of Alvers and Amador together...

- "throughout Europe and East Africa."
- All right.

- So, how do we find Alvers?
- We have some threads.
We need to work them all up.

- "We're gonna need manpower from Division."
- "Michelle, hook him up."

This is Bauer.

Yeah, Jack, we got a match on Alvers.
Now we gotta find him. It's gonna take time.

Yeah, I'll see what
we can do from here.

We're on.

- Looks like the information
you gave us on Alvers is real.
- Of course it is.

C.T.U.'s not gonna find him before his
meeting with Amador. But I can help you.

- How?
- "I know a little more than I said I did."

Look, I know there's no time
for a signed deal...

so I'm gonna trust you're gonna support
my case with the Department of Justice...

if I help you secure this virus.

You've got my word.

The man's name is
Marcus Frederick Alvers.

He's an amateur biologist
and wannabe terrorist.

He raised hell from Vienna to Los Angeles
with a two-year stop in London.

I have a number for him.

You have to dial a Felco prefix first. Then
you can reach him through an Internet socket.

Give me the cold line.

What's the number?

It's 1-7-7-5-5-3-1.

You're gonna get a fast busy signal,
but don't hang up.

I've got the busy signal.

Hit nine and hold it for three seconds.

Did you get a tone?

Yeah, I've got a tone.

Hit 9-5-7-3-1-star-6.

It's ringing.

When the ringing stops, you're gonna get
a series of numbers. That's your I.P. Address.

It stopped ringing.

- I'm not getting any numbers.
- That's okay. Just wait.


The tech room is spiking
all over the place.

- Can you reset it from there?
- "I don't know. I'll have to get back to you."

Adam, what's going on?
My system's locked.

Division. Tech.

- Matt, it's Adam at C.T.U.
- Adam, look. We don't know what's going on.

We're blocked up here too.
I'll have to get back to you.

Don't need to dial it again, Jack.
Once was enough.

- What are you talking about?
- You just triggered a worm...

that's gonna bring down
agency connectivity.

My God, what have you done?

What have you done?

Until I say otherwise, your entire
antiterrorist computer network is jammed.

Listen up! We've got some kind of
self-propagating code leaking into the system.

Shut down your sockets. Save everything you
can. We're gonna find where this thing came from.

- What do you mean Nina did this?
- She knew our system better than anyone.

She embedded a worm in a driver
she knew we'd never upgrade.

- She told you this?
- Yes!

- What does she want?
- "I don't know. We're gonna"
find out soon enough.

Look. Can your people
stop this thing?

- We're doing our best.
- Pull Chloe. She knows the network
better than anyone.

That's a problem.
She's been asked to step aside.

- What are you talking about? Why?
- It's a long story, Jack.

This is not the time
to take Chloe out of play.

You know as well as I do how many terrorist
cells try to hack into our system every day.

If this thing eats through our fire walls, we're
gonna have agents as targets by morning.

What about Nina? Any way you can get her
to tell us how to neutralize this thing?

- I'll start working on it. I'll get back to you.
- All right.

- What do you want?
- Turn the plane around and head back to Mexico.

Once you do, I'll slow down
the spread of the worm.

When we land and I'm safely away,
I'll give you the final kill code.

- That'll never happen.
- "How many terrorist cells..."

are waiting
for a window like this?

A couple hundred? In 30 minutes, they'll all
have access to C.T.U. Files everywhere.

You don't want that to happen.
Turn the plane around.

- You're assuming our people can't stop this thing.
- I invite you to try.

Believe me, Ryan, I know.

But Chloe's the only person who knows enough
about this section of code to stop the worm.


- Steve, you can go.
- Yes, sir.

- What's happening?
- There's a worm eating through our network.

Nina Myers somehow managed to launch it
remotely, and it's running rampant in the kernel.

Tony says you can stop it.
Is that correct?

Yeah, if it hasn't destroyed
too much of the routing data.

Good. Do it.

- Adam, did you close all the gateways?
- Yeah.

- Reopen 12 and 14.
- "What for?"

They won't leak with the rest,
and they get us to the kernel.

Dalton, start pinging
the nodes in I.T.

When you stop getting
packet loss, freeze the process.

- I'll be in the tech room.
- All right.

I'm really not comfortable
with you being here, Sherry.

- So why don't you just tell me what you want.
- Oh, come on, Julia.

I told you earlier. I know about your marriage.
I know about your life.

I know that you'd rather
be with a man you love...

but you stay with Alan because of
his money and the security.

I don't need a drive-through shrink, so unless
you have some real reason to be here...

How about murder?

What are you talking about?

A man named Kevin Kelly has information
on Alan that could hurt him very badly.

- An hour ago, Kelly disappeared.
- Disappeared?

- It's possible he was killed.
- And you think Alan is involved?

Oh, sweetie, I know Alan is involved.
And you're gonna help me prove it.

Even if I could do that, why would I?

Because it's your ticket out of here.

If Alan goes to prison,
you get everything, Julia.

What would you need me to do?

Okay. First, I need you to find out what
phone calls he's made in the past two hours.

Alan makes all his calls
behind closed doors.

- Does he use the house phone?
- His cell.

He usually keeps it with him.
It makes things easier with his wheelchair.

- Where is the cell phone now?
- In his room.

- I need you to get that phone.
- N-No.

Alan just went to bed.
I'm not even sure he's asleep yet.

- Well, then, why don't you find out?
- I can't.

Don't you want to be free of him?

I'm afraid.

Well, I'm not.

Where's the bedroom?

Set the group permission
on the beta node to 5-7-7...

and make it recursive
all the way down the tree.

I want anyone who's on the cypher volume
to stay off until I'm done.

- " Okay."
- Adam, are those gateways open?

- Yeah, of course.
- I'm trying to see the virus definition.

- I hope you have enough to go on.
- We'll know in a minute.

It's sad that I have to do this knowing that
you and Kim stabbed me in the back.

What do you want me to do, Chloe?

When you're breaking rules
and then lying about it all over the place?

- Tell me what you'd do.
- I'd have a little faith in my fellow worker.

No, you'd follow protocol.
You're the biggest rule-freak of anyone.

I think I've done a pretty good job
at breaking the rules...

- trying to protect a friend
and that baby... wouldn't you say?
- What friend?

It's done.

- Damn it.
- It didn't work?

- The worm's speeding up.
- " How is that possible?"

We must've triggered something.
Open one and four.

- Won't that expose the kernel?
- Yeah, but we have no choice. Do it!

- " O-7?"
- No, 4-7.

Yes, and the last one
on here has a 206 area code.

- " Washington?"
- Yeah, that's 555-0191.

That's it?

Okay. Oh, and Brian?
Thank you so much.

- You okay?
- Yeah, just call me.

All right.

- What are you doing?
- I have someone who could track the calls...

that Alan made from this phone, and if
any of them can be connected to Kelly...

we have evidence that
we can use against Alan.

- What should I do?
- Nothing.

Absolutely nothing.
Just go to bed...

and as far as you're concerned,
nothing happened here.

Julia, why aren't you in bed?
Who are you talking to?

- Sherry?
- Hello, Alan.

- Julia, I'm disappointed in you.
- I didn't ask her here.

But you let her in, and you took
my cell phone as well.

No. I took the phone.

So what do you think
you're going to do, Sherry?

Stop me?
That's not likely.

All right. You wanna talk about this
in the open? Fine.

What happened to Kevin Kelly?

Kevin Kelly. The name rings a bell.

Well, it should ring a bell. He's the man
that saw you run over his daughter...

and kill her 12 years ago.

The man you paid a considerable amount
of money to keep quiet.

And the man
you made disappear tonight.

So why don't you chew on that a bit...

and maybe we can talk about it
a little more tomorrow?

Or we can end it now,
and you can back off David.

- Yeah, this is Bauer.
- Chloe O'Brian for you, sir.

- Fine. Patch her through.
- Yes, sir.

I understand the system's going down.

Have you tried all security codes?

What do you suggest?

Nina, I've heard all about you.

I know what you've done, and how you've
managed to stay alive is impressive.

But if you try
to play Jack one more time...

he's gonna kill you.

Is that so?


I'm gonna put you on speakerphone.

In about three minutes,
our entire system's gonna be down.

You want any leverage, you better start
telling me how to stop this thing now.

- Doesn't move that fast, Jack.
- You're wrong.

Chloe, put it up on the screen.

We're running out of time, Nina,
to cut a deal. Explain it to her, Chloe.

When I tried to separate the routers on
the East Coast, the worm speed tripled.

- Who is this?
- Chloe O'Brian. My network
monitor's up. What do I do?

Log in with user I.D.

- It's asking for a security level.
- Hit "Escape 6."

- That's it?
- Yes.

- " Chloe, did that stop it?"
- No.

Wait a minute.
It didn't stop, but it's slowing down.

- How much time do we have?
- "Our simulation says just over 20 minutes."

I'll get back to you.

I slowed it down. Now you need to turn
the plane around and head back to Mexico.

If you don't, you can expect your undercover
agents around the world to start dying.

You're going to Los Angeles, help me
find Amador, then you're going to prison.

That's what's happening here.

You come into my house?
After everything I've done for your family?

I've made your children's father
the president of the United States!

You wait a minute. Whatever you did to help
David was not for the benefit of my children.

Let's get that straight. You're just
a small man, Alan, who lords his money...

over his friends because that's all you have...
that's all you are.

Why do you think your wife
had to go out and find another man?

- Don't you talk to me like this!
- Because you're not one!

Not one woman in her right mind would find
you attractive without your wealth, Alan!

That's what people want from you.

That's all Julia wants from you.
And I'm supposed to be afraid of you?

You think I'm scared of you?
You're just a little boy!

A pathetic, scrawny,
sickly little boy!

Julia, my pills. My pills!

- No, don't!
- What are you doing?

- Don't!
- Sherry.

- Don't.
- "Julia!"

- Julia!
- This is your way out.




All right.
I can't stay here, Julia.

- We killed him.
- No. No. No. No one killed him.

- We watched him die.
- It's over, Julia.

- We watched him die!
- Shh!

Now Alan was a sick little man.

And his weak body gave out.
Nobody was around to help him.

And you... you were in the bedroom,
understand me?

You're free of him, sweetie.
That's all you need to think about.

There's one thing you're gonna have to be
really clear about.

When the authorities
come around questioning you...

this was an accident.

- I don't think I can do this...
- You don't have a choice...

unless you wanna spend the rest of
your pretty little life in prison.

Oh, God.

All right.
You go into your bedroom.

You stay there for about an hour.

Then you're gonna come out
for a glass of water.

Then you're gonna...
see the body.

Now that's your story.

- Who do I call?
- 911.

That's what you would
naturally do, right? Okay.

- What about you?
- Now, you listen. You listen real strong...

'cause this is very crucial.

If anyone suspects that I was here,
there will be an investigation...

and both of us will go to prison.

I was never here.
You understand me?

Julia, you tell me right now
that you understand what I'm saying.

I understand.


Damn it.
Stop that process. It's making it worse.

- " Chloe, what's going on?"
- I'm not getting it.

- What's it going to take?
- "I don't know."

If you can't stop this worm, then I have to
tell Jack to reroute that plane...

- to wherever Nina wants.
- Tony, please let me work.

This is Bauer.

- Jack.
- Tell me your people
have got a handle on this thing.

- We don't.
- Well, Nina's not gonna give us the kill code...

until we turn the plane around back to Mexico,
and I have no intention of doing that.

We don't have a choice.
Tell the pilot to reroute the plane now.

- We have to do whatever it takes
to stop this thing.
- That's not an alternative.

"Tony. Tony!"

Son of a bitch.

Once the damage is done, you're not gonna be
able to cut a deal. Give me the kill code now.


- What?
- Think about it.

You should give her what she wants
right now. It's not worth it.

We'll deal with her later.

Jack, if you turn the plane around,
I can slow this thing down even more.

But I'm not giving you the kill code
till I'm safe in Mexico.

What's going on?

- We're going back up.
- Son of a bitch.

- What are you doing?
- I just got orders from Agent Almeida not to land.

He said to take
the plane back to Mexico.

- "Land the plane now!"
- I got my orders.

Don't even think about it.
Land the plane!

What the hell is he doing?

What's going on? Why aren't you
turning this plane around?

- Bauer won't let me.
- What do you mean he won't let you?

- He's got a gun on me.
- Put me on speaker.

- Jack, can you hear me?
- Yeah, I can hear you, Tony.
We're landing in Los Angeles.

We need that kill code. Tell the pilot
to turn the plane around right now.

- That's an order from Division.
- We can't keep giving in to her.

Wait a minute!
I think I'm getting something.

I can't take that chance.
We have to stop this thing...

or agents are going
to wind up dead.

- Then our people are going to have to stop it.
- We don't have the time.

Turning the plane around
is not going to help.

It's gonna take us farther away
from where we need to be.

- Chloe...
- Please, shut up, Tony.

- Dalton, bring it back up to 50.
- Okay, I'm clear.

- I'm clear.
- What branches?

- 14 through 20.
- Dalton?

It's working.

- Are we okay?
- I can't tell.

Yeah. Here. Here.
It's coming back up.

No, stop! Stop the process!

It's cycling through.
It's almost back up.

It's a defensive ploy
built into the worm.

It's not what we thought.
It's a simple back pop virus.

- I just took out the resource for it.
- Look at the C.P.U. It's 100%.

- What you're seeing on the monitor isn't real.
- Do what she says.

All right. It's stopped.

- What's going on?
- I think it's resetting itself.

We got it.

- Jack.
- Yeah?

- We're back up.
- Fully functional?

- Fully functional.
- We're resuming our approach. Good work.

You can file a report
with your commanding officer.

All our systems are up and running.

- I don't believe you.
- I don't care what you believe.

Let's check our directories
and make sure we haven't lost anything.

I'm on it. What about
the network volumes?

Let's remount those six at a time
until they're all on.

These all look good.
Dalton, how about yours?

There's some dropout, but it'll self-adjust
in the next 10 minutes.

Great work today, Chloe. You averted
what could have been a major loss.

- I know. Are Jack and Chase coming back soon?
- Yeah.

- Good.
- Where you going?

- Back upstairs.
- No.

This whole thing with the baby
isn't going to just go away.

What you did here will certainly bear well on
your case, but the charges still stand.

We're handing you over to L.A.P.D.

And no matter what happens, you're going to
have to tell them who this baby belongs to.

Who's that?
Where are they taking Angela?

Child Protective Services
has custody of her now.

- Oh, no. They can't do that.
- Of course they can.

- Uh, Child Services, hold on.
- Chloe, what are you doing?

I'll tell you who the father is.

Don't ask me who the mother is.
I don't know.

I was doing a favor.
I swear I'm telling the truth.

Barb, we're going to
hold on to her a little longer.

We just got
some more information.

Why didn't you tell me this earlier?

He didn't want me to tell anyone.
I was trying to be a friend.


- Chloe, I heard you stopped the worm.
- Yeah, I did.

- Your dad and Chase are back in L.A.
You must be relieved.
- Yes. Thank you.

- Look, Chloe, what about the baby?
- What about her?

- Well, I thought they were pressing charges.
- That was a misunderstanding.

- Chloe, wait.
- What?

- So they're not pressing charges?
- No.

- Why not?
- I told them who the father was. Everything's okay.

Wait. Everything's okay?
Wh-Who's the father?
