12 Monkeys (2015–2018): Season 2, Episode 3 - One Hundred Years - full transcript

Despite the growing tension between them, Cole and Cassie time travel to New York during World War II to track down a dangerous member of the Twelve.

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Previously on 12 Monkeys...

- She said I was Primary.
- You are Primary.

Things I see...

Changes made in time.

- Primary.
- I see everything.

We destroyed the virus.

I apologize, Dr. Eckland.

You were not part of
my original reality.

What are you doing? Deacon's
gonna kill him there!

Not before he tells
us everything he knows.

Those Messengers out
there in the hoods...

- what do they want?
- The machine.

We don't know where they went or when.

1944... that's where I
think the Messengers went.


Glennis, the limo's here.

One minute.

Mr. Applebaum?

You almost gave me a coronary.

I'm so sorry we kept you waiting.

My wife is on what I like to
call "Glennis Standard Time."

Oh, Russell, shush.

What is it?

Our entire lives have
led to this moment.

The world will be forever changed.


In the last eight months,

ever since the
Messengers used our machine,

we've had tremendous spikes
across the temporal spectrum.

Yeah, I'm aware.

But last night's data
showed these anomalies

multiplying in the time-stream...

an increase of 80%.

These levels are unprecedented.

It's almost as if the
structure of space-time

is collapsing somehow...

It's what?

Collapsing onto itself.

Dr. Eckland!

Dr. Eckland!

If you please...

Forgive me for asking,

but I understand Dr. Eckland has moved

out of your quarters.

As far as the time-stream goes,

I don't know what is
causing those anomalies.

Everything seems to be increasingly

My suggestion is we all
just get used to the new normal.

Oh! Come on, get up!



Oh! Get up!

What are you...



Get up. Yes!


Kick him.


What the hell is this?

What the hell is this?

Jones promised me this
bullshit was over!

You raise your voice to her again,

and I will chew your goddamn face off.

It's all right. It's all right.

Yeah, it's all right.

Go nurse your wounds, Teddy.

Stop it, both of you.

We're trying to figure
out where the Messengers went

in the machine.

And your boyfriend is holding out on us.

They didn't fill me in on a whole lot,

including the part where
they tried to kill me.

He's the asshole that
brought them here in the first place.

Mea culpa.

We stopped their
plan to release the virus.

Whatever's going on now, he's
got nothing to do with.

And what about 1944?

What about it?

Nice tux.

This is a relationship
I will never understand.

You should hear what you just said.

Oh, you sore about us?

Hey, guys.

I trained her to
survive, just like I trained you.

I'll tell you
something... she's got a lot of talent.

Except for that blind spot

when it comes to
pieces of shit like you.

What is that supposed to mean?


I know what this is.

Professor Thomas H.
Crawford, molecular biologist...

during the Second World
War, he was one of a small number

of American scientists who
belonged to something

called the War Bureau of Consultants.

The group was charged with investigating
the feasibility

of a U.S. bio-weapons program.

Looks like Crawford was
murdered in his office

at Columbia University

on the evening of September 1, 1944.

His killers... a man and
a woman... were never found.

What does this have to do
with the 12 Monkeys or the plague?

I remember there was a
time that they were looking

for the grave of Thomas Crawford.

I thought about digging him up.

Exhume his remains? For what purpose?

- I don't know.
- Test for DNA.

Maybe use it to track
Crawford to a specific time and place.

Yeah. September 1, 1944.

We have to go back. We were there.

You were also there in 1987.

But that little trip
didn't work out like anyone hoped.

Look, they went
back and killed Crawford.

We have to stop them and
find out what they were up to.

Could be his research.

It might be their plan B for the virus.

They might know something.

Crawford lived decades

before anyone understood the
basics of RNA propagation.

His work would have
been useless to the Monkeys.

Maybe he was ahead of his time,

and they killed him before
he got a chance to prove it.

We should go.

To 1944?

You want to just travel back
through time 100 years

to a world at war

where people were paranoid and archaic?

Cole can barely navigate 2016.

I'm standing right here.

That's why I'd like
you to accompany him.

You've seen the
Messengers, seen their faces.

You can identify
them before they strike.

The fight against the
plague starts in 2016.

The first battle may very
well have been in 1944.

I'm not a time traveler.

Dr. Railly, I understand
this is quite a change in dynamic...

but he needs you to guide
him through that world.


If Mr. Cole fails...

we all fail.

Our reports show that Professor Crawford

was murdered in his
office while a military ceremony

was taking place on campus.

The Secretary of War

was handing out medals to war heroes.

Well, if the Messengers found
a way in, so can we.

- We've done it before.
- This will require a plan.

On the ground.

No, not on the
ground, Johnny Night Room.

We need a plan now.

Are we sneaking in, going undercover?

Bribe... we need money.

Money won't be a problem.

Here they're worthless.

In 1944, their street
value will be substantial.

Trade it. Pawn it.

Wear it, if you like.

You've never splintered one
person, let alone two,

this far back.

No, and with the
increase of temporal anomalies,

the science has
become even more inexact.

The two of you could arrive hours apart,

maybe days.

So I'd suggest a rendezvous point.

Emerson Hotel...

West 43rd.


He's done a number on her, huh?

You sure it's not the other way around?

Mr. Deacon is a necessary evil.

Security of this facility is paramount.

What about Ramse?

I'll have a word with Mr. Deacon.

Mr. Ramse was helpful today.

Then show him that matters.

Let him see his son.

Coordinates are set for Manhattan, 1944.

The window is holding.

Core is at maximum and steady.

Give the word.

Initiate splinter sequence.

It's been a while since I heard that.

You're up.

- Be careful.
- Behave.

Match coordinates. Follow sequence.

You all right, miss?


Did you hit your head?

Quickly, inside.

- What's happening?
- Air raid.

Probably just a drill, but
one can never be sure.

This way, into the theater.

No, I can't. I have to meet someone.

I'll be all right.

Find shelter as soon as you can.


the Emerson has a strict dress code.

I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

It's all right.

The lady's with me.

Mr. Cole.

I'm so sorry. I didn't
realize she was your, uh...


Mrs. Cassandra Cole.

- Thanks.
- Nice suit.

They don't give rooms to couples
unless they're married.

You had me worried.

The party's tonight. I
thought you might not make it.

- How long have you been here?
- Two months.

It's all right. It gave me a
chance to get things ready.

I sold off a bunch of that jewelry.

Money's not a problem.

Good. I need clothes.
I'm drawing attention.

I took care of that too.

The salesgirl figured your
size when I showed her this.

I got a couple other
dresses for you upstairs too.

Hey, you want to sit
down, grab a drink or something?

I've been drinking whiskey sours.

You ever have one of those?

Oh, my God. You like it here.

What's not to like?

We need a plan to get

into a secure military
function during wartime.

And I got us on the guest
list with a generous donation

to the Columbia Alumni Society.

I'm on top of it. Just relax.

Try to have some fun.

This isn't a vacation.

Mr. Cole?


- Telephone.
- For me?

He asked for James Cole.



- Nothing.
- My apologies, sir.

There was a man on the
line. It sounded urgent.

All right, thanks, Dan.

What are you doing?

This picture's gonna be taken tonight.

It could risk causing a
paradox if there are two of them.

You should burn those.

Where are you going?

To get ready. We have work to finish.


Recognize anyone?


I'm so delighted you made it.

I am so delighted you
could squeeze us in.

This is Cassandra Cole, my, uh...


Janice Thompson with the Alumni Society.

We are so grateful for your
brother's generous donation.

That's a lovely necklace.

Thank you. Don't you just love it?

A gift from your brother.

He is such a catch.

We had to get on the list.

Hey, folks, how about a big smile, huh?

Could get you in "Stars and Stripes."

Oh, come on, sweetheart. You
can do better than that.

Perfect. Thank you.

Guess that's out of the way.

Where are you going?

Drink. Keep your eyes open.

I don't think Director
Hoover would approve of you drinking

while we're on a detail.

Take a look around.

More Gis here than the
whole European Theater.

Jerry's not dumb
enough to crash this party.

No reason not to keep our wits.

One of these eggheads might
just help us win the war.

Ahh. I got to hit the john.

Whiskey sour.

Uncle Sam rationing razor blades now?


The beard.

This is New York
City, not the Appalachians.

You walk two blocks, you'll run
into at least three barbershops.

I'm going someplace cold.

Someplace cold? Like the North Pole?

Who we fighting there, Shirley?

Excuse me?

I'm just busting your balls.

You just getting back?

From where?

Over there.

You got the look...
man who's seen things.

Yeah, I've seen a few things.

So who are you with... Army, Marines?

The Seventh.

Seventh Infantry? No shit. North Africa.

The ashes of yesterday, washed away.

You are prepared.

Your mission is clear.

Listen, I really
don't want to talk about it.

As former Gis,

we have an obligation to
share our stories here.

Listen, asshole, I'm
just trying to have a drink.

There you are, James.

- Is my brother troubling you?
- Not at all.

I just want to hear about
this Seventh he was stationed with,

what with him being a war hero and all.

My brother was in the
Philippines in '42.


He fought the Japanese for
three months straight

before he was taken
prisoner and forced to march 60 miles

from Mariveles to San Fernando.

When he finally
escaped, he was shot twice,


down there.

So you will forgive him

if he doesn't want to share his stories.

I'm sorry, kid.

Goddamn Japs.

No hard feelings?

No hard feelings.

Why did it have to be down there?

I found one of the
Messengers. She's with Crawford.


Oh, shit. It's locked.

Come on.

What's wrong?

I have a wife, a son.

I won't tell if you won't.


Flowers have the
most beautiful of cycles...

seed, rebirth...

Flowers have
the most beautiful of cycles...

seed, rebirth, seed, rebirth.

No beginning, no end,

no death, no blood to wash away.

Destruction, decomposition,

chaos, order, growth,

life eternal.

This is not death. There is no death.

It is only the passing of time

that fools us into
believing that we are not forever.


We shall meet again in the red forest.

Why didn't it happen?

He isn't the primary.

We have the right
name, but the wrong man.


We're too late.

Jasmine, lavender...

look familiar?

This is some kind of ritual.

Cole, we got to get out of here.

Why him? What's the connection?


What the hell is this doing here?


Are you kidding me?

You got good at this.

You win fair and square.

All right, I want round two.

I'm gonna teach you a lesson.

Where did you go...

after Mom...?

I went away.

Did you do something bad?

Is that why they have you in here?

Somebody tell you that?

I had to do something.

I had to do something for you.



Did you tell him?


Children shouldn't be
burdened with the business of adults.

Your presence is
affecting the balance of power

in this facility.

You're telling me that
you can't stop Deacon

from killing me.

That's bullshit.

I've loved very few in my life...

My father,

a husband briefly,

and my daughter...

all three murdered by a
disease in which you had a part.


To save the life of your
child whom your barely knew?

You created time travel.

Save your daughter.

You of all people should understand.

Understanding does not
lessen my contempt for you.

My selfishness was in line with
saving billions of lives.

Yours was bent to destroy them.

I cannot protect you here.

If this mission's to
continue, balance has to be restored.

Well, since I'm gonna be dying soon,

you gonna tell Cole what you did to me?

There is a difference between
what I'm choosing to do

and what I'm unable to prevent.

Mr. Cole will have to
accept that it was the latter.

My son?

Samuel will always have a place with us.

I want to see him one last time.

You just did.

Yes, sir.

Sir, we believe the
suspects may have my badge.

Yes, sir. U-understood.

NYPD just found two more bodies...

Glennis and Russell Applebaum.

Goddamn war hero and his wife...

they were supposed to
be there last night.

The shitheel with the
blonde and the pecker sob story

are unaccounted for, so
it's got to be them.

So then what's with the flowers...
some kind of ritual?

Yeah, or a couple of Axis spies

trying to make
killing one of our scientists

look like something else.

You do realize how bad this is for us

if we don't find these two?

- Really bad?
- Yeah.

Christ. Come on.

It's over. We failed.

They killed Crawford.

We have no leads.

We have to just wait for
Jones to splinter us back to 2044

and regroup.

Wait a minute.

What's this?

Psych evaluations...

for Thomas Crawford, Junior.

Crawford's son.

These go back to the 1930s.

Why would he want to hide
his son's medical records?

Maybe he didn't want people knowing

his son was mentally ill.

Like Leland with Jennifer.

This kid had a lot of
problems in school.

He heard voices, suffered
from delusions...

diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic.

Where is he now?

Mission Cross Mental Asylum...

outside Newark.

He drew this when he
was just a little kid.

This isn't a coincidence.

He's connected to all this somehow.

The Messengers made a mistake.

They killed the wrong Crawford.

Tommy and his father have the same name.

When they figure this out,
they're gonna go after him.


Locked up for
delusions and voices in the head...

that sound like anybody we know?

Jennifer Goines. Yes, she's crazy too.

- How is this news?
- She's not just crazy. She's...

She's what? Special?

Yeah. She is. Maybe Tommy is too.

Look, you might not like Jennifer...

I might not like her? You
think that's my problem?

I don't know. What is your problem?

I can't trust you.

Simple as that.

I don't have time for this.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want to
go back and finish the mission?

Because hate to break it to you,

but that's not really your strong suit.

You can't do what needs to be done.

Oh, this again?

I can't get the job
done... just kill everybody?

That doesn't work, Cassie.

What about Aaron? It worked for him.

That's not fair. Aaron died...

Aaron died protecting me...

from you.

You think I don't know what I cost you?

Look, there's every reason
to think that the Messengers

are gonna go after this kid.

They find him, they're gonna kill him.

Now, you and me together can stop them.

So what do you want to do?

Titan... everyone dies. Everyone lives.

Everyone dies. Primaries see.

Monkeys don't. Green to red.

Everything changes.

Primaries see. Mother
becomes a daughter.

The Witness sees all. Melting down.

Everything changes. The
boy is gone. Is he?

The boy is gone.

The Monkeys are coming for the Witness.

The Monkeys are coming for me.

The Monkeys are coming.

They're finally coming.

They're finally here.



This just happened.

He's in room 313.

Go back to sleep, princess.

Late again.

He knew they were coming.


He picked the lock.

What the hell is that?

A red forest.

How is any of this
possible? How can he know?

Jennifer calls it...

being primary.


They're connected to time somehow.

They're not just crazy.

The delusions, voices in their head...

they're real.

What does all this have to do

with a plague that ends the world?

Maybe the plague's only
part of their plan.

Cassie, no.

Your weapons.

You don't belong here.

Neither of you do.

Where is the boy?

They don't know.


Take the shot.

She won't. She can't.

- Shit!
- Cassandra.

Cassandra hates to travel.

How do you know my name?

James Cole.

This was not meant to
be. You shouldn't be here.

Don't worry. Cassandra
won't forsake you.

Do you know how important you are?

No, not yet. How could you?


What are you doing?

Listen to me. You're
gonna walk out that front door

with your hands over your
head and give yourself up.

No, no.

Tommy, the police will protect you.

I had to protect you.

That woman kills me today, not you...

with her dagger made of
bone... this bone, mine.

It's your grave they dig up
in the future, not your father's.


The Witness has spoken. I can hear him.

I die today, and his world of chaos

and his forest of red will come to be.

The Messengers... they need me dead.

- Why?
- Because of what's in here.

I help it think, just
like your friend Jennifer.

Poor Jennifer.

We keep the lines
straight, the circles circling.

We're the synapses in
its noggin, its mind,


Tommy, I don't understand.



Fourth floor, east wing.

Bring the boy.

You're gonna save him. I'll help you.

I'm not turning you over to that woman.

- She'll kill you.
- It can't be stopped.

Tommy, there's no such thing as fate.

Let's go.

We are here.

Let's go.

All clear.

Send the boy.

Cole first.

Don't do it, Cass.

The boy.

It's all right. I'll go.

Drop when I tell you. Understood?



Remember, James,

the only failure is giving up.


Tommy, now.

I'm sorry.

I told you... today I die.


They're gonna kill him.

It was his grave they dug up.

She has a knife made from his bone.

They're creating a paradox.

Flowers have the most
beautiful of cycles...

seed, rebirth, seed, rebirth.

No beginning, no end,

no death, no blood to wash away.

That's far enough.

Destruction, decomposition,

chaos, order, growth, life eternal.

You know the drill.

We shall meet again, in the red forest.

This is not death. There is no death.

It is only the passing of time

that fools us into
believing we are not forever.

Real-time tachyon
readings just shot off the scale!

A paradox.

Larger than anything we've seen.

We're losing their tethers!

Both of them?

We've lost their connection.

Oh, James, Cassie.

Those temporal anomalies
that we've been tracking...

this is it.

This is their origin.

What the hell?

Aah! Aah!


Aah! Aah!

What the hell is happening here?

I don't know.


What on God's green Earth happened here?