Worth (2020) - full transcript

Following the horrific 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Congress appoints attorney and renowned mediator Kenneth Feinberg (Michael Keaton) to lead the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Assigned with allocating financial resources to the victims of the tragedy, Feinberg and his firm's head of operations, Camille Biros (Amy Ryan), face the impossible task of determining the worth of a life to help the families who had suffered incalculable losses. When Feinberg locks horns with Charles Wolf (Stanley Tucci), a community organizer mourning the death of his wife, his initial cynicism turns to compassion as he begins to learn the true human costs of the tragedy.

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All I was doing
is what I was trained to do.

That's how I think of it, so…

You realize
how weak and fragile you are.

This was his first day
going to that office.

- We had his picture posted.
- He was happy.

I have pulmonary fibrosis…

When I saw the building
come down, I just prayed, you know.

I don't know
if we were just in denial.

- Thought he'd end up in the trash.
- They're done digging.

- Don't know how it could get easy.
- Have to come to terms with it.

- The rest of them, all gone.
- I lost a son.

You want other information?

I'll say this.

I'm angry.

I'm angry with God,

I'm angry with our country, also,
because they let this happen.

My beautiful boy…

…was burned alive

because of them.

We don't… We don't even have a body.

If someone took your child…

and blew them up…

He didn't even have a fingernail.

How do you go on from there?

How do you calculate that?

What is life worth?

Not a trick question, people.

Who's gonna give us a number? Uh…

Back row. Uh, you there, Mr. Barron.

Big boy voice here, counselor.
Tell us, where are you from?

I was raised in Wichita.

Kansas. Farm boy.

Good, good, good.
You were raised on one, a farm?

My girlfriend's father owned one.
He grew sorghum.


Girlfriend's father grew sorghum.

Miss Paula Tano.

Miss Paula Tano, you are now
Mr. Barron's girlfriend's father.

Don't laugh, people, it's very sad.

Mr. Barron just died,
tragically crushed by a combine harvester

in Miss Paula Tano's sorghum field.

Mr. Dickerson,
you're now representing Mr. Barron.

And where's Miss Chen?

Miss Chen, you're representing
Amalgamated Caterpillar,

manufacturer of said combine harvester,

which took poor young Mr. Barron's life,

in the Kansas state civil action

of Mr. Barron v. Mr. Barron's
girlfriend's father's sorghum farm

and the Caterpillar company.

So, Miss Chen, how much do you offer
Mr. Dickerson to settle this?

All right, let me rephrase.

How much is Mr. Barron's life worth?

Give us a number.

Two million?

Hey, I'm in law school.

I could be earning that before I'm 30.

If you aced the final, maybe,
and if you weren't dead, but you are.

This is now Mr. Dickerson's decision,
along with Mr… Your name?

- Patel.
- Patel.

Mr. Patel is the poor bereaved mother
of Mr. Barron.

Three million?



There you have it. There's the deal.

To be clear, you haven't stumbled
into a philosophy course.

Where the law is concerned,
this question actually has an answer.

And the answer is a number,

and that's the job.

No. Yes, 55 per victim.

Yeah, and both sides agreed to walk.
That's right.

No one thinks it's fair,
but fair is not the goal here.

It's finish and move on.

Yeah. Well, thank you, Senator.

Mr. Feinberg, you have a message
from Judge Clinton.

Thank you, Vic.

Just remember me when POTUS calls
about a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

I saw Rehnquist the other day.
He's looking pale.

I said he's looking pale.

He... Hello?

I think I lost him.

- Probably a good thing.
- It was a joke.

Usually the funny ones,
you don't have to announce that after.

I just saved the taxpayers
a year's worth of courtroom.

Do you think he really hung up?

I'm sure he's off
commissioning a monument.

- I have a forum to run.
- No way.

Mr. Darryl Barnes, Esq.
I have an important question for you.

- Is this birthday cake?
- Margo in Accounting.


- Is that the important question?
- No.

Did she save any for you?

Gloria, where are we on that email?

"And so I would ask…"

And so I would insist…

Not "ask," "insist."

…that you be on time.

I have a very busy schedule that day,

so punctuality will be imperative.

Please promptly advise.

"Love, Dad"?

Huh? Yeah, yeah. Love, Dad.

- Okay. I'll type this up right now.
- Thank you.

Remind me why we're building this

instead of buying that cute little place
on Cape Charles?

- Fog.
- You could still commute.

The numbers show Cape Charles
is more than twice as likely

to be fogged in on any given day.

- That's not a real statistic.
- Two-point-two is the statistic.

If you wanna retire to that.

Well, I have heard that people that base
their future happiness on weather data

are 100% less likely to be fun.

Why does he only just looks at me?
Do you mind?

You're not retiring anyway.

Good night, Kenny.

Because they want to put in
another shoe store.

We need another one of those.

They wanna take out
those beautiful arched windows.

You know, the ones that have
the Corinthian carved cartouche-y things.

They wanna take them out
and put in modern ones

so they can hawk more sneakers. It's just…

Not on your watch.

No. No. Now you're mocking me.

There's chicken piccata
in the fridge.

I'm going to post this. Just wait.

Power to the people.


Yeah, you can take it first.

- Who's that?
- You can take it apart.

- Hey, love.
- Morning.

You can snap that back in,

take it apart and…
A shorter wing span. Just putting...

All right, come eat, please.
Breakfast is ready.

- Quickly.
- Yay, breakfast!

- Thank you.
- Owen, slow down.

Oh, this way.

Gotta go. Love ya.

And here's, uh,
exactly the one that I got.

- What are we doing after school?
- All right.


I can't see anything.

Right now, I don't see anything.

Are you sure?

…freaking out, hold on.


Yeah, how you doing?
What's going on?

- Excuse me, sir, is there any...
- Can't talk.

Excuse me?

- What's happening?
- Did you find her somewhere?

Turn on the TV.

Oh my God.

Yes, we see it.

The shock from the attacks
in New York and D.C.

reverberate across the entire nation.

Our correspondent,
Tanya Riddle, has been told

that state officials are working
to strengthen security all across…

at Somerset County Airport

confirm the crash of a large plane
north of that airport.

The army has been placed
at Prescott, Delta.

Firefighters and police officers

are frantically trying to help

those people who have been hurt,
who perhaps have not been rescued.

With tragedy so great,

tonight, a city comes together
searching for safety and comfort.

…of a hundred waiting
for their turn

to go into the World Trade Center area.

…the days to come,
to the rescue those who may be alive.

So we have, at this point,

well over a thousand people
confirmed dead.

The 300 that are missing
that he talked about,

the 800 at the Pentagon,

266 who were on those airplanes today,
passengers and crew.

Uh, we're now up to about 1300,

and it is expected to go much higher.

Twenty-four hundred people altogether
were killed in Pearl Harbor.

They were military personnel
for the most part.

It was a military attack
on military installations.

We know who did it.

This is a different kind of a war
in a new century.

…that involves so many people?

Well, I think all of that
is going to have to be sifted out.

I think that in the midst
of our outrage and anger,

uh, President Bush is right,

we have to show the world
how we respond to this

uh, both with determination, uh…

- So, what did you tell Kennedy?
- That I'd think about it.

That you're my partner,
and I'd have to talk to you.

Hah. Hmm.

I mean, I know why he asked us.

We're one of five or six firms
with this kind of experience.

If that. lf that.

- Yeah. Asbestos, Agent Orange.
- Yeah.

Those were hot-button cases too.

Yeah. I'll let you know
how the committee hearing goes.


Thanks for coming.

- I know Teddy appreciates it.
- Sure.

We want our best trial lawyers.

We'll be needing your support
on this thing.

- Yeah.
- Your people okay?

- Kids, family?
- Yeah. Yeah.

Mike was at his dorm at NYU.
He's all right.

He was shaken up, but, uh… What thing?

A new bill on the floor.

The Air Transportation
Safety and System Stabilization Act.

- Wait, they're bailing out the airlines?
- More like the whole economy.

If the victims of these attacks
or their families

attempt to sue the airline industry
for damages, we will go bankrupt.

And never mind whether they win or not,
the legal costs alone…

And that's when we might as well
just hand those terrorists the victory,

because we're paralyzed.

Deliveries, commuter travel.

The whole economy grinding to a halt.

What we're facing is a national emergency.

- Mm-hmm.
- Lee?


- Help us come up with another way.
- Right.

Ah, brass tacks here.

You're trying to prevent
lawsuits from the victims.

- That's what they're saying.
- That's not what we're saying.

It's called due process.

Limit. We're saying limit civil suits
against the airlines.

Denying recourse to the people
most impacted by these attacks.

Stop grandstanding.

What we're proposing
is a treasury fund

offering tort-style compensation
to the victims.

For their economic losses,
something for pain and suffering.

Yes, but coming from us, Congress,
not the courts.

And in exchange,
the claimants promise not to sue.

- Corporate bailout.
- Chrissakes, Lee.

What, you're calling it charity?

Yes. Government-sponsored charity.

With strings attached?

Ken, help me out here.

A lawsuit could take decades.


After it crashes the economy.

And the victims might still lose.

This is for their own good,
and the nation's.

Yeah. How many, uh…

How many victims are there?

Well, we don't really know yet.

A special master we select
will have to negotiate all settlements.

A flat fee would
be another option.

The same dollar value
for every loss of life.

But those towers had CEOs and janitors.

They won't all say yes to the same number.

And even if they did,

anybody wanna go on record
with what that number is?

Yeah, well, pretty soon somebody's
gonna have to do the vulgar work

of putting numbers on a check.

So you're saying, what,
you wanna do this job?

Well, no, I mean…

Well, I mean,
we're discussing it right now, so…

Look, you're telling me
you're not sick about it,

watching all this on TV?

- Of course I'm sick about it.
- Well…

Well, it's just tough stuff, Kenny.

I know, I know. It is very tough, yeah.

And you're not exactly…


You're not a rabbi or a priest,
you're a lawyer.

I know. And that's exactly
what these people need right now.

There's a process here, you know.
I hire a team,

I draft an objective formula,

and I dispense reasonable payments.

Just like that?

Yeah, it's no different
than my previous cases in that regard.

Look, this is something I'm good at.

This is something…

This is something I can do to help.

Judge Weinstein told me
how you reached a settlement on DES.

Ten years of courthouse war.

You brought both sides to a motel room,

told them they could stay
as long as they wanted,

but they couldn't leave
until they reached a settlement.

- Is that really true?
- It is.

I did let them order room service.

You know, Attorney General, I…

People are rational animals.

I find if you…
if you force them to the table,

most behave in a way
that makes the most sense.

It's hard to believe
you live in Washington.

Well, in politics, uh, conflict sells.

I find that what works best is compromise.

No one walks away too happy,

just happy enough to walk away.

And when you walk away today,
what outcome makes you happy enough?

I'd like to have the job, John.

No one wants this job.

Well, that narrows down
your options.

I suppose it does.

Except that you're a Democrat,

Teddy's former chief of staff.
Did you hope I'd overlook that?

Well, I was hoping
you could see that as a good thing.

I mean, you said yourself,
this is a hot potato.

You know if you give it to an insider,

you know, a party man
or friend of the president, then…

- They'll blame us if it fails.
- Right.

Pick me, it's the opposition's fault.

Unless for some reason, you know,

by some miracle, I pull this off,
in which case…

Don't we look open-minded,

reaching all the way
across the aisle to find you.

It is felt, and I'm speaking
for the White House here,

that for the program
to succeed in staving off

a full-on economic cataclysm,

no fewer than 80%
of eligible claimants must opt in.

That means voluntarily choose not to sue.

Uh, that shouldn't be a problem.

Well, congratulations, Special Master.

- You got any more surprises for me?
- Yeah.

I'd like to work for free.

Uh, hey, everyone come in here for just a…

Uh, Camille and I want to thank you

for shouldering the firm's
day-to-day responsibilities

while we devote our time to this pro bono.

Uh, it's not gonna be easy,
and we sure welcome all of your help.

But if we do our job
the way I know we can,

well, we just might make a difference.

So thank you. And, uh… Thank you.

Thanks again.

This is you psyching yourself up,
or considering a quick escape?

When's the last time
I took on something I couldn't handle?

Well, Brockton track meet, 1961.

I came in second.

And you still remember who beat you.

Phil Leonardo.

And I was robbed, by the way.

You don't know how to lose, Kenny.

Yeah, well, this one's, you know,

not that kind of case.

There is no winning.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Ken. Call for you.

It's the president.

Wanna take it here?

- Yeah.
- Line one.

Yeah, this is Ken Feinberg.

Please hold for the president.

Well… Hello, Mr. President.

- Ken? Is this Ken Feinberg?
- Yeah.

Ken, I wanna
congratulate you on this thing.

- Yeah. Yeah, Ashcroft was impressed.
- Well...

Listen, you're taking
the heat on this, okay?

Now, I would not wish this job
on my worst enemy.

They tell me you're type of guy
that takes no prisoners.


I'm kidding you, counselor.
I like to josh.

- Did I scare you off?
- No, sir.

No, no, sir. I'm still here.

No, there you are. Okay, good.

Well, thank you, Mr. President.
Thank you very much.

And, look, you won't regret this.

Sure hope not.


- Morning.
- Good morning.

Ah, I assume you've all met,
but this is Priya Khundi.

Priya graduated first
in my class last year, Georgetown.

And after she passed the bar,
I offered her a place here,

but she, very politely, turned me down

for a big, fancy company
down on Wall Street.

Their main office
was on the 98th floor of the North Tower.

- Ah.
- So we're very lucky to have her.

Do you all have copies of the statute?


the Airline Transportation
Safety and System Stabilization Act.

Okay, who's read it? Great.

- Did it take you long?
- Not really.

- You wanna know why?
- Because it's short?

Uh, yeah, that
and there's no law in this law.

What it says is the victims
and their families will be compensated

based on economic value lost.

What that means,
they left up to the special master. Us.

It's up to us to write the rules.

Ken and I have done it in other cases

and it is always messy,
so get ready for it.

Like, who's eligible?
Who gets how much? Where we draw the line?

Where do we start?

Eighty percent, Priya.

That's our target from the DOJ.

If we don't hit that number,
the plan won't work.

Any fewer claimants come aboard,

the lawsuits that result
could crater the economy.

- So we're told.
- No pressure, people.

For every claimant,
we'll need to calculate a dollar value

for the human loss,
whether it's loss of limb or loss of life.

Most of the people who died that day
were providers for their families.

We can't bring them back,

but we can help their loved ones
pay their bills.

Now you people understand

we're not gonna be able to haggle
every case subjectively.

That's where the math comes in.

So we're, uh, we're gonna need a rubric.

These are the latest
actuarial tables

from the top casualty
in life insurance companies.

We'll use these numbers as a basis.

Here, you guys study up on these

and help Camille come up with a proposal.

Okay, so West Street, South Ferry,

Lower Broadway,

and Canal Street.

Okay, here's one.

What if there are multiple dependents?
How do we decide who gets the money?

Where there's a will, we follow it.

- And where there isn't one?
- We follow the state law.

The state they died in,
or the state they came from?

- The state of residence.
- What about domestic partners?

What do we do about them?

Let's talk about the deadline.

The statute gives us two years
and a month from today.

That's December 22nd, 2003.

That feels short.

- Well, not for families in grief.
- We could file for an extension.

Ah-ah-ah. Don't you dare. No, no, no.

If we extend it, they'll hem
and they'll haw, and they won't act.

Deadline is our friend here.

Okay, what are we forgetting?

Their names.

So far, we have a dozen lists,
but nothing comprehensive.

The flight manifests and the Pentagon,
those are the easy ones.

NYPD and FDNY, they have lists.

The big companies like Cantor Fitzgerald,
they're putting some lists together,

but as for the records
of who passed through the doors that day…

They're all gone.

We don't even know
how many names we're looking for.

We've done this kind of thing before.

No, this one is raw.
Those aren't lawyers out there.

Good, I can't stand lawyers.

What are you, running for office?

Come on, be a person, not a politician.


Thank you.

- Okay. Good luck.
- Thank you.

Good afternoon.

Uh, thank you for coming.

Uh, as you may know,
I am Kenneth Feinberg.

I am the special master

of the September 11th
Victim Compensation Fund.

Um, I would like today to tell you...

Um, I'd… I'd like to tell you
how the 9/11 fund will work.

You've all been given copies of this,
the presumptive claims formula.


Um, and quite soon,

we'll be sending this along to Congress
for a comment period.


Upon approval,
there will be no further changes.

- Mr. Feinberg?
- I got a question.

- I'm sorry.
- I got a question.

If you could hold your questions
till after my remarks.

Now, I'd ask you to refer to the table
at the top of page two.

So as you can see, the formula
is actually fairly streamlined.

Why do we need one?

- Please just hold your question.
- Why do we need a formula?


Why isn't it equal payment
for everybody?


My daughter's life was worth just as much
as anybody in a corner office.

Unfortunately, that aspect of the law
has been out of our control.

My boy was a firefighter.

Was he… Was he worth less

than the… than the guy pushing pencils
and trading stock?


Certainly not… not as a human being, no.

Their… Their lives ended the same way.

But their mortgages did differ.

How dare you!

He's just trying to shut us up
so we don't sue.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Have they… Has it started already?
- They're just starting.

- Good, okay.
- Would you like a claims form?

Uh, no, I have my own.
I printed it off the web.

And there's a typo on page three
that you should know about.

- And also, there are…
- Okay.

- I should sign in here, right?
- Yes, please do.

There… And there are more issues
that need to be addressed.

They're substantive, okay.
And they need to be addressed.


I mean…
Look, as a legal professional,

I know chasing a lawsuit is a big mistake.

- Did you lose anybody?
- Look...

- Did you lose anybody in your family?
- I just… Let me explain.

Congress mandated
that I calculate the economic value.



You're just afraid of being sued.

I understand how it is.

- Understand?
- Look, please.

- What I mean is, I sympathize.
- Who did you lose?

Listen, as a legal professional,
I will tell you,

it will be years in court.

You might win, you might not.

This is fast money and it's tax-free.

Put your thinking caps on.

This is the only game in town.

- How dare you!
- You think this is a game?

- I'm sorry.
- This isn't a game!

- What do you know about law?
- Who do you think you are?

We lost brothers.
Now they sent some Jew lawyer…

I wish… I wish we could spit on your grave
the way you spit on ours.

- Please.
- Wait, everyone. Wait, wait.

This man, he did not cause our situation.

He's here to tell us how the government
intends to deal with it.

And I for one
would just like to hear him out.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you. And I… I was…

Uh, look, as I was…

This meeting is only…

It's purely introductory, that's it.

Any questions you have
that aren't answered in the pamphlet,

well, I will make my staff available
for private hearings

every business day
between now and the filing deadline.

What do you think?

Maybe a poor choice of words
here and there.

Here and there?

- Camille?
- Yeah.

- We need to get back to the office.
- Mr. Feinberg?

- Mr. Feinberg, give me a minute, please?
- Yeah?

I'm Frank Donato. I'm sorry to bother you.

No, not at all. Not at all.

Hi, Ken Feinberg.

What happened there? Did you break that?

My son, Andy, broke his last year.

Rugby injury.

South Tower.

Yeah, I'm just curious
about this number.


Jeez. Thank you for… for your courage.

My brother, too, Nick. Nicholas.
Same line of company.

Ah. Is he here?


Gosh, I'm sorry.

Yeah. I, uh, I lost track of him
after the first one fell,

and the captain says
he went back in to help.

Well, that…

That takes a hero.

Yeah. Except there wasn't any use.

I mean, the engineers, they knew
the second one was coming down.

They told PD to call out evacs,
but our radios, they're garbage.

They hardly work in high-rise buildings,
if you believe that, in New York City.

Look, we've been filing
the same damn reports for years,

and you can guess
where they tell us to shove 'em.

That's why things went so sideways
like they did, negligence,

top-down, cheap, fucking…

- Sorry.
- It's all right.

When you file your report, whatever it is
that you do at the end of this,

I want Nicky's story in it,
to make sure they change things,

so that it don't ever happen
this way again. Can you do that?

- Well...
- Can you promise me?

- We can certainly look into...
- Not just talk.

I want it to change.

That's why I'm here.

- Why I'm still here.
- I understand.

- Believe that.
- Can you hold? Camille.

Can you come over here?

- Frank, this is Camille Biros.
- Hi.

She's my deputy administrator.

And if you talk to her,
she can explain the whole process.

No, I don't need to hear anything else.
I just…

I need you to give me your word
on this thing.


Then me and my wife,

Nicky's widow, our whole family,
we'll sign up for your fund, no problem.

Yeah. Well, we're certainly
going to take a look at it.

Website at the bottom.
First meeting tomorrow.

There you go, folks.
First meeting tomorrow.

- Yeah.
- First meeting. Would you like one?

There you go.
First meeting is tomorrow, if you'd like.

So Fix The Fund. Here you are.
Take a few of these, hand them out.

We need to talk about this.

Yeah, not now though.

Website on the bottom, okay?

- Hello.
- Oh, hi. How are you?

Hey, I wanna thank you
for your help back there.

- Oh.
- I gotta tell you, I was…

Here you are. Website at the bottom.
First meeting is tomorrow.

…a little worried when you stood up.
I'm glad you did.

Oh, well, I believe in civility,
Mr. Feinberg.

- Yeah.
- Charles Wolf.

And you'll be seeing a lot of me.

Oh, good to know. And it's Ken.

I think you'll find
that I'm one of your harshest critics.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Well, my wife died that day,

and everything about this formula
offends me.


Here you go. Take one of those.
And I'll give you one too.

I've set up a page on the World Wide Web.

Website's there at the bottom.

It's called Fix The Fund.
And here you go. Fix The Fund.

There you go. There's two there.
And, um, if you'd like to visit it

and come to our meeting,
we have the first meeting, uh, tomorrow…

Here you go. Take that please.

And we'd… I'd love it if you would attend.

Also, I have this for you.

This is something…
And there are a number of notes

and corrections and things.
It's important you address those.

Here you are. Take these, folks.

Take a look at the website on the bottom.
There's a couple of them there for you.

- Nice to meet you.
- All right.

Fix The Fund.

- We're not gonna rewrite the formula.
- They don't trust us.

They don't understand
this is for their own good.

The airlines would bury them in litigation
until they had nothing left.

You think I don't know that?

This is different.
Didn't you feel it in there?

Our other cases like this,
Agent Orange, Asbestos,

those were settled after years in court.
People had moved on.

These people aren't there yet.

Camille, they're emotional right now.

We need to be objective toward them.
That's all.

Hey, that's for you, Feinberg!

Fuck you!

What the…

Families got in last night.

Cleary Gottlieb helped us out
with the immigration status and the INS,

so we'll use their conference room.


Sorry, it's just, you know,
small spaces these days, and heights.

I'll be fine. It's…

I know you've been informed,
but I wanna reassure you

that your citizenship
or your immigration status

will have absolutely no effect
on our process here today.

Everything you tell us
will be kept strictly confidential.

We're all looking at your tables
and not liking what we're seeing.

You're only factoring in
yearly compensation.

What about commissions, bonuses?
We represent high-worth individuals.

That kind of income comes and goes.
There's no guarantees with that.

- That's why we stick to the salaries.
- That's unacceptable.

You'll also have to strike this rule
deducting life insurance.

This is not a negotiation here...

Why should our clients' families
be penalized for planning well?

Come on.

No one's being penalized.

Thank you, Lee.

We're just being paid off
to keep our clients out of court.

That's an oversimplification.

That's the purpose of the fund, Ken.

I was in the room, too, remember?

I do wanna point out that the law requires

we base awards on income,

but we've decided on a floor payout

for all lost lives of $200,000.

Now, mind you, that's just a minimum.

Is that split between more people,
or just the families here?

Uh, no, it's not a split at all.
It's per decedent.

This is a report by an economist,
a distinguished one,

predicting future compensation
growth rates for our clients.

We suggest you use
those numbers as a baseline.

We're here as friends, Ken.

Your formula may be enough
for waitresses at Windows on the World,

but our clients expect a little more.

And if they can't get it from the fund,

they'll seek that remuneration elsewhere.

That bad?

Pack of wolves out for blood.



- Are they all here to meet with the staff?
- Yeah.

Priya and the others are helping out.
I'm meeting with as many as I can myself.

Oh good, good. Very good.

Most would rather meet with you, you know.

They lost loved ones
that are gone forever,

and nothing you do will fill that hole.

You'll feel cold and cruel at times

because you can't make them happy, but…

…that's the job.

So just try to remember
why you're doing it.

I… I hope this is all right.

The stenographer will be here
just to keep a record of our conversation.


Is… Why don't you, um…

Why don't you tell me
about your loved one,


Uh, Page 14, um, Part 2K

talks about supporting documents
I should enclose,

like financial stuff, so I…

I dug up all his files here,

what I could find.

Honestly, I don't know where to start.

Let's see if we can make sense of it.

It asks here if she was suffering
from any medical disabilities.

What does that mean? If she was,
you gonna cut the amount of money?

- Well, not necessarily.
- Bullshit you guys are pulling.

This is like going
to an insurance company.

Gotta watch your back
with every thing you say with them,

and it's the same thing here.

My kids need money for the both of us.

They won't have anybody left.

There's no way to cut me a check
before the official deadline?

That morning,
she was scheduled for a different flight,

but another girl called in sick,

and so, it was my sister.


And she's the one
who called the tower on the radio.

Air Traffic Control,

they played it for me.

She must have been so scared.

She sounded so calm.

So the elevators came,
and everybody piled on,

but there wasn't enough room,
and so Greg said,

"That's okay, everyone. You go ahead."

There were two women who weren't ready,
and so he said, "I'll wait with them."

And so everyone else got out,
and another elevator never came.

And I know that part of the story

because he called me
when they were trapped there

to say that he loved me

and the children.

He said…

He told me that he was trapped,

and he was having difficulty breathing.

I could hear the women
screaming in the background

that they didn't wanna die.

And just then he heard
an announcement. They were…

I heard it too.

They were announcing on the loudspeakers,
"Please evacuate the building."

And Greg was…

He always had a sense of humor. And he…

While he was talking to me,
he actually started to laugh.

He was joking to me saying that,

"I think I know
I have to get out of the building."

And he was laughing so hard,

until he said, "I have to go now"

because I can't talk anymore,
because I'm having trouble with air."

I know
I'm not officially his next of kin.

We never made it to Vermont.

And Tom's parents don't, uh…

Well, they're a pretty traditional
military family.

They pretend I don't exist.

But I'm the one he called,

before the end,

not them.

Machine picked up.

I wasn't home.

- I'm so sorry.
- Yeah.

I know the rules.

State law says
we were nothing to each other.

But I'd like you to hear his voice.

Hi, hon.

By now I guess you've heard
about the mess in New York.


Well, a plane just hit here, too,
on the western side of the building.

- It went right through the E and D rings.
- Okay, that's…

Could you turn that off?

I don't know
if they're showing it on the news.

That's enough.

I love you.

That's enough. I don't wanna listen.

He was a civilian contractor
at the Pentagon.

They were gonna have a civil union,
but Tom's parents…

- They won't even take Graham's calls.
- And what did you tell him?

I told him that Virginia state law
has no protection for same-sex couples,

and our rules are tied to state law.

Well, that's it then.
I mean, our hands are tied.

- We can't insert ourselves in...
- Why can't we make exceptions?

There are others.

Last week, a widow came in with cancer.

She needs more than we can give her
by the rules, and she needs it expedited.

Can't cherry pick one case over another.

We can't write new rules
for every claimant.

I know this is personal to you...

You weren't in those rooms, okay?

- You didn't listen to them.
- We're not therapists.

Am I right? It's not our job.


It's not like I don't care.
Of course I care.

How could you not care?
That's why we're here.

But I need to stay impartial
for this to work.

We set rules for a reason.
We set deadlines for a reason.

That's the job.

Camille, go on, tell her.



- Hey.
- You okay?

Yeah, just…

He thinks
I'm taking it too personally.

Come on, that is out of line.


No, he's right, you know.

It is personal for me. I…

If I can't be objective,
then maybe I shouldn't be here.

I just…
I think I just need some air. Yeah.

All right.

- Hey.
- Yeah.

See you tomorrow?




Call the restaurant

and see if Dede and the kids
are still eating dinner, would ya, please?

They called an hour ago, Ken.

The kids had trains to catch.

Oh, they said to tell you, though,
that they understand.


All right.

I understand that, and I'm sorry,

but our staff already went home.

Come back tomorrow,
I'll make sure that we get you into see…

Is there a problem, Gloria?

Oh, Mr. Donato, right?

Yeah, we… we had an appointment,
but we hit traffic, so we're late.

There's no one here.

The whole staff is gone.

Oh, well, I'll take this one.

- Come on into my office.
- Not me,


So, uh…

Frank told me about your husband.

- Nick.
- Yeah.

Yeah, Frank thinks this is a scam.

That it's, like, blood money
to cover up mistakes.

Well, at least, you're open-minded.

I just think that the boys might want
their dad's story told in your report,

if that's a thing.

Hmm, sure. Sure.

Are you gonna take notes or somethin'?

Ah, right.


Actually, our stenographer
already went home for the day.


Can't you type?

Wha... Uh…

Hold on a minute here. There we go.


Why don't we…

uh, start with your name?

Okay. Karen Donato.

My husband, Nick…

Nicholas Donato,
was a New York City firefighter.

Ladder 179 out of Staten Island.


Do you…

Tell me more about him.

Do you have like a list of questions
you could ask me maybe?

Uh, well, actually I… I don't…
I don't usually do this part myself.

Yeah, I just… It's harder
than I thought it was gonna be.

Yeah, I understand.

Uh, well, if you're uncomfortable...

My husband of eight years,
and I can't even think of anything to say.

Well, uh, he must have been a good…
a good dad.


Oh God, he was a great dad.

He would come home every night after work,

he'd throw the ball with Nicky Jr.,

he would read Patty a book.

He didn't even mind
when Tyler made number two.

- He said he liked changing diapers.
- Well, that's a hero.


He was my whole world.

- Can I have a tissue, please?
- Yeah.

Here we go.

Thank you.

You know, everybody
keeps telling me to move on.

I don't know how to do that.

- I'm never gonna get over him.
- Well, it's still very soon.

No, never.

- I'm really sorry.
- No, no, no.

That's all right. Look, um,

I just want you to know there's
no pressure to sign on to the fund today.

Your status as a single mother...

No, I'm not gonna take any money.

Not now, no, but...

No, there's no money in the world
that's good enough for Nick.

- I didn't mean...
- You know, I had him in my life.

We had so many…

dreams and plans…

…and things we were gonna do.

And then he was just gone.
He was gone.

He didn't even eat breakfast.
He was just gone.

And now you're trying to give me money,

Frank wants me to make a stink,

there's lawyers calling me
and telling me to sue everybody,

and the phone just won't stop ringing.

But it's never the phone call I want.

It's never the call saying
that they found his body.

That they're gonna bring him home.

And no offense,

I just want you,

I want all of you
to please stop calling me.

Please leave me alone.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I wasted your time.


I met a widow today.

Three kids.

Can you imagine?


I didn't know what to say.

Well, sometimes,
there isn't anything.

That one's blocked.

Anyway, it's hard to see.

I'll… I'll call when I get out.

People are collapsing from the smoke.

Bye. Bye-bye. Bye. Sorry. Sorr...

Hi, hon.

By now I guess you've heard about
the mess in New York.


Well, a plane just hit here, too,
on the western side of the building.

This is not the preferred option

of the president of the United States,
or any member of this body.

This is the last option.

We can make the case

that it is obvious
that Saddam Hussein continues

this buildup of weapons
of mass destruction,

and his desire and effort even in…

Up to and including nuclear weapons.

But we are not the ones
who are forcing this issue.

The president and his resolution
did not force the issue.

It is Saddam Hussein
who is forcing this issue.

And we will…

Final stop
on this express train,

New York Penn Station.

Next stop, New York Penn Station.

Well, I… I think the most
important thing is that we stand united.

Because the only way
that they're going to respond to you

is if they know you're speaking as one.

- Excuse me for a moment.
- Of course.

You came. Thank you.

We start in a few minutes.

An enemy in our midst.

- Ah, hi. Priya Khundi.
- Yes, I remember.

Did Mr. Feinberg send you here
to spy on us or to listen?

- Actually, he doesn't know I came.
- Ah.

Well, it's easier for him
if we just remain numbers, right?

More manageable?

He's right, it is.

Hmm, I understand. Yeah. Yeah.

But you came.

- Yeah, um, I've been following your blog.
- Mm-hmm.

Your wife, Katherine,
she had a job at Kyle and MacAllan.

Yes. Yeah.

That, um, was her dream job.

Well, it would have been mine too.

I… I was, uh…

I was gonna start that week.

Oh my.

Well, I'm glad that you…


So can I ask you then?

What would your life be worth
on your boss's spreadsheet?

I'm not married,
so, um, less than Katherine's.

And do you think that's fair?


But your boss does?

He doesn't think fair exists.

Do you?

Honestly, I don't know.

But I did come here to listen.

This is the latest, huh? This is…

You're sure this is the latest?
These totals are accurate?

Technically, we rounded up.

Uh, it's all right, it's okay.

We're 12 months out.
That's an eternity. It's like I say,

people will wait for a deadline.
They're just avoiding it for now.

They're not avoiding it.
They're just avoiding us.

I mean, look at this.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
Fix The Fund. I remember, yeah.

This is my pal.
This is my buddy from the town hall.

His web page is receiving more than
twice the visits ours does every day.

He's got a mailing list
of almost 7,000 names.

So does the phone book.

I went to see him.

I told her it was okay to go.

Look, he's a leader.

He's a gadfly.

He's earning people's trust.

Every income level, first responders…
That's what we should be doing.

If he says so, all of them will sue.

What's he asking for?

You should ask him yourself.


Mr. Feinberg.

I'm sorry they left you in here
with the music running.

- Oh.
- Uh…

- Soothes the soul.
- Yeah.

Yeah, this was the Lincoln Center cast,
if I'm not mistaken.

Bartoli was otherworldly.

Wow, you're an opera fan.
I was on the board that year.

My wife, Katherine, she was, uh…

She sang soprano
in an amateur touring choir.

I sing tenor. That's how we met.

Well, she must have had a lovely voice.


Would that help her fit into your formula?

Do you read my website?

I will confess I don't,
because I'm not a computer guy.

- Ah.
- My staff handles all that,

and they tell me
you're a very reasonable man.

And as I understand it,

you've taken on somewhat
of a leadership role

uh, amongst the people that we serve.

- Mm-hmm.
- That's nice. Good. Good.

- Uh, why don't we talk?
- That's why I'm here.

Tell me what you want.

Because we could make some adjustments.

We could, uh, you know,
raise the baselines.

So you think this is about the money?

Hmm, of course, yeah.

That it's greed?

No. No, no, no, no. Not greed.

Money, yes. Greed, no.

Money puts food on people's tables

and it puts roofs over people's heads.

There's nothing dirty
or demeaning about it,

but let's not pretend
like it doesn't matter. It does.

It helps people move on.


- What do you mean who?
- Do you know any of our names?

Have you met any of us yourself?

As a matter of fact, I have, yeah.


And what were they worth?


Well, now…
Now you're talking about numbers,

and you know, pretending...

Throw it out.

Throw what out? Throw what out?

- Throw out your formula.
- I can't. I can't.

We need to have something rational.

I got it. I understand. I got it.

But my wife is not a statistic.

No, certainly not,
but we do have to go by a set of rules.

Okay. Will your rules help Graham Morris?

Graham Morris. His partner died
two weeks before their civil ceremony,

but your fund would give
his full claim to his parents

who condemned his lifestyle.

- I recall him.
- They were estranged.

Completely estranged, Mr. Feinberg.
Is that fair?

We're just the administrators on that.

Let's go to the section
of your rules

that limits injuries
to only those that occurred right away.

We have cleanup workers
who come to our meetings.

- They have polyps from asbestos.
- I think the thing...

They were on that site for weeks,
for weeks, breathing in that crap.

- Hmm.
- But according to your rules,

unless they got to that site
within three days of the attack...

Ah, that's because
we have to draw the line somewhere.

If we award every worker
who was injured on that site,

I mean, where does it end? You understand?

I don't know, you tell me.
That's up to you.

The law gives you broad discretion
as special master, does it not?

- Yes, it does.
- Okay.

And responsibilities.
Responsibilities to the taxpayers,

to objectivity.

I… I can't bend the rules
for every case that doesn't fit the mold.

Why not?

Congress did.

You know they did.

When the law said that we could sue
two airlines out of business,

Congress rewrote that law like that,

in a day.


Because the big corporations
asked them to.

But when 7,000 citizens come to you
and they ask you for respect

and ask not to be treated
like some numbers on a spreadsheet,

you act like that law
came down from Sinai.

Please, Mr. Feinberg, don't. Don't. Don't.

Don't tell me
you can't give us what we want.

Just tell us
that we are not the top priority.

Admit that,

to yourself.

Over here.

- Hello?
- Is this Kenneth Feinberg?

Come here. Come here. Goddamn it.

- Hello?
- Yeah, hi. Is this Kenneth Feinberg?

Yes. Who's this?

Bart Cuthbert, sir.

Uh, we haven't met.

I represent a claimant to your fund.

Uh, this is a private line.

Fund matters should go through my office.

Right, the office, yes.
I spoke to someone at the office

who said you took the meeting
on this case yourself.

Uh, it's a young woman
by the name of Karen Donato.

Widow of Nicholas?

Yes, we spoke.

He was a fireman with three sons
aged, um, eight, six, and four.

- Look...
- What's this about?

Well, it's an unusual scenario,
you see.

Look, I don't mean
to cause you any trouble, Mr. Feinberg.

Ken. Ken. No, go ahead. I'm used to it.

All right. Well, Ken,
you see, my client, Melanie Vale,

was Mr. Donato's mistress.

- I'm not… I'm not sure I heard correctly.
- You heard correctly.

Melanie Vale and Nick Donato
have two daughters of their own

ages one and three
at the time of the attack.

Uh, I have DNA results to prove paternity.

My secretary
can fax them over to your office.

Mr. Feinberg?


Uh, all right. Well, I'm looking forward
to going over the papers.

Like I said,
I'm not trying to make trouble here.

I just want you to know that when
you cut that check for Mr. Donato's life,

it needs to go to five children
instead of three.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hey, mister.

So your office said that you had, uh,
some more questions about Nick.

Yeah. Really it's more
just of a… a record-keeping thing.

I told you we don't want the money.

- Of course. Yeah.
- Okay.

Uh… Oh, look.
There's your wedding pictures.


Okay, this is just for show.

The real one was at City Hall.

Before I was, you know,
as big as a circus tent.

You know, I… I told him that I didn't need
anything all grand and fancy

just to prove that he loved me, but, uh…

You know, he worked doubles
for a whole year.

He wouldn't take a nickel
from my family or anybody.

Just so we could have
that picture on the wall.

He was like that.

And that, I'm assuming, Nicky Jr. there?

Oh no.

Uh, that was a girl.
We lost her. She was a preemie.

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- That's okay.


Most dads don't want little girls,
but Nicky always did.


You didn't need to come.

Sorry, excuse me.

You didn't have to come.

- I got cereal for the kids.
- Thank you.

Hey! Hey!

- I'll be right back. Sorry.
- Sure.

Hi, Frank.

I just wanted to, uh,

discuss Nick's claim.

I already told you, we're not making one.

Yeah, I know, of course, but I just…

You know, just in case Karen decides to…

Here, let me… Can I show you something?

This… I wanna show this number here.

That's just, uh…

That's a presumptive calculation.
That means…

I know what it means to presume.

You and Nick were… were very close.


He was my kid brother.

So I… I have to assume

you would know

if there was something that Nick

wouldn't necessarily want Karen to know.

My brother was a family man.

Of course. Of course, yeah.

We are not signing nothing.

Frank, this is money for those boys.

It's tax-free.
It's not every day the government...

Nicky died 'cause of people like you
holding the purse strings.

Now you think you could come here
and make it right

by tossing money on his grave?

Get out of his house.

All right.

See, this is Tom Jr.

Don't you think he looks older?

Tom Jr.'s the one not in uniform.
He was a civilian contractor.

His brother, Dave,
rejoined to fight for him.

That's very brave.

They were only 11 months apart.

Like two peas in a pod growing up.

I had a chance to meet Tom's partner,
Graham Morris.

- The gold digger?
- Tom.

What my husband means to say
is that man is a liar.

He and Tom were living together.
He said that they had plans to...

They were roommates.

Tom had girlfriends. He would…

- Mrs…?
- Biros.

Mrs. Biros, this boy had a long history

of being infatuated with our son.

He tried to get his hooks in him,
but Tom did…

We knew our son.

These guys just crawl out of the woodwork.

I'm sure your office sees a lot of those.

I didn't get that sense from him.

Isn't that always the way?

Rumor has it
that your numbers are a little stagnant.

Still plenty of time.

You had plenty of time,
and you've signed what, 900?

That's… That's not enough, Ken.

You know, I…

I sat down with your friend, Charles Wolf.

Wolf? Well, good luck with him.

He's fighting for the "left behind,"
by the way.

He's not trying to help
the rich get richer.

See, it's that kind of accusation
that has people calling you insensitive.

Doesn't matter.

Anyway, I emphasized our common ground.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

I think I'm mixing a metaphor.

But the point is,
if his supporters join our cause,

we have enough participants
to certify a suit.

Hold on here.

Are you threatening a class action?

No, I'm offering to help you out here.


You can afford to roll the dice,

to win or lose a case
over the course of 15 years,

Most of those people cannot.

Well, with all due respect, you haven't
met these people, your staff has.

And I got news for ya.

They hate your guts.

Well, maybe they do, maybe they don't.

What I'm offering them is a choice,

and I'm here as a friend
to give you the same.

Raise the ceiling on the top awards,
and I'll deliver everybody to your fund.

Wrapped in a bow.

Let's win this together, Ken.

This isn't the latest number,
is it, Ken?

Fifteen percent?

John, we still have four months
till the statutory deadline,

but I'm… I'm confident.

Oh, I know.


Companies are getting nervous, Ken.

John, I didn't know we were, uh,
having a meeting with the airline lobby.

I'm just here to listen.

We're told Lee Quinn
is planning to bring suit

unless you give more money at the top.

Look, Quinn is not the issue.

You really want to change the law
to help people?

There are plenty
of emergency workers and firemen.

They inhaled toxic chemicals.
Didn't get sick till months later.

- This law doesn't cover them.
- No.

That would be unproductive.

If you change rules, this gets kicked
back to the Congress for a comment period.

- Have you experienced a comment period?
- No.

They'll be on their soapboxes ten months
after the whole statute's kaput.

The whole economy is in the toilet.

Nobody gets anything,
including re-elected.

So, yeah…


Quinn only cares about
the people at the top

'cause that's where he gets his paycheck.

- His lawsuit is a problem for us.
- Look, I work for the taxpayers.

We pay our share of taxes too.

Yeah, but you don't have to look
the victims in the eye.

As the special master,
you have broad discretionary power,

even within your formula.

All we're asking is you use it here
to make Quinn happy so he goes away.

Like I said Ken, neutral party.

You have DOJ's support,
whatever you decide.

Mr. Feinberg?

- I thought I might see you here.
- Uh…

- Hello, Mr. Wolf.
- Hi.

I think Katherine would have appreciated
this modern stuff, but I don't…

I… I can't understand music
that you have to,

you know, struggle to listen to.

You know?

I… I do. Well, Puccini, it ain't.

We can agree on that.

So I thought
you'd be in the seat of honor.


- That bad, huh?
- Yeah. Yeah.

You know, um…

the reason I even wanted to do this,
was I really believed

I should serve my country
in its time of need. I did.

Maybe part of that's ego,

but… here we are.

I've got, what, 1100 families on board

and 6,000 more to go.

Uh-huh. Yeah, well…

I just want you to know
that I know the fund's not perfect.

There are people who just don't fit
within the rules that we wrote.

I know that.

I honestly don't know

what to do.

Remember that you're not the bridge.


Sounds like a fortune cookie.

Katherine and I,

this town that we lived in years ago
in Upstate New York.

- Uh, Ithaca, you know.
- Uh-huh.

There was this gorgeous bridge.

Depression-era. Beautiful.
To me? Beautiful.

And developers wanted to knock it down

'cause they were gonna
put in an interstate.

So I got on the city council,

and I spent two years,
and all of our savings,

fighting for that hunk of concrete.

And when they demolished it,

I sat around the house
moping for a couple of weeks,

feeling sorry for myself.

And then Katherine,

you know, she looked at me one day,
and she told me that.

"You're not the bridge." Mmm.

It is rubble,

I'm not.

I am still here.


Fighting a new lost cause, but you know…

- Which is me, I suppose.
- No. No, no, no.

No, that's… See, I have
nothing against you, Mr. Feinberg.

- Look...
- I wanna make that clear.

- Okay.
- Okay?

I just… Look, I may have screwed
this whole thing up.

Very possible.

But if I try to fix it now,

if I even go on record
saying this thing even needs fixing,

trust me, courts are gonna throw it back
to Congress and they'll let it die.

Nothing for anyone, just dead.

- Then it deserves to be.
- Why?

- Because it's not perfect?
- No. No.

Because it's not just.

But I can't change that.

Well, something has to change.

Find it.

Call off the search party.
I found him.

Did you sleep here?

I guess so.

I was going through these cases,
the uncommitted ones.

What's going on with that, uh…
the civil union suit you're working on?

Um, that's one of dozens.

It won't be an issue
for New York residents

'cause Pataki just extended
the spousal benefits

for gay people whose partners died.

Virginia legislature feels differently.

Then we gotta
call the governor, right?

Look, obviously we can't help everyone
with special interests.

We still have to set limits,
but it's a start.

Now, that's the civil union, right?

Some of these poor people,
these first responders, this is trickier.

They didn't know
they were sick for months.

- Look at these. This is…
- Ken.

I know.
We're gonna have to take the heat on it.

We're gonna have to set the formula aside.

- Ken...
- I know. I know. I know.

I know. We're in the weeds here.
That's where we should be.

If we do this, we have to go
the whole way. Can't go halfway.

We have to consider
every claimant individually.

If they can't come here to see us,
we'll have to go and see them.

You understand? Good.

What? You don't like it.

We love it.

Oh. Good.

All right, set some meetings.
I'm gonna get coffee.

Me and a few of the other stronger guys,

we pried open the doors
so that everyone could… could get away.

But that's… that's when it happened.

Uh, the oxygen ignited all the fuel and…

that was it.

Guy like me thinks he's tough.

Thinks he can handle anything
that's thrown at him.

That's until you look in the eyes
of a five-year-old and a six-year-old,

and you tell 'em that, uh…

that you've been lying to 'em,

and that, uh, Mommy's not coming home.

…and asked me if he was wearing
his wedding ring, and I said, "No. Why?"

You need something?

Oh, I thought I'd join in, uh,

just perhaps listen, but...

Sandra, is that okay?

Go on. Whenever you're ready.

I used to ask each time he flew
for school or work,

I would ask for his itinerary.

Just so I could breathe a little easier

knowing he landed…

back on solid ground.

It takes a parent to know that feeling…

and I'll never have it again.

It's a fishing fly.

He made them…

We made them together.

My wife and I want you to keep it.

Well, thank you.

Thank you.

We were told, uh, because he
suffered about 90% burns over his body,

he might not appear
to be the same person we know him to be.

And then we got a call
from the medical examiner's office

saying that there was a mix-up

and we had to make another identification.

It turned out we spent four days

at the bedside of a stranger…

…while Alex…

While he died.

You know,
my wife and I, we were thinking,

"Gosh, those poor people."

Because at first, you assume
it's… it's happening to someone else.

And then within a few hours,

they, of course, confirmed
that she was there for a meeting.

We realized we were one of those people.

I mean, it… it was staggering.

Sure. I'm sorry.

I was on the 85th floor.

We actually started
going down the stairs early.

Well, you can call me Jean.

Jean, tell me more about your son.

Like, when did he move away from Iowa?

In 1997.

He got a job as an analyst right away.

He was actually so excited.

It's up to you,

but I think you should take
what the government's giving.

- I got bad anxiety.
- Jerry.

I don't know.
I don't sleep much at all.

- Yeah, I can't imagine.
- I had to move out of the city.

Couldn't bear seeing
the hole in the skyline.

I want to do everything I can
to expedite this process.

- Well, Florida's nice.
- Yeah.

"It seems as if I don't feel anything,

but inside I do."

"Inside, I wanna burst
and just talk to everyone

about what I'm holding in."

"I wanna say how much pain I have,

and I wanna say
all the pressure that I have."

"I have to control myself emotionally."

"I have to help with them
and be strong for them,

but also still be strong for me."

"My dad was good at that."

"I have to be the man that he was."

It's not enough.

So we keep going,
right up to the deadline.

Maybe we get the word out wider,
make a public statement.


If you announce this publicly,
it starts to look like

there's a change in policy,
then the law goes back to Congress…

What if
someone else announces it?

So you're meeting with people.


And I hear you've been telling them
that you're throwing out the formula.

Nope. The law gives me discretion,
which someone reminded me.

So I'm going to use it.

But I promise you, if people come aboard,
I will do everything I can to help them.

Guaranteed by what, your word?

Oh, Charles. I… I mean…


No, I'm sorry.

Mr. Feinberg,
you've been telling us for two years

that you're nothing but a numbers cruncher
for the government,

and now you're asking us to trust you.

No, I'm asking you.

You already have their trust,
and you earned it.

Help them trust me too.

Are you just trying to win?

No, I'm trying to make things right.

When's your deposition with Lee Quinn?

Uh, Monday.

He's gonna tell you you wanted kids.

Forty-year-old married female
who was pregnant,

or even she's just trying to get pregnant,

the damage settlement shoots way up.

Way up. Skyward.

And Quinn's gonna coach you
through every step.

When to cry, when to quiver your lip.

How do you know this?

'Cause we're the same guy.

That's what I'd do.

Ashcroft stood you up?

Uh, he's under pressure of his own.

Do you think it's a message?

Give Quinn what he wants?

I'm not suggesting it.

There's still time. You always say
they'll come in at the deadline.

What if I'm wrong?

What if I'm wrong, Camille?


You did everything you could.
Everyone did everything they could.

A call for you, Ken. Lawyer from Queens.

Name's Cuthbert.

Take a message, please.

He already left you three.
It's about the Donato case.

He says
if you don't tell the widow, he will,

and tell you that you have until tomorrow.


Grab my bag out of the trunk,

Come on, guys. It's time to come in.

Karen isn't home yet.

She told me you called.

Said you wouldn't tell her why.

When will she be back?

Put away your checkbook.

We're joining the lawsuit.

Well, you'll… you'll do whatever
you have to do.

Yeah. But you know better, right?

No, I… I would not presume or judge.


You see her being loyal to a dead guy,
you can't imagine why.

Frank, the signing deadline is Saturday,

and after that you won't see me anymore.

It's the first thing you said
I'm glad to hear.

I'm still gonna
have to talk to Karen first.

Yeah, like I said, she's not home.

Tell me, I'll pass it along.

I don't think you would, Frank.

In fact, I think you already know.

You don't have to protect him anymore.
Nick's gone.

You didn't know Nick. He was a good man.

This is not about Nick.

He went back in for me.

Into the tower.

- Did you know that?
- No.

For all I know,
he heard the evac orders on his radio,

and he said,
"Fuck it, my brother's in there."

He died trying to save me,
and you think I should…

I should forget about that?

Don't you have a family?

If you died tomorrow, what's the worst
they'd find out about you, huh?

- Maybe you're not such a hero either.
- I'm not a hero.

Yeah, well, Nick was.

Nick was.
He was a family man. He was a good man.

And that's why
he'd want his children taken care of.

All of them.

Frank, if I were you,


I don't know what I would do.

I can't imagine.

I might… I might wanna sue the hell
out of everyone.

But you're not the only ones left behind.

I know you know that.

That family wants the money
so they can just move on,

and I think they deserve it,

and I think Nick would think so too.

That's why I'm…

I'm gonna count them
as equal beneficiaries.

I just thought Karen should know,

and I wanted to tell her myself

so she didn't have to read it
in the public record.

What are their names?

- Karen, go back in the house.
- No.

I wanna know.

Uh, Jenna and Belle.

He always wanted girls.

You happy?

Mail's here.

- Do y'all wanna sign for these together?
- I'll sign.

What's it look like there?
How many we got?

- How many do you have?
- Thirty. Maybe 40.

Me too.

I'm sorry.

You did the best you could.

Did I?

I'm still sorry.

You just ask the question?


One, two, three, four, five.

You're working too hard, Ken.

- Get yourself a drink.
- No, I'm… I'm fine.

Let's just get on with it.

Don't think I don't respect it.

Your whole crusade.

- That's not what this is.
- No, I know. I know.

You're Robin Hood.
You're solving everybody's problem

one good deed at a time.

You poisoned the well.

You did, Lee.

You poisoned the well.
You played on people's fear

and their pain and their anger,

their distrust of government,

to act against their own best interest.

Look, my girl's birthday is today.

Caterer's coming.

- You gonna meet these numbers or what?
- Give me a pen.

Look, I know, I know it hurts,

but fair is not the goal.

It's finish and move on.


I said that.

Yeah, you probably did.

You've always been my hero, Ken.

I watched you argue
in front of Fuld, 1984.

You had hair then.

Doubt you believed a word you said,
but, man, did it sound good.

What are you doing? Ken.

Don't be an idiot.


Come on, man.

Change your high, Lee.




- What is going on here?
- The families.

It's been like this all morning.
Some calls, some walk-ins.

Suddenly everyone
wants to have a private meeting.


"By now, many of us have sat down
with Mr. Feinberg, looked him in the eye."

"We've told him
it's not the money that we're after."

"It's for our own government, this system,
to treat us all with dignity, respect."

"Well, I can't speak for the system,

but I have come to believe
in Mr. Feinberg."

"That's why I'm happy to announce
the fund is fixed."

We just passed 65%.

Oh my God.

All right, let's keep going, everybody.

- We're really doing it.
- Well done, everybody.

I'm still looking at it.

- I need your number right there.
- Yeah.

Would you be able
to bring that by before00?


Is that Richmond?

- I need that as soon as you're done.
- Yeah, yeah.

Well, I know your kids start school soon.

If you would like,
we can fax a redirect payment

right into the tuition account,

and, uh, that would be helpful.

How's that sound?

What… What I can do is, um,
is fax the materials to a copy center.

Are you near one of those?

Uh, you know what?
I can look that up for you.

You're… You're still
at the Arthur Ave. address?



I should get back to it.

- Nice to see you.
- You too.

Here you go.

There's still a typo on page three.

We'll get right on that.

And, uh, you were wrong about Lee Quinn.

He didn't try to coach you?

He did,

but you're nothing like him.

Bye, Mr. Feinberg.


No, Mrs. Benson.
I've been, uh, handling your claim myself.

Uh, I know there's been an issue
with your husband's life insurance offset.

And look, I've been fiddling
with the numbers,

and, uh, I want to propose something.

I think you're gonna like it.

We just wanna make sure
you have everything together.

This looks good to me.
You filled it out well.

You guys wanna give me a hand here?

There's a lot more
down in the truck.

Please tally it up.

Thank you.

All right.
Come on, guys, let's go.

Let's go, let's go.

Okay, what have you got?

A little over 95% so far.

Should we call the president?

Let's get drunk.

Let's get drunk with the president.


Mr. Morris, this is Camille Biros
from the Victim Compensation Fund.

I'm sure you've heard the news.

You should know
because of your case,

we were able to accommodate
a great number of people

in similar relationships in New York.

But, um…


Tom's parents being how they are,
and Virginia state law,

we were not able to accommodate yours.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sure that doesn't help.

Excuse me, sir.

Hey. Uh, you know, I just…

I'm gonna talk to him real quick.

Hey, Mr. Feinberg. I, uh…

- Look, I'm sorry.
- Come on. Come on over here.

I, um…

I just…

I didn't wanna know.

I'm not stupid.

You know?

He'd get a call after dinner,

and he would say it was Frank,

you know, and there was, like,
a three-alarm in the city or whatever.

He'd kiss me goodbye,

and I would pretend like
I didn't know that he was lying.

Then later, I'd be over with Irene,

and Frank would come home
after drinking with the boys.

And I would say,
"How'd that three-alarm go?"

And, you know, he would look at me

with the straightest face you've ever seen
in your life, and he'd say,

"Nicky's mopping up,

but he was a real hero tonight."

"You should've seen him."

"Might be a while though,
so don't wait up."

And, you know,
I don't… I don't hate Frank for that.

Because Nicky was his little brother.

I didn't want him to die.

No, of course not.

But I used to wish
all sorts of things about her.

You didn't do anything wrong, Karen.

No, God tests us.

No, it's not your fault.

Will you make sure
that they get what they need?

His little girls?

I will.