World Without End (1956) - full transcript

Four astronauts returning from mankind's first mission to Mars enter a time warp and crash on a 26th Century Earth devastated by atomic war. Our heroes meet with hideous mutant cavemen, giant spiders, love-struck beauties in short dresses, and jealous old geezers in sparkly skullcaps as they struggle to save humanity and build a new world.

No signal from XRM since
last reported at 0118.

No further contact from XRM.

That means trouble, huh?
Not necessarily.

They cut off right in the
middle of the message.

Well, it could be radio trouble.

What do people at white
sands say about it?

No comment.

Look, major, do you
think they've crashed?

We don't think anything.
We just don't know.

Excuse me.

But, major, we've...
Excuse me.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Jaffe.

Would you care
to wait in my office?

You'll be more
comfortable there.

No, thank you.

I'd better take
the children home.

I want daddy
to come home with us.

He can't, Jenny.
He's very far away.

Yes, very far.

Will you call me, please,
if you hear any news?

Yes, of course i will.

The moment we hear anything.

Thank you.

Why would a guy with a
wife and a couple of kids

want to go on a crazy
expedition like that?

Has man's first flight
into space ended in disaster?

Dr. Elden Galbraithe
and his crew of adventurers

are unreported for many hours,

and grave fears
are felt for their safety.

Henry Jaffe, navigator
of the spaceship XRM,

last reported that the ship was
approaching the planet Mars.

In the midst of a transmission,

in which he described the fabulous
ice-capped poles of the red planet,

contact was suddenly lost.

All over the world, radio operators
are trying to re-establish contact.

Dr. Galbraithe,
I still can't get anything.

Are you sure
it's not the equipment?

No, no, that's Ok.

We lost contact when we
entered Mars' magnetic field.

We'll probably regain it
as soon as we leave.

If we don't get it soon, a lot of
people will be worried about us.

We'll head for home as soon as
we complete the orbit, Henry.

John, look at this.

10 degrees right,
15 degrees depress.

If only we knew what
that green stuff is.

Perhaps it's a sort
of moss or lichen.

If it's grass
or a type of grass,

there's no reason why there
can't be life on Mars.

So near, and yet so far away.

I wish we could land.

So do I, John,

but our mission is
reconnaissance, exploration.

If we try to land now and crash,

all the information we've
gathered crashes with us.

We'll be back, and next
time we will land.


Lay out a return flight
plan for 0200 departure.


Herb, as soon as your radio
starts working again,

tell them we made
2 orbits of Mars,

equator at 30,000 feet,

pole to pole at 20,000.

Complete photo mapping
all the way.

Tell them we’ve completed
all other assignments

and we're coming home.


Here's your initial
heading, John.

Good. Prepare for
standard acceleration.

Home and mother.

We're heading for the barn.

What a reception we'll get.

My creditors will be
deliriously happy.

All rockets forward.

Rockets forward, check.

Cutoff at 15 miles per second.

Cutoff at 15 miles
per second, check.

All set?

Here we go.

Speed, 15 miles per second.

Acceleration leveling off.


You all right, doc?

Ok here.

There it goes, the planet Mars,

sliding into the distance.

It'll be there
when we come back.

I'll drink to that. Who's
for a slug of coffee?

Hull temperature going up!

Acceleration increasing!

We're in a falling attitude!

We're spinning!

Reverse rockets!

Reverse rockets!

I can't...
I can't make it!

Our speed has reached
30 miles per second!

Hull temperature
above danger point!

78 miles per second!

Hey... hey,
we've landed.

My head...
Terrible headache.

Oh, I've never been knocked
out like this before.

The acceleration must
have been fantastic.

It was. Look here.


Over 100 miles per second?

Over 100 miles per second?

The indicator is knocked
completely off the scale.

What do you make of it, doc?

Where are we?

I don't know.

Mars was closest to us.

This could be one of
Mars' polar snowcaps.

We can be grateful
that we landed on snow.

It would have been a much
rougher landing without it.

Will we be able
to take off again?

We won't know that until we get
outside and check for damage.

Well, I'll break out the oxygen
helmets and the pressure suits.

Wait a minute, Herb.
We may not need them.

It feels to me as though
we have plus gravity.

Hank, will you turn off
the magnetic gravity?


You're right.

It's normal now.

So's the atmospheric pressure.

There seems to be plenty
of oxygen out there.

Well, this isn't Mars.


If it were Mars, the

atmospheric density would
be 1/10 of normal.

Well, there's one way
to find out.


Let's get some warm clothes on.

It's cold out there.

Hey, Doc.

Doc, look at this.

A high background
radiation count,

about .5 milli-roentgens
per hour.

About 3 times greater
than that of earth.

Still not enough to
be dangerous, though.

Some damage to control surfaces.

Not bad, but we'll
need help to repair it.


How are we going to get any help

on this godforsaken planet?

Doc, you have any
idea where we are?

No, Hank, I'm afraid not.

At the speed we
attained, we could be...

almost anywhere.

For the moment, let's say we're
on a planet similar to earth.

I suggest we do some exploring
down below the snow line.

Herb, while we're
packing some gear,

suppose you try the radio again?

Mmm. Right you are,

We're ready to shove off.

Right you are, John.

You know, it's uncanny.

I've swept every radio band.

There's nothing.

It's as if radio waves
had never been created.

Yeah, that is strange.

You know, if this is Venus or
some other strange planet,

we're liable to run into
some high-domed characters

with green blood in their veins

who'll blast at us with their
atomic death ray guns,

and there we'll be with these...

These poor old-fashioned
shootin' irons.

Let's rest a bit.


I can use it.


I can still
see the ship up there,

above the snow line.

I'd say we've come
about 12 miles.

12 miles in about 4 hours.

That's a dazzling speed
of 3 miles an hour.

How fast were we traveling
yesterday at this time?

Oh, we were only cruising.

38,000 miles an hour.

This is tougher, believe me.

See anything?

Forest, brush...

No sign of life anywhere.

He's taking it hard, Doc.

Yes, I'm afraid you're right.

If Jaffe hadn't
been the one man,

the man we had to have,

I never would have taken anybody
with a wife and children.

Hey, John, Doc! Come here, will you?
I found something!

Think we ought to explore it?

By all means.

Nature keeps most of her
ancient secrets in caves.

Hey... hey, Doc!
Will you look at that?

The creature who made this
must have been gigantic.

Look out!





Come on, Hank!

I should have known the
moment I saw that web.

But spiders as big as dogs?

Poisonous, probably.

We should be grateful
none of us was stung.

Uh, come on. Let's... let's
get out of here, huh?


There's a clearing
of some kind below.

Let's have a look.

Yes, I think you're right.

It's several miles away.

It'll be dark by the
time we get there.

Let's bed down here
for the night.

Jaffe, look out!

Doc, keep down! I'm
going to shoot at him!


Hank, you all right?

Yeah, I guess so.

Come on.

Such inhuman strength.

I was as helpless as a baby.

Were they men or animals?

I don't know.

God help us.
This is earth.

How can it be?

I don't know.


What have we got ourselves into?

Am I insane?

Are we all insane?

No, Hank...

I refused to face the reality,

but now I know.

What are you getting at, Doc?

About a week before we took
off, I visited Dr. Elendor.

You're all familiar
with his theory?

Of time as the fourth dimension.


It's an outgrowth
of Einstein's theory.

Elendor says, in effect,
that if you go fast enough,

time slows down.

There's no doubt about this
dilation of time with speed.

It has actually
been proven experimentally.

Our instruments jammed
at 100 miles per second.

We may have gone
10 times that fast.

Or 100 times.

Man has unlocked the secrets of
nature, one after the other.

We've pierced the sound
barrier with our jets.

We've unleashed
the power of the atom.

And now this.

I recall the newspaper
lads had a lot of fun with

Elendor'S phrase,
"breaking the time barrier."

Well, obviously we've
gone and done it.

While we were blacked out for
what seemed like minutes to us,

the slow centuries
were passing on earth.

My wife and children grew old...

And died...

Years ago.

Let's see what we can find out from
the dates on those other monuments.

The latest date
i found was 2188.

Even that marker
looked very old.

I found several 2188s.

Probably the year
of a great catastrophe.

Such as an atomic world war?

Yes, of course. The
high radiation count.

Let's say that 2188
was the fatal year,

the year in which
mankind destroyed itself

and poisoned the air and the soil
of the earth with radioactivity.

In, say, 200 years,

the radiation might die down to
the level at which we found it.

But those brutes who
attacked us last night...

Do you mean to say that's all
that's left of the human race?

I don't know.

Undoubtedly they're mutates,

descendants cf civilized humans

who survived the atomic blasts,

but whose reproductive cells
were damaged by radiation.

You mean that
one-eyed monster

we buried back at the camp

is the heir to 10,000
years of human progress?

Well, the spiders
were mutates, too.

Who knows what other
monsters exist on earth?

Who knows?

But perhaps some
normal humans do survive.

We've got to find out.

I think that answers the
question of where we are.

Take a look up there.

Those can only be the rockies.

Then this could
be Montana or Idaho.

Not so far north.
Too arid.

More likely Colorado or
northern new Mexico.

But if this is Colorado
or new Mexico,

where are the cities, the towns?


What is it, John?
Take a look up there.

That's not a brush fire.

It's too thin a column
of smoke for that.

Look, it's good military
procedure to send out a scout.

Now, wait a minute, John. Cover me.
I'll be all right.

Just cover me.
That's all.

I wonder why a fellow
like that isn't married.

He was.

Met a girl when he was a
young ensign at Pensacola.

Married her. They had a

couple of fine children.

He was stationed in
Japan after the war

and his wife and children
flew out to join him.

Their plane went
down in mid-pacific.

No trace of it was ever found.

I'll take him, skipper!

Don't waste ammunition!
We haven't got much left!

Come on! Let's get out cf here!
They're gaining behind us!

Hold up! We're
cut off this way!

Up there! A tunnel ora cave!

Well, I guess they aren't
going to storm us, after all.

I hope this tunnel
isn't occupied.

All clear in there?

All clear, as far as I can see.

He's coming to!

Everybody all right?

Everybody but you.

Oh, I'm Ok.

No bones broken, i guess.

You all right, John?

Yeah, I'm all right.

They're still down there.

At least we're safe here
for the time being.

There's an optimist for you.

A pessimist would have said we were
trapped here for the time being.

A pessimist might
have a point there.

It's a inch they're not
just going to go away.

Did you save the food?

Yes, and the water.

Enough for a few days.

What about guns and ammunition?

We couldn't recover your gun.

I'd say we have maybe 30-40
rounds of ammunition.

Doc, John, come in here!


Yeah, doc, i got it.

Look at this.

Stainless steel, apparently.

No, it's some new kind of metal.
Terrific hardness.

Doc! John!

Doc! The door! John!

I couldn't stop it, doc!
I couldn't stop it!

Take it easy, Hank.

There's an invitation
for us, if ever I saw one.

A command performance.

They're not even giving us a
chance to say "no, thanks."

Put your guns away.

Anyone who could box us in like
this could kill us just as easily.

Come on.

Receptionist stepped out
for a cup of coffee.

Hey, look at this.

It's a lens of some kind.
We're being spied upon.

Yes, there's probably
a microphone

planted here somewhere.

Do not touch that.

Can you hear us?

Yes, I can hear you.

You speak our language.

Why don't you greet us

In good time.

You bear weapons?


Put them on the table.

Go through that door.

You may leave your burdens.

They will be sent for.

You'll wait here, please.

Which of you is the leader?

I am Dr. Galbraithe.

I am Timmek.

It was my voice you heard.

This is Mr. Ellis,

Mr. borden,

Mr. Jaffe.

Why did you come here?

We took refuge in your tunnel

because we were
attacked by savages.

Mutates, we took them to be.


I do not know the word.

It is from the Latin,

a very ancient language.

It means
"the changed ones."

Changed ones, indeed.

We call them the beasts.

Your manner of speaking,

your appearance,
is strange to us.

Who are you?

We left earth on an
exploratory flight into space

on the 17th of march, 1957.

And in space,

you encountered an exponential
time displacement.


You are familiar
with Dr. Elendor'S theory?

His is one of the great names
of our scientific past.

The world was on the verge
of proving his theories

when the great blow fell.

You speak of a great blow.

In our travels, we have seen
nothing but desolation.

Where are the cities, the roads, the
Bridges, the great works of man?

What happened to them?


The slaughter of humanity.

An atomic war no one wanted,

but which no one had
the wisdom to avoid.

And this is all that's
left of the human race,

your people here
and the...

The beasts,
as you call them, above?

Yes, so far as we know.

They have the same
heritage as ours,

but the scourge of
radiation poisoning,

distorting their minds and their
bodies generation after generation,

set them back to the dark
ages of man's history.

They speak a strange,
primitive tongue,

such as the stone age man
must have invented

in the beginnings
of the human race.

If you are convinced of
our peaceful intentions,

may we have our weapons back?

Why do you want weapons?

Do you think you will
need them here?


Then against whom
would you use them?

Against no one here.

We come in peace, i assure you.

Then you'll need no weapons.

I suggest we take no risks
and keep them.

We hope you feel no offense, Dr.

but Mories is right.

If you come in peace,

you'll have no need of weapons.

Should you leave, we will
discuss returning them.

Father, these men
are our guests.

They must be tired and hungry.

Of course.

You've had a most
difficult time.

Garnet will see to it that
you're made comfortable.

We are honored
to meet your daughter.

Will you come with me?

Excuse me.

We have guessed
from what we have seen

that we are at least 4 centuries
from the world we knew.

It is more than 5 centuries.

By your ancient
timekeeping method,

this is the year 2508 a.D.

Simply delicious.

All produced underground.

Even these
fruits and vegetables?

Yes. We have lamps that give the
exact equivalent of sunlight.


It was the only way to survive.

Many people took refuge
underground during the great war,

but starvation forced them to eat
food produced on the surface.

And they were poisoned
by radioactivity, hmm'?


But the radioactive count
is safe now.

Please don't get up.

Where would you like
your belongings?

Oh, put them down anywhere.

Elaine, this is
Dr. Galbraithe.

How do you do?

John borden.

How do you do?

Henry Jaffe, and Herbert Ellis.

How do you do?

Elaine is Elda'S assistant
in the scientific section.

Elda sends his greetings.

At your convenience, he would be
pleased to show you our power plants,

our laboratories...

Anything else you wish to see.

Is she as beautiful as
the women in your world?


Oh, uh, yes.

Yes, indeed she is.

Radioactivity is below
the danger level now.

Your people can return to the
surface if they want to.

It is hard to discard
centuries of tradition.

And the beasts are up there.

They've killed
many of our people.

But you can defeat them.

They're savages.

In any fight,
a civilized man should win.

My people are sick of war.

We are safe here,
and comfortable.

But the surface of the earth
was meant for man.

He wasn't meant to live
in a hole in the ground.

Oh, I'm sorry.

We're guests here,

a long, long way from home.

We have no right to
criticize your way of life.

You will rest.

When you see more
of our world here,

perhaps you will agree it
is not such a bad one.

Something's been puzzling me.

May I ask you a question?

Of course.

That little servant girl,

she's very pretty,

but she seems quite different than
the other people we've seen here.

Deena comes from
the world outside.

But I thought all the people
on the surface were deformed,

beasts as you call them.
No, not all of them.

I have heard that the
beasts kill the young ones

who are not deformed
or drive them away.

Deena wandered into
one of our tunnels,

half-dead of starvation,
and we took her in.

I see.

Well, thank you very much.

I hope you rest well.

My word,

do you think all the women here are
as beautiful as the ones we've met?

I don't know.

We'll find out tomorrow.

Well, I'm going
to get some sleep.

It's been a fairly busy day.

Fairly busy.


Home was never like this.

John, these people seem to have
a high order of intelligence.

That's right.

Did you notice how quickly

they grasped the significance
of what happened to us?

They seemed to know all about
Elendor'S time displacement theory.

Yes, they did.

Well, then isn't
it reasonable to

think they may have
discovered a way

to reverse the
time displacement?

No, Hank, it's not.

I get the impression that their
science has turned inward,

concerned only with their
immediate comfort and safety,

that nothing abstract or
experimental interests them.

But assuming they did have
the theoretical knowledge

to reverse
the time displacement,

you still have the practical
problem of repairing the ship

and getting it ready
to take off.

With their help, that
oughtn't to be too difficult.

Hank, I know you're eating your heart
out to get back to your wife and kids,

but it's no good trying to
find hope where none exists.

You've got to face the fact

that these people
probably won't help us.

Why not?
They're friendly enough.

(They've gut the skill tc)
Help us and the materials.

I think you'll find they're short
cf one important ingredient.

What's that?


The courage to get out of
their holes and fight.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Good morning.

Dr. Galbraithe, the
President of the council

(would like tc) See you at
your earliest convenience.

Very well. I'll be
there directly.

These are very
comfortable quarters.

Thank you.

There's a cold fish
if I ever saw one.


No use antagonizing anyone.
She might repeat what we say.

How do you like
that crazy shower?

You step in, there's
nothing to turn on,

the water sprays out automatically
in just the right temperature.

Ahh. What's this
you're doing?

Well, we have
a plan, that is...

Good morning.
Did you sleep well?

Yes, thank you.

(My, you are sc) Much more
muscular than our men.

The results of a misspent youth.
Got chucked

out of school and
had to go to work.

A strong back,
weak mind, you know.

I like it.

(I just wanted tc)
Remind you to visit us.

Just ask for
the scientific section.

Anyone will direct you.

Well, the female of the
species hasn't changed much.

She still goes for a
good pair of shoulders.

If the women have a vote here,

body beautiful can campaign
without his shirt

and get himself
elected president.

Aw, now cut it out.

Listen, doc, how do you
figure these people?

Why are the women so
vital, so full of life,

and the men so different?

I'm having a talk
with the head man.

If I find out anything,
I'll let you know.

You know, John, all the

men we've seen so
far look as if they

didn't have a pint of
blood between them.


Oh, she can't
understand English.

Can you, honey?

Pretty little thing, isn't she?

Lovely eyes, nice figure.

Aw, but look.

Now, isn't that too bad?
She's got bowlegs.

I have not!

Well, I'm a lowdown
cad, but I found out.

Good morning.
Good morning.

Have you been
well taken care of?

Yes, very well, thank you.

We will have much to talk about.

It's a wonderful thing,

our being able to bridge the
gap between the centuries.

We will study
the old books together,

books that are ancient to us,

but which were
the life of your time.

May I speak of one thing,
please, before we begin?

Our ship is only
slightly damaged,

but we need help to repair it.

Repair it?

Do you think you can reverse
the time displacement

No, no, that is
beyond us, I'm afraid.

It was a one-in-a-million encounter
in space that brought us here.

We're not foolish enough to
expect another such miracle.

No, as a matter of fact,

it occurred to me that
we might use the ship

to explore the earth,

to see if other communities
like yours exist.


Because I'm a man of science.

Because I have an
obligation to humanity,

(to you, tc) Other
humans, if any survive.

It is a dangerous
journey to your ship.

The beasts would've killed you
if we had not taken you in.

But we were few, and we
were not well-armed.

There are many of you,

and you have the ability
to make powerful weapons.

We are a peaceful people.

We are sick of weapons and war.

If enough of your
men go with us,

the mutates won't
dare to attack.

I will have to
consult the council.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Where are your friends?

They've gone to see the sights.

Why aren't you with them?

To tell you the truth, I was
hoping you'd show them to me.

To tell you the truth,

I was hoping I could.

Our power and light are derived
from the heat of the earth's core,

but we get almost
everything else we need

from nature's
treasure chest...


It is our basic raw material.

How about metals?

In the past, we had to send
expeditions to the surface

to salvage metals
from the ruins.

Our men underwent
great hardships.

They were attacked by the
mutates, as you call them,

and suffered from extremes
of cold and heat.

Now in a community that is
growing smaller, we have enough.

We use our metals
over and over again.

Did you say your community
was growing smaller?

An unfortunate choice
of words on my part.

I should have said,

our community is
becoming more compact.

Shall we go on?

Hello, Henry.

Enjoying the tour?

It's all very interesting, John.

We're going to visit
the machine shops.

Would you care to join us?

No, thank you.
We'll see them later.

Excuse us.
This way.

See you later, Hank.

Your friend has
an air of sadness.

Well, he left a wife
and children behind.


Why did he go on the flight?

Well, he had a sense of duty.

He's an exceptionally
fine navigator.

As a matter of fact,
he's a mathematical genius.

He knew he couldn't be replaced.

You didn't leave anyone behind?


I had someone once.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Would you get in touch
with the message center?

I believe they have
several calls for you.

Dr. Galbraithe is viewing
the historical records

of the years just after
your flight.

You may see them if you wish.

Thank you.

You know, I...

I think our friend's
a little jealous.

Yes, he is.

You see, he takes it
for granted that...

That you belong to him.

Do you?

Oh, no.

Well, i... l mean,
i don't know.

Mories is very able.

He's a good administrator.

He'll probably succeed father

as president of the council.

I see.

Aren't you going to look
at the historical records?


Aren't you going to call
the message center?


Aw, honey, i didn't mean it.

They're beautiful, i swear it.

Dinner, boss?

No, thanks. I ate with
Timmek and the council.

Any luck? Will they
help us with the ship?

I don't know yet.

Where's borden?

Cleaning up.

I think he has a date tonight.


You know, the people here
are wonderful.

All except that young
troublemaker Mories.

He seems to be playing
on their fears all the time.

(They're all scared tc) Death
of going out on the surface.

I called the turn
on that one, didn't I?

(Underground life seems
tc) Have drained

all the courage out
of these people.

They keep telling
me we'll be safe

and comfortable if we stay here.

Safe and comfortable...

That seems to be all
that life means to them.

I'm not so sure
it isn't a tendency

that existed even in our time.

Look, here are
the pioneers...

Hardy, self-reliant,

Here we are 100 years later,

not quite so Hardy, nor
self-reliant, nor rugged.

And here they are,
500 years later.

No strength,
no guts, no nothing.

(I say that man was not meant tc)
Live in a hole in the ground.

Well, I've got to go.


Don't tell me you've got a
date to see the povver plant.

(No. But I thought I might be able
tc) Line up a way out of here.

Garnet's promised to
show me an old tunnel

that'll take us out
onto the hillside.

Fine night for it.

Full moon, if I remember.

Lay off, Herb.

It's all right, Hank.
I don't mind.

I'll see you later.

Well, it's nice to see the
old boy feeling so chipper.

The women are wonderful,
aren't they'?

So much more vital than the men.

You know, I'm a widower
and a grandfather,

and I'll never see 50 again,

but this afternoon, I had the unique
experience cf being flattered,

sought-after, and catered to
by several beautiful women

who competed for my attention.

Gentlemen, I can only
describe the experience

as being, well, exhilarating.

Ha ha ha ha!

The moon, it's so beautiful.

Have you never seen
the moon before?

No, not like this.

Never out in the open before.

I'm afraid the books are wrong.

What books?

Romances that tell
about your time.

The men were always strong
and fierce and reckless.

Whenever they were
alone in the moonlight

with a girl, they
made love to her.

What kind of books have
you been reading, anyway?

You like me.
I know you do.

I think you're beautiful.

More beautiful than...

I like you very much.

I love you.
No, don't say that.

I'm a stranger,

an outsider here,

and I must leave someday.

No, no, you'll stay
here with me.

You're like the great
men we read about...

Strong, brave, unselfish.

You're pacing like
a caged tiger, old boy.

Got problems?

After last night, i
think we've all got...

Ah, honey, don't look
at me like that.

Wait a minute, Deena.

We want to help you.

We want to help your
people if we can.

All your people are
not beasts, are they?

You're pretty, Deena.

You are, Deena.
I swear it.

But he said
that my legs were...

Oh, forgive me, honey.

So help me, i didn't mean it.

I've been told that the
beasts hate children

that are not ugly,

that they kill them,
drive them away.

Is that true?


I was very young, but
my mother told me...

Well, did you talk
to the council again?

Yes. They won't

They even refused
to equip a party

to help salvage the supplies
and instruments from the ship.

We're trying to help them, and
they just won't be helped.

We'll have to take one
thing at a time.

Let's forget the ship for now.

The first thing to do
is to get to the surface,

fight cur way out, and
establish a base up there.

Right. Get a foothold and
turn it over to these people.

Show them how to live on the
face of the earth once more.

I'm not so sure they'll go up,

even if we make it
perfectly safe for them.

I think they may,

because if they don't,
their race is doomed.

Hasn't it struck you as odd that
we haven't seen any children here?

16- and 17-year-old, yes,
but no children.

I, uh, I did some
snooping around yesterday,

and not just the guided tour.

I found a sort of combination

There were 14 kids in it.

14 kids in a population
of 2,000.

And they weren't
strong, healthy kids.

They were poor,
bloodless little things.

I would say one more generation, and this
branch of homo Sapiens will be extinct.

The world's a big place.

There may be other
pockets of survival.

Australia, Greenland, who knows?

But if this is the human race,

the human race dies, too.


Yes, we need these people.

We have to save them,
in spite of themselves.

All right. We'll
go to the council,

ask for weapons, nothing more.

I've seen the shops.

They can build anything.

We'll go it alone.

one obstacle...


Time after time, it looked as though
we might talk them into something,

but he always jumped in and
turned the council the other way.

Well, that's my
fault, I'm afraid.

He's insanely jealous.
He wants garnet.

She won't go along with that.

She wants you.

Garnet's a wonderful girl, John.

Why shouldn't
she prefer you to him?

You're three times
the man he is.

Oh, let's not worry
about Mories.

We can do business with
Timmek if we catch him alone.

And they will say
they are doing it for us,

for the future of our people.

But among themselves, they
have conspired to get weapons

by deceit and cajolery.

To enslave us,

to throw our lives away
in a war of conquest.

How can they repay our
kindness with such treachery?

We see in them all the ills
of the 20th century man...

Greed, aggressiveness,

the passion to dominate

that made a shambles
of the earth.

I am stunned.

Are you sure?

NIKKA and Jewel
listened with me.

Garnet assures me they
are kindly, unselfish.

Our women seem
to have lagged behind

in their evolution into
reasonable creatures.

They actually admire these
reckless and brutal men.

We shall see.

If they try their deceit
and cajolery on me,

I will know how
to deal with them.

You must see to it

that they do not recover
their firearms.

I make you personally
responsible for them.

Now, Deena, please try to remember.
What else did your mother tell you?

She said that the beasts

did not drive all
the children away.

There were so many of them.

Normal children, you mean.


They needed them to work.

They were very cruel to them,

but they did not
drive them away.

I see.



Come on, Johnny, town meeting.

We're going to get a chance

to sell our bill of
goods to the council.

Coming, Herb.

I love him.


Oh, now, listen,

Hi, honey.

You ready, Johnny?
They're waiting for us.


All we ask are weapons, food and

water, and building materials.

Your workmen can make
the weapons for us.

With them, we will
repel any attacks

and establish a safe
base of operations.

With the material, we'll build
a chain of blockhouses,

linking them with
electric fences

such as you use to protect
your ventilator intakes.

We will gradually encircle an
area of land in the valley below,

fighting no more
than is necessary

to keep from being
interfered with.

We propose to do this ourselves.

If any of your men care to join

us, we'll welcome their help,
but we do not ask for it.

When a suitable area
has been secured,

you will have the option of
living there or not, as you wish.

But we are safe here.

Why should we subject
ourselves to the heat,

the cold,

the discomforts of the surface?

Because if you remain here,

burrowing in the ground
like moles,

your children will die.

How many children
do you have here?

In each generation
fewer are born.

And of those, few will live.

Your children need the sun.

Do you condemn them to death?

Do you condemn your
people to extinction?!

We are well aware
of the problem.

Our scientists have a
solution within their grasp.

These people seize upon it
as a pretext.

They lie when they say
they want to help us.

They want to enslave us,

to use us for fighting their
senseless wars of conquest.

But they say...

They say they want the weapons,

and with the weapons
they will be the masters

and we will be the slaves.

That's not true.

I'm sorry,

but Mories is right.

We must solve our own problems.

Weapons have been
the curse of mankind.

We have never made weapons here,

and we will make none now.

Father, Mories is wrong.

Those men are kind and Sincere.

This bickering, this
conflict is new to me.

I... i don't know.

You must face it, father.

We're a dying people,
and they want to help us.

But Mories heard them plotting.

Mories is jealous.
It's poisoned his mind.

Perhaps he misinterpreted
what he heard.

Father, i love John borden.

Could I be wrong about him?

I don't know.


With your permission?

Yes, James.
Thank you.

Garnet is with Timmek?


What is she telling him?

She believes Dr. Galbraithe
and his men are Sincere.

I suppose Timmek is wavering?

He is considering her arguments.

These are violent men, James.

You and I know that.

They will try to
get their weapons.

They must not get them.

I know, Mories. I have them safely
hidden in my own sleeping quarters.

Who is that?
Get away from there!

Why can't they see
that Mories is lying?

Sticks out like a sore thumb.

Garnet will speak to her father.



Timmek, James is dead.

Killed by a blow on the head.

No! No!

The weapons.

The accursed weapons!

Good afternoon, sir.


May I help you?
What are you looking for?

I don't understand.

What is this?
Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

The others are coming.

John... ohh!

Get off of me!

Let go of me! What
do you mean by this?

Let go of me!

John! Jaffe!

What does this mean?

We found these here.

I'm sorry. But surely
there's no great harm done.

No harm? Is that all
a human life means to you?

Human life?

The man who took
the weapons killed James.

No, that's impossible.

What is all this
blasted nonsense?!

They playing games or something?

No games, Herb. They
found the guns here.

What? The guns?

Someone killed James
to get them.

Killed James?

Oh, now, doc, I had
nothing to do with it.

Violence, lies, murder,

they all go together.

I am an old man.

I wish I had died before i
saw a day such as this.

Bring them to
the council chamber.

We've decided what
is to be done with you.

Without a trial?

Without giving us a chance
to defend ourselves?

What defense can there be?

You wanted the weapons,
and you took them.

The facts speak for themselves.

This is our decision.

You will be put
out of our tunnel

exactly as you went in it.

You will be given
food and water.

Your weapons will be
returned to you.

You will have neither more nor less
than you had when you came here.

That's the equivalent
of a death sentence.

We'll try to shut you
out of our minds

as if you had never been here.

You will be sent out 2
hours after the sun sets.

That is all!

Garnet, we had
nothing to do with it.

I must see Timmek.

I'm sorry.
He is not to be disturbed.

This has been an ordeal to him.

He must see me. I know
who hid the weapons.

The weapons?
I will tell him.

Will you wait here?

Mories did it.

I saw him hide the weapons.

Find him.

See that she is taken care of.

We mourn for Mories,

who was our friend,

but whose fatal weakness
of character

led to hatred, treachery, death.

But we must be thankful that a

terrible injustice was avoided.

We all join in asking
forgiveness of these brave men

who are willing to risk
their lives to help us.

Now we, in turn, must help them.

I direct our artisans
and craftsmen, in particular,

to give Dr. Galbraithe and his
men their complete cooperation.

Hello, Deena.
How do you feel?

Fine, thank you.

Are you all right, darling?

Another day or so, and you'll
be as good as new, Deena.

Hi, Deena.
How are you?


Counted your fingers lately?

I had a hunch about that,

so I fired it from a vise.

Powder too strong
or barrel too weak?

A little of each, i guess.

(It's not sc) Easy for lads who've never
made a gun to come up with a good one.

It's quite evident.

How's the recruiting, doc?

Timmek thinks he's
persuaded about

20 of his young men to join us.

What does it matter
whether you have 20 or 100?

They will fail you
just as that weapon did.

They'll not stand fast
when danger threatens.

Not one of them
has ever fought before.

Then we'll go it alone.

But you'll be killed.

The beasts watch our
tunnels day and night.

You may kill 20, 50 of them,
but there are hundreds.

Can you kill them all?

You don't need to.

We don't need to, Deena?

Only the ugly ones fight.

They are the masters.

Then the mutates would be the only
ones we'd have to contend with.

And they may not be
as numerous as we think.

Even they might be
too much for us.

How do we fight several
hundred savages

with pistols that burst,

with ammunition that misfires?

Yes, if only we had something

more powerful than
pistols to fight with.

Against those monsters,
a battery of

field artillery
wouldn't be too...

Hey, wait a minute.

I think I've got it.

What's the simplest, hardest-hitting
piece of artillery you know of?

A hunk of pipe with
the wallop of a field gun.

Of course, a rocket launcher.

The good old bazooka.

Henry, I think you've hit it.

We'd have to give up on the firearms,
but I think it's worth it.

I certainly agree.

Hank, it's your baby. Get
started on it, will you?

Right, doc.

Well, are things about ready?

About as ready as they'll
ever be, I guess.

Good. We just had another

talk with Deena.

It seems that the mutates'
selection of a leader

is straight from the stone ages.

The brute who kills all his
rivals becomes the leader,

and he holds the office
until someone kills him.

For a long time now, the leader
has been a charming fellow called Naga,

who seems to have all the
sweetness and lovability

of a mad dog.

If we could get him, it
would simplify everything.

Well, maybe we'll get lucky.

Maybe we will.

Well, we'll find
that out tomorrow.

(I regret we are unable tc) Give
you more active assistance.

Your workmen have given us
the assistance we need.

Good luck. I wish
i could go with you.

Whatever happens, our thanks.

Open the door!

That passage there,

it's got ambush
written all over it.

Let's find out.

Right you are, my boy.

See if this little
old gadget works, huh?

I guess that did it.

Look out!

Watch it, John!

He's not a mutate.

Oh, Deena said
they wouldn't fight.

Reinforcements coming.


Yes, sir.

Good shot, Herb.

Suppose you take our prisoner
back, have Deena question him.

Find cut what they're
likely to do.

Then load up with ammo
and come on back.


Come on, handsome.

Come on.

They seem to be gathering
in that thicket down there.

Want to try a long shot?

Check, skipper.

Ok, John.

Hit the jackpot, skipper.

Here they come.


Hank, what did you want
to go and bring Deena for?

Bring her? She popped out
before anybody could stop her.

She brought me.

Well, what about the prisoner'?

Did you get his story?

We got his story, all right.

He thinks that Naga is going to
order the people back to the caves.

That's not good.

What about Deena? Don't you think
we ought to send her back?


I can help.

Well, you probably can.

If they are holed up
in the caves,

we'll have a lot
of palavering to do.

We can use her.

All clear down there?

All clear.

After that last shot, they
took the hint and kept going.

Come on.

Well, are they in there or not?


This boy probably tried
to make a break for it.

Oh, he's just a kid.

Murdering swine.

The question is, where are
the rest of the people?

Herded into a couple
of the big caves, probably.

Well, there's one way to find out.
Wait a minute, Hank.

Good military procedure to send out
a scout. You said so yourself.

Cover me.
Now, Hank! Hank, this isn't

your kind of racket. I'll go.

No. I'm grabbing the
check on this one.

Cover me.


Let him go, John.

Well, it's pretty bad,
but it could be worse.

A little lower and it might
have punctured a lung.

Naga says he's killed
many of my people.

He says he will
kill all of them.

That settles it. We've got
to get them out of there.

But how? If we

blast them out, we'll kill every
man, woman, and child in the cave.

Deena, tell Naga

he's a coward, a

killer of children.

Tell him to come out
and fight me.

Now, wait a minute, John.
Are you ought of your mind?

Go tell him, Deena.



Naga says you do not
fight like a man.

He says you use thunder and
lightning on your side.

Tell Naga I'll leave my lightning
and thunder behind me.

Tell him I'll fight him

with this and this.


He says he will fight you.

You haven't a chance
against those animals.

Yes, I have, Herb. I'm supposed

to be a civilized man.

I'm supposed to have
an advantage up here.

You have no advantage.

A fight like this is nothing but a
matter of brute strength and reflexes.

The savage has the advantage.

Yes, well, don't worry. I'll plug him
as soon as he shows his ugly face.

Don't do it, Hank. They'd
kill every human in the cave.

Well, he's got only one eye,

no depth perception.

Take it easy, Hank.

Keep on his blind side, John!

Tell them I'm the chief now.

Tell them to go.

The chief is dead.
Long live the chief.

You see, the water lines
must go in first.

Then there will be no delay
in other building operations.

Yes, it's quite clear.
Thank you.

I would hardly have
dared hope for this.

You have accomplished so
much in a few short months.

Everywhere I look,
i see new marvels.


You are...
You are...

He or she or it is...
He or she or it is...

We are...
We are...

You are...
You are...

They are.
They are.

That's good.
That's very good.

Now let's try
the verb "to go." Ready?

I go...
I go... I go...

You go...
You go...

He or she or it goes.
He or she or it goes.

There is one of your marvels.

The children of the
men we once hated

learning our language

so that they may work with us.

It's a marvel
in more ways than one.

Jaffe will never forget
the loss of his family,

but so long as he has
children who need him,

he won't be too unhappy.

A few months ago,

some of those children were

listless, puny little things.

Which are the puny ones now?

What we're looking at may well be
the rebirth of the human race.